Archiv: veterans / Veteranen

08.02.2025 - 15:42 [ ]

Drohnenprogramm-Whistleblowerin: „Wie ein Internet der höllischen Dinge“

Die Entscheidung wurde wahrscheinlich mit Hilfe von Daten getroffen, von denen einige aus sozialen Netzwerken und dem Internet stammen oder die von Datenmaklern verkauft wurden. Offensichtlich spiegeln viele der gesammelten Daten Vorurteile wieder.

Max Freitag: OpenAI, das Unternehmen hinter ChatGPT, arbeitet jetzt mit dem Militärdienstleister Anduril zusammen, um „defensive“ Drohnentechnologie zu entwickeln. Könnte es sein, dass ich eines Tages einen Chat-Bot nutze und meine Daten dazu verwendet werden, Algorithmen zu trainieren, die dann zum Töten von Menschen eingesetzt werden?

Lisa Ling: Sicherlich ist es möglich, sogar wahrscheinlich, dass alles, was von einem vernetzten Gerät an die Cloud gesendet wird, sei es eine Kredittransaktion oder eine Uber-Fahrt, letztendlich als Waffe eingesetzt werden könnte.

20.11.2024 - 16:26 [ Consortium News ]

RAY McGOVERN: Will Gabbard Be Able to Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’?

On July 22, 2004, immediately after the 9/11 Commission report was released, I found myself with 9/11 commissioner (and former senator from Washington) Slade Gorton in the BBC blue room in Washington. I had the temerity to remind him that it was far from the case that “no one was in charge” of the intelligence community; that Tenet had all the authority he needed.

Gorton turned to me, smiled and said: “Of course we know all that; but we in the Commission and in Congress just had to do something so the American people would see that we were doing something.”


The national intelligence director, and the newly created bureaucracy, is what it is. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard can take the reins and make the community work. It will take a miracle; let’s hope for one.

13.11.2024 - 13:35 [ New York Times ]

Trump Picks Pete Hegseth, a Veteran and Fox News Host, for Defense Secretary

The choice of Mr. Hegseth was outside the norm of the traditional defense secretary. But he was a dedicated supporter of Mr. Trump during his first term, defending his interactions with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, embracing his “America First” agenda of trying to withdraw U.S. troops from abroad and energetically taking up the cause of combat veterans accused of war crimes.
He served in the Army in Afghanistan and Iraq and at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

A Minnesota native, Mr. Hegseth graduated from Princeton University, where he was the publisher of The Princeton Tory, a conservative magazine, for which he wrote about seeing the statue of Saddam Hussein toppled in Baghdad in 2003.

28.02.2024 - 23:50 [ Middle East Eye ]

US military veteran calls for end to Gaza killings

I know war. What‘s going on in Palestine right now is not a war,“ Shebaro said.

A number of serving and former members of the US military have publicly expressed their opposition to US support for Israel in recent weeks.

The full clip featuring Shebaro can be viewed here.

30.01.2024 - 06:45 [ Ray McGovern, Former Intelligence Analyst/Activist/Justice person / Twitter ]

Do we now have ISRAELI FALSE FLAG ATTACK killing US troops? It’s “Iran-backed” MSM says. Biden: we already “know” that; “while we are still gathering the facts.” Neocons/Israel lust to get US atk on Iran. CENTCOM lied threw its teeth under then Gen. Austin


09.12.2023 - 21:03 [ Breaking the Silence, Israeli veterans' organization / Twitter ]

Those saying “there are no innocents in Gaza” are enabling, consciously or not, criminal plans of ethnic cleansing by way of forcible-transfer, as well as extensive killing of innocent civilians. Words that policy makers speak become policy. As Israelis, we must not stay silent.

