Archiv: Libanon / Lebanon

31.08.2024 - 17:24 [ +972 Magazine ]

‘Israelis are frustrated, but do they want to stop the war? Not exactly’

But now Netanyahu’s support is starting to bounce back, right?

Yes, we’re seeing trust in the government recover pretty consistently across all surveys — starting in April [when Israel assassinated an Iranian Quds Force commander in Damascus, and Iran responded with a missile attack]. A series of polls in recent weeks have shown that Likud would win the most votes if elections were held today, and Netanyahu himself is once again coming out on top in head-to-head surveys against opposition leader Benny Gantz. He’s not in a stellar position, but he is more or less where he was before the war.

This recovery is linked to the new threats from Iran and Hezbollah following Israel’s assassinations in Beirut and Tehran.

30.08.2024 - 10:17 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Hat Libanon das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung gegen israelische Luftangriffe?

Frage Warweg

Sie haben jetzt noch einmal mit dem Selbstverteidigungsrecht Israels argumentiert. Israel bricht eigentlich tagtäglich in das Hoheitsgebiet des Libanons ein, gerade mit seinen Luftstreitkräften. Das wissen Sie sicherlich auch durch Ihre Vertretung in Beirut. Wäre aus Sicht der Bundesregierung ein Abschuss israelischer Flieger durch die reguläre libanesische Armee vom Völkerrecht gedeckt?

Wagner (AA)

Herr Warweg, es steht, denke ich, außer Frage, dass Hisbollah seit dem 8. Oktober zahllose Angriffe auf den Norden Israels fährt und dass es dort fast täglich zu Beschuss kommt. Hisbollah hat in den letzten Wochen auch immer wieder öffentlich angekündigt, dass sie weitere Angriffe vornehmen werde. Ich kann hier nicht über die konkrete militärische Situation und Ihre Bewertung spekulieren. Aber weil Sie es in Ihrer Frage noch einmal aufgeworfen haben: Es ist es vollkommen anerkannt, dass es ein völkerrechtliches Selbstverteidigungsrecht gibt. Dieses gilt auch für einen unmittelbar bevorstehenden Angriff, wenn er nicht anders als durch sofortige Verteidigungsmaßnahmen abgewendet werden kann.

26.08.2024 - 21:15 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel strikes Hezbollah sites throughout southern Lebanon

Israeli fighter jets struck buildings and other sites belonging to Hezbollah in Mays al-Jabal, Khiam, Bint Jbeil, and other areas in southern Lebanon this evening, the IDF says.

17.04.2024 - 20:32 [ ]

After meeting Herzog, UK’s Cameron says it’s clear Israel will respond to Iran attack

British Foreign Minister David Cameron said Wednesday that it was clear Israel had made a decision to respond to Iran’s unprecedented weekend drone and missile attack and he hoped the retaliation would be carried out in a way that minimized escalation.

16.04.2024 - 20:01 [ Counterpunch ]

Germany, Gaza and the World Court: Broadening the Scope of Genocide

Germany has been most prominent in this regard. In 2023 30% of Israel’s military equipment purchases totalling US$326 million came from Berlin. The Scholz government has also been a firm public supporter of Israel’s offensive. “There is only one place for Germany at this time, and that is by Israel’s side,” proclaimed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to German lawmakers on October 12 last year. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock curtly stated that “It was not the job of politicians to tell the guns to shut up.

Baerbock’s remarks were all the more jarring given the 2006 views of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was then serving as Germany’s foreign minister. With puffed up confidence, he claimed then that Europeans and Germans had played a seminal role in ending the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon in “silencing of the guns.”

16.04.2024 - 17:03 [ Government of Lebanon - ]

Security Update: One martyr, two injured in enemy air raid on Ain Baal town

NNA – National News Agency correspondent reported that one was martyred and two were injured in the enemy air raid on the southern town of Ain Baal.

16.04.2024 - 16:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Hezbollah source says Israeli strike in Lebanon killed local commander

(Today, 5:32 pm)

“The field commander in charge of the Naqura region has been martyred in an Israeli strike,” the source tells AFP, with the official National News Agency reporting one dead in an Israeli strike on a car in Ain Baal, about 15 kilometers (nine miles) from the border.

