Archiv: Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) / Revolutionsgarden (Iran)

15.10.2024 - 19:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Iran: Quds Force head Esmail Qaani makes first appearance in weeks at general‘s funeral

Middle East Eye reported last week that Qaani was alive and unhurt but under guard and being questioned about apparent security breaches surrounding the killing of Nasrallah.

Middle East Eye sources say Iranian authorities have serious suspicions about a major security breach in Qaani’s office, though none of MEE’s sources suggested Qaani was involved. Iranian authorities have not commented on reports that Qaani was questioned.

10.10.2024 - 23:01 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Iran‘s Khamenei warned Nasrallah of Israeli plot to kill him, sources say

(October 2, 2024)

Nasrallah‘s assassination followed two weeks of precise Israeli strikes that have destroyed weapons sites, eliminated half of Hezbollah‘s leadership council and decimated its top military command.

10.10.2024 - 22:35 [ ]

Iran‘s Quds Force commander Qaani under investigation for suspicion of espionage

On Thursday, Iranian sources revealed that the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Esmail Qaani, is under investigation on suspicion of espionage, after his chief of staff, Ehsan Shafiqi, was suspected of collaborating with Israel.

10.10.2024 - 22:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Iran: “Revolutionsgarden” kommen wieder mal ihren rechtsradikalen Kumpanen in Washington und Jerusalem zu Hilfe

(9. März, 2016)

Jeder Idiot, wenn auch kein “Linker” heutztage, begreift, dass ein Angriff von außen nur die herrschenden, autoritären und auf Krieg angewiesenen Kräfte stärkt.

Jeder “Politiker”, jeder Militär, jeder Funktionär ist zum Erbrechen, wo man nur hinschaut.


Im Westen nichts Neues.

10.10.2024 - 21:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Exclusive: Esmail Qaani under guard and questioned as Iran probes Nasrallah killing

Nilforoushan, who had flown into Beirut that evening from Tehran, was taken directly from the plane to the operations room beneath the residential neighbourhood of Haret Hreik, the sources said. He arrived there before Nasrallah.

The strike that targeted the meeting took place shortly after Nasrallah entered the room, the sources said.

“The breach was 100 percent Iranian and there is no question about this part,” a source close to Hezbollah told MEE.

Iranian state media announced Nilforoushan’s death as a “martyr” who died alongside Nasrallah.

Sources close to Hezbollah told MEE that Qaani was in Lebanon and had been expected to attend the Shura Council meeting at Safieddine‘s invitation on the day of the air strike.

But Qaani apologised and backed out of the meeting shortly before it began, they said.

10.10.2024 - 21:52 [ Middle East Eye ]

Nasrallah, Netanyahu agreed to a truce before Israel assassinated Hezbollah leader: Report

)October 3, 2024)

The revelation from Bou Habib could provide insight into how Israel killed Nasrallah, who has survived multiple Israeli assassination attempts over the decades.

Another report from Reuters published on Wednesday said that Iran‘s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei sent a messenger to warn Nasrallah that Israel was planning to assassinate him. That messenger, senior Iranian commander Abbas Nilforoushan, was also killed in the Israeli strike on Friday 27 September.

02.10.2024 - 22:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel censors reporting on military sites hit by Iran, obscuring extent of damage

Several missiles were also located near the Dead Sea, near where Israeli nuclear facilities are located. It wasn‘t clear whether they were intercepted by Israel or the US, according to the report.

One missile hit in the vicinity of a school in the town of Gedera, with photos of the aftermath showing a massive crater in the ground and major structural damage to the nearby buildings.

15.04.2024 - 15:44 [ ]

Media In Tehran Accuse Russia, Syria Of Betraying IRGC


In an editorial on April 8, Masih Mohajeri, the influential managing editor of Jomhouri Eslami daily, a newspaper that was founded by Ali Khamenei in 1979, asked: „Why Russia, which controls the Syrian airspace does not prevent air strikes on Iranian targets in Syria?“ Also implicating Syria and possibly Iranian infiltrators in tipping off the Israelis, Mohajeri wrote: „We have had too many losses in Syria during the past months and this is certainly because of the treason by infiltrators.“

Since December, Israel has eliminated 18 high ranking IRGC officers in Syria, in what appears to be a systematic campaign to limit the danger of Iranian proxies on its borders.

