Archiv: validations / auditing / oversight / probes / investigations / inquiries / and criminal investigations by state authorities

07.09.2024 - 16:26 [ U.S. Senator Patty Murray ]

Senator Murray Statement on the Death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

“I am heartbroken and angry about the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American citizen, in the West Bank today, who was reportedly peacefully protesting against illegal settlement activity. The government of Israel must deliver answers immediately and hold the perpetrators of this killing accountable. I will be in close touch with the Biden administration to press the Israeli government for full transparency and accountability. My heart is with Aysenur’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.

“Moreover, Israel must take swift action to put an end to the illegal settler-driven violence that has escalated to a dangerous level in the West Bank. Extremist settler violence in the West Bank, and the associated, ongoing expansion of illegal settlements and outposts, must come to an end—it is important for Israel’s own security and the stability of the entire region.”

31.08.2024 - 15:25 [ Reporters Without Borders ]

Ismail al-Ghoul‘s killing: targeted and discredited, Palestinian journalists suffer double punishment in Gaza

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for an independent investigation of these killings and for Israel to stop targeting journalists. More than 130 media professionals have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli army since 7 October, including at least 31 while doing their job.

When questioned about targeting journalists, the Israeli army usually replies that these accusations “are false,” despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Yet the day after their attack on Ismail al-Ghoul’s car, the army took responsibility for killing the 27-year-old, stating on X (formerly Twitter) that it had eliminated a “terrorist” and “journalist.” Since then, the IDF’s official position has consisted of accusations discrediting al-Ghoul – without mentioning his cameraman Rami al-Rifi, who was also killed in the attack – based on insufficient, questionable evidence, according to RSF’s analysis.

30.08.2024 - 14:50 [ ]

Shin Bet chief warns prime minister in July 2023 that war is incoming

The Prime Minister‘s Office denied these allegations, saying: „Prime Minister Netanyahu did not receive a warning about the war in Gaza not on the date in question not before October 7. On the contrary, all security officials made it clear that Hamas is deterred and strives to reach an agreement. Also, a few days before October 7, the Shin Bet assessed that Gaza‘s stability is expected to be maintained for a long time.“
The Shin Bet did not comment on the Prime Minister Office‘s response.

30.08.2024 - 08:38 [ Agenzia Nova ]

Israel, opposition leader accuses Netanyahu: He knew about the threat of October 7 and did nothing

In the weeks that followed, Lapid continued, he viewed classified intelligence provided to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that indicated that deterrence had indeed eroded. He also viewed highly classified material made available to him as a former prime minister. On September 18, 2023, there was “a further warning. For me, what was written there was unmistakable: Israel’s deterrence has eroded dramatically; our enemies think they have a rare opportunity to harm us,” Lapid said.

29.08.2024 - 19:07 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu was warned a year before Oct. 7 that Hamas saw its ‘moment had arrived,’ Lapid tells civilian inquiry

“During the months leading up to the disaster, the prime minister and cabinet ministers received a series of serious, unprecedented warnings. From the middle of 2023 there were more and more voices within the terrorist organizations that said that the moment they had been waiting for had arrived,” he says.

Lapid recalls asking Bar “if these warnings were also brought before the prime minister and cabinet ministers, and the answer was: ‘Of course they were.‘”

29.08.2024 - 18:53 [ ]

Israeli opposition leader Lapid says Netanyahu was warned about Hamas

„I want to refute the statement that is made time and time again by the current government that, somehow, the political echelon was not aware that Hamas was not deterred,“ Lapid told the paper.

„It was indeed informed. I was informed,“ he said, adding that the intelligence material he saw „was of course, also seen by the prime minister and ministers of the Cabinet.“

„It was clear what they [Hamas] wanted,“ he said.

