Archiv: Five Eyes (spy alliance) / associated / subordinated states

09.02.2025 - 17:35 [ Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) ]

CCIA Responds to Reports of UK Demand for Worldwide Apple iCloud Access

The following can be attributed to CCIA President & CEO Matt Schruers:

“As the recent Salt Typhoon breach makes clear, end-to-end encryption may be the only safeguard standing between Americans’ sensitive personal and business data and foreign adversaries.

“Reports that Apple has been secretly ordered by the UK Government to weaken its encryption, including in the United States, are a troubling development, if accurate. Decisions about Americans’ privacy and security should be made in America, in an open and transparent fashion, not through secret orders from abroad requiring keys be left under doormats.”

09.02.2025 - 17:30 [ Forbes ]

Apple’s ‘Dangerous’ iPhone Update Is Much Worse Than You Think

So, why is this worse than you think. In my view — and no one can officially comment, so “views” will be all we can share — any such government action would not stop with Apple. Not to over-simplify matters, but a bad actor would simply run Google’s helpful switch to Android software. If the U.K is going after Apple, it’s also going after Google and Meta and others. Why would they not? But Soviet-style, none of these other parties can comment or answer questions or confirm or deny.

08.02.2025 - 17:46 [ Washington Post ]

U.K. orders Apple to let it spy on users’ encrypted accounts

(February 7, 2025)

The law, known by critics as the Snoopers’ Charter, makes it a criminal offense to reveal that the government has even made such a demand. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.

Apple can appeal the U.K. capability notice to a secret technical panel, which would consider arguments about the expense of the requirement, and to a judge who would weigh whether the request was in proportion to the government’s needs. But the law does not permit Apple to delay complying during an appeal.

08.02.2025 - 17:26 [ ]

Apple ordered to open encrypted user accounts globally to UK spying

Apple’s iCloud backups aren’t encrypted by default, but the Advanced Data Protection option was added in 2022, and must be enabled manually. It uses end-to-end encryption so that not even Apple can access encrypted files. In response to the order, Apple is expected to simply stop offering Advanced Data Protection in the UK. This wouldn’t meet the UK’s demand for access to files shared by global users, however.

08.02.2025 - 17:21 [ ]

UK verlangt Zugriff auf verschlüsselte Daten aller Apple-Nutzer weltweit


Hintertüren, wie die von den Briten geforderte, sind von Natur aus gefährlich. Beim Hack der US-Kommunikationssysteme im Jahr 2024, der angeblich von chinesischen Akteuren durchgeführt wurde, wurde eine Hintertür verwendet, die die USA und andere Regierungen gefordert hatten:

„Dies ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Hacker die von CALEA vorgeschriebenen Abhör-Backdoors ausnutzen. Wie der Computersicherheitsexperte Nicholas Weaver 2015 gegenüber Lawfare betonte, „muss jede in den USA verkaufte Telefonanlage die Möglichkeit bieten, eine große Anzahl von Anrufen effizient abzuhören. Und da die USA einen so großen Markt darstellen, bedeutet dies, dass praktisch jede weltweit verkaufte Telefonanlage die Funktion ‚Lawful Intercept‘ enthält.“

Vor zwei Jahrzehnten wurde diese obligatorische Abhörfunktion von Hackern, die es auf Vodafone Griechenland abgesehen hatten, unterwandert. Sie fingen Telefongespräche des Premierministers des Landes und hochrangiger politischer, polizeilicher und militärischer Beamter ab.“

08.02.2025 - 17:15 [ Techdirt ]

Snooper‘s Charter May Not ‚Increase‘ Surveillance… But Tries To Legalize Over A Decade Of Secret, Illegal Mass Surveillance

(November 6, 2015)

Earlier this week, we wrote about the UK’s release of its new Snooper’s Charter bill, where we noted that the government spin on it was fairly dizzying. I noted at the time that while the government kept insisting that it wasn’t adding a requirement to backdoor encryption, that was misleading because the text of the bill indicated the government believed such a mandate already existed. And that’s only the least of it. The bill and the discussion around it simply confirmed that the UK government engaged in mass surveillance for many, many years, and until now only a “tiny handful” of government ministers even knew about it.

That’s kind of astounding.

