Archiv: Neokonservative / Neocons

15.11.2024 - 16:23 [ ABC News ]

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Trump‘s pick for director of national intelligence

(November 13, 2024)

„Trump ended up with some neocons around him who were trying to undermine his objectives so they could feed their goals of continuing to keep us in a perpetual state of war,“ Gabbard said, discussing his first administration. „This administration has us facing multiple wars on multiple fronts and regions around the world and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before,“ Gabbard said when she endorsed Trump during a campaign event in Michigan.

„This is one of the main reasons why I‘m committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he can, once again, serve us as our commander in chief.“

05.05.2024 - 09:11 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Israel Supporters Are Some Of The Worst People In The World


No political faction I have ever interacted with is as immoral and dishonest, or so frequently says things that are so jaw-droppingly disgusting I am sure I must be misinterpreting it at first. I’ve never tangled with a more odious group of people.

05.05.2024 - 07:31 [ Fox News ]

More than 2,100 arrested at anti-Israel protests nationwide as police clear college encampments

– The initial arrests sparked a movement on college campuses across the country, including at the University of Texas at Austin, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and the University of California, Los Angeles.

– More than 2,100 protesters have been arrested at colleges and universities in recent weeks, including students, faculty, and outside agitators.

05.05.2024 - 07:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza is the greatest test liberalism has faced since 1945. And it is failing

Pro-Israeli lobbies have hijacked most western liberal democracies.

The whole world is now privy to the shameless pimping of western politicians previously documented in Congressman Paul Findley‘s 1985 book They Dare to Speak Out and reinforced by the 2007 book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, by political scientists John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.

As an anonymous commentator wrote: “People think Gaza is occupied, but in reality, Gaza is free but the whole world is occupied.”

09.02.2024 - 20:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden and Starmer will pay a heavy price for supporting Israel‘s war in Gaza

We can be sure of one thing. History is going to be a much harsher judge of those political leaders who justified and tolerated the ethnic cleansing now going on in Gaza.

Biden and Starmer’s refusal to call for a ceasefire and their refusal to back the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israel should take steps to comply with the Genocide Convention, will produce an indelible stain on their careers.

Neither man sees the danger they are in over Gaza. But then neither did Bush or Blair when they invaded Iraq.

23.01.2024 - 11:50 [ ZDF ]

Werteunion trifft sich in Erfurt: Maaßens großer Schritt zur Parteigründung


Mit der CDU-Führung liegt Maaßen seit geraumer Zeit im Dauerkonflikt – seit vergangenem Jahr läuft ein Parteiausschlussverfahren gegen den ehemaligen Spitzenbeamten und derzeitigem Chef der Werteunion, einem Verein, in dem auch besonders konservative Mitglieder von CDU und CSU vertreten sind.
Bei einer Mitgliederversammlung am Samstag in Erfurt soll ein erster wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Parteigründung gegangen werden:

26.12.2023 - 19:25 [ ]

Kanzlerkandidat der Union: K-Frage laut Kretschmer bereits entschieden

Im September werden in Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg die Landtage neu gewählt.

Erst am Wochenende hatte Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerpräsident Hendrik Wüst (CDU) die Union vor verfrühten Debatten über die Kanzlerkandidatur gewarnt – und ein Bekenntnis zu Merz vermieden.

19.10.2023 - 21:02 [ Glenn Greenwald ]

Gaza’s Devastating Humanitarian Crisis Worsens. The US & Israel Revive War on Terror Framework: Dissenters Labeled “Pro-Hamas.” And Is the US Establishment pro-Israel or pro-Palestine?

Not everything the United States government did in the name of waging war on the terrorists or destroying the perpetrators of those attacks turned out to be wise, justified, or even moral. To the contrary: so many actions undertaken by the U.S. government in the months and years following the 9/11 attack were self-destructive and shameful. That is the reason that the neocons who dominated the Bush-Cheney administration and George Bush and Dick Cheney themselves ended up discredited and in disgrace, at least until they magically rehabilitated themselves by denouncing Donald Trump, which absolves all sins. But the reason they were discredited and in disgrace is not because people reconsidered whether the 9/11 attack was morally unjustified. Americans still overwhelmingly believe that it was. The shame and horror from that era are, instead, due to the fact that so much of what the US did in the name of „fighting terror“ had the opposite effect: either by inflaming it, turning the world against the U.S. and engaging in actions that destroyed the moral credibility of our government.

