Archiv: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

15.09.2024 - 16:32 [ ]

Venezuela: Ausländer wegen „Destabilisierung“ festgenommen

Die venezolanischen Behörden haben sechs Ausländer aus den USA und Europa wegen angeblicher Pläne zur „Destabilisierung“ des Landes festgenommen und der US-Regierung eine Beteiligung an Umsturzplänen vorgeworfen. Wie die Regierung in Caracas mitteilte, wurden drei US-Bürger, zwei Spanier und ein Tscheche festgenommen.

Die Verdächtigen hätten „Gewaltakte“ gegen Präsident Nicolás Maduro und dessen Regierung geplant, sagte Innenminister Diosdado Cabello bei einer Pressekonferenz

15.09.2024 - 16:08 [ ]

Cabello on terrorist plan: María Corina Machado is behind the entire operation

“They went with this tropicalized character,” Cabello said in relation to the US intentions to use a person with the same Latin American phenotype, seeking not to repeat the gringo mercenaries of Caucasian morphology.

“It is important to know that this person worked in special Navy SEAL units focused on Latin America, because they are made up of people who speak Spanish perfectly, like this person,” he explained.

The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace added that two citizens of Spanish origin, a Czech citizen and an American expert in computer hacking are also in custody.

15.09.2024 - 15:30 [ ]

Terrorist plot led by active US military officer revealed

„We know that the United States Government is linked to this operation because during the investigation we have found out how, in Orlando, Florida, in one of these parcel services, in the warehouses, the FBI was there and we have that video (…) they allowed that operation to continue,“ he said.


“A few days ago we captured some people who were talking about throwing grenades and explosives at the Argentine Embassy, ​​where some terrorists and criminals from the opposition are taking refuge. This perfectly reversed the fact that if the Argentine Embassy, ​​where some gentlemen and ladies from the opposition are, were attacked, it was immediately obvious that the person who would be blamed would be the Government of Venezuela,” he warned.

15.09.2024 - 14:42 [ CNN ]

Venezuela says US Navy SEAL among foreigners arrested over alleged CIA ‘operation’ to assassinate Maduro

“The CIA is at the forefront of this operation,” Cabello said in the news conference, claiming that Spain’s National Intelligence Center was also involved. “That does not surprise us at all,” he said.

He alleged that the operation had “very clear objectives of assassinating President Nicolás Maduro” and other high-ranking Venezuelan politicians including himself and the vice president.

The State Department denied the claims. A spokesperson confirmed on Saturday a member of the US military had been arrested in Venezuela, and that the department was “aware of unconfirmed reports of two additional US citizens detained” in the country.

04.09.2024 - 15:06 [ Times of Israel ]

Biden, Harris to huddle with US negotiators for Gaza deal push after hostage killings

(2 September 2024)

US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were scheduled to hold a meeting Monday with hostage negotiators, …

04.09.2024 - 12:42 [ ]

Biden‘s „war cabinet“: The key people advising him on the Israel-Hamas war

(Nov 4, 2023)

President Biden has been deeply involved in the U.S. response to the Israel-Hamas war — one of the thorniest challenges of his presidency so far — receiving briefings at least once per day and speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu several times a week.

The big picture: Biden is leaning on a tight circle of trusted aides and officials. Here‘s a look at who‘s in the room when major decisions are being made.

04.09.2024 - 10:45 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.

(December 16, 2023)

Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

26.08.2024 - 20:44 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Gaza mediators setting aside Philadelphi Corridor for now, focusing on other issues

Unnamed senior officials tell Channel 12 news that mediators in ceasefire-hostage deal talks have decided to set aside the thorny issue of Israel’s presence in two Gaza corridors under a potential agreement, and are focusing on other matters.

26.08.2024 - 19:33 [ Egypt Today ]

Egypt stresses rejection to Israeli presence in Rafah Border Crossing, Philadelphi Corridor

Egypt stressed to all concerned parties its rejection to any Israeli presence in Rafah Border Crossing or Philadelphi Corridor, a high-profile source told Egyptian media Monday.