And, amazingly, the government is using this fact to argue that the new bill is a good thing because it actually “limits and restricts” activity that it secretly engaged in for years and years.

08.02.2025 - 17:13 [ Techdirt ]

UK Government Goes Full Orwell: Snooper‘s Charter, Encryption Backdoors, Free Speech Suppression

(May 28, 2015)

The old joke goes “George Orwell’s 1984 was a warning, not a ‘how to’ manual.” But that joke is increasingly less funny as the UK really seems to be doing everything it can to put in place Orwell’s fictitious vision — just a few decades later.


That first sentence is about the extremism orders, but the second part may be even more troubling. It’s the Queen making it clear that the Snooper’s Charter is returning — but even worse than before.

07.02.2025 - 13:49 [ ]

Massenüberwachungspläne der Union: Trump geleckt

(January 27, 2025)

Der Antragsentwurf der Christenunion hat es in sich: In Deutschland soll nicht nur bei Fragen der Einreise und des Asyls eine Politik im Stile Donald Trumps mit massiven Verschärfungen beginnen. Auch ein ganzer Überwachungskatalog soll Wirklichkeit werden. Neben mehreren Vorhaben von technisierter Massenüberwachung ist auch der Ausbau staatlichen Hackings vorgesehen, dazu mehr Befugnisse für Polizei und Geheimdienste.

Die Fülle an Vorhaben begründet die Union mit den zurückliegenden Morden von Tätern mit psychischen Auffälligkeiten in Magdeburg und Aschaffenburg und mit der „ernüchternden innenpolitischen Bilanz nach drei Jahren Regierung Scholz“, wie es im Antrag heißt.


Die wenigen Abgeordneten des Bundestags, die in Überwachungsfragen der Geheimdienste Einblick bekommen, sollte das beunruhigen. Denn die Kontrolle durch das Parlament ist schon heute unterentwickelt und kaum praktikabel. Parlamentarische Untersuchungsausschüsse des Bundestags, die wegen Geheimdienstskandalen immer wieder bemüht werden mussten, haben gezeigt: Das Stochern im Nebel hat System. Wenn nun noch mehr Auflagen „zurückgeführt werden“, läuft die Geheimdienstkontrolle ins Leere.

15.11.2024 - 16:23 [ ABC News ]

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Trump‘s pick for director of national intelligence

(November 13, 2024)

„Trump ended up with some neocons around him who were trying to undermine his objectives so they could feed their goals of continuing to keep us in a perpetual state of war,“ Gabbard said, discussing his first administration. „This administration has us facing multiple wars on multiple fronts and regions around the world and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before,“ Gabbard said when she endorsed Trump during a campaign event in Michigan.

„This is one of the main reasons why I‘m committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he can, once again, serve us as our commander in chief.“

04.09.2024 - 10:45 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.

(December 16, 2023)

Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

28.08.2024 - 12:40 [ Anadolu ]

UK’s Online Safety Bill to be fully enforced next year


The UK‘s new Online Safety Bill, which is set to take effect next year and aims to curb speculative news and online hate speech, has gained renewed attention after far-right groups used social media to incite violence.

05.05.2024 - 07:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza is the greatest test liberalism has faced since 1945. And it is failing

Pro-Israeli lobbies have hijacked most western liberal democracies.

The whole world is now privy to the shameless pimping of western politicians previously documented in Congressman Paul Findley‘s 1985 book They Dare to Speak Out and reinforced by the 2007 book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, by political scientists John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.

As an anonymous commentator wrote: “People think Gaza is occupied, but in reality, Gaza is free but the whole world is occupied.”

14.02.2024 - 12:49 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.


Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

05.01.2024 - 16:22 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.


Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

16.12.2023 - 16:00 [ Times of Israel ]

NYT: Israel had blueprint of Hamas’s financial infrastructure in 2018, but didn’t shut it down

However, the report says that even though the documents were shared in Jerusalem and Washington, nothing was done to disrupt the operations.

“Everyone is talking about failures of intelligence on Oct. 7, but no one is talking about the failure to stop the money,” Udi Levy, a former chief of Mossad’s economic warfare division, tells the paper “It’s the money — the money — that allowed this.”

The report says that the funds totaled some $500 million.

Levy says he briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015 about Hamas’s finances.

