Archiv: military offensive regime Turkey / invasion in Syria / Militäroffensive Regime Türkei / Invasion in Syrien / 2019

29.11.2024 - 20:15 [ CNN ]

Syrian rebels enter Aleppo for first time in eight years during shock offensive

Syrian armed rebels have entered Aleppo just three days into their surprise offensive, marking the first time they have set foot in the country’s second largest city since government forces recaptured the city in 2016.

Rebel forces launched a surprise attack this week, sweeping through several villages outside the city and reigniting conflict that had been largely static for years.

20.03.2021 - 12:24 [ ]

EU: Neuer Flüchtlingsdeal mit Erdogan?

Soll der Flüchtlingsdeal mit der Türkei verlängert werden? Die Frage wird heute wieder neu aufgeworfen, da die Abmachung auf den Tag genau nun fünf Jahre zurück liegt und die politischen Schockwellen von 2015 zwar seit einem Jahr von der Corona-Krise überdeckt werden, aber dennoch unter der Oberfläche der Aktualität weiter präsent sind.

20.03.2020 - 18:53 [ Bundestag ]

Antrag der Bundesregierung: Ergänzung des Einsatzes bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte ..


Die Aufgaben für die beteiligten Kräfte der Bundeswehr werden ergänzt um:
• Einsatzunterstützung durch Luftbetankung über den 31. März 2020 hinaus;
• Lufttransport für die internationale Anti-IS-Koalition, internationale Organisationen, Alliierte und Partner;

• bodengebundene Luftraumüberwachung. Zu den übrigen, unverändert fortgeltenden Aufgaben wird auf den Zustimmungsbeschluss des Deutschen Bundestages vom 24. Oktober 2019 verwiesen.

5. Einzusetzende Fähigkeiten

Die militärischen Fähigkeiten schließen die Fähigkeit zum strategischen und taktischen Lufttransport ein.

6. Ermächtigung zum Einsatz und Dauer des Einsatzes

Der deutsche Beitrag zur Luftbetankung wird über den 31. März 2020 fortgesetzt. Im Übrigen bleibt die Befristung des gesamten Einsatzes bis zum 31. Oktober 2020 unberührt.

7. Einsatzgebiet

Luftbetankung sowie der Beitrag zur Luftraumüberwachung und Lagebilderstellung können im irakischen Hoheitsgebiet, im Luftraum über dem Operationsgebiet von IS in Syrien und im Hoheitsgebiet von Anrainerstaaten, von denen eine Genehmigung der jeweiligen Regierung vorliegt, erfolgen. Lufttransport als Unterstützungsleistung für die internationale Anti-IS-Koalition, internationale Organisationen, Alliierte und Partner können in Irak, Jordanien, in weiteren Anrainerstaaten, von denen eine Genehmigung der jeweiligen Regierung vorliegt sowie in EU- und NATO-Staaten erbracht werden.

20.03.2020 - 18:46 [ Bundestag ]

Geplanter Ablauf der Plenarsitzungen

Donnerstag, 26. März 2020 (155. Sitzung)
09.00 – 09.35 Uhr 30 Min. TOP 7 Persönlichkeitsschutz bei Bildaufnahmen
09.35 – 10.40 Uhr 60 Min. TOP 8 Frontex-Finanzierung
10.40 – 11.15 Uhr30 Min. TOP 9 Bundeswehreinsatz Irak

16.03.2020 - 22:46 [ Reuters ]

WHO to start coronavirus testing in rebel Syria; Iran raises efforts, official says

Syria’s government has started testing in areas in the rest of the country, although has not yet reported a case to the WHO. Turkey to the north confirmed its first case last week and Iraq has at least 93 confirmed cases.

07.03.2020 - 16:25 [ Yourmedia Agency / Twitter ]

Es mehren sich die Anzeichen, dass die Türkei versucht, militärisch in Nordaleppo (Tell Rifaat), al-Bab und Ain Issa Boden gut zu machen. Sozusagen bis es in Idlib wieder losgeht.

01.03.2020 - 17:09 [ ]

Turkish regime’s air force targets two Syrian aircrafts in Idleb

A military source told SANA in a statement that at 13:25 pm on Sunday, Turkish air force intercepted two Syrian aircrafts and downed them over the Syrian territory while the two aircrafts were carrying out a mission against armed terrorist organizations in Idleb area.

The pilots used parachutes and landed safely, the source added.

29.02.2020 - 03:33 [ United States Mission to the United Nations ]

Remarks at a Press Availability on the Situation in Idlib, Syria

QUESTION: So, do you think Turkey should continue its military campaign?

AMBASSADOR CRAFT: I’m going to re-affirm what the President said on his call. He supports Turkey’s efforts to deescalate the situation on the ground. Thanks.

26.02.2020 - 16:44 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die (Internationale) Große Kriegskoalition bleibt weiter ohne Opposition


Wie gefährlich und für die Allermeisten unübersichtlich die Situation in diesem von allen Großmächten mit Ansage gezüchteten Hexenkessel in Syrien ist, mag man daran erkennen, dass die Staatsführungen von Russland, Iran und Syrien im August 2016 dem von der Türkei aus erfolgten Einmarsch der Internationalen Kriegskoalition in Syrien tatenlos zusahen und hofften, dass das nicht weiter auffiel.

Alle Kriegsparteien lügen um die Wette.

Ob nun die U.S.-Anforderung deutscher Truppen die Bundeswehr in Nord-Syrien bzw Idlib zur Schutztruppe oder zur Zielscheibe für Al Kaida und Konsorten macht, oder ob sie als „Ersatz“ für oder mit U.S.-Truppen gemeinsam Unterstützung für die vom U.S.-Zentralkommando geführten mehrheitlich kurdischen Milizen der „Syrian Democratic Forces“ leisten, ist aus Sicht der Protagonisten irrelevant. Ziel ist schlicht der Krieg um des Krieges willen.

Explizit Deutschland soll weiter im bereits seit achtzehn Jahren andauernden endlosen und ungewinnbaren Terrorkrieg gehalten werden. Für, wegen, gegen wen und wofür spielt dabei für die Kriegslobby – dazu zählen in Deutschland u.a. de facto alle Parteien, das Militär, sowie der geheimdienstliche und Medien-Komplex – keine Rolle.

20.02.2020 - 13:13 [ Tagesschau ]

Ringen um Flüchtlingsabkommen: „Der Beginn eines neuen Pokers“


Das sei mithilfe der finanziellen Unterstützung der EU möglich gewesen: 2016 seien der Türkei sechs Milliarden Euro zugesagt worden, und entgegen Behauptungen der türkischen Regierung sei das Geld auch geflossen, betonte Knaus.

Doch bis Ende 2019 sei die volle Summe verplant gewesen – und damit stehe nun „der Beginn eines neuen Pokers“ an, wie der Forscher es ausdrückt.