04.02.2024 - 14:40 [ ]

Russland ruft den UN-Sicherheitsrat an

Das russische Außenministerium in Moskau hatte erklärt: „Washington, das sich seiner Straffreiheit sicher ist, setzt seine Saat des Chaos und der Zerstörung im Nahen Osten fort.“ Das Außenministerium fügte hinzu, es habe die Angriffe „entschieden verurteilt“.

04.02.2024 - 13:53 [ CNN ]

US and UK strike Houthi targets in Yemen one day after US strikes in Iraq and Syria

Two US destroyers fired Tomahawk missiles as part of the strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen, a US official told CNN. The USS Gravely and USS Carney, both of which are Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers, fired the land-attack cruise missiles during the operation.

F/A-18 fighter jets from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier also took part in the strikes, officials said.

04.02.2024 - 12:56 [ Dmitry Polyanskiy, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN / Twitter ]

Russia has just called for an urgent UN Security Council meeting to discuss threats to international peace and security from the US strikes against Iraq and Syria. The meeting is expected to be held at 4 pm EST on February 5

04.02.2024 - 12:10 [ Nino Brodin / Twitter ]

Saudi Arabia ready to back US air strikes on Houthi rebels


04.02.2024 - 09:04 [ ]

From retaliation to escalation: decoding the US Strikes in Iraq and Syria


Despite the US Administration‘s announcement that the Iraqi authorities were notified about the strikes, Iraq condemned these attacks and did not confirm the American allegations.

Iraqi government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi denied any „prior coordination“ between Baghdad and Washington in this regard.

Al-Awadi stated, „The American administration committed a new aggression against the sovereignty of Iraq,“ noting that the strikes caused casualties, injuries, and damage to residential buildings and property. He accused the US of „falsifying facts by claiming prior coordination, emphasizing that this aggression jeopardizes security in Iraq and the region.“

04.02.2024 - 08:45 [ Reuters ]

U.S. launches strikes in Iraq, Syria, nearly 40 reported killed


Iraq‘s Popular Mobilization Forces, a state security force including Iran-backed groups, said 16 of its members were killed including fighters and medics. The government earlier said civilians were among 16 dead.
In Syria, the strikes killed 23 people who had been guarding the targeted locations, said Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which reports on war in Syria.

04.02.2024 - 08:35 [ ]

US-Angriffe in Syrien und dem Irak töten offenbar 45 Menschen


Unter den 16 Toten im Irak seien auch Zivilisten, teilte ein Regierungssprecher in Bagdad mit. Wie viele genau, sagte er nicht. Zudem habe es 36 Verletzte gegeben sowie Schäden an Wohngebäuden und an Privatbesitz von Irakern. Hinzu kommen mindestens 29 getötete Mitglieder proiranischer Milizen in Syrien, welche die syrische Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte mit Sitz in London registrierte.

01.02.2024 - 18:12 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Israels Regierungs-Gang will den Angriffskrieg gegen Iran, nicht dessen Abzug aus Syrien


Ein Abzug der iranischen und libanesischen Einheiten aus dem Syrien-Krieg wäre für Netanjahu, der dringend einen Krieg und eine fiktive oder tatsächliche äußere Bedrohung Israels braucht um dort an der Macht zu bleiben, ein echtes Problem.

Nach der von den Staatsführungen Russland und Syriens orchestrierten Einladung an Israels Regierungs-Gang Syrien zu bombardieren, was unmittelbar dem Besuch von Benjamin Netanjahu in Moskau folgte, gab die syrische Armee schließlich zu, selbst den Golan angegriffen zu haben und nicht iranische Einheiten. Radio Utopie empfahl diesbezüglich gestern:

“Die Hisbollah und die Staatsführung des Iran sollten ihre Truppen aus Syrien zurückziehen und Assad zum Teufel und / oder Putin gehen lassen.”

