Archiv: Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) / Konzernführer

17.07.2023 - 17:41 [ ]

Twitter didn’t just block unregistered users, it blocked Google Search

(July 3, 2023)

Postscript. A few days later, Twitter implemented some SEO changes that showed the content from tweets to both Google and users, but overlayed a modal asking users to register. This allowed Google to regain access to the content for indexing and search ranking purposes.

17.07.2023 - 17:35 [ CNN ]

Elon Musk says Twitter’s ad revenue is down 50% and cash flow is negative

Just 43% of Twitter’s top 1,000 advertisers as of September, the month before Musk’s takeover, were still advertising on the platform as of April, according to data provided to CNN by market intelligence firm Sensor Tower last month.

02.05.2023 - 15:29 [ ]

Signature execs sold $100 million in stock in three years pre-bailout

(April 4, 2023)

The insider sales went largely unnoticed because Signature Bank, unlike most other S&P 500 companies, filed documents with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation instead of the Securities and Exchange Commission. (…)

The bank collapsed and was taken over by federal regulators last month, in the wake of Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse.

22.04.2023 - 13:09 [ BBC ]

WhatsApp and other messaging apps oppose ‚surveillance‘


Mr Hodgson, of UK company Element, called the proposals a „spectacular violation of privacy… equivalent to putting a CCTV camera in everyone‘s bedroom“.

Mr Cathcart has told BBC News WhatsApp would rather be blocked in the UK than weaken the privacy of encrypted messaging.

Ms Whittaker has said the same – Signal „would absolutely, 100% walk“ should encryption be undermined.

22.04.2023 - 12:44 [ ]

Online Safety Bill: Große Messenger stemmen sich gemeinsam gegen britische Chatkontrolle


Es könne kein „britisches Internet“ oder eine Version der Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung geben, die speziell auf das Vereinigte Königreich zugeschnitten ist. Die britische Regierung müsse das Gesetz deswegen dringend überarbeiten.

Der offene Brief enthält keine Ankündigung, was die Messenger machen würden, sollte die britische Regierung den Forderungen nicht nachkommen. In der Vergangenheit hatten aber einzelne Messenger-Anbieter aufgezeigt, in welche Richtung ihre Reaktion gehen würde. So will Threema es auf einen Rausschmiss ankommen lassen, und WhatsApp hatte einen Rückzug aus Großbritannien ins Spiel gebracht.

22.04.2023 - 12:36 [ ]

Open Letter to the British Government on the Online Safety Bill


Global providers of end-to-end encrypted products and services cannot weaken the security of their products and services to suit individual governments. There cannot be a “British internet,” or a version of end-to-end encryption that is specific to the UK.

The UK Government must urgently rethink the Bill, revising it to encourage companies to offer more privacy and security to its residents, not less. Weakening encryption, undermining privacy, and introducing the mass surveillance of people’s private communications is not the way forward.

Signed by those who care about keeping our conversations secure:

Matthew Hodgson, CEO, Element
Alex Linton, Director, OPTF/Session
Meredith Whittaker, President, Signal
Martin Blatter, CEO, Threema
Ofir Eyal, CEO, Viber
Will Cathcart, Head of WhatsApp at Meta
Alan Duric, CTO, Wire

15.03.2023 - 11:31 [ Haaretz ]

Amid Judicial Coup, Tech Unicorn Pulls $500 Million Out of Israel, Offers Relocation to Lisbon

The CEO of Riskified, an Israeli fraud-prevention company, said in a staff email that the judicial overhaul could lead to an economic downturn and put Israel on the path to authoritarianism.

13.03.2023 - 16:37 [ CNN ]

Biden vows to hold those responsible for Silicon Valley Bank failure ‘fully accountable’

“I am firmly committed to holding those responsible for this mess fully accountable and to continuing our efforts to strengthen oversight and regulation of larger banks so that we are not in this position again,” he added.

28.12.2022 - 07:13 [ ]

Telegram hält sich neuerdings an Gesetze, zumindest ein bisschen


Die Betreiber der Messenger-App Telegram haben – anders als bislang öffentlich dargestellt – in mehreren Fällen Nutzerdaten an das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) herausgegeben. Dabei handelte es sich nach SPIEGEL-Informationen um Daten Verdächtiger aus den Bereichen Kindesmissbrauch und Terrorismus.