16.04.2024 - 16:49 [ Times of Israel ]

US said to believe Israel won’t strike Iran directly, will focus on proxies instead

(Today, 1:03 pm)

Noting that the US’s assessment is based on conversations with Israeli officials prior to the attack and that Israel’s approach may since have shifted, four US officials told NBC that the lack of serious damage caused by Tehran may lead Jerusalem to seek a less aggressive response.

Instead of directly striking Iran in response — which Israel’s allies have warned runs the risk of sending the region spiraling into an all-out war — the officials told NBC that Israel may strike Iran’s proxies, such as its militias in Syria or the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon.

10.04.2024 - 16:30 [ New York Times ]

Netanyahu Must Go


Israel must destroy Hamas as a military and political force in the territory while minimizing harm to civilians. It must do what it can to rescue its hostages without jeopardizing the overriding goal of destroying Hamas. It must, by diplomacy or force, push Hezbollah back from Lebanon’s southern border, so that 60,000 Israelis can return safely to their homes in the north. It must take the battle directly, as it did last week in Damascus, to Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s patrons, whether in Syria, Qatar or Iran.

And for all of that to happen effectively, Benjamin Netanyahu must go.

08.04.2024 - 20:35 [ Reuters ]

Israeli military says it has increased its readiness for war in north

(April 7, 2024)

In a statement titled „Readiness for the Transition from Defense to Offense,“ the military said the phase completed centred on logistics „for a broad mobilization of IDF (Israel Defence Forces) troops“.

„The commanders of the regular and reserve units are prepared to summon and equip all the required soldiers in just a few hours and transport them to the front line for defensive and offensive missions,“ the military said.

08.04.2024 - 20:30 [ Hindustan Times ]

Readiness advances for ‚war‘ on Lebanon border: Israel

(April 7, 2024)

The Israeli army on Sunday said it had reached „another phase“ of preparation for war on its northern border with Lebanon, where it has spent months exchanging fire with Iran-backed Hezbollah.

08.04.2024 - 20:20 [ CNN ]

Inside President Biden’s pointed phone call with Benjamin Netanyahu

(April 7, 2024)

The prime minister’s office declined to comment on the exchange. The White House declined to comment for this story.

08.04.2024 - 20:17 [ New York Times ]

Biden Administration Presses Congress on $18 Billion Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel


While Israel has used the F-15s it already owns to strike Gaza, its request for the planes appears to reflect longer-term concern about regional threats, including from Lebanon-based Hezbollah, Iran-backed militias in Syria, and Iran itself. The Israel Defense Forces would probably employ F-15s in any potential attack on Iran’s nuclear program.

08.03.2024 - 22:08 [ Reuters ]

Israeli tank in ‚likely scenario‘ fired machine gun at reporters after deadly shelling, report finds

An Israeli tank crew killed a Reuters reporter in Lebanon in October by firing two shells at a clearly identified group of journalists and then „likely“ opened fire on them with a heavy machine gun in an attack that lasted 1 minute and 45 seconds, according to a report into the incident published on Thursday.

01.02.2024 - 18:12 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Israels Regierungs-Gang will den Angriffskrieg gegen Iran, nicht dessen Abzug aus Syrien


Ein Abzug der iranischen und libanesischen Einheiten aus dem Syrien-Krieg wäre für Netanjahu, der dringend einen Krieg und eine fiktive oder tatsächliche äußere Bedrohung Israels braucht um dort an der Macht zu bleiben, ein echtes Problem.

Nach der von den Staatsführungen Russland und Syriens orchestrierten Einladung an Israels Regierungs-Gang Syrien zu bombardieren, was unmittelbar dem Besuch von Benjamin Netanjahu in Moskau folgte, gab die syrische Armee schließlich zu, selbst den Golan angegriffen zu haben und nicht iranische Einheiten. Radio Utopie empfahl diesbezüglich gestern:

“Die Hisbollah und die Staatsführung des Iran sollten ihre Truppen aus Syrien zurückziehen und Assad zum Teufel und / oder Putin gehen lassen.”

22.01.2024 - 11:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza war: Why did Arab states not join South Africa‘s case against Israel in the ICJ?

All Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have issued many statements condemning Israel‘s assault on Gaza, but they did not take any further action. Saudi Arabia and the Arab League waited for more than a month of onslaught in Gaza to hold a summit in Riyadh to discuss the issue.

The summit decided to break the siege and blockade, but Arab countries never turned this resolution into action. Instead, Egypt obeyed Israeli commands and refused to give access to move injured civilians for treatment outside of Gaza unless Israel approved their names.

21.01.2024 - 08:28 [ ]

US deploys more troops to Syria despite Turkish outcry for PKK support

Troops will be part of Operation Inherent Resolve, a U.S. military campaign against Daesh from Iraq and Libya to Syria. Last year alone, the U.S. sent more than 3,000 soldiers to Syria and Iraq for the campaign. The website Axios reported that U.S. military presence in the region reached about 45,400 as of October 2023 and most are stationed in Kuwait.

21.01.2024 - 08:22 [ CBS News ]

New Jersey soldiers prepare for deployment to Syria and Iraq


Soldiers from New Jersey are joining the fight against an Islamic militant group in the Middle East. This will be the largest deployment of New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers since 2008.

Lt. Col. Omar Minott is among 1,500 New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers deploying to Iraq and Syria. This is his fifth deployment to the Middle East, he said.

His deployment is part of Operation Inherent Resolve, a military campaign to defeat ISIS.

19.01.2024 - 09:36 [ ]

Israeli Military Chief Says Lebanon War Likely in Coming Months

Lt. Gen Halevi said he believes Israel will be starting the war with more advantages than in the past, and that lessons learned in Gaza will be applied to the situation in Lebanon. Tens of thousands of troops are reportedly being readied for the new offensive.

The comments echo those of Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin, the head of northern forces, who said earlier this week that he believes the troops are “ready” for the war in Lebanon, and could start “tonight, if necessary.”

14.01.2024 - 00:15 [ Democratic Socialists of America ]

DSA Condemns U.S. and Israeli hostilities in Palestine and West Asia

The Democratic Socialists of America demand an immediate and permanent cessation of hostilities by the United States against Yemen and an end to diplomatic and military support of Israel. President Biden widened the existing regional war even further by ordering airstrikes against civilian infrastructure in Yemen in an effort to stop that country’s humanitarian blockade of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Since October 7th, Israel has continuously engaged in provocative military aggression, aimed at expanding its brutal war into Lebanon. Israeli spokespeople continue their propaganda efforts to tie Iran to the events of October 7th and have issued calls for retaliation. A cyberattack believed to be the work of Israeli military intelligence has struck Iranian civilian infrastructure and extrajudicial assassinations have targeted senior leaders of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hamas in Syria and Lebanon. The U.S.’s attack on Yemen comes in the context of Yemeni forces having blocked container ships owned by Israelis or headed towards Israeli ports. U.S. airstrikes are taking place while South Africa presents its arguments to the International Court of Justice for provisional measures against Israel for the crime of genocide.

06.01.2024 - 19:44 [ US Außenministerium / US State Department ]

Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Türkiye, Greece, Jordan, Qatar, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Israel, the West Bank, and Egypt

Secretary Antony J. Blinken will travel to Istanbul, Türkiye; Crete, Greece; Amman, Jordan; Doha, Qatar; Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates; Al ‘Ula, Saudi Arabia; Tel Aviv, Israel; the West Bank; and Cairo, Egypt from January 4-11, 2024.

05.01.2024 - 19:54 [ Rami Ayari / Twitter ]

In Letter to #UNSC, @LebanonUN calls on the #UN to condemn #Israel‘s Jan 2 strike on #Beirut which killed #Hamas Deputy Chief Saleh al-Arouri.

#Lebanon calls it the most dangerous chapter of Israeli attacks on its sovereignty as it hit a crowded residential area of its capital and says pressure must be put on Israel „in order to prevent the conflict from escalating and plunging the entire region into a comprehensive and destructive war that will be difficult to contain.“ The letter adds that „this is a matter of concern because it may lead to an expansion of the conflict and destabilize regional peace and security. Once again, Israel provides clear evidence of its commitment to pursuing a policy of aggression and violence in resolving conflicts“ which is contrary with the principles of the UN Charter. The letter also notes continuing threats by Israeli officials that they could destroy Lebanon.

