Archiv: Pedro Sanchez

15.10.2024 - 00:05 [ ]

Spanish PM calls to suspend EU-Israel free trade agreement

Spain and Ireland are asking EU countries to suspend the EU–Israel Association Agreement on the basis that Israel may be breaching the agreement’s human rights clause.

“The European Commission must respond once and for all to the formal request made by two European countries to suspend the association agreement with Israel if it is found, as everything suggests, that human rights are being violated,” Sanchez told an event on Monday in Barcelona.

The agreement stipulates that free trade between the EU and Israel must be “based on respect for human rights and democratic principles.”

12.03.2024 - 17:15 [ ]

Recognizing Palestinian state is a ‘just cause’ – Spanish PM

“I will propose granting Spain’s recognition to the Palestinian state,” Sanchez said on Saturday at a conference in Bilbao, Spain. “I do this out of moral conviction, for a just cause, and because it is the only way that the two states – Israel and Palestine – can live together in peace.”

16.11.2023 - 21:14 [ El Pais ]

Pedro Sánchez, the political survivor who keeps resisting against all odds

He faces almost no internal criticism and on Friday he will take office for the third time as prime minister of Spain, after having managed to win an investiture vote inside parliament with 179 votes, more than the previous ones, and with broad cross-party support. If we add all the parties that have backed him — PSOE, Sumar, Catalan Republican Left (ERC), Junts, Bildu, Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), Galicia Nationalist Bloc (BNG), Canaries Coalition (CC) — there are 12.6 million votes behind the new progressive government.

24.07.2023 - 09:56 [ ]

Sánchez’s tricky road to victory after shock Spanish election result

Sánchez’s Socialists and his preferred partners, Yolanda Díaz’s left-wing Sumar coalition, control 153 seats in parliament. Although the left-wing allies are unlikely to secure the backing of the 176 MPs needed for Sánchez to be confirmed as prime minister the first time the new parliament votes on the matter, they could make a bid during the second round of voting, in which the candidate to head the new government must receive more yeas than nays.

24.07.2023 - 09:54 [ El Pais ]

Now what? National election leaves Spain in a labyrinth

To be voted in as the new prime minister at the investiture vote, an absolute majority (176) is needed in the first vote or a simple majority (more votes for than against) in the second.

13.07.2023 - 20:10 [ ]

Spain to deploy more troops in Slovakia, Romania to strenghten NATO eastern flank

It will be the first time Spain sends troops to Slovakia, while the number of troops in Romania will be increased, although the exact figure has not been specified.

29.05.2023 - 22:18 [ ]

Spaniens Regierungschef kündigt vorgezogene Wahl für Juli an

In zehn der zwölf Regionen, in denen abgestimmt wurde, regierte bisher die PSOE. In sechs dieser Regionen wurde sie nun von der PP abgelöst. Sanchez führt in Madrid eine Minderheitsregierung an. Auch sein linksgerichteter Koalitionspartner Podemos erlitt in den Regionen Stimmenverluste.

29.05.2023 - 22:10 [ El Pais ]

Spain calls snap general election after right, far-right, inflict heavy local and regional defeat

The leader of the PSOE, who heads a leftist coalition government, has decided to bring forward the general elections slated for December to July 23, in order to minimize the risk of further wear and tear on his administration over the coming months after the country’s right wing was emboldened by its resounding successes on Sunday, and to try and prevent the right-wing Popular’s Party (PP) and the far-right Vox grouping from scoring a clean sweep during the ballot to elect a new government.

29.05.2023 - 22:02 [ ]

Spain’s PM calls snap election after opposition triumphs in local polls

Sánchez’s high-stakes gamble, which he announced just hours after the results came in, is based on the hope that any such deals will help to galvanise and mobilise leftwing voters and prove distasteful to supporters on the PP’s moderate wing.

Speaking at the Moncloa palace in Madrid on Monday morning, Sánchez said he had informed King Felipe of his decision to dissolve parliament and call a general election on 23 July, five months before the poll had been scheduled to be held.

01.04.2023 - 22:45 [ Reuters ]

In Beijing, Spanish PM urges Xi to speak with Ukraine‘s Zelenskiy


Sanchez on Thursday praised two aspects of China‘s position paper – „its complete and categorical rejection of not only the use but even the threat to use nuclear weapons“ and its respect for territorial integrity.

