„On one thing I have been, am, and will always be clear. I intend to lead a government with a clear and unequivocal foreign policy line,“ she said. „Anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone cannot be part of the government.“
„On one thing I have been, am, and will always be clear. I intend to lead a government with a clear and unequivocal foreign policy line,“ she said. „Anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone cannot be part of the government.“
Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni called on Wednesday Fascism “history” and highlighting her party’s links to Israel’s Likud and conservative factions. In her video, Meloni emphasized her party’s “shared values and experience” with Israel’s Likud party, US Republicans and British Conservatives. The “Italian conservatives” she leads are “a bastion of freedom and defense of Western values,” she said, highlighting her “Christian and family values.”
Neun Minister und Ministerinnen stellt Melonis Partei FdI, jeweils fünf die Lega und Forza Italia, fünf Ministerien werden zudem mit Technikern und damit als parteilos eingestuften Experten besetzt.
Vizepremier und Außenminister wird wie erwartet Ex-EU-Parlamentspräsident Antonio Tajani und damit die Nummer zwei von Forza Italia.
„We hope for a government with authoritative, competent and irreproachable ministers as soon as possible“.
Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgio Meloni, who looks set to become the next premier after her right-wing party spearheaded the right coalition to victory, is currently holding a series of meetings on the make-up of the new executive.
Das wichtigste, was Italien bräuchte, wäre Stabilität, meinte Weber. Die Mehrheiten im Parlament könnten dafür sorgen, aber letztlich liege es an den handelnden Personen. Sie müssen auf jeden Fall die von der Draghi-Regierung angestoßenen Reformen umsetzen – auch im Interesse Deutschland. „Italien ist als G7-Staat sehr wichtig für Deutschland“. Deshalb müsse man das Gespräch suchen, statt zu urteilen.
The centre-right coalition is set to win Sunday‘s general election in Italy, with Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgia Meloni looking poised to become Italy‘s first woman premier thanks to the strong showing of her rightwing group, according to projections.
More than useless, Brussels had been hostile, she added: “We are facing the most powerful and violent attack against governments of sovereign nations opposing the dictatorship of politically correct ideology.” As examples, she cited the EU’s attempts to punish Poland and Hungary for democratic backsliding and efforts “to humiliate the British people who have freely chosen Brexit.”
Meloni, who is poised to become Italy‘s first woman premier and the most rightwing since the Second World War, has often praised the policies of Orban and her Polish allies.
Von der Leyen said Thursday that if the general election ushers in an autocratic, nationalist and Euroskeptic shift then „we have the instruments, as in the cases of Poland and Hungary.“ However, she added that „we are ready to work with any democratic government that is disposed to work with us“.
Salvini branded her statement as squalid and arrogant meddling in Italian domestic politics.
Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni called on Wednesday Fascism “history” and highlighting her party’s links to Israel’s Likud and conservative factions. In her video, Meloni emphasized her party’s “shared values and experience” with Israel’s Likud party, US Republicans and British Conservatives. The “Italian conservatives” she leads are “a bastion of freedom and defense of Western values,” she said, highlighting her “Christian and family values.”
Nationalist opposition League leader Matteo Salvini said, amid criticism of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban getting full powers Monday, that it had been a democratic choice by the Hungarian parliament.
Bei der Parlamentswahl 2018 waren die Sterne noch auf fast 33 Prozent gekommen.
An exit poll for state television RAI said the PD incumbent was seen taking between 47.0%-51.0% of the vote, while the rightist candidate looked on course to take 44.0%-48.0%.
The next formal step in the government crisis is Premier Giuseppe Conte‘s address to the Senate Tuesday, after which he may go to President Sergio Mattarella and resign rather than facing a League no confidence motion, which may not now be filed. Meanwhile two-time former centre-left premier Romano Prodi, a PD grandee, called for a „long-lasting coalition government“ possibly also including Silvio Berlusconi‘s centre-right Forza Italia (FI) party.
The M5S‘s minister for relations with parliament, Riccardo Fraccaro, described the notion as „the fake news of the summer which the League is spreading after bringing the government down.
„I want to say this clearly, we will not do deals with Renzi and Boschi“. The M5S‘s justice minister, Alfonso Bonafede, was just as emphatic.
„The M5S will never sit down with Renzi and/or Boschi“, he said.
Most important, the League leader will have to decide where he really stands on fundamental questions that he has dodged so far – from Italy’s economic policy to its place in the euro zone and the European Union. Before now he could blame his weak coalition partner, the Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio, or his technocratic finance minister Giovanni Tria for any difficulties. The easy ride is over.
