Archiv: Komitees / committees

31.01.2024 - 18:35 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Racist Ben Gvir Warns Hadash Leader ‘Next in Line’ to Be Expelled from Knesset

Racist National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir appears to threaten Hadash MK Ayman Odeh with impeachment, tweeting out a picture of him with the message “next in line.” The photo shared by Ben Gvir shows Odeh holding the arm of Khalida Jarrar, a legislator and senior figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as she flashes a victory sign following her release from prison in September 2021. On last December 27, Jarrar was arrested again by occupation forces.

The far-right leader’s message comes hours after members of the Knesset House Committee overwhelmingly supported a motion to expel Hadash-Ta’al party lawmaker Ofer Cassif, voting 14-2 to advance his impeachment to the Knesset plenum following two days of contentious debate. During Tuesday’s debate on Cassif’s impeachment, Hadash-Ta’al MK Ahmad Tibi warned the Communist lawmaker’s ouster would “set a precedent” allowing for the impeachment of “all the Arab MKs in the Knesset.” “This is a black day for the Knesset,” Tibi declares following the vote.

31.01.2024 - 18:30 [ ]

Adalah: Motion to Expel Israeli Knesset Member for Supporting South Africa’s ICJ Case Is Unlawful


Today, the Knesset’s House Committee voted to expel Hadash MK Ofer Cassif, based on his public support for South Africa‘s application to the ICJ accusing Israel of genocide. Adalah: The motion is a deliberate attempt to suppress political dissent against Israel‘s brutal military campaign on Gaza

30.01.2024 - 14:00 [ Jonathan Berger / Twitter ]

“‘You can’t say that Cassif only wanted to stop the war, he’s accusing Israel of genocide,’ screams Yisrael Beytenu MK Oded Forer ….” ? Ruckus at Knesset panel as deputy AG says expelling far-left MK lacks legal basis

17.11.2023 - 07:47 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Another Hadash MK Sanctioned Over Statements Against Gaza War


Touma-Sliman, who the committee said did not apologize and did not recant her statements, is barred from Knesset committee and plenum sessions for two months, and also receives a two-week pay deduction.

On October 19, the Ethics Committee of the Knesset suspended another Communist lawmaker, MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash), for what it deemed as “anti-Israel statements after the war in Gaza broke out.” Cassif has been suspended for 45 days.

23.07.2023 - 12:15 [ Times of Israel ]

Knesset begins final votes on reasonableness law, curbing court review of decisions

Advanced on a rushed timeline that only dedicated nine committee sessions to preparing the core text for a substantive amendment to one of Israel’s quasi-constitutional Basic Laws, the bill is expected to clear extensive filibusters to become law by Monday or Tuesday, in line with the coalition’s goal to show movement on its judicial overhaul program before the Knesset breaks forits summer recess on July 30

16.07.2023 - 07:17 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Protest to Ramp Up as Knesset Plans to Continue With Judicial Overhaul

These include ones putting pressure on the head of the country’s largest federation of trade unions, with the aim of shutting down the national economy.

The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee will convene at 9:30 A.M. Sunday to continue deliberations on repealing the reasonableness standard used by courts in their review of government decisions.

11.07.2023 - 19:07 [ Haaretz ]

Reasonableness Standard: Netanyahu Gov‘t Advances Key Judicial Overhaul Bill, Setting Stage for Nationwide Protests

Following the initial vote, the bill awaits discussion in the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, which will be held on Tuesday. The bill must clear two additional Knesset votes to pass into law.

11.07.2023 - 19:02 [ ]

Israel passes ‘Reasonableness Standard’ bill through first stage

Late Monday night, the Israeli parliament passed the bill through its first stage of three in the Knesset. It was planned on Tuesday to progress the bill through the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

04.07.2023 - 18:33 [ Haaretz ]

„Reasonableness Standard“: Knesset Panel Greenlights Bill Key to Israel‘s Judicial Coup

Religious Zionism lawmaker Simcha Rothman, chair of the committee and a key architect of the judicial overhaul, said he intends to advance the motion which seeks to reduce the courts’ ability to overturn government decisions it deems illegal, on Tuesday afternoon, setting it up for a vote in the Knesset itself next week.

03.07.2023 - 17:31 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Rothman: I hope we will vote on reasonableness bill this week

A date wasn‘t given for the committee vote to send the bill to the Knesset. The new bill, the first reform legislation since the freeze in late March, would prevent judicial review of the administrative decisions of elected officials.