27.12.2019 - 17:23 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Reise in die Türkei: Merkel ringt um Flüchtlingspakt

Merkel und Erdoğan waren sich zuletzt auf dem Nato-Treffen in London Anfang Dezember begegnet. In einem Vierer-Treffen mit Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und dem britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson sprachen sie über die Lage in Nordsyrien. Bei Merkels Besuch im Januar dürfte aber auch das Thema Libyen eine Rolle spielen, seit Erdoğan angekündigt hat, im dortigen Bürgerkrieg selbst für eine Seite Partei zu ergreifen.

16.12.2019 - 06:22 [ Haaretz ]

NATO Member Erdogan Threatens to Shut Major Base in Turkey Housing U.S. Nukes

Turkey could shut down its Incirlik air base, which hosts U.S. nuclear warheads, in response to threats of U.S. sanctions and a separate U.S. Senate resolution that recognized mass killings of Armenians a century ago as genocide, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday.

16.12.2019 - 06:15 [ ]

Türkei droht mit Schließung von Incirlik

Das Verhältnis zwischen den NATO-Partnern USA und Türkei gilt schon länger als beschädigt. Jetzt drohte Präsident Erdogan mit der Schließung der Airbase in Incirlik, sollten die USA an ihrer Politik festhalten.

29.11.2019 - 20:20 [ ]

France to summon Turkey’s ambassador after Erdogan slams Macron‘s NATO comments

Erdogan repeated an expression Macron had used to describe NATO to hit back at the French leader over his criticism of fellow NATO member Turkey‘s intervention against Kurdish forces in Syria.

„This is not a statement, these are insults,“ an Élysee official said, adding: „The ambassador will be summoned to the ministry to explain things.“

29.11.2019 - 20:17 [ Hurriyet ]

Check your ‘brain death’ first, Erdoğan urges Macron on NATO

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has harshly slammed French President Emmanuel Macron over his criticisms of the Turkish military operation into Syria, while urging him to check his own “brain death” before talking about the status of NATO, in reference to the French president’s remarks that the alliance was suffering a “brain death.”

“The president of France, Mr. Macron, I am saying this to you from Turkey and I will say it at NATO as well. You should first check your own brain death,” Erdoğan said at a groundbreaking ceremony for a university complex in Istanbul on Nov. 29.

29.11.2019 - 19:56 [ CBS News ]

Trump prepares to leave for NATO summit in London

Mr. Trump is expected to meet one-on-one with a handful of his counterparts, including French President Emmanuel Macron and German President Angela Merkel. But he is not currently scheduled to meet one-on-one with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is due for another election the week after hosting the NATO summit, according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters on Friday.

22.11.2019 - 18:57 [ ]

Türkei: Festnahmen wegen Kritik an Nordsyrien-Offensive

Für Kritik an der umstrittenen Militäroffensive in Nordsyrien sind in der Türkei heute 46 Menschen festgenommen worden. Wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu berichtete, hätten sie in Sozialen Netzwerken „Terrorpropaganda“ verbreitet.

16.11.2019 - 09:40 [ ]

Grüne drängen wegen Offensive der Türkei auf Rücknahme von IS-Kämpfern


„Die Bundesregierung muss jetzt dafür sorgen, dass die in Nordsyrien inhaftierten Dschihadisten und ihre Angehörigen zügig nach Deutschland zurückgeholt werden“, sagte er den Zeitungen des Redaktionsnetzwerks Deutschland

16.11.2019 - 00:23 [ German Foreiign Policy ]

Sanktionen gegen Ankara

Kern des neuen Sanktionskonflikts zwischen der EU und der Türkei ist ein Teil der gewaltigen Erdgasvorkommen im östlichen Mittelmeer, die seit den 2000er Jahren Schritt für Schritt erkundet und ausgebeutet werden. Große Felder liegen vor allem vor der ägyptischen und der israelischen Küste; auch der Libanon hofft von Vorräten in seiner Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone profitieren zu können.

15.11.2019 - 06:02 [ North Atlantic Treaty Organization ]

NATO Secretary General participates in meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in Washington, D.C. on Thursday (14 November 2019).

Chaired by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the meeting was convened to address the Coalition‘s next steps following the death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi, as well as recent developments in northeast Syria.

13.11.2019 - 07:53 [ New York Times ]

US Troops at Syria Base Say They‘ll Keep Pressure on IS

Speaking at a remote base in Syria where the Bradleys arrived last week, he said „our primary way that we do that“ is through working with the U.S. partners, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.

The deployment of the mechanized force comes after US troops pulled out from northeastern Syria, making way for a Turkish offensive against Kurdish fighters that began last month. Only several miles away from the base, fighting between Turkish-allied fighters and the SDF was ongoing, …

13.11.2019 - 07:50 [ ]

Syrien: USA halten an Bündnis mit Rebellen fest

Die USA halten an ihrer Allianz mit der von der Kurden-Miliz YPG angeführten Syrischen Demokratischen Streitkräfte (SDF) fest. „Es gibt keine Absicht, dass diese Zusammenarbeit beendet wird“, sagte ein hochrangiger Regierungsvertreter.

13.11.2019 - 07:46 [ ]

Erdogan bei Trump: Ein schwieriger Gast im Weißen Haus

US-Präsident Trump empfängt heute den türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan. Auch wenn die persönliche Chemie stimmt – die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden NATO-Partnern stecken in einer tiefen Krise.

13.11.2019 - 07:43 [ Bloomberg ]

Erdogan Wants New Era With U.S. on Security Before Meeting Trump

Speaking Tuesday before traveling to Washington, Erdogan said he wants to “start a new era over common security issues” with the U.S. “We are in agreement with Trump to solve problems and develop our ties despite the foggy weather in our relations,” Erdogan told a televised news conference at the airport in Ankara.

11.11.2019 - 19:24 [ ]

Die USA und ihre kriminellen Bemühungen in Syrien

(5.11.2019) Präsident Trump hat seit März 2018 mehrfach seine Absicht bekundet, US-Truppen aus Syrien abzuziehen. Jedes Mal haben Politiker sowohl der demokratischen als auch der republikanischen Parteien, unterstützt von den von Konzernen kontrollierten Medien auf der Grundlage der imperialen Interessen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika den Rückzugsplan vehement angefochten. Diese Leute begründeten ihre Ablehnung des Rückzugs auch mit ihren angeblichen Sorgen um die syrischen Kurden. Leider haben sie weitaus weniger Sorge um das Wohlergehen der Iraker, Libyer, Jemeniten, Afghanen und Palästinenser und vieler anderer Bevölkerungsgruppen gezeigt, die unter anderem aufgrund von Maßnahmen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika schrecklich leiden.

28.10.2019 - 17:43 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel.