Interior Minster Matteo Salvini said Friday that he has not decided whether his League party will run alone or allied with other groups in eventual early elections. „Nothing has been decided about whether we‘ll run alone,“ he said.
Der Chef der italienischen Lega ist gut für einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf aufgestellt. Salvini als italienischer Ministerpräsident – ein Gedanke, der Gänsehaut verursacht.
Nicht Salvini, sondern dem amtierenden Staatspräsidenten Sergio Mattarella fällt jetzt eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Mattarella hätte eine Reihe guter Gründe, keine schnellen Neuwahlen auszurufen. Dazu gehört, dass nicht nur Italien Stabilität braucht, sondern auch die Europäische Union.
Italiens Lega-Chef Salvini hat erklärt: Die Koalition mit der Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung ist am Ende. Er fordert Neuwahlen. Regierungschef Conte gibt der Lega die Schuld am Scheitern des Bündnisses.
Bei seinem Italien-Besuch lobte Eduardo Bolsonaro Matteo Salvini von der ultrarechten Partei Lega Nord nach seinem etwa vierstündigen Gespräch mit ihm. Er sei „einer der Menschen, der die auf der ganzen Welt stattfindende rechte Bewegung am besten repräsentiert“.
Marine Le Pen has asserted that neither she nor her party want France‘s withdrawal from the eurozone.
Speaking at a gathering of her supporters on Saturday ahead of the European elections, the National Rally (RN) leader said that her platform would now “look to change the EU from within”.
A small number of EU member states argued for an extension to June 30, but most argued for much longer: to December 2019, or even March 2020
Far-right Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini congratulated the incumbent premier, bidding „good job to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and a hug to the people of Israel.“
The group includes Mr Salvini’s League, as well as France‘s far-right National Rally (formerly National Front), Austria‘s Freedom Party and the Netherland‘s Party for Freedom. Those parties have long sat together in the European Parliament.
But Mr Salvini was also joined on Monday by the far-right Alternative for Germany‘s co-leader Joerg Meuthen, Olli Kotro of the Eurosceptic populist Finns party, and Anders Vistisen of the right-wing, populist Danish People‘s Party.
(18.3.2019) The German says the “strongman of the Italian government” is preparing to veto an Article 50 extension as a consensus fails to emerge for the delay on the Continent.
There are “very different views” amongst EU member states, Mr Brok concluded.
Mr Salvini is Italy’s deputy prime minister and will be represented at this week’s European Council summit by prime minister Giuseppe Conte.
During a visit to Moscow, Matteo Salvini, Italy’s staunchly pro-Moscow deputy prime minister, said that Rome might block the renewal of sanctions that have been in place since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea.
Lined up against him is French President Emmanuel Macron, who is seeking to unify Europe’s mainstream parties in defense of European principles and greater integration
(6.10.2018) „Keine Sorge: In sechs Monaten werden die EU-Technokraten von 500 Millionen Wählern entlassen. Wir machen weiter“, betonte der Chef der rechtspopulistischen Lega. Salvini reagierte auf ein Interview Junckers mit dem STANDARD,
Asselborn bezeichnete das Filmen von Gesprächen als problematisch: Wenn man künftig befürchten müsse, dass Treffen von EU-Ministern oder von Staats- und Regierungschefs heimlich mitgeschnitten würden, „dann kann dort nie wieder eine ehrliche Diskussion stattfinden“.
Bei einem Ministertreffen in Wien sagte Salvini, dass Asselborn der Ansicht sei, Migration sei für das überalterte Europa aus demografischen Gründen nötig. Das Ziel der italienischen Regierung dagegen sei, dass junge Italiener wieder mehr Kinder bekommen. Dies sei besser, als fehlenden italienischen Nachwuchs zu „ersetzen“ und dafür aus Afrika „neue Sklaven“ nach Europa zu holen.
(12.7.2018) Das propagierte Modell der „Ausschiffungszentren“ in Drittstaaten, in die auf dem Meer aufgegriffene Asylsuchende gebracht werden sollen, müsste auf internationalem Recht basieren – dar auf pochte in seinem Statement auch Kommissar Avramopoulos mit Nachdruck: „Genfer Konvention, EU-Recht, internationales Recht!“ Wo diese Zentren entstehen sollen, ist weiter offen.
(30.3.2016) Salvini said that the pair also agreed on the need to intervene „in any way possible“ against ISIS, including with action on the ground, „above all in Libya“.
He said they both thought that migrant flows brought „dangers of all kinds“. Salvini also visited Jerusalem‘s Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum and blasted Islamist extremists as today‘s Nazis.
„The new Nazis are those who kill in the name of Allah,“ he said.