01.02.2024 - 18:06 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Iran‘s Guards pull officers from Syria after Israeli strikes

Reuters spoke to six sources familiar with Iranian deployments in Syria for this story. They declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the subject.

Three of the sources said the Guards had raised concerns with Syrian authorities that information leaks from within the Syrian security forces played a part in the recent lethal strikes.

29.01.2024 - 09:27 [ ]

Arrogance and fabrication after Iranian „rocket night“ on Erbil

Despite more than a week passing since the unexpected Iranian attack, with its timing, circumstances, and justifications, Iranian officials persist in claiming that the long-range missiles launched at civilian areas in Erbil were targeting „Mossad sites.“ However, Tehran has not provided any evidence or arguments to support this claim to either the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) or the Iraqi government.

The „escaping forward“ policy pursued by Iranian officials regarding the attack on Erbil amounts to an implicit admission of the invalidity of their justifications and the failure of the missile aggression itself.

24.01.2024 - 13:00 [ ]

Iraq: A favored battleground for Tehran and Washington

The dual rebukes of Iran and the US underscore the tightrope Baghdad is walking as the war in Gaza seeps out beyond the besieged Mediterranean enclave’s borders.

Across the region, Tehran and Washington are flexing their muscles, vying to outflank each other in a deadly proxy war. The shadowy conflict has taken on different flavours that reflect local and geopolitical realities.

24.01.2024 - 12:36 [ ]

Iranian assault escalates diplomatic tensions, undermines „sturdy relations“ with Iraq


The Iranian missile attacks last Monday night on Iraqi territory in Erbil, Kurdistan Region (KRI), were deemed by the Iraqi government as „an act of aggression“ and a dangerous development undermining the strong relation between Iraq and its eastern neighbor. The Iraqi government affirmed its right to respond at an appropriate time. Political analysts see the Iraqi response as unusual, entering a diplomatic crisis with Iran for the first time since 2003.

17.01.2024 - 11:12 [ ]

Iraq files complaint against Iran to UN Security Council

Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, told Rudaw’s Sinan Tuncdemir on Tuesday that they were “very concerned” about the Iranian attack, urging all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any escalation.

“We are, of course, against any attacks that violate the territorial integrity of any country. Every dispute needs to be dealt with through peaceful means, through dialogue, and within the ideals contained in the UN charter which are about sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country,” said Dujarric.

17.01.2024 - 10:57 [ ]

Iraq recalls ambassador from Tehran after Iranian missiles strike Kurdish region

„The attack is a flagrant violation of Iraqi sovereignty, which goes against… international law and threatens the security of the region,“ the ministry said in a letter handed to Iran‘s charge d‘affaires Abol Fadl Azizi.

Iraqi authorities „will take all legal steps“ necessary, including „lodging a complaint with the (UN) Security Council“, the ministry added in a statement.

17.01.2024 - 09:08 [ ]

Pakistan warns of ‘consequences’ after Iranian incursion

Pakistan condemned the attack, describing it an “unprovoked violation” of the Pakistani airspace, and warned Tehran of serious consequences. The Foreign Office said in a late-night statement that the violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty was completely unacceptable.

Two bases of Jaish al Adl in Pakistan were targeted by missiles on Tuesday, Iranian state media reported, a day after Iran‘s elite Revolutionary Guards missiles strikes hit an “Israeli spy centre” in Iraq and targeted Islamic State militants in Syria.

17.01.2024 - 09:00 [ ]

Pakistan summons Iranian charge d‘affaires to protest over ‚unprovoked violation‘ of air space

Islamabad reacted strongly over unprovoked violation of airspace by Tehran air attack inside Pakistani territory killed two innocent children while injuring three other girls.

Foreign office said such violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty is completely unacceptable and can have serious consequences.

MoFA called it concerning as despite the existence of several channels of communication, Iran opted for aggressive approach.