16.12.2023 - 15:46 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.

Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

15.11.2023 - 07:24 [ Stewart Clark (Blue Tick Goes Here) / Twitter ]

UK Internet Censorship bill was passed a few weeks ago, you will see sweeping changes in censorship coming soon, all for your safety and protection of course

10.11.2023 - 10:15 [ ]

Siemens und der BND: Ehemalige Manager packen aus


Siemens lieferte Abhörtechnik für Geheimdienste in aller Welt, nach Russland, Ägypten, oder Oman. Der Konzern kann sich zur Fehleranalyse in jede große Vermittlungsanlage einwählen, die das Unternehmen geliefert hat. Das legt den Verdacht nahe, der BND habe sich Zugang zu diesen Einwahlschlüsseln verschaffen wollen.

Für den Nachrichtendienst war Siemens auch deshalb interessant, weil Ingenieure des Konzerns beim Bau von Telefonanlagen Räume zu sehen bekommen, die auch einem US-Spionagesatellit verschlossen sind, …

10.11.2023 - 09:42 [ Wikipedia ]

Operation Rubicon

Operation Rubicon (German: Operation Rubikon), until the late 1980s called Operation Thesaurus, was a secret operation by the West German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), lasting from 1970 to 1993 and 2018, respectively, to gather communication intelligence of encrypted government communications of other countries.[1][2] This was accomplished through the sale of manipulated encryption technology (CX-52) from Swiss-based Crypto AG, which was secretly owned and influenced by the two services from 1970 onwards.[1] In a comprehensive CIA historical account of the operation leaked in early 2020, it was referred to as the „intelligence coup of the century“ in a Washington Post article.

10.11.2023 - 09:20 [ ZDFinfo Dokus & Reportagen / Youtube ]

Streng geheim! Cryptoleaks. Die große BND und CIA Spionage | ZDFinfo Doku

(Aug 29, 2020)

Jahrzehntelang belauschten BND und CIA die verschlüsselte Kommunikation von über 100 Staaten. Die Operation „Rubikon“ wurde bis heute geheim gehalten. Sie gilt als größter Erfolg des BND.

Opfer des Lauschangriffs waren arabische und südamerikanische Länder, aber auch NATO-Partner. Sie vertrauten der Krypto-Technik des schweizerischen Herstellers Crypto AG – und wurden betrogen.

10.11.2023 - 04:50 [ ]

Geheime Liste: Wie der Sicherheitsapparat die Chatkontrolle prägt

Auffällig ist, dass die EU-Kommission von den neun Regierungsvertreter:innen auch zwei von der australischen Bundespolizei einlud. Hintergrund könnte hier sein, dass Australien seit 2019 ein Gesetz gegen sichere Verschlüsselung anwendet. Australien gehört wie das Vereinigte Königreich, die USA, Neuseeland und Kanada zum Geheimdienstverbund „Five Eyes“.

03.10.2023 - 11:55 [ ]

Europol will Chatkontrolle-Daten unbegrenzt sammeln


Europol wünscht sich ungefilterten Zugang zu Daten der Chatkontrolle, um KI-Algorithmen zu trainieren. Das geht aus internen Dokumenten hervor, die wir veröffentlichen. Zwei ehemalige Beamte der EU-Polizei wechselten zur US-Organisation Thorn, die massiv für das geplante Gesetz lobbyiert.

03.10.2023 - 11:00 [ World Economic Forum / Weltwirtschaftsforum ]

World Economic Forum Launches Coalition to Tackle Harmful Online Content

(29 Jun 2021)

· Leaders in Australia, the UK, Indonesia, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Singapore and other public and private sector members have come together to collaborate and share best practices to reduce the spread of child sexual exploitation and abuse online, violent extremist and terrorist content, and health misinformation

03.10.2023 - 10:30 [ Elander & the News / Twitter ]

OFCOM – UK broadcasting regulator, gained extensive new powers of censorship and news control, under the Online Safety Bill, which it wrote in conjunction with the unelected WEF! The CEO of Ofcom is also a member of the WEF Global coalition for digital safety. Just saying


27.09.2023 - 15:15 [ ]

Motion Bellaiche Judith. Chat-Kontrolle. Schutz vor anlassloser dauernder Massenüberwachung