29.08.2024 - 18:49 [ Hindustan Times ]

Netanyahu Let Hamas’ Oct 7 Attack Happen? Bombshell Claim By Arch Rival Amid 10 Months Of Gaza War

In a heated exchange, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Yair Lapid clashed over the handling of Hamas’ October 7 attack. Lapid accused Netanyahu of ignoring critical warnings that eroded national security, claiming the PM failed to act despite knowing a violent eruption was looming. In response, Netanyahu fired back, accusing Lapid of ‚spreading lies.‘ Watch for more.

27.08.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Post ]

Trump rally counter-sniper backs bombshell ‘evidence tampering’ claims by House GOPers

Washington Regional SWAT counter-sniper Ben Shaffer said it was “absolutely” concerning that the roof of the AGR International building had been quickly scrubbed and gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body disposed of before an official autopsy report could be released.

Five House Republicans — Reps. Andy Biggs and Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz and Cory Mills of Florida, and Chip Roy of Texas — hosted the panel discussion with Shaffer and other witnesses at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

24.04.2024 - 03:08 [ Bloomberg ]

Blinken Denies US Human Rights ‘Double Standard’ for Israel

“Do we have a double standard? The answer is no,” Blinken said in response to questions about the Biden administration’s handling of allegations of abuses by Israeli forces in Gaza, compared with those attributed to Hamas.
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24.04.2024 - 03:00 [ Newsweek ]

US Speaks Out About ‚Mass Grave‘ Found in Gaza

„I‘ve seen those reports and we are inquiring about it with the government of Israel,“ Miller said.

When asked in a follow-up question if the U.S. will „press the Israelis to find out more about this issue,“ Miller replied: „that‘s exactly what we are doing.“

Newsweek has also contacted the State Department for further comment.

24.04.2024 - 02:43 [ New York Times ]

U.N. Calls for Inquiry Into Mass Graves at 2 Gaza Hospitals

Mahmoud Basal, a spokesman for Palestinian Civil Defense, an emergency services organization, said some of the bodies found in Khan Younis were handcuffed, shot in the head or wearing detainee uniforms. He accused Israeli forces of killing and burying them. Israel’s military declined to address those claims on Tuesday, and they could not be independently verified.

On Tuesday, hours after the top U.N. human rights official called for an inquiry into the mass graves, the Israeli military said that its forces had exhumed bodies that were buried by Palestinians “in the area” of Nasser Hospital and examined them as part of an effort to locate hostages. It did not comment on the report of the mass grave at Al-Shifa.

24.04.2024 - 02:24 [ United Nations ]

Mass graves in Gaza show victims’ hands were tied, says UN rights office

The development follows the recovery of hundreds of bodies “buried deep in the ground and covered with waste” over the weekend at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, central Gaza, and at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in the north. A total of 283 bodies were recovered at Nasser Hospital, of which 42 were identified.

“Among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and wounded, while others were found tied with their hands…tied and stripped of their clothes,” said Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Citing the local health authorities in Gaza, Ms. Shamdasani added that more bodies had been found at Al-Shifa Hospital.

24.04.2024 - 02:14 [ ]

UN ‚horrified‘ after more than 300 bodies found in mass grave at Nasser Hospital in Gaza

The UN voiced its alarm at the reports, with the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, saying he was „horrified“.

He called for an independent investigation into the killing of civilians at Nasser Hospital and what was Gaza‘s largest medical complex, Al Shifa Hospital.

“The intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are ‚hors de combat‘ is a war crime,” Mr Turk said.

“We feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly there have been multiple bodies discovered,” Mr Turk‘s representative Ravina Shamdasani said.

06.04.2024 - 19:10 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Gaza: Israeli Strike Killing 106 Civilians an Apparent War Crime

– Israeli forces unlawfully attacked a residential building in Gaza on October 31, 2023, absent any apparent military target, killing at least 106 civilians, including 54 children.
– Scores of Israeli airstrikes in Gaza since October 7 have caused thousands of civilian casualties, underscoring the greater risk of unlawful attacks from explosive weapons in populated areas.
Governments should suspend arms transfers to Israel, support the International Criminal Court investigation in Palestine, and impose targeted sanctions on officials responsible for laws-of-war violations.

