Archiv: favored entries

15.09.2024 - 19:20 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The West Is A Dystopian Wasteland Of Moral Degeneracy

The moral degeneracy of this civilization looks like living lives of relative comfort built on the backs of workers in the global south whose labor and resources are extracted from their nations at profoundly exploitative rates, while raining military explosives on impoverished populations who dare to disobey the dictates of our government, day after day, year after year, decade after decade, and acting like this is all fine and normal.

Being born into western civilization is like waking up in the middle of a massive lynch mob.

15.09.2024 - 13:50 [ Times of Israel ]

Rocket warning sirens sound in Tel Aviv and surrounding areas

Today, 6:37 am

Rocket warning sirens sound in Tel Aviv and the surrounding areas.

15.09.2024 - 13:43 [ Al Jazeera ]

Thousands of Israelis rally in Tel Aviv, urging Gaza captives deal

“This deal-sabotaging government is forsaking the captives and abandoning them to die,” said Yotam Cohen, the brother of Nimrod Cohen, an Israeli soldier held captive in Gaza.

“As long as Netanyahu is in power, this war will go on indefinitely and there will be no hostage deal. To save the hostages lives, Netanyahu must be replaced,” Cohen told The Associated Press news agency.

15.09.2024 - 01:15 [ SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire / ]


To Our Guild Leadership and Staff:

We are proud rank-and-file union and trade association members from every corner of our industry — working on screen, stage, set, and in the field — united in solidarity with the global call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a just, lasting peace. As artists and storytellers, we cannot stand idly by as our industry refuses to tell the story of Palestinian humanity.

Following SAG-AFTRA’s statement in sympathy with Israel regarding October 7, many SAG-AFTRA and sister guild members have watched in horror as the Israeli government wages a war of collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza — killing over 40,000 Palestinians, injuring over 90,000 more, forcibly displacing 2 million people, and openly targeting members of the press and their families. As the IDF continues its assault on “safe zones,” schools, and hospitals, and as civilians in Gaza die from starvation, dehydration, and lack of medical supplies and fuel, major human rights groups have labeled these acts as war crimes, human rights atrocities, and even genocide. The UN has described Gaza as a “graveyard for children” — and estimate that by mid-July “half of the population — more than a million people — could face death and starvation.” As of now, there is no end in sight — only escalation, death, and destruction.

15.09.2024 - 01:06 [ Hollywood Reporter ]

Mark Ruffalo, Ramy Youssef and More Call on SAG-AFTRA Leaders to Protect Pro-Palestine Members From Being Blacklisted (Exclusive)

SAG-AFTRA members Mark Ruffalo, Ramy Youssef, Susan Sarandon, Melissa Barrera and Cynthia Nixon are among the hundreds of union members calling on their organization’s leadership to keep people from being blacklisted for their views on Palestine.

In a statement provided with an open letter from organization SAG-AFTRA and Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire, members claim their numerous attempts to communicate with leadership about their concerns and work on a ceasefire statement together have been consistently ignored. When asked, SAG-AFTRA declined to comment on the claim or the letter.

14.09.2024 - 23:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

Senior Saudi royal urges US to cut financial and military support to Israel

“There are many tools that are available to the United States, not simply harsh talk, which seems to have gotten us nowhere. But is America ready to do that?”

“I’m not too optimistic,” he said, answering his own question.

On Britain, Prince Turki said the country had “a special responsibility for what is happening in Palestine” due to its role in the “ill-begotten Balfour Declaration in 1917”.

14.09.2024 - 20:59 [ Hindustan Times / Youtube ]

Israel Erupts Against Netanyahu | Massive Protest In Tel Aviv By Hostage Families | Gaza War | LIVE

Protesters gather to pressure Benjamin Netanyahu‘s government to negotiate the release of hostages. The single protest also includes hostages‘ relatives and demonstrators calling for the end of the Israeli prime minister‘s government. Speakers at protest: Michal Lobanov, wife of the late Alex Lobanov who was killed last week by Hamas; Anat Angrest, mother of Matan Angrest; Einav Zangauker, mother of Matan Zangauker; Sha‘ban al-Sayed, father of Hisham al-Sayed; Amit Elgarat, nephew of Itzik Elgarat; Ido and Shani, friends of Gali and Ziv Berman.

