Archiv: Theresa May / May-hem

26.09.2023 - 08:47 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

May, Macron und Merkel: Kriegskoalition gegen das World Wide Web

(14.Juni 2017)

Die entsprechenden Pläne von Terror-Theresa, lange vor ihrer Wahlniederlage entworfen, lasen wir bereits vor. Schlüssel dabei ist die praktisch und naturgemäß von allen Regierungen angestrebte Infiltration, Untermininierung und damit das faktische Verbot für 3,7 Milliarden Menschen im Internet – zum überwältigenden Anteil im öffentlich zugänglichen World Wide Web – ihre Telekommunikation, ihren Geschäftsbetrieb, ihr Privatleben, ihre Interaktionen im World Wide Web zu verschlüsseln. (…)

Für meine PappenheimerInnen von Genösschen – wie ich bereits mehrfach bemerkt habe: die dümmsten, miesesten und verlogensten der Welt – gilt diesbezüglich, wie immer: Kopf einziehen und versuchen nicht aufzufallen.

Helfen wird der Nomenklatura, ob international oder in diesem Saftladen von Republik, nichts von alledem. Sie ist fällig.

Und ihre Ehrenlogen vorneweg.

12.03.2021 - 10:10 [ ]

Manipulation von Syrien-Bericht: Prominente Kritik an OPCW

Im April 2018 waren nach einem angeblichen Angriff mit chemischen Waffen in der Stadt Douma die Leichen von rund 50 Zivilisten geborgen worden. Die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich bombardierten bereits wenige Tage nach den Ereignissen – noch während der OPCW-Ermittlungen – Einrichtungen der Assad-Regierung und der syrischen Armee.

17.01.2021 - 10:32 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wann kaufen Russland, China, Frankreich, Deutschland, Großbritannien dem Iran endlich das angereicherte Uran ab?

(05. Juli 2019)

Im Mai verhängten die U.S.A. Sanktionen auch gegen den Kauf von angereichertem Uran aus dem Iran. Zweck dieses zynischen Schachzugs war den Iran dazu zu zwingen das internationale Atomabkommen (J.C.P.O.A.) nicht mehr einhalten zu können, um ihm dann dessen Bruch vorzuwerfen, nachdem man es in Washington selbst gebrochen hatte (was von Anfang an durch einen Trick folgenlos möglich war).

Anstatt nun auf die in Washington erklärten einseitigen Sanktionen der Trump Administration zu pfeifen und dem Iran das angereicherte Uran einfach abzukaufen bzw gegen gebrauchsfähiges Uran für dessen Atomkraftwerke einzutauschen – wie es das Atomabkommen vorsieht – tun nun die Regierungen in Moskau, Peking, Paris, Berlin und London wie üblich wieder einmal nichts, sitzen rum und erzählen Dreck daher.

25.12.2020 - 05:32 [ ]

Brexiteers almost lost everything — now they have almost won everything

It is hard to underestimate how close this country came to throwing away the 2016 referendum result. As deadline after deadline was missed, those who lost the referendum received more and more concessions. From European Court of Justice oversight to commitments to remain chained to the EU’s failed economic model – a virtual colony trapped within the Brussels regulatory orbit. On this side of the Channel, Brexiteers were confronted daily by the scheming of a thoroughly rotten Parliament abetted by a partisan speaker and activist legal establishment.

It is from this context that we must view today.

18.06.2020 - 17:47 [ ]

The REAL reason Boris Johnson is so fearful of ditching two-metre rule: Doom-monger advisers led by grim private polls, and the terror of being blamed for a new spike are paralysing the PM, write ANDREW PIERCE and RICHARD KAY

If Boris is to rediscover the vim and vigour that brought him into Downing Street then the role of the new committee examining the distancing rule is crucial. It is being chaired by a civil servant, Simon Case, the new permanent secretary at No 10, who until a month ago was working for Prince William.

