Daily Archives: 21. April 2019

21.04.2019 - 21:45 [ Dawn ]

Prime Minister Imran Khan reaches Iran for 2-day official visit

The premier made a stopover in Mashhad before proceeding on to Tehran. Ali Reza Razm Hussaini, the governor general of Khorasan-e-Razavi province, received the prime minister upon arrival at the Shahid Hasheminejad International Airport.

21.04.2019 - 21:39 [ PressTV ]

Pakistan FM details steps taken to secure border with Iran

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has briefed the media on steps taken by the country to strengthen security along its porous border with Iran a day before the Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is due to arrive in Iran for a long-awaited visit.

21.04.2019 - 19:13 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ihr solltet wirklich mehr unsere Nachrichtenagentur lesen

Denn nicht vergessen: Wissen ist Macht.

Wer es immer noch nicht weiß:
– Die Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie startete im November 2010. Ihr datiertes und durchsuchbares Archiv ist mittlerweile auf über 182.000 per Hand eingestellte Einträge angewachsen.

21.04.2019 - 19:04 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Neues aus dem Fernsehrat (37): Wir müssen endlich über Archive reden

Es war schon immer falsch, die Bedeutung von Archiven für Medien und demokratische Öffentlichkeit zu unterschätzen, aber im digitalen Zeitalter ist es fatal. Denn online sind fast alle Inhalte Archivinhalte. Ein Plädoyer für mehr Investitionen in Archive und deren Öffnung.

21.04.2019 - 19:04 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Die Verlegerverleger: Google, Apple und Facebook wollen die Paywall kapern

Google hat einen entscheidenden Vorteil: Der Datenkonzern hat die besseren Beziehungen zu Verlagen, die zugleich seine Klienten und Konkurrenten sind. Seit 2015 finanziert Google journalistische Innovationsprojekte mit Millionenbeträgen und bietet den Verlagen nützliche Dienste – von Google Analytics bis zum AMP-Standard, der schnelleres Laden von Inhalten ermöglicht. Der Konzern hat die großen Presseverlage dadurch zu Partnern erzogen.

Der Einstieg von Google, Apple und Facebook ins Abo-Geschäft wird das Machtgefälle zwischen Digitalkonzernen und Nachrichtenmedien ohne Frage verstärken.

21.04.2019 - 18:45 [ junge Welt ]

Ostermärsche: Den Spieß umdrehen!

Diese EU, die sich vor kurzem noch als »Friedensmacht« inszenierte, brutalisiert sich – passend zur anstehenden Europawahl – in ungekanntem Ausmaß. Der Sieg über den Sozialismus in Europa hat das Kapital nicht friedlicher, sondern aggressiver gemacht.

21.04.2019 - 18:34 [ allAfrica ]

Uganda: Supreme Court Upholds Lifetime Term for Museveni

Critics say with such court rulings, Ugandans have no option but to take to the streets to see a change in government.

21.04.2019 - 18:24 [ Reuters ]

Sudan delegation to visit U.S. to discuss lifting of terrorism listing: SUNA

A Sudanese delegation will visit the United States soon to discuss Sudan’s removal from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, state news agency SUNA reported on Sunday.

21.04.2019 - 18:15 [ Haaretz ]

Probe Suspected Arab Voter Fraud, Israeli Election Committee Chief Urges

Justice Hanan Melcer cites testimonies by Likud officials based on hidden cameras; calls on Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit to launch an investigation

21.04.2019 - 18:02 [ Bernie Sanders, US Senator / Twitter ]

Next Saturday, April 27 is the day our campaign begins the work of organizing to win this election. Have you signed up yet to attend an event in your neighborhood? Find one near you at map.berniesanders.com

21.04.2019 - 17:57 [ Vox.com ]

The logic of Bernie Sanders’s continuing war against Clintonworld

Over the weekend, Sanders sent the Center of American Progress — a powerful Democratic think tank that’s closely aligned with the Clintons — a scathing letter, hitting several negative articles and videos published by the group’s media arm, ThinkProgress, that he says will make it easier for President Trump to win in 2020.

“I and other Democratic candidates are running campaigns based on principles and ideas and not engaging in mudslinging or personal attacks on each other,” Sanders wrote in the letter, first obtained by the New York Times.

21.04.2019 - 17:55 [ Yemen News Agency ]

Court in capital compels prosecution to execute decisions to arrest Hadi, others traitors, detain their properties

The Criminal Court of First Instance in the capital Sanaa on Saturday ordered the Public Prosecution to carry out its previous decisions to arrest defendants, whose names will be mentioned, on charges of treason and to seize their money, namely Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, Maeen Abdel Malik and Khalid Al Yamani.