04.01.2024 - 12:10 [ Regierung des Libanon / Government of Lebanon - ]

Nasrallah warns Israel against escalation, vows Islamic Resistance would engage without any constraints

Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Wednesday issued a stern warning to Israel against the prospects of initiating an extensive conflict with Lebanon. Nasrallah underscored that in such a scenario, the Islamic Resistance would engage without any constraints.

During his statement, Nasrallah highlighted Hezbollah‘s decision to enter the conflict on October 8 in solidarity with Palestinians and to counter the Israeli offensive in Gaza. He emphasized that while Hezbollah‘s actions currently align with the interests of Lebanon, these boundaries would dissolve should Israel provoke a comprehensive war.

02.01.2024 - 19:15 [ ]

Mikati condemns southern suburb explosion: Israeli attempt to drag Lebanon into new phase of confrontation

He then emphasized, „Lebanon remains committed, as always, to relevant international legitimacy, especially Resolution 1701. However, it is Israel that has breached and surpassed it, as it remains unsatisfied with the level of death and destruction. It is evident to all that the decision of war rests in Israel‘s hands, and it is imperative to restrain and halt its aggression.“

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister held discussions with the army leadership and concerned security agencies to ascertain the details and circumstances surrounding the explosion.

02.01.2024 - 19:04 [ ]

Senior Hamas official reportedly killed in targeted Israeli strike in Beirut

Al-Manar also said an explosion was heard near the Hadi Nasrallah highway close to a road junction.
It gave no details of the explosion, which comes a day before a speech by Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

02.01.2024 - 18:59 [ WorldNewsRC / Twitter ]

At least 6 Individuals are now Confirmed to have been Killed by the Israeli Airstrike on Beirut.

02.01.2024 - 18:48 [ ]

Lebanese PM urges UK for ‘maximum pressure’ on Israel


Lebanon’s Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati has urged the UK to place “maximum pressure” on Israel to end its campaign on Gaza and the Lebanese border.

In a meeting with UK Foreign Minister David Cameron on Thursday, Mikati warned that the “Israeli provocations in southern Lebanon could lead to deteriorating conditions and a full-scale war in the region as a whole.”

31.12.2023 - 18:29 [ UNIFIL, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon / Twitter ]

Last night, a peacekeeper was hurt after a patrol was attacked by a group of young men in Taybeh, south Lebanon. A vehicle was also damaged. Attacks on men & women serving the cause of peace are not only condemnable, but they are violations of Resolution 1701 and Lebanese law.


31.12.2023 - 17:58 [ El Pais ]

Iran, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, West Bank… Israel says the Gaza war is now being fought on seven fronts

On Tuesday, Israel’s Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant told the Israeli Parliament’s Defense Committee that the country is fighting on seven fronts and has responded to attacks in six of them thus far. In addition to the Gaza Strip, where nearly 21,000 people have already died, and the West Bank — which Gallant referred to as “Judea and Samaria” and where incursions occur almost daily — the minister said that hostilities have spread to Iran, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. “I’m saying it here explicitly,” Gallant warned during his speech. “Anyone who acts against us as a potential target will not be immune.”

14.12.2023 - 16:56 [ Times of Israel ]

War against Hamas to take ‘more than several months,’ Gallant tells Sullivan

Gallant and Sullivan discuss operational developments in Gaza, as well as tensions in the north with Hezbollah and regional threats posed by Iran’s actions and its backing of proxies in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria.

Gallant further expresses his gratitude for US support for Israel in the war and efforts by the Biden administration to secure the release of hostages taken by terrorists on October 7.

06.11.2023 - 20:46 [ Times of Israel ]

Hamas official in Lebanon vows terror group will continue to rule Gaza

“To those who think that Hamas will disappear, Hamas will remain entrenched in the conscience of our people, and no force on Earth can annihilate or marginalize it,” Osama Hamdan tells a news conference.

24.10.2023 - 04:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Visiting US senators: Hamas must be destroyed, war was opened to prevent Saudi peace

Delaware Democrat Chris Coons also said that the Abraham Accords and progress toward normalization were among Hamas’s reasons to attack now.