11.04.2024 - 15:00 [ Axios ]

Scoop: Senior U.S. general to visit Israel to coordinate on Iran attack threat

Gen. Erik Kurilla, commander of the U.S. Central Command, is expected to meet Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and senior Israel Defense Forces officials.

Israeli officials say they are preparing for a possible unprecedented direct attack from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles against Israeli targets.

In such a scenario, Israel will retaliate with a direct attack against Iran, the officials said.

11.04.2024 - 14:44 [ ]

Biden promises Israel ‚ironclad‘ support against Iran reprisals

The US has been tight-lipped in its public reaction to the Apr 1 strike, saying it has not determined whether Israel struck a diplomatic facility, which would breach international agreements on the inviolability of embassies and consulates.

11.04.2024 - 14:33 [ Bloomberg ]

US Sees Imminent Missile Strike on Israel by Iran, Proxies

The US and its allies believe major missile or drone strikes by Iran or its proxies against military and government targets in Israel are imminent, in what would mark a significant widening of the six-month-old conflict, according to people familiar with the intelligence.

09.04.2024 - 15:41 [ ]

Biden Has Relaunched Reagan’s Murderous War Against Nicaraguan Democracy–How Many Is He Willing to Kill to Win?


When CIA-trained terrorists tried to overthrow the Sandinista government in the 1980s, the left erupted in protest. Now the left is cheering for the CIA.

09.04.2024 - 15:26 [ ]

Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare

A copy of the „90-page psychological warfare manual“ produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for Nicaraguan rebels in the late 1970s or early 1980s

09.04.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

The Psyops Manual The CIA Gave To Nicaragua’s Contras Is Totally Bonkers


During the U.S. government‘s decade-long support of the Contra rebels who waged an armed campaign against Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista regime in the 1980s, the CIA funneled all manner of assistance to the anti-socialist “freedom fighters,” from training and financial assistance to covert operations. The original “advise and assist” mission was a disaster in retrospect, spurring all manner of human rights violations as well as the modern crack cocaine scourge. But the CIA aid program’s most fascinating product might be the batshit crazy psychological warfare manual cooked up for the Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries.

09.04.2024 - 11:15 [ Haaretz ]

The Truth About Israel, Iran and 1980s U.S. Arms Deals

(Nov. 26, 2010)

In the aforesaid period Netanyahu served as deputy to Moshe Arens, when he was Israel‘s ambassador to Washington, D.C. (1982-83 ).


The recently revealed documents deal with an operation dubbed „Tipped Kettle,“ involving weapons the Israel Defense Forces looted from the Palestine Liberation Organization during Operation Peace for Galilee in Lebanon, and their transfer to the Contras – opponents of the socialistic Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.


Part II was patently illegal – a blatant effort by the White House to violate a Congressional order and to cook up a strange deal involving the sale of American weapons (originally supplied to the IDF ) to anti-American Iran, for use in its war with Iraq; the release of Western hostages being held in Lebanon by Iranian-controlled Hezbollah; and the financing of Contras‘ activities thanks to the difference between the sum paid by the Iranians and the true value of the weapons – minus a profit for those engaged in the deal.


The CIA had direct intelligence connections with the Mossad, but in the affair of the captured weapons the American agency preferred to hide behind the Pentagon.

09.04.2024 - 11:05 [ ]

What Was the Iran-Contra Affair? A Political Scandal That Engulfed the Reagan White House


An exiled Iranian arms dealer named Manucher Ghorbanifar claimed to have contacts with a moderate faction inside Iran, and further alleged that weapons sales would improve that faction’s standing. Ghorbanifar collaborated with Israel, which proved to be an important intermediary. While Israel was no ally of Iran, it was also no ally of Iraq, and the ongoing war between the two countries kept them both distracted. Israel began selling U.S.-made weapons to Iran in 1981, even after the U.S. State Department began an effort to end arm sales, known as Operation Staunch, in 1983.

