Archiv: Analyse / Überblick / Kommentare / Essays / analysis / overview / commentary

01.02.2025 - 19:32 [ Common Dreams ]

Biden‘s Enduring Legacy: Awful. No Worse

If ever there was a searing, sanctimonious self-immolation in presidential politics, this was it and the costs are incalculable. The damage will reverberate for decades and might never be recovered.

It will be all but impossible for the Democratic Party to accept responsibility for the catastrophe it has inflicted on America, through its head, Joe Biden, and the complicity of all of the party’s upper echelon. It will, thus, ensure that nothing will change. We desperately need a new party that reflects the interest and needs of the American people, and not those of the party’s corporate owners. Change cannot come too soon.

01.02.2025 - 18:09 [ Freischwebende Intelligenz ]

Der SPIEGEL: Die Sonnentemplersekte des Pseudojournalismus

Wer von Impfstoff-Umsätzen profitierte, wie Bill Gates (das beste Investment seines Lebens), hatte immer genug in der Kriegskasse, um mit der monetären Gießkanne den Mainstream-Journalismus zu bewässern. Für jede gebende Hand gibt es eine nehmende Seite. Bill gab und sie nahmen gerne. 300 Millionen US-Dollar ließ sich Gates seine toxische Finanzinjektion des Journalismus kosten (er spritzt sie echt alle tot). Mehrere Millionen gingen auch an den Spiegel.

Dieser zeigte dann sein wahres, korruptes Gesicht in aller Schäbigkeit: Wo auch immer es Gelegenheit gab für Gates’ weltweiten Impf-Scam zu werben: Die Schwachmaten-Truppe aus Hamburg war ganz vorne mit dabei, sprach u.a. von Geiselhaft durch Ungeimpfte (wer hat wen eingesperrt?) und davon, dass die ganze Republik mit dem Finger auf Corona-Kritiker zeigen möge (ein bis heute ungesühnter Aufruf zur Volksverhetzung).

31.01.2025 - 15:12 [ Jordan Times ]

Jordan faces the plan to displace Palestinians: Challenges and diplomatic moves

The challenges facing Jordan in this context are multiple, most notably the political pressures that may be exerted by the United States and some Western powers to show some flexibility towards this file. In addition, any new wave of displacement may lead to internal tensions, given the sensitivity of the demographic balance in the Kingdom.

The economic impacts cannot be ignored, as Jordan suffers from increasing financial challenges, and any increase in the number of refugees will exacerbate the pressure on resources and infrastructure. In addition, the security aspect constitutes a major concern, as the influx of large numbers of displaced persons could lead to complex security repercussions, especially in light of the tense conditions in the region.

29.01.2025 - 22:53 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Syrien-Krieg: Ist Russland ein Lakai der N.A.T.O.? Will es noch ein Blutbad in Asien?

(December 13, 2012)

Die neuesten Äußerungen von Sergej Lawrows Stellvertreter, Mikhail Bogdanov, sind ein weiteres, unleugbares Anzeichen dafür, dass die derzeitige Regierung in Moskau, wenn nicht sogar Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin, bei der laufenden Invasion und Zerschlagung Syriens durch Proxy-Armeen einfallender Militärmächte – namentlich der Türkei, Frankreich, U.S.A., Großbritannien, sowie diverser asiatischer Kirchenstaaten und Monarchien – aktiv oder passiv kollaboriert.

28.01.2025 - 12:39 [ Jordan Times ]

The solution lies in just peace, not displacement

Jordan‘s posture on the Palestinian question has always been firm and clear: Jordan is not, and will never be, an alternative homeland for Palestinians.

This position is not merely a political statement but a historical commitment rooted in the principle of justice and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Jordan rejects any attempt to liquidate the Palestinian cause or deny the rights of Palestinians under whatsoever pretext.

23.01.2025 - 20:42 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement For US Empire Managers

The world is ruled by religious fanatics with nukes. If a normal person says they’re the second coming of Jesus Christ they get medicated and institutionalized. If you make equally insane religious claims on the Senate floor, they let you run an empire.

18.01.2025 - 15:12 [ Common Dreams ]

No, Biden Wasn’t Unable to Stop the Gaza War—He Was in on It

The truth of the matter is that every day for the past year, Biden could have secured a cease-fire by using America’s vast leverage, and every day for the past year, from all the evidence we have today, Biden chose not to.

13.01.2025 - 18:00 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Neue „Division für Heimatschutz“: Legal, illegal, sch…egal

Eine neue „Division für Heimatschutz“ der Bundeswehr verstößt mutmaßlich gegen das Grundgesetz. Einem Einsatz der deutschen Armee im Inland sind enge juristische Grenzen gesetzt, aber das interessiert die Initiatoren des Vorstoßes und die großen Medien nicht.

07.01.2025 - 14:18 [ ]

Österreichischer Sharknado

Die Gefahr des linksextremen Österreichs, von beiden obengenannten Parteien kräftig an die Wand gemalt, ist glücklicherweise nun abgewendet. Leistbares Wohnen und freie Presse waren zu extreme Forderungen, wirklich wahr. Diese Gefahr des oft heraufbeschworenen linksextremen Österreichs ist zwar in etwa so groß wie jene, auf dem Dachstein von einem Hai getötet zu werden. Aber: Austrian Sharknados sind eine Möglichkeit, die man wirklich nie aus den Augen verlieren sollte!

05.01.2025 - 13:56 [ Peter Pilz / ]

Österreich kicklt – und kippt

Irgendwann geht es um die Frage, mit wem ein Neubeginn gegen FPÖ und ÖVP möglich ist. Doch davor geht es ums Aufräumen und damit um Konsequenzen:

– um den Rücktritt von Beate Meinl-Reisinger, die mit ihrer Panikreaktion den Zusammenbruch der letzten Linie vor der FPÖ verursacht hat;
– um die Klärung, wer in der SPÖ von allen unterstützt die Führung in einer neuen Opposition übernimmt;
– um die Neuaufstellung der Grünen ohne das Mitläuferpersonal aus der Ära „Nehammer“;
und möglicherweise um eine neue Kraft, die als einzige die FPÖ alt aussehen lassen kann.

01.01.2025 - 20:29 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Happy New Year. Our Society Is Every Bit As Diseased As You Suspect It Is.

The public is becoming more and more restless and agitated because they can sense that something’s wrong but can’t say what it is, like a dementia patient with a urinary tract infection. This agitation is erupting in ways which range from the crazy to the very lucid, from hate crimes and racist movements to mass protests against genocide and an expanding awareness that a better world is possible.

Our job at this point in history is to try to steer this growing restlessness toward health and clarity. To help people understand where the real bad guys are, to highlight the manipulations and abusive systems at play here, to assure everyone that their growing sense that something is very wrong is absolutely correct, and to help them see exactly what’s causing it.

31.12.2024 - 14:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel’s attacks on Syria threaten regional stability and will ultimately backfire

The military operation’s scale and focus raise pressing questions about Israel’s intentions and its long-term impact on Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Analysts have drawn comparisons to the chaos seen in Iraq after the US-led invasion and Libya’s fragmented post-Gaddafi reality.

Israel’s occupation of additional Syrian territories near the Golan Heights compounds this uncertainty.

29.12.2024 - 17:10 [ Atlantic Council ]

Vladimir Putin does not want a peace deal. He wants to destroy Ukraine.

(December 3, 2024)

For many years, Putin has publicly questioned the Ukrainian nation’s right to exist. He has repeatedly stated that he sees today’s independent Ukraine as an artificial state, and regards all those who disagree with this verdict as anti-Russian forces or outright Nazis. For more than a decade, he has sought to turn this toxic vision into reality via an escalating campaign of military aggression.

27.12.2024 - 19:08 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Israel Is Killing Civilians In Gaza On Purpose, And It’s Not Even Debatable

There’s nothing wrong with being politically homeless at this point in history. Humanity as a whole is still wildly confused and dysfunctional in this particular slice of spacetime, and even the very best political factions are dominated by highly neurotic people who take no responsibility for their psychological state and internal clarity. If you’ve found a political party or faction you trust then that’s great, but if you haven’t then it is perfectly fine to stand as an individual while throwing your support behind worthy causes and movements on a case-by-case basis as they emerge without permanently hitching yourself to anyone else’s wagon.

We’ve still got a long way to go in maturing as a species, and it might be a while before a unified political faction arises that you can trust to consistently move in the highest interest.

25.12.2024 - 15:02 [ ]

Netanyahu throws cold water on hostage deal prospects, and reminds us what a curse he is for Israel

(December 23, 2024)

From the beginning it was clear that the only feasible post-Hamas arrangement would be a return of the Palestinian Authority, which now runs the West Bank autonomy zones, back to Gaza, from which Hamas expelled it in 2007 by force. Israel itself once yearned for this, back when rational people governed the country. The proposals pushed by President Joe Biden for more than a year now envision versions of this, with the PA rejuvenated and assisted by Arab and perhaps other forces.

An Israel that wanted this would have ensured that Hamas is out of the way, publicly and persistently offering its remaining troops exile. Arab pressure on the group would have been overpowering. Israel would possibly get peace with Saudi Arabia as part of the bargain.

Instead, Netanyahu’s goons flooded the airwaves arguing that Israel cannot pull out of Gaza and end the war because Hamas would regain power.

20.12.2024 - 22:04 [ Adalah ]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Arab Leadership in Israel Appeals to Supreme Court Against Law Allowing Education Ministry to Dismiss Teachers and Cut Funding to Palestinian Schools Over Alleged “Support of Terrorism”

(December 17, 2024)

In the petition, Adalah Attorney Salam Irsheid argued that the law is clearly racist in intent, especially given the widespread persecution and criminalization of hundreds of Palestinian citizens by Israeli authorities and other entities since the outbreak of the war 7 October 2023, for merely expressing entirely lawful opinions. The law’s deliberate vagueness, and the fact that it only addresses “incitement to terrorism”—which is used almost exclusively to target Palestinians—while excluding incitement to violence or racism, highlights its discriminatory purpose. By granting broad, unchecked powers to political and administrative authorities, the law enables punitive actions to be taken against Palestinian educators for expressing views that fall outside the mainstream consensus, thereby severely undermining their basic right to freedom of expression. Adalah further argued that the law breaches the principle of the separation of powers, as it grants the Education Ministry the authority to infringe on teachers’ rights to freedom of expression and occupation, effectively requiring a determination of whether they have committed a criminal offense, even if no charges have been filed against them.

20.12.2024 - 21:48 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Petition to Supreme Court; Far-Right Govt Consider Bill Banning Left and Arab Campus Groups

Hadash MKs opposed the proposed legislation, calling it “dime-store fascist populism and McCarthyism.” According to Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman, “The Knesset is advancing two bills targeting critical students and professors, aimed primarily at Palestinian and leftist voices in academia. These bills seek to silence any remaining voices resisting the government’s policies of occupation and war. This marks another step in the fascist agenda to suppress any real opposition to the extreme right. Heads of universities, professors, and students recognize the danger of such legislation and are voicing their opposition.

On past week, the Knesset plenum, in a preliminary reading, passed a proposed law that would amend the Students Rights Law, allowing most Israeli higher education institutions to implement gender separation. MK Son Har-Melech proposed the law, which 55 members of the Knesset (MKs) supported and 45 MKs opposed.

19.12.2024 - 15:15 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Der Umsturz in Syrien, seine Hintergründe und möglichen Auswirkungen

Und was Israel angeht – auf kurze Sicht profitiert es wohl davon. Israel hat die Situation dazu genutzt, mehr Land zu besetzen, angeblich Waffenlager zerstört. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein islamischer Staat auf längere Sicht gut für Israel ist.

Vor einem guten Jahr hat sich in der israelischen Führung ein riesiger Wandel vollzogen. Ein wichtiges Ziel dieser neuen Strömung: Es darf keinen Palästinenserstaat geben. Man will einen durch und durch jüdischen Staat. Israels Bevölkerung ist zerrissen, was diese Themen angeht, fast am Rande eines Bürgerkrieges. Netanjahu ist autoritärer denn je, er hat alles persönlich unter Kontrolle.

Und es hat sich noch etwas drastisch verändert: Die Israelis in den 70er- und 80er-Jahren waren säkulare Europäer, diese Menschen an der Regierung heute sind alttestamentarisch. Sie sind nicht der Logik und der Ratio zugänglich, sondern sie fühlen sich ihrer quasi biblischen Vision verpflichtet. Da ist magisches Denken am Werk.
Für mich ist das eine Art geopolitisches Schneeballsystem. Netanjahu setzt alles daran, die Kämpfe am Laufen zu halten – würde man innehalten und das Ganze hinterfragen, würde das System kollabieren wie bei einem Schneeballsystem.

