Archiv: Russland / Russia

18.01.2025 - 12:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

HTS raids and forced disappearances fuel fear in Syria’s Alawi heartlands

MEE is not aware of any evidence linking Assad’s departure to a deal with Israel. However, there have been reports suggesting that the former president shared sensitive military information with Israel in exchange for a guarantee of safe passage out of Syria.

Since the government collapsed, Israel has conducted hundreds of strikes on Syrian military positions nationwide and launched a ground invasion, capturing the entire buffer zone along the occupied Golan Heights and beyond.

The government, Hussem said, had the means to resist but chose not to, opting instead to flee and leave their officers to fend for themselves.

08.01.2025 - 09:52 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Doppelagent Putin

(15. April 2018)

Der nun erfolgte erneute Luftangriff gegen Syrien repräsentiert die Wiederholung einer Seifenoper aus dem letzten Jahr (11.04.2017, Wag the Russki). Drehbuch wie folgt:

– U.S. Präsident Donald Trump äußert in etwa “es hat nach Hunderttausenden von Toten keinen Sinn mehr die Invasion in Syrien mit terroristischen Proxy-Truppen und regulären eigenen Einheiten weiter fortzusetzen”,

– im Gebiet der terroristischen Proxies und Invasoren bei Ghouta ereignet sich ein fiktiver oder tatsächlicher Einsatz von Chemiewaffen,

– Trump dreht sich um 180 Grad und kündigt einen Militärschlag auf Syrien an,

– dieser erfolgt, mit Ankündigung und laut der französischen Verteidigungsministerin und einem anonymen Politiker über “Reuters” abermals mit Vorwarnung durch die Westmächte,

– die russische Flugabwehr tut nichts, gibt auch noch damit an und die syrische, die genau wie die russischen Militärs noch jedem Massaker gegen die eigenen und verbündeten Truppen aus Irak, Iran und Libanon zugesehen hat wie die Karnickel auf der Fahrbahn, behauptet dies und das.

Einer der wenigen Unterschiede zum letzten Jahr ist, dass sich neben Donald Trump mit Emmanuel Macron und Theresa May nun zwei weitere in ihrem Land hoch umstrittene Staatsleiter vor die Presse stellen und sagen können, sehet her, das haben sie nun davon, diese Russkis. Und Putin, der arme Putin, zitiert das Völkerrecht.

Dass die russische Staatsführung nie beabsichtigt hat Syrien gegen Luftangriffe zu verteidigen, sagte sie schon im letzten Jahr. Dass der russische Präsident jetzt von einer Verletzung der Souveränität Syriens redet, spricht Bände über dessen auch im Humor zum Ausdruck kommenden Grausamkeit. Der ganze Luftraum Syriens quillt über von irgendwelchen Kampfjets von Vancouver bis Wladivostok, seit Jahren. Noch einmal – hätte die Russische Föderation vor Beginn der Syrien-Invasion oder vor Beginn der Libyen-Invasion den dortigen Regimen eine Garantieerklärung gegeben, wie sie China letzten Sommer unter viel Gewimmer und Gebrumm endlich gegenüber Nordkorea abgab, wären Hunderttausende Menschen heute noch am Leben.

08.01.2025 - 09:48 [ Middle East Eye ]

Assad‘s former aide says deposed Syrian president was ‚tricked‘ by Putin

“But what happened was that the Iranians told Bashar al-Assad, ‘we did not receive any signals to proceed with moving Iranian aircraft to the Hmeimim base [or to] fly through Iraqi airspace to land at the base,’” Saqr told Mazeej.

“The question was relayed to Moscow, but no answer came.”

When asked whether this was a “trick by Putin”, Saqr said there was “no other explanation”.

Saqr said the Iranians told Assad they sent a plane regardless through Iraq, but were warned by the US that the aircraft would be shot down if it continued.

29.12.2024 - 17:41 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

„Von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok…“

(June 28, 2008)

Durch das aggressiv-expansionistische Ausdehnen der Westblöcke EU und NATO bis an die eigenen Grenzen hat man offenbar gelernt in den Denkfabriken um den neuen Präsidenten Russlands. Man sieht die „globale Situation diktiert von rigiden Regeln“ und rechnet offenbar mit drei strategischen Entwicklungsmodellen:

1. Die Schaffung eines Eurasien Orwell´schen Ausmasses, in der Vision dreier totalitärer Blöcke aus „1984“ (siehe Grafik oben)
2. Einen Deal mit NATO und EU, vielleicht sogar mit dem gesamten Shanghai-Pakt, zur Schaffung eines Superimperiums auf der Nordhälfte des Planeten. Dies käme praktisch einer Weltregierung gleich.
3. Eine Konfrontation zwischen Shanghai-Pakt einerseits und USA, NATO und EU andererseits.