A former private secretary to both David Cameron and Theresa May and a one-time director of strategy at GCHQ, Mr Case was brought in to coordinate the Government’s pandemic response – a sure sign that it had not been working well.

The Cambridge-educated mandarin is used to the trickiest of political problems.

29.09.2019 - 09:21 [ Telegraph ]

Tony Blair lobbied EU for Brexit delay as he led new referendum calls

Tony Blair personally urged the EU‘s chief negotiator to delay Brexit beyond March 29 as Theresa May was insisting to European leaders that she wanted the UK to leave on time, The Telegraph can disclose.

The former prime minister held a private meeting with Michel Barnier in February in which he declared that an extension of the Article 50 notice period would „provide the time required“ for „clarifying“ the type of relationship Britain wanted with the EU.

10.09.2019 - 17:38 [ Labour Leave ‏/ Twitter ]

Olly Robbins, the EU‘s chief negotiator, has not only been granted a knighthood by May, he‘s just taken a job with Goldman Sachs – who bankrolled the Remain campaign. Maybe May just hopes he‘ll keep his mouth shut.

08.09.2019 - 11:56 [ Daily Mail ]

Theresa May leads fight to reinstate Remainer rebels as she emerges as the leading critic of Boris Johnson‘s ‚brutal‘ decision to purge 21 Tories

Mrs May has raised the issue directly with Party chairman James Cleverly and Chief Whip Mark Spencer on behalf of the group that includes former Chancellor Philip Hammond, ex-Justice Secretary David Gauke and Tory grandee Ken Clarke.

She approached Mr Cleverly behind the Speaker‘s Chair in the House of Commons on Wednesday evening to raise concerns about the legality of blocking any of the rebels from being candidates at the next Election.

05.09.2019 - 05:53 [ ]

Brexit votes result: Bid to resurrect Theresa May‘s deal passes by default

Moments before the vote on Wednesday night, Stephen Kinnock asked MPs to vote on his amendment, which would create a vote on Mrs May‘s long-dead deal.

Then, in bizarre scenes, the Labour MP‘s amendment was approved automatically because nobody from the government volunteered to count the ‚no‘ votes.

This means that due to a technicality, the amendment is now part of the Bill and will become law if it is passed by the House of Lords.

22.08.2019 - 17:31 [ ]

Billions of pounds worth of weapons have been licensed by the UK to Saudi Arabia since start of Yemen war

Government figures show that export licences worth £6.2bn have been granted to members of the Saudi-led coalition in the four years since the conflict began in March 2015.

The figure includes £5.3bn to Saudi Arabia, £657m to United Arab Emirates, £85m to Egypt, £72m to Bahrain, £40m to Kuwait and £142m to Qatar before it withdrew from the coalition in 2017.

18.08.2019 - 22:43 [ Daily Mail ]

Die-hard Remainer Philip Hammond‘s camp is blamed for leaking Project Fear 2.0 dossier as its predictions of No Deal Brexit chaos on October 31 are dismissed as ‚not believable‘ and ‚scaremongering‘

Former Tory former cabinet ministers Iain Duncan Smith and Owen Paterson claimed the leak of documents on ‚Operation Yellowhammer‘ was an example of the ‚establishment‘ plot to ‚sow fear in people‘s minds‘.

In a joint statement, they said: ‚This Operation Yellowhammer leak is the version of what the contingency executive put together. We remember attending a briefing on privy council terms which they said was not worst case but reasonable worst case. Theresa May had asked for this to be done. It was obviously Project Fear dressed up.

24.07.2019 - 17:46 [ ]

Queen ernennt Boris Johnson zum neuen Premierminister

Der Brexit-Hardliner Boris Johnson wurde am Mittwoch offiziell von Königin Elizabeth II. zum neuen Regierungschef Großbritanniens ernannt. Unmittelbar zuvor hatte Theresa May ihren Rücktritt bei der Queen eingereicht.