13.10.2023 - 14:51 [ Fox News ]

Who could be Republicans‘ next speaker candidate after Scalise bowed out?

Scalise won a closed-door secret ballot vote to be the House GOP’s new candidate for speaker on Wednesday afternoon. However, it quickly became clear that he did not have the 217 votes needed to win a House-wide vote.

04.10.2023 - 09:42 [ Tristan Snell / Twitter ]

Democrats + 7 MAGA Republicans removed Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Democrats + 7 moderate Republicans could make Hakeem Jeffries the next Speaker.

04.10.2023 - 09:36 [ CircleBackEugene / Twitter ]

„Here is a look at what comes next after the US House of Representatives for the first time in its history booted its speaker out of the job“ He was voted out, not booted. Eight Republicans voted with 208 Democrats. It‘s called democracy.

04.10.2023 - 09:15 [ Reuters ]

Who could succeed Republican Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the US House?


Representative Jim Jordan, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee and an ally of former President Donald Trump, was nominated by some Republican rebels to be the speaker during the election to the seat in January. He received 20 votes during one round of voting. (…)

Representative Patrick McHenry was named to step in as speaker pro tempore following McCarthy‘s ouster. Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, McHenry is a McCarthy ally who spoke in support of McCarthy prior to the vote.

04.10.2023 - 08:59 [ MSNBC Public Relations / Twitter ]

Rep. @Ilhan Omar to @KatiePhang: “The fact that McCarthy has become known as chief liar, whether it is within his conference or within the Democrats, really sealed his fate.“ Watch via @MSNBC.

04.10.2023 - 08:43 [ Associated Press ]

Speaker McCarthy ousted in historic House vote, as scramble begins for a Republican leader

Next steps are highly uncertain with no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority. Action is halted in the House until next week, when Republicans try to elect a new speaker.

04.10.2023 - 08:22 [ KTLA 5 / Youtube ]

House makes history, removes Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

The mutiny, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), came days after McCarthy averted a government shutdown by putting a stopgap measure on the floor that garnered Democratic support — a move that infuriated hardline Republicans. In the final 216-210 vote, seven Republicans joined Gaetz to unseat McCarthy.

Every Democrat in the chamber also voted to boot McCarthy, refusing to help protect him from his unruly conference. McCarthy said he would give Democrats nothing if they were to vote to help him.

04.10.2023 - 08:17 [ ZDF ]

US-Repräsentantenhaus : McCarthy als Vorsitzender abgewählt

Das US-Repräsentantenhaus hat in einer historisch einmaligen Abstimmung seinen Vorsitzenden Kevin McCarthy abgesetzt. Nach einer Rebellion in den Reihen der Republikaner votierte am Dienstag eine knappe Mehrheit in der Kongresskammer dafür, McCarthy von seinem Posten zu entfernen.

16.09.2023 - 00:05 [ Glenn Greenwald / ]

EU and The Washington Post Escalate Their Censorship Campaign with a New Fraudulent “Disinformation Study” About Twitter and Russia. Plus: The John McCain Institute Used to Promote Neocon Dogma on War

(September 08, 2023)

The way this typically works is that groups claim to employ “disinformation experts” – a brand new and fake expertise they created overnight – and then produce studies that purport to document who is either circulating harmful disinformation or who is permitting it to be heard. This latter accusation, permitting dangerous disinformation to be heard, always means that one social media company or another is failing to censor in accordance with the demands of the group and its funders. They then get corporate media outlets who crave censorship to melodramatically trumpet their accusatory studies using flamboyant headlines that claim a disobedient technology platform has the blood on their hands, knowing that it will spread virally, but very few people actually read the study to determine if the accusations have any validity.