14.09.2024 - 20:54 [ Jerusalem Post ]

WATCH: Fmr. Saudi official: There are no heroes in Israel-Hamas war, only victims

(October 20, 2023)

Former head of Saudi Arabia‘s General Intelligence Presidency and former Saudi ambassador to the US Turki al-Faisal condemned both Hamas and Israel in a speech on Tuesday, saying Hamas committed acts forbidden by Islam and Israel was ‚indiscriminately‘ bombing civilians in Gaza.

„There are no heroes in this conflict, only victims,“ said Faisal in a speech at a conference hosted by Rice University‘s Baker Institute for Public Policy.

14.09.2024 - 20:14 [ Zarah Sultana MP, Labour MP for Coventry South / ]

Described as “the most lethal fighter jet in the world”, every Israeli F-35 is made in part here in the UK. I, alongside 36 MPs, have written to the government raising concerns about complicity in violations of international law by not suspending export licences for F-35 parts:

13.09.2024 - 19:40 [ ]

Europäische und arabische Staaten dringen auf Zweistaatenlösung

An dem Treffen in der spanischen Hauptstadt nahmen der palästinensische Regierungschef Mohammed Mustafa, die Außenminister Katars, Saudi-Arabiens, Ägyptens und der Türkei sowie die Generalsekretäre der Arabischen Liga und der Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit teil.

Die EU war durch ihren Außenbeauftragten Josep Borrell vertreten. Zudem nahmen die Außenminister Irlands, Norwegens, Sloweniens und Spaniens an den Gesprächen teil. Alle vier Länder hatten vor einigen Monaten offiziell einen eigenständigen palästinensischen Staat anerkannt.

12.09.2024 - 20:15 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Palestine to seek end to ‘unlawful’ Israel occupation within 12 months at UN

Palestine’s permanent mission to the UN is expected to present a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly next week demanding Israel to end its presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories within 12 months, according to a document obtained by Anadolu on Thursday.

12.09.2024 - 20:08 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency – ]

State of Palestine takes a seat in the UN General Assembly

This significant moment follows a decision by the General Assembly in May, where a majority of members voted in favor of granting Palestine full membership rights. This resolution came after the United States used its veto power in the Security Council to block Palestine‘s bid for full UN membership. (…)

To be granted full UN membership, a state must receive a two-thirds majority vote from the General Assembly following a positive recommendation from the Security Council.

The U.S. vetoed this recommendation on April 18, preventing Palestine from achieving full membership.

11.09.2024 - 19:20 [ luogo commune ]

„September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“

„September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“ is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. While aimed primarily at a general, uninformed audience, the film also contains some new findings that may be of interest to advanced researchers.

This film is intended as an educational, non-profit operation, and must remain so in order to fulfill all the requirements for the usage of copyrighted material. As such, the entire film is made available online for free from day one.

10.09.2024 - 18:32 [ ]

ICC prosecutor seeks urgent arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas leaders


In filing to court, Karim Khan expresses frustration with court‘s delay in issuing warrants, urging swift action ahead of Netanyahu‘s scheduled speech at UN General Assembly later in September

10.09.2024 - 18:10 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

(September 5, 2024)

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

10.09.2024 - 18:05 [ ]

Karim Khan urges ICC judges not to delay arrest warrant for Netanyahu

(August 24, 2024)

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, stressed that the court has jurisdiction to investigate Israelis, urging judges to decide on arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Security Minister Yoav Gallant, which he had requested months ago.