24.07.2019 - 16:45 [ Left of Centre Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

Well thank goodness she‘s gone. Whatever the numerous failings of her successor, at least there can now be a change of approach on Brexit, rather than toeing Brussels‘ line

24.07.2019 - 16:36 [ The Sun / Youtube ]

Theresa May‘s final speech as PM

BORIS Johnson will be Britain‘s next Prime Minister after defeating Jeremy Hunt in a landslide victory to be declared the new Tory leader.

24.07.2019 - 12:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

Deutschland in den Iran-Krieg? Gauland kriecht voran

„A.f.D.“-Vorsitzender folgt Trump-Regierung und noch amtierendem britischen Außenminister: Bundeswehr-Flotte soll in den Persischen Golf, zum „Tanker-Schutz“.

23.07.2019 - 09:49 [ Spiked ]

Good riddance to these anti-democrats

Philip Hammond and Alan Duncan are among the most duplicitous politicians in Britain today.

23.07.2019 - 09:28 [ ]

London schmiedet Marinebündnis gegen Iran


„Wir haben darüber schon in den vergangenen zwei Tagen konstruktive Gespräche mit einer ganzen Reihe von Ländern geführt. Und wir werden später in der Woche besprechen, wie das am besten auf die neuesten US-Vorschläge für diese Gegend abgestimmt werden kann.“

23.07.2019 - 09:04 [ Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs ]

Strait of Hormuz incident: Foreign Secretary calls with French and German foreign ministers


Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt discussed the incident with Jean-Yves Le Drian and Heiko Maas.

22.07.2019 - 13:16 [ BBC Politics / Twitter ]

So long, and thanks for all the gifs

22.07.2019 - 02:22 [ ]

May leitet Dringlichkeitssitzung zu Tanker-Krise mit dem Iran

Im Konflikt mit dem Iran wegen der Beschlagnahmung eines britischen Tankers in der Straße von Hormus kommt das britische Krisenkabinett heute zu einer Dringlichkeitssitzung zusammen. Das Gremium werde unter dem Vorsitz von Premierministerin Theresa May über die „Wahrung der Sicherheit für die Schifffahrt im Persischen Golf“ beraten, teilte Mays Büro gestern Abend in London mit.

17.07.2019 - 21:59 [ WikiLeaks / Twitter ]

„Collective violence, such as torturing a publisher for journalism, requires more than persecuting authorities, mobbing states and media smear campaigns to survive… Atrocity does not take place without passive, complacent, compliant bystanders“

15.07.2019 - 22:41 [ Jewish Telegraphic Agency ]

Netanyahu accuses Europeans of appeasing Iran like they did Germany in the ’30s

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, offers Iran relief from sanctions in exchange for its scaling back of parts of its nuclear program until 2025.

The United States, which under former President Barack Obama was the driving force behind the deal, pulled out last year under President Donald Trump and snapped back sanctions on Iran and third parties that do business with the Islamic Republit.

15.07.2019 - 12:59 [ ]

The Guardian view on Britain and Iran: a game for losers

he risk is that the president may be goaded into a war by those around him, particularly if things go wrong on the ground – and that Britain will be dragged in by a White House-appeasing prime minister.

Meanwhile the slow slog of diplomacy continues, with European foreign ministers due to meet again on Monday. The EU says that more members, and non-member states too, are buying into the Instex barter-style system created to enable trade. But it still needs proper funding.

15.07.2019 - 12:06 [ ]

UK, France, Germany call for dialogue with Iran

Ahead of the foreign affairs council on Monday 15 July, the foreign ministers of the UK, France, and Germany issued a joint statement calling for dialogue between all parties involved.