17.10.2023 - 18:35 [ Breaking The Silence ]

Breaking the Silence: Text testimonies

“We want to make a big boom before the ceasefire”
Rank: First Sergeant
Unit: Engineering Corps
Area: Northern Gaza strip
period: 2014


“Anything that could shatter had been shattered”
Rank: First Sergeant
Unit: Engineering Corps
Area: Northern Gaza strip
period: 2014


“It was obvious that if it wasn’t our forces there, we needed to shoot”
Rank: Captain
Area: Gaza strip
period: 2014

17.10.2023 - 15:00 [ Combatants for Peace ]

Combatants for Peace: About Us

We are a group of Palestinians and Israelis who have taken an active part in the cycle of violence in our region: Israeli soldiers serving in the IDF and Palestinians as combatants fighting to free their country, Palestine, from the Israeli occupation. We – serving our peoples, raised weapons which we aimed at each other and saw each other only through gun sights – have established Combatants for Peace on the basis of non-violence principles.

CFP’s mission is to build the social infrastructure necessary for ending the conflict and the occupation: communities of Palestinians and Israelis working together through non-violent means to promote peace.

15.03.2023 - 17:30 [ @BenCaspit / Nitter ]

פורצי אנטבה (המקוריים), במחאת נתב“ג היום.

15.03.2023 - 17:25 [ Haaretz ]

Entebbe Veterans With ‘Idi Amin Car’ Join Airport Protest as Netanyahu Flies to Berlin

A convoy of Israeli army veterans and former hostages who were involved in the 1976 Entebbe Operation in Uganda arrived on Wednesday to protest at Ben-Gurion Airport ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s departure to Germany for a state visit.

The convoy is part of the protest movement aimed at disrupting Netanyahu’s departure over his constitutional coup.

28.02.2023 - 11:38 [ Barbara Lee / LA Times ]

Op-Ed: Three days after 9/11, I was the lone vote in Congress against war

(Sept. 13, 2021)

My vote against the 2001 military force authorization remains the most difficult vote I’ve cast in my career in Congress. But I knew the last thing the country needed was to rush into war after 9/11, or ever, without proper deliberation by the people — represented by Congress — as the Constitution intended.

My father was a retired Army lieutenant colonel who fought in World War II and Korea. He was the first person who called me after that lonely vote. He reminded me that we should never send our troops into harm’s way without a clear plan, objective and exit strategy. Instead, we were asked to approve an authorization that gave the executive branch a blank check to carry out global war in perpetuity.

16.01.2023 - 11:12 [ ]

Landesweite Proteste als „letzte Rettung“ gegen ultrarechte Regierung in Israel


Dutzende Bürgerrechtsplattformen, sämtliche Oppositionsparteien und zahlreiche frühere hohe Offiziere der Armee und des Geheimdienstes haben aufgerufen, sich der Demonstration anzuschließen. Eine der Plattformen, die „Schwarzen Flaggen“, warnen in ihrem Aufruf vor nichts weniger als einem „Putschversuch“ der neuen Regierung.

28.11.2022 - 04:33 [ ABC News ]

Hero who helped thwart Colorado Springs gunman: ‚I would shield everyone I could‘

James continued, saying that he and his community have come „a long way from Stonewall,“ the New York City bar that was the site of the 1969 riots that launched the Gay Rights Movement.

„Bullies aren’t invincible,“ James said.

29.10.2022 - 03:00 [ ]

Israel: Former army chief says Ben Gvir could spark ‘civil war’

Ben Gvir – leader of the Religious Zionism party and who the Israeli army refused to draft due to his extremist activities and views – is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Polls have credited his bloc with up to 14 seats in Israel’s parliament, which would make it the third-largest faction.

Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu recently said that if he were to regain his position as the Israeli premier, Ben Gvir would be a minister in his government.

15.07.2022 - 18:31 [ Matthew Hoh for Senate, US Senate candidate to represent the people of North Carolina. Green Party. Disabled Marine combat veteran ]

We‘re fighting back against the corrupt Democratic Party establishment‘s coordinated campaign to deny our rightfully earned place on the ballot. If you want to stand with us and fight for real democracy, here‘s how you can help!

15.07.2022 - 18:25 [ Matthew Hoh for Senate ]

We’re under attack – help us fight back!

The Matthew Hoh for Senate campaign and the North Carolina Green Party are facing a massive coordinated attack from the Democratic Party establishment, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Elias Law Group to the Democratic Party supermajority controlling the NC State Board of Elections.

