Archiv: EU is forced to leave the United Kingdom / power struggle / timeline 2019-2020

23.01.2024 - 14:50 [ ]

Far-right leader wants Germany to perform its own Brexit

The party wants to reform the EU and limit the European Commission’s power, but “if such a reform is not possible, if we cannot restore the sovereignty of the EU member states, then the citizens should decide, just like in the U.K.,” Weidel said in an interview with the Financial Times published Monday.

Praising the U.K. for its exit from the EU after a 2016 plebiscite, Weidel said she believes Germany “could have a referendum on ‘Dexit’ — a German exit from the EU.”

23.01.2024 - 14:46 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

E.U.-Kader Verhofstadt: “Die Welt von Morgen ist eine Welt der Imperien”

(15. September 2019)

Da der Wille zum eigenen Denken – explizit in Deutschland und explizit im Linkskörper – gegen Null geht, sei des Weiteren noch erklärt:

Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass Verhofstadt und alle anderen E.U.-Freaks das Völkerrecht und die “Organisation der Vereinten Nationen” bereits völlig ignorieren (dort kann sich erkundigt werden was ein Staat ist und warum man keinen davon angreifen, ausplündern oder auflösen darf):

Verhofstadts Rede repräsentiert genau das, wovor wir bereits vor zehn Jahren gewarnt haben. 17.08.2009, EU-Nationalisten und Globalisten planen den Staatsstreich gegen die Republik

Wobei wir da nicht mit Rosa mithalten können, die warnte nämlich schon vor über hundert Jahren davor. Genau davor. Rosa Luxemburg über die „Vereinigten Staaten von Europa“: „Eine imperialistische Mißgeburt“

Wie alle “Europäer”, also paneuropäischen Ideologen, sagt Verhofstadt Nein zu Europa wie es ist. Er ist Realitätsverweigerer. Er will etwas, was nicht da ist. Eben ein Imperium.

Und genau dieses Imperium von dem er da redet, nämlich die sogenannte “Europäische Union” als designierte “Vereinigten Staaten von Europa” und wiederum deren vorprogrammierte weitere Transformationsform als trikontinentaler Block “Mittelmeerunion”, genau dieses Imperium wird demnächst in Großbritannien vom Hof gejagt.

Und dann sehen wir weiter.

23.01.2024 - 14:32 [ ur mom / Youtube ]

Guy Verhofstadt speech at the UK Liberal Democrats conference [14.09.2019]

Guy Verhofstadt‘s speech at the conference of the UK Liberal Democrats September 14h, 2019.

23.01.2024 - 14:28 [ Channel 4 News / Facebook ]

Guy Verhofstadt: World of tomorrow is world of empires

(September 16, 2019)

„The world order of tomorrow is a world of empires.“
Guy Verhofstadt, the EU Parliament‘s Brexit Coordinator, says British people can only defend their interests by „doing it together, in a European framework“.

28.08.2023 - 16:21 [ ur mom / Youtube ]

Guy Verhofstadt speech at the UK Liberal Democrats conference [14.09.2019]

Guy Verhofstadt‘s speech at the conference of the UK Liberal Democrats September 14h, 2019.

28.08.2023 - 16:13 [ Channel 4 News / Facebook ]

Guy Verhofstadt: World of tomorrow is world of empires

(September 16, 2019)

„The world order of tomorrow is a world of empires.“
Guy Verhofstadt, the EU Parliament‘s Brexit Coordinator, says British people can only defend their interests by „doing it together, in a European framework“.

22.04.2023 - 08:32 [ ]

Full text: Dominic Raab’s resignation letter

Mr Tolley concluded that I had not once, in four and a half years, sworn or shouted at anyone, let alone thrown anything or otherwise physically intimidated anyone, nor intentionally sought to belittle anyone. I am genuinely sorry for any unintended stress or offence that any officials felt, as a result of the pace, standards and challenge that I brought to the Ministry of Justice. That is, however, what the public expect of Ministers working on their behalf.