15.09.2023 - 21:55 [ ]

America Since 9/11: 22 Years of Lies and Despotism

Just last week, Dick Cheney took to social media to condemn Donald Trump as a threat „to our republic.“ This video echoes a similar condemnation from George W. Bush in 2021.

In a more reasonable world, people like Cheney, Rice, Bolton, et al, would all be forgotten, shamed, disgraced politicians. They all would have been forced into retirement and shunned years ago after overseeing multiple disastrous wars abroad and the creation of a surveillance state at home. Many of them would just now be emerging from prison for their crimes against both international law and the US Constitution.

Unfortunately, we don‘t live in a more reasonable world.

07.07.2023 - 04:50 [ Codepink ]

CODEPINK Condemns Biden‘s Nomination of Elliott Abrams to U.S Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy

President Biden’s nomination of Elliott Abrams to The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is appalling and should be condemned by any one who believes in diplomacy and democracy.

27.06.2023 - 12:00 [ ]

K-Frage in der CDU: Ein Hauch von Machtprobe

Beherrschtheit, Disziplin, Vorsicht – das sind herausstechende Merkmale des 47 Jahre alten Münsterländers, der in seinen früheren, bisweilen ungestümen Jahren als rauflustiger Generalsekretär der NRW-CDU gezeigt hat, dass er auch anders kann. Als er sich aber vor gut anderthalb Jahren anschickte, die Nachfolge von Armin Laschet anzutreten, schaltete Wüst in den Kontrollmodus. Jeder Satz ist seitdem überlegt, sprachliche Ausflüge in unwegsames Gelände meidet er wie der Teufel das Weihwasser.

21.06.2023 - 14:20 [ Boris Reitschuster ]

Hendrik Wüst (CDU) startet Projekt „AfD 40 Prozent“: Die Abwege der Christdemokraten

Wüst ist Merkelianer durch und durch. Er ist bekannt für seine Aussage, die CDU sei nicht konservativ. Und er zeigte wie sein Idol in Corona-Zeiten totalitäre Züge. Zitat: „Es geht darum, den Geimpften zu zeigen: Wir lassen das nicht länger zu, dass Menschen ihre individuelle Freiheit über die Freiheit der gesamten Gesellschaft stellen. Jetzt kümmern wir uns um die Nichtgeimpften und führen eine Impfpflicht ein.“ (Januar 2022 bei Anne Will).

21.06.2023 - 14:11 [ Kölner Stadtanzeiger ]

Machtkampf mit CDU-Chef Merz: Was Hendrik Wüst bei der Kanzlerkandidatur wirklich vorhat

Laumann, Chef des Arbeitnehmerflügels in der CDU, konnte mit Wüsts raubeinigen Auftreten in der Zeit als Generalsekretär von Jürgen Rüttgers (regierte zwischen 2005 und 2010) wenig anfangen. Wüst kam vom anderen Pol der NRW-CDU. Gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe um den damaligen CSU-General Markus Söder hatte er ein von den Medien viel beachtetes Thesenpapier für einen „modernen Konservatismus“ vorgelegt. Die Gruppe nannte sich selbst scherzhaft „Schwarze Jedi-Ritter“.

23.04.2023 - 07:04 [ @upholdreality / Nitter ]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: „When my uncle came into office, two months later he was fighting his intelligence apparatus and his military… in the middle of Bay of Pigs, he realized they were lying to him. He realized the function of the intelligence agencies had become to provide the military-industrial complex with a constant pipeline of war… … And so the neocons and CIA got to go into Iraq and do regime change. We spent $8 trillion and what did we get for it? Nothing… Iraq is now much worse off than it was when we went in there. We killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did.“

(April 20, 2023)

06.04.2023 - 05:02 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Nitter ]

The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power.


China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power. Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world. The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon‘s short-lived “American Century.” The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence.