After the DSCC launched a massive, deceptive, and well-funded voter intimidation campaign attempting to harass petition signers into requesting their names be removed, the State Board of Elections voted to deny certification of our petitions despite the fact that we had over 2,000 verified signatures more than needed – and all 3 Democrats on the board voted to deny us our rightfully-earned ballot line.

This is an outrageous attack on democracy, and we need your help to stand up and fight back.

Here’s how to help:

20.11.2021 - 18:56 [ Murph / Twitter ]

Veteran speaks in front of 450,000 Melbourne protestors

17.08.2021 - 10:04 [ Radio Utopie ]

Afghanistan: Kriegstagebuch eines Bundeswehr-Offiziers

(4.August 2012)

Vorbemerkung der Redaktion: Dieser Artikel wurde bereits am 28. Februar 2007 von Radio Utopie veröffentlicht. Leider verschwand dieser irgendwann aus unserer Datenbank. Wir veröffentlichen diesen somit erneut im Original, mit dem damaligen Vorwort.


„Es scheint mir ohnehin eine ganz wesentliche Frage zu sein wie man sich am besten, ohne Gesichtsverlust, aus dem Land verabschieden kann. Natürlich werden wir weiterhin die ANA, also die neue Afghanische Armee und die Afghanische Polizei aufbauen, bis dann am Ende insgesamt über hunderttausend ausgebildete Uniformierte dastehen. Übrigens unter Federführung der Amerikaner.

Aber wer glaube daran, dass diese Kräfte sich so verhalten werden wie wir uns das wünschen? Schon heute ist allerorten zu sehen wie die Straßenpolizeikräfte willkürlich abkassieren und die haben eine westliche Ausbildung genossen.“

16.08.2021 - 16:34 [ Michael Landon, Veteran, 12 tours Afghanistan / Twitter ]

Twitter Afghans friends. Many of you have been afraid to follow us for fear of retribution by @ashrafghani & his gang of thieves. He‘s fled so fear no more. We‘ll be working w/ Dept. of Treasury to freeze assets of all his aides & hold them accountable.Please send us your input.

23.05.2021 - 07:42 [ ]

The Gatekeepers

The Gatekeeps is a 2012 documentary film by Israeli director Dror Moreh about the Israel Security Agency Shin Bet (שירות הביטחון הכללי).

23.05.2021 - 07:19 [ Vimeo ]

Töte zuerst – Der israelische Geheimdienst Schin Bet


23.05.2021 - 07:07 [ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ]

Keine linken pazifistischen Spinner


Sie haben gesagt, zu Ihrem Film habe Sie „The Fog of War“ (2004) inspiriert, die Oscar-prämierte Dokumentation über den ehemaligen amerikanischen Verteidigungsminister Robert McNamara, im Grunde ein langes Interview. Warum haben Sie sich dafür entschieden, mit Leuten vom Geheimdienst zu sprechen und nicht mit Politikern?

Weil niemand Politikern traut. Politiker würden ihre Mutter verkaufen, um eine Stimme zu bekommen. Bei Politikern muss man immer hinterfragen, warum sie etwas sagen, welche Motive dahinter stecken. Sechs Chefs des Geheimdiensts dagegen . . . Wenn jemand den israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt versteht, dann sie.

14.04.2021 - 14:06 [ Haaretz ]

On Memorial Day, Dozens Protest in Solidarity With Israeli Army Vet Who Set Himself on Fire

Dozens of people, including disabled Israeli military veterans and those with post-traumatic stress disorder, demonstrated on Wednesday in front of Defense Ministry‘s rehabilitation clinic in central Israel, where a disabled veteran set himself on fire on Monday, protesting a lack of support from the ministry in vets‘ rehabilitation.

27.03.2021 - 16:41 [ WIkipedia ]

Skid Row, Los Angeles

Skid Row was established by city officials in 1976 as an unofficial „containment zone“, where shelters and services for homeless people would be tolerated.[19]

During the 1970s, two Catholic Workers — Catherine Morris, a former nun, and her husband, Jeff Dietrich — founded the „Hippie Kitchen“ in the back of a van. Over forty years later, in March 2019, aged 84 and 72, they remained active in their work feeding Skid Row residents.[20]

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, many veterans of the Vietnam War found themselves drawn to Skid Row, due to the services and missions already in place there, and feeling outcast from other areas. Like those after World War II, many of them ended up on the streets. It was around this time that the demographics of Skid Row shifted from predominantly white and elderly to those here today [see Demographics].