17.01.2024 - 08:55 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Iran: “Revolutionsgarden” kommen wieder mal ihren rechtsradikalen Kumpanen in Washington und Jerusalem zu Hilfe

(9. März 2016)

U.S. Präsident Joe Biden trifft Benjamin Netanjahu in Israel und Mahmoud Abbas im besetzten Palästina. Zeit für die iranischen Militärs, ebenfalls die Völker von Israel und Palästina zu bedrohen, zu verraten und zu verkaufen, wie alle anderen auch. Und das Volk von Iran natürlich gleich mit.

17.01.2024 - 08:48 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Trampolin-Springer in Teheran

(6, Juni 2010)

Israel und Iran. Kaum ist der asiatische Kirchenstaat am Mittelmeer in der Bredouille, legt sein Pendant am Persischen Golf los. (…)

Man sieht es schon vor Augen: die iranische Marine im Mittelmeer, Volldampf nach Gaza und immer Richtung Kriegsmarine der Atommacht Israel. Also dass wir alle da nicht gleich drauf gekommen sind. So eine gute Idee. Da lacht das Herz. Es gibt ja wahrlich große Unterschiede zwischen Iran und Israel, aber trotzdem scheint man sich dort in der Upper Class das Gleiche in den Tee zu tun.

17.01.2024 - 08:30 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran hits back

Missiles rain on the headquarters of terrorists in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria’s Idlib and Pakistan’s Balochistan

17.01.2024 - 08:20 [ Washington Post ]

Iran attacks alleged militant bases in Pakistan; Islamabad says ‚unprovoked‘ strikes kill 2 children

Iran launched attacks Tuesday in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl, potentially further raising tensions in a Middle East already roiled by Israel‘s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Pakistan said the strikes killed two children and wounded three others in an assault it described as an “unprovoked violation” of its airspace.

14.01.2024 - 00:15 [ Democratic Socialists of America ]

DSA Condemns U.S. and Israeli hostilities in Palestine and West Asia

The Democratic Socialists of America demand an immediate and permanent cessation of hostilities by the United States against Yemen and an end to diplomatic and military support of Israel. President Biden widened the existing regional war even further by ordering airstrikes against civilian infrastructure in Yemen in an effort to stop that country’s humanitarian blockade of Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Since October 7th, Israel has continuously engaged in provocative military aggression, aimed at expanding its brutal war into Lebanon. Israeli spokespeople continue their propaganda efforts to tie Iran to the events of October 7th and have issued calls for retaliation. A cyberattack believed to be the work of Israeli military intelligence has struck Iranian civilian infrastructure and extrajudicial assassinations have targeted senior leaders of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hamas in Syria and Lebanon. The U.S.’s attack on Yemen comes in the context of Yemeni forces having blocked container ships owned by Israelis or headed towards Israeli ports. U.S. airstrikes are taking place while South Africa presents its arguments to the International Court of Justice for provisional measures against Israel for the crime of genocide.

25.12.2023 - 21:20 [ Reuters ]

Russia sees military coordination with Israel on Syria continuing

(February 26, 2022)

Following the 2015 Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war, Israel set up a „deconfliction mechanism“ with the big power to prevent them clashing inadvertently during Israeli strikes against Iranian deployments and arms transfers in the neighbouring Arab state.

Our military officials discuss the practical issues of this substantively on a daily basis. This mechanism has proven to be useful and will continue to work,“ the Russian embassy in Israel said in a statement.

25.12.2023 - 21:09 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israeli air strike in Syria kills top Iranian military adviser

An Israeli air strike outside the Syrian capital of Damascus has killed a senior adviser in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), according to reports from Iranian state media.

21.08.2023 - 15:12 [ ]

Moment Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships with 4,000 troops on board during tense clash in the Persian Gulf

Iranian media outlets claimed that the confrontation forced helicopters to land back on the Americans ships.

The ships, a helicopter carrier and a support vessel that were carrying more than 4,000 American troops between them, were sent to the Gulf in response to Iran‘s continued threats of seizing commercial ships in the region.