06.04.2024 - 18:55 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israel strike that killed 106 people in Gaza ‘apparent war crime’: Probe


The inquiry was based on testimonies from 16 people the group spoke to between January and March, satellite images, dozens of photographs and videos from the site, as well as those shared on social media, the international rights group said on Thursday as it released the findings of its investigation.

It called on governments to suspend weapons transfers to Israel and support the International Criminal Court’s (ICC’s) investigation in Palestine, saying the attack was among the “deadliest single incidents for civilians” since Israel’s war on Gaza started in October.

28.03.2024 - 21:29 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. raises treatment of imprisoned Palestinian leader Barghouti with Israel

The State Department has not named Barghouti in public statements, but U.S. officials said they are aware of allegations of abuse. The department said in a statement to The Post that it has informed Israel that it must “thoroughly and transparently investigate credible allegations of and ensure accountability for any abuses or violations.”

23.03.2024 - 16:03 [ ]

Crocus attackers armed with Kalashnikov rifles — Investigative Committee’s video

Unidentified people who conducted a terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in the Moscow Region were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles and had plenty of munitions, according to a video by Russia’s Investigative Committee released by the press service.

The shots show that security forces have collected a customized Kalashnikov assault rifle, a lot of rounds and munitions to automatic weapons and a belt kit with a filled charger used by the terrorists.

14.03.2024 - 16:25 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli bombing of British doctors in Gaza may have used UK and US arms, investigators find

A UN investigation found that US and UK-manufactured weapons or parts may have been used to bomb British doctors working for British and American organisations in Gaza in January, the organisations involved have highlighted.

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) also said this week that Israeli officials have offered six different explanations about why the residential compound housing their staff was hit.

The compound, which was not close to any other buildings, was struck around 6am on 18 January by an F-16 jet which „most likely'“ fired a 1,000-pound „smart bomb“, the UN investigation found.

08.03.2024 - 22:41 [ ]

Canada confirms it will resume funding United Nations relief agency for Palestinians

anada suspended funding to UNRWA in January after Israel alleged 12 employees of the aid agency were involved in some capacity in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

CBC News first reported on Tuesday that the government intended to resume funding after receiving an interim report from the United Nations investigation of Israel‘s allegations.

08.03.2024 - 22:08 [ Reuters ]

Israeli tank in ‚likely scenario‘ fired machine gun at reporters after deadly shelling, report finds

An Israeli tank crew killed a Reuters reporter in Lebanon in October by firing two shells at a clearly identified group of journalists and then „likely“ opened fire on them with a heavy machine gun in an attack that lasted 1 minute and 45 seconds, according to a report into the incident published on Thursday.

02.03.2024 - 20:23 [ Al Jazeera ]

UN sees ‘large number of gunshot wounds’ after Israel’s ‘flour massacre’

At least 117 Palestinians were killed and more than 750 wounded during the “flour massacre” at the Nabulsi Roundabout on the southwestern side of Gaza City, after Israeli troops opened fire on the crowd.

On Friday a UN team visited some of the wounded in Gaza City’s al-Shifa Hospital, and saw a “large number of gunshot wounds”, UN chief Antonio Guterres’ spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.

02.03.2024 - 20:08 [ ]

UN official: victims of disputed Gaza attack had gunshot wounds

An official with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA, reported on social media on Friday that medics at Al-Shifa Hospital are treating more than 200 people injured in the attack, some of whom have gunshot wounds.

02.03.2024 - 19:56 [ Chicago Tribune ]

A Gaza doctor says gunfire accounted for 80% of the wounds at his hospital after aid convoy bloodshed

Dr. Mohammed Salha, the acting director of Al-Awda Hospital, told The Associated Press that of the 176 wounded brought to the facility, 142 had gunshot wounds and the other 34 showed injuries from a stampede.