06.02.2021 - 19:27 [ Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg / Twitter ]

.@BtSIsrael is the org of IDF veterans telling the horrific truth abt what really happens under Occupation. Their work is critical. They are under attack by an extreme right-wing group now & need support.


30.09.2020 - 04:42 [ USA TODAY / Twitter ]

Biden: „My son was in Iraq. He spent a year there… He was not a loser. He was a patriot. And the people left behind there were heroes.“ Trump: „Oh, really? Are you talking about Hunter?“ Biden: „I‘m talking about my son Beau Biden.“ Trump: „I don‘t know Beau, I know Hunter.“

30.09.2020 - 04:38 [ NBC News ]

Trump attacks Biden’s family — again

Biden referenced a recent Atlantic story that reported that Trump disparaged American troops, touching on his own son’s service.

“He was not a loser, he was a patriot and the people left behind there are heroes,” Biden said of service members including Beau Biden, his son who died in 2015 from cancer and served in Iraq.

“I don‘t know Beau, I know Hunter,” Trump said, returning to a familiar line of attack. “Hunter got thrown out of the military.”

21.07.2020 - 20:35 [ ]

Tammy Duckworth‘s Stock Rises As A Possible VP Choice After High-Profile Weeks

In combat and in Congress, Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth has seen a lot of firsts.

She was the first female soldier to lose both her legs in the Iraq War. She was the first Thai American woman elected to Congress. And she was the first U.S. senator to give birth while in office.

Now she may become the first Asian American woman nominated to be vice president for a major party in the United States.

20.07.2020 - 11:21 [ CNN ]

A Navy veteran says he was beaten and pepper sprayed by authorities while attending his first protest in Portland

When contacted by CNN, a spokesperson for the Portland Police Bureau said that their officers were not involved in the incident.

Customs and Border Protection also told CNN that their officers were not involved.

CNN has reached out to the Department of Homeland Security and US Marshals for a comment but has not yet heard back.

11.07.2020 - 16:28 [ Fox News ]

Army‘s ‚Captain America‘ dies by suicide after nearly a dozen combat tours

Marckesano’s suicide was the 30th from this battalion. He is one of the 20 combat veterans taking their lives each day —

28.06.2020 - 15:40 [ i24NEWS English / Twitter ]

A #Jerusalem court has released former Air Force general and leading activist opposed to #Netanyahu whose arrest prompted hundreds to protest outside the prime minister‘s residence.

28.06.2020 - 09:31 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Court Orders Leader of Protest Against Netanyahu Released From Police Custody

The organizers said that over the course of the week, they will establish a protest tent on Tel Aviv‘s Rothschild Boulevard – recalling the tent city that had been erected there during the social protests of 2012.

Additional protests are taking place at some 70 intersections throughout the country. Dozens of protesters are present at each junction, holding signs reading „Netanyahu is corrupt and corrupts,“ „Investigation now“ (referring to the so-called submarine affair), „The defendent needs to go home,“ and other slogans.

28.06.2020 - 09:15 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Thousands demonstrate against arrests, Netanyahu


Protests organized by the Black Flags movement against corruption broke out across Israel late Saturday, with demonstrators blocking more than 70 intersections nationwide following the arrest of retired Brig.-Gen. Amir Haskel on Friday afternoon.

28.06.2020 - 09:05 [ Times of Israel ]

7 arrested, including ex-general, as hundreds protest outside Netanyahu’s home


Demonstration part of ongoing ‘black flag’ anti-corruption protests against the prime minister, who is standing trial in a series of graft cases

15.06.2020 - 10:21 [ ]

Nurse documents chilling experiences at NY Hospital

Olzewski also noted:

„Ventilators are likely to be the leading cause of death in the pandemic. Sedatives and paralytics combined with barro-trauma from pressurized air kill 90 percent of those vented at Elmhurst (and by extension, much of the world).
Nosocomial (in-hospital) infection is the main vector of transmission. At Elmhurst, “Covid Rule-Out” and “Covid Confirmed” are housed in the same rooms. PPE is not changed between patients. Rooms are not properly or even marginally cleaned after Covid deaths.