09.09.2024 - 15:41 [ International Court of Justice ]


(July 19, 2024)

278. Taking note of the resolutions of the Security Council and General Assembly, the Court is of the view that Member States are under an obligation not to recognize any changes in the physical character or demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the territory occupied by Israel on 5 June 1967, including East Jerusalem, except as agreed by the parties through negotiations and to distinguish in their dealings with Israel between the territory of the State of Israel and the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967. The Court considers that the duty of distinguishing dealings with Israel between its own territory and the Occupied Palestinian Territory encompasses, inter alia, the obligation to abstain from treaty relations with Israel in all cases in which it purports to act on behalf of the Occupied Palestinian Territory or a part thereof on matters concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territory or a part of its territory; to abstain from entering into economic or trade dealings with Israel concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territory or parts thereof which may entrench its unlawful presence in the territory; to abstain, in the establishment and maintenance of diplomatic missions in Israel, from any recognition of its illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; and to take steps to prevent trade or investment relations that assist in the maintenance of the illegal situation created by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (see Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1971, pp. 55-56, paras. 122, 125-127).


281. Finally, the Court is of the view that the precise modalities to bring to an end Israel’s
unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is a matter to be dealt with by the General Assembly, which requested this opinion, as well as the Security Council. Therefore, it is for the General Assembly and the Security Council to consider what further action is required to put an end to the illegal presence of Israel, taking into account the present Advisory Opinion.

09.09.2024 - 15:32 [ Nigerian Tribune ]

Group seeks enforcement of ICJ ruling on Israel/Palestine crisis

(September 1, 2024)

An Islamic organization, Aqsah Nigeria, has called on world leaders, especially African governments, to take decisive action in enforcing the July 19th, 2024 ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which declared Israel’s war on Palestinian territories unlawful.

The organization also urged mass mobilization and continuous public awareness to uphold this “landmark judgment” in hopes of ending the ongoing killing of women and children and the displacement of Palestinians by Israeli forces.

08.09.2024 - 17:14 [ Massel Verlag ]

Kunst und Kultur gegen den Strom

Einige Künstler lassen sich nicht einschüchtern. Sie machen das, was man von ihnen erwartet. Sie passen sich nicht an, sie üben Kritik an den Missständen und erheben ihre Stimme, so laut, dass sie in der Öffentlichkeit trotz Cancel Culture nachhallt.

In den letzten vier Jahren hat sich eine pulsierende Kulturszene herausgebildet. Der Journalist Eugen Zentner stellt sie in seinem Buch vor. Entlang der Bereiche Kabarett, Musik, Kunst und Literatur zeigt er mit teilweise prägnanten Werkanalysen, welche Themen diese mutigen Künstler beschäftigen, welche Ausdrucksformen sie wählen und was sie antreibt. Es ist eine erbauliche Bestandsaufnahme, eine fulminante Einführung in einen Bereich der außerparlamentarischen Opposition, in dem die Akteure Gegenöffentlichkeit mit den Mitteln der Kunst betreiben.

08.09.2024 - 17:01 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Künstler als außerparlamentarische Opposition

Wer der Cancel Culture zum Opfer fällt, flieht in eine alternative Kulturszene. Die wächst seit der Corona-Krise recht schnell. So haben sich in der Kulturbranche parallele Strukturen herausgebildet. Von ihnen erzählt das Buch von Eugen Zentner mit dem Titel „Kunst und Kultur gegen den Strom“. Eine Rezension von Éva Péli.

08.09.2024 - 16:44 [ MrAlexSeymour / Youtube ]

Extracts from some of the great speeches at today‘s London Gaza protest

Organised by PSC and its partner Palestine-supporting groups

08.09.2024 - 16:36 [ Middle East Eye / Youtube ]

Tens of thousands protest in London, demanding arms supply cessation

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestine protesters marched in London, demanding a „renewed call to end the ongoing genocide in Gaza“ and an „immediate and full cessation of arms supplies to Israel“. The protest was the 19th national march in London since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza.