07.08.2022 - 07:48 [ Glenn Greenwald / Nitter ]

Bernie doesn‘t even pretend any more to have anything resembling a left-wing foreign policy or any minimal divergence from the neocon-driven Dem Party‘s foreign policy dogma. Opposing NATO expansion was long a mainstream liberal view. Now only Hawley & Paul will get near it:

22.08.2020 - 09:47 [ The Grayzone / Youtube ]

The Grayzone‘s Anya Parampil rips „criminal neocons“ in Biden & Trump camps

The Grayzone‘s Anya Parampil joins Tucker Carlson Tonight to address the revival of Iraq war neocons and militarists by both the Biden campaign and Trump White House.

21.08.2020 - 14:58 [ Moderate Rebels / Youtube ]

DNC embraces neocons, and Russiagate conspiracy just won‘t die – with Aaron Maté

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak with Aaron Maté about the virtual Democratic National Convention (DNC), and how the Democratic Party welcomes neoconservative war criminals and right-wing Republicans while attacking the left.

We also talk about Joe Biden choosing hawkish neoliberal „top cop“ Kamala Harris as his VP candidate. Then Aaron picks apart the new Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russia, and explains why the Russiagate conspiracy still won‘t go away, even after it has been debunked.

06.05.2020 - 14:11 [ Saagar Enjeti, Host of Rising w/ Krystal and Saagar / Twitter ]

After 9/11 we saw how small cadre of well connected neocon ideologues took us into war in Iraq Right now a small group of well connected TrueCon ideologues are orchestrating a similar campaign not to spend more government resources during worst economic crisis since depression

16.02.2020 - 19:13 [ Daniel McAdams / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and ‚Humanitarian‘ Interventionists

But Koch/Soros don‘t really want to end endless US interventions overseas. They want to fund the same old think tanks who are responsible for the disaster that is US foreign policy, re-brand interventionism as non-interventionism, and hope none of us rubes in flyover country notices.

25.12.2019 - 15:11 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Panel: Dems embrace of neocon ‚Never Trumpers‘ is a disaster

Team Rising ponders why the ‚Never Trumpers‘ still think they matter in the Republican party

08.10.2019 - 15:47 [ ]

Trump: ‘We’re Leaving Syria’ – Neocons Go Nuts!

President Trump has indicated that he will fulfill one of his central campaign promises – to get the US out of the endless wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. He has directed US troops to begin withdrawing from parts of northeast Syria in advance of an expected Turkish incursion into the region. Neocons screech that this will mean a comeback for ISIS and that abandoning the Kurds is treachery. They want to continue the “successful” Obama policy of eight years.

16.05.2019 - 06:56 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Trump says he doesn‘t want war with Iran, but that‘s exactly what he wants, because that‘s exactly what Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu, al-Qaeda, Bolton, Haley, and other NeoCons/NeoLibs want. That’s what he put first–not America.

03.05.2019 - 17:52 [ Tulsi Gabbard, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

Neocons/Neolibs & MSM all sing from the same songsheet: War war war!!! Trump never gets positive media unless he‘s threatening war/carrying out military action. Today, Venezuela. Tomorrow, Iran? Cuba? Who’s next? No wonder NK won‘t give up their nukes.

01.05.2019 - 02:01 [ Ron Paul Liberty Report / Youtube ]

Venezuela Coup! Will Neocons (Finally) Get Their War?

At dawn, US-backed and self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, announced the „final phase“ of his coup against the Maduro government. While defections from the military are minor at this point, it is unknown whether the coup will reach critical mass. In the US, both Republicans and Democrats – who not long ago were furious over claims that the Russians have interfered in our elections – are cheering this US interference in Venezuelan elections. US neocons have joined the battle from the safety of their keyboards.

17.04.2019 - 16:19 [ Tulsi Gabbard, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

Trump is surrounded by neocon war hawks who supported regime change wars in Libya, Iraq, Syria…now they’re calling for overthrow the govts of Venezuela and Iran, and the result will be the same: thousands of lives lost, trillions wasted, more suffering.

04.02.2019 - 16:04 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Twitter ]

As commander-in-chief, I will work to end the new cold war, nuclear arms race and slide into nuclear war. That is why the neocon/neolib warmongers will do anything to stop me.