02.08.2023 - 11:28 [ ]

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard runs drill on disputed islands as US military presence in region grows

Iran did not provide a reason for launching the drill, though such snap exercises have happened in the past.

20.10.2022 - 17:29 [ ]

Iran has declared war on Britain and the West

Following Putin’s visit to Tehran in July, Iran offered to assist Russia with avoiding those sanctions by using its so-called “dark” fleet of oil tankers.

In return, Moscow agreed an arms deal with Iran, including the purchase of 2,400 Iranian-made Shahed-136 drones.

These Iranian kamikaze drones are now at the forefront of Vladimir Putin’s attempts to wreak havoc against Ukraine, with their participation all the more important because the Russian military is running low on stockpiles of its conventional missiles. Nor is Iran’s involvement likely to be confined to providing drones.

20.10.2022 - 17:20 [ Foaad Haghighi / Nitter ]

Despite familiar denials of wrong-doing, under a deal agreed in Moscow earlier this month with senior officials from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Tehran has promised to provide Russia with surface-to-surface missiles as well.

19.10.2022 - 05:34 [ ]

Russia’s Double Game in the JCPOA Negotiations

(January 26, 2022)

However, the Russo-Iranian dispute did not end there. Instead, unrest over Ulyanov’s comments led to the voicing of broader concerns over Russia’s “domineering policy” vis-à-vis Iran. The Kremlin’s central role in the Vienna talks has touched off widespread jabs in Iranian mainstream and social media. Given Iran’s refusal to sit one-on-one with the U.S. side, Ulyanov’s release of a photo of a December 29 meeting between Russian and U.S. diplomats concerning the Iran nuclear deal, intensified the criticism.

Pro-government conservative newspapers within Iran downplayed criticisms of the Russian negotiators, which they described as psychological warfare initiated by the U.S. and Israel.

19.10.2022 - 05:04 [ Newsweek ]

Mohammed Javad Zarif Says Russia Wants to Stop U.S., Iran Nuclear Deal in Leaked Interview


The release of the comments by Zarif set off a firestorm in Iran, where officials carefully mind their words amid a cut-throat political environment that includes the powerful paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, ultimately overseen by the country‘s supreme leader. Zarif has been suggested as a possible candidate for Iran‘s June 18 presidential election, as well.

Zarif‘s comments might complicate talks in Vienna aimed at bringing Tehran and the U.S. back into compliance with Iran‘s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

22.08.2022 - 06:47 [ ]

Iran drops ‘red line’ IRGC demand for nuclear deal: Report

Tehran did not demand in its response to a proposed agreement drafted by the EU that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) be removed from a U.S. list of terrorist organizations, the news agency reported late Friday, citing a senior Biden administration official. Former President Donald Trump put the Guard on the list in 2019, after pulling out of the last nuclear accord — an action that imposed numerous sanctions on the military group.

13.08.2022 - 18:29 [ ]

Analyst: Anti-JCPOA parties to use Rushdie attack to torpedo deal

A political analyst says pro-Israel lobbies and groups that oppose Iran’s nuclear deal with the West, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), would take advantage of the Friday night attack on anti-Islam blasphemous novelist Salman Rushdie and pin it on Iran to diminish the prospects of an agreement.

23.05.2022 - 01:45 [ Haaretz ]

Iran Revolutionary Guards Colonel Assassinated in Tehran

A senior member of Iran‘s Revolutionary Guards‘ Quds Force was assassinated on Sunday by two motorcyclists in Tehran, the state-owned Tasnim news agency said.

Tasnim identified the man as Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei and said that he was assassinated while sitting in his car in front of his house. Two assailants shot the victim five times, state media said.

14.04.2022 - 04:43 [ Kavan Lamy / Twitter ]

Iran committing suicide right here, extremely foolish.

(12 March, 2022)

13.03.2022 - 17:33 [ Kavan Lamy / Twitter ]

Iran committing suicide right here, extremely foolish.