15.12.2024 - 12:00 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Meditations On A Six Year-Old Amputee Crawling Through Gaza With The Help Of A Roller Skate

When we look at Mohammad Saeed crawling through the dirt on his leg stumps with the help of a roller skate, we are seeing our own civilization reflected back at us. A genocidal dystopia of complete moral bankruptcy. This is what we have become. This is what we have allowed our rulers to turn us into.

13.12.2024 - 17:57 [ Washington Times ]

Turkey, Israel seize the moment as region reels from Syria’s implosion

(December 11, 2024)

Erdogan, Netanyahu aren‘t letting the crisis on their borders go to waste

13.12.2024 - 17:57 [ Responsible Statecraft ]

Turkey and Israel are reaping rewards from the chaos in Syria

(December 5, 2024)

How the incoming Trump administration intends to deal with the situation in Syria is anyone’s guess. Given that the president-elect has chosen staunch Israeli supporters to occupy senior posts in his cabinet, there appears to be strong reason to believe that Trump 2.0 policy towards Damascus will be determined to a large degree by Israeli preferences. If so, Washington’s approach may be to weaken and possibly oust Assad from power given the latter’s longstanding alliance with Iran, which remains Public Enemy Number One for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

07.12.2024 - 23:08 [ ]

Assad’s family ‘flees’ to Russia – but Kremlin won’t come to Syrian leader’s rescue

(December 6, 2024)

Bashar al-Assad’s family fled to Russia in the days after rebel forces launched a shock offensive that captured swathes of territory across northern Syria, it has been revealed.

It comes after a source close to the Kremlin told Bloomberg News that Moscow had no plans to rescue the Syrian president, with Vladimir Putin said to be disgusted by reports of regime troops fleeing their positions. (…)

Egyptian and Jordanian officials are understood to have urged the Syrian president to leave the country and form a government-in-exile.

04.12.2024 - 21:52 [ CNN ]

‘They killed him on the spot.’ Israel targeted Gaza soup kitchen chef in drone attack, brother says

“This is really purely ethnic cleansing. They’re just killing everybody. This is not a targeted operation,” Hani told CNN. “There is nothing left for them. They’re just destroying homes and kicking people out.”

“This is really reliving the Nakba,” Hani added, referring to “the catastrophe” of 1948 – when at least 700,000 Palestinians fled or were forcibly expelled from their homes in historic Palestine, during the creation of Israel.

“Mahmoud, and people like him, were doing God’s work. And that was good enough to put a target on his back,” he said. “He was punished because he was helping people fight the famine.”

04.12.2024 - 20:23 [ Hussam Abu Safyia / New York Times ]

I’m One of the Last Doctors in This Hospital in Gaza. I’m Begging the World for Help.

(December 2, 2024)

We are working beyond our areas of specialization because we no longer have a qualified surgical team. We have called upon the world for protection for over 50 days but unfortunately there has been no response. I’m confounded by this world that claims to believe in humanity and democracy but does not respond. Not even the World Health Organization has any protection here.

The human mind cannot imagine all the death and body parts and blood that surround us around the clock…

03.12.2024 - 04:06 [ Ofer Cassif / Guardian ]

I was suspended from Israel’s Knesset for highlighting the tyranny of Netanyahu. Help us to oppose him

(November 29, 2024)

I am not alone in opposing his tyranny. The consistent political opposition inside Israel itself, made up of democratic Jews and Arab citizens, finds the notion of democracy in Israel under Netanyahu absurd too. Democracy in Israel never really existed, owing to the state of Israel’s definition as an ethnic concept, antithetical to political egalitarianism.

A state that under its basic laws declares one group politically superior to the other cannot be regarded as a democracy, but as an ethnocracy. Since its formation, Israel has been pursuing discriminatory policies towards its own Palestinian citizens in all spheres of life – housing, employment, welfare and education. Even the supposed Israeli bill of rights, the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, doesn’t dare to mention the right to equality.

01.12.2024 - 22:41 [ Newsweek ]

Putin ‚Letting Syrian Rebels Overthrow Assad‘: Ex-Trump Intel Chief

(November 30, 2024)

Russia appears to be „letting the Syrian rebels overthrow“ President Bashar al-Assad according to Richard Grenell, who served as acting director of National Intelligence for a time during Donald Trump‘s first administration.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Grenell, who had been tipped as a possible member of Trump‘s incoming administration, commented: „Russia seems to be letting the Syrian rebels overthrow Assad. Big. Time to play chess.“

30.11.2024 - 05:05 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

If You Want To Help The World, Focus On Fighting The Empire

(November 23, 2024)

We live in a civilization built of lies and abuse, powered by lies and abuse, and defended using lies and abuse. Even the most kindhearted and well-intentioned among us struggle to bring about positive change, because the very fabric of our society is stacked against truth and kindness.

30.11.2024 - 03:56 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

Will Washington Destroy the World?

(November 25, 2024)

Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane.

Dear readers, you tell me how you can give permission for the US and NATO to fire missiles into Russia, especially when the Russian President has clearly stated it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and not be stupid and insane.

25.11.2024 - 13:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ach, das bisschen Atomkriegsrisiko …

(November 21, 2024)

Bereits Ende August hatte der Spiegel unter dem Titel „Wladimir Putin und seine Schauermärchen von den roten Linien“ Verniedlichung betrieben. Die Autorin Ann-Dorit Boy, die laut Spiegel auch „Public Information Officer bei UN OCHA in Kiew“ war, schreibt:

„Die Erkenntnis, dass Putins Drohungen leer sind, ist nicht neu. Der Kreml hat in seinem Krieg gegen die Ukraine schon viele angeblich rote Linien gezogen. Militärhilfe von Drittstaaten sollte tabu sein, später Angriffe auf die Brücke zur Halbinsel Krim, die Lieferung von weitreichenden Raketen und Marschflugkörpern und F-16-Kampfjets. Alle diese Linien sind überschritten worden. Passiert ist nichts.“

20.11.2024 - 16:26 [ Consortium News ]

RAY McGOVERN: Will Gabbard Be Able to Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’?

On July 22, 2004, immediately after the 9/11 Commission report was released, I found myself with 9/11 commissioner (and former senator from Washington) Slade Gorton in the BBC blue room in Washington. I had the temerity to remind him that it was far from the case that “no one was in charge” of the intelligence community; that Tenet had all the authority he needed.

Gorton turned to me, smiled and said: “Of course we know all that; but we in the Commission and in Congress just had to do something so the American people would see that we were doing something.”


The national intelligence director, and the newly created bureaucracy, is what it is. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard can take the reins and make the community work. It will take a miracle; let’s hope for one.

20.11.2024 - 01:23 [ ]

Seoul: Nordkorea empfindet offizielle Bestätigung seiner Truppenentsendung offenbar als Belastung

Obwohl es Tausende junge Soldaten in einen grundlosen Krieg geschickt habe und sie somit in Lebensgefahr bringe, habe Nordkorea dies bislang nicht einmal der eigenen Bevölkerung mitgeteilt, sagte der Beamte.

Die Behörden Südkoreas und der USA haben mittlerweile offiziell bestätigt, dass sich nach Russland entsandte nordkoreanische Soldaten bereits an Gefechten gegen die Ukraine beteiligen. Bis zum Donnerstagvormittag war in Nordkoreas Staatsmedien jedoch noch nicht davon berichtet worden.

19.11.2024 - 00:00 [ ]

Yes, Antony Blinken Should Resign. But He’s Not the Only One.

(September 27, 2024)

The day is dark, the forces arrayed are tenacious, but as the late Nation editorial board member Toni Morrison wrote “No! This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.”

I urge you to stand with The Nation and donate today.


Katrina vanden Heuvel
Editorial Director and Publisher, The Nation

16.11.2024 - 12:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese calls David Lammy a ‚genocide denier‘

)November 14, 2024)

The United Nations special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories has accused British Foreign Secretary David Lammy of being a „genocide denier“ and said the UK has done „nothing“ to prevent atrocities in Gaza.

In an interview with Middle East Eye in London on Wednesday, Francesca Albanese took aim at Lammy in response to comments he made in late October denying that Israel is committing genocide.

„I hadn‘t realised that Mr Lammy was a lawyer,“ she said, referring to Lammy‘s legal background.

„As a politician, you might say that for political convenience,“ she suggested, adding that would still make someone „a genocide denier“.

13.11.2024 - 17:26 [ ]

A summit to nowhere

After silently watching Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza for the past one year, the leaders of the Arab and Muslim countries have once more met in Riyadh to discuss the escalating conflict.

The so-called international alliance conceived by Saudi Arabia, with its aim of pressing for the establishment of a Palestinian state, failed to formulate a concrete plan of action to stop the Israeli invasion that has been extended to Lebanon.

10.11.2024 - 18:14 [ Jordan Times ]

Time to suspend Israel from the UN

(November 6, 2024)

Israel‘s abrogation on Sunday of its 1967 agreement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has intensified calls for Israel‘s expulsion from the world body or, at least, its suspension from General Assembly participation. This action followed the October 28th ban by Israel‘s parliament on UNRWA’s operations in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

10.11.2024 - 18:05 [ Common Dreams ]

By Criminalizing UNRWA, Israel Is Delegitimizing the United Nations

Israel‘s banning of UNRWA should represent an opportunity for those concerned about the standing of the United Nations, to remind Israel that U.N. members who have no respect for international law deserve to be delegitimized. This time, words must be accompanied by action. Nothing else will suffice.

10.11.2024 - 13:35 [ New York Times ]

When Did Liberals Become So Comfortable With War?

First, history has shown that governments and bureaucracies tend to become addicted to a war footing, with failure sucking them in further — think of America’s war on terror, or Vietnam. War encourages a perverse cycle of escalation in which huge financial and political gains accrue for governments and the military-industrial complex while the costs tend to be borne by weaker parties — before they start to come home in some shape or form.

We’ve called this bipartisan pattern “wreckonomics” and have found it especially present in wars or conflicts with costs that Western politicians can largely outsource — from fighting terrorism, drugs and smugglers to quasi-colonial interventions during the Cold War.

10.11.2024 - 12:14 [ Fox News ]

Fox News Voter Analysis: How Trump regained the White House

(November 6, 2024)

Overall, Trump’s strongest support came from White evangelicals, rural voters, Whites without a college degree, conservatives, and men.

10.11.2024 - 12:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Instead of looking inwards, white liberals are blaming Arab Americans for Trump‘s victory

(November 8, 2024)

Democrats actually benefitted from Trump‘s rise, which presented an opportunity for them to win votes freely by positioning themselves as the only alternative to outright fascism.

Yet, instead of looking inwards for answers on why Harris lost to a candidate as problematic as Trump, these liberal Democrats chose to reprimand minorities. Signalling a sense of superiority, they could not hide their racism, implying that it was incumbent upon these minority communities to vote within the guidelines provided by their liberal saviours.

By this logic, Arabs, Muslims and Latinos must vote for a Democrat no matter what.

08.11.2024 - 21:02 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel ]

Deportation of Families of Terrorists: Questions and Answers – On the night of November 7, 2024 the Knesset approved the Deportation of Families of Terrorists Law, 5785-2024.

The Knesset held a series of discussions about the proposed law. Professionals representing government ministries and the Knesset‘s legal counsel stated clearly that this is unconstitutional legislation that cannot be implemented, and if it reaches judicial review it will be revoked. Knesset members from right-wing parties nonetheless decided to advance it, though they are well aware that it is a populist bill not worth the paper it is written on, in order to set the stage for a confrontation between the Knesset, professional groups, and the Supreme Court.

What are the problems with the law? This is not a law at all: it is a populist pamphlet, which, like many other things this terrible Knesset is doing, is intended to mark Arab citizens and residents as disloyal, whose presence is contingent on containment.

07.11.2024 - 16:25 [ Peter Beinart / New York Times ]

Democrats Ignored Gaza and Brought Down Their Party

Over the past year, Israel’s slaughter and starvation of Palestinians — funded by U.S. taxpayers and live-streamed on social media — has triggered one of the greatest surges in progressive activism in a generation. Many Americans roused to action by their government’s complicity in Gaza’s destruction have no personal connection to Palestine or Israel. Like many Americans who protested South African apartheid or the Vietnam War, their motive is not ethnic or religious. It is moral.

07.11.2024 - 14:04 [ Les Leopold / Common Dreams ]

Why Did the Democrats Lose? Because They Gave Up on the Working Class 40 Years Ago

The Democrats assumed the working class had nowhere else to go. They were wrong!