04.02.2019 - 15:37 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Twitter ]

Trump campaigned against regime change wars when he ran for President but now bows to the wishes of the neocons around him, clamoring for the regime change wars he claimed to oppose, this time in Venezuela and Iran.

20.01.2019 - 09:56 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

The neocon/“left”-liberal interventionist freak out over the only pres candidate who has forcefully defied the bipartisan foreign policy consensus is just beginning. Will be somewhat enjoyable to watch it build to a petulant frenzy this year.


20.01.2019 - 08:45 [ Tim Postulka ‏/ Twitter ]

It‘s sad to see her painted as an Assad supporter for opposing the war. During the Bush years, it was all about stopping the neocons. Now their policies control both parties even though Americans have been sick of it for a long time #Tulsi2020

04.01.2019 - 21:21 [ Daniel McAdams / ]

Neocons Rage: International (And Domestic) Support for Trump’s Syria Pullout

The mainstream press coverage of President Trump’s announcement that he would be removing US troops from Syria has been unanimously apocalyptic. Journos who until a few days ago couldn’t care less about the Kurds (certainly not when US president after US president has used them as a cat’s paw and then abandoned them to their fate), were all of a sudden up in arms warning about an impending slaughter with the blood dripping squarely onto Trump’s hands.

19.11.2018 - 21:02 [ Ron Paul / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

Pentagon Fails First Audit, Neocons Demand More Spending!

The Pentagon has finally completed its first ever audit and the results are as many of us expected. After spending nearly a billion dollars to find out what has happened to trillions in unaccounted-for spending, the long look through the books has concluded that only ten percent of all Pentagon agencies pass muster. I am surprised any of them did.

19.11.2018 - 20:55 [ Ron Paul / ]

Pentagon scheitert beim ersten Audit, Neokonservative fordern mehr Geld!

Das Pentagon hat endlich seine erste Revision hinter sich und die Ergebnisse sind so, wie viele von uns erwartet haben. Nachdem es fast eine Milliarde Dollar gekostet hat, um herauszufinden, was mit Billionen von nicht verrechneten Ausgaben geschehen ist, ist der lange Blick durch die Bücher zu dem Ergebnis gekommen, dass nur zehn Prozent aller Abteilungen des Pentagons die Prüfung bestehen. Ich bin überrascht, dass es auch nur eine von ihnen geschafft hat.

21.09.2018 - 20:39 [ Philip Giraldi / ]

Bret Stephens neokonservative Vision

Jede Geschichte muss irgendwo beginnen und das ist der Trick der Neokonservativen. Du nimmst eine Situation, die du aus deiner eigenen Perspektive entworfen hast, und benutzt sie dann als Ausgangspunkt für die Entwicklung zusätzlicher Argumente, die die Aktion begünstigen, die du von vornherein durchführen wolltest. Im Falle eines Landes wie des Iran behauptest du, dass die Iraner überprüft werden müssen, weil sie (a) die Region destabilisieren, (b) eine schiitische Landbrücke zum Mittelmeer bauen, (c) den Terrorismus unterstützen, (d) heimlich eine Atomwaffe bauen und (e) ballistische Raketen entwickeln, die es ihnen ermöglichen, die Atomwaffen zu transportieren.

21.09.2018 - 20:36 [ Philip Giraldi / Strategic Culture Foundation ]

Bret Stephens’ Neocon Vision

Every story has to begin somewhere and that is the neocon trick. You take a situation that you have framed from your own perspective and then use it as a starting point for developing additional arguments that favor the action you wanted to take in the first place. In the case of a country like Iran, you claim that the Iranians must be checked because (a) they are destabilizing the region (b) building a Shi’ite land bridge to the Mediterranean (c) supporting terrorism (d) secretly constructing a nuclear weapon and (e) developing ballistic missiles that will enable them to deliver the nuclear weapons. By establishing your premise of Iranian threat as the basis for the discussion, you completely avoid having to demonstrate that Iran is actually doing any of those things, which is a good thing because every single point is either palpably false or can be easily challenged.