He couldn’t address the cause of death of those killed, because the bodies were taken to government-run hospitals to be counted.

Dr. Husam Abu Safyia, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, said the majority of the injured taken there had gunshot wounds in the upper part of their bodies, and many of the deaths were from gunshots to the head, neck or chest.

02.03.2024 - 19:54 [ European Union External Action ]

Gaza/Israel: Statement by the High Representative on Palestinians citizens killed during a transfer of aid supplies

Last Thursday, over a hundred civilians were killed and many other wounded when desperately trying to get food from a convoy, many of them victims of the Israeli army fire during the ensuing stampede. The firing by Israeli soldiers against civilians trying to access foodstuff is unjustifiable.

We request an impartial international investigation on this tragic event allowing for a clear picture of the events and responsibilities. In any case, it is Israel‘s responsibility to comply with the rules of international law and to protect the distribution of humanitarian aid to civilian populations.

02.03.2024 - 19:46 [ El Pais ]

Many of those killed or wounded in Gaza stampede for aid were shot by Israeli army, EU arm says

Many of the Palestinians killed or wounded in the chaos as they tried to get bags of flour from an aid convoy were hit by Israeli army fire, the European Union’s diplomatic service said Saturday, urging an international investigation.

18.02.2024 - 10:32 [ The New Arab ]

Pro-Kremlin propaganda targets TNA sister publication Misbar, other MENA fact-checkers

The Matryoshka campaign takes a different approach.

Instead of sharing the fake news pieces themselves, accounts re-share posts from other accounts in the same network, and post them directly on the feeds of known fact-checking outlets. These “reshares” are formulated as a fact-checking request.

The accounts simulate the behaviour of a typical social media user, who might be sceptical of a piece of news, and would like the opinion of a trusted fact-checking source.

However, this process of resharing is repeated by other accounts in the network, ad nauseam. The “stacking” of posts containing false news reports is akin to how Matryoshka dolls operate, which is where the campaign gets its name from.

10.02.2024 - 10:24 [ New York Post ]

Ex-Clinton adviser jokes he ‘wet the bed’ over special counsel report on Biden classified docs: ‘Terrible for Democrats’


Hur’s bombshell report asserts that Biden, 81, “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” but should not face criminal charges, in part because a jury may view the president as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

10.02.2024 - 10:21 [ ]

‚Diminished faculties,‘ ‚faulty memory,‘ ‚significant limitations‘: A damning report on Biden‘s mental state


The special counsel report released Thursday paints the 81-year-old president as suffering from mental decline. And it points to several examples from Biden‘s hours-long interviews with investigators.

They include Biden struggling to remember what years he was vice-president and being way off when discussing the year of his son‘s death.

06.02.2024 - 11:29 [ Tory Fibs / Twitter ]

Breaking .. Channel 4 have finally been shown the dossier for Israel’s claims that UNRWA staff were behind Oct. 7th. Channel 4 concludes that “Israel provides NO evidence to support this claim”.

29.01.2024 - 07:12 [ Regierung von Norwegen / Government of Norway ]

Statement on UNRWA

Norway is a major donor to UNRWA. Currently, some countries have paused their aid to the Palestinian people through UNRWA in this situation. Norway has decided to continue its funding. While I share the concern over the very serious allegations against some UNRWA staff, I urge other donors to reflect on the wider consequences of cutting funding to UNRWA in this time of extreme humanitarian distress. We should not collectively punish millions of people.

We must distinguish between what individuals may have done and what UNRWA stands for. UNRWA has 30,000 staff across Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and Gaza. 13,000 of these work in Gaza to distribute aid, save lives and ensure the population’s essential needs and rights. The people of Gaza urgently need humanitarian assistance and must not pay the price for the actions of others.

28.01.2024 - 18:34 [ United Nations ]

Lifesaving programmes in peril, UNRWA chief urges countries to reconsider funding suspension

Nine countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, have suspended funding to UNRWA following allegations that several Agency staff were involved in the 7 October terror attacks in southern Israel

Mr. Lazzarini said that the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), the highest investigative body in the UN system, has already been seized of the matter.

