Archiv: move your a**es!

20.11.2024 - 14:36 [ Middle East Eye ]

Could Israel‘s Unrwa ban lead to its suspension from the UN?

(October 29, 2024)

Bjorge said the legislation is “an outrage” against a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly, and that the latter must “do everything within its capacity” to protect Unrwa.

“In the face of such an outrage against it, the UN must lose no time in taking action,” he said.

“It should request the International Court of Justice for an urgent advisory opinion, which under the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities will be binding on Israel and on the United Nations itself.

30.10.2024 - 00:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Could Israel‘s Unrwa ban lead to its suspension from the UN?

Bjorge said the legislation is “an outrage” against a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly, and that the latter must “do everything within its capacity” to protect Unrwa.

“In the face of such an outrage against it, the UN must lose no time in taking action,” he said.

“It should request the International Court of Justice for an urgent advisory opinion, which under the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities will be binding on Israel and on the United Nations itself.

16.09.2024 - 14:10 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Palästina und die Unabhängigkeit: Eine unnötige Verzögerung

(30. Dezember 2014)

Es ist die alte Regel des Imperialismus und seiner sadistischen Handlanger: Wenn Du schon verloren hast, quatsch Deinen Gegner zu und organisiere, dass dieser sich selbst ermordet, ruiniert, zerstört, oder zumindest seine Chancen, Vorteile und Talente. Genau das geschieht seit Jahren mit den europäischen Demokratien. Genau das geschieht heute Nacht (1, 2) im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen mit Palästina.

Die Resolution, die Mahmud Abbas und die “Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation” nicht selbst in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen einbringen konnten und sich daher an die Monarchie Jordanien wandten, ist gut. Sie ist, im Vergleich zur Resolution der P.L.O. vom 17. Dezember, sogar noch verbessert wurden. Ostjerusalem wurde eben nicht verraten und verkauft. Im Gegenteil, die Resolution beinhaltet im Entscheidungstext (“decides”) unter Punkt 2:

“eine gerechte Lösung des Status von Jerusalem als der Hauptstadt der zwei Staaten, die die legitimen Anliegen beider Parteien erfüllt und die Freiheit des Betens beschützt.”

Angekündigt wurde diese Resolution von Mahmud Abbas bereits vor fast einem halben Jahr, in seiner Rede am 26. September in der Allgemeinen Versammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Abbas damals wörtlich:

“Während der letzten zwei Wochen, unterhielten Palästina (Anm.: Abbas Autonomiebehörde) und die Arabische Gruppe intensive Kontakte mit den verschiedenen regionalen Gruppen in den Vereinten Nationen, um die Einbringung eines Resolutionsentwurfs bezüglich des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts für dessen Annahme durch den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen vorzubereiten und die Bemühungen um Frieden voranzutreiben.”

Nur zur Erinnerung: das war mitten in einem durch die Regierung Israels angerichteten Massaker im aufständischen Teil Palästinas, dem Gazastreifen, in das zum wiederholten Male Bodentruppen der Kolonialmacht Israel versuchten einzumarschieren, in Absprache mit den Regierungen in Berlin und Washington bezüglich einer “Demilitarisierung” des Gazastreifens und dem damit verbundenen absehbaren Versuch deutsche “Inspektoren” als Besatzungsmacht einzubinden.

Das war vor einem halben Jahr.

Seitdem passierte durch Abbas Behörde und die P.L.O. hinsichtlich der Resolution gar nichts, außer das in regelmäßigen Abständen immer wieder behauptet wurde, jaja, jetzt aber. Jetzt aber.

Jetzt werde man die Unabhängigkeits-Resolution in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen einbringen. Bloß 36 Jahre nach der eigenen Unabhängigkeitserklärung. Nur noch ein halbes Jahr lang schwätzen. Bloß noch ein halbes Jahr.

Am 17. Dezember stellt die P.L.O. ihre Resolution vor und versteckte diese auf ihrer Webseite so gut es ging. Ich fand sie erst Tage später. Meines Wissens nach verlinkte kein einziges palästinensisches Portal die Resolution oder verwies auch nur darauf, auch nicht die palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur WAFA.

Als stattdessen Mahmud Abbas schon wieder vor der Presse auftauchte und irgendetwas als Begleitmusik zu seinem Nichtstun erzählte, schrieb ich dazu am 21. Dezember des Jahres 2014 in Kurzform meine Meinung. Als es dann nach Weihnachten am 29. Dezember endlich hieß, die palästinensische Resolution werde nun tatsächlich in den Sicherheitsrat eingebracht, zum Erstaunen “westlicher Dipomaten”, dachte ich, na endlich. Jetzt kann´s losgehen.