13.03.2022 - 17:21 [ Middle East Eye ]

Erbil missile attack: Iran‘s Revolutionary Guard claims responsibility

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Sunday claimed responsibility for a ballistic missile attack on Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, saying it was targeting an Israeli „strategic centre“.

Around a dozen missiles rained down on the city at 1am on Sunday morning.

20.05.2021 - 13:47 [ Press TV ]

Vienna talks: Significant progress made, key issues remain unresolved

Iranian lead delegate Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said the issues that needed resolution were difficult. Araqchi said Iran is standing firm on its position that the US needs to fully lift all sanctions in a verifiable manner before Tehran can take action to come back to full compliance with the JCPOA.

Reports indicate that though the US has agreed to ease sanctions on various sectors like oil and gas, banking, shipping and insurance there are still differences on sanctioned individuals and entities including Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

28.04.2021 - 05:10 [ ]

US Navy fired warning shots at Iranian vessels Monday evening

The incident happened days before the Biden administration was to begin indirect talks with Iran on reviving the 2015 nuclear agreement, set for Tuesday in Vienna. Former President Trump pulled the United States from the pact, after which Tehran resumed the development of its nuclear program.

26.04.2021 - 19:57 [ Haaretz ]

In Leaked Tape, Iran‘s Zarif Says Soleimani, Russia Tried to Sabotage Nuke Deal

Zarif also blames Soleimani for being in cahoots with Russia, which “put all its weight” behind sabotaging the nuclear deal with the U.S. and world powers, as well as allowing Russian fighter jets to fly over Iran for Syrian bombing raids, letting Russia use Iranian airliners to move military personnel and equipment, and deploying Iranian soldiers on the ground in Syria.

26.04.2021 - 19:54 [ New York Times ]

Iran’s Foreign Minister, in Leaked Tape, Says Revolutionary Guards Set Policies

The recording, of a conversation in March between Mr. Zarif and an economist named Saeed Leylaz, an ally, was not meant for publication, as the foreign minister can repeatedly be heard saying on the audio. A copy was leaked to the London-based Persian news channel Iran International, which first reported on the recording and shared it with The New York Times.

05.01.2021 - 17:33 [ EMASOH, 8 European countries maritime security initiative in the Strait of Hormuz / Twitter ]

While crossing SOH end of this morning South Korean oil tanker Hankuk (DM Shipping) was boarded by an Iranian team for unknown reason. Committed to reassure merchant shipping EMASOH is monitoring the situation.


05.01.2021 - 17:21 [ ]

Südkoreanischer Zerstörer vor dem Iran eingetroffen

Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten am Vortag den südkoreanischen Tanker „Hankuk Chemi“ mit der Begründung beschlagnahmt, er habe „wiederholt“ gegen Umweltauflagen verstoßen.

05.01.2021 - 17:19 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Iran beschlagnahmt südkoreanischen Öltanker

Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden begründeten die Tanker-Festsetzung in der Straße von Hormus mit wiederholten Verstößen gegen Umweltschutzgesetze.

03.07.2020 - 10:47 [ ]

Iran zu Entschädigung wegen Flugzeugabschusses bereit

Nach tagelangem Leugnen räumte der Iran seine Verantwortung für das Unglück ein. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden gaben an, die Maschine kurz nach ihrem Abflug von Teheran versehentlich abgeschossen zu haben.

Der Iran hatte kurz vor dem Unglück mit Raketenangriffen auf US-Stützpunkte im Irak auf die Tötung des Generals Kassem Solaimani durch die USA geantwortet.