Graham added that 10 percent of the US Senate is currently in Israel “because we care… I come here because I love Israel. I do not hate Palestinians. I hate Hamas.”

Graham also had stark words of warning for Tehran: “We’re here today to tell Iran, we’re watching you. If this war grows, it’s coming to your backyard. There won’t be two fronts, there will be three.”

22.10.2023 - 09:32 [ ]

Israel-Palestine live: Israel bombs Gaza, Jenin, Lebanon and Syria

Here‘s some update you might‘ve missed:

– Overnight shelling in Gaza has killed at least 50 Palestinians. Israel has been killing an average of 300 people a day in Gaza since 7 October, 70 percent of whom are children, women and elderly people.

– Israel bombed a mosque in the Jenin refugee camp at around 3 am local time, killing at least two with another three killed elsewhere in the West Bank.

– An Israeli missile attack targeted Damascus and Aleppo international airports in Syria, killing at least one and putting the airports out of service

22.10.2023 - 09:22 [ Reuters ]

Friends, relatives hold vigil for fallen Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah

Lebanon‘s army and government blamed Israel for Abdallah‘s death. Israel‘s military says it is reviewing the case. Reuters has called on Israel to conduct a „thorough, swift and transparent investigation“.

22.10.2023 - 09:11 [ The Cradle / Twitter ]

Israel intensifies its bombardment in southern Lebanon as tensions with Hezbollah escalate.

22.10.2023 - 08:50 [ Israel Radar / Twitter ]

US-Israel war coordination: Defense Minister Gallant speaks with Sec. of Defense Austin; Pentagon orders reinforcement of US deployment in region with more missile defense systems

(via @gilicohen10 & @kann_news)

22.10.2023 - 08:34 [ Times of Israel ]

US activates air defense systems across Mideast, citing ‘escalations’ by Iran and its proxies


The Pentagon moves to step up its military readiness in the Middle East, ordering the activation of air defense systems “throughout” the region and alerting additional US forces that they may be deployed soon.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says in a statement that the moves are in response to “recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East.”

17.10.2023 - 14:56 [ ]

About Yesh-Gvul

Yesh Gvul was founded in 1982 with the outbreak of the First Lebanon War, as a refusal movement of soldiers in the reserves force.
Its first petition, which would define the movement’s trajectory, reads:
„[…] you are trying to solve the Palestinian problem by warfare … to impose a ‘new order’ on the ruins of Lebanon, to spill our blood and the blood of others for the sake of the Phalange. That is not why we enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces.”
Close to 3,000 reservists signed the petition, 160 of whom were jailed for refusing to serve on Lebanese territory. Yesh Gvul supported the first Lebanon War refuseniks, most of whom were selective objectors, and worked to influence public opinion against waging wars in Lebanon. Ever since, the movement has helped soldiers who refuse to serve or are considering refusal, as well as their families.

16.10.2023 - 22:41 [ Upendrra Rai / Twitter ]

Israel has implemented an evacuation plan for the residents of 28 villages within 2 kilometres of the Lebanon border.

Joint Ministry of Defense and IDF announcement:

The National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) of the Ministry of Defense and the IDF are announcing the implementation of a plan to evacuate residents of northern Israel who live in the area up to 2 kilometers from the Lebanese border to state-funded guesthouses.

The implementation of the plan was approved by Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant. A short while ago, the Northern Command updated the heads of the local authorities on to the decision.

12.10.2023 - 14:21 [ Times of Israel ]

„Be careful“: Biden says he warned Iran regarding Gaza war, as Blinken heads to Israel

“We haven’t seen anything that tells they have specifically cut checks to support this set of attacks, or that they were involved in the training. And obviously, this required quite a bit of training by these terrorists,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters earlier Wednesday, though he added that the US will continue to look at the intelligence “and see if that leads us to a different conclusion.”

11.10.2023 - 15:53 [ Euro-Med Monitor / Twitter ]

We are documenting Israel‘s use of what is believed to be phosphorus munitions in Sahl al-Mari & Shebaa Farms in Lebanon. The use of such munition is internationally prohibited under the Geneva Conventions against civilian targets or even military targets in civilian areas (1/2)

08.10.2023 - 09:07 [ Times of Israel ]

Hezbollah says rockets and mortars fired at Israel ‘in solidarity’ with Palestinians

Hezbollah says in a statement that the attack using “large numbers of rockets and shells” was in solidarity with the “Palestinian resistance.” It says the Israeli positions were directly hit.