The Russian President briefed the Federal Chancellor on the results of the talks with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan held in Sochi on October 22, emphasising that the agreements they had reached take into account the interests of all parties and facilitate the restoration of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.

28.10.2019 - 17:42 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Krieg um Nordsyrien (IV)

Darüber hinaus gelte es, den Bundessicherheitsrat systematisch zu nutzen und ihn mit einem „angemessenen professionellen Unterbau“ zu versehen. Damit schließt sich Ischinger, ohne den Begriff zu erwähnen, der Forderung nach Schaffung eines deutschen Nationalen Sicherheitsrats an

28.10.2019 - 17:40 [ ORF ]

Putin informiert Merkel über Lage in Syrien

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat nach Kreml-Angaben die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) telefonisch über die Lage in Syrien informiert.

27.10.2019 - 17:35 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Army deploys in four new villages in Ras al-Ayn area in Hasaka

SANA’s reporter in Hasaka said that army units advanced from the direction of Tal Tamr in the northern countryside of Hasaka towards the Turkish border, and deployed in the villages of Um Harmlah, Bab al-Kheir, Um Eshbeh, al-Asdiayah in the southeastern countryside of Ras al-Ayn, reducing the distance towards the Turkish border to few kilometers.

27.10.2019 - 17:29 [ ]

SDF accepts Russia-brokered ceasefire, withdraws from Turkish border

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has accepted the ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia and Turkey last week and agreed to completely withdraw its Kurdish-led force from the Syria-Turkey border, the SDF said Sunday.

26.10.2019 - 18:37 [ Tagesschau ]

Maas in der Türkei: Keine Zeit für Kramp-Karrenbauers Vorschlag

In dem mehr als zweistündigen Gespräch habe der Vorschlag für eine von einer UN-Truppe geschützte internationale Sicherheitszone daher auch nur wenige Minuten in Anspruch genommen.

26.10.2019 - 17:44 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Nordsyrien: „Schutzzonen“-Vorschläge und (mögliche) DGAP-Einflüsterer

Die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin fordert eine Schutzzone in Nord-Syrien. Bisher hätten sich die europäischen Länder verhalten wie „Zaungäste“. Über eine Beteiligung der Bundeswehr müsse der Bundestag entscheiden.

26.10.2019 - 16:49 [ ]

Lindsey Graham: ‘Steal Syria’s Oil To Pay for US Occupation!’

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been chewing down his fingernails ever since President Trump’s first suggestion that US troops should come home from the Middle East. Last December, when Trump made it clear that he wanted to end the US troop presence in Syria and let the people of the region take care of their own problems, Graham took to an accommodating media (across the supposed ideological spectrum) to slam, damn, and threaten the president for even entertaining such a thought.

26.10.2019 - 16:45 [ ]

Lindsey Graham: ‚Syriens Öl stehlen, um für die US-Besatzung zu bezahlen!‘

Trump ist ein Trottel, wenn er auf Graham hört.

25.10.2019 - 06:28 [ Heiko Maas, Bundesaußenminister & Saarländer / Twitter ]

Ich werde am Samstag in die Türkei reisen: – Die Waffenruhe muss eingehalten und die Zivilbevölkerung geschützt werden.

– Beim Umgang mit Geflüchteten muss die Türkei internationales Recht einhalten.
– Und sie muss den politischen Prozess unterstützen statt ihn zu torpedieren.

25.10.2019 - 06:24 [ Neues Deutschland ]

Nordsyrien: EU-Parlament befürwortet UN-geführte Schutzzone

Abgeordnete stützen Vorschlag von Bundesverteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer

24.10.2019 - 17:02 [ Reuters Deutschland / Twitter ]

Bundeswehr hält an Ausbildung türkischer Soldaten fest: @bundeswehrInfo #Deutschland #Türkei #Syrien


24.10.2019 - 06:45 [ ZDF ]

Trump: USA heben Türkei-Sanktionen auf

Die Türkei habe eine dauerhafte Waffenruhe in Syrien zugesichert, sagt US-Präsident Trump. Die Sanktionen gegen Ankara würden daher aufgehoben – vorausgesetzt die Waffenruhe hält.

24.10.2019 - 06:43 [ ]

Nordsyrien: Russland sichert Kurden Sicherheit zu

Russland hat kurdischen Zivilisten in nordsyrischen Grenzregionen Sicherheit garantiert. Das habe der russische Verteidigungsminister Sergei Schoigu dem kurdischen Militärkommandeur Maslum Abdi in einem Telefongespräch versprochen, teilte das Ministerium mit. Abdi zeigte sich demnach dankbar über die russische Hilfe.

23.10.2019 - 19:25 [ Reuters ]

Trump says Turkey‘s ceasefire in northern Syria now permanent, sanctions lifted

“How many Americans must die in the Middle East in the midst of these ancient sectarian and tribal conflicts?” he said. “I am committed to pursuing a different course, one that leads to victory for America.”

23.10.2019 - 17:24 [ Kreml ]

Memorandum of Understanding Between Turkey and the Russian Federation

1. The two sides reiterate their commitment to the preservation of the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the protection of national security of Turkey.

2. They emphasize their determination to combat terrorism in all forms and manifestations and to disrupt separatist agendas in the Syrian territory.

3. In this framework, the established status quo in the current Operation Peace Spring area covering Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn with a depth of 32 km will be preserved.

23.10.2019 - 15:10 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Krieg um Nordsyrien (III)

Medien, die als liberal gelten, üben allenfalls taktische Manöverkritik. So heißt es etwa, es sei ein Fehler, dass die Verteidigungsministerin und nicht Kanzlerin Angela Merkel persönlich „die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“ für den geplanten Syrien-Einsatz eingeleitet habe; darüber hinaus sei die SPD nicht hinlänglich eingebunden worden.[8] Die Formulierungen sind geeignet, ablehnende Haltungen in der Bevölkerung zu kanalisieren.

23.10.2019 - 07:51 [ ]

Vereinbarung für Nordsyrien: Vorerst keine neue Militäroffensive

Laut US-Angaben haben sich sämtliche kurdische Kämpfer aus der geplanten Sicherheitszone in Nordsyrien zurückgezogen. Das türkische Verteidigungsministerium erklärte daraufhin, derzeit sei keine weitere Offensive nötig, droht aber weiter.

23.10.2019 - 02:53 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

A telephone call between Presidents al-Assad and Putin on the situation in northern Syria

The President also stressed the return of residents to their regions to stop any previous attempts of any demographic change to which some sides tried to impose, affirming Syria’s determination to combat terrorism and occupation in any span of the Syrian territories with all legitimate means.