21.04.2019 - 17:42 [ Al-Masdar ]

Russia to lease Syrian port for nearly 50 years

“The crucial matter, which must give a positive dynamic for the development, is the matter of the use of the port of Tartus. The [Syria] trip has strengthened all former agreements. We have made significant progress on this question and we are hoping that the agreement will be signed within a week and that the port of Tartous will be in use by Russian businesses”, Borisov noted.

21.04.2019 - 17:08 [ teleSUR ]

CIA Declassified Info: Europe Wanted Own „Operation Condor“

Declassified information from the United States government shows that European governments during the 1970s wanted to learn how to conduct their own ‘Operation Condor’ from South American dictators who were systematically torturing and killing dissidents in the region.

In the documents opened to the public April 12, official statements from the United Kingdom, France, and then West Germany were looking for advice from South American dictators in mainly Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Chile to combat the “dangerous level (of) subversion“ from the left.

21.04.2019 - 17:05 [ The Guardian ]

European spies sought lessons from dictators’ brutal ‘Operation Condor’

(16.4.2019) Exactly how many people died as a result is unknown, but the conspiracy led to the deaths of at least 100 people in Argentina. And according to the CIA document dated 7 April 1978, European spies were keen to find out how it worked.

21.04.2019 - 17:04 [ Elizabeth Warren, US Senator ‏/ Twitter ]

Today in Perry, Iowa I wanted to be perfectly clear: When I‘m president of the United States, no veteran will ever be deported.


21.04.2019 - 17:02 [ Veterans for Peace ]

Deported Veterans Advocacy Project

The mission of the Deported Veterans Advocacy Project is to advocate and assist U.S. military veterans who face deportation, or have been deported by the U.S. government. Currently Veterans For Peace is the fiscal sponsor of the Unified U.S. Deported Veterans, located in Tijuana, Mexico.

21.04.2019 - 16:54 [ Amerika21.de ]

Kuba gibt Vermarktung von Lebensmitteln in drei Provinzen frei

Im Jahr 2013 begann in Havanna, Artemisa und Mayabeque ein bisher einzigartiges Experiment in der kubanischen Landwirtschftspolitik, bei dem die meisten Erzeugnisse nach Erfüllung der staatlichen Abgabequote frei gehandelt werden durften. Damit sollte die Produktion von Lebensmitteln angekurbelt werden. In den darauffolgenden Jahren nahmen Angebot und Qualität auf den Bauernmärkten spürbar zu, gleichzeitig wurde jedoch auch mehr gehortet. Horrende Preise zwangen die Regierung im Januar 2016 schließlich dazu, die Notbremse zu ziehen und das Experiment abzubrechen.

21.04.2019 - 16:41 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Massenhafte Reiseüberwachung: 500 neue Stellen für deutsches Fluggastdatensystem

Weil diese Information mehrfach, etwa bei der Buchung und beim Boarding verarbeitet werden, liegt die tatsächliche Zahl der in Deutschland gerasterten Passagiere derzeit bei rund 1,2 Millionen.

Mit Umsetzung der Fluggastdaten-Richtlinie entsteht in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten eine alltägliche Rasterfahndung mit anlassloser Speicherung der gefundenen Treffer. Die EU-Kommission erwägt außerdem die Ausdehnung auf andere Transportmittel, darunter Fährverbindungen oder Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge auf bestimmten Strecken.

21.04.2019 - 16:16 [ Eurasiafuture.com ]

Why Isn’t Oil-Rich Russia Helping Its Syrian “Ally” Survive The Fuel Crisis?

It’s seemingly inexplicable that one of the world’s top oil exporters and most masterful perception management practitioners wouldn’t gift its “ally” emergency fuel shipments as a humanitarian gesture or at least sell it what it needs under a deferred payment plan, especially when considering that it’s owned all of the country’s oil and gas infrastructure since last year and regularly ships large amounts of oil to the country in order to meet the huge demands of its fuel-hungry Aerospace Forces there. On top of that, Russia even sells gas to its American adversary in spite of the sanctions that its customer imposed on this industry,

21.04.2019 - 16:06 [ Mzahem Alsaloum ‏/ Twitter ]

acrdg to the Marine Traffic, The #Iran|ian Oil Tanker „STARK I“, has been arrived to #Turkey, after 4 weeks of been retaining n the #Egypt`s Suez, bcz it was going to #Syria, the Syrian PM has mentioned a „breakthrough n the current crisis“, would Turkey send it by the mainland?!