08.09.2024 - 16:25 [ Linda Dayan / ]

Protesters scuffle with police, try to break through a barricade. They’re chanting “shame,” “Ben Gvir is a terrorist” and “where were you at Sde Teiman,” the infamous prison where Palestinian prisoners were abused, at the cops

08.09.2024 - 16:04 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israel protests: Organisers claim largest-ever rally in Tel Aviv as calls for captive deal grow

An estimated 750,000 Israelis took to the streets in one of Israel’s biggest-ever protests as anger boils over at the government’s failure to bring those held captive home.
Many people have been arrested as protesters call on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to do a deal to bring home captives in Gaza.
Demonstrators accuse the police of using excessive force.

08.09.2024 - 15:56 [ CNN-News18 / Youtube ]

Tel Aviv Protest | Israeli Protests Against Benjamin Netanyahu | Ceasefire Protests News | N18G

An estimated 750,000 Israelis have taken to the streets in one of Israel’s biggest-ever protests as they demanded that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strike a deal to free remaining captives in Gaza.

08.09.2024 - 00:10 [ B'Tselem ]

B‘Tselem at the UNSC: For the Israeli government, the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life

On Sunday, we woke up to the news that six Israeli hostages were executed by Hamas, just before soldiers reached them in a tunnel in Gaza. Another six, added to tens of thousands of people in this land who should not have died over the past year. During this week, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets. They feel angry, desperate and betrayed by their government. They have understood, perhaps for the first time, that the Israeli government does not want to return the hostages in a deal, but to continue the war indefinitely. They see that the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life – and not only of Palestinians, said B‘Tselem Executive Director Yuli Novak, who addressed the UN Security Council last night (Wednesday) . B’Tselem – the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was invited by the Slovenian President of the Security Council to provide an expert review of the state of human rights in Israel/Palestine following the war.

07.09.2024 - 17:51 [ Umair Malik / Twitter ]

this is the biggest blunder in American history. Mark my words

(December 9, 2023)

07.09.2024 - 16:26 [ U.S. Senator Patty Murray ]

Senator Murray Statement on the Death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

“I am heartbroken and angry about the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American citizen, in the West Bank today, who was reportedly peacefully protesting against illegal settlement activity. The government of Israel must deliver answers immediately and hold the perpetrators of this killing accountable. I will be in close touch with the Biden administration to press the Israeli government for full transparency and accountability. My heart is with Aysenur’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.

“Moreover, Israel must take swift action to put an end to the illegal settler-driven violence that has escalated to a dangerous level in the West Bank. Extremist settler violence in the West Bank, and the associated, ongoing expansion of illegal settlements and outposts, must come to an end—it is important for Israel’s own security and the stability of the entire region.”

05.09.2024 - 22:20 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine

(20 May 2024)

On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Yahya SINWAR (Head of the Islamic Resistance Movement (“Hamas”) in the Gaza Strip), Mohammed Diab Ibrahim AL-MASRI, more commonly known as DEIF (Commander-in-Chief of the military wing of Hamas, known as the Al-Qassam Brigades), and Ismail HANIYEH (Head of Hamas Political Bureau) bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Israel and the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 7 October 2023:


05.09.2024 - 22:12 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

05.09.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

ICC prosecutor says world leaders ‚threatened‘ him over Israel arrest warrants

Though several months have passed since Khan‘s application, ICC judges have not issued any arrest warrants.

Speaking to the BBC, Khan said it was important to show the court would hold all nations to the same standard in relation to alleged war crimes. He also welcomed the new UK government‘s recent decision to drop its opposition to the arrest warrants.

05.09.2024 - 21:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

‘We need to apply the law‘: ICC prosecutor defends Netanyahu arrest warrant

Khan pointed out that the same political leaders who had applauded the court’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin had condemned the same being done for the Israeli leadership.

“We need to apply the law in a way that is equal, because if we don’t, and importantly if we’re not seen to, we’re going to lose all the architecture, not just the ICC, that has been built on human suffering since Nuremberg.”