22.04.2023 - 08:13 [ ]

Is Dominic Raab really a ‘bully’?

I know the story is that he was a monster in his various departments, allegedly barking instructions and wagging a finger at his stressed-out minions. But the anti-Raab revolt smacks far more of bullying to me. Civil servants clubbing together to drum an exacting minister out of his job? It definitely has a whiff of Mean Girls to it.

22.04.2023 - 08:10 [ ]

Who is Dominic Raab? The martial arts black belt forced to resign over bullying claims

Brexit hard man

A Foreign Office lawyer before turning to politics, Mr Raab was previously known to play up his image as a Brexit hard man in an attempt to win support from the Tory right and quit his role as justice secretary in protest against Ms May’s approach to the issue.

22.04.2023 - 07:50 [ ]

Dominic Raab resigns – latest: Ex-deputy PM attacks ‘activist’ civil servants after bullying report

Mr Raab resigned from cabinet this morning after a report upheld two claims of bullying against him and found he was “unreasonably and persistently aggressive” in a meeting while foreign secretary.

Speaking to the BBC, Mr Raab charged a small group of “very activist” senior civil servants with pushing back against proposed government reforms because they don’t support them.

The former deputy PM complained that the report into his conduct did not make clear that no complaints lodged by junior officials were upheld.

30.03.2023 - 12:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

E.U.-Kader Verhofstadt: “Die Welt von Morgen ist eine Welt der Imperien”

(15. September 2019)

Da der Wille zum eigenen Denken – explizit in Deutschland und explizit im Linkskörper – gegen Null geht, sei des Weiteren noch erklärt:

Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass Verhofstadt und alle anderen E.U.-Freaks das Völkerrecht und die “Organisation der Vereinten Nationen” bereits völlig ignorieren (dort kann sich erkundigt werden was ein Staat ist und warum man keinen davon angreifen, ausplündern oder auflösen darf):

Verhofstadts Rede repräsentiert genau das, wovor wir bereits vor zehn Jahren gewarnt haben. 17.08.2009, EU-Nationalisten und Globalisten planen den Staatsstreich gegen die Republik

Wobei wir da nicht mit Rosa mithalten können, die warnte nämlich schon vor über hundert Jahren davor. Genau davor. Rosa Luxemburg über die „Vereinigten Staaten von Europa“: „Eine imperialistische Mißgeburt“

Wie alle “Europäer”, also paneuropäischen Ideologen, sagt Verhofstadt Nein zu Europa wie es ist. Er ist Realitätsverweigerer. Er will etwas, was nicht da ist. Eben ein Imperium.

Und genau dieses Imperium von dem er da redet, nämlich die sogenannte “Europäische Union” als designierte “Vereinigten Staaten von Europa” und wiederum deren vorprogrammierte weitere Transformationsform als trikontinentaler Block “Mittelmeerunion”, genau dieses Imperium wird demnächst in Großbritannien vom Hof gejagt.

Und dann sehen wir weiter.

30.03.2023 - 10:42 [ Channel 4 News / Facebook ]

Guy Verhofstadt: World of tomorrow is world of empires

(September 16, 2019)

„The world order of tomorrow is a world of empires.“
Guy Verhofstadt, the EU Parliament‘s Brexit Coordinator, says British people can only defend their interests by „doing it together, in a European framework“.

27.02.2023 - 19:42 [ ]

Brexit – live: PM hails ‘decisive breakthrough’ in striking Northern Ireland trade deal

The UK and the EU have agreed a new Brexit deal to resolve issues with the Northern Ireland protocol, in an agreement announced by Rishi Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen.

The so-called Windsor Framework was hailed as “historic” by the European Commission president, who alongside the prime minister insisted the deal marked a “new chapter” in UK-EU relations.