11.01.2020 - 13:55 [ ]

Flugzeugabschuss: Luftwaffenchef nennt neue Details

Der zuständige Offizier wollte demnach der Zentrale die Gefahr melden, aber genau zu dem Zeitpunkt habe es einen Defekt im Kommunikationssystem gegeben. Der Offizier hatte laut Hadschisadeh dann nur wenige Sekunden, um zu entscheiden, ob er eine Luftabwehrrakete abfeuert oder nicht. „Und leider tat er es, was dann zu dem Unglück führte.“

11.01.2020 - 13:42 [ ]

Luftwaffenchef im Staatsfernsehen: Revolutionsgarde übernimmt Verantwortung für Abschuss

„Ich wünschte, ich könnte sterben und hätte nicht Zeuge eines solchen Unglücks sein müssen“, sagte ihr Luftwaffenchef Amir Ali Hajizadeh nach Angaben der Agentur Reuters in einer Videobotschaft an die Nation. Die Garde übernehme die volle Verantwortung für den Vorfall. Man habe das Flugzeug mit einem Marschflugkörper verwechselt.

11.01.2020 - 13:38 [ HUB ]

Hajizadeh Takes Full Blame For Ukrainian Plane Crash توضیحات حاجی‌زاده درباره هواپیمای اوکراینی

Amirali Hajizadeh, The head of Iranian Aerospace has taken full responsibility for the Ukrainian plane crash. Amirali Hajizadeh, The head of Iranian Aerospace has taken full responsibility for the Ukrainian plane crash.
توضیحات مهم سردار حاجی‌زاده درباره هواپیمای اوکراینی
سردار امیرعلی حاجی‌زاده فرمانده نیروی هوافضای سپاه پاسداران در پی مشخص شدن علت سقوط هواپیمای اوکراینی سخنرانی کرد.

سردار حاجی‌زاده در صحبت‌های خود گفت: بعد از شنیدن خبر سقوط هواپیمای اوکراینی آرزوی مرگ کردم. اکنون هر تصمیمی مسئولان بگیرند مطیع اجرای آن هستیم

11.01.2020 - 12:35 [ Washington Post ]

On the day U.S. forces killed Soleimani, they targeted a senior Iranian official in Yemen

The unsuccessful operation may indicate that the Trump administration’s killing of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani last week was part of a broader operation than previously explained, raising questions about whether the mission was designed to cripple the leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or solely to prevent an imminent attack on Americans as originally stated.

11.01.2020 - 12:34 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Unsuccessfully Tried Killing a Second Iranian Military Official

Mr. Shahlai was based in Yemen, where Iran is supporting the Houthi rebels, who are fighting a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and that gets logistical help, intelligence and weapons from the American military and American arms makers. The attempted strike on Mr. Shahlai was first reported by The Washington Post.

On Friday, Mr. Trump expanded his description of the threat from Iran that he said prompted the strike on General Suleimani, saying Iran had planned to attack multiple embassies across the Middle East, including the American Embassy in Baghdad.

11.01.2020 - 11:32 [ ]

Iran’s justice orders military court to conduct immediate probe into plane crash

Judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi issued an order on Saturday, calling on the military court to gather all the related data and documents from Iran’s General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and the country’s Civil Aviation Organization.

Raisi also called for testimonies from the officials who were implicated and informed on the matter.

Iran’s Prosecutor General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri ordered Tehran’s military court to conduct a swift investigation into the incident.

11.01.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Iran Admits Its Air Defence ‘Unintentionally’ Hit Ukrainian Plane

4- The General Staff of the Armed Forces offers condolences and expresses sympathy with the bereaved families of the Iranian and foreign victims, and apologizes for the human error. It also gives full assurances that it will make major revision in the operational procedures of its armed forces in order to make impossible the recurrence of such errors. It will also immediately hand over the culprits to the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces for prosecution.

5- The relevant authorities at the IRGC were also instructed to appear on state TV and give detailed explanation of the incident as soon as possible.

11.01.2020 - 10:55 [ ]

Iran: Ukrainian plane brought down ‚due to human error‘

“Under such sensitive and critical conditions, the Ukrainian Airlines flight 752 took off from the Imam Khomeini airport and while rotating, it was placed completely in the position of approaching a sensitive military center in the altitude and trajectory of an enemy target.

„In these circumstances, the plane was unintentionally hit due to human error, which unfortunately resulted in the martyrdom of a number of our dear compatriots and the death of a number of foreign nationals,“ it said.