09.04.2024 - 10:35 [ Wikipedia ]

Nicaragua v. United States

The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America (1986)[2] was a case where the International Court of Justice (ICJ) held that the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Sandinistas and by mining Nicaragua‘s harbors. The case was decided in favor of Nicaragua and against the United States with the awarding of reparations to Nicaragua.

09.04.2024 - 10:24 [ History News Network - ]

Isn‘t It Time We Rejoin the World Court? (We Left in 1986)

(no date / presumably 2004)

The protest at U.S. exemption of individuals from criminal jurisdiction has been widely reported. The continued refusal of the United States to subject its own actions, especially the use of force against others, to judgment by the ICJ has been treated as a non-event.

The president who turned America‘s back on judgment under international law was Ronald Reagan. His action resulted from fear (especially after prominent condemnation by Senators Barry Goldwater and Daniel Patrick Moynihan) of an adverse Court ruling in Nicaragua‘s case against the U.S.

23.03.2024 - 16:44 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Says ISIS Was Responsible for Deadly Moscow Concert Hall Attack

In addition to publicly warning on March 7 about a possible attack, U.S. officials said they had privately told Russian officials about the intelligence pointing to an impending attack. It is not clear how much information the United States gave Russian officials beyond what was in the public warning.

American intelligence agencies have a “duty to warn” potential targets of dangers when they learn of them.

The United States had warned Iran of a possible attack ahead of twin bombings in January that killed scores and wounded hundreds of others at a memorial service for Iran’s former top general, Qassim Suleimani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike four years before.

05.03.2024 - 00:05 [ New York Times ]

Commando Network Coordinates Flow of Weapons in Ukraine, Officials Say

(June 25, 2022)

Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the Army’s 10th Special Forces Group, which before the war had been training Ukrainian commandos at a base in the country’s west, quietly established a coalition planning cell in Germany to coordinate military assistance to Ukrainian commandos and other Ukrainian troops. The cell has now grown to 20 nations.

24.02.2024 - 06:15 [ ]

United Against Nuclear Iran: The Shadowy, Intelligence-Linked Group Driving the US Towards War With Iran


UANI’s board is a who’s who of high state, military and intelligence officials from around the Western world. Among its more notable members include:

– CEO Mark Wallace, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and deputy campaign manager for George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection.

– Chairman Joe Lieberman, former senator and Democratic vice-presidential nominee for the 2000 election.

Tamir Pardo, Director of the Mossad, 2011-2016.

Dennis Ross, former State Department Director of Policy Planning and former Middle East Envoy under George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Field Marshall Lord Charles Guthrie, ex-Chief of Staff of the U.K. Armed Forces.

– Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida.

– August Hanning, President of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), 1998-2005; State Secretary at the Federal Interior Ministry, 2005-2009.

– Zohar Palti, former head of the Political-Military Bureau, Israeli Ministry of Defense; former Director of Intelligence of the Mossad.

– Frances Townsend, Homeland Security Advisor to President George W. Bush.

– John Bolton, former U.S. National Security Advisor and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

– Roger Noriega, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and Ambassador to the Organization of American States.

– Otto Reich, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and architect of the 2002 U.S. coup against Venezuela.

– Michael Singh, White House Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, 2007-2008.

– Giulio Terzi di Sant-Agata, former Italian Foreign Minister.

– Robert Hill, former Minister of Defense of Australia.

– Jack David, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2004-2006.

– Mark Kirk, U.S. Senator for Illinois, 2010-2017.

– Lt. Gen. Sir Graeme Lamb, ex-Director of U.K. Special Forces and Commander of the British Field Army.

– Norman Roule, former CIA Division Chief and National Intelligence Manager for Iran at the Director of National Intelligence.

– Irwin Cotler, Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General, 2003-2006.
– Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, U.K. Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism, 2010-2011.

14.02.2024 - 12:49 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.


Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

08.02.2024 - 22:11 [ ]

Despite jailing and sidelining, Imran Khan’s party leading

Imran Khan complicated the possibility of Washington providing moral support, even if it were inclined, by framing his removal from office through a vote of no confidence as a U.S.-backed regime change conspiracy. This move heightened anti-American sentiment in the country.

29.01.2024 - 06:40 [ New York Times ]

Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel.

But recent intelligence has shown the extent to which Hamas has been able to build many of its rockets and anti-tank weaponry out of the thousands of munitions that failed to detonate when Israel lobbed them into Gaza, according to weapons experts and Israeli and Western intelligence officials. Hamas is also arming its fighters with weapons stolen from Israeli military bases.

Intelligence gathered during months of fighting revealed that, just as the Israeli authorities misjudged Hamas’s intentions before Oct. 7, they also underestimated its ability to obtain arms.

28.01.2024 - 10:30 [ Fabio De Masi ]

Wer steckt hinter dem Geheimdienstnetzwerk um Jan Marsalek?

Die Staatsanwaltschaft stellte jedoch keinen Haftbefehl gegen Marsalek aus, obwohl unmittelbare Flucht- und Verdunkelungsgefahr bestand, sondern ließ ihn am 19. Juni 2020 in Begleitung mindestens eines österreichischen Verfassungsschützers seelenruhig aus Deutschland herausspazieren. Sein Anwalt, der kürzlich dem Landgericht München einen angeblichen Brief von Jan Marsalek übermittelte, versicherte, Marsalek wolle das Geld nur auf den Philippinen „suchen“. Die Ermittlungen gegen den Fluchthelfer von Herrn Marsalek vom Verfassungsschutz wurden später eingestellt, da dieser ja nur „Reisehelfer“ gewesen sei. Schließlich habe zum Zeitpunkt der Flucht kein Haftbefehl gegen Marsalek vorgelegen. Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt.

10.01.2024 - 10:20 [ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ]

The coming US-Saudi nuclear deal: Keep it honest

(January 5, 2024)

In 1988, the Central Intelligence Agency did discover that Riyadh bought SS-2 medium-range missiles from China but only after the deal was sealed. In 2003, when China exported DF-21 ballistic missiles to the Kingdom, the CIA again found out and was even allowed to verify the missiles were not nuclear-capable, but only after the missiles were delivered.

Several years later, when intelligence finally leaked out that China secretly built missile factories for the Saudis, the Trump administration was mum on whether there was an intelligence failure and allowed speculation that it had blessed the transaction. Then, in 2020, when US intelligence confirmed China was helping the Kingdom mill uranium domestically, it did so, again only after the mining and milling were well underway.

This track record of studied inadvertence, then, brings us to the next worry: MBS wants Washington to green-light the Kingdom enriching uranium…

06.01.2024 - 05:36 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Let’s be clear. In a democracy, intelligence agencies are not supposed to interfere or “be active” in elections. They are supposed to be the servants of the people. They are not in charge. The people are in charge, and whoever they elect is the boss. #Kennedy24

05.01.2024 - 16:22 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.


Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

31.12.2023 - 18:02 [ ]

BND? Mossad? CIA? Vorwissen vom 7.Oktober? Krieg in Westasien?…. OK, WELCHE ALTLINKE SAU HAT DANACH GESUCHT?!

18.12.2023 - 18:52 [ Middle East Eye ]

Hamas and Israel float Marwan Barghouti’s release in future deal: Report

The proposal is under discussion as part of US, Qatari and Egyptian efforts to revive a prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas like the one that brought a short-lived truce to the enclave, according to the Wall Street Journal.

CIA Director William Burns traveled to Warsaw, Poland on Monday for talks with Israeli Mossad chief David Barnea, and the Qatari prime minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani as part of the talks.