28.07.2018 - 14:30 [ Paul Craig Roberts / Rubikon ]

Der Staat im Staate – Der Tiefe Staat der USA fürchtet nichts mehr als den Willen zum Frieden.

Wir wissen nun, warum der Neokonservative John Bolton das Treffen in Helsinki arrangiert hat. Es war eine Falle für Trump. Es bereitete ihn für die politische Exekution durch die Medien und den Kongress, beide vom Militär- und Sicherheitskomplex gesteuert, vor. Es gibt in den USA keinerlei Unabhängigkeit in den Print- und TV-Medien – mit Ausnahme Tucker Carlsons – und keinerlei Unabhängigkeit im Kongress. Dies sind gesteuerte Institutionen und auch Tucker Carlson wird nicht mehr lange toleriert werden.

22.07.2018 - 13:16 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie die EU sukzessive von Neokonservativen gekapert und ruiniert wurde

(2.September 2009) Durch eine systematische Entrechtung der Bevölkerungen in den Staaten innerhalb der EU über ihr eigenes Schicksal selbst zu befinden, entschloss man sich 2007 in den Regierungen von Berlin, Brüssel und Paris mit Gewalt die Macht an sich zu reissen. Man entschloss sich, in einer bizarren, surrealen Überdehnung die gesamte europäische Idee in einem anvisierten Kriegsimperium nach dem Vorbild von George Orwells „Eurasien“ im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zum Platzen zu bringen. Man entschloss sich durch Lüge, Betrug, maximale Heuchelei und Zynismus die Menschen zur Uterwerfung zu zwingen.

Jetzt wird man in den Regierungen der EU-Staaten den Preis dafür zahlen. Die EU hat verloren. Sie hat die Köpfe verloren, sie hat sie mittlerweile sogar gegen sich, sie hat die Herzen verloren, diese schlagen für Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit, sie wollte eine Art USA-Ersatz spielen und wird wie eine USA ohne Constitution enden, nämlich im Nichts. Ob und wie man noch versucht den Menschen einen „Vertrag“ drüber zu ziehen den sie nie beschlossen haben, ist ebenfalls irrelevant. Eine EU ohne Akzeptanz ist nichts als ein Schatten, der verschwindet sobald jemand das Licht anknipst.

Ein Nein der Iren wäre sogar für die EU selbst ein Glücksfall. Weg mit diesem Machwerk, weg mit der weltweiten Kriegführung, weg mit der Totalüberwachung der Menschen, weg mit dem Rumgemurkse in Kriegsgebieten, den globalistischen Ausdehnungsplänen, der explodierenden Plutokratie, der toten Konzernwüste mit Konsumsklaven und Ausbeutern, hin zum Gedanken „Was ist das eigentlich – `Europa`?“. Was soll die EU eigentlich, was für einen Sinn und Zweck hat sie, was ist das „Europäische Einigung“ und was unterscheidet sie von einer „Europäischen Unterwerfung“ unter Grössenwahnsinnige karolingischen Ausmasses?

10.04.2018 - 19:05 [ Press TV ]

Neocons, not Assad, behind suspected chemical attack: Ron Paul

Former US Congressman and political analyst Ron Paul says the claim that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad „is gassing his own people is a total nonsense,” adding that the American neoconservatives, who want a perpetual war in the Middle East, are probably behind the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria.

25.03.2018 - 06:01 [ Tulsi Gabbard, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses / Medium ]

The (not so) New Neocons

The American people are sick of our failed regime change wars. They are sick of paying the price for counterproductive wars that have taken the lives of our sons and daughters and taken resources away from our communities, while undermining our security and increasing the threat of terrorism.

The neocon Washington establishment continues to cozy up to Saudi Arabia despite their direct and indirect support of terrorist groups, and their continued global exportation of the extreme Wahhabi Salafi ideology that fuels terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, directly undermining the safety and security of our country. Neocon warhawks Pompeo and Bolton will not only continue the status quo, they threaten to worsen the situation with more senseless wars.

We cannot allow that to happen.