Die Völker, die Demokratien, die Republiken, die Öffentlichkeit, die Verfassungen, sie spielen auf diesem planetaren Schachbrett nicht die geringste Rolle, für keine der imperialen Plutokratien und Apparate, weder in Russland, noch in der EU und schon gar nicht in der NATO.

29.12.2024 - 17:10 [ Atlantic Council ]

Vladimir Putin does not want a peace deal. He wants to destroy Ukraine.

(December 3, 2024)

For many years, Putin has publicly questioned the Ukrainian nation’s right to exist. He has repeatedly stated that he sees today’s independent Ukraine as an artificial state, and regards all those who disagree with this verdict as anti-Russian forces or outright Nazis. For more than a decade, he has sought to turn this toxic vision into reality via an escalating campaign of military aggression.

29.12.2024 - 16:55 [ Institute for the Study of War ]

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, December 26, 2024

Putin responded on December 26 to a journalist‘s request to comment on the Trump team’s reported early November suggestion to delay Ukraine‘s membership in NATO for 10 to 20 years.[1] Putin stated that it does not matter if Ukraine joins NATO „today, tomorrow, or in 10 years.“ Putin‘s December 26 statement is part of a series of comments he has made recently reiterating his refusal to consider compromises on his late 2021 and early 2022 demands.[2] These demands include forcing Ukraine to become a permanently neutral state that will never join NATO, imposing severe limitations on the size of the Ukrainian military, and removing the Ukrainian government.

29.12.2024 - 16:51 [ ]

Putin rejects Trump team‘s peace plan proposal — ISW

His demands continue to include Ukraine’s permanent neutral status, renouncement of NATO ambitions, restrictions on its military size, and regime change in Kyiv.

29.12.2024 - 16:23 [ Al Jazeera ]

Record high deaths in the Russia-Ukraine war: What you should know

(October 16, 2024)

According to Ukraine’s General Staff, as of October 1, more than 654,000 Russian personnel have died.

As for Ukrainian troops, the Russian Ministry of Defence estimates that Kyiv has lost almost half a million men, according to a report published last month by the RT news website.

29.12.2024 - 15:10 [ Radio Free Asia ]

Kim Jong Un’s close aide in Russia overseeing North Korean troops: report

(October 28, 2024)

The North Korean troops, who according to the latest reports are mobilizing near the front lines in Ukraine, will be overseen by Kim Yong Bok, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army, Japan’s Kyodo News reported on Saturday, citing a Ukrainian military source.

29.12.2024 - 15:05 [ ]

Ukraine: Nordkoreanische Truppen haben Schwierigkeiten beim Nachschub

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hatte am Montag gesagt, dass bereits über 3.000 nordkoreanische Soldaten in Kämpfen in Kursk getötet oder verwundet worden seien.

Nordkorea hatte schätzungsweise 10.000 bis 12.000 Soldaten in die Region Kursk geschickt, um Russland in dessen Krieg gegen die Ukraine zu helfen.

25.12.2024 - 14:30 [ ]

14 Survivors Hospitalised From Crash Of Azerbaijan Airlines Plane In Kazakhstan

The plane – a passenger jet operated by Azerbaijan Airlines and carrying at least 67 people, was flying from Baku in that country to Grozny in Russia, when an (as yet) unspecified emergency caused the pilots to request an emergency landing at the Aqtau International Airport.

18.12.2024 - 06:01 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Nein zu deutschen Bodentruppen in der Ukraine

(Dezember 5, 2024)

Und ein Wort zur AfD: Wer hier sagt – wie der Redner der AfD -:

(Stephan Brandner (AfD): Das ist aber schon viel mehr als ein Wort jetzt! Ein Wort wollten Sie sagen!)

„Die Bundeswehr ist da, um zu kämpfen und zu siegen“, ist so wenig Friedenspartei wie die Olivgrünen in diesem Haus.