Sanchez declined to say what Xi had said about the issue.

05.05.2022 - 20:16 [ New York Times ]

Spain Says Cellphones of Prime Minister and Defense Minister Were Hacked


Officials said the devices were breached by the Pegasus spyware, made by an Israeli company, which is intended to track illegal behavior but has been misused by some governments.

05.05.2022 - 20:01 [ ]

Spaniens Geheimdienst bespitzelte Separatisten

Bei der Überwachung kam die israelische Spähsoftware Pegasus zum Einsatz.

Für jeden dieser Fälle habe CNI-Chefin Paz Esteban heute in einer parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission eine richterliche Erlaubnis vorgelegt, berichtete die Zeitung „El Pais“.

02.05.2022 - 16:14 [ ]

Handy-Attacke mit Pegasus-Software: Spähangriff auf Spaniens Regierungschef

Bolaños machte keine Angaben dazu, ob die spanischen Behörden über Hinweise auf den Ursprung der Abhöraktion verfügen oder ob sie aus dem Ausland erfolgte.

Es sei aber absolut sicher, dass es sich um eine Attacke von außen handele, weil weil in Spanien alle Eingriffe von offiziellen Einrichtungen und mit juristischer Genehmigung erfolgen“, fügte der Minister hinzu.

02.05.2022 - 16:05 [ Haaretz ]

Spanish Prime Minister, Defense Minister Hacked Using Israel‘s Pegasus Spyware in 2021, Officials Say

Israel‘s NSO Group, the cyber offensive firm which developed Pegasus, said it was unfamiliar with the details of the specific case and, as a software provider, cannot know who the targets of its customers are.

Spain’s government is under pressure to explain why the cellphones of dozens of people connected to the separatist movement in the northeastern Catalonia region were infected with Pegasus between 2017 and 2020, according to cybersecurity experts’ group Citizen Lab.

18.03.2021 - 12:04 [ ]

‘Is VDL being pressured by Germany?!’ Macron aide speechless at C4 Covid vaccine probe

Channel 4 News presenter Matt Frei asked: „Is this all very political and does Ursula von der Leyen, as a German politician and member of Angela Merkel‘s ruling CDU, is she now under pressure?

„Especially after the results of the regional elections on Sunday that she has to come out and take the gloves off.

„Is that what this is? Is it political?“

Ms Trillet-Lenoir replied: „I wouldn‘t say so. I would say it‘s a complicated explanation.

18.03.2021 - 12:00 [ ]

BBC‘s Katya Adler exposes why Italy ‚under pressure‘ to suspend AstraZeneca vaccine

BBC‘s Katya Adler insisted that Italy felt under pressure to suspend the rollout of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. While speaking on Newscast, she said despite its own advisors saying not to suspend the use of the vaccine, the Italian Government decided to plough ahead with the temporary ban. She claimed this was due to mounting pressure from their citizens with concerns due to bigger European nations Germany and France suspending the vaccine.

18.03.2021 - 11:55 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Germany, France, Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine


Germany, Italy, France and Spain joined the ranks of European countries that have temporarily halted use of the Covid-19 shot made by AstraZeneca PLC over blood-clot concerns, dealing another blow to the continent’s sluggish vaccination rollout and threatening the credibility of the vaccine itself.

18.03.2021 - 11:50 [ ]

Corona-Krise wird Regierungskrise: Frankreich in der Falle

„Ist die Regierung in die Falle ihrer europäischen Partner getappt, insbesondere Deutschland, das am Montag beschlossen hat, den Impfstoff auszusetzen?“, fragt Le Monde.

Die Zeitung Libération geht noch weiter: Macron habe sich von der Bundesregierung unter Handlungszwang gesetzt gesehen. Mit seiner Pressekonferenz habe Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) den französischen Präsidenten kurz vor dessen geplanten Presseauftritt an der Seite des spanischen Ministerpräsidenten Pedro Sánchez unter Druck gesetzt:

28.05.2020 - 21:33 [ ]

Regierungschefs warnen vor Annexionen im Westjordanland

Briefe stammten demnach auch vom britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson und den Ministerpräsidenten Spaniens und Italiens, Pedro Sánchez und Giuseppe Conte. Ein Sprecher Netanjahus wollte sich am Mittwoch nicht zu dem Bericht äußern.