06.11.2024 - 17:35 [ USA Today ]

Opinion: Trump wins 2024 election. America needs to admit it‘s not ‚better than this.‘

We just elected a convicted felon who has normalized bullying, spread hate like an industrial sprinkler and shown us over and over and over again he sees laws as irrelevant and self-enrichment as sacrosanct. Faced with a billowing ocean of red flags – from indictments for trying to overturn the 2020 election to the coddling of dictators who rule enemy nations – a majority of Americans cast their vote for the man who is a totem of the worst in all of us.

So spare me the wails of “This isn’t who we are!” I’ve got bad news for the sane and decent among us: This is exactly who we are.

06.11.2024 - 13:47 [ New York Times ]

Donald Trump Returns to Power, Ushering in New Era of Uncertainty

His defiant plans to upend the country’s political system held appeal to tens of millions of voters who feared that the American dream was drifting further from reach and who turned to Mr. Trump as a battering ram against the ruling establishment and the expert class of elites.

In a deeply divided nation, voters embraced Mr. Trump’s pledge to seal the southern border by almost any means, to revive the economy with 19th-century-style tariffs that would restore American manufacturing and to lead a retreat from international entanglements and global conflict.

05.11.2024 - 15:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel’s Generals‘ Plan in north Gaza is ‚genocidal‘ and ‚perversion of law‘, say experts

Israeli media, analysts and military officials – as well as Palestinians in Gaza – say that the current campaign corresponds to the so-called „Generals‘ Plan“, also known as the Eiland Plan.
„Imposing a siege, preventing all access to food, water, medicine and shelter, all with an intention to force a population to leave, is textbook ethnic cleansing and is a grave crime under international law. It is both a war crime and a crime against humanity,“ Balakrishnan Rajagopal, a law professor at MIT and UN special rapporteur on the right to housing, told MEE.

„Forcible displacement in northern Gaza under conditions of siege with an intent to eliminate their presence is genocidal, as it aims at the destruction of a people,“ he added. „Israel also bears responsibilities as a state for all of these grave breaches of international law.“

04.11.2024 - 09:12 [ Pan African Television / ]

Next generation will see us as a bunch of useless unprincipled people who allowed this Genocide- KP

Kwesi Pratt Jnr. condemns the recent genocidal attacks in Palestine, denouncing the U.S. as the primary promoter of conflict in the region. He also expressed concern for Ghanaian peacekeepers in Lebanon, who face attacks without any response from Ghana’s government.

#PATV #TrulyAfrican #FreePalestine #Politics

02.11.2024 - 19:25 [ Idan Landau ]

השמדה וטרנספר בצפון רצועת עזה: מעבר לתרמית תכנית האלופים

הביטו בשתי התמונות האלה. הן צולמו באותו יום, ה-21 באוקטובר 2024. מימין רואים שיירת עקורים, למעשה נשים וילדים, שצולמה במחנה ג‘בליה ההרוס. הגברים (מעל גיל 16) בנפרד, מרימים דגל לבן ואת תעודות הזהות שלהם. הם בדרך החוצה. משמאל רואים את מחנה הסוכות שהקימה תנועת „נחלה“ סמוך לקיבוץ בארי, כהכנה להתיישבות יהודית בעזה, אירוע שהתכבד ב-21 שרים וח“כים מן הימין. הם בדרך פנימה.

התמונות האלה מספרות חלק גדול מן הסיפור, בעיקר את סופו המסתמן והולך. סדרת אירועים מהירה מאד בשלושת השבועות האחרונים, שעדיין נמצאת בעיצומה ופרטיה מאיימים כבר להישכח, אם בכלל חדרו לתודעה, הובילה אל הנקודה המפחידה הזאת. את הסיפור אפשר להתחיל בכל נקודה לאורך ההיסטוריה, בנכבה, בנכסה, ב“אזור הסייג“ בנגב – הרי הן כל כך דומות. עקורים פלסטינים עם מיטלטליהם, רעבים ופצועים ותשושים, ולמולם – מתיישבים יהודים צוהלים, מתקדשים אל האדמה החדשה ששוטחה ופונתה עבורם. מתחטאים.

02.11.2024 - 19:20 [ Idan Landau / +972 Magazine ]

Exterminate, expel, resettle: Israel’s endgame in northern Gaza

The “Generals’ Plan,” published in early September, has a very simple goal: to empty the northern Gaza Strip of its Palestinian population. The plan itself estimated that about 300,000 people were still living north of the Netzarim Corridor — the Israeli-occupied zone that bisects Gaza — although the UN put the number closer to 400,000.

During the first phase of the plan, the Israeli army would inform all of those people that they have a week to evacuate to the south through two “humanitarian corridors.” In the second phase, at the end of that week, the army would declare the whole area a closed military zone. Anyone who remained would be considered an enemy combatant, and be killed if they didn’t surrender. A complete siege would be imposed on the territory, intensifying the hunger and health crisis — creating, as Prof. Uzi Rabi, a senior researcher at Tel Aviv University, put it, “a process of starvation or extermination.”

02.11.2024 - 19:04 [ Common Dreams ]

Israeli Scholar Lays Out ‚True Brutality‘ of Ethnic Cleansing Now Underway in Gaza

Much alarm has been raised over the so-called „Generals‘ Plan,“ an ethnic cleansing proposal for northern Gaza that has reportedly garnered attention in the highest reaches of the Israeli government.

But Israeli scholar Idan Landau argued in a column published in English by +972 Magazine on Friday that what the Israeli military is actually doing in northern Gaza „is even more appalling“ than the plan outlined by a group of retired generals. Landau argued that focus on the details of the Generals‘ Plan has served to obscure the „true brutality“ of Israel‘s deadly operations in northern Gaza, which has been rendered a hellscape of death and destruction by the military assault and siege.

Landau, a professor of linguistics at Tel Aviv University, opened his column—first published in Hebrew on his blog—by pointing to two photos: one showing a celebratory event at a camp built by an Israeli settler organization just outside of the Gaza Strip, and the other showing displaced Palestinians lined up at gunpoint amid the ruins of northern Gaza.

31.10.2024 - 19:10 [ Caitlin Johhnstone ]

The West Only Has Pretend Heroes Like Spider-Man And SpongeBob

This is the civilization we live in. A mind-controlled wasteland where everything is fake and stupid. The only path toward fulfillment and inner peace in such a dystopia is to dedicate yourself to tearing it down, brick by plastic brick.

27.10.2024 - 13:24 [ Glenn Greenwald ]

CNN Town Hall Exposes Kamala‘s Inability To State Beliefs; Democrats‘ „Trump Is Hitler“ Tactic Failing Again

t‘s Thursday, October 24.

As some of you might have noticed, I was not here the last few days, but I am appreciative of Michael Tracey, the intrepid independent journalist, who sat in for me one night and of our excellent team who put together two great shows in my absence so that we weren‘t off the air even one night. But I‘m very happy to be back.

Tonight: From the moment Democratic Party elites imposed Kamala Harris on their party and then on the country, the most glaring weakness of her candidacy was manifest from the very beginning: she has no actual views or policy she‘s willing or able to express – to the point that they actually kept her away from any unscripted interviews, and her campaign site had no issue positions of any kind for weeks, not even vague banalities. The campaign strategy could not have been any clearer: to replicate Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 tactic of featuring as the overarching message that you should vote for her because she‘s not Donald Trump.

24.10.2024 - 11:15 [ +972 Magazine ]

The ‘pact of silence’ between Israelis and their media

(October 16, 2024)

Israel’s long-subservient media has spent the past year imbuing the public with a sense of righteousness over the Gaza war. Reversing this indoctrination, says media observer Oren Persico, could take decades.

21.10.2024 - 21:22 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

We Really Are The Bad Guys And This Really Is The Evil Empire

It’s like yes asshole, it’s very nice to be living in the imperial core that’s receiving the benefits of mass murder and imperialist extraction, and it’s less nice to live in the countries where the murder and extraction is happening. That’s the entire fucking point here.

It can be nice to live in the western world, but the western world is not nice. Ours is the most savage and thuggish civilization on this planet, and it’s not even close.

The Democratic Party really does look ready to lose yet another easily winnable election by running yet another awful, murderous candidate with awful, murderous policies, and then once again blame their loss on everyone in America who is a better person than they are.

21.10.2024 - 20:39 [ Jonathan Cook / Middle East Eye ]

The West‘s support for Israel‘s genocide is destroying the world as we know it

The old world is dying once again, but the US-Israel axis is wrong to suggest it is slaying monsters. It is the monster

20.10.2024 - 10:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: While eyes are on Rafah, Israel is cementing control of northern Gaza

(25 March 2024)

In 1971, Ariel Sharon, the Israeli army commander of the southern region who later became prime minister, prepared a plan to divide Gaza and North Sinai into five settlement areas that prevent geographic contiguity between Palestinians in the north, centre, and south.

Israel surrounds this area from the north with settlements and checkpoints and from the south with a settlement bloc in the northern Sinai desert.

Sharon named it the „Five Fingers Plan“, and the government headed by Golda Meir fully adopted it in 1972.

20.10.2024 - 10:31 [ +972 Magazine ]

A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam

(September 17, 2024)

Although Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant remain tight-lipped about the real goals of the operation, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, as well as other ministers on the far right, declare them openly. Here, they cite a program that the “Forum of Reserve Commanders and Fighters,” spearheaded by Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, proposed just a few weeks ago: ordering all residents of northern Gaza to leave within a week, before imposing a full siege on the area, including shutting off all supplies of water, food, and fuel, until those who remain surrender or die of starvation.

Other prominent Israelis, in recent months, have also called on the military to carry out mass extermination in northern Gaza. “Remove the entire civilian population from the north, and whoever remains there will be lawfully sentenced as a terrorist and subjected to a process of starvation or extermination,” Prof. Uzi Rabi, a senior researcher at Tel Aviv University, elaborated in a radio interview on Sept. 15. And in August, according to a report in Ynet, government ministers had already started pressuring Netanyahu to “cleanse” northern Gaza of its inhabitants.

19.10.2024 - 08:21 [ Common Dreams ]

Dems Are Afraid Gaza Will Cost Them the Election. They‘re Not Afraid Enough.

The ‘Gaza Effect’ may be much larger than anyone expects. Unless they change course, the Democrats are much likelier to lose in November than most people seem to realize.

It should be self-evident that genocide is bad because it’s genocide, but apparently it isn’t—at least, not to everyone.

18.10.2024 - 21:30 [ Washington Post ]

The United States can’t just stand by as Israel starves northern Gaza

The Biden administration needs to push its ally with more than just empty threats.

16.10.2024 - 00:05 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Slaughter In Gaza And Lebanon As War With Iran Approaches

(October 9, 2024)

On Tuesday State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller told the press that the Biden administration no longer supports a ceasefire with Hezbollah, saying “We support Israel’s efforts to degrade Hezbollah’s capability” instead. Two weeks ago CNN reported that the administration has also essentially given up on a ceasefire in Gaza.


And we haven’t even talked about Iran yet.

12.10.2024 - 05:10 [ Jonathan Cook ]

War on Gaza: Israel wants to finish the job Washington started after 9/11

In 2007, former Nato commander Wesley Clark recounted a meeting at the Pentagon shortly after the US invasion of Afghanistan. An officer told him: “We are going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years. We’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.”

Clark added of the neoconservatives: “They wanted us to destabilise the Middle East, turn it upside down, make it under our control.”

As I documented in my 2008 book Israel and the Clash of Civilisations, Israel was supposed to carry out a central chunk of Washington’s post-Iraq plan, starting with its war on Lebanon in 2006. Israel’s attack there was supposed to drag in Syria and Iran, giving the US a pretext to expand the war.

This was what the US secretary of state of the time, Condoleezza Rice, meant when she spoke of the “birth pangs of a new Middle East”.

The plan went awry largely because Israel got bogged down in phase one, in Lebanon. It blitzed cities like Beirut with US-supplied bombs, but its soldiers struggled against Hezbollah in a ground invasion of southern Lebanon.

The West subsequently found other ways to deal with Syria and Libya.

08.10.2024 - 20:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK peer: No hope of peace if Netanyahu is PM of Israel

Lord Michael Levy, the former Middle East adviser to Tony Blair, told BBC Radio 5 Live yesterday: “The whole Middle East is potentially in a blow-up situation. And if that happens … how much further can that go for all of us in the world today, there must be a way forward.