“An investigation by OIOS into the heinous allegations will establish the facts,” he said.

27.01.2024 - 22:41 [ Craig Murray / Twitter ]

UNRWA employs 30,000 people. Israeli intelligence claims 12 were involved in the 7 October attack. That‘s 0.04% Biden, Trudeau, Albanese and Meloni immediately move to accelerate genocide by collective punishment, cutting desperately needed relief aid. It is beyond belief.

Replying to @CraigMurrayOrg
Let‘s be honest. We all know how reliable „Israeli intelligence“ is its just another pathetic way of deflecting and giving the UN/UNRWA less credibility due to their witness statements read out yesterday.

Yes. I assume this was planned in advance including with the neoliberal states who leapt in.

Replying to @CraigMurrayOrg
The 12 have also been sacked

Sacked before the investigation. It is disgraceful.

27.01.2024 - 08:05 [ ]

Serious allegations against UNRWA staff in the Gaza Strip


The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

“To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay. Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

18.01.2024 - 00:13 [ ]

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

(November 30, 2023)

Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

According to the investigation, another reason for the large number of targets, and the extensive harm to civilian life in Gaza, is the widespread use of a system called “Habsora” (“The Gospel”), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can “generate” targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a “mass assassination factory.”

12.01.2024 - 13:42 [ Sam Husseini / Twitter ]

In South Africa’s application, the Background section notes that in past bombings of Gaza, UN fact finding missions found no evidence of Israeli allegations that armed groups used hospitals, but they did find evidence that Israel used Palestinian civilians as human shields.

06.01.2024 - 23:53 [ ]

Combative security cabinet meeting on post-war Gaza uncovers coalition‘s crisis

Israel‘s War Cabinet gathered overnight on Friday to discuss the future of the Gaza Strip after the nation‘s war against Hamas ends. The meeting was reportedly cut off after lawmakers clashed with the defense establishment over the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) investigation of the mistakes leading to the October 7 tragedy that had previously been promised to start after the Israel-Hamas war.

Miri Regev, Minister of Transport and Road Safety, pointed out that the decision over the probe had been made without lawmakers‘ knowledge and argued that the army should be fully focused on the combat in the moment.

06.01.2024 - 23:40 [ OSINTwarAlerts / Twitter ]

Breaking: The IDF has begun investigating the 7.10 incident. Investigation teams have been established, including former Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz, former head of Military Intelligence Zeevi Farkash, and former Southern Command chief Sami Turgeman.


04.01.2024 - 22:09 [ Dónal Hassett / Twitter ]

Among South Africa‘s legal team for its case against Israel at the ICJ, Irish lawyer Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh. She has, among many other achievements, successfully represented the Colston Four and served as a legal observer at Bloody Sunday Inquiry.

28.12.2023 - 15:20 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

In Hebrew @naftalibennett acknowledges Israeli General Barak Hiram Hannibal’d 13 hostages, burning to death 12-year-old Liel Hatsroni, but in English he still claims “She was murdered just because she’s Jewish” by “Hamas monsters” so “Nobody should ask us to stop” genociding Gaza

28.12.2023 - 14:58 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

Killed by order of Israeli general Barak Hiram


1) Pessi Cohen
2) Hannah Cohen
3) Yitzhak Siton
4) Tal Siton
5) Zeev Hacker
6) Zehava Hacker
7) Hava Ben Ami
8) Adi Dagan
9) Tal Katz
10) Ayala Hatsroni
11) Liel Hatsroni
12) Yanai Hatsroni
13) Suhayb al-Razim

28.12.2023 - 14:54 [ ]

Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it

Video and witness accounts recently published by Israeli media reveal new details about how Israeli forces killed their own civilians in Kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October.

Last week, Israel’s Channel 12 released previously unseen footage of an Israeli tank firing at a civilian home in the settlement, just a few miles east of Gaza.