27.02.2023 - 19:10 [ ]

Windsor-Abkommen: Einigung im Brexit-Streit um Nordirland

„Mit diesem Rahmenwerk können wir ein neues Kapitel beginnen“, sagte von der Leyen bei der gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz. Die Unsicherheit der Menschen in Nordirland sei mit diesem „entschiedenen Durchbruch“ beendet, versprach Sunak. Die Verhandlungen seien nicht immer einfach gewesen, doch seien Großbritannien und die EU Verbündete, Handelspartner und Freunde.

14.12.2022 - 18:47 [ Radio Utopie ]

E.U.-Kader Verhofstadt: „Die Welt von Morgen ist eine Welt der Imperien“

(September 15, 2019)

Nun die Auszüge aus der Rede von Guy Verhofstadt in Bournemouth am 14.09.2019:

“Wir können nicht weitermachen, liebe Freunde, mit einem Europa, dass immer zu wenig und zu spät agiert. In der Weltordnung von Morgen, die Weltordnung von Morgen basiert nicht auf Nationalstaaten oder Ländern, es ist eine Weltordnung die basiert auf Imperien.

China ist keine Nation, es ist eine Summe von Zivilisationen (“civilization hum”). Indien, ihr wisst das besser als ich, ist keine Nation, es gibt zweitausend Nationen in Indien! Dort werden zwanzig verschiedene Sprachen benutzt! Dort gibt es vier große Religionen, gleichzeitig! Es ist weltweit die größte Demokratie.

Auch die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (“U.S.”) sind ein Imperium, mehr als eine Nation. Vielleicht sprechen sie morgen dort mehr als spanisch als englisch, ich weiß nicht was passieren wird (Gelächter) und dann schlussendlich die Russische Föderation.. die Welt von Morgen ist eine Welt der Imperien, in der wir Europäer und ihr Briten Eure Interessen, Eure Lebensweise (“way of life”) nur verteidigen können, wenn wir das zusammen in einem europäischen Rahmen, in der Europäischen Union tun.”

21.10.2022 - 00:50 [ Spiked ]

Britain is a political wasteland

It all paved the way for the Jeremy Hunt coup. That nerdy technocrat is hardly Pinochet. He’s an improbable usurper of power. Yet the political and strategic fragility of Trussism meant he could very easily sweep in and take control. He now runs the country. He has stuffed the Treasury with Osbornites and Hammondites and others who, like him, love ‘competence’ above all else. They want to steer the nation from the choppy waters of Brexit and Boris back to the safe shore of technocracy. Even though we didn’t vote for that, and don’t want it. That sappy Remainers could seize the reins of power was further proof of the infirmity of Trussism. One house of cards replaced with another.

25.09.2022 - 10:32 [ ]

Veni, vidi, veto: Giorgia Meloni’s march on Brussels

More than useless, Brussels had been hostile, she added: “We are facing the most powerful and violent attack against governments of sovereign nations opposing the dictatorship of politically correct ideology.” As examples, she cited the EU’s attempts to punish Poland and Hungary for democratic backsliding and efforts “to humiliate the British people who have freely chosen Brexit.”

29.07.2022 - 16:07 [ ]

As the EU bails out Germany, we should thank God we left

The result is that the EU faces a winter like that endured by Britain under Sir Edward Heath: with energy rationed, perhaps through planned outages. For fans of the EU Sir Edward has long been a totemic figure: the Prime Minister who took us into the bloc without bothering to ask the people in a referendum. How ironic that the EU’s energy policy is now leading it down the same road as Heath’s Britain.

17.07.2022 - 14:03 [ Rishi Sunak / ]

We got Brexit done – now we must capitalise on the freedoms it gave us

Second, the government would also remove the burdens of GDPR, creating in its place the most dynamic data protection regime in the world.

The EU’s Byzantine rules are preventing British tech companies from innovating and public services from sharing data to prevent crime. As any internet user can see, GDPR – with all its bureaucratic box-ticking – is clearly not working and needs to be replaced.