Isolated from family, patients at Elmhurst who do not have “Do Not Resuscitate” orders are being treated as though they did. Nurses were told not to perform CPR on at least one “full code” patient, in violation of their oaths and licenses.
Delayed treatment due to the government mandate to stay inside, and the government recommendation to not seek early outpatient help, combined with the restriction in New York and elsewhere on promising, even proven therapies during the early stages of illness, massively compounds the death rate.

Much of which points to what may be the real reason black and brown Americans seem to be disproportionately affected by COVID-19. They are likely not dying because of some alleged genetic predisposition or a peculiar array of Covi-combustible comorbidities. But they are certainly dying from an underlying condition: a defunded, criminally negligent, and corrupt hospital system, which during this crisis seems to take extra pains to do them in, and which may be financially incentivized to do so.“

15.06.2020 - 10:01 [ Uniting Healthcare Professionals Against Mandatory Vaccination / Facebook ]

„It‘s all sedation and paralytics.“ Patients negative for covid were placed in the same room with positive patients.

„HIgher ups“ were overriding a patient‘s full code status! Erin Marie RN exposes the malfeasance and callous disregard for human life in this fiasco.

Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings.

15.06.2020 - 09:29 [ Journeyman Pictures / Youtube ]

Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine


Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.

And not just any New York public hospital, but the „epicenter of the epicenter“ itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Donald Trump‘s Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate „perspective on the pandemic“. She has been where there have been the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the least.

15.06.2020 - 09:03 [ ]

What Happened at Elmhurst Hospital? Nurse/Journalist Tells all In Shocking Interview


Erin enlisted in the Army when she was 17. She deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Part of her duties involved overseeing aid disbursement and improvements to hospital facilities. While in country she received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service, and was wounded in combat. Erin eventually retired as a sergeant, and became a civilian nurse in 2012.

07.06.2020 - 11:20 [ ]

Police: Fall River Man Assaulted Elderly Trump Supporter


The victim was transported to Charlton Memorial Hospital for evaluation. Police say the victim had visible bruising on his lower back. Two independent witnesses say they observed the attack and corroborated the victim’s version of events.

The victim stated that he believed that he was targeted and attacked because of his political beliefs and the Trump hat that he was wearing. Courtright was contacted by police and later turned himself in to authorities at the Fall River Police Station.

05.06.2020 - 04:13 [ @LowkeySinistra / Twitter ]

They were. They aimed low and gradually got higher every time I stood up after being shot. The police intentionally tried to kill me.


05.06.2020 - 04:09 [ @LowkeySinistra / Twitter ]

Cops shot me in the head at the #LosAngelesProtest with rubber bullets while I had my hands up in the air. My brain is now bleeding and getting worse. Keep fighting.


05.06.2020 - 04:06 [ Newsweek ]

Marine Veteran Says He Was Seriously Injured After LAPD Fire Rubber Bullets at Him During George Floyd Protest


„I am clearly documented ON A KNEE, filming the police. Police are trying to MURDER innocent peaceful protesters the same way they MURDER innocent black people.“

Montano told the local news station that because he‘s on blood thinners, he started „leaking blood pretty bad“ but a man he didn‘t know carried him to safety a block away after he was injured.

02.03.2020 - 04:41 [ ]

Veteranengruppe lobt Trumps Friedensabkommen, tadelt ‚Armstuhlkriegerin Cheney‘

„Nach fast zwei Jahrzehnten sind wir dankbar, dass unser Oberbefehlshaber dem amerikanischen Volk und den kämpfenden Männern und Frauen Amerikas und ihren Familien zur Seite stand“, sagte McKnight, „und die wölfischen Forderungen von Armstuhlkriegern wie Liz Cheney ignorierte, deren Familie von Hunderten von Millionen Dollar an Militärverträgen profitierte und buchstäblich Geld mit Kriegen verdiente, in die sie andere Menschen schickte.“

02.03.2020 - 04:36 [ ]

Veterans Group Praises Trump Peace Agreement, Chides ‘Chicken Hawk Cheney’

Sgt. Dan McKnight, Afghanistan war veteran and founder of BringOurTroopsHome.US, Saturday praised President Donald Trump’s announcement of a peace agreement with Taliban forces that could lead to total withdrawal of U.S. forces in Afghanistan some time next year. The announcement came a day after McKnight blasted Congresswoman Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., for attempting to publicly undercut Trump’s efforts.