21.10.2019 - 06:31 [ ]

Kurden verkünden vollständigen Rückzug aus Ras al-Ain

Ras al-Ain wurde zuletzt von türkischen Militäreinheiten und syrischen Hilfstruppen belagert. Der Abzug der SDF, die von den kurdischen Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) dominiert werden, war Bestandteil der am Donnerstag zwischen den USA und der Türkei ausgehandelten Vereinbarung für eine fünftägige Waffenruhe in Nordsyrien

20.10.2019 - 18:09 [ ]

YPG-Kämpfer beginnen Rückzug aus Nordsyrien

Kurdische Quellen und Aktivisten sagten heute laut dpa, dass sich die Kämpfer der kurdischen Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) zurückziehen. Das türkische Verteidigungsministerium teilte ebenfalls mit, es verfolge den Abzug der YPG. Es gebe dabei „keinerlei Hindernisse“.

20.10.2019 - 13:50 [ New York Times ]

Trump Just Created a Moral and Strategic Disaster


History is littered with instances of one-time allies abandoned by Washington to their fate — the Bay of Pigs invasion; the fall of South Vietnam; numerous internal uprisings, like Hungary in 1956, that were fanned by the United States only to be smothered when aid, implicit or explicit, was withheld. The United States has abandoned the Kurds — a stateless people who live in parts of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Armenia and Iran — on numerous occasions in just the past half century. The most infamous of these betrayals came when Saddam Hussein attacked them with poison gas in 1988, and the Reagan administration protected the Iraqi government from congressional sanctions.

20.10.2019 - 13:37 [ Bill Van Auken / ]

The Democrats support the “Forever War”

The violence that is being inflicted upon the Kurdish people of Syria is tragic. The role played by the Kurdish bourgeois nationalist leadership, however, has been shortsighted and criminal. Once again, they hitched their wagon to imperialism, hoping to gain its support for the carving out of an ethnic Kurdish state. The results were entirely predictable. As Henry Kissinger infamously stated after betraying the Kurds following a 1975 deal brokered between the Shah of Iran and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, “Covert action should not be confused with missionary work.”

In its most despicable passage, the New York Times editorial places Trump’s action within the context of a US history that is “littered with instances of one-time allies abandoned to their fate—the Bay of Pigs invasion; the fall of South Vietnam …”

For the Times to cast the Bay of Pigs or the fall of Saigon as an example of Washington’s “betrayals” testifies to the drastic rightward shift in the ex-liberal media.

20.10.2019 - 13:13 [ Bill Van Auken / ]

Die Demokraten unterstützen den „ewigen Krieg“

Heute ist die Demokratische Partei das Sprachrohr der CIA. Sie stützt ihre Amtsenthebungsuntersuchung gegen Trump voll und ganz auf die Sorge der Geheimdienste, dass das Weiße Haus eine zu versöhnliche Außenpolitik gegenüber Russland angenommen habe.

Alle pseudolinken Organisationen, die aus den bürgerlichen Protestbewegungen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre hervorgegangen sind, können ohne Übertreibung als proimperialistisch bezeichnet werden. Sie laufen den Demokraten hinterher und rechtfertigen die Aggressionskriege im Namen von „Menschenrechten“ und sogenannten „demokratischen Revolutionen“.

Große Teile der Arbeiterklasse und der Jugend sind der Trump-Regierung feindlich gesinnt, sehen aber im Pro-Kriegslager der Demokraten keine Alternative.

20.10.2019 - 11:59 [ ]

Turkish ISIS fighter tells Rudaw: I want to go somewhere with ‘more freedom, like Europe’


“I want to live in a place where I can live freely,” Qasim told Rudaw, surrounded by tens of fellow ISIS detainees in a windowless room. “I want to go to any country that has more freedom like the European countries, for example, Germany or Sweden.”

20.10.2019 - 11:58 [ ]

Türkische Militäroffensive in Syrien: Verfassungsschutz fürchtet Rückkehr von IS-Kämpfern


Der Rückzug der USA aus Syrien könnte nach Ansicht des Verfassungsschutzes die Sicherheitslage in Deutschland deutlich verschlechtern. „Ich habe die Sorge, dass der IS wieder an Stärke gewinnt“, warnt der Präsident des Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz, Thomas Haldenwang, im SPIEGEL.

20.10.2019 - 11:50 [ ]

Pelosi arrives in Jordan with bipartisan congressional delegation

“Our bipartisan delegation is visiting Jordan at a critical time for the security and stability of the region,” Pelosi said in the statement. “With the deepening crisis in Syria after Turkey’s incursion, our delegation has engaged in vital discussions about the impact to regional stability, increased flow of refugees, and the dangerous opening that has been provided to ISIS, Iran and Russia.”

20.10.2019 - 11:36 [ Tass,com ]

Erdogan says will discuss Syrian forces’ presence in north Syria with Putin in Sochi

„Yesterday, I held talks with US President Donald Trump. On Tuesday we will be continuing talks with Mr. Putin. In the area of the operation are forces of the regime [of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] under Russia’s protection. We will be tackling the issue with Mr. Putin,“ he stressed.

20.10.2019 - 11:34 [ CNN ]

US is out of the picture in Syria-Turkey crisis. Putin now owns this mess

The mood both in Washington and in the Middle East is that the ceasefire is not the real deal. It expires on Tuesday, October 22, the same day Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recip Tayyip Erdogan will meet in Sochi to discuss the future of Syria. It seems pretty clear: that‘s when the world will find out that the real deal will be for the future of this volatile region.

20.10.2019 - 11:07 [ ]

Kurdish forces agree to withdraw from TurkeySyria border

A senior Syrian Kurdish official has said his forces will pull back from a border area in accordance with a US-brokered deal after Turkey allows the evacuation of its remaining fighters and civilians from a besieged town in northeast Syria.

19.10.2019 - 22:25 [ Coordination & Military Ops Center - SDF / Twitter ]

Gen. Mazloum Abdi to AFP: If #Turkey is not committed to the agreement, we‘ll consider what happened a game between the #US and Turkey As Turkey prevented the withdrawal of our forces, and claims that our forces did not withdraw,we will consider it a conspiracy against us.

19.10.2019 - 22:23 [ Koit Pärn ‏/ Twitter ]

Proof of Turkish (and affiliated) armies not allowing Kurdish fighters to retreat from Ras al-Ain. Additionally, medics are denied access. Yesterday Turkish war planes bombed 5 ambulances in vicinity of the city. Turkey is not an ally.

19.10.2019 - 22:21 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Kurds Say Turkey Is Shelling Key Syrian Town, Testing Cease-Fire

Turkey shelled Ras al-Ain in northeastern Syria in violation of its cease-fire, Kurdish forces said, preventing evacuations from the border town at the center of a fight testing the viability of a pact negotiated with the U.S.

