Archiv: BBC (media)

06.11.2024 - 13:21 [ BBC / Youtube ]

Hospital remains open in evacuated Lebanese city amid Israeli attacks | BBC News

Lebanon’s Health Ministry says Israel’s attacks on Lebanon have killed more than 3,000 people since October last year.

As Israel continues its intense bombardment, one of Lebanon’s main cities in the south, Nabatieh, is now largely empty.

Israel ordered the entire city to evacuate in early October.

Despite this, the city’s main hospital remains open, and emergency services are still operating for the approximately 200 families who remain there.

23.10.2024 - 07:51 [ BBC ]

What leaked US assessment of Israeli plans to strike Iran shows

The documents also report no sign of any preparations by Israel to activate its nuclear deterrent. (…)

The US has made no secret of its opposition to the targeting of either Iran’s nuclear research facilities or its oil installations.

10.09.2024 - 18:10 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

(September 5, 2024)

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:12 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

ICC prosecutor says world leaders ‚threatened‘ him over Israel arrest warrants

Though several months have passed since Khan‘s application, ICC judges have not issued any arrest warrants.

Speaking to the BBC, Khan said it was important to show the court would hold all nations to the same standard in relation to alleged war crimes. He also welcomed the new UK government‘s recent decision to drop its opposition to the arrest warrants.

05.09.2024 - 21:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

‘We need to apply the law‘: ICC prosecutor defends Netanyahu arrest warrant

Khan pointed out that the same political leaders who had applauded the court’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin had condemned the same being done for the Israeli leadership.

“We need to apply the law in a way that is equal, because if we don’t, and importantly if we’re not seen to, we’re going to lose all the architecture, not just the ICC, that has been built on human suffering since Nuremberg.”

05.09.2024 - 21:41 [ ]

IStGH-Chefankläger verteidigt Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu

Der Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) hat die beantragten Haftbefehle gegen Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu und Verteidigungsminister Joav Galant verteidigt. Ihm sei von mehreren führenden Politikern und anderen von dem Schritt abgeraten worden, sagte Karim Khan in einem BBC-Interview. Es sei aber wichtig zu zeigen, dass für alle Länder die gleichen Maßstäbe gälten, wenn es um mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen gehe.

27.02.2024 - 00:42 [ René Merced / / Mastodon ]

Who will call me Dad?‘ Tears of Gaza father who lost 103 relatives #WorldNews #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #MiddleEast

21.02.2024 - 16:53 [ BBC News / ]

News at 3PM: MPs will vote on a #Gaza ceasefire following a debate. A Trident missile test has failed once more. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is responding to queries at PMQs. MSF reports Israeli shelling of its #Gaza shelter. Syrian outlets report three deaths in Damascus due to Israeli missiles. Julian #Assange contests US extradition. #JulianAssange #BBC #News

09.02.2024 - 17:17 [ Saul Staniforth / Twitter ]

BBC News illustrating how the population of Rafah has grown with over a million displaced Palestinians seeking refuge there. @NRC_Egeland says conditions there are horrific.

13.12.2023 - 15:41 [ Khalissee / Twitter ]

WATCH: ISRAEL DOESNT BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS. Israel has bombed over 10 homes in Jenin and carried out a massive campaign of abductions. At least 10 people have been killed. This is unequivocally one of the biggest and longest raids carried out since October 7, says Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford.

13.12.2023 - 15:35 [ Saul Staniforth / Twitter ]

Israel has been attacking Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank for over 30 hours, destroying infrastructure, demolishing houses & murdering Palestinians.

21.09.2023 - 21:04 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Von wem bekommt Saudi-Arabien wirklich Atomwaffen-Technologie?

(10.November 2013)

Ohne die Integrität von BBC-Reporter Mark Urban in Zweifel ziehen zu wollen: meiner Einschätzung nach handelt es sich bei diesen (auch ihm gegenüber) gezielt gestreuten entsprechenden Informationen über Pakistan als Quelle der saudischen Atombombe um “operative Informationen”, wie man im Apparat zu Deutschland zu sagen pflegt, um solche Begriffe wie “psychologische Kriegführung” oder schlicht “Lüge” zu vermeiden bzw aufzuhübschen.