18.12.2023 - 18:15 [ Le Monde ]

„Operation Condor“ – neue Erkenntnisse über einen schmutzigen Krieg


Erst die zufällige Entdeckung von zwei Tonnen Aktenmaterial aus der Stroessner-Diktatur hat eine erste Rekonstruktion der kriminellen Machenschaften dieses internationalen Netzwerks ermöglicht. Ende Dezember 1992 wurden sie in einer Polizeistation von Lambaré gefunden, einem Vorort der paraguayischen Hauptstadt Asunción. Auf Grund der Freigabe bis dahin als geheim eingestufter CIA-Dokumente über Chile am 13. November 2000 konnte der Inhalt dieser „Akten des Terrors“ überprüft und präzisiert werden.

Seit der panamerikanischen Konferenz von Chapultepec, die im Februar 1945 in Mexiko stattfand, schwören die USA die südamerikanischen Militärs auf den Kampf gegen den Kommunismus ein. In Chapultepec war beschlossen worden, dass das 1942 geschaffene Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) seine Tätigkeiten weiterführen sollte.

DAS aus Offizieren der Unterzeichnerstaaten zusammengesetzte Gremium sollte nach Möglichkeiten suchen, die im Krieg begonnene militärische Zusammenarbeit weiterzuentwickeln. In seinem Rahmen wurden im Jahr 1951 bilaterale Militärhilfeabkommen unterzeichnet: ….

18.12.2023 - 18:02 [ UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) ]

Chile: Operation Condor judgment major win for accountability – Türk

GENEVA (15 December 2023) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today hailed Chile’s Supreme Court judgement on Operation Condor – a notorious campaign coordinated among South America’s dictatorships in the 70s and 80s to persecute political opponents and dissidents – as a major step towards accountability for thousands of victims.

The former dictatorships in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay implemented Operation Condor to search for, persecute, torture, summarily kill and forcibly disappear people perceived as dissidents across the region. They used a myriad of tactics to eliminate them, including throwing people out of aeroplanes and helicopters.

On 14 December, in a unanimous ruling, Chile’s Supreme Court confirmed the convictions of 22 agents of the dissolved Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) for the kidnappings and qualified homicides of some victims of the Operation Condor, and ordered reparation measures.

16.12.2023 - 16:00 [ Times of Israel ]

NYT: Israel had blueprint of Hamas’s financial infrastructure in 2018, but didn’t shut it down

However, the report says that even though the documents were shared in Jerusalem and Washington, nothing was done to disrupt the operations.

“Everyone is talking about failures of intelligence on Oct. 7, but no one is talking about the failure to stop the money,” Udi Levy, a former chief of Mossad’s economic warfare division, tells the paper “It’s the money — the money — that allowed this.”

The report says that the funds totaled some $500 million.

Levy says he briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015 about Hamas’s finances.

16.12.2023 - 15:46 [ New York Times ]

Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.

Israeli leaders believed that Hamas was more interested in governing than fighting. By the time the agents discovered the ledgers in 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was encouraging the government of Qatar to deliver millions of dollars to the Gaza Strip. He gambled that the money would buy stability and peace.

Mr. Levy recalled briefing Mr. Netanyahu personally in 2015 about the Hamas portfolio.

04.12.2023 - 09:35 [ ]

Kirby: US Intel Not Aware of Hamas Plan to Attack Israel


“The intelligence community has indicated that they did not have access to this document,” Kirby said in an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

04.12.2023 - 09:24 [ Vanity Fair ]

Israel Didn’t Give US Intelligence About Hamas Attack Plans: White House


“Intelligence is a mosaic, and sometimes you know you can fashion things together and get a pretty good picture,” Kirby replied. “Other times, you know that there’s pieces of the puzzle that are missing.”

Kirby also declined to say whether Hamas’ incursion into Israel should be seen as a failure of Israeli intelligence.

04.12.2023 - 08:46 [ ]

‘No indicators’ Israel shared Hamas war plans with U.S.


On Capitol Hill, members of the Senate and House intelligence committees have received several briefings about the Oct. 7 attack, according to a congressional aide familiar with the matter.