19.10.2019 - 10:52 [ ]

The US has backed 21 of the 28 ‘crazy’ militias leading Turkey’s brutal invasion of northern Syria


According to a research paper published this October by the pro-government Turkish think tank, SETA, “Out of the 28 factions [in the Turkish mercenary force], 21 were previously supported by the United States, three of them via the Pentagon’s program to combat DAESH. Eighteen of these factions were supplied by the CIA via the MOM Operations Room in Turkey, a joint intelligence operation room of the ‘Friends of Syria’ to support the armed opposition. Fourteen factions of the 28 were also recipients of the U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank guided missiles.”

18.10.2019 - 21:17 [ New York Times ]

Kurds Reported to Be Pulling Out of Syria ‘Safe Zone’ as Fighting Eases

Gunfire and artillery could be heard in the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ain, the scene of the heaviest fighting for the last few days, by journalists just across the border in Turkey Friday morning and afternoon. But the town stood silent by Friday evening.

18.10.2019 - 21:14 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States / Twitter ]

Just spoke to President @RTErdogan of Turkey. He told me there was minor sniper and mortar fire that was quickly eliminated. He very much wants the ceasefire, or pause, to work. Likewise, the Kurds want it, and the ultimate solution, to happen.

Too bad there wasn’t…..
…..this thinking years ago. Instead, it was always held together with very weak bandaids, & in an artificial manner. There is good will on both sides & a really good chance for success.

18.10.2019 - 20:23 [ Military Advisor ‏/ Twitter ]

#SAA reinforcements from Hasaka enter Manajir which is located ~19.4 km away from border city of Ras al-Ayn / Serêkaniyê.

18.10.2019 - 20:07 [ Rojava Network ‏ / Twitter ]

+++Syria army has entered the village „Gharnatah“, west of Tal-Tamr city. #Twitterkurds #Rojava #SDF #Turkey #Syria #SAA

18.10.2019 - 20:03 [ Y.N.M.S ‏/ Twitter ]

Erdogan: We cannot engage in the fight against terrorist organizations forever. Therefore, President Assad should take on the fight against terrorism in his country.

18.10.2019 - 19:52 [ AFP news agency ‏/ Twitter ]

#BREAKING Pentagon says no US ground force will help enforce Syria safe zone

18.10.2019 - 19:35 [ Lawk Ghafuri, Reporter/Analyst covering Iraq for @RudawEnglish / Twitter ]

This is the signed paper deal btw #SDF & #Damascus regarding the distribution of regime army in Northern #Syria: – SAA to be stationed in #Manbij frontline toward #Kobani & all the way to west Tal Abyad. – In Tal Tamir toward Ras al-Ain all the way to #Qamishlo & south of Derik.


18.10.2019 - 19:27 [ Hurriyet ]

YPG pullout begins as safe zone deal improves: Erdoğan

“I have contacted the Defense Ministry. They have told me that the withdrawal has begun. Our security forces in the area will remain there,” he told reporters after Friday prayers on Oct. 18.

18.10.2019 - 19:23 [ ]

Turkish Proxies Appear to Be Using White Phosphorus in Syria

Turkish-backed forces appear to be using munitions loaded with white phosphorus—a chemical that can maim and kill when it comes in contact with human flesh—in their violent campaign against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, Foreign Policy has learned.

If Turkish proxies are intentionally using white phosphorous-loaded munitions to target civilians, that could constitute a war crime. After publication of this article, U.N.-backed investigators said they were looking into the accusations.

18.10.2019 - 14:37 [ Jennifer Hansler, @CNN State Department producer / Twitter ]

I asked @netanyahu this AM if he had any response to the ceasefire. “We hope things will turn out for the best,” he said. @SecPompeo did not answer Qs from @jakesNYT & me about reported violations to the ceasefire.

18.10.2019 - 14:28 [ TRT World Now ‏/ Twitter ]

DEVELOPING: Turkish soldier killed by shots fired across the border from Iran during a border patrol – Turkey’s Defence Ministry

18.10.2019 - 14:07 [ Hurriyet ]

Clash in safe zone out of question, disinformation: Erdoğan

Clash in safe zone between Turkish forces and YPG/PKK terrorists is out of the question, and disinformation, Turkish president said on Oct. 18

18.10.2019 - 14:02 [ Mustafa Bali, The head of SDF Press Office in northern Syria / Twitter ]

Despite the agreement to halt the fighting, air and artillery attacks continue to target the positions of fighters, civilian settlements and the hospital in Serêkaniyê/Ras al-Ayn. Turkey is violating the ceasefire agreement by continuing to attack the town since last night.

18.10.2019 - 13:48 [ TRT world ]

Who is Mazloum Kobani and why does he have Trump’s confidence?

US President Donald Trump’s letter to the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan was widely derided for its stream of consciousness and the unusual tone that discards accepted diplomatic etiquette normally accepted from a national leader.

One thing in the letter stood out in particular.

18.10.2019 - 13:45 [ NBC News ]

Kurdish leader says Trump promised he would protect the Kurds

Gen. Mazloum Kobani, commander in chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, told NBC News in an interview that he recently spoke to Trump and was assured that „there would not be a massacre against the Kurds“ and that Trump would stop the invasion immediately.

18.10.2019 - 13:41 [ Hassan Ghazi ‏/ Twitter ]

The SDF commander, Mazloum Kobani, said he had agreed with the Americans that there would be a ceasefire in two areas about 100km apart, along the border where there was heavy fighting, Ras al-Ain, and Tal Abyad.

18.10.2019 - 06:36 [ Vice President Mike Pence / Twitter ]

Honored to lead this delegation on behalf of President @realDonaldTrump. Thank you @SecPompeo, NSA Robert O‘Brien and Ambassador James Jeffrey for your dedication and hard work in Turkey.

18.10.2019 - 06:34 [ Rudaw ]

Turkey and US agree ceasefire with Syria Kurds

In an official statement posted on Facebook, the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces said: “Based on the request and approval of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with United States mediation represented by Vice President Mr. Mike Pence, today, an agreement for an immediate ceasefire between the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Turkish state along the front lines extending from Ras al-Ain/Sari Kani from the east to Tel Abyad city in the west was reached.”

18.10.2019 - 06:20 [ Rudaw English ‏/ Twitter ]

Rudaw’s Roj Eli Zala in #Qamishli said people came onto the street to celebrate the #Turkey #ceasefire deal. “As the press conference was still going on the people started shooting into the air. Lots of celebratory fire,” Zala said.

17.10.2019 - 18:45 [ Serge / Twitter ]

For the first time in 5 years, the Syrian flag has been raised at the Syrian-Turkish border crossing in Kobani. Turkey can be spotted behind the SAA soldiers.

17.10.2019 - 18:39 [ Serge ‏/ Twitter ]

Joint convoy of Syrian Army soldiers and YPG fighters riding into Kobani.

The town’s future is Syrian, not Turkish.