Für Annahme der Motion … 144 Stimmen
Dagegen … 24 Stimmen
(21 Enthaltungen)

27.09.2023 - 14:51 [ ]

Schweiz stimmt gegen Chatkontrolle: „Niemand wird sich der Kontrolle entziehen können“

Den Antrag hat der Nationalrat am Montag mit einer Dreiviertel-Mehrheit angenommen (144 Ja-Stimmen, 24 Nein-Stimmen, 21 Enthaltungen). Damit stimmte die Mehrheit der Nationalrät*innen gegen die Position der Schweizer Regierung, dem Bundesrat. Dieser hatte auf die laufenden Verhandlungen in der EU zur Chatkontrolle verwiesen. Außerdem behauptet der Bundesrat: „Eine kontinuierliche, anlasslose staatliche Überwachung digitaler Kommunikation ist im Vorschlag der EU-Kommission nicht vorgesehen.“ Tatsächlich sieht der Kommissionsentwurf vor, dass nach einer behördlichen Anordnung alle Nachrichten bestimmter Anbieter automatisch gescannt werden, um zu entdecken, ob sie Darstellungen von Kindesmissbrauch enthalten oder ein Versuch von Grooming sind.

26.09.2023 - 10:15 [ Glenn Greenwald / ]

Not only is corporate media like @AP predictably running hit pieces on Rumble for its crime of not obeying censorship orders of the neoliberal establishment, but British media outlets are explicitly threatening that Rumble will be banned from the UK under its repressive new law:

26.09.2023 - 09:15 [ ]

„Five Eyes“ hinter den Entschlüsselungsplänen des EU-Ministerrats


Gemeint ist ein erster Schritt zu einer EU-weiten Regulation, die Plattformbetreiber de facto verpflichten wird, Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung mit einem Generalschlüssel auszuhebeln. Dass diese vom britischen Geheimdienst GCHQ vorgeschlagene Methode favorisiert wird, bestätigte de Kerchove ganz nebenbei in einem am Freitag von der Nachrichtenagentur AFP verbreiteten Interview. Ein frisch geleaktes Dokument des Rats dokumentiert die tiefe Involvierung der Spionageallianz „Five Eyes“ in die Entschlüsselungspläne.


Was de Kerchove, der auch die Gaming-Websites als überwachungspflichtig ins Spiel gebracht hatte, geflissentlich verschwieg, ist, wozu dies in jedem EU-Staat unweigerlich führen wird, dessen Gesetze den Geheimdiensten ein Mandat zum Anzapfen der Glasfaserleitungen zum Zwecke der „Gefahrenverhütung“ bzw. der „Nachrichtenaufklärung“ verleihen.

26.09.2023 - 08:47 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

May, Macron und Merkel: Kriegskoalition gegen das World Wide Web

(14.Juni 2017)

Die entsprechenden Pläne von Terror-Theresa, lange vor ihrer Wahlniederlage entworfen, lasen wir bereits vor. Schlüssel dabei ist die praktisch und naturgemäß von allen Regierungen angestrebte Infiltration, Untermininierung und damit das faktische Verbot für 3,7 Milliarden Menschen im Internet – zum überwältigenden Anteil im öffentlich zugänglichen World Wide Web – ihre Telekommunikation, ihren Geschäftsbetrieb, ihr Privatleben, ihre Interaktionen im World Wide Web zu verschlüsseln. (…)

Für meine PappenheimerInnen von Genösschen – wie ich bereits mehrfach bemerkt habe: die dümmsten, miesesten und verlogensten der Welt – gilt diesbezüglich, wie immer: Kopf einziehen und versuchen nicht aufzufallen.

Helfen wird der Nomenklatura, ob international oder in diesem Saftladen von Republik, nichts von alledem. Sie ist fällig.

Und ihre Ehrenlogen vorneweg.

21.09.2023 - 09:55 [ Reuters ]

UK urges Meta not to roll out end-to-end encryption on Messenger and Instagram

A Meta spokesperson said: „The overwhelming majority of Brits already rely on apps that use encryption to keep them safe from hackers, fraudsters and criminals.
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„We don‘t think people want us reading their private messages so have spent the last five years developing robust safety measures to prevent, detect and combat abuse while maintaining online security.“

21.09.2023 - 09:45 [ ]

Meta targeted for fresh UK gov’t warning against E2E encryption for Messenger, Instagram

Although friction from policymakers has clearly made the “pivot to privacy” which founder Mark Zuckerberg announced all the way back in 2019, when he said the company would universally apply E2EE on its services, slow going.