“I don’t think there’s any hope for peace with [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu in power,” he added. “I would like to think that Netanyahu could be part of a positive way forward. Regrettably, I just don’t think that is possible at all.”

06.10.2024 - 22:00 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Never Let Your Government Tell You Who Your Enemies Are

Our real enemies are in Washington and London and Tel Aviv. In Berlin and Paris and Canberra. In secretive government agencies in the state of Virginia, and in imperial propaganda institutions in New York and Hollywood.

04.10.2024 - 19:16 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The Middle East Is Always At War Because The West Keeps Pushing It That Way

I hate when people say “Bah the middle east has always been at war, it’s just how they are.” No you asshole, it’s been at war because of western interventionism and Israel.

30.09.2024 - 02:50 [ ]

Nationalratswahl 2024: Zeitenwende in die Dritte Republik

Eine „historische“ Nationalratswahl sei das gewesen, das liest und hört man oft. Für die heute geschlagene Wahl stimmt es tatsächlich. Die Nationalratswahl 2024 ist voller historischer Superlative – im positiven wie negativen Sinne. Sie markiert die Zeitenwende in die Dritte Republik. Wie diese ausschauen wird, werden uns die nächsten Wochen der Sondierungen und Koalitionsverhandlungen zeigen.

30.09.2024 - 02:30 [ ]

In den kommenden Wochen werden manche Köpfe rollen

Kein „Kopf an Kopf“ – aber in den kommenden Wochen werden noch manche Köpfe rollen. Garantiert nicht der von Herbert Kickl, aber die Parteispitzen von ÖVP und mehr noch SPÖ haben sich mit ihren Ergebnissen kaum für die nächsten Jahre einzementiert.

Auch wenn sich ÖVP-Granden jetzt demonstrativ hinter „unseren Karl“ stellen, ist Kurz-Nachfolger Nehammer angezählt. Er muss bei den Regierungsverhandlungen der Volkspartei den Kanzler retten, sonst ist er bald Geschichte.

29.09.2024 - 02:30 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Biden Didn’t “Fail” To Get A Ceasefire; He Never Tried

(September 21, 2024)

He could have ended it with a phone call. The killing continued because he and his handlers wanted it to.

28.09.2024 - 15:31 [ Al Jazeera ]

‘Not justifiable attacking densely populated areas – but world does nothing’

Commenting on the Israeli claims of killing Nasrallah, military and security analyst Elijah Magnier has told Al Jazeera that the focus should be “on the several buildings that all disappeared under the ground, with all their inhabitants,” as a result of the Israeli air attack on Friday.

“It’s absolutely considered a war crime and a crime against humanity – and it’s not in any way considered a collateral damage,” he told Al Jazeera.

“The percentage of the people who are killed in such a populated and dense area – it’s not justifiable,” Magnier said.

28.09.2024 - 10:56 [ Al Jazeera ]

New ‘bunker buster’ bombs used in Beirut attack

(September 27, 2024)

Elijah Magnier, a military analyst, says the ordnance used by Israel in its latest attack on Beirut is a “very new type of bomb” – the GBU-72.

The weapon is “an advanced 5,000-pound [2,200kg] bunker buster that was created in 2021”, Magnier told Al Jazeera.

The bomb has not been used in the past for the “same objective”, he said, suggesting Israel wanted to “confirm the kill and wanted to make sure nobody is going to be alive”.

It was dropped with a fraction of delay, which allowed the bomb to reach the bunker under the ground and bring down entire structures, Maginer explained.

22.09.2024 - 18:45 [ Washington Free Bacon ]

WATCH: Biden-Harris Worked ‚Around the Clock‘ for Months on Gaza Ceasefire Deal That‘s Never Going to Happen

(September 20, 2024)

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have claimed for months to be working „around the clock“ on a Gaza ceasefire deal that is „close“ to happening. Spoiler alert: It‘s not going to happen because Hamas, the terrorist organization that massacred Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, doesn‘t want to release their hostages.

Despite their reportedly tireless efforts to negotiate with the terrorists, the Biden-Harris administration has privately conceded that a ceasefire deal won‘t happen before the end of Biden‘s term in January 2025. „No deal is imminent,“ a Biden-Harris official told the Wall Street Journal. „I‘m not sure it ever gets done.“

21.09.2024 - 22:00 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

19.09.2024 - 19:11 [ Common Dreams ]

In Overwhelming Vote, UN General Assembly Demands Swift End to Israeli Occupation

„The vast majority of countries have made it clear: Israel‘s occupation of Palestine must end, and all countries have a definite duty not to aid or assist its continuation,“ said GJN‘s Tim Bierley. „To stay on the right side of international law, the U.K.‘s dealings with Israel must drastically change, including closing all loopholes in its partial arms ban and revoking any trade or investment relations that might assist the occupation.“

15.09.2024 - 19:20 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The West Is A Dystopian Wasteland Of Moral Degeneracy

The moral degeneracy of this civilization looks like living lives of relative comfort built on the backs of workers in the global south whose labor and resources are extracted from their nations at profoundly exploitative rates, while raining military explosives on impoverished populations who dare to disobey the dictates of our government, day after day, year after year, decade after decade, and acting like this is all fine and normal.

Being born into western civilization is like waking up in the middle of a massive lynch mob.

14.09.2024 - 20:54 [ Jerusalem Post ]

WATCH: Fmr. Saudi official: There are no heroes in Israel-Hamas war, only victims

(October 20, 2023)

Former head of Saudi Arabia‘s General Intelligence Presidency and former Saudi ambassador to the US Turki al-Faisal condemned both Hamas and Israel in a speech on Tuesday, saying Hamas committed acts forbidden by Islam and Israel was ‚indiscriminately‘ bombing civilians in Gaza.

„There are no heroes in this conflict, only victims,“ said Faisal in a speech at a conference hosted by Rice University‘s Baker Institute for Public Policy.

13.09.2024 - 19:20 [ Jonathan Cook ]

How the war on Gaza exposed Israeli and western fascism

Just one example: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the Palestinians as “Amalek” – a reference to a biblical story well known to every Israeli schoolchild, in which the Israelites are ordered by God to wipe an entire people, including their children and livestock, off the face of the earth.

Anyone engaged on social media will have faced a battery of similarly genocidal statements from mostly anonymous supporters of Israel.

Those genocide cheerleaders recently gained a face – two, in fact. Video clips of two Israelis, podcasting in English under the name “Two Nice Jewish Boys”, have gone viral, showing the pair calling for the extermination of every last Palestinian man, woman and child.

One of the podcasters said that “zero people in Israel” care whether a polio outbreak caused by Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s water, sewage and heath facilities ends up killing babies, noting that Israel’s agreement to a vaccination campaign is driven purely by public relations needs.

In another clip, the podcasters agree that Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons deserve to be “executed by shoving too large of an object up their butts”.

They also make clear that they would not hesitate to press a genocide button to wipe out the Palestinian people: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza – every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow – I would press it in a second … And I think most Israelis would. They wouldn’t talk about it like I am, they wouldn’t say ‘I pressed it’, but they would press it.”

07.09.2024 - 22:29 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel’s former spy chief slams Netanyahu over Philadelphi Corridor

Argaman, who headed the Shin Bet between 2016 and 2021, said the majority of weapons entered Gaza through the Rafah border crossing.

“When Netanyahu speaks of remaining on the Philadelphi Corridor, he knows very well that no smuggling takes place over the Philadelphi Corridor. So we are now relegated to living with this imaginary figment,” he said.

03.09.2024 - 02:58 [ Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt / ]

The widespread devastation and massacres of the Israeli army in #Jenin and other parts of occupied northern West Bank, where Hamas is not ruling, are a powerful reminder that Hamas is just the last excuse for the State of #Israel to wreak the Palestinian territory havoc.

Everywhere for 57 years Israel has made life impossible for Palestinians under a brutal military occupation, seeking to realize a “#GreaterIsrael”.
In agreement with the Palestinians in the oPt, an int‘l #ProtectionPresence must be immediately deployed to stop the massacres, wanton destruction and forced displacement.

02.09.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Times ]

This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

(August 28, 2024)

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo.

01.09.2024 - 01:39 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Washington’s Israel Policy Is Just Feigning Ignorance Of Israeli Depravity

A war zone is a collapse in law and order where might makes right and whoever has the guns makes the rules. People who normally wouldn’t risk imprisonment for acting out their fantasies of torture and murder have the opportunity during wartime to become one of the people with the guns who make the rules. They have a helpless population at their fingertips to whom they can do anything they like.

War is the worst thing in the world. It’s the most insane thing humans do. So, so much of the trauma and dysfunction of our species are the lingering reverberations from wars which ended decades ago, passed down from generation to generation by soldiers returning home and by civilians who’ve been subjected to unfathomable abuse by those who found themselves free to do anything they want to them.

31.08.2024 - 19:15 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Do Something Every Day To Help De-Normalize The Abuses Of The Empire

One very important task we can undertake as citizens of the western empire is to help de-normalize the tyranny, murderousness and savagery that the imperial propagandists work to normalize.


Denormalize poverty.

Denormalize injustice and inequality.

Denormalize the ruined buildings and ruined bodies in Gaza.

Denormalize the nuclear brinkmanship with Russia.

Denormalize the destruction of our biosphere in the ravages of ecocidal capitalism.

Denormalize the surging authoritarianism we’re experiencing as the empire works frantically to stomp out dissent.

Denormalize the war machinery rolling out around the world, and the increasingly militarized police forces in our streets.

Denormalize the psychopathy of the politicians and government officials who cheerfully serve the empire in facilitation of these horrors.

Denormalize the way media and government institutions controlled by the powerful work to manipulate the way we think and perceive every day of our fucking lives for the benefit of the powerful.

31.08.2024 - 14:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Why Israel‘s genocide in Gaza is a western war on the Palestinian people

Western countries and Israel share the same values of settler-colonialism, racism, white supremacy and genocide – all of which are imperial tools to protect their interests

31.08.2024 - 00:05 [ Middle East Eye ]

West Bank attacks: To western leaders, there are no red lines for Israel‘s slaughter

War in the West Bank was planned before Hamas‘s attack on 7 October last year, a senior Fatah member with close links to security circles told me.

It was postponed by the Gaza war, but also refined and honed by it.

When Israel saw just how much Palestinian blood the US and Europe were prepared to tolerate in Gaza – how much destruction, how many millions would be continually displaced, and for how long – Israel felt emboldened to visit the same hell on its real target: the occupied West Bank.

09.05.2024 - 00:00 [ Common Dreams ]

Anti-Genocide Students Are Fulfilling Their Duty to Prevent War Crimes; Will You?

In a world order in which the Great Powers and many lesser ones are turning to war and genocide, popular enforcement of international law is one of the few means for protecting ourselves and the world against a cataclysmic plunge into unlimited military destruction.

By virtue of the U.S. Constitution, international law and international treaties are explicitly a part of U.S. law. U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Nuremberg prosecutor Robert Jackson stated, “The very essence of the Nuremberg Charter is that individuals have international duties which transcend national obligations of obedience imposed by the individual state.” So, obligations under international law are also obligations under U.S. law.

05.05.2024 - 12:00 [ Spencer Ackerman / New York Times ]

Where Is America’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ Now?


U.N. resolutions that are written without enforcement measures obviously cannot force Israel to stop what its leadership insists is a justified war necessary to remove Hamas and prevent another Oct. 7 massacre. But it’s just as obvious what entity can make Israel stop and isn’t doing so: the United States.

Whatever the Biden administration might have thought it was doing by permitting the resolution to pass and then undermining it, the maneuver exposed the continuing damage Israel’s war in Gaza is doing to the United States’ longstanding justification for being a superpower: guaranteeing what U.S. administrations like to call the international rules-based order.

05.05.2024 - 09:11 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Israel Supporters Are Some Of The Worst People In The World


No political faction I have ever interacted with is as immoral and dishonest, or so frequently says things that are so jaw-droppingly disgusting I am sure I must be misinterpreting it at first. I’ve never tangled with a more odious group of people.

05.05.2024 - 06:37 [ Middle East Eye ]

Debunking three myths about pro-Palestine student protests in the US

Middle East Eye examines three of the most pervasive myths that have sought to discredit the pro-Palestine movement on campuses

05.05.2024 - 05:59 [ New York Times ]

From Free Speech to Free Palestine: Six Decades of Student Protest

“You’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop,” he said. Soon the students would flood into a campus administration building.

That scene played out 60 years ago at the University of California, Berkeley. The words were directed at the university leadership, and referring to its restrictions on campus political activity. But the speech, from the student leader Mario Savio, and the sit-in that followed could have happened yesterday.