17.10.2019 - 18:29 [ Max Abrahms ‏/ Twitter ]

If you think the Kurds feel abandoned just imagine how Turkey & the Syrian rebels feel. They‘ve gone from being our main allies in the war to our arch enemies. Politicians who favored arming them & giving them a no-fly-zone now say they‘re our enemies & are sanctioning them.

17.10.2019 - 18:22 [ Mark Ames ‏/ Twitter ]

Magically before our eyes, the same groups that our media called „Syrian rebels“ or „Free Syrian Army“ for 8 straight years have been rebranded as „Arab militias“ who are all Turkey‘s fault. Like, we never even met these assholes—just armed & trained & PR‘d them is all.

17.10.2019 - 18:10 [ LA Times ]

Pence and Pompeo begin uphill task of crafting cease-fire between Turkey and Kurds

‏ Vice President Mike Pence, heading a U.S. delegation that includes Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and White House national security advisor Robert O’Brien, arrived in Turkey on Thursday, a day after Trump dismissed the very crisis he sent his aides on an emergency mission to douse.

17.10.2019 - 17:21 [ Serge ‏/ Twitter ]

Video of SDF destroying a Turkish Leopard 2A4 tank (German-origin) with an anti-tank missile.

16.10.2019 - 17:54 [ Jennifer Jacobs ‏/ Twitter ]

„Syria may have some help from Russia, and that‘s fine. A lot of sand. They‘ve got a lot of sand over there, so, there‘s a lot of sand they can play with,” Trump tells reporters at White House.

16.10.2019 - 17:52 [ Mark Knoller, CBS News White House Correspondent / Twitter ]

At start of photo with Pres Mattarella of Italy, Pres Trump defends his decision to withdraw from northeast Syria. “We are not a policing agent. It is time for us to go home,“ he says. Further, „if Turkey goes into Syria it is between Turkey and Syria. It’s not our problem.”

16.10.2019 - 17:34 [ Rudaw English ‏/ Twitter ]

#BREAKING: Trilateral security summit to take place between Russia, Turkey, and Syria — Bashar al Assad adviser.

16.10.2019 - 17:29 [ Simon Marks ‏/ Twitter ]

Trump: „I view the situation on the Turkish border with Syria to be for the United States strategically brilliant. Our soldiers are outta there. They‘ve got to work it out“. Claims strategic brilliance in northern Syria.

16.10.2019 - 17:26 [ Hurriyet ]

Erdoğan ‚to meet US vice president, secretary of state‘

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Oct. 16 that he would meet with U.S. Vice President and Secretary of State, according to a Tweet by communications director.

16.10.2019 - 06:58 [ ]

Pompeo to join Pence on Turkey visit urging ceasefire

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will join Vice President Pence on a trip to Turkey this week in an attempt to broker a cease-fire in northern Syria.

Pence will lead a delegation on behalf of President Trump that includes Pompeo and national security adviser Robert O‘Brien, the vice president‘s office announced Tuesday.

16.10.2019 - 06:51 [ ]

Nordsyrien-Konflikt: US-Vizepräsident trifft Erdogan

Morgen sei ein bilaterales Treffen zwischen Pence und dem türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan geplant.

Begleitet wird Pence von US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo, dem Nationalen Sicherheitsberater Robert O’Brien und dem US-Sonderbeauftragten der Anti-IS-Koalition, James Jeffrey.

16.10.2019 - 06:18 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President ‏/ Twitter ]

Trump has the blood of Kurds on his hand, but so do politicians from both parties along w/ the MSM who champion Syrian regime change war. NYT/CNN have also smeared veterans like myself for calling for an end to this war. Completely despicable #DemDebate

16.10.2019 - 06:09 [ ]

Military veterans Gabbard, Buttigieg tangle over Syria during Democratic debate

“As president I will end these regime change wars by doing two things: ending the draconian sanctions that are really a modern-day siege the likes of which we are seeing Saudi Arabia wage against Yemen that have caused tens of thousands of Syrian civilians to die and to starve, and I would make sure that we stop supporting terrorists like al Qaeda in Syria,” she said.

16.10.2019 - 06:06 [ ABC News / Twitter ]

Tulsi Gabbard: „Donald Trump has the blood of the Kurds on his hands, but so do many of the politicians in our country from both parties who have supported this ongoing regime change war in Syria.“

15.10.2019 - 18:38 [ Babak Taghvaee ‏/ Twitter ]

#BREAKING: First video showing #Russian military police in center of #Manbij just 30 minutes ago. Their arrival means complete inability of #Turkey & its Islamic militia groups for capturing the city during #OperationPeaceSpring. #SDF & #SAA will continue protecting Manbij.

15.10.2019 - 18:36 [ Washington Post ]

Russia patrolling between Turkish and Syrian forces after U.S. troops withdraw

A Russian Defense Ministry statement said that military police in northwestern Manbij were patrolling “along the line of contact between the Syrian Arab Republic and Turkey.” The statement said the Russian military was also “interacting” with Turkey’s government.

15.10.2019 - 18:12 [ US Generalstab ( ]

Readout of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Milley‘s Phone Call with Russian Chief of the General Staff Gen. Gerasimov

October 14, 2019

WASHINGTON–Joint Staff Spokesperson Col. DeDe S. Halfhill provided the following readout:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley spoke with Chief of the Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov by telephone today.

The two military leaders exchanged their views on issues of mutual concern in Syria.

The two leaders have agreed to keep the specific details of their conversation private.

15.10.2019 - 12:31 [ Yourmedia Agency / Twitter ]

.. Hektische Kriegsdiplomatie um Syrien: Meldungen mehren sich, dass türkischer Verteidigungminister Akar heute noch mit seinem syrischen „Kollegen“ Ayyoub (von Russland vermittelt) spricht.

15.10.2019 - 12:22 [ Brett McGurk, Former Presidential Envoy. Served under Bush, Obama, Trump / Twitter ]

Indeed, US officials signed the SDF up to a “security mechanism” plan by which it removed all defensive barriers on the Syrian side of the border to forestall a Turkish incursion. EUCOM issued this just yesterday. Was Trump ever even briefed on this plan?


15.10.2019 - 12:08 [ ]

Syrian Army enters strategic city in Al-Raqqa with heavy equipment: video

In a short video released by the Sputnik News Agency, a tank unit from the Syrian Arab Army can be seen heading to the city of Al-Tabaqa and its corresponding military airport, which are both located west of the provincial capital.

15.10.2019 - 11:56 [ Washington Post ]

Syrian troops enter key towns in northeast under deal with Kurds

Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad advanced Monday into several key towns across northeastern Syria after an 11th-hour deal with local Kurdish fighters, dramatically altering the balance of power inside the war-battered country.