21.07.2017 - 16:13 [ RT ]

‚Trump decision to end CIA covert ops in Syria will be severely attacked by Neocons‘

Rick Sterling: It’ll be a significant step. One thing that should be pointed out is that the US, through the CIA, or the Defense Department, the arming of extremist groups is illegal under international law. It has been a tremendous waste of money; between 2014 – 2015, $500 million of US taxpayer funds were spent to train a grand total of 54 so-called moderate rebels, most of whom immediately turned the weapons over and joined Al-Nusra or Al-Qaeda. That has been the real effect of it.

27.12.2016 - 13:04 [ Adam Horowitz / ]

Scenes from a neoconservative meltdown

Bloomberg View columnist Eli Lake responds to the Obama administration‘s decision to abstain on UN Security Council Resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlements. Lake is best known for his faulty reporting on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in the lead up to the Iraq War.

The Day Before the Vote . . .

19.11.2016 - 18:04 [ RT ]

False Flags in Lettland – Irrer Neocon-Ideologe sinniert Dritten Weltkrieg herbei

Stattdessen werde Putin „wahrscheinlich schon in den nächsten zwei Jahren eine mehrdeutige militärische Krise inszenieren und zwar mit Stellvertretern, zu denen jede direkte [russische] Beziehung verneint werden kann“. Vielleicht würden russischsprachige Letten oder Esten [ein Viertel der Letten und Esten ist ethnisch russisch] mit dem Protest für ihre Rechte beginnen und behaupten, verfolgt zu werden und um „internationalen Schutz“ bitten. Eine verdächtig gut bewaffnete und gut ausgebildete „Volksfront für die Befreiung der baltischen Staaten Russlands“ würde auf der Bühne erscheinen. Ein paar hochkarätige Attentate und Bombenanschläge brächten die baltischen Staaten an den Rand des Bürgerkrieges, in dessen Folge sich ein Aufstand auf niedriger Flamme entwickeln könne.

An diesen Passagen kann man genau erkennen, dass der Autor Miller aus dem US-Handbuch für Regimewechsel abgeschrieben hat.

25.09.2016 - 10:56 [ ]

Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon Warmonger, In a Capitol Hill Sticker

(2.9.2016) By posting this, partisans will accuse me of aiding and abetting Donald Trump. Search this post for pro-Trump statements. You will not find any. This is a post to remind progressives that Hillary Clinton—the leading candidate to become the commander of an obscene military arsenal—is more hawkish than Barack Obama (the guy with a kill list), to the point where she has aligned herself with a roster of prominent Bush-affiliated conservatives and neocons.

08.08.2016 - 17:09 [ Common Dreams ]

More Neocon Excuses to Bomb Syria

And the leading light of the first family of military interventionism — Robert Kagan — is actually lining up neoconservatives behind the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

26.01.2016 - 18:57 [ Statewatch ]

NeoConOpticon – the EU Security-Industrial Complex

(29.September 2009) 2030 vision: the European Security Research and Innovation Forum:

The creation of the ‘European Security Research and Innovation Forum’ (ESRIF) was announced at the ‘2nd European Conference on Security Research’ in Berlin on 26 March 2007. ESRIF was not unveiled to the public until six months later (somewhat cynically on 9/11) in a Commission press release entitled ‘public-private dialogue on security research’. In all but name, however, ESRIF continues the GoP-ESRAB corporate governance of the ESRP, but with a wider remit.

According to the ESRIF website, “ESRIF will go beyond FP7 security research; it will go towards meeting long term security research and technological development needs throughout the EU to be covered by national, EU and private

ESRIF is comprised of a 65-member plenary and some 660 security research consultants divided into 11 working groups. An ‘integration team’ is responsible for co-ordinating the work of the plenary and the working groups. ESRIF’s mandate includes:
• the identification of long term threats and challenges mainly building on foresight and scenario techniques;
• linking predictions and expectations about future developments
• related research requirements
• making the best possible use of the various funding instruments
• development of the ‘supporting framework’ for security research (‘society, market and governance related’)

ESRIF is taking a “mid and long term perspective (up to 20 years)… not only addressing the European but also the national
and sometimes regional level”