05.09.2024 - 21:41 [ ]

IStGH-Chefankläger verteidigt Haftbefehl gegen Netanjahu

Der Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) hat die beantragten Haftbefehle gegen Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu und Verteidigungsminister Joav Galant verteidigt. Ihm sei von mehreren führenden Politikern und anderen von dem Schritt abgeraten worden, sagte Karim Khan in einem BBC-Interview. Es sei aber wichtig zu zeigen, dass für alle Länder die gleichen Maßstäbe gälten, wenn es um mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen gehe.

03.09.2024 - 19:33 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

There’s No Good News In The Unfolding Of Armageddon

Every species eventually hits an adaptation-or-extinction juncture at some point, where it must adapt to changing conditions on this planet or vanish into the fossil records. Humanity is arriving at such a juncture today. We’ll either awaken the potential which rests dormant within all of us to become a truly conscious species, or we will go the way of the dinosaur. We have the freedom to go either direction.

03.09.2024 - 14:17 [ Wärtsilä ]

Wärtsilä launches world’s first large-scale 100% hydrogen-ready engine power plant

(18 June 2024)

Wärtsilä is addressing this need through its new hydrogen-ready engine power plant, which can be converted to run on 100% hydrogen. The new engine power plant is a significant step beyond existing technology, which can run on natural gas and 25 vol% hydrogen blends.

03.09.2024 - 13:50 [ ]

Successful production of hydrogen panels

(November 15, 2024)

Solhyd not only develops technology to produce hydrogen from air and sunlight. We also develop methods to produce that technology in a cost-effective and reliable manner. Efficient production, with cost reductions driven by scale benefits, will eventually lead to the lowest cost approach to make hydrogen from solar energy.

We took the first step in that process this year.

03.09.2024 - 13:31 [ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ]

Green energy breakthrough thanks to KU Leuven scientists

(02 October 2019)

For over a decade, Professor Johan Martens and Drs. Tom Bosserez, Jan Rongé and Christos Trompoukis have been developing a ‘solar hydrogen panel’, i.e. a solar panel that can create hydrogen from the water vapour in the air. Using sunlight, moisture taken from the air – i.e. no liquid water – is split into hydrogen on the one hand, and oxygen molecules on the other.

The panel is able to directly convert no less than 15 per cent of sunlight into hydrogen gas, Which is a world record

03.09.2024 - 02:58 [ Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt / ]

The widespread devastation and massacres of the Israeli army in #Jenin and other parts of occupied northern West Bank, where Hamas is not ruling, are a powerful reminder that Hamas is just the last excuse for the State of #Israel to wreak the Palestinian territory havoc.

Everywhere for 57 years Israel has made life impossible for Palestinians under a brutal military occupation, seeking to realize a “#GreaterIsrael”.
In agreement with the Palestinians in the oPt, an int‘l #ProtectionPresence must be immediately deployed to stop the massacres, wanton destruction and forced displacement.

02.09.2024 - 23:55 [ CNN ]

Tumultuous weekend for Israelis leaves Netanyahu with fewer options than ever

Unlike Palestinians in Gaza, Israelis can rise up to challenge their leadership. Late-night skirmishes between protesters and the authorities Sunday on Tel Aviv’s usually hyper-busy eight-lane Ayalon Highway were a manifestation of that.

As flames and dense smoke engulfed wooden pallets and tires on the roads, I watched a young man, blue paint spray in hand, scrawl his message to the prime minister in foot-high letters on the roadside wall: “Hostages or revolt.”

02.09.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

01.09.2024 - 20:50 [ Times of Israel ]

Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal as nation recoils from murder of 6 hostages

Labor federation chief Arnon Bar-David says hostage release stuck due to ‘political considerations,’ most of labor market will strike as of 6 a.m. Monday

01.09.2024 - 20:08 [ CNN-News18 / Youtube ]

Protest In Tel Aviv Live | Israelis Protest In Tel Aviv City After Hostages Dead | Israel Hamas War

Protesters gather in Tel Aviv after Israel‘s army announced it recovered the bodies of 6 hostages in Gaza.