15.10.2019 - 06:52 [ Ian56 ‏/ Twitter ]

Syrian Army to enter several SDF-held areas in north Syria to protect against Turkey‘s invasion Latest: SDF units are to be disbanded & merged with Russian controlled forces. Talks on future limited autonomy for Kurds will be held with the Syrian gov

15.10.2019 - 06:26 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States / Twitter ]

After defeating 100% of the ISIS Caliphate, I largely moved our troops out of Syria. Let Syria and Assad protect the Kurds and fight Turkey for their own land. I said to my Generals, why should we be fighting for Syria….

….and Assad to protect the land of our enemy? Anyone who wants to assist Syria in protecting the Kurds is good with me, whether it is Russia, China, or Napoleon Bonaparte. I hope they all do great, we are 7,000 miles away!

15.10.2019 - 06:23 [ ]

Trump: Let ‚Napoleon Bonaparte‘ rescue Kurds

„Anyone who wants to assist Syria in protecting the Kurds is good with me, whether it is Russia, China, or Napoleon Bonaparte. I hope they all do great, we are 7,000 miles away!“ Trump wrote on Twitter.

He defended his weekend order to vacate northeastern Syria and abandon the Kurds, saying that the US mission to defeat Islamic State in the region had been achieved „100 percent.“

15.10.2019 - 06:22 [ ]

Syrien: Putins Poker mit verfeindeten Verbündeten

Die Situation im Norden Syriens wird von Tag zu Tag verworrener. Viele Parteien agieren mit unterschiedlichen Interessen und undurchsichtigen Absprachen.

15.10.2019 - 05:50 [ JM Rieger, Video Editor, The Washington Post / Twitter ]

REPORTER: What did the president authorize in his conversation initially with President Erdogan a week ago on Sunday? … What did Erdogan say in response to [the ceasefire request]? PENCE: The United States of America did not give a green light to Turkey to invade Syria.

15.10.2019 - 05:46 [ CBS News / Youtube ]

Pence says Trump told Erdogan to implement immediate ceasefire

Vice President Mike Pence announced Monday that the Trump administration was imposing sanctions against Turkey over its invasion of northern Syria. He told reporters at the White House that the president has been monitoring the situation, had spoken to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and called for an immediate ceasefire. Pence also said that Mr. Trump had directed him to lead a delegation to Turkey to bring the bloodshed to an end.

15.10.2019 - 04:17 [ junge Welt ]

Gegenwind für Ankara

Die EU-Außenminister einigten sich am Montag in Luxemburg darauf, dass es kein allgemeines Waffenembargo gegen Ankara geben solle. Dies hatten mehrere Mitgliedsstaaten gefordert, für die Entscheidung wäre aber Einstimmigkeit notwendig gewesen. So ist es weiter den nationalen Regierungen überlassen, ob sie Rüstungsgüter an die Türkei verkaufen.

15.10.2019 - 04:06 [ junge Welt ]

Syrien: Deutsche „Tornados“ fliegen weiter

Aus dem Verteidigungsministerium hieß es am Montag, die Jets würden deutlich entfernt von den umkämpften Gebieten in Nordsyrien fliegen. Die »Tornados« starten von Jordanien aus

15.10.2019 - 03:59 [ The Hill ]

Pentagon announces official withdrawal of US troops from Syria

Trump has not backed down from his pledge to remove U.S. forces from the country and instead has said he will soon implement sanctions that will target government officials in Ankara and “any persons contributing to Turkey’s destabilizing actions in northeast Syria.”

15.10.2019 - 03:50 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Krieg um Nordsyrien

Darüber hinaus haben sich die vor Jahren gehegten Hoffnungen, bestimmenden Einfluss auf eine vom Westen eingesetzte syrische Regierung zu erlangen, vollständig zerschlagen. Im Jahr 2012 hatte Berlin rund 40 syrische Exiloppositionelle unter Anleitung deutscher Spezialisten detaillierte Pläne für den Umbau Syriens nach dem Sturz der Regierung von Bashar al Assad erstellen lassen, von dem damals deutsche Beobachter – Geheimdienstler inklusive – fest ausgingen.

15.10.2019 - 03:34 [ SANA ]

Army units move north to confront Turkish aggression on Syrian territory, Hasaka locals celebrate

Meanwhile, in Qamishli, the locals took to the streets in expression of their happiness and welcome of the declaration of the move of the Syrian Arab Army to confront the Turkish offensive, affirming that the army is the only protector of the homeland which is able to defend it in the face of the aggression.

14.10.2019 - 07:26 [ ]

Esper: Turkey ‚appears to be‘ committing war crimes in northern Syria

“Turkey committed this action. They decide to make an incursion in northern Syria despite our protestations, our urgings not to do it, all of our warnings,” Esper added. “We are doing what‘s in the interests of our service members not to put them in harm‘s way.”

14.10.2019 - 06:22 [ ]

Kurds strike deal with Damascus for gov‘t force entry of north Syria towns: officials

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES) announced the deal with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s government in a Sunday evening statement.

“This deployment occurred through coordination and agreement with the Self-Administration Authority for Northern and Eastern Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces,” the statement said.

14.10.2019 - 06:19 [ ]

Kurds announce deal with Damascus as Turkey pushes deep into Syria

Syria‘s Kurds have announced a groundbreaking deal with Damascus on a Syrian troop deployment near the border with Turkey, as Ankara presses a deadly cross-border offensive that has sparked an international outcry.

The announcement on Sunday came as the United States ordered the withdrawal of almost its entire ground force in Syria.

14.10.2019 - 06:09 [ ZDF ]

Wegen türkischer Offensive – Syrien schickt Truppen an nördliche Grenze

Als Reaktion auf den türkischen Einmarsch in Nordsyrien schickt die Regierung in Damaskus eigene Truppen in die Region. Der Schritt folgt auf eine Vereinbarung der Regierung von Präsident Baschar al-Assad mit den Kurdenmilizen, gegen die Ankara am Mittwoch eine Militäroffensive begonnen hatte.

14.10.2019 - 06:07 [ ]

Telefonat mit Erdogan: Merkel fordert Ende der Syrien-Offensive

Erdogan sagte bei einer Rede in Istanbul, er habe in dem Telefonat eine Erklärung zur Äußerung von Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas gefordert, Waffenexporte in die Türkei begrenzen zu wollen. Der türkische Präsident kritisierte Deutschland in seiner Ansprache scharf: „Seid ihr auf unserer Seite oder auf der Seite der Terrororganisation?“

13.10.2019 - 20:11 [ Bundeswehr / Twitter ]

Hallo, die Aufklärungsergebnisse werden nach einer nationalen Auswertung und Freigabe an das „Combined Air and Space Operations Center“ (CAOC) der Operation in Al Udeid (Katar) gegeben und stehen danach allen an der Operation beteiligten Ländern zur Verfügung. /Jan

13.10.2019 - 19:59 [ BBC ]

Turkey-Syria offensive: US ‚to evacuate 1,000 troops‘ as Turkey advances

According to Mr Esper, the SDF are „looking to cut a deal“ with the Syrian government and its Russian allies to counter the Turkish attack.