01.03.2020 - 14:33 [ ABC News ]

„Let‘s go home“: Afghan war vets torn on US-Taliban deal

The peace plan calls for the Trump administration to initially draw down U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan from 13,000 to 8,600, with the remaining American forces withdrawing in 14 months.

In return, the Taliban promise not to let extremists use the country to stage attacks on the U.S. or its allies. The Taliban and representatives from Kabul must negotiate a framework for a postwar Afghanistan.

13.01.2020 - 20:48 [ Consortium News ]

Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, Who Went Through Kafkaesque Trial, Wins 2020 Sam Adams Award

Ray McGovern reviews the case of CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, who spent more than two years in jail, and the decision to award him the 2020 Sam Adams award.

08.01.2020 - 06:20 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

Politicians & pundits talk tough on TV pushing for Iran War. But most have no idea what it means to serve in harm‘s way, nor do they understand what military moms, dads, husbands, wives, & children go thru as their loved one is sent overseas #NoWarWithIran #IranAttacks #IranvsUSA

07.01.2020 - 22:38 [ Mike Prysner, Iraq vet turned anti-imperialist. Filmmaker / Twitter ]

A coalition of anti-war groups around the world has just issued a call for a Global Day of Protest for #NoWarOnIran. The Feb. 15 2003 Global Protest against war on Iraq was the biggest day of protest in history. Let’s build. Get involved:

07.01.2020 - 22:32 [ Empire Files / Youtube ]

Mike Prysner Speech: No War on Iran! Troops Out of Iraq!


Mike Prysner gives a powerful anti-war speech at the demonstration against Trump’s bombing of Iraq and potential war against Iran on January 4 in downtown Los Angeles at Answer Coalition’s National Day of Action.

07.01.2020 - 22:31 [ Youtube ]

Mike Prysner Protests Obama‘s Wars

Iraq War Vet Mike Prysner
Protests Obama‘s Wars
Veterans for Peace
White House
December 16, 2010, 10 am

31.12.2019 - 20:24 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Col. Macgregor: US airstrikes look like an attempt to drag us into a war

Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor reacts to U.S. airstrikes on Iran-backed militia.

19.12.2019 - 15:59 [ ]

„Der Schlüssel liegt darin, als erster zu lügen“: Interview mit dem vormaligen CIA-Analysten und Friedensaktivisten Ray McGovern

Raymond McGovern, Jahrgang 1939, verbrachte 27 Jahre in der CIA. Er war für die Beobachtung der Sowjetunion zuständig und berichtete in den 1980er Jahren persönlich dem Präsidenten im Weißen Haus. Heute ist der Ex-Geheimdienstler ein erbitterter Gegner verlogener Kriegstreiberei und legte sich mit Bush junior, Donald Rumsfeld und Hillary Clinton an.

10.12.2019 - 21:04 [ ]

‚Thank You For Rescuing Me‘: Watch Once-Suicidal Veteran Offer Sanders His Flight Jacket During Heartfelt Exchange

Naval Air Force veteran John Weigel, who considered suicide because of $139,000 in medical debt, offered Sen. Bernie Sanders his brown leather flight jacket on Monday to thank the Democratic presidential candidate for his help regaining health insurance and raising funds to cover medical bills.

„Thank you for rescuing me,“ Weigel, a 58-year-old who lives with Huntington‘s disease, told Sanders (I-Vt.) at a campaign rally in Carson City, Nevada.

10.12.2019 - 21:00 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

When I met John, a veteran, a few months ago, he had $139,000 in medical debt. Thankfully today he is doing much better. We must eliminate all medical debt—and when our veterans come home, they must receive the best quality health care this country can provide them.