01.05.2024 - 19:11 [ Middle East Eye ]

America‘s new generation of student protesters is giving hope to Palestinians

We raise our hats out of respect for them, as these protests in the universities and streets of the western world and the Global South keep the flame of hope burning in the souls of our people who long for freedom and justice.

These protests indicate profound, radical changes that separate an ageing American generation that blindly supports Israel and a new generation that promotes justice in Palestine and demands an end to the Israeli occupation and to the war on Gaza.

They represent the future of America and its bright face, the emergence of which we have long awaited.

01.05.2024 - 17:10 [ Doy ]

Editorial: UCLA is complicit in violence inflicted upon protesters, failed to protect

This came after a source in the encampment told the Daily Bruin that at least five protestors have been injured.

But for hours, UCLA administration stood by and watched as the violence escalated. LAPD did not arrive on the scene until slightly after 1 a.m. – once Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass sent them in for assistance at Block’s request.

Daily Bruin reporters on the scene were slapped and indirectly sprayed with irritants. Despite also being students, they were offered no protection.

The world is watching.

28.04.2024 - 02:41 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Stopping The Slaughter In Gaza Is More Important Than Your Feelings

Your feelings are not more important than Palestinian lives.

Your feelings are not more important than Palestinian displacement.

Your feelings are not even more important than Palestinian feelings.

Your feelings are not important. Stopping the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the people of Gaza is important.

It is a symptom of the cancerousness of western civilization that there are people living their whole lives under the entirely unquestioned assumption that their feelings are so important that it is fine and normal to expect that a limitless number of impoverished foreigners may be killed without any opposition whatsoever in order to promote the interests of their favorite ethnostate, and that anyone who does oppose it is persecuting them.

28.04.2024 - 01:52 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

In This Dystopia, Opposing A Genocide Is Considered Worse Than Committing One

All the frenzied shrieking about pro-Palestine protests at universities these last few days makes it clear that our civilization is so twisted and insane that it sees protesting a genocide as far worse than committing one. Which is about as backwards as any society could possibly be.

Seriously, try to imagine a crazier, more upside-down civilization than one which gets more angry at people protesting genocidal atrocities than it does at people committing them.

27.04.2024 - 05:20 [ LA Times ]

Column: The crackdown on student protesters shows exactly why we need them

After all, the division over the war in Gaza is by no means confined to students. As has happened with so many rifts in our country’s history, students have simply used their activism to become a prism reflecting the wider world. Which is why they need to be taken seriously, for all of our sakes.

If they do nothing else, the growing demonstrations are forcing us to confront who we are, what we believe and why.

What is happening in Gaza is not a war “over there.” It’s right here, right now, among our own children. And we all need to figure out where we stand.

27.04.2024 - 04:05 [ Mastodon ]


(search results)

27.04.2024 - 03:09 [ Jacobin Magazine ]

Israelism Is a Powerful Indictment of Pro-Apartheid Indoctrination

(June 22, 2023)

After the movie was over, Simone Zimmerman and director Eric Axelman sat on the edge of the stage and took questions from the audience. One of the questions was from a Palestinian-American man who asked about how to respond to people who took offense when phrases like “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” were used to describe the treatment of Palestinians.

In his response, Axelman pointed out that recent polling shows that more than a third of American Jews under the age of forty agree with the statement, “Israel is an apartheid state.” The message is starting to get through. It’s about time.

26.04.2024 - 03:15 [ Donna Laframboise / ]

3 Things Scientists Need to Know About the IPCC

(September 1, 2015)

Now let’s take a look at point #2: Scientists are not in charge at the IPCC. Its latest report contains 60 chapters and totals more than 7,000 pages. Many good, sincere scientists toiled away on their own small portion of that enormous report. These people no doubt did their best to be honest and accurate.

But here’s the problem: almost no one will ever read that 7,000-page report.

Everyone knows this. Which is why the IPCC also produces documents in the 20 to 30-page range bearing the title: Summary for Policymakers. (…)

In fact, IPCC authors only draft these summaries. And then something incredible transpires.
A big IPCC meeting takes place. Attended by governments. Although some people in the room are scientists, the vast majority are diplomats, politicians, foreign affairs specialists, bureaucrats, and assorted other officials. These people then spend the next week re-writing the summary authored by scientists.(…)

But the bad news doesn’t stop there. There’s actually a step in the IPCC process in which the original, lengthy report gets amended so that it conforms to the politically-negotiated Summary. I am not making this up.

25.04.2024 - 09:00 [ Multipolar Magazin ]

Per Behördenkontrolle zur „Medienfreiheit“

Mit einem neuen EU-Gesetz entsteht ein Gremium für Mediendienste, das der EU-Kommission unterstellt ist, aber unabhängig agieren soll. Erstmals reguliert die Europäische Union damit auch die gedruckte Presse. „Desinformation“ steht besonders im Fokus. Kritiker sehen die Meinungsfreiheit bedroht und fürchten die Legalisierung einer Überwachung von Journalisten.

25.04.2024 - 08:55 [ Norbert Häring ]

„Was an Pressefreiheit übrig bleibt, das existiert dann nur noch von Brüssels Gnaden“

23. 04. 2024 | Aus Anlass der Zustimmung des EU-Parlaments zum orwellianisch benannten „Medienfreiheitsgesetz“ hat Multipolar eine ausführliche und sehr kritische Analyse von Helge Buttkereit veröffentlicht, die ich zur Lektüre empfehle.

16.04.2024 - 20:01 [ Counterpunch ]

Germany, Gaza and the World Court: Broadening the Scope of Genocide

Germany has been most prominent in this regard. In 2023 30% of Israel’s military equipment purchases totalling US$326 million came from Berlin. The Scholz government has also been a firm public supporter of Israel’s offensive. “There is only one place for Germany at this time, and that is by Israel’s side,” proclaimed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to German lawmakers on October 12 last year. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock curtly stated that “It was not the job of politicians to tell the guns to shut up.

Baerbock’s remarks were all the more jarring given the 2006 views of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was then serving as Germany’s foreign minister. With puffed up confidence, he claimed then that Europeans and Germans had played a seminal role in ending the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon in “silencing of the guns.”

16.04.2024 - 18:10 [ ]

Tehran reverses course on Amir-Abdollahian‘s statements, confirms Shafaq News reports

Committee rapporteur Ali Nehmeh clarified to Shafaq News that „Iraq was taken by surprise by the timing of Iran‘s response and had no agreement with Tehran to allow Iranian drones or missiles through its airspace. The decision to halt air traffic came as a precautionary measure after the attack, with Iraq playing no role in Iran‘s actions.“

A government source familiar with the situation suggested that Tehran may have refrained from informing Baghdad of the attack‘s timing to prevent leaks, noting that Iran had notified several regional countries three days prior, as Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stated.

16.04.2024 - 17:42 [ ]

Iran-Israel conflict: Iraq caught in the crossfire

Dr. Al-Gharbawi stressed Iraq‘s pivotal role in managing the tensions by advocating for an independent position through official statements that condemn violence and extremism.

„This stance aligns with Iraq‘s historical position against normalization with Israel, highlighting a commitment to peaceful resolutions and adherence to international norms.“

Al-Gharbawi touched on Iran‘s psychological impact on Israel, noting that the Islamic Republic succeeded in creating panic and tension, prompting international reactions such as citizen evacuations.

„This psychological warfare, alongside military and diplomatic strategies, adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing regional dynamics,“ She added.

15.04.2024 - 15:23 [ Times of Israel ]

With its aerial attack, Iran could break Israel’s isolation and reframe the Gaza war

It’s hard to imagine Iran’s much-anticipated attack on Israel going any worse for the Islamic Republic.

Tehran has been displaying weakness for months. On January 3, Islamic State terrorists killed at least 84 people in two explosions near the grave of General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, as they marked the fourth anniversary of his death in a US drone strike in Iraq four years earlier.

10.04.2024 - 16:32 [ Times of Israel ]

Of course Netanyahu should go – in an orderly process that gives our enemies cause for fear


And therefore, as was the case when he insisted on continuing to run the country while in the midst of a corruption trial, and as was the case when he pressed on with his assault on Israeli democracy and briefly fired that defense minister, so too, now, it falls to a potential few good men and women within his own coalition base to tell him that his presence is harming Israel, that his policies empowered and emboldened Hamas, and that far from being uniquely capable of ensuring Israel has the practical and diplomatic room to destroy Hamas, he is almost uniquely incapable of doing so.

10.04.2024 - 09:12 [ David Hearst / Middle East Eye ]

For the defenders of Israel‘s war on Gaza, the game is up

Staunch allies calling themselves friends of Israel are beginning to realise they are also friends of the murderers of western aid workers, friends of genocide and friends of fascism

09.04.2024 - 15:26 [ ]

Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare

A copy of the „90-page psychological warfare manual“ produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for Nicaraguan rebels in the late 1970s or early 1980s

09.04.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

The Psyops Manual The CIA Gave To Nicaragua’s Contras Is Totally Bonkers


During the U.S. government‘s decade-long support of the Contra rebels who waged an armed campaign against Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista regime in the 1980s, the CIA funneled all manner of assistance to the anti-socialist “freedom fighters,” from training and financial assistance to covert operations. The original “advise and assist” mission was a disaster in retrospect, spurring all manner of human rights violations as well as the modern crack cocaine scourge. But the CIA aid program’s most fascinating product might be the batshit crazy psychological warfare manual cooked up for the Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries.

08.04.2024 - 17:31 [ / Mastodon ]

„[A]ll the States parties to the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 are under an obligation, while respecting the United Nations Charter and international law, to ensure compliance by lsrael with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention.“ Nicaragua cites an ICJ advisory opinion from 2004.

Document quoted: (pdf)

26.03.2024 - 20:50 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. allows U.N. cease-fire vote, but it’s too late for many in Gaza

We are already halfway through Ramadan, a month-long holy period marked by pronounced grief and suffering in the Palestinian territories. The Israeli campaign in Gaza has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians, including many women and children, forced the overwhelming majority of people in Gaza to flee their homes and plunged more than half of Gaza’s population into a de facto famine. Small children are dying of malnutrition in what U.N. officials describe to be the broadest and most severe food crisis in the world.

23.03.2024 - 17:34 [ ]

This Is Not ISIS – Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack

Simonyan explained that the perpetrators were chosen to carry out the attack in a manner that would allow the West to persuade the international community that ISIS was behind the attack.

“Basic sleight of hand. The level of a railway thimble-rigger,“ she added.“ It has nothing to do with ISIS. It‘s Ukrainians.“

She added that the enthusiasm displayed by Western media when they tried to persuade everyone that ISIS was responsible even before arrests were made gave them away completely.

“This is not ISIS. This is a well-coordinated team of several other, also widely known, abbreviations,“ Simonyan concluded.

21.03.2024 - 22:00 [ David Hearst / Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: Israel is dragging the US into a future regional war

Netanyahu’s game plan is now clear: prolong the war as long as possible; seal all the land borders, ending with Rafah; and make the sea the only escape route for Palestinians from Gaza.

Behind the hot words of condemnation, Biden and the EU have thus far played into his hands. The infrastructure for just such a plan is being built before our eyes, with Washington’s willing assistance. (…)

The plan for a maritime route to Gaza via Cyprus was initiated by Netanyahu, a senior diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post. “Netanyahu took the initiative to establish maritime humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, in collaboration with the Biden administration,” the source said.

The date when this happened is more important than the identity of the scheme’s author. According to this report, Netanyahu outlined his strategy to Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides on 31 October, just three weeks after the Hamas attack, and revisited the matter with Biden on 19 January.

In other words, the floating pier was not a reaction to impending famine. It was part of the planning that created it.

16.03.2024 - 20:46 [ Washington Post ]

Schumer said out loud what many of Israel’s friends are thinking

“I spent two months thinking about this and wrestling with it,” Schumer told me in an interview Friday. Far from being an attack on Israel, Schumer said, it was an attempt to shore up support for the Jewish state, particularly among young Americans who have known Israel only under Netanyahu’s leadership.

16.03.2024 - 20:33 [ New York Times ]

Biden Embraces Schumer’s Speech Castigating Netanyahu


But sometimes in Washington, the most telling indicator is not a public statement but the absence of one. Mr. Biden could have asked Mr. Schumer to hold back, so that he did not endanger the president’s future ability to deal with Mr. Netanyahu, with whom he now barely speaks. He could have said the United States should not express an opinion on the inner workings of Israel’s democratic processes. He did none of that.