08.05.2022 - 12:28 [ ]

The NI Protocol lacks democratic legitimacy and must be removed

It is the Protocol – not Brexit – that has created a border in the Irish Sea. As such it represents an existential threat to the future of our place in the Union. No Conservative and Unionist government can stand by and watch as the pro-union people of Northern Ireland diverge further and further from the rest of the United Kingdom. The checks on the Irish Sea border are the symptom of the underlying problem, that Northern Ireland is subject to a different set of laws imposed by a foreign entity without any say by any elected representative of its people.

13.01.2022 - 09:27 [ ]

The Tories will be buried if they ignore the real lessons behind Boris‘s fall

Truss, Sunak or whoever comes next must harness the angry anti-establishment mood of centre-Right voters or be swept away by a Labour Party promising, however implausibly, that it is “time for change”. The next leader will need to make good on the promise of Brexit, not merely on its legalities. They cannot keep going with Johnson’s idiotic war on his own supporters, his green fundamentalism, profligate extravagance and gimmicky levelling-up that will achieve nothing but waste billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money.

25.09.2021 - 09:02 [ ]

Auf Wiedersehen to Angela Merkel – the colossus of Europe… who bounced Britain to Brexit. As her indomitable 15-year reign ends tomorrow, what‘s next for Germany, asks DOMINIC SANDBROOK

Well-sealed windows. No other country can make such well-sealed and nice windows.’ That was Angela Merkel’s answer when, more than a decade ago, a journalist asked her what she most associated with her native land.

10.07.2021 - 17:22 [ UK Medical Freedom / Twitter ]

25 under-18s in England died from the CV19 between 3/20 and 2/21, or 1 in 481,000. In the same period, 124 children died from suicide and 268 died from trauma due to pandemic response. Lockdown “may prove a greater risk than… SARS-CoV-2 itself”


10.07.2021 - 16:59 [ ]

If Covid hadn‘t been politicised, lockdown would be over, says JUDY FINNIGAN

If the scientists are so unsure that double-jabbed bodies are protected from the worst effects of Covid, ie ICU and death, then what the hell was all the fuss about when they were invented late last year?

Covid is no longer a matter of public health. It’s been politicised. Reputations have been staked. Pompous men are using you and me as pawns. It’s like Brexit. We just want to get on with our lives but the scientists and politicians don’t seem to care about that.

05.07.2021 - 16:00 [ ]

Pro and anti-maskers are new Remainers and Leavers, with same tribes

Maskers and anti-maskers look set to become the new Remainers and Leavers (with almost, if not quite, the same tribes in both camps). Very few people on either side of that bitter debate were actually very interested in the finer points of tariffs on citrus fruits, or what the European Commission‘s plans for the digital transformation of European industry might be this week. They wanted to say something about themselves.

We might have hoped that Covid-19 would soon be behind us. There seems little chance of that now. The divisions lockdowns have opened up and exacerbated will run for years.

23.06.2021 - 12:19 [ ]

Irrational fear of Covid has crushed Brexit Britain‘s buccaneering spirit

Five years after the Brexit vote, the pandemic response has suffocated the boosterism that was one of the driving forces behind the Leave campaign. On our own, freed of the EU straitjacket, we would flourish by demonstrating a quintessentially British can-do spirit. Instead, we are still exhorted to cower behind the national sofa by leaders terrified of what the future might bring.

22.06.2021 - 13:51 [ ]

‚More like the USSR at every turn!‘ Britons chilled as EU to censor UK television content

Scheming eurocrats provoked outrage when it emerged they were drawing up plans to pull our critically-acclaimed shows like The Crown and Peaky Blinders from European streaming services. The news – which emerged in a memo sent to the EU’s 27 member states – was quickly compared to Soviet Russia which was notorious for its thought police tactics.

22.06.2021 - 13:48 [ ]

European Union Prepares to Cut Brit Film and TV Content Post Brexit

The EU is considering proposals to exclude British programs from European quotas, a move that could severely hit international sales of U.K. films and TV series to the EU.