(Beifall beim BSW)

Diese Resteampel erweckt zunehmend den Eindruck, als wolle sie Deutschland vor Moskau verteidigen,

(Britta Haßelmann (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Hören Sie doch auf mit Ihren Fake News! Verschonen Sie uns damit!)

und das ist auch vor dem Hintergrund unserer Geschichte einfach grundfalsch.

(Merle Spellerberg (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN): Ich glaube, da braucht jemand Geschichtsnachhilfe!)

Nach dem gebrochenen Versprechen, die NATO nicht nach Osten zu erweitern, schicken Sie jetzt auch noch für 11 Milliarden Euro die deutschen Soldaten nach Litauen, an die russische Grenze. Sie verlieren so jede Glaubwürdigkeit.

18.12.2024 - 05:41 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Merz-Union im Geist von Putschpräsident Yoon

(Dezember 8, 2024)

Die Union möchte ja, dass die Bundeswehr rund um die koreanische Halbinsel wie im gesamten Indopazifikraum stärker zum Einsatz kommt. „Aber ist das wirklich die Aufgabe der Bundeswehr?“, frage ich mich. Wollen Sie bei den Konflikten dort jetzt auch noch mitmischen? Und haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, ob die Koreaner aus Nord und Süd jetzt auf die Bundesmarine gewartet haben, um ihr strahlend vom Ufer zuwinken zu können? Was haben Sie sich dabei nur gedacht?

(Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Es gibt Menschen, die denken sich tatsächlich noch was dabei!)

15.12.2024 - 09:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Russia draws down forces in Syria, removes S-300 system that troubled Israel

(Ooctober 20, 2022)

Though it has on several occasions harshly criticized Russia’s actions in Ukraine, Jerusalem has so far avoided providing direct military aid to Kyiv — neither offensive arms nor advanced defensive technology — in an attempt to avoid sparking a crisis with Moscow.
An encrypted phone connection was installed in 2017 between a Russian air base in western Syria and the Israeli Air Force command center in Tel Aviv.

The S-300 system was moved to Syria is 2018. Control of the batteries was never handed over to Syrian government.
Russia still maintains its more advanced S-400 air defense system in Syria, but the missiles are reportedly tasked only with defending Russian assets.

15.12.2024 - 09:11 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Russia pulling back but not out of Syria, sources say

The bases in Syria are an integral part of Russia‘s global military presence: the Tartous naval base is Russia‘s only Mediterranean repair and resupply hub, with Hmeimim a major staging post for military and mercenary activity in Africa.
Russia also has eavesdropping posts in Syria which were run alongside Syrian signals stations, according to Syrian military and Western intelligence sources.

11.12.2024 - 09:50 [ Middle East Eye ]

HTS-aligned forces seize critical oil field

Syrian media is reporting that Hay‘at Tahrir al-Sham-aligned forces have taken control of al-Taym oil field in the Deir Ezzor desert, which produces 5,000 barrels per day. Russian-backed forces had run the area.

10.12.2024 - 21:38 [ ]

“We were screwed over”: Russian propagandists fume over downfall of Assad regime in Syria

„I would ask myself the same question: do we even have intelligence services, do they work? And if they do, who’s ‘processing’ the results of their work? If this is some ‘masterstroke,’ a planned maneuver, then what’s happening with our troops in fallen Damascus, and what about the embassy?”

10.12.2024 - 21:32 [ Reuters ]

Syria‘s Assad is in Moscow after deal on military bases: Russian state media

(December 9, 2024)

Syrian opposition leaders had agreed to guarantee the safety of Russian military bases and diplomatic institutions in Syria, the source told news agencies.

10.12.2024 - 02:05 [ ]

We have agreed on Syria. But why did Russia need to give in to Turkey?

Russia maintains its military bases and embassy in Syria after the overthrow of the government of Bashar al-Assad. The agreements with Turkey are obvious.