Finally, though, this August, Meta announced it would enable E2EE by default for Messenger by the end of the year.

20.09.2023 - 22:38 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users


The bill could empower the government to undermine not just the privacy and security of U.K. residents, but internet users worldwide.

A clause of the bill allows Ofcom, the British telecom regulator, to serve a notice requiring tech companies to scan their users–all of them–for child abuse content.This would affect even messages and files that are end-to-end encrypted to protect user privacy. As enacted, the OSB allows the government to force companies to build technology that can scan regardless of encryption–in other words, build a backdoor.

20.09.2023 - 21:48 [ ]

Britisches Parlament beschließt Online Safety Bill

Das rund sechs Jahre lang verhandelte Gesetz ist inzwischen auf gut 300 Seiten angewachsen und trifft nicht nur große Online-Dienste wie Facebook oder Google. Schätzungen der konservativen Regierung zufolge sind rund 20.000 kleinere und nicht-kommerzielle Anbieter wie die Wikipedia betroffen. Viele davon machen sind nun Sorgen, ob sie die Vorgaben überhaupt umsetzen können, für manche kommt sogar ein Rückzug aus dem Internet für britische Nutzer:innen in Frage.

18.09.2023 - 23:35 [ Techdirt ]

Intelligence Community Feels It Might Be Time To Start Stuffing Surveillance Gear Into People’s Pants

Who among us has not considered shoving a camera into our underwear… but for the greater good… on the public’s dime?

18.09.2023 - 23:26 [ ]


(August 23, 2023)

The Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems (SMART ePANTS) program represents the largest single investment to develop Active Smart Textiles (AST) that feel, move, and function like any garment. Resulting innovations stand to provide the Intelligence Community (IC), Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies with durable, ready-to-wear clothing that can record audio, video, and geolocation data.

18.09.2023 - 23:21 [ ]

Kids Online Safety Act reviewed by Congress

(August 29, 2023)

The bill is working its way through Congress, and it’s important we understand what it does and doesn’t do.

18.09.2023 - 23:15 [ ]

Influencers Starting To Realize How The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) Will Do Real Damage

(Jul 25th 2023)

„40 Senators have sponsored a bill to make sure you have to upload your driver’s license before you can use your First Amendment on the internet. That’s what they want. That’s what this bill is.

This bill is designed to make sure that they have your home address before you can actually post about ANYTHING on the internet.“

18.09.2023 - 19:17 [ ]

The UK’s Secretive Web Surveillance Program Is Ramping Up


WIRED contacted nine of the UK’s internet service providers and telecom companies asking about their abilities to create and store people’s internet connection records. Eight did not respond to the request for comment. TalkTalk, the only one that did, said it will “meet its obligations” under UK law but couldn’t “confirm or deny” whether ICRs existed.

18.09.2023 - 18:41 [ ]

Cameron’s internet filter goes far beyond porn – and that was always the plan

(23 December 2013)

Through secretive negotiations with ISPs, the coalition has divided the internet into ‚acceptable‘ and ‚unacceptable‘ categories and cut people off from huge swathes of it at the stroke of a key.

18.09.2023 - 18:32 [ ]

UK Advisor Involved In Britain’s Internet Filter Arrested For Child Porn

(Mar 4, 2014)

Britain has come under fire for its Internet filtering program, which can inadvertently block sensitive culture topics that overlap with common porn terms. The program accidentally “led to the creation of filters that not only cover hardcore pornography, but hate speech, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, dating, nudity, violence, gambling, social networking, file-sharing, games and more,” explained Wired UK.

Despite the embarrassing arrest, there is no announced plan to revise the Internet filtering program.

18.09.2023 - 18:22 [ ]

Ministers deny concessions as Online Safety Bill returns to Commons


Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan insisted that nothing had changed in the long-awaited legislation, after privacy campaigners earlier this month claimed a victory following widespread reports of a shift in the Government stance on encryption.