Lawmakers and aides who have spoken with Mr. Biden in recent weeks say his anger at Mr. Netanyahu is now eating away at his reluctance to go public with his critiques.

14.03.2024 - 17:18 [ Middle East Eye ]

I sued the government over ‚extremism‘ and I know the game Gove is playing

The British public should realise that Muslim scapegoats today, much like the Jewish, Irish or Black scapegoats used by demagogues yesterday, are not their enemies

13.03.2024 - 21:00 [ +972 Magazine ]

Strangled by Israel for decades, Gaza’s future must begin with free movement

The catastrophic situation today must be understood within the context of Israel’s pre-October 7 policies, including vis-à-vis Palestinians’ freedom of movement between Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank. Over more than half a century, the violence of Israel’s ongoing occupation, repeated military assaults, and “separation policy” between Gaza and the West Bank have created a broken and bleeding stretch of land. These policies have manufactured and maintained a humanitarian disaster; separated Palestinians in Gaza from those in Israel and the West Bank; and promoted Israel’s illegitimate political and demographic objectives.

07.03.2024 - 19:59 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: “Hate Speech” und Kontrolle


Lüge, Betrug, Verrat, Vergewaltigung, Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Krieg, Genozid und deren strukturelle Manifestation durch Politik, Staat und Kapital zu hassen ist eine ganz normale menschliche Emotion. Sie kann allerdings genau dazu benutzt werden was sie bei Menschen normalerweise hervorruft.


Des Weiteren gibt die Akzeptanz des politischen, letztlich unweigerlich repressiven Begriff “Hate Speech” (Hass-Sprache) repressiven Organen die Option einer maximal perfiden und zynischen Dialektik: mehr Lüge, mehr Betrug, mehr Verrat, mehr Vergewaltigung, mehr Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung und Krieg gegen Ausgelieferte und Hilflose anzuwenden, mit der ganz normalen menschlichen Reaktion der Betroffenen zu rechnen, diese einzukalkulieren, sogar gezielt zu provozieren und diese dann als “hateful” zu bezeichnen und noch mehr entsprechende Maßnahmen gegen diese anzuwenden, da diese ja “hateful” seien, abnormal und gefährlich.

07.03.2024 - 18:42 [ ]

Is Netanyahu prolonging the Gaza war to cling to power?

“In short, the longer he’s embroiled in war, the longer he can put off some kind of domestic political shift,” Zonszein said.

Netanyahu is playing up the challenges of holding elections during wartime and has made dramatic assertions like: “Hamas and Hezbollah want Israel to go to early elections, it would be a victory for them”.

However, the majority of Israelis still believe that Netanyahu’s wartime decision-making is primarily motivated by political interests, according to an opinion poll conducted by the Israeli Channel 13.

05.03.2024 - 00:52 [ Libre Mind / ]

The New York Times doubts that Taurus missiles, if provided by Berlin to Kiev, will have any decisive value for Ukrainian troops. “It is far from clear that even if Germany provided Ukraine with Taurus missiles, as President Volodymyr Zelensky called for, this would be decisive in the conflict,” the publication says.

As an example, the publication notes that Germany’s decision to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine last year did not help the Ukrainian Armed Forces carry out a successful counter-offensive.

The NYT writes that “at best, Germany has about 100 Taurus missiles.”

What Ukraine needs most, U.S. officials say, is old-fashioned artillery shells to counter slow Russian territorial advances, as well as air defense against missile and drone attacks.

20.02.2024 - 10:25 [ Molly Quell, International law for @CourthouseNews / Twitter ]

Reichler says that only Fiji and the US have argued in favour of the occupation.


20.02.2024 - 08:28 [ Middle East Eye ]

Explained: ICJ begins historic hearings on Israel‘s occupation of Palestine

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague began hearing submissions on Monday on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Separate to the more well-publicised genocide case brought by South Africa on Israel‘s attack on the Gaza Strip, the UN‘s highest court will hear from 52 countries and three international organisations on the legal consequences of Israel’s decades-long occupation. The hearings will contribute to an advisory opinion, an ICJ instrument that has no binding force but carries significant legal and moral authority.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest in any case since the ICJ‘s establishment in 1945.

18.02.2024 - 11:30 [ ]

Threads, Bluesky und Mastodon: Die Chance ist jetzt

Von sozialen Netzwerken und einer digitalen Öffentlichkeit erhoffe ich mir aktuelle Informationen aller Art, nicht nur als Journalist. Ich möchte wissen, was Politiker:innen schreiben, was Regierungen verlautbaren, was NGOs veröffentlichen und was spannende Menschen zu sagen haben. Ich möchte mir selbst ein weitverteiltes Informationsnetzwerk zusammenstellen, (…)

Wenn ich diesen Wunsch nach einem globalen Netzwerk im Mastodon-Umfeld äußere, sind die Reaktionen oft ablehnend bis aggressiv. Ich bekomme Dinge wie „Geh doch zu Twitter“ an den Kopf geworfen. Oder: „Ihr mit euren kurzfristigen, journalistischen Bedürfnissen!“, „Ihr wollt doch nur Aufmerksamkeit“, „Ihr mit Eurer Twitter-Kultur“, „Wir machen das hier aber anders und ihr müsst euch anpassen“.

Das macht mich wütend.

17.02.2024 - 21:30 [ HalalFlow / Twitter ]

„That even Haaretz could casually publish this appalling, repellent trash speaks to just how thoroughly Palestinians have been dehumanized.“ @krystalball on Haaretz‘s piece glamorizing IDF cooking in Gazan ethnically cleansed kitchens using their ingredients

17.02.2024 - 09:30 [ Noura Erakat, Human Rights attorney, Associate Prof / Twitter ]

If a single Jewish-Israeli child were pulled out from beneath a pile of rubble of what used to be her home & obliterated the rest of her family, not a single Western gov’t would not condemn it or try to blame “both sides”. Racism & colonialism explain this. They expect us to die.


17.02.2024 - 09:20 [ Noura Erakat, Human Rights attorney, Associate Prof / Twitter ]

Profoundly disappointing. @CIJ_ICJ affirms the severity of the harm endured by Palestinians & its promise 2 worsen but fails to add provisional measures. It simply doubles down on its measures ordered on 1/26. The sames ones that Israel has flagrantly violated for 2 weeks #Gaza

15.02.2024 - 09:52 [ Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor ]

South Africa’s request to ICJ to prevent an unprecedented massacre in Rafah is welcomed by Euro-Med Monitor

In its report on 10 February, Euro-Med Monitor stressed that 15 days after the ICJ ordered Israel to take all possible measures to prevent the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has maintained its rate of killing civilians, depriving them of their most basic human rights, besieging them, and starving them.

The human rights group reported that the Israeli army has killed over 1,864 Palestinians—including 690 children and 441 women—and injured over 2,933 more since the ICJ ruling, bringing the death toll of Israel’s genocidal war against the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023, to 35,880, including 13,880 children and 7,910 women.

Israel’s military has continued to bomb and destroy houses even after its military operations in the southern Gaza Strip were supposedly terminated a few weeks ago, stated the rights group. The Israeli army has blown up at least 43 residential squares since the ICJ ruling, with each square containing between 20 to 50 houses, mainly in the Strip’s southern area of Khan Yunis.

13.02.2024 - 17:14 [ Heidi Bachram / Twitter ]

The women who put images of paragliders on themselves during pro-Palestinian protests were defended in court by an ex-Guardian journalist. Apparently they were just cultural references to freedom. How stupid do they think we are?

11.02.2024 - 21:34 [ Tichys Einblick ]

Immer radikaler und brachialer – zieht Berlin nach Weimar um?

Die Weimarer Republik ist als Demokratie gescheitert, weil ihr Demokraten fehlten. Die Berliner Republik droht daran zu scheitern, dass selbsternannte Demokraten die Demokratie zerstören. Zunehmend aber gibt es ein wachsendes Unbehagen auch bei Linken über den Versuch des Abbaus der Demokratie.

09.02.2024 - 20:49 [ Middle East Eye ]

Biden and Starmer will pay a heavy price for supporting Israel‘s war in Gaza

We can be sure of one thing. History is going to be a much harsher judge of those political leaders who justified and tolerated the ethnic cleansing now going on in Gaza.

Biden and Starmer’s refusal to call for a ceasefire and their refusal to back the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israel should take steps to comply with the Genocide Convention, will produce an indelible stain on their careers.

Neither man sees the danger they are in over Gaza. But then neither did Bush or Blair when they invaded Iraq.

08.02.2024 - 22:02 [ Middle East Eye ]

Pakistan elections are a sham without Imran Khan

It is election day in Pakistan. But in the world’s fifth largest democracy, people are not able to vote for the most popular leader, former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who cannot contest elections after having been disbarred. Khan will spend today – and potentially 14 more years – in jail. So how did the situation get so bad and what lies ahead?

Khan and his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), are leading in opinion surveys, but their electoral symbol has been banned, and observers are predicting that the vote will be a fait accompli for former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N).

07.02.2024 - 13:30 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: A strategic blunder to hasten US decline

This Palestinian paradox – military defeat and political victory – is not unusual in the history of liberation struggles. The Vietnamese Tet offensive of 1968 was a military failure, but it is widely agreed that it was a political turning point which left the US unable to rally support for the war as it had done before.

In South Africa’s long struggle against apartheid, at least two defeats, the Sharpeville massacre of 1960 and the Soweto uprising of 1976, so exposed the white nationalist regime that it never rebuilt the pre-existing levels of support that it had enjoyed.

None of these cases were final victories. Those took longer to achieve, and much more blood was spilt before liberation.

The Vietnamese lost three million souls compared to 55,000 US casualties before the war ended.

05.02.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Democratic and Republican elites fear RFK Jr.’s growing path to victory

As noted on the Archives website: “The House of Representatives elects the President from the three (3) Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes …”

Now, we come back to that magic number: 34.

If Kennedy were to get 34 percent of the vote, there would be a great deal of pressure on the House of Representatives to “do the right thing.”

“Impossible” yet again?

I give you Donald J. Trump being elected our 45th president in 2016 as evidence as to why such a scenario is entirely possible.

30.01.2024 - 06:45 [ Ray McGovern, Former Intelligence Analyst/Activist/Justice person / Twitter ]

Do we now have ISRAELI FALSE FLAG ATTACK killing US troops? It’s “Iran-backed” MSM says. Biden: we already “know” that; “while we are still gathering the facts.” Neocons/Israel lust to get US atk on Iran. CENTCOM lied threw its teeth under then Gen. Austin


30.01.2024 - 06:33 [ Peter Cronau, investigative journalist, @ASecretAustral1 / Twitter ]

Dear Western media, please make a call to Amman to verify and include in all your reports this relevant detail — and put it in your headline. Jordan says ‘was not in Jordan’.


29.01.2024 - 09:27 [ ]

Arrogance and fabrication after Iranian „rocket night“ on Erbil

Despite more than a week passing since the unexpected Iranian attack, with its timing, circumstances, and justifications, Iranian officials persist in claiming that the long-range missiles launched at civilian areas in Erbil were targeting „Mossad sites.“ However, Tehran has not provided any evidence or arguments to support this claim to either the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) or the Iraqi government.

The „escaping forward“ policy pursued by Iranian officials regarding the attack on Erbil amounts to an implicit admission of the invalidity of their justifications and the failure of the missile aggression itself.

28.01.2024 - 10:30 [ Fabio De Masi ]

Wer steckt hinter dem Geheimdienstnetzwerk um Jan Marsalek?

Die Staatsanwaltschaft stellte jedoch keinen Haftbefehl gegen Marsalek aus, obwohl unmittelbare Flucht- und Verdunkelungsgefahr bestand, sondern ließ ihn am 19. Juni 2020 in Begleitung mindestens eines österreichischen Verfassungsschützers seelenruhig aus Deutschland herausspazieren. Sein Anwalt, der kürzlich dem Landgericht München einen angeblichen Brief von Jan Marsalek übermittelte, versicherte, Marsalek wolle das Geld nur auf den Philippinen „suchen“. Die Ermittlungen gegen den Fluchthelfer von Herrn Marsalek vom Verfassungsschutz wurden später eingestellt, da dieser ja nur „Reisehelfer“ gewesen sei. Schließlich habe zum Zeitpunkt der Flucht kein Haftbefehl gegen Marsalek vorgelegen. Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt.

27.01.2024 - 22:41 [ Craig Murray / Twitter ]

UNRWA employs 30,000 people. Israeli intelligence claims 12 were involved in the 7 October attack. That‘s 0.04% Biden, Trudeau, Albanese and Meloni immediately move to accelerate genocide by collective punishment, cutting desperately needed relief aid. It is beyond belief.