10.12.2024 - 01:33 [ ]

Al Arabiya: Russia handed over facilities to Israel in the Golan Heights area

Earlier, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the opening of a front in Syria. Israeli forces occupied Mount Hermon from the Syrian side in the Golan Heights, from where the Syrian army withdrew, Israeli and Arab media reported. N12 TV channel noted that „in fact, this is the first IDF presence in the area after the Yom Kippur War.“

10.12.2024 - 01:26 [ ]

UNSC consultations on Syria, requested by Russia, will take place on December 9, according to the mission

„In light of the current developments in Syria, the impact of which on this country and the entire region is yet to be realized, Russia has requested urgent closed-door consultations of the UN Security Council. In particular, it is important to know what is going on in this environment around the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights. We expect that these consultations will ne held in the second half of the day on Monday, December 9,“ he wrote on his Telegram channel.

08.12.2024 - 18:45 [ Fox News ]

Syria Gunmen storm Iranian embassy in Damascus as Russia claims Assad left ‚instructions‘ to ‚transfer power‘

Iranian state television reported on the embassy incident, saying they did not believe the gunmen were affiliated with the wider rebel group that took the city. (…)

Russia‘s Foreign Ministry said in a Telegram post Sunday that Assad left Syria following negotiations with rebel groups, and that the long-time Syrian leader had left „instructions“ to „transfer power peacefully.“ The Russian ministry said the Kremlin was not directly involved in those discussions.

08.12.2024 - 18:30 [ Tehran Times ]

Syrian army command tells officers that Assad‘s rule has ended

The unnamed officer made the remarks to Reuters on Sunday after reports said President Assad had flown out of Damascus for an unknown destination.

Meanwhile, the militants declared that they had captured the capital, announcing the fall of the Assad government.

08.12.2024 - 18:23 [ New York Times ]

Syria Live Updates: Assad Has Resigned and Left Syria, Russia Says

President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate location was not initially clear after rebels took control of Syria’s capital. Russia’s Foreign Ministry did not provide details on where he had gone, saying only that he had resigned and left the country.

07.12.2024 - 23:35 [ Moscow Times ]

Turkey, Russia and Iran Meet in Doha Seeking Exit From Syria Chaos

Turkey‘s foreign minister will meet with his Russian and Iranian counterparts in Doha on Saturday to try to find a solution to the renewed fighting in Syria and avoid chaos on its doorstep.

The three countries have been partners since 2017 in the Astana process seeking to end the civil war in Syria. This is despite the fact they have supported opposite sides on the battlefield.

07.12.2024 - 23:21 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Doppelagent Putin

(15. April 2018)

Der nun erfolgte erneute Luftangriff gegen Syrien repräsentiert die Wiederholung einer Seifenoper aus dem letzten Jahr (11.04.2017, Wag the Russki). Drehbuch wie folgt:

– U.S. Präsident Donald Trump äußert in etwa “es hat nach Hunderttausenden von Toten keinen Sinn mehr die Invasion in Syrien mit terroristischen Proxy-Truppen und regulären eigenen Einheiten weiter fortzusetzen”,

– im Gebiet der terroristischen Proxies und Invasoren bei Ghouta ereignet sich ein fiktiver oder tatsächlicher Einsatz von Chemiewaffen,

– Trump dreht sich um 180 Grad und kündigt einen Militärschlag auf Syrien an,

– dieser erfolgt, mit Ankündigung und laut der französischen Verteidigungsministerin und einem anonymen Politiker über “Reuters” abermals mit Vorwarnung durch die Westmächte,

– die russische Flugabwehr tut nichts, gibt auch noch damit an und die syrische, die genau wie die russischen Militärs noch jedem Massaker gegen die eigenen und verbündeten Truppen aus Irak, Iran und Libanon zugesehen hat wie die Karnickel auf der Fahrbahn, behauptet dies und das.

Einer der wenigen Unterschiede zum letzten Jahr ist, dass sich neben Donald Trump mit Emmanuel Macron und Theresa May nun zwei weitere in ihrem Land hoch umstrittene Staatsleiter vor die Presse stellen und sagen können, sehet her, das haben sie nun davon, diese Russkis. Und Putin, der arme Putin, zitiert das Völkerrecht.

Dass die russische Staatsführung nie beabsichtigt hat Syrien gegen Luftangriffe zu verteidigen, sagte sie schon im letzten Jahr. Dass der russische Präsident jetzt von einer Verletzung der Souveränität Syriens redet, spricht Bände über dessen auch im Humor zum Ausdruck kommenden Grausamkeit. Der ganze Luftraum Syriens quillt über von irgendwelchen Kampfjets von Vancouver bis Wladivostok, seit Jahren. Noch einmal – hätte die Russische Föderation vor Beginn der Syrien-Invasion oder vor Beginn der Libyen-Invasion den dortigen Regimen eine Garantieerklärung gegeben, wie sie China letzten Sommer unter viel Gewimmer und Gebrumm endlich gegenüber Nordkorea abgab, wären Hunderttausende Menschen heute noch am Leben.