21.05.2020 - 06:33 [ ZDF ]

Lockdown verlängert – Proteste in Spanien

Nur kurz nach der Abstimmung gingen Lockdown-Kritiker und Gegner der Regierung in Madrid und anderen Städten an die Fenster, auf die Balkone und zum Teil auch auf die Straßen, um lautstark zu protestieren. Sie machten ihrem Ärger Luft, indem sie auf Töpfe schlugen und „Freiheit, Freiheit!“ skandierten. Viele schwenkten spanische Fahnen, andere waren in die Landesflagge gehüllt.

21.05.2020 - 06:25 [ ]

Sevilla ya es un clamor: cientos de personas marchan por cuarto día contra Sánchez


Varios cientos de personas se han vuelto a juntar este miércoles para protestar contra el Gobierno de un Pedro Sánchez del que exigen su dimisión. Se trata de la cuarta movilización celebrada en Sevilla contra el Ejecutivo.

21.05.2020 - 06:20 [ El Pais ]

Hundreds of Spaniards march against government despite social-distancing rules

The protests in Madrid intensified over the weekend, after health authorities on Friday rejected the region’s request to move to the next phase of the coronavirus deescalation plan. While much of the country is now in Phase 1, which allows some degree of social interaction and the reopening of some businesses, Madrid remains in Phase 0, although a few restrictions have been eased.

21.05.2020 - 06:15 [ / Twitter ]

La rebelión ciudadana se extiende a toda España: clamor general contra Sánchez e Iglesias


21.05.2020 - 06:07 [ El Pais ]

Obligatory use of face masks in Spain: What you need to know about the new rules

According to the ministerial order, published Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), face masks must be worn in the “public street, in open-air spaces and any closed space that is for public use or that is open to the public, where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance” of two meters.

The new rules apply to everyone over the age of six. The use of face masks is also recommended for children between three and five years of age.

17.03.2020 - 23:18 [ ]

Spain looks to China for help in fighting virus

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez spoke Tuesday with China‘s President Xi Jinping to ask for medical supplies to help fight the coronavirus epidemic which has infected more than 11,000 people in Spain.

21.08.2019 - 05:17 [ ]

Auch Spanien steuert auf Neuwahlen zu

Nach Italien steuert auch Spanien auf Neuwahlen zu. Am Dienstag lehnten die Sozialisten (PSOE) das neue Koalitionsangebot der linken Parteiallianz Unidas Podemos (UP) ab. „Wir schätzen den Vorschlag, der uns programmatisch sehr nahesteht, sehen eine Regierungskoalition allerdings für undurchführbar”, heißt es in einem nur wenige Stunden später veröffentlichten Antwortschreiben der Sozialisten.

30.05.2019 - 12:10 [ ]

Portugal’s Costa says Weber should not be Commission chief


The interview took place late Monday, just after Costa had a conference call with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the Netherlands‘ Mark Rutte and Belgium‘s Charles Michel.

27.01.2019 - 07:54 [ Junge Welt ]

Berlin putscht mit

Damit übernimmt die Bundesregierung die Rolle eines Scharfmachers, nachdem es die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini am Vortag vermieden hatte, eine solche Anerkennung auszusprechen. Auch die spanische Regierung hat sich inzwischen der deutschen Linie angeschlossen. Wie das Onlineportal am Freitag meldete, will Madrid der EU vorschlagen, Maduro eine Frist zu setzen, in der er Neuwahlen durchführen solle. Ansonsten werde man »weitere Maßnahmen« ergreifen, zu denen auch die Anerkennung Guaidós gehöre.

27.01.2019 - 07:52 [ ]

EU-Staaten setzen Maduro acht Tage Frist für Wahlen

«Das Volk Venezuelas muss frei und in Sicherheit über seine Zukunft entscheiden können», liess Kanzlerin Angela Merkel die stellvertretende Regierungssprecherin Martina Fietz in Berlin im Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter fordern. Würden nicht binnen acht Tagen Wahlen angekündigt, «sind wir bereit, Juan Guaidó als Interimspräsidenten anzuerkennen.»