Meiner Einschätzung nach bieten sich statt Pakistan zwei weitere expansive, kriegführende, imperialistische und skrupellose Atom- und Kolonialmächte für die Proliferation von Atomwaffen bzw der dafür notwendigen Technologie nach Saudi-Arabien an: Israel und Frankreich

21.08.2023 - 17:40 [ BBC ]

Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report

Migrants have told the BBC they had limbs severed by gunfire and saw bodies left on the trails.

Saudi Arabia has previously rejected allegations of systematic killings.

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) report, titled They Fired On Us Like Rain, contains graphic testimony from migrants who say they were shot at and sometimes targeted with explosive weapons by Saudi police and soldiers on Yemen‘s rugged northern border with Saudi Arabia.

16.02.2023 - 14:20 [ ]

Richard Sharp’s position as BBC chairman ‘untenable’, says former TV news boss

Writing for The Independent, Roger Mosey said Mr Sharp’s position appeared to be untenable – warning that there was an “ever-stronger sense that the end credits are about to roll” on his tenure.

Mr Sharp has been under growing pressure since a cross-party group MPs found that he had made “significant errors of judgment” by acting as a go-between for an £800,000 loan guarantee for Boris Johnson.

07.03.2022 - 12:52 [ BBC ]

False flags: What are they and when have they been used?

(18 February 2022)

As the conflict in eastern Ukraine intensifies, Britain and the US suspect Russia of planning „false flag“ attacks to create an excuse for an invasion.

Russian-backed separatists have already accused Ukraine‘s military of a series of highly dubious attacks and are now calling for civilians in the occupied areas to leave.

24.02.2022 - 10:17 [ BBC Breakfast / Twitter ]

„What we‘re seeing is the truth“ Foreign Minister James Cleverly reacts on #BBCBreakfast to images of Russian forces crossing the Crimean border into Ukraine.

22.01.2022 - 14:43 [ ]

New Spycatcher affair at the BBC as Government scrambles for gagging order to stop story the broadcaster insists is ‚overwhelmingly in the public interest‘

The BBC declined to comment on the details of the story, but told the Telegraph that its reporting was in the public interest.

A BBC spokesman said: ‚The Attorney General has issued proceedings against the BBC with a view to obtaining an injunction to prevent publication of a proposed BBC news story.

09.01.2022 - 09:43 [ BBC ]

Covid: Thousands protest in France against proposed new vaccine pass

French authorities say more than 105,000 people have taken part in protests across the country against the introduction of a new coronavirus pass.

11.10.2021 - 04:44 [ BBC ]

The fear of coronavirus is changing our psychology

(2nd April 2020)

For weeks, almost every newspaper has stories about the coronavirus pandemic on its front page; radio and TV programmes have back-to-back coverage on the latest death tolls; and depending on who you follow, social media platforms are filled with frightening statistics, practical advice or gallows humour.

As others have already reported, this constant bombardment can result in heightened anxiety, with immediate effects on our mental health. But the constant feeling of threat may have other, more insidious, effects on our psychology. Due to some deeply evolved responses to disease, fears of contagion lead us to become more conformist and tribalistic, and less accepting of eccentricity.

15.08.2021 - 20:46 [ BBC ]

Afghanistan: Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen calls the BBC – interview in full

Suhail Shaheen called the BBC‘s Yalda Hakim, live on air.

In the wide-ranging interview, she pressed him on the Taliban‘s plans for the country amid concern the militants will impose strict interpretations of Sharia law, including corporal punishments and a ban on girls going to school.

23.06.2021 - 17:17 [ BBC ]

Russian jets and ships target British warship

Our correspondent, who had been invited aboard the ship before the incident happened, describes more than 20 aircraft in the skies above the British ship – and says two Russian coastguard boats shadowed the vessel, at times just 100 yards away.

Russia claims the illegally-annexed peninsula and its waters are its territory, but Britain says its ship was passing through Ukrainian waters.

27.03.2021 - 14:31 [ BBC ]

Kill the Bill: Violent protest ‚disgraceful‘, says prime minister

Home Secretary Priti Patel also criticised the disorder and the „violence being directed towards the police“.