Nur zur Erklärung: Einbringen heisst nicht abstimmen. Gerade wenn drei Tage später am 1. Januar 2015 fünf Staaten neues Mitglied im U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat werden, von denen vier – Angola, Venezuela, Spanien und Malaysien – Palästina wahrscheinlich ihre Stimme geben würden und die Chancen auf einen Sieg damit erheblich steigen. Die palästinensische Unabhängigkeits-Resolution, die durch Annahme im U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrat völkerrechtlich verbindlich und rechtsgültig wäre, braucht 9 Stimmen von 15 Mitgliedern.

Ich hatte bereits während des Putsches in der Ukraine und des anschließenden Aufbaus der Neurussland-Falle den Eindruck, als lese nur eine Klientel meine Artikel tatsächlich und sorge

“umgehend dafür, dass genau das Gegenteil von dem geschah was ich in diesen mit aller Bescheidenheit empfohlen hatte.”

Ich sehe, genau jetzt, diese Sadisten und Faschisten im seit Ausbruch des Terrorkrieges in 2001 mit Geld, Macht und Spielzeugen für Kranke vollgelaufenen “Sicherheits”-Apparat vor mir, auch in Jerusalem, auch in New York, wie sie versuchen die Palästinenser – neben den Kurden das Volk was noch immer für deren geostrategische Spielchen hergehalten und gelitten hat – ein weiteres Mal auf das Dreckigste zu betrügen………

09.09.2024 - 15:32 [ Nigerian Tribune ]

Group seeks enforcement of ICJ ruling on Israel/Palestine crisis

(September 1, 2024)

An Islamic organization, Aqsah Nigeria, has called on world leaders, especially African governments, to take decisive action in enforcing the July 19th, 2024 ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which declared Israel’s war on Palestinian territories unlawful.

The organization also urged mass mobilization and continuous public awareness to uphold this “landmark judgment” in hopes of ending the ongoing killing of women and children and the displacement of Palestinians by Israeli forces.

01.05.2024 - 08:45 [ Times of Israel ]

Palestinians want UN General Assembly to seek reconsideration of full membership

General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding — as Security Council resolutions are — but they are a reflection of global opinion.

The United States is scheduled to defend its veto of the widely backed Security Council resolution Wednesday morning in the General Assembly. It would have paved the way for Palestine to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

18.04.2024 - 19:10 [ ]

Gaza, no fly zone

(search results)

24.03.2024 - 21:20 [ SearXNG ]

The World must ask: where is its Court? #ICJ #genocide #Palestine #totalitarism #arbitrariness #accountability

15.03.2024 - 20:27 [ Wikipedia ]

United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti

The United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (French: Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en Haïti), also known as MINUSTAH, an acronym of the French name, was a UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti that was in operation from 2004 to 2017.

12.03.2024 - 17:15 [ ]

Recognizing Palestinian state is a ‘just cause’ – Spanish PM

“I will propose granting Spain’s recognition to the Palestinian state,” Sanchez said on Saturday at a conference in Bilbao, Spain. “I do this out of moral conviction, for a just cause, and because it is the only way that the two states – Israel and Palestine – can live together in peace.”

18.12.2023 - 19:57 [ World Beyond War ]

Urge Governments to Invoke the Genocide Convention to Stop the War on Gaza

Several countries‘ governments have accused the Israeli government of genocide and asked the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials, but that court effectively answers to the U.S. government and has refused for years to prosecute crimes by Israel or anyone else outside of Africa.

But the International Court of Justice has ruled against Israel in the past, and if any one nation invokes the Genocide Convention, the court will be obliged to rule on the matter.

If the ICJ determines that genocide is happening, then the ICC will not need to make that determination but only consider who is responsible

30.11.2023 - 15:08 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Algeria calls for a extraordinary UN session to vote on Palestine‘s membership

(September 20, 2023)

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune yesterday called for a special session of the UN Assembly to vote on granting Palestine full membership to the organisation.

In a speech, Tebboune told the 78th session of the UN General Assembly that Algeria renews its demand for holding an extraordinary General Assembly meeting to grant Palestine full membership into the UN.

24.11.2023 - 15:51 [ African Times - ]

Ramaphosa Calls On UN To Send Troops To Gaza

„Sixth, the deployment of a UN Rapid Deployment Force in Palestine, with a mandate to monitor the cessation of hostilities and protect civilians,” said Ramaphosa.