07.12.2024 - 23:08 [ ]

Assad’s family ‘flees’ to Russia – but Kremlin won’t come to Syrian leader’s rescue

(December 6, 2024)

Bashar al-Assad’s family fled to Russia in the days after rebel forces launched a shock offensive that captured swathes of territory across northern Syria, it has been revealed.

It comes after a source close to the Kremlin told Bloomberg News that Moscow had no plans to rescue the Syrian president, with Vladimir Putin said to be disgusted by reports of regime troops fleeing their positions. (…)

Egyptian and Jordanian officials are understood to have urged the Syrian president to leave the country and form a government-in-exile.

01.12.2024 - 22:41 [ Newsweek ]

Putin ‚Letting Syrian Rebels Overthrow Assad‘: Ex-Trump Intel Chief

(November 30, 2024)

Russia appears to be „letting the Syrian rebels overthrow“ President Bashar al-Assad according to Richard Grenell, who served as acting director of National Intelligence for a time during Donald Trump‘s first administration.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Grenell, who had been tipped as a possible member of Trump‘s incoming administration, commented: „Russia seems to be letting the Syrian rebels overthrow Assad. Big. Time to play chess.“

30.11.2024 - 07:51 [ Republic of Türkiye / Ministry of Foreign Affairs ]

Joint Statement by Iran, Russia and Turkey on the International Meeting on Syria in Astana 28-29 November 2018

5. Examined in details the situation in the Idlib de-escalation area and reaffirmed their determination to fully implement the Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-escalation Area of 17 September 2018. In this regard they expressed their concern with the ongoing violations of the ceasefire regime, and declared that, as guarantors of the ceasefire regime, they would step up their efforts to ensure observance with it, including by enhacing work of the Joint Iranian-Russian-Turkish Coordination Center. They stressed the importance of a lasting ceasefire while underlining the necessity to continue effective fight against terrorism. They also emphasized that under no circumstances the creation of the above-mentioned de-escalation area should undermine the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic;

30.11.2024 - 07:41 [ Axios ]

Syrian rebel groups take control in and around Aleppo

The offensive is led by Hayʼat Tahrir ash-Sham (HTS), a Sunni Islamist opposition group backed by Turkey and designated a terrorist organization by the U.S.
On Friday, the rebels entered the old city of Aleppo and took over several key sites, including the historic citadel and the Umayyad Mosque, according to videos posted on social media.

30.11.2024 - 03:56 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

Will Washington Destroy the World?

(November 25, 2024)

Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane.

Dear readers, you tell me how you can give permission for the US and NATO to fire missiles into Russia, especially when the Russian President has clearly stated it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and not be stupid and insane.

29.11.2024 - 20:15 [ CNN ]

Syrian rebels enter Aleppo for first time in eight years during shock offensive

Syrian armed rebels have entered Aleppo just three days into their surprise offensive, marking the first time they have set foot in the country’s second largest city since government forces recaptured the city in 2016.

Rebel forces launched a surprise attack this week, sweeping through several villages outside the city and reigniting conflict that had been largely static for years.

28.11.2024 - 09:31 [ Forbes ]

50,000 Russians Are Poised To Attack 20,000 Ukrainians In Kursk. Ukrainian Brigades Are Bracing For A ‘Massive’ Fight.

(November 24, 2024)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given his general until early February to eject the Ukrainians from western Russia. But the real deadline, it seems, is the Jan. 20 inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to end Russia’s wider war on Ukraine but whose offhand proposals hinge on an unenforceable ceasefire that would freeze the front line in place.

25.11.2024 - 16:44 [ ]

UK army chief: We’re ready to fight Putin in Eastern Europe

„If the British Army was asked to fight tonight, it would fight tonight,“ Rob Magowan, the deputy chief of the British defense staff, told the House of Commons defense committee. „I don‘t think anybody in this room should be under any illusion that if the Russians invaded Eastern Europe tonight, then we would meet them in that fight.“

The striking comments came as MPs asked Magowan Thursday how many British brigades could get to NATO‘s eastern flank in the event of a major escalation by Russia.