01.09.2024 - 19:53 [ CBC News / Youtube ]

Israelis protest against Netanyahu after 6 hostages found dead in Gaza

Israel on Sunday said it had recovered the bodies of six hostages in Gaza. Relatives and supporters of Israeli hostages protested Sunday outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office in Jerusalem. Eylon Keshet, a family member of a Hamas-held hostage, says ‘it’s been a nightmare every day,’ adding that Netanyahu ‘should be held responsible’ and Hamas should be pressured into a ceasefire.

01.09.2024 - 19:46 [ ]

Israelis erupt in protest to demand a cease-fire after 6 more hostages die in Gaza

Grieving and angry Israelis surged into the streets Sunday night after six more hostages were found dead in Gaza, chanting “Now! Now!” as they demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reach a cease-fire with Hamas to bring the remaining captives home.

Israel’s largest trade union, the Histadrut, pressured the government by calling a general strike for Monday, the first since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that started the war.

01.09.2024 - 04:19 [ Common Dreams ]

Join Us to Expose and Oppose the US and Israel’s Flouting of International Law

From September 10 to September 30, World BEYOND War, Code Pink, Veterans For Peace, Pax Christi, and other coalition partners will leaflet, demonstrate, and nonviolently act to expose and oppose Israeli and U.S. actions that flout international law. We will gather before both the United States’ U.N. Mission and the Israeli Consulate demanding both nations desist from further massacres, forcible displacement, and the use of starvation and disease as weapons.

01.09.2024 - 01:39 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Washington’s Israel Policy Is Just Feigning Ignorance Of Israeli Depravity

A war zone is a collapse in law and order where might makes right and whoever has the guns makes the rules. People who normally wouldn’t risk imprisonment for acting out their fantasies of torture and murder have the opportunity during wartime to become one of the people with the guns who make the rules. They have a helpless population at their fingertips to whom they can do anything they like.

War is the worst thing in the world. It’s the most insane thing humans do. So, so much of the trauma and dysfunction of our species are the lingering reverberations from wars which ended decades ago, passed down from generation to generation by soldiers returning home and by civilians who’ve been subjected to unfathomable abuse by those who found themselves free to do anything they want to them.

31.08.2024 - 21:03 [ CodePink ]

Tell the Women of the Senate: Arms Embargo NOW!

During the DNC in Chicago, we made our demand for an arms embargo on Israel clear. Time and time again, we heard politicians — including Sen. Tammy Duckworth who told us back in October that she would continue sending weapons to Israel — posing as advocates for women and reproductive rights while arming Israel. They can’t hide from one undeniable fact: Genocide is not feminist.

Send a letter to the women of the Senate below and tell them: We Need an Arms Embargo on Israel NOW!

31.08.2024 - 19:15 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Do Something Every Day To Help De-Normalize The Abuses Of The Empire

One very important task we can undertake as citizens of the western empire is to help de-normalize the tyranny, murderousness and savagery that the imperial propagandists work to normalize.


Denormalize poverty.

Denormalize injustice and inequality.

Denormalize the ruined buildings and ruined bodies in Gaza.

Denormalize the nuclear brinkmanship with Russia.

Denormalize the destruction of our biosphere in the ravages of ecocidal capitalism.

Denormalize the surging authoritarianism we’re experiencing as the empire works frantically to stomp out dissent.

Denormalize the war machinery rolling out around the world, and the increasingly militarized police forces in our streets.

Denormalize the psychopathy of the politicians and government officials who cheerfully serve the empire in facilitation of these horrors.

Denormalize the way media and government institutions controlled by the powerful work to manipulate the way we think and perceive every day of our fucking lives for the benefit of the powerful.

31.08.2024 - 14:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Why Israel‘s genocide in Gaza is a western war on the Palestinian people

Western countries and Israel share the same values of settler-colonialism, racism, white supremacy and genocide – all of which are imperial tools to protect their interests