24.11.2023 - 15:41 [ Shailja Patel / Twitter ]

Is it 65 journalists now? Or 70? Is it three a day? Five a day? How long must we scream GENOCIDE before just one member state of the UN invokes the genocide convention? #InvokeGenocideConvention

05.10.2023 - 17:10 [ Wikipedia ]

Verteidigungsausschuss (Deutscher Bundestag): Mitglieder der 20. Legislaturperiode

Die 38 Mitglieder des Ausschusses in der 20. Legislaturperiode:

04.04.2023 - 08:00 [ Fox News ]

Rep. Rashida Tlaib urges fellow House members to demand DOJ drop charges against Julian Assange

The letter, which was obtained by The Intercept, is currently circulating among members as they are urged to sign it and has not yet been sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Democratic Reps. Jamaal Bowman, N.Y., Ilhan Omar, Minn., and Cori Bush, Mo., have signed the letter. The office of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said she intends to sign the letter.

05.02.2023 - 11:26 [ ]

Next Generation Cryptography

he following table can help customers migrate from legacy ciphers to current or more secure ciphers. The table explains each cryptographic algorithm that is available, the operations that each algorithm supports, and whether an algorithm is Cisco‘s best recommendation. Customers should pay particular attention to algorithms designated as Avoid or Legacy. The status labels are explained following the table.

16.10.2022 - 18:34 [ ]

After OPEC+ Cuts Oil Supplies, Nearly Half of U.S. Voters Support ‘NOPEC’ Bill

(October 12, 2022)

There appears to be plenty of room for persuasion on the issue: Over a third of voters said they didn’t know or had no opinion on the topic.

25.06.2022 - 21:07 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran says nuclear talks to lift sanctions will resume soon

Amir Abdollahian said the decision was made after detailed and in-depth talks with Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief.

“The talks to remove the sanctions imposed on Iran will be resumed soon,“ Amir Abdollahian said in a joint press conference with Borrell.

24.06.2022 - 21:55 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Protest Tent Encampments Spring Up Across Israel Against Soaring Housing Costs

Protesters throughout Israel have set up tents in the street to decry the country’s sky-high housing costs, reminiscent of the massive cost-of-living demonstrations that swept the country in 2011. A protest camp was set up in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, joining the encampments that have been set up in several locations across the country in recent days. Other encampments were located in Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, Pardes Hanna, Holon and Rosh Ha’ayin. They said that a large demonstration is to take place at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square on July 2

10.04.2022 - 11:24 [ ]

Zelensky reiterates embargo demands for Russian oil and gas

„Ukraine does not have time to wait. Freedom does not have time to wait. When tyranny launches aggression against everything that keeps peace in Europe, action must be taken immediately. It is necessary to act in a principled fashion,“ he said.

„And the oil embargo should be the first step. At the level of all democracies, the whole civilized world. Then Russia will feel it. Then it will be an argument for them – to seek peace, to stop pointless violence.“

30.01.2022 - 18:47 [ ]

VfGH stellt Knallhart-Fragen an Minister Mückstein

Am Vormittag wurde noch spekuliert, ob es sich bei jenem Schreiben, das mit 26.01.2022 datiert ist, um ein echtes Machwerk aus VfGH-Kreisen oder eine Fälschung handelt. Mittlerweile bestätigte der Verfassungsgerichtshof, dass das Schreiben „authentisch“ sei

30.01.2022 - 18:41 [ ]

Verfassungsgerichtshof prüft Coronamaßnahmen


Die Frage: „Der Verfassungsgerichtshof ersucht daher um Auskunft, ob die in den Verordnungsakten angegebenen Hospitalisierungs- bzw. Verstorbenenzahlen alle mit SARS-CoV-2 infizierten Personen, die in Spitälern auf Normal- oder Intensivstationen untergebracht sind bzw. die ‚an oder mit‘ SARSCoV-2 verstorben sind, umfassen? Wenn ja, warum wird diese Zählweise gewählt?“

In dieser Tonart geht es weiter.

21.10.2021 - 03:08 [ UN Geneva / Twitter ]

While the Syrian constitutional talks are ongoing at @UNGeneva this week, our security colleagues and their K9 dogs are making sure everything is safe and secure. In this photo: Moscou is taking a break after inspecting the venue of the talks.