03.07.2023 - 16:30 [ ]

Israeli demonstrators escalate to blocking Haifa seaport, threaten airport access

Israeli demonstrators opposing the government‘s judicial reform blocked access to the Haifa port on Monday, with parallel rallies organized abroad. According to the organizers, the highlight of the day‘s protests will be a blockade of Ben Gurion airport in the afternoon.

The protest movement stated thousands of people were planning to protest against the resumption of work on the reform in the Knesset, scheduled to be discussed in the afternoon.

03.07.2023 - 16:15 [ Times of Israel ]

Torah study said set to be anchored in Basic Law, to cement Haredi draft exemptions

Bill planned for Knesset’s winter session is reportedly aimed at providing safety net in case High Court strikes down proposed law exempting Haredi youth from army service

03.07.2023 - 12:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Israel prepares for disruptive judicial reform protests

The State of Israel girded itself for disruptive protests against the judicial reform on Monday, with protesters blocking the Haifa Port in the morning and a large contingent of demonstrators expected at Ben Gurion airport at 5:30 p.m.

03.07.2023 - 11:20 [ Times of Israel ]

Knesset panel meets on reasonableness bill; opposition: ‘Not an appropriate day to do this’

The Knesset’s Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee restarts its discussion on constraining judicial review over the “reasonableness” of elected officials’ decisions.

03.07.2023 - 09:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Coalition said planning bill to shield overhaul legislation from future repeal bids

Fearing that their proposals to shift powers away from the courts and into politicians’ hands could be reversed by a future Knesset they don’t control, the coalition chiefs want to pass their judicial shakeup plans as amendments to existing Basic Laws, then approve a new one delineating the status of the Basic Laws and under what conditions they can be altered, the report said.

03.07.2023 - 09:16 [ Jerusalem Post ]

No Supreme Court means no check on government – opinion

(JUNE 29, 2023)

The sagas of who would be voted chair of the Israel Bar Association and the earlier vote to select the Knesset’s representatives to the judicial selection committee – two events that had never previously attracted significant media coverage or interest – are indications of the drama that we have witnessed over the past six months.

03.07.2023 - 08:59 [ CNN ]

Israel forces launch lethal strike on West Bank’s Jenin

Israeli forces launched a large military operation in Jenin in the northern West Bank overnight Sunday, killing at least four people and injuring 27 others, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

02.07.2023 - 05:25 [ Haaretz ]

Six Months of Protest: Tens of Thousands Rally as Israel’s Protest Movement Regains Momentum Ahead of Key Judicial Coup Vote

Tens of thousands of people protested around the country for the 26th week, with most of the speakers at these demonstrations invoking the “reasonableness standard,” a clause that gives the Supreme Court the power to block government decisions that it finds unreasonable.

On Monday, the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee is to hold its first vote on a law that would “reduce” the courts’ power to apply the reasonableness standard, a bill they began deliberating on earlier this week.

21.06.2023 - 14:04 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Unleashes His Coalition to Go on the Offensive and Finish Up the Coup

Once again, the Knesset Constitution Committee is issuing press statements under an outrageous, inflated slogan: “Zion will be redeemed through law – restoring justice to the legal system.” And in their wake, the circus in the committee was slated to resume on Wednesday, when MKs were to begin discussing legislation to restrict the Supreme Court’s ability to overturn government decisions it deems unreasonable. The meeting was canceled at the last minute only due to Tuesday’s terror attack.

This may be the biggest achievement of Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Constitution Committee chairman Simcha Rothman – their appalling plan, which has failed decisively on every front and has been rejected with disgust by most Israelis, is still alive and kicking.

16.06.2023 - 15:14 [ Haaretz ]

No Rest Until the Judicial Coup Is Completely Shelved

Effective public diplomacy and political organization resulted in several coalition MKs showing national responsibility: In the secret ballot, they joined with the opposition in voting for an opposition MK on the committee. This expansion of the ranks of the coup’s opponents is good news for the battle to save democracy.

01.03.2023 - 13:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Knesset committee okays bill sharply limiting judicial review; opposition: ‘Putsch’

Opposition lawmakers boycotted the final votes in committee approving the bill for its first reading in the Knesset plenum, after Rothman granted only one MK from each Knesset faction the right to speak for five minutes.