26.01.2019 - 15:40 [ UN Web TV ]

Security Council: 8452nd meeting.

26 Jan 2019 –

26.01.2019 - 15:15 [ ]

Europäer stellen Ultimatum

Die Bundesregierung, Frankreich und Spanien sprechen sich dafür aus, in Venezuela binnen einer Woche Wahlen auszurufen. Sonst sei man bereit, Parlamentschef Guaido als Interimspräsidenten anzuerkennen.

26.01.2019 - 15:11 [ RETWEET FEITEN ‏/ Twitter ]

Macron en Merkel erkennen oppositieleider bij uitblijven verkiezingen Venezuela

26.01.2019 - 15:10 [ G. Goulet #FPBE, #facciamorete ‏/ Twitter ]

Venezuela: Ultimatum Macron-Merkel-Sanchez: „Les élections ou nous reconnaissons Guaidò“

26.01.2019 - 15:09 [ ]

Venezuela, Macron, Sanchez e Merkel lanciano un ultimatum: “Elezioni entro 8 giorni o riconosciamo Guaidò presidente

I leader europei concordano infatti sul fatto che „il popolo venezuelano deve poter decidere liberamente il proprio futuro“ e sono pronti a scendere in campo, come ha spiegato il ministro degli Estreri spagnolo Josep Borrell:

24.11.2018 - 18:15 [ El Pais ]

Spanish PM announces deal on Gibraltar ahead of Brexit summit

Pedro Sánchez will vote on Sunday in favor of the United Kingdom’s Withdrawal Agreement, something he had been saying he would not do due to the text’s position on the British Overseas Territory

23.11.2018 - 16:47 [ El Pais ]

Spain still ready to vote against Brexit unless it sees changes on Gibraltar

“Following my conversation with Theresa May, our positions remain distant. My Government will always defend the interests of Spain. If there are no changes, we will veto Brexit,” he tweeted as he landed in Havana for a two-day visit to Cuba.

12.09.2018 - 05:35 [ ]

Kurz in Madrid: EU-Gipfel und Afrikapolitik als Themen

Kurz trifft in Madrid König Felipe VI. und seinen sozialistischen Amtskollegen Pedro Sanchez. In der Folge gibt es auch Konsultationen mit der deutschen Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) in Berlin und Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron in Paris.

04.06.2018 - 15:40 [ Reuters ]

New Spanish PM seeks government without hard-left Podemos

Podemos, which helped Sanchez to oust Rajoy, said it wants to be in the government. The anti-austerity party wants generous welfare policies and tougher regulations and taxes on banks.

04.06.2018 - 15:38 [ ]

Don‘t believe the hype about Rajoy being replaced by a ‚socialist‘ prime minister – he‘s no Spanish Corbyn

Pedro Sanchez is nothing more than a photogenic centrist lackey who is sacrificing the principles of his voters in an opportunistic grab for power

04.06.2018 - 15:37 [ Junge Welt ]

Rajoy hat fertig

Sánchez, der siebter Ministerpräsident Spaniens nach dem Tod des Diktators Francisco Franco wird, hatte in seiner Rede vor dem Parlament am Donnerstag die Grundzüge seines Regierungsprogramms vorgestellt. Oberstes Ziel sei, »die europäischen Ziele zu erfüllen« und »makroökonomische und Haushaltsstabilität zu garantieren«. Damit rückt ein wirklicher Politikwechsel in weite Ferne – Sánchez wird die von Rajoy auf Druck der EU durchgesetzten Kürzungen beibehalten. Er kündigte bereits an, den erst vor wenigen Tagen mit den Stimmen der PP, der Ciudadanos und der PNV verabschiedeten Haushalt zu akzeptieren.

01.06.2018 - 14:07 [ El Pais ]

As it happened: Pedro Sánchez becomes new Spanish prime minister

This is the first time in Spanish democratic history that a head of government has been ousted. Rajoy, 63, refused to step down ahead of the vote, saying he had the trust of the people who voted for him at the 2016 election.

Rajoy is being replaced by Socialist (PSOE) leader Pedro Sánchez, whose 84 seats were insufficient for the majority of 176 required in the 350-seat house. This forced the PSOE to seek support from a range of other parties, including regional nationalists in the Basque Country and Catalonia.