In at least one of those closed-door conversations, members were told that Israel had been aware about the potential for a Hamas attack from Gaza. But those readouts did not include the specific details of the Jericho Wall document, said the aide.

29.11.2023 - 13:38 [ ]

Prospects of long-term ceasefire depend on ‚difficult concessions‘ – report

Qatar‘s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Majed al-Ansari said Tuesday that the country was „working to strengthen the Qatari mediation role in reaching a truce and then a permanent ceasefire.“

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director William Burns‘ visit to Qatar reported on Tuesday highlights seriousness of the ongoing negotiations. The CIA chief will meet the Mossad director in Doha.

28.11.2023 - 20:16 [ ]

Intelligence chiefs of Egypt, Israel, U.S. meet in Doha to discuss ceasefire extension in Gaza

A well-informed source told Al Qahera News that officials from Egypt, Qatar, the United States, and Israel would meet Tuesday in Doha to discuss the extension of the current temporary ceasefire in Gaza.

28.11.2023 - 20:10 [ ]

CIA director returns to Qatar for hostage talks with Israeli and Egyptian counterparts

Another person familiar with the trip said the CIA director would be joined in Doha by the director of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad, David Barnea, and the Director of Egyptian General Intelligence, Abbas Kamel.

23.11.2023 - 07:15 [ ]

Dick Marty: «Weiterschweigen ist ungesund»

(19. Juni 2008)

Worin besteht nun die Verbindung zur Terrorbekämpfung?

Eine sensationelle Sache in meinem zweiten Bericht wurde von der Presse kaum wahrgenommen: Nämlich, dass sich die Nato Anfang Oktober 2001 in Athen in einer geheimen Sitzung traf. Die Amerikaner beriefen sich auf Artikel 5 des Verteidigungsbündnisses, wonach sie militärisch angegriffen worden seien. Die Terrorbekämpfung stand fortan unter der Führung des CIA. Alle Nato-Staaten machten mit. Und dazu auch die Schweiz.

23.11.2023 - 06:56 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Akzeptieren wir die CIA-Republik Deutschland?

(26. Juni 2008)

Letztlich geht es um den Geheimbeschluss der NATO vom 4.Oktober 2001, über den niemand ausser der Schweizer FDP-Ständerat Dick Marty reden will.
Dieser Beschluss besagt, dass an jenem Tag in einer bis heute unter Verschluss gehaltenen Order sämtliche NATO-Staaten die sogenannte “Terrorbekämpfung” (welche heutzutage alles nach Wahl beinhaltet) komplett der CIA unterstellt haben.

23.11.2023 - 06:48 [ Central Intelligence Agency / ]

CIA Document 1035-960 – Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report

(01. April 1967)

Presumably as a result of the increasing challenge to the Warren Commission‘s report, a public opinion poll recently indicated that 46% of the American public did not think that Oswald acted alone, while more than half of those polled thought that the Commission had left some questions unresolved. Doubtless polls abroad would show similar, or possibly more adverse results.


Innuendo of such seriousness affects not only the individual concerned, but also the whole reputation of the American government. Our organization itself is directly involved: among other facts, we contributed information to the investigation. Conspiracy theories have frequently thrown suspicion on our organization, for example by falsely alleging that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us. The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.

3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the assassination question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active, however, addresses are requested:

a. To discuss the publicity problem with liaison and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors), pointing out that the Warren Commission made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by Communist propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.

b. To employ propaganda assets to answer and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (I) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.


4. In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful:

a. No significant new evidence has emerged which the Commission did not consider. The assassination is sometimes compared (e.g., by Joachim Joesten and Bertrand Russell) with the Dreyfus case; however, unlike that case, the attack on the Warren Commission have produced no new evidence, no new culprits have been convincingly identified, and there is no agreement among the critics. (A better parallel, though an imperfect one, might be with the Reichstag fire of 1933, which some competent historians (Fritz Tobias, AJ.P. Taylor, D.C. Watt) now believe was set by Vander Lubbe on his own initiative, without acting for either Nazis or Communists; the Nazis tried to pin the blame on the Communists, but the latter have been more successful in convincing the world that the Nazis were to blame.)