“This is a dictatorship and the silencing of people’s opinions, we won’t be part of it. Vote among yourselves” shouted Hadash MK Ofer Cassif at Rothman.

“This is a regime putsch!” Yisrael Beytenu Yulia Malinovsky fumed before leaving the committee room.

08.02.2023 - 21:31 [ Haaretz ]

In Key Vote on Weakening Judiciary, Netanyahu Aims to Assuage Far Right, Steal a March on Left

In the Knesset next week, the new hard-right cabinet will launch its efforts to increase the government‘s representation on the Judicial Appointments Committee, the first plank in a bid to sap the strength of the Supreme Court

08.02.2023 - 21:12 [ Haaretz ]

As Israel Descends Into Chaos, Clowns Are Running the Circus

Anyone who derives pleasure from crudely splashing filthy water around, anyone interested in seeing what a crazy circus looks like, one that drives everyone mad and gives its audience a neurosis and a massive headache, is invited to come to the Knesset Constitution Committee, where discussions are being held on the coup against our system of government (which its sponsors dub “legal reform”).

08.02.2023 - 06:36 [ @talschneider / Twitter ]

Day #31 in Israel‘s deterioration to a less democratic state: Votes on the judicial coup will begin tomorrow -in the committee and on Monday in the plenum


17.10.2022 - 15:25 [ @Telegraph / Nitter ]

The Chancellor‘s briefing with Tory MPs has finished. A Government source said Mr Hunt „emphasised the need for stability and said that the PM should be commended for changing tack in the face of the deteriorating global economic situation“

21.04.2021 - 11:55 [ ]

Netanyahu defeated in bid to control critical Knesset committee


The Arrangements Committee is the first parliamentary committee to be formed after an election and controls the legislative agenda in the new parliament until the formation of a new government including determining what other parliamentary committees will be formed and their composition.
Likud‘s bid to head the committee was foiled by the Islamist Ra’am party which voted against the motion and threw its support behind Yesh Atid.

25.03.2021 - 12:53 [ ]

Liberman conceives plan for anti-Netanyahu bloc: report

This entails replacing the Knesset Speaker, taking over the chairmanship of the House Committee and the chairmanship of the Finance Committee and the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committees as well, Maariv reported.

Liberman further stressed in discussions the need to advance immediately legislation that will prevent an indicted individual to contend for the premiership.

18.03.2021 - 19:44 [ Olaf Storbeck / Twitter ]

@DerDanyal reveals that former Wirecard supervisory board member Susana Quintana-Plaza, Executive Director at Galp Energia, was summoned as a witness to the parliamentary inquiry but declined to come.

12.02.2021 - 02:24 [ ]

School return date must be ‚signed in blood‘, Boris Johnson told

Rob Halfon, the Tory chairman of the Education Select Committee, told The Telegraph: „We just need to make sure March 8 is signed in blood, not just a line in the sand.“ Mark Harper, the chairman of the Covid Recovery Group, said: „It‘s crucial we don‘t backslide on this.“

26.03.2020 - 14:18 [ Gil Hoffman, Jerusalem Post's chief political correspondent / Twitter ]

The Knesset Arrangements Cmte just voted 9-7 to have the Knesset plenum meet at 4pm to pick a new Knesset speaker

25.03.2020 - 04:09 [ ]

Netanyahu‘s Likud accuses Blue and White of ‚stealing the Parliament‘

Other special committees to be established will focus on education, violence in Israeli Arab communities and labor and welfare; the four special panels will need to be approved by the plenum Tuesday.

These included Finance and Foreign Affairs and Defense panels, with the latter set to establish a special committee that will supervise the contentious Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)-led coronavirus patients surveillance program.

24.03.2020 - 17:43 [ Haaretz ]

Lawmaker From Gantz‘s Party to Head Main Knesset Committee, Panels Begin Work

A lawmaker from Benny Gantz‘s party was appointed as the chairman of a crucial Knesset committee and the Knesset approved two additional committees late Monday night, allowing the parliament to begin its work following Israel‘s March 2 election…

23.03.2020 - 20:14 [ Haaretz ]

After Week-long Paralysis, Knesset Approves Forming Crucial Panel

The right-wing bloc aligned with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boycotted the vote, excluding Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein who abstained and Minister of Construction and Housing Yoav Gallant, who attended as a representative of the government, but did not participate in the vote.