15.07.2019 - 11:47 [ ]

Gemeinsame Erklärung der Staats- und Regierungschefs Frankreichs, Deutschlands und des Vereinigten Königreichs

Wir, die Staats- und Regierungschefs Deutschlands, Frankreichs und des Vereinigten Königreichs, erinnern – geeint durch gemeinsame Sicherheitsinteressen, insbesondere die Aufrechterhaltung des Nichtverbreitungsregimes – an unser fortgesetztes Bekenntnis zur Wiener Nuklearvereinbarung (JCPoA), die vor vier Jahren, am 14. Juli 2015, mit Iran geschlossen wurde.

13.07.2019 - 07:56 [ BBC ]

Iran tanker row: UK to send second warship to the Gulf

HMS Duncan is currently in the Mediterranean and is expected to join HMS Montrose in the region next week.

12.07.2019 - 10:58 [ ]

Iran fordert von Großbritannien Freigabe von Tanker

Die USA verzichteten Insidern zufolge indes vorerst auf Sanktionen gegen den iranischen Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif. Was genau die US-Regierung zu dem Schritt bewogen hat, sagten die beiden mit dem Vorgang vertrauten Personen nicht.

12.07.2019 - 10:41 [ ]

Jeremy Hunt promises more spending on the Royal Navy to boost ‚hard power‘ in response to Iran crisis

Jeremy Hunt has said the Royal Navy has been “run down too much” as he cited a skirmish between Britain and Iran in the Persian Gulf as proof that more warships are needed.

The Foreign Secretary said the “deeply troubling” events in the Middle East showed that the Navy must be “expanded to meet the threats we face”.

10.07.2019 - 20:31 [ ]

Brexit: Furious Tory insider accuses Theresa May of letting parliament lay ‘elephant traps’ for Boris Johnson


Speaking to The Independent on condition of anonymity, the government insider said there was frustration in Conservative ranks that Downing Street was allowing opponents of Brexit opportunities to tie the future prime minister’s hands.

10.07.2019 - 19:58 [ ]

Johnson under fire as Kim Darroch quits as UK ambassador to US

After the ambassador submitted his resignation, explaining that he felt that speculation over his future was “making it impossible for me to carry out my role as I would like”, Johnson faced sharp criticism over his role in the affair, with one minister accusing him of throwing the ambassador “under the bus”.

And in language that will be viewed as an implicit criticism of Johnson’s failure to back Darroch, Theresa May told MPs: “I hope the house will reflect on the importance of defending our values and principles, particularly when they are under pressure.”

09.07.2019 - 05:07 [ WikiLeaks ‏/ Twitter ]

Noam Chomsky on the US attempt to extradite Assange: „But why should the United States have the power to control what others are doing elsewhere in the world? I mean, it’s an outlandish situation. It goes on all the time. We never even notice it.“

07.07.2019 - 12:41 [ ]

Iran risks UK following US in pulling out of Iran nuclear deal warns Jeremy Hunt


The Tory leadership hopeful made the announcement after Tehran said it had amassed more low-enriched uranium than permitted under its 2015 agreement with major powers. The Foreign Secretary told Sky News that Britain still supported the pact. He added: “We want to preserve that deal because we don’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons but if Iran breaks that deal then we are out of it as well.”

22.06.2019 - 16:26 [ ]

EXCL Theresa May defied Tory MPs to launch ‚legacy spending spree‘

They include high-profile pledges on mental health support, as well as a vow to slash carbon emissions in the UK to net-zero by 2050 – despite a warning from Philip Hammond that it will cost £1trillion.

The Chancellor is also fiercely resisting Mrs May‘s plan to boost education spending by a staggering £27bn.

21.06.2019 - 16:15 [ Andrew Lilico ‏/ Twitter ]

A remarkable lack of debate around today as to whether the UK shld join or support the US in airstrikes in Iran – which although they were postponed last night may well come v soon. Doesn‘t that seem like something UK politics shld hv a view on?