07.05.2021 - 09:34 [ ]

Tories take Hartlepool in historic Red Wall by-election victory

Sir Keir’s critics point to the voting history of Dr Paul Williams, Labour’s candidate in Hartlepool, who voted to Remain in the EU referendum.

Hartlepool is one of the UK’s strongest Brexit-supporting constituencies, with 70 per cent voting to leave in 2016.

01.04.2021 - 15:48 [ ]

Brexit: Boris Johnson’s new laws put UK on ‘very slippery slope’ to dictatorship, warn ex-Supreme Court president

(08 October 2020)

Lord Neuberger linked the new powers to the coronavirus pandemic and suggested that if the government was seen to be ignoring the law, ordinary people might also decide to reject it,

„The government understandably expects people to obey the law: but I ask rhetorically, what moral authority does the government have expecting people to obey these draconian laws, if it itself is announcing that it intends to break its obligations under international law and intends to stop people going to court to enforce their rights against the government?“ he said.

02.02.2021 - 08:56 [ Killian Foley-Walsh, Esq. / Twitter ]

Sabine Weyand was Michel Barnier’s number 2 in the Brexit negotiations. If she is responsible for triggering Art. 16, it’s not credible to suggest she didn’t understand its implications.

27.01.2021 - 14:28 [ ]

Die beste Werbung für den Brexit

Die britische Regierung hatte sich mit dem Konzern im Alleingang bereits im Mai 2020 auf die Produktion und Lieferung des Impfstoffes geeinigt. Einen Monat später gab es zwar eine vorläufige Absprache von AstraZeneca mit Deutschland, Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Italien. Doch der im Juni von diesen Ländern ausgehandelte Vertrag wurde nicht abgeschlossen, sondern von der EU erst Ende August unterzeichnet. Das habe den Aufbau der Produktion der Impfdosen in Belgien entsprechend verzögert, argumentiert man bei AstraZeneca.

27.01.2021 - 14:03 [ ]

German media savages the EU for its vaccine shambles and tears into Ursula von der Leyen‘s UK jabs threat – while jealously admiring ‚Brexit Brits‘ for ordering vaccines THREE MONTHS before Brussels

Embarrassingly for the bloc, it appears that Germany, the Netherlands, France and Italy had originally been looking to do a deal with AstraZeneca in May alongside the UK – but were blocked by the EU, which insisted it take over negotiations.

According to ITV‘s Robert Peston: ‚The extra talks with the European Commission led to no material changes to the contract, but wasted time on making arrangements to make the vaccine with partner sites.‘

20.01.2021 - 06:00 [ ]

Angela Merkel’s disastrous legacy is Brexit and a broken EU

‚Mutti‘ is a canny and tactical politician but leaves a trail of wreckage behind her after running Europe‘s biggest economy for 16 years

17.01.2021 - 17:45 [ ]

Labour surges to a four point lead over Boris Johnson and the Conservatives – Sir Keir Starmer‘s biggest polling margin since the 2019 general election

A new Opinium survey puts Labour on 41 per cent and the Conservatives on 37 per cent, providing a significant boost to Sir Keir Starmer‘s leadership.

The poll suggests the Tories are suffering because some 22 per cent of 2019 Conservative voters now say they are undecided about who to vote for.

31.12.2020 - 07:03 [ ]

Großbritannien: Die Queen setzt Brexit-Gesetz in Kraft

Der Weg für den Brexit-Handelspakt zwischen Großbritannien und der Europäischen Union ist frei. Königin Elizabeth II. als britisches Staatsoberhaupt setzte das Ratifizierungsgesetz in der Nacht in Kraft, wie der Sprecher des Unterhauses, Lindsay Hoyle, sagte. Zuvor hatten beide Kammern des Parlaments in London dem Dokument zugestimmt.

31.12.2020 - 06:57 [ ]

Brexit deal with EU becomes law as the Queen gives official Royal Assent

Her Majesty‘s approval paves the way for the deal to take effect at 11pm on Thursday when the current Brexit transition period, during which the UK has continued to follow EU rules, ends.