25.08.2023 - 19:50 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Kanzler-Entgleisung: Pazifisten sind „gefallene Engel, die aus der Hölle kommen“


Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz hat bei einer kürzlichen Wahlkampfrede in München anwesende Kritiker des Kurses der Bundesregierung schwer beleidigt, wie Medien berichten. Im Laufe der Rede sagte Scholz an die Bürger gewandt, die für Waffenstillstand und Verhandlungen im Ukrainekrieg eintreten:

„Und die, die hier mit Friedenstauben rumlaufen, sind deshalb vielleicht gefallene Engel, die aus der Hölle kommen, weil sie letztendlich einem Kriegstreiber das Wort reden.“

In diesem Screenshot eines Videos der FAZ sind einige dieser „Höllen-Kreaturen“ zu sehen. Sie fordern etwa „Verhandeln statt Schießen!“ und setzen sich für „Waffenstillstand und Friedensverhandlungen“ ein:

11.07.2023 - 20:42 [ ]

In a warning to nuclear Iran, US and Israel air forces prepare with another joint military drill

(July 11, 2023)

Another significant challenge is the relatively long distance between Israel and Iranian nuclear targets, which is approximately 1,200 miles, beyond the conventional travel distances of Israeli Air Force planes.

For this reason, the IAF is eyeing new American-made Boeing KC-46 refueling planes, which would likely be crucial for a potential strike.

11.07.2023 - 20:05 [ ]

U.S. special envoy in Israel to talk Hezbollah tensions, Saudi Arabia with PM Netanyahu

His visit came days after U.S. President Joe Biden said that U.S. officials have been negotiating with their Saudi counterparts to broker a normalization agreement between Riyadh and Jerusalem. But he noted that Israel and Saudi Arabia were still a „long way“ from a normalization agreement, which would include a defense agreement with Washington and help to set up a civilian nuclear program.

07.04.2023 - 23:42 [ ]

British sisters die in West Bank shooting – as Italian tourist killed in Tel Aviv terror attack

A police officer was at a petrol station when they „heard a noise and noticed a car upside down, and several people lying on the floor“, according to a statement.

Officers approached and „neutralized the driver and killed him“ after seeing he was reaching for a weapon.

07.04.2023 - 23:37 [ Adam Milstein / Nitter ]

CCTV footage captures the moment the terror attack in Tel Aviv took place. A tragic night after a terrorist rammed his car into a group of tourists visiting Israel. 1 was killed, 7 injured.

07.04.2023 - 23:33 [ ]

Six Brit and Italian tourists injured and one killed in Tel Aviv suspected attack

Police said a car rammed into a group of people near a popular seaside park before flipping over.

A 30-year-old man from Italy was killed and four other people, including a 17-year-old, are receiving medical treatment for mild to moderate injuries, the rescue service said.

Police said they shot the driver of the car. The driver‘s condition is unknown at the moment.

07.04.2023 - 23:21 [ BBC ]

Two British-Israeli women killed in West Bank shooting

Israeli media also cited Mr Revivi as saying that the sisters‘ father had been driving ahead of them in another car when theirs was attacked. He reportedly turned around and arrived at the scene to find his wife and daughters being treated by paramedics.

The head of the Israeli military‘s Central Command, which oversees the West Bank, called it an „extremely severe terrorist attack“ and promised that its troops knew how to find those responsible.

07.04.2023 - 09:50 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Wer will deutsche Soldaten im Libanon?

(14.August 2006)

Berlin: Eine gravierende außenpolitische Weichenstellung für Die Republik geht in ihre entscheidene Phase. In dieser Woche entscheidet die Regierung, ob sie deutsche Soldaten in den Libanon und ggf. an die Grenze zu Syrien entsendet.
Hier eine Auflistung der dokumentierten Befürworter und Gegner dieses möglichen Einsatzes einer kämpfenden Truppe im Krisengebiet..