20.06.2019 - 18:33 [ Spectator ]

Mark Carney’s replacement must be a Brexiteer


On another level, however, it is completely crackers. The problem only arises because the Chancellor is looking in the familiar pool of Davos-friendly technocrats. In the FT, the names tipped are drearily familiar. The head of the Financial Conduct Authority. A former chief economist of the IMF. One of the career staffers, or maybe a Professor from somewhere or other. From that perspective, Brexit is a problem to be managed. Sterling will crash, investment will dry up, wages will rise, and exports will collapse. The Bank will be muddling its way through one disaster after another.

But surely the Chancellor could just appoint a Brexiteer?

14.06.2019 - 11:44 [ NDR ]

Wanted for espionage – the hunt for Wikileaks

Panorama decided to take one day in the long and complicated saga of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and to dissect it. It’s April 11, 2019, the day when he was removed from the Ecuadorian embassy and arrested by the UK police. What happened that day? How did the UK government respond? Why don’t we know there were other people connected to Wikileaks who found themselves in trouble with the law that day? And what does April 11, 2019 tell us about the Assange saga?

14.06.2019 - 11:39 [ NDR ]

Wikileaks: Rachefeldzug der US-Regierung?

„Es ist an der Zeit, Wikileaks als das zu benennen, was es wirklich ist: Ein nicht-staatlicher, feindlicher Geheimdienst“, sagte der heutige US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo über die Enthüllungs-Plattform bei einer Rede als CIA-Direktor 2017. Entsprechend behandeln die USA Assange nun nach seiner Festnahme in London. Sie werfen ihm vor, geheime Informationen erhalten und verbreitet zu haben. Und sie klagen ihn deshalb nach dem Spionage-Gesetz („Espionage Act“) an, das Strafen bis hin zur Todesstrafe vorsieht.

13.06.2019 - 14:32 [ ]

Entscheidung in Großbritannien: Regierung für Auslieferung Assanges

Er wolle „stets Gerechtigkeit“, und es liege ein „legitimes Auslieferungsgesuch“ vor, sagte der zuständige Innenminister Sajid Javid im BBC-Radio. Die Entscheidung liege jetzt bei Gericht, das sich am Freitag wieder mit dem Fall beschäftigen werde.

Grundsätzlich gilt in solchen Fällen, dass der Innenminister ein gültiges Auslieferungsgesuch unterzeichnen muss, wenn die entsprechenden Kriterien erfüllt sind.

12.06.2019 - 09:13 [ ]

USA beantragen Assanges Auslieferung

Die USA haben in Großbritannien ein formelles Auslieferungsgesuch für Julian Assange beantragt. Dem Gründer der Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks würden von Washington unter anderem Verstöße gegen Spionagegesetze vorgeworfen, teilte das Londoner Innenministerium am Dienstag mit. Noch diese Woche wollen die USA Beweise gegen ihn vorlegen.

12.06.2019 - 08:15 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States / Twitter ]

“Someone should call Obama up. The Obama Administration spied on a rival presidential campaign using Federal Agencies. I mean, that seems like a headline to me?” @TuckerCarlson It will all start coming out, and the Witch Hunt will end. Presidential Harassment!

12.06.2019 - 08:13 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Phil Mudd: „Clock Ticking“ For Democrats Before Barr Finds Out How Trump Probe Started


Retired CIA operative and CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd talks about British national Christopher Steele, author of the infamous Steele dossier, deciding to talk with U.S. officials about his part in the Trump-Russia investigation.

Mudd predicts things are going to get „ugly“ when Attorney General Bill Barr concludes how the probe was initiated which will give the Trump White House „ammo.“

08.06.2019 - 05:47 [ ]

Theresa May formally resigns as Conservative leader, triggering race for Number 10

The Prime Minister handed her resignation letter to Charles Walker and Dame Cheryl Gillan, the acting chairs of the powerful 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers, this afternoon.

It means Mrs May is now the acting leader of the Conservative party, under Electoral Commission rules, and remains as Prime Minister until a replacement is found.