25.11.2024 - 16:31 [ ]

France Says Ukraine Can Fire French Long-Range Missiles Into Russia

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot said in an interview published Saturday that Ukraine could fire French-provided long-range missiles into Russian territory following US and British authorization of such strikes.

France has provided Ukraine with its version of the British Storm Shadow missiles, known as SCALP missiles, which have a range of about 155 miles. Barrot told BBC that there are no “red lines” when it comes to France’s support of Ukraine and that Ukrainian forces could fire the missiles into Russia “in the logics of self-defense.”

25.11.2024 - 13:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ach, das bisschen Atomkriegsrisiko …

(November 21, 2024)

Bereits Ende August hatte der Spiegel unter dem Titel „Wladimir Putin und seine Schauermärchen von den roten Linien“ Verniedlichung betrieben. Die Autorin Ann-Dorit Boy, die laut Spiegel auch „Public Information Officer bei UN OCHA in Kiew“ war, schreibt:

„Die Erkenntnis, dass Putins Drohungen leer sind, ist nicht neu. Der Kreml hat in seinem Krieg gegen die Ukraine schon viele angeblich rote Linien gezogen. Militärhilfe von Drittstaaten sollte tabu sein, später Angriffe auf die Brücke zur Halbinsel Krim, die Lieferung von weitreichenden Raketen und Marschflugkörpern und F-16-Kampfjets. Alle diese Linien sind überschritten worden. Passiert ist nichts.“

23.11.2024 - 15:26 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Ukraine claims Russia launched ICBM at eastern city of Dnipro

(November 21, 2024)

Ukraine’s military has accused Russia of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile in an attack on the city of Dnipro. The air force did not say what kind of ICBM was deployed and CNN has not been able to verify the claim.

23.11.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

NATO and Ukraine to hold emergency talks after Russia‘s hypersonic missile attack

NATO and Ukraine are to hold emergency talks on Tuesday next week, after an attack with intermediate-range Oreshnik missile hit a military facility in central Ukraine. The event was an escalation of the war, which Poland‘s Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said is „entering a decisive phase“ and „taking on very dramatic dimensions“ as it nears 33 months in duration.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on Friday that the missile attack was in response to Ukraine using longer-range missiles capable of striking further into Russian territory, which had been provided by the US and Britain.

20.11.2024 - 01:23 [ ]

Seoul: Nordkorea empfindet offizielle Bestätigung seiner Truppenentsendung offenbar als Belastung

Obwohl es Tausende junge Soldaten in einen grundlosen Krieg geschickt habe und sie somit in Lebensgefahr bringe, habe Nordkorea dies bislang nicht einmal der eigenen Bevölkerung mitgeteilt, sagte der Beamte.

Die Behörden Südkoreas und der USA haben mittlerweile offiziell bestätigt, dass sich nach Russland entsandte nordkoreanische Soldaten bereits an Gefechten gegen die Ukraine beteiligen. Bis zum Donnerstagvormittag war in Nordkoreas Staatsmedien jedoch noch nicht davon berichtet worden.

20.11.2024 - 00:55 [ ]

Experts react to Russia‘s new nuclear doctrine

The new doctrine states that Moscow will have the right to consider the nuclear option if Russia or Belarus come under attackby conventional arms and if such aggression creates a „critical threat“ to their sovereignty or territorial integrity.

Additionally, any act of aggression by a non-nuclear state with the participation of a nuclear state against Russia will now be regarded as a joint attack and could also trigger the new doctrine.

20.11.2024 - 00:31 [ CNBC ]

Russia says Ukraine attacked it using U.S. long-range missiles, signals it’s ready for nuclear response

Moscow signaled to the West that it’s ready for a nuclear confrontation.
Ukrainian news outlets reported early Tuesday that missiles had been used to attack a Russian military facility in the Bryansk border region.
Russia’s Defense Ministry confirmed the attack.
Mobile bomb shelters are going into mass production in Russia, a government ministry said.

19.11.2024 - 00:41 [ Pentagon ]

North Korean Troops Enter Kursk Where Ukrainians Are Fighting

(2 hours ago)

It is likely that about 11,000 North Korean troops have moved into Russia‘s Kursk region, said Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, who spoke to the media today.