„I‘m in no doubt the silent, law-abiding majority will be appalled by the actions of this criminal minority,“ she said.

„Despite repeated warnings to disperse, it‘s clear these thugs were only intent on causing trouble.

21.03.2021 - 18:31 [ BBC ]

Covid-19: Record-breaking day with 873,784 vaccine doses given in UK

Meanwhile, a leading epidemiologist has predicted that people may need to wear face coverings and socially distance for several years before a return to normality.

Mary Ramsay, the head of immunisation at Public Health England, said basic measures could be in place until other countries successfully roll-out jabs.

She said people „have got used to those lower-level restrictions now, and people can live with them, and the economy can still go on with those less severe restrictions in place“.

03.01.2021 - 07:06 [ ]

PETER HITCHENS: Guess where Professor Lockdown got his ideas … China’s police state

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, said at the time that it was ‘just not possible’ for Ferguson to continue advising the Government. But this was not true. The professor was said to have resigned from the SAGE advisory committee. But did he? Not really. A current State website lists him as a member of the ‘New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group’ (NERVTAG). Minutes suggest he was only ever away from that for a few weeks.

16.11.2020 - 18:36 [ ]

Dominic Cummings‘s exit is great news for the BBC – and a disaster for any hope of serious reform

The taxi that took Dominic Cummings away from Downing Street for the last time was carrying more than just the Prime Minister’s ex-chief adviser; it also carried away any realistic hope that the Johnson government might deliver on reform of the BBC. With Cummings gone the chances that there will be any serious assault on the Corporation’s privileges and prerogatives are severely diminished.

10.08.2020 - 04:44 [ BBC ]

Gay Girl in Damascus: Tom MacMaster defends blog hoax

(13 June 2011)

Mr MacMaster, who is on holiday in Istanbul, told BBC Scotland: „I really felt a number of years ago, in discussions on Middle East issues in the US, often when I presented real facts and opinions, the immediate reaction to someone with my name was: ‚Why are you anti-American? Why are you anti-Jewish?‘

„So I invented a name to talk under that would keep the focus on the actual issue.“

Mr MacMaster said he had wanted people to listen to the facts without paying attention to „the man behind the curtain“.

04.08.2020 - 16:07 [ BBC ]

Coronavirus: England highest level of excess deaths


The Office for National Statistics says that Spain saw the highest peak in rates of death in Europe.

But the UK had the longest period of above-average deaths and so overall saw higher death rates.

21.07.2020 - 13:32 [ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ]

Ein Jubiläum und zwei Todesfälle

(22. Juli 2004)

Welch ein Kontrapunkt zu einem anderen Tod, der den Beginn von Blairs Laufbahn markiert hat. Im Mai 1994 erlag der Labour-Vorsitzende und Oppositionsführer John Smith überraschend einem Herzinfarkt, und nach gebührender Anstandsfrist wurde Blair sein Nachfolger. Den 21. Juli 1994, als dies geschah, wird man vielleicht einmal als den Gründungstag von „New Labour“ feiern. Doch heute macht die Partei möglichst wenig Aufhebens davon, denn im verflixten siebten Jahr der Regierung Blair muß man die Leute nicht auch noch mit Gewalt zum Nachsinnen bringen, wie grandios alles einmal begonnen hatte und wie viele Hoffnungen seither enttäuscht worden sind.

21.07.2020 - 13:21 [ ]

David Kelly/Assassination: Unanswered Questions

1. Operation Mason, the police code-name for the search for Dr Kelly, was officially started before his family had reported him missing. The official explanation is that operation start times are often made retrospective to cover any preceding period relevant to the operation; but if this were the reason in this case, then the start time would need to be weeks, not hours earlier. Who authorised the opening of documentation on the operation and at precisely what time?

2. Why were there no fingerprints on Dr Kelly‘s knife, pill packets, water bottle, glasses, mobile or watch? He wore no gloves. Police knew this when they gave evidence to Hutton but the absence of prints wasn‘t mentioned.

3. Lord Hutton said photographic evidence showed Dr Kelly‘s body was found propped against a tree, yet the first paramedic to reach the scene said he was originally flat on his back. Who moved the body and why?