The composition of the arrangements committee will give the center-left bloc a one seat advantage with 9 members, relative to the right-wing bloc’s eight members.

24.01.2020 - 21:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu reportedly could boycott Knesset deliberations on his immunity request

The Knesset is set to vote next week on forming the panel that will weigh — and likely reject — Netanyahu’s request, with deliberations scheduled to begin at the end of month.

In Likud, the assumption is that Netanyahu himself will not be present at the hearings and may not even send his lawyers, Channel 12 news reported.

19.01.2020 - 21:18 [ Auswärtiges Amt ‏/ Twitter ]

Wir werden ein Follow-up-Komitee gründen, das ab Februar die Ergebnisse der #Libyen -Konferenz umsetzt und Arbeit von @UNSMILibya @GhassanSalame begleitet. – Außenminister @HeikoMaas nach Ende der #BerlinConference

14.01.2020 - 06:05 [ ]

Israeli lawmakers approve committee to debate Netanyahu immunity

The lawmakers with Likud and other right-wing parties stormed out of the room amid a heated debate on the legality of the gathering, paving the way to a 16-1 vote overruling a prior vote that granted Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein the power to pick members of the House Committee.

At the start of the gathering, panel chair Avi Nissenkorn (Blue & White party) urged lawmakers to abstain from trying to sabotage the discussion on immunity.

14.01.2020 - 06:01 [ Times of Israel ]

Knesset committee launches Netanyahu’s process

It’s a dry procedural vote — technically an overturning of a previous decision of the Arrangements Committee on December 15 reserving that right to the Knesset speaker — but with dramatic consequences.

03.01.2020 - 14:15 [ CNN ]

US strike that killed Iranian commander starkly divides US lawmakers

Two sources tell CNN that key Senate staff on relevant committees on national security and appropriations, along with leadership staff, will be briefed Friday afternoon in a classified setting by administration officials.

28.10.2018 - 15:11 [ euronews (deutsch) / Youtube ]

Syrien-Gipfel will verfassungsgebende Versammlung

Hochrangige Politiker aus mehreren Ländern haben sich auf einen Weg im Friedensprozess für Syrien geeinigt. Syrien selbst ist aber nicht dabei.…

28.10.2018 - 15:08 [ ]

Syria rejects UN plan on constitution committee: envoy

The special envoy has been working since January on the make-up of a committee to thrash out a new constitution and which would have 150 members: 50 proposed by the Syrian regime, 50 by the opposition and 50 by the UN, to include representatives of civil society and technical experts.

28.10.2018 - 14:58 [ ]

Russia, Germany, Turkey, France leaders meet discussed constitution, victory, return, vote in Syria

I think that an increasing number of participants in the settlement process serves this well. In essence, it was initially a proposal by the French president to join efforts of the Small Group and Astana process. That was actively supported by the Turkish president who initiated today’s meeting. I think it has served well,” Putin said.

Asked about chances for a second summit of Russia, Germany, France and Turkey on Syria, Putin answered that the sides “has not negotiated this yet, but everything is possible.”

15.07.2018 - 10:08 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

UN allows S. Korea to send supplies to N. Korea to restore military hotline

The UN Security Council has approved a request from South Korea… for an exception to the sanctions on the North… so it can send fuel and vehicles for the purpose of restoring military communication lines. Kyodo News reported Sunday, citing diplomatic sources,… that the committee on North Korea sanctions decided to allow the South Korean government to send gasoline, buses, trucks, and other items. Those sources said none of the council‘s fifteen member nations objected.

26.04.2018 - 09:21 [ KBS ]

Nordkorea veröffentlicht Teilnehmerliste für Korea-Gipfel

Die Liste umfasst ranghöchste Vertreter der Partei, des Militärs und des Außenministeriums. Dazu zählen unter anderem Kim Yo-jong, die jüngere Schwester des Machthabers Kim Jong-un, der Vorsitzende des ständigen Ausschusses der Nationalversammlung Kim Yong-nam, der Vizechef des Zentralkomitees der Arbeiterpartei Kim Yong-chol, der Generalstabschef Ri Myong-su, Verteidigungsminister Pak Yong-sik, Außenminister Ri Yong-ho und der Vorsitzende des Komitees für die friedliche Wiedervereinigung des Vaterlandes Ri Son-kwon.