This, he said, would leave the US forces stuck between „two opposing advancing armies“.

He said he was unable to give a timeframe for the withdrawal and did not specify where the troops would be moved to next.

13.10.2019 - 18:45 [ CNN ]

Defense secretary says Trump ordered near total withdrawal of troops from northern Syria

„I spoke with the President last night, after discussions with the rest of the national security team, and he directed that we begin a deliberate withdrawal of forces from northern Syria,“ Esper said on CBS‘ „Face the Nation.“ „Which is where most of our forces are.“

13.10.2019 - 11:45 [ ]

Boris Johnson urges Turkish leader to end military assault on northern Syria

„But the Prime Minister was clear that the UK cannot support Turkey’s military action.

„He urged the president to end the operation and enter into dialogue, and said the UK and international partners stand ready to support negotiations towards a ceasefire.“

13.10.2019 - 11:31 [ Massoud Akko ‏/ Twitter ]

Today is October 13, 2019 at 08:30am Here is the city of Serê Kaniyê/Ras Al-ain, as you can see no presence for Turkish army and its backed troops. SDF forces with strong will are controlling the city.

13.10.2019 - 11:27 [ ]

Trump releases $50 million to protect ethnic and religious minorities in Syria

A statement from the White House Saturday evening said the funds would „provide emergency financial assistance to Syrian human rights defenders, civil society organizations, and reconciliation efforts directly supporting ethnic and religious minority victims of the conflict.“

13.10.2019 - 11:07 [ ]

Putin praises Saudi-Russian relations, condemns Aramco attacks, in interview

“If anyone thinks that seizing tankers and attacking oil infrastructure can in any way affect cooperation between Russia and our Arab friends, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, that they can undermine or break down our cooperation with OPEC+, then they are profoundly wrong,” said Putin, addressing a question on regional security.

“On the contrary, we will forge ever closer ties because our main goal is to stabilize global energy markets,” he added, saying that Russia remained committed to the initiatives of the OPEC+ group of oil producers driven by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

13.10.2019 - 11:03 [ ]

Syria must be free of foreign military presence, Russia should also leave if Damascus no longer needs its help – Putin

“All the forces deployed illegitimately inside any sovereign state – in this case Syria – must leave,” Putin said in a joint interview with RT Arabic, UAE-based Sky News Arabia, and Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya broadcasters.

„This is true for everyone. If Syria’s new legitimate government chooses to say that they have no more need for Russia’s military presence, this will be just as true for Russia.“

13.10.2019 - 10:50 [ ]

Developing: Massive Syrian Army force arrives at outskirts of Manbij amid reports of imminent takeover

According to a source in Aleppo, the Syrian Army deployed a large force from the provincial capital to the southern outskirts of Manbij as the government holds talks with the SDF about preventing the Turkish Army and their militant allies from taking control of the town.

13.10.2019 - 10:35 [ AJSB ‏/ Twitter ]

Yesterday there was apparently meeting between #USA & #Russia|n delegation in #Manbij, after it, #USA started to pack & exit City. Reporter Oleg is in Town. Expected Russian MPs to arrive today, later, #SAA forces will enter.

13.10.2019 - 10:29 [ ]

Female Kurdish politician among nine civilians killed by pro-Turkey forces in Syria, observers say

Kurdish activists circulated two videos on social media of the killings.
The first, posted on the Twitter account of the Ahrar al-Sharqiya rebel group, shows two people in civilian clothes kneeling on the ground as a fighter next to them announces they have been captured by the faction.

In the second, an unidentified fighter opens fire at a person on the ground wearing civilian attire.

13.10.2019 - 10:25 [ Rojava Information Center ‏/ Twitter ]

Today, Co-chair of the Syrian Future Party: Hevrin Khalaf (Ose) has been killed after being targeted by Turkish attacks. One week ago, @RojavaIC interviewed her concerning the Turkish threats.

12.10.2019 - 11:15 [ Nils Schmid, Außenpolitischer Sprecher der @spdbt ‏/ Twitter ]

„Die aktuelle Lage ist höchst besorgniserregend, hat aber keine Auswirkungen auf das Bundeswehr-Mandat“, habe ich dem @RND_de gesagt. „Die Regeln für die Auswertung der Daten aus den Tornadoflügen gelten.“


12.10.2019 - 10:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

Internationale Kriegskoalition marschiert von Türkei in Syrien ein

(25. August 2016)

Während die seit 2011 vom U.S.-Imperium und seiner Hegemonie betriebene Invasion und Zerschlagung Syriens weiter voranschreitet, herrschen weit und breit Verrat, Verwirrung und Heuchelei. Außer in der seit Beginn des Terrorkrieges in 2001 expandierenden „Supermacht“ verstecken und verkriechen sich die Verantwortlichen.

Der gestern begonnene Einmarsch regulären türkischen Militärs, der im September 2014 auf dem N.A.T.O.-Gipfel in Wales gegründeten internationalen Kriegskoalition, sowie deren Proxy-Milizen unter der Flagge „Freie Syrische Armee“ („F.S.A.“) erfolgte zumindest mit „der Billigung Russlands“, wie „RT“ kleinlaut in einem Nebensatz verlautbarte. Auch die syrische Regierung, mit ihrem Außenminister Walid al Muallem, schwieg gestern zum offenen Einmarsch der „westlichen“ Kriegskoalition im eigenen Land.

12.10.2019 - 10:51 [ Junge Welt ]

NATO im Dschihad

Bei den Angriffen der türkischen Armee und ihr angegliederter bewaffneter Gruppen seien zivile Infrastruktur und wichtige Einrichtungen wie Wasserpumpstationen, Dämme, Kraftwerke und Ölfelder angegriffen worden, erklärte der Sprecher der Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen, Rupert Colville, am Freitag.

12.10.2019 - 09:42 [ ]

Turkish-backed militants capture new towns amid push to encircle Tal Abyad

According to reports from northern Syria, the Turkish Army and their militant allies are attempting to encircle Tal Abyad before making the push to capture the city from the Syrian Democratic Forces.

If they are successful in capturing Tal Abyad, the Turkish Army will be only a short distance away from Raqqa city.

12.10.2019 - 09:09 [ ]

Turkish blast lands close to U.S. outpost in Syria

The Turkish Defense Ministry said the artillery fire was not aimed at the Americans but at nearby Kurdish fighters.

„Earlier today, Turkish border outposts south of Suruç came under Dochka and mortar fire from the hills located approximately 1,000 meters southwest of a U.S. observation post. In self-defense, reciprocal fire was opened on the terrorist positions of the attack. Turkey did not open fire at the U.S. observation post in any way. All precautions were taken prior to opening fire in order to prevent any harm to the U.S. base,“ the ministry said.