23.11.2023 - 06:45 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Über den Schlagetot „Verschwörungstheoretiker“. Dargestellt am Beispiel Souveränität

(17. November 2023)

Die NachDenkSeiten-Macher sind gestern mal wieder als Verschwörungstheoretiker gebrandmarkt worden. Einfach so, ohne Beleg, nicht dank eigener Recherche, sondern mit Berufung auf (nicht genannte) Dritte. Eine Rückfrage beim Autor ergab: Er beruft sich auf Äußerungen des früheren Mitherausgebers Lieb, die in diesem Artikel zitiert werden. Beklagt wird beispielsweise, dass wir auf den NachDenkSeiten in Bezug auf manche Personen von „Einflussagenten“ sprechen und die CIA für sehr einflussreich auch hierzulande halten. Inhaltlich geht es dabei um die auf den NachDenkSeiten gelegentlich bezweifelte Souveränität unseres Landes. Auch bei meiner letzten Diskussionsveranstaltung am vergangenen Mittwoch bin ich danach gefragt worden, wie es um die Souveränität unseres Landes bestellt sei.

11.11.2023 - 10:36 [ CNN ]

Biden administration privately warned by American diplomats of growing fury against US in Arab world


“We are losing badly on the messaging battlespace,” reads a Wednesday cable from the US Embassy in Oman, citing conversations with “a wide range of trusted and sober-minded contacts.”

The robust US support for Israel’s actions is being seen, the cable warns, “as material and moral culpability in what they consider to be possible war crimes.”

The cable from the embassy was written by the second-highest US official in Muscat and sent to, among others, the White House’s National Security Council, the CIA and the FBI.

10.11.2023 - 09:42 [ Wikipedia ]

Operation Rubicon

Operation Rubicon (German: Operation Rubikon), until the late 1980s called Operation Thesaurus, was a secret operation by the West German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), lasting from 1970 to 1993 and 2018, respectively, to gather communication intelligence of encrypted government communications of other countries.[1][2] This was accomplished through the sale of manipulated encryption technology (CX-52) from Swiss-based Crypto AG, which was secretly owned and influenced by the two services from 1970 onwards.[1] In a comprehensive CIA historical account of the operation leaked in early 2020, it was referred to as the „intelligence coup of the century“ in a Washington Post article.

10.11.2023 - 09:20 [ ZDFinfo Dokus & Reportagen / Youtube ]

Streng geheim! Cryptoleaks. Die große BND und CIA Spionage | ZDFinfo Doku

(Aug 29, 2020)

Jahrzehntelang belauschten BND und CIA die verschlüsselte Kommunikation von über 100 Staaten. Die Operation „Rubikon“ wurde bis heute geheim gehalten. Sie gilt als größter Erfolg des BND.

Opfer des Lauschangriffs waren arabische und südamerikanische Länder, aber auch NATO-Partner. Sie vertrauten der Krypto-Technik des schweizerischen Herstellers Crypto AG – und wurden betrogen.

06.11.2023 - 04:42 [ ]

Pentagon says nuclear submarine arrives in Middle East; CIA chief lands in Israel

Ohio-class submarine serves as key part of US nuclear deterrent force; Bill Burns meets with Mossad chief David Barnea, scheduled to meet with Netanyahu, war Cabinet on Monday

25.10.2023 - 00:13 [ CNN ]

US officials raise concerns over Israeli intelligence after Hamas attacks

(October 7, 2023)

Other US officials familiar with the matter said if the US did have intelligence suggesting an upcoming attack, it would have undoubtedly shared that information with Israel.

The Israelis historically have had dominant capabilities to monitor communications in Gaza. The Israelis also have some of the best capabilities to break into encrypted communications, US officials say.

That’s partly the reason why US officials were shocked that preparation for Saturday’s attacks weren’t detected.