28.12.2022 - 06:24 [ Nancy Faese, Bundesministerin des Innern und für Heimat / Twitter ]

Wir haben Kontakt zur Konzernspitze von #Telegram hergestellt. In einem ersten konstruktiven Gespräch zur weiteren Zusammenarbeit haben wir vereinbart, den Austausch fortzusetzen und zu intensivieren. Dieser Schritt ist ein guter Erfolg, auf dem wir aufbauen werden.

(Feb 4, 2022)

28.12.2022 - 06:09 [ Russia Beyond ]

Telegram’s moved to the Middle East ‘out of principle’

(Dec 13 2017)

Pavel Durov, creator of Russian social network VKontakte and the Telegram messenger app, has revealed in an interview to Bloomberg why he’s chosen to rent office space in the United Arab Emirates.

04.12.2022 - 20:05 [ Matt Taibi / Nitter ]



2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.

3. The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.

04.12.2022 - 19:47 [ Matt Taibi / ]

Note to Readers

(Dec 2, 2022)

Those of you who’ve been here for years know how seriously I take my obligation to this site’s subscribers. On this one occasion, I’m going to have to simply ask you to trust me. As it happens, there may be a few more big surprises coming, and those will be here on Substack. And there will be room here to to discuss this, too, in time. In any case, thanks for your support and your patience, and please hold me to a promise to make all this up to you, and then som

01.09.2022 - 14:57 [ ]

Fenstersturz: Mysteriöser Tod von Lukoil-Chef

Daneben sind seit Jahresbeginn mehrere Manager russischer Energiekonzerne tot aufgefunden worden, teils samt ihren Familien. Auch hier soll es sich um Suizid bzw. Mord und Suizid gehandelt haben.

18.05.2022 - 06:48 [ Glenn Greenwald / ]

Ever since Dems became the majority party in DC — controlling the WH, Exec branch agencies and both houses of Congress — they‘re repeatedly abused that power to summon tech CEOs and threaten them with punishment if they don‘t censor more as Dems want:

20.10.2021 - 08:43 [ Financial Times ]

UK supply chain crisis to last until at least 2023, business leaders warn

With materials costs rising 30 to 40 per cent as the global economy struggles to reopen after Covid-19 shutdowns and international freight rates up 10-fold from pre-pandemic levels, manufacturing groups said inflation was now “baked in” to the UK economy.

Wright said inflation in the food and hospitality sector was running at a “terrifying” 14 to 18 per cent.

08.05.2021 - 07:15 [ ]

Wohl dritte Impfung mit BioNTech/Pfizer nötig


„Ein wahrscheinliches Szenario ist, dass es die Notwendigkeit einer dritten Dosis geben wird, irgendwo zwischen sechs und zwölf Monaten, und danach eine jährliche Neu-Impfung, aber all das muss noch bestätigt werden“, sagte der Vorstandsvorsitzende des US-Pharmakonzerns dem US-Sender CNBC in einem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten, aber bereits Anfang April geführten Interview.

02.05.2021 - 10:06 [ ]

BEHIND THE SCENES: What Really Convinced Pfizer To Use Israel As Its “Test Nation?”


As Bourla said in an interview with Channel 12 News last month, Bourla was impressed with Netanyahu’s “obsessiveness” with purchasing the vaccines. The Yisrael HaYom report added that Bourla was also impressed by Netanyahu’s insistence on having the lawyers from both sides joining in on the conversations in order to prevent any legal deterrents to the deal.

21.03.2021 - 10:43 [ ZDF ]

Biontech-Gründer Sahin – Erwarte Ende der Shutdowns im Herbst

Der Gründer des Mainzer Pharmaunternehmens Biontech, Ugur Sahin, rechnet im Herbst mit einem Ende der Shutdown-Politik.

„In vielen Ländern in Europa und in den USA, werden wir wahrscheinlich Ende des Sommers in der Situation sein, nicht mehr in einen Lockdown zu müssen“, sagte Sahin der „Welt am Sonntag“.

13.03.2021 - 14:27 [ ]

Israels Corona-Strategie: Hoher Einsatz des Impf-Weltmeisters

Ein nahezu perfekter Ort, um die Wirksamkeit eines neuen Impfstoffs unter „Real Life“-Bedingungen weiter zu erforschen. Oder, wie es Bourla im Februar bei NBC News sagte: „Israel wird gerade zum Labor für die Welt. Sie verwenden nur unseren Wirkstoff und haben bereits einen großen Teil ihrer Bevölkerung damit geimpft.“

Bourla und Bibi, so Netanyahus Spitzname, haben einen Datendeal geschmiedet.