Replying to @CraigMurrayOrg
Let‘s be honest. We all know how reliable „Israeli intelligence“ is its just another pathetic way of deflecting and giving the UN/UNRWA less credibility due to their witness statements read out yesterday.

Yes. I assume this was planned in advance including with the neoliberal states who leapt in.

Replying to @CraigMurrayOrg
The 12 have also been sacked

Sacked before the investigation. It is disgraceful.

27.01.2024 - 08:22 [ Middle East ]

War on Gaza: Palestinians are starving. Airdropping of aid must begin immediately

We have seen France and Jordan dropping in several tons of medical aid for the hospitals unable to cope with the endless conveyor belt of maimed and dying civilians.

If the world’s cries for a level of humanitarian aid to reach the people via land borders are still ignored, then the world has a responsibility to get even more support to the people by any means necessary. If they will not let us help by land or sea, then we must try by air.

27.01.2024 - 07:35 [ Middle East Eye ]

How the ICJ ruling could finally break Israel‘s siege of Gaza

Friday’s ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) drives something bigger and more powerful than a D9 bulldozer through the western position supporting Israel’s blitzkrieg on Gaza, which has continued for nearly four months.

The ruling establishes that what is going on in Gaza is not a war aimed at disabling an enemy militant group, but an operation aimed at disabling a people, and a nation. There can be no more momentous legal judgement in the history of the conflict, certainly in the current century.

This judgement reestablishes the morality, impartiality and standing of international law, and will show the impunity that Israel has been granted by its major arms suppliers and backers for what it is: a license to kill.

27.01.2024 - 06:11 [ Atlantic Council ]

Experts react: What the International Court of Justice said (and didn’t say) in the genocide case against Israel

Click to jump to an expert analysis:

Celeste Kmiotek: The ICJ puts the countries supporting Israel on notice

Thomas S. Warrick: A blow to the argument that death and destruction are sufficient to establish genocide

Tuqa Nusairat: The ruling shows how isolated the US is in its support of Israel

Shalom Lipner: The ruling is unlikely to change Israel’s warfighting or narrative

Elise Baker: Israel’s continued failure to ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza risks genocide

Gissou Nia: The ICJ’s decision pushes talk about ‘genocide’ from the rhetorical to the factual and legal

Lisandra Novo: The ICJ’s order to preserve evidence could impact war crimes cases elsewhere

Alexander Tripp: South Africa is putting its ideals on the world stage

Alyssa T. Yamamoto: The ICJ embraces another case brought by a state not directly affected by violations

Akila Radhakrishnan: It didn’t call for a cease-fire, but the ICJ did rule that Israel must drastically curtail its operations

Rayhan Asat: This case could have implications for a future genocide case against China

26.01.2024 - 15:31 [ Mai El-Sadany, Human Rights Lawyer / Twitter ]

@CIJ_ICJ stopped short of calling for a ceasefire, which many hoped for. However, for ICJ to order Israel not to commit genocide is a step that has the potential to mobilize support for a ceasefire + to add serious weight to calls made by states, aid agencies, activists. (3)

@CIJ_ICJ‘s decision puts Israel on notice on the global stage. It‘s a binding order that is relevant to every single action Israel takes in Gaza from here on out. It‘s context that every journalist, CSO, advocate, state, and aid agency should be citing to going forward. (4)

Could the @CIJ_ICJ have done more? Absolutely. Could it have done less? Also yes.

But the strength and impact of these provisional measures will be about how we use them and how we fold them into what‘s next — politically, legally, and in advocacy. (5)

But today isn‘t just about the provisional measures issued by @CIJ_ICJ, it‘s about the fact that the court described what was happening to the people of Gaza in plain terms. It cited to Israeli official statements dehumanizing Palestinians + justifying its behavior. (6)

In the face of erasure, misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda for over +100 days, the world‘s highest court today, @CIJ_ICJ, created a platform for historical record to be preserved and for Palestinian lived experiences to be platformed.

24.01.2024 - 13:00 [ ]

Iraq: A favored battleground for Tehran and Washington

The dual rebukes of Iran and the US underscore the tightrope Baghdad is walking as the war in Gaza seeps out beyond the besieged Mediterranean enclave’s borders.

Across the region, Tehran and Washington are flexing their muscles, vying to outflank each other in a deadly proxy war. The shadowy conflict has taken on different flavours that reflect local and geopolitical realities.

23.01.2024 - 10:55 [ Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer ]

DB schürt weiterhin den Tarifkonflikt: GDL erläutert Hintergründe der Tarifauseinandersetzung

Die Weltsicht der DB ist an Arroganz nicht zu überbieten. Laut Staatskonzern sind die Arbeitgeber der Wettbewerbsunternehmen, welche bisher mit der GDL verhandelt haben und entsprechende Abschlüsse erzielten, Schwächlinge, die vor einer Gewerkschaft einknicken, keine ausreichenden Gelder zur Verfügung haben, und deshalb klein beigeben müssen. Weil sie über zu wenig Geld verfügen und nicht bereit sind, höhere Summen für Verluste in einer Tarifauseinandersetzung hinzunehmen, sind sie aus Sicht der DB AG nicht repräsentativ!

Da die Führungskräfte der DB AG über Macht, Einfluss, Geld und alle Verbindungen zu den Entscheidungsträgern, wie etwa zum Eigentümer Bund, Landesregierungen und/oder auch Aufgabenträgern verfügen, wähnen sie sich in Sicherheit, glauben an ihre Mission und lassen den Tarifkonflikt mit der GDL absichtlich und im vollen Bewusstsein immer weiter eskalieren.

Es kostet die Manager rein gar nichts, denn es ist niemals ihr Geld oder gar ihr Eigentum, es ist immer das Geld der anderen – der Steuerzahler, welches ausgegeben wird. Das befreit das Management der DB AG, denn deshalb sind die entstehenden Kosten in einer Auseinandersetzung mit der DB AG die schönste Nebensache der Welt.

22.01.2024 - 11:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza war: Why did Arab states not join South Africa‘s case against Israel in the ICJ?

All Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have issued many statements condemning Israel‘s assault on Gaza, but they did not take any further action. Saudi Arabia and the Arab League waited for more than a month of onslaught in Gaza to hold a summit in Riyadh to discuss the issue.

The summit decided to break the siege and blockade, but Arab countries never turned this resolution into action. Instead, Egypt obeyed Israeli commands and refused to give access to move injured civilians for treatment outside of Gaza unless Israel approved their names.

20.01.2024 - 06:30 [ ]

War on Gaza: Arab despots‘ failure to stand up to Israel could fuel an explosion

But something else is happening that is just as important: Palestine is being officially defended by the Global South. South Africa has taken the lead by launching the case for genocide at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

Palestine, at the same time, is reemerging as a global cause, just as was the case in the fight against apartheid in South Africa. The composition of South Africa’s team of lawyers says it all: multi-ethnic, male, female, Irish, British, South African. There was no Palestinian officially with them in the group. And yet, a day after the hearing ended, there were massive demonstrations in 45 countries – but not in Egypt, Saudi Arabia or even Algeria.

17.01.2024 - 22:37 [ nd.Aktuell / Twitter ]

Israelische Truppen rücken zum Al-Nasser-Krankenhaus in Khan Junis vor. Für diese Panzer will die Bundesregierung nun Munition liefern und wird dadurch mitverantwortlich für alle Verbrechen, die Israel im #Gazakrieg begeht, meint @matthimon.


12.01.2024 - 14:05 [ Jeremy Corbyn / Twitter ]

Military action in Yemen by the UK & US government is a reckless act of escalation that will only cause more death and suffering. It is utterly disgraceful that Parliament has not even been consulted.

When will we learn from our mistakes and realise that war is not the answer?

11.01.2024 - 18:19 [ Matt Kennard, co-founder/investigations @DeclassifiedUK / Twitter ]

The empire has never been more exposed. The media has never been more exposed. The door is now ajar. We have to kick it in.

11.01.2024 - 16:13 [ Accountability Archive / Twitter ]

We are all watching the legal proceedings at the ICJ with baited breath. Our collective humanity is on trial today. If South Africa manages to win its case, be prepared for many power holders to begin trying to cover up their complicity. We won‘t let them.

07.01.2024 - 19:12 [ Sevim Dağdelen, MdB, Mitglied des Bundestages / Twitter ]

„Impf-Gegner“, „Putin-Trolle“, „Kartoffel-Mob“ – es ist einfach unerträglich, wie alle, die mit der Regierungspolitik nicht einverstanden sind und deswegen auf die Straße gehen, wüst beschimpft und in die rechte Ecke geschoben werden, um legitimen Protest zu delegitimieren.

Nach den #Corona-Maßnahmenkritikern und den Befürwortern von #Diplomatie statt #Ukraine-Waffengeschenken sind jetzt die Bauern dran, die aus Existenznot gegen Steuererhöhungen protestieren, weil sie sich von den Ampel-Nebelkerzen beim #Agrardiesel nicht blenden lassen.

Wer wie die Bundesregierung meint, bei den anhaltenden Bauernprotesten in ganz Deutschland geht es nur um Agrardiesel und Kfz-Steuer, versteht nicht die existentiellen Nöte vieler landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe. Den #Bauern steht das Wasser bis zum Hals. Sie kämpfen um ihre Zukunft und dagegen, dass die #Ampel ihnen 1 Milliarde Euro wegnehmen will, während die Bundesregierung gleichzeitig Waffengeschenke für die Ukraine locker auf 8 Milliarden Euro in diesem Jahr verdoppelt.

Die halbe Rolle rückwärts der Ampel jetzt bei den geplanten Steuererhöhungen für die Bauern verfängt nicht. Die Landwirte fallen auf den Ablenkungsversuch ganz offensichtlich nicht herein.

Statt gesellschaftliche Spaltung durch Ausgrenzung und Ächtung der Regierungskritiker immer weiter zu forcieren, ist es an der Zeit, die fatale Ampel-Politik zu korrigieren, die mit hohen Energiepreisen infolge unsinniger Wirtschaftssanktionen Bürger belastet, Bauern ruiniert und Deutschland deindustrialisiert.

Es ist die Politik der Ampel, die Deutschland 2023 als einzige Industrienation in die #Rezession geführt hat; 2024 könnte die Wirtschaft bei uns weiter schrumpfen, so die düstere Prognose des Instituts der Deutschen Wirtschaft. Versicherungen rechnen mit zehntausenden Firmenpleiten.

Es ist die Politik der Ampel, die gerade Gering- und Normalverdiener in Deutschland 2024 durch Erhöhung von Steuern und Abgaben stark belastet. Millionen Haushalte müssen mit mehreren Hundert Euro Mehrkosten zurechtkommen.

Wir brauchen wieder eine Politik für wirtschaftliche Vernunft und soziale Gerechtigkeit, die die hart arbeitenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellt, in der Stadt wie auf dem Land, im Betrieb wie auf dem Bauernhof.
#Bauernprotest #Mistgabelmob

07.01.2024 - 08:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: The fate of global justice hangs on South Africa‘s ICJ case

These are words that any western leader allowing Israel to carry on with mass murder can ill afford to ignore.

The ICJ has agreed to hold a hearing next week to discuss South Africa’s request for an urgent ruling. No hearing at the World Court at the Hague is more pressing. The fate of that endangered species called international justice depends on it.

06.01.2024 - 05:36 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Let’s be clear. In a democracy, intelligence agencies are not supposed to interfere or “be active” in elections. They are supposed to be the servants of the people. They are not in charge. The people are in charge, and whoever they elect is the boss. #Kennedy24

06.01.2024 - 02:00 [ Consortium News ]

South Africa Emerges as Moral Giant on Gaza

The collective West will forever stand disgraced and exposed due to its blind support of Israel’s genocidal slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza since Oct. 7.

What passes for governance in Washington, Berlin, Paris, London et al. has forced us all to bear witness to infanticide, high crimes and war crimes without end these past few months. Said crimes have been committed not in the name of self-defence but rather in the name of ethno-nationalism, settler-colonialism and white supremacy.

06.01.2024 - 00:10 [ New York Times ]

America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism

Pro-Israel Democrats want to back a war to remove Hamas from Gaza. But increasingly, it looks as if America is underwriting a war to remove Gazans from Gaza. Experts in international law can debate whether the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza can be classified as genocidal, as South Africa is claiming at the International Court of Justice, or as some lesser type of war crime. But whatever you want to call attempts to “thin out” Gaza’s population — as the Hebrew newspaper Israel Hayom described an alleged Netanyahu proposal — the United States is implicated in them.