10.09.2023 - 19:16 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

We now expect the CIA, Pentagon, NSA, etc, to have all their communications screened. We are looking for:


– child porn
– animal porn
– spy shit
– illegally and arbitrarily stolen communications, secrets, private information and other intellectual, creative, spiritual and personal property (formely called thoughts, identity, mind and soul, and stuff)
– deceitful law drafts, that potentially could be talked into parliamentarian dummies, in order to sell those laws on the other hand to a bunch of idiots as some kind of aid, protection or rescue for anybody, so that everybody´s applauding when they are subjected to an electronic colony, police state and feudalism.

And remember: if they are progessives, they let you do it!

01.07.2023 - 13:08 [ ]

Elon Musk: The US Government, Intelligence Agencies Had Access To Twitter Backdoor, Ability To Spy On Direct Messages

(Apr 17, 2023)

“The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind,” Musk told Carlson. “I was not aware of that.”

01.07.2023 - 13:06 [ ]

Revealed: Google and Facebook DID allow NSA access to data and were in talks to set up ‚spying rooms‘ despite denials by Zuckerberg and Page over PRISM project

(8 June 2013)

Meanwhile, Twitter is one company which has managed to keep mum in PRISM discussions.

01.07.2023 - 13:04 [ ]

NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others

(7 Jun 2013)

The Guardian has verified the authenticity of the document, a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation – classified as top secret with no distribution to foreign allies – which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. The document claims „collection directly from the servers“ of major US service providers.

Although the presentation claims the program is run with the assistance of the companies, all those who responded to a Guardian request for comment on Thursday denied knowledge of any such program.

01.06.2023 - 14:36 [ Human Rights Watch ]

China’s Techno-Authoritarianism Has Gone Global

(April 8, 2021)

To much of the rest of the world, however, this competition is little more than evil versus evil. The U.S. government has also practiced mass surveillance; big U.S. technology companies have adopted a surveillance-based business model, exploiting people’s data in the name of free service; and the Five Eyes, an intelligence coalition comprised of the United States and Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, has sought to undermine encryption by pressuring companies to give governments backdoor access to all digital communications. In this dismal global race to the digital bottom, the biggest losers are ordinary technology users all over the world.

13.05.2023 - 21:18 [ ]

EU-Beitritt oder Freihandelsabkommen – das wären die Folgen für die Schweiz

(28. Februar 2023)

Eine neue Studie zeigt nun, was der Schweiz ein Freihandelsabkommen, eine Drittstaatenregelung oder ein kompletter Beitritt bringen würde. Die Studie kommt vom Institut für Schweizer Wirtschaftspolitik in Luzern, vom Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft und vom österreichischen Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut in Wien.

13.05.2023 - 20:46 [ ]

Trotz Neutralität: Schweiz erwägt Beitritt zu EU-Verteidigungsprojekten


Cyberangriffe seien eines der Instrumente, die für „Wettbewerb, Einschüchterung und Zwang“ eingesetzt werden, so die EU in ihrer im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlichten Sicherheitsstrategie, die darauf hinwies, dass „in den letzten Jahren die klassische Unterscheidung zwischen Krieg und Frieden immer mehr abnimmt.“

Auch die NATO hat den Cyberspace zu einem Bereich erklärt, in dem ein gewisses Maß an Angriffen als Bedrohung definiert werden könnte und ein Mitglied des Militärbündnisses dazu veranlassen könnte, sich auf die Klausel der kollektiven Verteidigung nach Artikel 5 zu berufen.

29.04.2023 - 07:44 [ ]

Wikipedia may no longer be available in UK because of online safety bill

Lucy Crompton-Reid, the chief executive of Wikimedia UK, said it was “definitely possible that one of the most visited websites in the world – and a vital source of freely accessible knowledge and information for millions of people – won’t be accessible to UK readers (let alone UK-based contributors)”.

29.04.2023 - 07:29 [ ]

Wikipedia could be taken offline in the UK

Lucy Crompton-Reid, chief executive of Wikimedia UK, warned the text of the bill could compel the website to introduce age verification.

The Wikimedia Foundation, which supports the free encyclopaedia, said it would refuse to verify the age of UK readers.

Failure to properly comply with the Online Safety Bill could create a situation where the site is fined, or even blocked for UK users entirely.