11.03.2021 - 19:38 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla calls Israel ‚world‘s lab‘ in interview to NBC

Bourla further noted that studies on the risk of the vaccine are also underway on pregnant women and younger children.

05.03.2021 - 10:06 [ Haaretz ]

After Pressure, Pfizer CEO Postpones Israel Visit Until After Election

The CEO of Pfizer, the manufacturer of the main coronavirus vaccine used in Israel, has delayed his planned visit to Israel following warnings that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may exploit Albert Bourla‘s visit for his campaign ahead of Israel‘s March 23 election.

02.03.2021 - 21:20 [ Haaretz ]

Why Pfizer‘s CEO Would Be Wise to Delay His Visit to Israel Until After the Election

In an interview last week on NBC, Bourla said: “I believe Israel has become the world’s lab right now, because they are using only our vaccine … and they vaccinated a very big part of their population, so we can study both economy and health indices.”

27.01.2021 - 19:00 [ ]

DAVOS 2021: AstraZeneca CEO criticises ‚me first‘ approach to COVID


Pascal Soriot said world leaders “could and should have been better prepared for this pandemic” and criticised what he called the “me first” attitude many have adopted in tackling the crisis.

“Globally, it’s fair to say we could and should have been better prepared for this pandemic,” AstraZeneca boss Soriot said during an appearance on a virtual panel on Monday.

03.01.2021 - 08:21 [ Sky.News ]

COVID-19: Chief medical officer Chris Whitty warns coronavirus vaccine shortages will last months


„At the moment it doesn‘t look good – a hole is appearing because there‘s a lack of other approved vaccines and we have to fill the gap with our own vaccine,“ BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin told news weekly Spiegel.

02.01.2021 - 08:17 [ Sky.News ]

COVID-19: Chief medical officer Chris Whitty warns coronavirus vaccine shortages will last months

„At the moment it doesn‘t look good – a hole is appearing because there‘s a lack of other approved vaccines and we have to fill the gap with our own vaccine,“ BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin told news weekly Spiegel.

23.10.2020 - 14:13 [ ]

I met Joe Biden for an hour to talk about his family business in China and have three phones to prove what he knew claims Hunter‘s former business partner just before presidential debate – as Democrat DENIES foreign dealings

‘I will be providing to the FBI the devices which contain the evidence corroborating what I have said so I will not be taking any questions at this time,’ he told reporters who make up President Donald Trump’s traveling press pool.

‚I have heard Joe Biden say he‘s never discussed the business with hunter – that is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family including Joe Biden, said Bobulinski.

23.10.2020 - 03:09 [ Wall Street Journal ]

The Biden ‘Family Legacy’: What we learned from the text messages of Hunter’s partner Tony Bobulinski.

Tony Bobulinski, a Navy veteran and institutional investor, has provided the Journal emails and text messages associated with his time as CEO of Sinohawk Holdings, a venture between the Bidens and CEFC China Energy, a Shanghai-based conglomerate. That correspondence corroborates and expands on emails recently published by the New York Post, which says they come from a Hunter laptop.

23.10.2020 - 03:02 [ Liberal HeartBreaker / Youtube ]

Tony Bobulinski FULL Press Conference 10/22/20

Hunter Biden’s ex-business associate Tony Bobulinski accused Democratic nominee Joe Biden of lying about his involvement in his family’s overseas dealings in a stunning appearance just 90 minutes before Thursday evening’s presidential debate.

23.10.2020 - 03:00 [ ]

Trump to bring Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski as guest to final presidential debate

President Donald Trump is expected to bring a former associate of Hunter Biden as his guest to the final presidential debate on Thursday, according to FOX News.

Tony Bobulinski has claimed that Joe Biden was involved in his son’s foreign business dealings while serving as vice president, which Biden has repeatedly denied.

24.09.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Putin Investigators Targeting LGBTQs, Navalny, Use Israeli Phone-hacking Tech

Carmil resents a comparison with the NSO Group. “I know the people at NSO and appreciate their know-how, but Cellebrite works in the legitimate world of the police force, whose abilities are closely controlled, unlike the world of NSO customers and others who engage in illegal and concealed activity. Cellebrite is totally on the good side, where court orders are used. We do not make tools for breaking into private entities or espionage organizations.”