21.04.2019 - 15:59 [ Wall Street Journal ]

U.S. Sanctions Hit Iran’s Oil Lifeline to Syria


Egypt turned back an Iranian tanker headed for Syria over U.S. Treasury warning

21.04.2019 - 15:43 [ Junge Welt ]

Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Damaskus: Kein Öl für Syrien

Vor wenigen Tagen machte der Regierungschef zudem die USA und Ägypten dafür verantwortlich, dass die Öllieferungen aus dem Iran an Syrien seit sechs Monaten blockiert würden. Iranische Tanker mit dem Ziel Syrien seien im Suezkanal gestoppt worden.

Ägypten weist das zurück. Der Durchgang sei für jedes Schiff frei und könne nur blockiert werden, wenn die UNO eine Warnung ausspreche oder das Schiff sich falsch verhalten habe, erklärte die Suezkanalbehörde.

21.04.2019 - 15:24 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Libyens Hauptstadt: Kampf um Tripolis eskaliert weiter

Zudem gab es Luftabwehrfeuer der Armee, nachdem eine Drohne oder ein anderes Kampfflugzeug wiederholt minutenlang über der Stadt gekreist sei und dann angegriffen habe. Die Explosionen seien schwerer gewesen als in den vergangenen Tagen.

Den Einwohnern zufolge sollen mehrere Raketen in einem Stützpunkt der Regierungstruppen in einem südlichen Außenbezirk eingeschlagen sein.

21.04.2019 - 15:13 [ theGuardian.com ]

Airstrikes hit Tripoli as Haftar steps up assault on Libyan capital

Residents had reported drone strikes in recent days, but there has been no confirmation and explosions heard in the city centre this time were louder than in previous days.

Residents counted several missile strikes, one of which apparently hit a military camp of forces loyal to the UN-recognised government in the Sabaa district in the south of the capital – scene of the heaviest fighting between the rival forces.

21.04.2019 - 15:12 [ derStandard.at ]

Juncker bringt Merkel für EU-Amt ins Spiel

„Hochqualifiziert wäre sie“, meint Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker über das „liebenswerte Gesamtkunstwerk“

21.04.2019 - 15:06 [ Spiked ]

‘The yellow vests are saying “enough is enough”’

After 22 weekends of protest, the gilets jaunes show no signs of slowing down. The movement has rocked the French government. The government has made major concessions but has also launched a brutal crackdown. After weeks of repression, police violence and mainstream-media smears, how have these protests lasted so long?

21.04.2019 - 14:07 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

‚Our party‘s dead. Brexit‘s killing us on the doorsteps‘: 40% of Tory councillors back Nigel Farage‘s new party as devastating poll shows scale of rebellion and THREE QUARTERS want Theresa May to resign

– A grassroots revolt against Theresa May has been revealed by exclusive survey
– An overwhelming 95 per cent believe Tory Party has been damaged by Brexit
– The party‘s 1922 Committee of backbench MPs will convene on Tuesday

21.04.2019 - 13:56 [ theSun.co.uk ]

EASTER MASSACRE: Sri Lanka Easter bombings – Brits among 156 killed and 400 injured in Easter Sunday terror attacks on eight churches and hotels

Three of the explosions this morning – as Christians attended Easter mass – were carried out by suicide bombers, according to a security official.

Sri Lanka‘s minister of defence Ruwan Wijewardene said in a press conference: „We believe that all the culprits who have been involved in this unfortunate terrorist incident will be taken into custody as soon as possible. They have been identified, and they will be taken into custody as soon as possible.“

21.04.2019 - 13:52 [ theSun.co.uk ]

BRITS ANTI EU POLL: Voters warn Theresa May she has five weeks to deliver Brexit or suffer the consequences at the Euro elections

Two-thirds of Brits want the PM to get Britain out of the EU by any means to avoid the elections on May 23

21.04.2019 - 13:06 [ Counterpunch.org ]

Is the American Psychological Association Addicted to Militarism and War?

With large segments of the American public so readily and regularly enticed by the bipartisan glorification of war and all things military, the world’s largest association of psychologists could play an important moderating and cautionary role. Unfortunately, the APA instead often acts like the “impaired professional” who is unable (or unwilling) to intervene because they too suffer from the same addiction. Here are several examples.

21.04.2019 - 12:59 [ Mirror.co.uk ]

Four ‚suspect devices‘ left in Derry – days after journalist Lyra McKee killed

A controlled explosion has been carried out outside the home of a Derry politician as bomb disposal teams scrambled to four locations across the city.

Houses have been evacuated and police warned of „major disruption“ after the devices were reported.

One of the devices was reportedly found outside the home of Derry councillor Gary Donnelly, where the explosion was carried out.