30.12.2020 - 16:21 [ ]

Brexit is finally DONE: After four years of wrangling MPs vote 521 to 73 and seal Britain‘s historic divorce from the EU – as frontbench Labour rebels RESIGN and Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn defy Keir Starmer‘s order to back the accord

Boris Johnson has hailed new chapter in Britain‘s history as deal is rushed through the Houses of Parliament

25.12.2020 - 06:11 [ ]


Artikel 50

(1) Jeder Mitgliedstaat kann im Einklang mit seinen verfassungsrechtlichen Vorschriften beschließen, aus der Union auszutreten.

(2) Ein Mitgliedstaat, der auszutreten beschließt, teilt dem Europäischen Rat seine Absicht mit. Auf der Grundlage der Leitlinien des Europäischen Rates handelt die Union mit diesem Staat ein Abkommen über die Einzelheiten des Austritts aus und schließt das Abkommen, wobei der Rahmen für die künftigen Beziehungen dieses Staates zur Union berücksichtigt wird. Das Abkommen wird nach Artikel 218 Absatz 3 des Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union ausgehandelt. Es wird vom Rat im Namen der Union geschlossen; der Rat beschließt mit qualifizierter Mehrheit nach Zustimmung des Europäischen Parlaments.

25.12.2020 - 06:01 [ ]

Statement von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel zur Einigung auf ein Abkommen zwischen der EU und Großbritannien

Die Bundesregierung wird den Abkommenstext nun intensiv prüfen. Wir fangen dabei aber nicht bei Null an. Denn die Kommission hat die Mitgliedstaaten über den gesamten Verhandlungsprozess hinweg eng eingebunden.

Wir werden daher rasch beurteilen können, ob Deutschland das heutige Verhandlungsergebnis unterstützen kann. Ich bin sehr zuversichtlich, dass wir hier ein gutes Resultat vorliegen haben.
Die Mitglieder des Bundeskabinetts werden sich am 28.12. um 9.30 Uhr im Rahmen einer Telefonschalte über die deutsche Position verständigen. Danach wird der Rat das Abkommen und seine vorläufige Anwendung beschließen.
Abschließend in Kraft treten kann das Abkommen erst, wenn auch das Europäische Parlament zugestimmt hat.

25.12.2020 - 05:45 [ ]

European leaders welcome Brexit deal as least-worst outcome

Merkel said the German cabinet would meet by telephone on 28 December to decide its stance, but added that the agreement “cannot finally enter into force until the European parliament has also given its approval”.

25.12.2020 - 05:32 [ ]

Brexiteers almost lost everything — now they have almost won everything

It is hard to underestimate how close this country came to throwing away the 2016 referendum result. As deadline after deadline was missed, those who lost the referendum received more and more concessions. From European Court of Justice oversight to commitments to remain chained to the EU’s failed economic model – a virtual colony trapped within the Brussels regulatory orbit. On this side of the Channel, Brexiteers were confronted daily by the scheming of a thoroughly rotten Parliament abetted by a partisan speaker and activist legal establishment.

It is from this context that we must view today.

25.12.2020 - 05:26 [ ]

Brexit: Labour to back EU trade deal in Commons, Keir Starmer says

“A better deal could have been negotiated, but I accept that option has now gone, the chance for renegotiation is over.

“There are just two paths now left for our country – to move forward with a deal or without one.”

25.12.2020 - 04:47 [ ]

„Süße Trauer“: Brexit-Kapitel geht nach Einigung zu Ende

In Großbritannien muss das Parlament zustimmen, das dazu aus den Winterferien zurückgerufen werden soll. Auf der EU-Seite müssen zumindest die Regierungen aller 27 Mitgliedstaaten das Verhandlungsergebnis billigen. Dazu wurde für Freitag eine außerordentliche Sitzung der EU-Botschafter einberufen.