15.06.2020 - 08:50 [ ]

Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives after big campaign donations


Less than two years after that flood of cash from the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), Cuomo signed legislation last month quietly shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The provision, inserted into an annual budget bill by Cuomo’s aides, created one of the nation’s most explicit immunity protections for healthcare industry officials, according to legal experts.

Critics say Cuomo removed a key deterrent against nursing home and hospital corporations cutting corners in ways that jeopardize lives.

29.05.2020 - 13:44 [ CNN ]

Minnesota governor apologizes for arrest of CNN team

CNN president Jeff Zucker spoke with the governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz on Friday morning, following the arrest of CNN‘s team in Minneapolis,

Walz said he „deeply apologizes“ for what happened and is working to have the CNN team released immediately.

30.03.2020 - 09:52 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Amazon’s Bezos, Other Corporate Executives Sold Shares Just in Time


Top executives at U.S.-traded companies sold a total of roughly $9.2 billion in shares of their own companies between the start of February and the end of last week, a Wall Street Journal analysis shows.

The selling saved the executives—including many in the financial industry—potential losses totaling $1.9 billion, according to the analysis, as the S&P 500 stock index plunged about 30% from its peak on Feb. 19 through the close of trading March 20.

30.03.2020 - 09:50 [ ]

CEOs Quitting in Record Numbers Could Signal Total Stock Market Collapse


CEOs are departing in droves. Also, America’s corporate insiders dumped company shares at record levels. Bad news for the stock market.

30.03.2020 - 09:28 [ Challenger Gray and Christmas Inc. ]

2019 November CEO Turnover Report: 148 Out in November, Record High Continues


Last month’s total is virtually unchanged from the 147 CEO exits recorded in the same month last year. So far this year, 1,480 CEOs have left their posts, according to Challenger tracking, 12% higher than the 1,323 CEOs who announced their exits through November 2018. It is the highest January-November total since the firm began tracking in 2002, and only four CEOs fewer than the previous full-year high of 1,484 CEO exits tracked in 2008.

30.03.2020 - 09:09 [ NBC News ]

Why have more than 1,300 CEOs left their post in the past year?


Chief executives are leaving in record numbers this year, with more than 1,332 stepping aside in the period from January through the end of October, according to new data released on Wednesday. While it‘s not unusual to see CEOs fleeing in the middle of a recession, it is noteworthy to see such a rash of executive exits amid robust corporate earnings and record stock market highs.

30.03.2020 - 09:05 [ ]

Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?

In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded. In life, timing can be everything, and sometimes people simply get lucky. But it does seem odd that so many among the corporate elite would be so exceedingly “lucky” all at the same time. In this article I am not claiming to know the motivations of any of these individuals, but I am pointing out certain patterns that I believe are worth investigating.

16.03.2020 - 15:10 [ ]

Battle of the Biotech Unicorns: CureVac vs. Moderna


But despite being competitors, the companies’ CEOs seem to have quite a good relationship and consider each other collaborators rather than enemies. Every year, they organize an mRNA conference together that takes turns between Boston and Berlin to bring together all the stakeholders in the field. It was at this year’s edition, in Berlin, that I had the chance to bring them together for an interview regarding the future of mRNA therapies.

15.03.2020 - 22:08 [ ZDF ]

Corona-Medikament – Spahn: Impfstoff wird für ganze Welt entwickelt

„Wir sind in sehr guten Gesprächen übrigens schon seit zwei Wochen mit diesem Unternehmen.“ Die Meldung heute komme insofern „auch ein bischen zeitverzögert“.

15.03.2020 - 21:25 [ ]

Germany and US in tug of war as Donald Trump tries to buy rights to coronavirus vaccine

While more than two dozen pharmaceutical firms are in a race to develop the first effective vaccine against the coronavirus, CureVac may have an edge thanks to an experimental technology that allows it to deliver the prophylactic in extremely small doses.

It appears to have caught Mr Trump’s eye when he met the company’s chief executive during a crisis summit

15.03.2020 - 17:33 [ ]

CureVac CEO replaced in midst of biotech‘s coronavirus push


Last Monday, Menichella was among the top executives of nearly a dozen biotech and pharmaceutical companies briefing President Trump on their respective coronavirus drug development plans. Just over a week later, he was out as CEO, replaced by CureVac founder and former CEO Hoerr.

It‘s a rapid transition in leadership at a time when the company is in the global spotlight for its efforts to quickly advance a coronavirus vaccine into human testing.