11.11.2019 - 21:20 [ ]

The Armistice We Need: Time for Vets To Reclaim Veterans’ Day

These are not normal times: perpetual war has gathered an inertia all its own whilst the three pillars off the US government – Congress, Courts, Executive – have failed the people; have either enabled or turned a blind eye to perpetual war. So, my last plea is to the powerful veterans of America: help lead the citizenry to end these toxic wars. It might just be the last, and best, service you lend your country.

03.11.2019 - 12:12 [ mediagrrl9 / Youtube ]

Peace Activist and Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech

(18. Februar 2011) –
This week, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a major address calling for Internet freedom around the world. As Clinton condemned the Egyptian and Iranian governments for arresting and beating protesters, former U.S. Army and CIA officer Ray McGovern was violently ejected from the audience and arrested after he stood up and turned his back in a silent protest of America‘s foreign policy. Ray McGovern joins us from Washington, D.C.

03.11.2019 - 12:09 [ Consortium News ]

More Holes in Russia-gate Narrative


How can we be so confident? Because NSA alumni now active in Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) are intimately familiar with NSA’s capabilities and practice with respect to bulk capture and storage of fiber-optic communications. Two of us actually devised the systems still in use, and Edward Snowden’s revelations filled in remaining gaps. Today’s NSA is in position to clear up any and all questions about intrusions into the DNC.


The FBI could still redeem itself by doing what it should have done as soon as the DNC claimed to have been “hacked.” For reasons best known to former FBI Director James Comey, the Bureau failed to get whatever warrant was needed to confiscate the DNC servers and computers to properly examine them.

03.11.2019 - 11:25 [ Ray McGovern / Consortium News ]

RAY McGOVERN: A Non-Hack That Raised Hillary’s Hackles


Independent forensic investigations demonstrated two years ago that the DNC emails were not hacked over the Internet, but had been copied onto an external storage device — probably a thumb drive. Additional work over recent months has yielded more evidence that the intrusion into the DNC computers was a copy, not a hack, and that it took place on May 23 and 25, 2016.

The DNC almost certainly knew what had happened — not only that someone with physical access to DNC computers had copied thousands of emails, but also which ones they had copied, and thus how prejudicial to the Clinton campaign they would be when they saw the light of day.

And so, candidate Clinton, the DNC, and the mainstream media (forever quoting anonymous “current and former intelligence officials”) appear to have colluded, deciding the best defense would be a good offense.

02.11.2019 - 13:30 [ Maj. Danny Sjursen / ]

In Defense of Tulsi Gabbard

Gabbard is the only Democratic hopeful to place foreign policy—specifically ending the absurd wars she was a part of herself—at the top of her campaign agenda. Love her or hate her, that is profound in post-9/11 America. She’s been an outspoken opponent of the U.S.-backed Saudi genocide in Yemen, repeatedly calls out the lie of an Iraq War that shattered the Middle East, and is almost alone in criticizing Obama’s repeatedly counterproductive actions that armed and fueled anti-American Islamists in Syria. These are vital truths in an age of obfuscation and foreign policy apathy.

02.11.2019 - 13:15 [ New York Times ]

Trump’s Opposition to ‘Endless Wars’ Appeals to Those Who Fought Them

Nearly two decades after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, polls show that a majority of all veterans have grown disenchanted with the continuing wars, even if the national security elite in both parties continue to press for an American military presence in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The view is in stark contrast to widespread support for the wars across the military and veterans community — and the general population — when President George W. Bush first sent American troops to Afghanistan and then Iraq.

20.10.2019 - 15:32 [ CNN ]

‚I am not a Russian spy‘: Jill Stein slams Clinton‘s accusations

„I am not a Russian spy,“ Stein said Saturday on CNN‘s „Smerconish.“ „I think this is a completely unhinged conspiracy theory for which there is absolutely no basis in fact. Not for myself and not for Tulsi Gabbard. I think it‘s really outrageous that Hillary Clinton is trying to promote this crazy idea.“
She added, „You know, you can‘t just slander people. You have to present some basis and fact.“

19.10.2019 - 14:04 [ The Coy Contrarian / Twitter ]

I am a veteran of the US Army and the MN ANG. I served 10 years. I am a medically retired, disabled vet. I want my brothers and sisters to come home and leave the ME once and for all. #IamTulsi