11.05.2021 - 10:41 [ Israel Daily News Podcast / Twitter ]

Ra‘am Set to Announce Key Support for Lapid-Bennett Unity Government: The Arab Ra’am party, whose support is crucial for the “change bloc” to form a coalition, is expected to support a unity government led by Yamina’s Naftali Bennett and Yesh Atid chair Yair Lapid.

08.03.2021 - 18:29 [ UN Geneva / Twitter ]

UN Envoy for #Myanmar @SchranerBurgen1 to the Security Council: „It is critical that this council is resolute and coherent in putting the security forces on notice and standing with the people of Myanmar firmly, in support of the clear November election results.“

22.02.2021 - 06:44 [ Haaretz ]

Biden‘s Diplomacy Train Is Headed Straight for Iran, With No Stop in Israel

Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei hinted at the likely response when he said that Tehran “can confidently predict that diplomatic initiatives will work well [to achieve] the desired outcome,” adding that the “diplomatic back-and-forths” are “the natural prelude to the return of all sides to commitments including the lifting of all sanctions in the near future.” If his statements reflect Tehran’s official position, then Iran evidently doesn’t intent to await the results of its presidential election in June, but is willing to begin talks now to exploit the momentum Biden has created.

20.02.2021 - 13:46 [ New York Times ]

Biden Administration Formally Offers to Restart Nuclear Talks With Iran

While it was unclear whether the Iranians would agree to join discussions, three people familiar with the internal debate said it was likely Iran would accept. The officials said Iran would probably be more open to a meeting with the European Union, where the United States was a guest or observer, rather than direct formal talks with Washington as a participant.

31.12.2020 - 06:48 [ ]

PROFESSOR ANGUS DALGLEISH: The Oxford AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine is as close to a miracle as medicine ever gets

Everyone can see what a serious emergency this is. We have to act. Bin the bureaucracy, and get this miracle vaccine to work right now.

30.12.2020 - 12:24 [ ]

AstraZeneca and Oxford University announce landmark agreement for COVID-19 vaccine


The collaboration aims to bring to patients the potential vaccine known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, being developed by the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, at the University of Oxford. Under the agreement, AstraZeneca would be responsible for development and worldwide manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.

23.12.2020 - 11:18 [ ]

Boris Johnson’s future as Prime Minister rests on the Oxford vaccine being approved

The hope in Downing Street is that the Oxford vaccine will get the green light by the end of the year. This would allow the Prime Minister to start laying out plans for restrictions to be lifted.

21.12.2020 - 22:37 [ ]

UK has vaccinated 500,000 people against Covid since December 8, Boris Johnson says as regulators face growing pressure to approve Oxford‘s jab in desperate race to speed up the roll-out

The MHRA drugs regulator has been doing its final review of the vaccine for three weeks now, since November 27, with a decision expected by next Tuesday.


However, they made a decision about Pfizer and BioNTech‘s jab within 10 days of being instructed to do so by the Department of Health.

03.12.2020 - 19:58 [ ]

Oxford vaccine professor Sarah Gilbert on working as the world watches

Sarah Gilbert was at home at the start of the year when she received her first inkling of the perplexing new disease that within months would make her one of the best-known scientists on the planet………..

04.11.2020 - 13:56 [ CNN ]

Official in Michigan‘s Wayne County can‘t predict when vote counting will finish

County clerk Cathy M. Garrett declined to give a specific time frame on when we can expect it to be completed.

“Because of how large our county is, I don‘t want to be boxed in with that. But just know that we‘re not in a competition.“

01.11.2020 - 18:09 [ Reuters Canada ]

Britain starts accelerated review for AstraZeneca‘s potential COVID-19 vaccine

Work began on the Oxford vaccine in January. Called AZD1222 or ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, the viral vector vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus that causes infections in chimpanzees.

30.10.2020 - 12:50 [ ]

University Hospitals and CWRU join global study of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine

AstraZeneca paused its trial in early September to review safety data because a British trial participant developed a neurological condition.

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the resumption of the company’s U.S. trials after reviewing global safety data. The trial had already resumed in other countries.

26.10.2020 - 17:20 [ CNBC ]

AstraZeneca says its coronavirus vaccine triggers immune response among adults

“It is encouraging to see immunogenicity responses were similar between older and younger adults and that reactogenicity was lower in older adults, where the COVID-19 disease severity is higher,” an AstraZeneca spokesman told CNBC via email.

“The results further build the body of evidence for the safety and immunogenicity of AZD1222,” the spokesman said, referring to the technical name of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.