09.01.2016 - 03:08 [ Jim Lobe / Information Clearing House ]

Neocons Defend Saudi Arabia

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board has gone on a veritable jihad against Iran and Obama’s policy and in defense of the Saudi kingdom. Its lead editorial Monday “Who Lost the Saudis?” suggested that both Iran and Russia may be trying to overthrow the House of Saud during the final year of Obama’s presidency. Among other assertions, the column noted that Nimr “led a Shiite uprising in 2011”—a rather tendentious word to apply to overwhelmingly peaceful street protests that took place in the country’s Eastern Province during the Arab Spring. The column continues:

19.12.2015 - 18:31 [ Paul Craig Roberts / Sputnik ]

Neocons‘ Aggression Towards Sovereign States Destroying Earth

What will Washington do? Confronted with two powerful nuclear militaries, will the crazed neocons back off? Or will their confidence in their ideology bring us the final war?

This is a real question. The US government pays many Internet trolls to ridicule such quesions and their authors. To see the people who sell out humanity for money, all you have to do is to read the comments on the numerous websites that reproduce this column.

06.12.2015 - 04:17 [ Media Reform Coalition ]

How the mainstream media became a neo-Stalinist propaganda regime for wealthy neocons

“This kind of concentration creates conditions in which wealthy individuals and organisations can amass huge political and economic power and distort the media landscape to suit their interests and personal views,” the report concludes.

14.04.2014 - 09:55 [ Counterpunch ]

Ukraine and Syria, In Orwellian Times

In our Orwellian lexicon, a pro-capitalist and neo-colonialist such as French President Francois Hollande is called a socialist; violent imperialist interventions conducted by the United States and its allies, or even the United Nations, worldwide are called humanitarian missions or peacekeeping missions; policies of regime change, already conducted in Iraq and Libya, and underway in Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, and even Cuba, are called promoting democracy or strengthening civil society. In Orwellian times, a phony revolution in Kiev is concocted by neocons in Washington DC with help from so-called humanitarian non-g0vernmental organizations (NGO), and USAID takes on the CIA’s role to promote supposedly spontaneous protests in Cuba. In Orwellian times, a big lie often repeated becomes the truth. When policymakers are spin masters, truth is the first casualty.

03.03.2014 - 01:50 [ Michael Moore ]

Ukraine: One ‘Regime Change’ Too Many?

by Ray McGovern

Is “regime change” in Ukraine the bridge too far for the neoconservative “regime changers” of Official Washington and their sophomoric “responsibility-to-protect” (R2P) allies in the Obama administration? Have they dangerously over-reached by pushing the putsch that removed duly-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych?

18.03.2013 - 15:30 [ AntiWar ]

9/11 and Iraq: The War’s Greatest Lie

The Bush administration’s primary justification for launching the Iraq War is thought, probably correctly, to be an alleged WMD program that did not exist. The coterie of delusional neoconservatives surrounding Bush and Cheney contributed to a systematic process of cherry-picking dubious intelligence and outright manipulation of evidence in order to satisfy a political decision that had already been made to change the regime in Iraq through a war of aggression.

09.12.2012 - 17:06 [ Linke Zeitung ]

Die “Antideutschen” als neoliberale Erfüllungsgehilfen – Teil 2

Der 2. Teil über die “antideutsche Bewegung” stellt Ideologie, Parolen, das Auftreten und Argumentieren dieser Bewegung dar.Es geht um eine Vorstellung der Identität aber auch eine inhaltliche Abgrenzung zu den politischen Kräften und Idealen, die diese offensichtlich als Vehikel zur politischen Einflussnahme benutzen.

Sowohl der Begriff der “Antideutschen”, als auch deren Eigenbezeichnung als Linke, Sozialisten und Antifaschisten sind eigentlich unpassend. Doch zugleich ist es der einzige nachvollziehbare Sammelbegriff, für all jene Gruppierungen, die sich zwar als Linke oder Sozialisten bezeichnen und auch so auftreten, aber politisch konsequent die eigentlichen Interessen der US-Neocons verfolgen.