03.01.2020 - 10:36 [ Alex Mello, regional security analyst at an energy consultancy ‏/ Twitter ]

I still can’t believe Hajji Qassem and Muhandis were riding in the same convoy within a couple hundred meters of a major US facility, with a huge US ISR stack overhead days after airstrikes killed two dozen KH guys.

Incredible overconfidence and sloppiness.

03.01.2020 - 10:02 [ ]

Gefährliche Eskalation: US-Militär tötet hohen iranischen General

Die Tötung des Generals wurde in der Nacht von den iranischen Revolutionsgarden bestätigt. Soleimani war Chef der iranischen Al-Kuds-Einheit, einer Division der iranischen Revolutionsgarden, die Spezialeinsätze außerhalb des Iran durchführt. Sarif bezeichnete den Raketenangriff als „extrem gefährliche“ und „dumme Eskalation“.

03.01.2020 - 09:45 [ Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran / Twitter ]

The US‘ act of international terrorism, targeting & assassinating General Soleimani—THE most effective force fighting Daesh (ISIS), Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda et al—is extremely dangerous & a foolish escalation. The US bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism.

03.01.2020 - 09:40 [ ]

Fear of a Major Mideast War

Fears of a major war in the Middle East exploded Thursday night with the U.S. assassination of arguably the second most powerful man in Iran.

03.01.2020 - 09:35 [ Washington Post ]

In major escalation, American strike kills top Iranian commander in Baghdad

A U.S. airstrike killed Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad late Thursday, the Pentagon said, a dramatic escalation of tensions between the two countries that could lead to widespread violence in the region and beyond.

07.12.2019 - 11:29 [ Babak Taghvaee, Author, Historian,Defense Analyst / Twitter ]

Last week exercise „Game of Thrones“ was hold by #IDF for simulation of war against #IRGC proxies. Total 300 commandos of #Israel Defense Force & almost 40 airplanes, helicopters & #UAV of #IsraelAirForce participated in the exercise.

My reports & pictures soon in @PtisiMagazine

18.11.2019 - 13:08 [ Elijah J. Magnier ]

The US and Iran in Iraq: Protestors take over the streets, demanding government reforms “or else”…

Jeanine Antoinette Hennis-Plasschaert, a Dutch diplomat serving as Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations assistance mission in Iraq since November 2018, visited the Grand Ayatollah Sistani at his home in Najaf. A few days later, Thursday the 14th at 20:00 pm, IRGC-Quds brigade commander Qassem Soleimani landed at Najaf airport and visited Sayyed Sistani to discuss his requests for a solution to the unrest in the country. Soleimani returned to Baghdad the same evening with clear answers: reforms are inevitable within a specific time-table, and the US and Iran should stop intervening because protestors are for the most part sincere and have justified demands.

25.07.2019 - 17:27 [ Tasnim News ]

Iran Sends Letter to UN Security Council over Seizure of UK Tanker

It was entering the strait from the southern route, which is an exit path, increasing the risk of an accident.

Moreover, Stena Impero had not heeded any of the warnings from the Iranian Ports and Maritime Organization.

The UK oil tanker was also polluting the Persian Gulf water heavily by dumping crude oil residue.

21.07.2019 - 10:05 [ ]

Gibraltar extends detention of Iranian tanker for a month


Gibraltar said the Iranian vessel, seized by marines in a daring landing in darkness off the coast of the British territory on July 4, was suspected of smuggling oil to Syria in breach of European Union sanctions.

21.07.2019 - 09:59 [ ]

Jeremy Hunt seeks EU and UN backing for stringent new sanctions against Iran after ‚illegal seizure‘ of UK oil tanker

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to announce a range of measures targeting the Iranian regime following the seizure of the Stena Impero on Friday Afternoon.

Mr Hunt is expected to urge the European Union to support British calls for a host of diplomatic and economic sanctions to target Iran- including reimposing restrictions which were lifted after Tehran signed the 2016 nuclear deal.