21.07.2020 - 13:12 [ ]

R.I.P. the truth about Dr David Kelly: Lord Hutton was accused of whitewashing his inquiry into the death of a scientist – and the ‚sexed-up‘ Iraqi dossier. Now, as he dies at 89, MILES GOSLETT recalls one of the great political scandals

Dr Kelly had been unmasked by officials a week previously as the assumed source of a highly damaging BBC report which suggested Blair‘s government had ‚sexed-up‘ the case for the Iraq war.

He always denied being the BBC‘s prime source, yet its report added to mounting questions about the existence of the infamous weapons of mass destruction (WMD), used by the then Prime Minister to justify sending British troops into the conflict.

05.05.2020 - 20:38 [ BBC ]

Coronavirus: US allies tread lightly around Trump lab claims


UK officials believe it is not possible to be absolutely sure about the origins but point to scientific opinion suggesting the most likely scenario is …

13.02.2020 - 15:41 [ ]

BBC‘s Laura Kuenssberg reveals next person set to get top Brexit role in Boris‘ reshuffle

Speaking to BBC Radio 4‘s Today Programme, Laura Kuenssberg claimed Michael Gove could be given the role to look after the last leg of the Brexit trade negotiations in Boris Johnson‘s cabinet reshuffle today.

18.11.2019 - 12:39 [ BBC ]

International Criminal Court may investigate UK ‚war crimes cover-up‘

The ICC said it took the findings very seriously. The MoD has said the allegations are unsubstantiated.

17.11.2019 - 14:54 [ ]

Army accused of covering up killing of children in Afghanistan and Iraq

The year-long investigation claims to have found evidence of murders by an SAS soldier, as well as deaths in custody, beatings, torture and sexual abuse of detainees by members of the Black Watch.

A senior SAS commander was referred to prosecutors for attempting to pervert the course of justice, the investigation claims.

17.11.2019 - 14:50 [ BBC ]

UK government and military accused of war crimes cover-up

Operation Northmoor was set up by the government in 2014 and looked into 52 alleged illegal killings.

Its closure was announced by the government before Royal Military Police detectives even had a chance to interview the key Afghan witnesses.

30.10.2019 - 04:41 [ The Grayzone / Twitter ]

A second whistleblower from the OPCW has come forward saying the alleged gas attack in Douma, Syria could have been staged by the rebels to trigger US military intervention. Prominent British journalist Jonathan Steele revealed this in an interview on the BBC on October 27, 2019


30.09.2019 - 14:02 [ BBC ]

Jihadists ‚attack US Baledogle training base in Somalia‘

Al-Shabab launched a „daring raid on the US military base“, the group said in a statement.

„After breaching the perimeters of the heavily fortified base, the mujahideen [holy warriors] stormed the military complex, engaging the crusaders in an intense firefight.“

20.08.2019 - 16:00 [ BBC ]

Khan Sheikhoun: Syria rebels pull out of key town after five years

Rebels told the BBC that fighters pulled out of the town on Tuesday.

But an official statement from the main jihadist group in Idlib province, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), characterised it as a „redeployment“ of forces.

27.06.2019 - 17:22 [ BBC ]

Japan urges UK to avoid no-deal Brexit

He also doubted the UK could sign a new trade deal with Japan – or other nations – before leaving the EU.

„I don‘t think so,“ said Mr Kono when asked if he thought it was possible, adding there would be „some kind of gap“ before a deal could be agreed.

27.05.2019 - 19:58 [ Alex Wickham / Twitter ]

Bizarre that people saying the combined Remain vote share was higher than the combined Leave vote are not including the Tory result on the Leave side. If you do, as you obviously should, then Leave is clearly ahead

27.05.2019 - 19:57 [ Labour Leave / Twitter ]

Really shameful bias from @BBCPolitics , the Tories are pro-Brexit, that is indisputable. But you‘ve lied to allow a narrative you prefer. Perhaps @Ofcom will do its job and crack down on your relentless bias. #brexit

13.05.2019 - 06:31 [ BBC ]

Julian Assange: Sweden to announce decision on rape case

Swedish prosecutors are set to announce whether they are reopening an inquiry into a rape allegation against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange.

The investigation may be revived at the request of the alleged victim‘s lawyer.