The new evidence shows that the Israeli commander on the scene, Brigadier General Barak Hiram, lied to a top Israeli journalist about what happened in the kibbutz that day, after Palestinian resistance fighters launched a large-scale assault on Israeli military bases and settlements across the boundary from Gaza.

28.12.2023 - 14:46 [ ]

Israeli volunteer: Apache helicopter fired into Kibbutz Be’eri


An Israeli Apache helicopter fired into Kibbutz Be’eri, according to testimony from Erez Tidhar, a military veteran who on the scene on October 7 as a rescue and evacuation volunteer for the Eitam unit .

“Every minute a missile comes down on you, every minute,” Tidhar recalled. “And suddenly you see a missile from a helicopter that fires into the kibbutz. You say to yourself, ‘I don’t get it. An IDF helicopter firing into an Israeli kibbutz.’ And then you see a tank driving through the streets of the kibbutz flanking the cannon and it fires a shell into a house. These are things you cannot comprehend.”

24.12.2023 - 12:00 [ Washington Post ]

Israel has waged one of this century’s most destructive wars in Gaza

The Washington Post analyzed satellite imagery, airstrike data and U.N. damage assessments, and interviewed more than 20 aid workers, health-care providers, and experts in munitions and aerial warfare. The evidence shows that Israel has carried out its war in Gaza at a pace and level of devastation that likely exceeds any recent conflict, destroying more buildings, in far less time, than were destroyed during the Syrian regime’s battle for Aleppo from 2013 to 2016 and the U.S.-led campaign to defeat the Islamic State in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria, in 2017.

24.12.2023 - 11:34 [ Reuters ]

Yemen‘s warring parties commit to ceasefire steps, U.N. special envoy says

(December 23, 2023 7:03 PM)

Houthi officials in September visited Riyadh for the first time since the war broke out. That followed a first round of Omani-mediated consultations between Riyadh and Sanaa, running in parallel to U.N. peace efforts, when Saudi envoys visited Sanaa in April.

The peace initiatives gained momentum after arch-rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to re-establish ties in a deal brokered by China. A permanent ceasefire in Yemen would mark a milestone in stabilising the Middle East.

22.12.2023 - 22:12 [ jeremy scahill / Twitter ]

This was a pernicious lie that was promoted by Biden and his administration to justify Israel’s attacking of hospitals. Those of us who warned that this was a lie at the time were accused of being Hamas propagandists.

22.12.2023 - 21:58 [ Washington Post ]

The case of al-Shifa: Investigating the assault on Gaza’s largest hospital

The Post’s analysis shows:

– The rooms connected to the tunnel network discovered by IDF troops showed no immediate evidence of military use by Hamas.
– None of the five hospital buildings identified by Hagari appeared to be connected to the tunnel network.
– There is no evidence that the tunnels could be accessed from inside hospital wards.

Hours before IDF troops entered the complex, the Biden administration declassified U.S. intelligence assessments that it said bolstered Israel’s claims. In the aftermath of the raid, Israeli and U.S. officials have stood firm behind their initial statements.

22.12.2023 - 21:52 [ Rolling Stone / Twitter ]

A Washington Post investigation has found no proof of a Hamas command center under al-Shifa Hospital following Israel’s attack on the medical complex

22.12.2023 - 21:44 [ Huffington Post ]

Evidence Doesn‘t Support Israeli Claims That Hospital Was Hamas Command Center: Report

The Israeli raid on al-Shifa Hospital last month, which was preceded by an evacuation order aimed at thousands of people sheltering at the hospital and hundreds of sick patients, produced one of the grisliest scenes in the country’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip: a “death zone” that included a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and dozens of desperate patients inside, according to the World Health Organization, whose aid workers arrived at the facility on Nov. 18 as part of a humanitarian mission.

Forty patients, including four premature babies, died in the hospital due to a lack of electricity in the days surrounding the raid, hospital administrators told the United Nations.