21.04.2019 - 12:52 [ CNN ]

Sri Lanka blasts: At least 140 dead and more than 560 injured in multiple church and hotel explosions

The country‘s authorities convened an emergency meeting involving the heads of the army, air force and navy, according to Sri Lanka‘s economic reforms minister, Harsha de Silva.
He said on Twitter that all emergency steps had been taken and that the group would issue a statement on the blasts.

21.04.2019 - 12:45 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Explosionen in Kirchen und Hotels: Mehr als 150 Tote bei Anschlägen in Sri Lanka

Die Explosionen erschütterten die drei Kirchen, während die Gläubigen die Ostermesse feierten. Unter den Todesopfern waren nach Krankenhausangaben US-Bürger, Briten und Niederländer. Zur gleichen Zeit explodierten mehrere Bomben in drei Hotels in der Hauptstadt, dem Shangri-La, dem Cinnamon Grand und dem Kingsbury-Hotel. Die Hintergründe sind noch unklar.

21.04.2019 - 12:16 [ US Department of Homeland Security ]

Acting Secretary McAleenan Announces Establishment of DHS Office for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention


“I am pleased to announce the establishment of the DHS Office for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention. DHS remains committed to preventing all forms of terrorism, including both international and domestic, as well as preventing acts of targeted violence such as racially motivated violence. This new office supports the direction the President outlined in the National Strategy for Counterterrorism and will enable DHS to more effectively coordinate our resources and capabilities to better serve the needs of states and local communities. By expanding the aperture of terrorism prevention to include targeted violence, DHS can help communities better protect themselves against a broader range of current and emerging threats. …

21.04.2019 - 11:31 [ sputniknews.com ]

US Expands War on Terror to All ‘Targeted Violence’ With New Agency – DHS

A new agency within the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will broaden the War on Terror to all forms of targeted violence, regardless of the motivation, acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan announced in a press release.

21.04.2019 - 10:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER 11. SEPTEMBER: Langer Marsch eines Molochs

(10. September 2014)

Entgegen der heutigen Wahrnehmung rauschte die Regierung der USA Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts keineswegs unvorbereitet in die Attentate des 11. Septembers. Im Gegenteil waren über Jahrzehnte umfangreichste, weit verzweigte „Sicherheits“-Strukturen aufgebaut worden, bereits damals in enger Symbiose mit dem „privaten“, also internationalen kommerziellen Sektor.

21.04.2019 - 10:28 [ Youtube ]

Sept. 20, 2001 – Bush Declares War on Terror


21.04.2019 - 10:18 [ Huffington Post ]

Watch Barbara Lee Predict 15 Years Ago That Congress Was OK’ing Endless War

(14. September 2016)

The congresswoman was the only “no” vote on a sweeping 9/11 war authorization that’s still in use.

21.04.2019 - 10:17 [ Youtube ]

CBS‘ The Early Show on the morning of 9/11 (Part 2)

This is original unedited footage from The Early Show on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

21.04.2019 - 09:41 [ Rocketboom / Youtube ]

George Bush on September 11th

US President George Bush on September 11, 2001 being told the second World Trade Center tower had been hit and the five minutes that followed.

21.04.2019 - 09:18 [ theNation.com ]

When It Comes to War, We’re Just Getting Started


The Global War on Terror has become the Pentagon’s greatest tool in waging endless military campaigns.

21.04.2019 - 08:48 [ Haaretz ]

After Almost 20 Years, Netanyahu May Finally Realize His Vision for ‚Durable Peace‘

Benjamin Netanyahu has a solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict. If you haven’t heard of it, it‘s because you haven’t read chapter eight of his book “A Durable Peace” (the updated 2000 edition of his previous book „A Place Among the Nations,“ published seven years earlier). The chapter, also named “A Durable Peace,” is the plan Netanyahu formulated, based on the lessons from his first term in office after he lost the election in 1999.

21.04.2019 - 08:44 [ Haaretz ]

At Least 100 Dead, More Than 280 Injured After Blasts Heard in Sri Lanka Churches on Easter Sunday

Explosions went off simultaneously in three churches and three hotels; Sri Lankan official says security forces suspect ….

21.04.2019 - 00:23 [ junge Welt ]

Schamlose Bündnisse

Nunmehr wird der 75jährige erzkonservative Kleriker Ma’ruf Amin Vizepräsident Widodos. Bei einem solchen Tandem bedarf es nicht unbedingt mehr eines (früheren Suharto-Schwiegersohns) Prabowo Subianto.

21.04.2019 - 00:16 [ FRANCE 24 ]

France under pressure to come clean over Yemen arms exports

“Ministers are in possession of a document that shows they have been lying for months – and the source is our own intelligence service!” Nadot, who caused a kerfuffle in parliament last month by displaying a “France kills in Yemen” banner, told FRANCE 24.