05.01.2024 - 00:00 [ ]

Tlaib Says Biden Admin ‚At Serious Risk‘ of ICC Prosecution

(Dec 11, 2023)

Legal experts and scholars have been warning since October that U.S. officials could be rendering themselves complicit in war crimes—and genocide—by continuing to arm the Israeli military as it wages indiscriminate war on the Gaza Strip.

Tlaib echoed that warning Monday, noting that the Biden administration has opted to „give weapons to a military that is very publicly and actively committing serious war crimes and crimes against humanity.“

04.01.2024 - 20:55 [ Islami Jamiat Talibat Pakistan, The only representative organization of female students in Pakistan / Twitter ]

This article by prolific journalist Sam Husseini was published on December 14, 2023. Since then, South Africa has invoked the Genocide Convention, and Malaysia has endorsed that application.


But we have yet to see any action from most of these states…..

04.01.2024 - 18:22 [ metacode / Twitter ]

Sam Husseini on the Patrick Henningsen Show… @21WIRE and @samhusseini with an update on the #SouthAfrica case submitted to the International Court of Justice (@TNTRadioLive)

04.01.2024 - 18:10 [ Sam Husseini / Twitter ]

Was interesting listening to Nasrallah today. He basically said international law is BS. We get what we get because we have weapons because the world refused to listen to us when we talked about what was right and wrong. If the ICJ doesn‘t do the right thing, Nasrallah will be right and the ICJ will have no legitimacy.

03.01.2024 - 08:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: OIC and Arab League must back South Africa‘s ICJ case on Israel

Beyond material progress and architectural marvels that rival ancient wonders, a truly progressive state is marked by its commitment to accountability and justice – a domain where some established democracies have faltered.

After enduring a harrowing 85 days of bombardment resulting in nearly 22,000 killed, including more than 8,000 children and 6,000 women, 1.9 million displaced and the collapse of the health infrastructure, South Africa, a signatory of the Genocide Convention has finally called upon the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to examine the crisis.

This long-awaited step reflects a crucial recognition of the international community‘s role in conflict resolution and human rights protection.

03.01.2024 - 08:35 [ Jacobin ]

South Africa Is Right to Invoke the Genocide Convention Against Israel’s War on Gaza

By the 1920s, Lemkin was formulating the concepts and laws that were articulated in his best-known book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (1944). His unpublished manuscripts reveal that he saw colonialism as an integral part of a world history of genocide.

Those manuscripts covered an extremely wide range of cases where European colonial powers were responsible for mass killing, from the Spanish conquest of the Americas in the sixteenth century and the slaughter of indigenous peoples in Australia and New Zealand to the German massacre of the Hereros in Namibia a few decades earlier.

02.01.2024 - 19:52 [ Haaretz ]

Decisive Majority of Israel‘s High Court Justices Declares Netanyahu‘s Judicial Coup Dead

The warnings against a razor-thin vote, which would tear the people apart in a time of war, turned out to be mendacious manipulation. Netanyahu is more interested in the next decision: the law preventing the attorney general from declaring him unfit for office

01.01.2024 - 20:09 [ Ido Benbaji / Twitter ]

1/After Bibi formed his 6th govt last year, justice minister Levin & coalition partners Ben-Gvir (convicted of support for a terror org) & Smotrich (called for Israel to wipe out a Palestinian town), advanced a series of bills intended to dismantle Israel‘s independent judiciary.

2/Each member of Bibi‘s govt has his own reasons to see the court‘s power diminished. The court will likely end up presiding over Bibi‘s corruption trial, as Bibi plans to appeal any conviction in a lower court, and wants to pack the bench with loyalists as an insurance policy.

31.12.2023 - 20:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel‘s war on Gaza encapsulates the entire history of European colonialism

In North and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa, European settler-colonialists have left behind the evidence of their psychotic genocidal practices.

The European transatlantic slave trade may have halved the population of Africa, some historians believe. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many African colonies were all built on the systematic extermination, displacement and internment of the original inhabitants.

In the Israeli settler-colonialism now on violent display in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, European colonialism is living up to its murderous infamy and has returned to the global stage with a vengeance.

For decades, scholars of European colonialism have been working hard to document, archive and connect these episodes of the premeditated mass murder of native people around the globe.

30.12.2023 - 21:26 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Expulsion is a war crime, not ‘the solution’ – opinion

The “day after” conversation is a hard one, not least due to radicalization in Palestinian society. But the way to de-radicalize Gaza is not to radicalize ourselves. And while a free society is obliged to hear out even extremist points of view, it is under no obligation to take those views seriously– especially when they are presented in such a fatuous, flippant, and feckless manner as the one proposed here.

30.12.2023 - 21:16 [ Justin Amash / Twitter ]

Congress, not the White House, is the legislative body of the United States. The Biden administration’s abuse of emergency authority to sell weapons to Israel—or any foreign country—is unrepresentative, irresponsible, and unethical.

30.12.2023 - 19:14 [ ]

International Villain of the Year: Benjamin Netanyahu and Mohammed Deif

Israel‘s Prime Minister and the commander of the military arm of Hamas stand out in the rogues‘ gallery for their blood-soaked acts of inhumanity.

29.12.2023 - 18:42 [ Howard Beckett, Socialist. Trade Unionist. Activist. / Twitter ]

21,507 Palestinians have now been murdered by Israel. Almost 9,000 children. Another 55,915 injured. In the past 24 hours alone 187 people murdered and 312 more injured. Not a single mention on the BBC website. Disgraceful. Don’t stop speaking about the genocide in Palestine.

26.12.2023 - 20:30 [ ]

Latest control of Maryinka ‚hardly break stalemate‘ of Russia-Ukraine war

Although some Western media view Russia‘s latest control of Maryinka in eastern Ukraine, which is a small town in the Donetsk region, as Moscow‘s „most significant battlefield gains since May,“ some Chinese experts believe that this single progress will not provide the means to break the military stalemate between the two sides that has persisted for nearly two years.

25.12.2023 - 22:22 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

The most infelicitous holiday message you will ever see: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu references „babies burnt alive“ in an apocalyptic admonition posing as a Christmas greeting #omg

25.12.2023 - 21:45 [ Haaretz ]

Biden and Netanyahu Hammer Out a War Deal: Israel Can Fight as Long as Gaza Gets Aid

Christmas has arrived and the IDF is still fighting on the ground in Gaza. The early forecasts in Washington, and to some extent in Jerusalem, were that the Biden administration would demand that Israel end the high-intensity phase of the ground offensive against Hamas by the close of the year …

25.12.2023 - 21:26 [ S.L. Kanthan / Twitter ]

The stalemate in Ukraine is a win for Russia, since the latter have captured and maintained huge swaths of land. But Israel having a stalemate in Gaza for the last two weeks is a tremendous embarrassment.

Hamas is “winning” against all odds — i.e., stopping IDF, causing significant casualties in Israeli troops, and preventing Israel from moving forward.

(Gaza map Dec 14 thru Dec 23 )

23.12.2023 - 22:36 [ Newsweek ]

It‘s Becoming Clear. Israel Could Cost Joe Biden Re-Election

Now, a new poll by the New York Times/ Siena College has found that nearly 75 percent of a sample of young voters aged between 18 and 29 disapprove of how the Democrat is handling the conflict. The same proportion believe Israel isn‘t doing enough to prevent civilian casualties in Gaza and 44 percent said Israel should end its military campaign even if Hamas is not defeated, to 39 percent who said it should continue.

It also found that 27 percent of young people sympathize with Israel while 47 percent sympathize with Palestinians.

22.12.2023 - 22:12 [ jeremy scahill / Twitter ]

This was a pernicious lie that was promoted by Biden and his administration to justify Israel’s attacking of hospitals. Those of us who warned that this was a lie at the time were accused of being Hamas propagandists.

20.12.2023 - 21:13 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

Over 60% of the infrastructure in #Gaza has been destroyed or damaged. More than 90% of the Gazan population have been displaced. This is a staggering and unprecedented level of destruction and forced displacement, taking place in front of our eyes.

20.12.2023 - 16:10 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

After 2016 — first Brexit, then Trump‘s win — Western elites decided populations could no longer be trusted with basic freedoms: they choose and think wrong. That‘s what led to the censorship/“disinformation“ regime. Now they‘re barring the leading candidate from running:

Imagine if Biden wins with Trump banned or jailed: US sermons about „democracy,“ or condemning Putin imprisoning Navalny, will be seen as an even bigger joke than now.

One of the West‘s key dissidents (Assange) is jailed. They censor dissent. Now they‘re trying to ban Trump.

It‘s always been a huge propagandistic mystery that the US media succeeds in convincing Americans that the US Govt defends freedom as it props up the worst dictators (Saudi, Egypt, etc.).

They‘re now escalating it in desperation: first after 2016, now seeing Trump/Biden polls.

Fear of free populations is a global trend. In Brazil, they imprisoned Lula in 2018 when leading all polls, then banned Bolsonaro from running.

In Pakistan, CIA engineered removal and imprisonment of Imran Khan.

All Western countries are increasing online speech controls.

20.12.2023 - 14:59 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

I’m not a Trump supporter (if I were, I wouldn’t be running against him!) But I want to beat him in a fair election, not because he was kicked off the ballot. Let the voters choose, not the courts!

20.12.2023 - 12:25 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Präsident Biden und der Nahostkrieg – wofür steht der US-Präsident wirklich?

Olivia Dalton, eine Sprecherin des Weißen Hauses, fasste die Position der US-Regierung im Nahostkrieg am 5. Dezember 2023 auf einem Flug in der Präsidentenmaschine Air Force One nach Boston wie folgt zusammen: „Israel hat laut und klar unsere Erwartungen gehört, internationales Recht und die Regeln des Kriegsrechts zu beachten und alle möglichen Vorkehrungen zu treffen, um die Zahl der zivilen Opfer in ihrem Krieg gegen die Hamas zu minimieren.“

Es stellt sich die Frage, ob der US-Präsident wirklich einen Beitrag dazu leistet, dass Israel diese Position der US-Regierung tatsächlich umsetzt, oder ob es sich seinerseits letztlich nur um „stramme Sprüche“ handelt, die Israel ungestraft ignorieren kann, wie Sarah Leah Whitson von der Gruppe „Democracy for the Arab World now“ es auf den Punkt bringt: „Letztlich wird Israel sich nur darum kümmern, was die Biden-Administration aktuell tut, nicht das, was sie nur sagt.“

18.12.2023 - 18:02 [ UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) ]

Chile: Operation Condor judgment major win for accountability – Türk

GENEVA (15 December 2023) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today hailed Chile’s Supreme Court judgement on Operation Condor – a notorious campaign coordinated among South America’s dictatorships in the 70s and 80s to persecute political opponents and dissidents – as a major step towards accountability for thousands of victims.

The former dictatorships in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay implemented Operation Condor to search for, persecute, torture, summarily kill and forcibly disappear people perceived as dissidents across the region. They used a myriad of tactics to eliminate them, including throwing people out of aeroplanes and helicopters.

On 14 December, in a unanimous ruling, Chile’s Supreme Court confirmed the convictions of 22 agents of the dissolved Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) for the kidnappings and qualified homicides of some victims of the Operation Condor, and ordered reparation measures.

17.12.2023 - 21:00 [ Ibrahim Zabad / Twitter ]

Could it be the nature of the international system that is still dominated by the US and its Western allies and its third world cronies? Could it be that those countries that could invoke the Genocide Convention are scared of the US and the price they might incur? But if so, why wouldn‘t Russia or Venezuela or Iran or….invoke the #genocide convention or the #responsibility to protect? Any explanation?

15.12.2023 - 11:00 [ MSNBC ]

Rift emerges as U.S. urges Israel to scale down war in Gaza

Journalist Noga Tarnopolsky joins MSNBC‘s Ali Velshi to discuss the “fissures” emerging as the U.S. pushes Israel to transition to a new phase of the war with Hamas amid a worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, both with the U.S. and inside Israel, where Netanyahu is trying to gain support for his reelection and avoid prosecution.

15.12.2023 - 10:33 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Boom: US gives Israel 2 more weeks for Gaza campaign

12.12.2023 - 09:50 [ Common Dreams ]

United Nations Honor, United States Shame in Gaza

There is a larger and far more important point. Hamas can be demobilized through diplomacy, and only through diplomacy. Israel and the United States need finally to abide by international law, accept a sovereign state of Palestine alongside Israel, and welcome Palestine as the 194th member state of the UN. The US needs to stop arming the Israeli operation of ethnic cleansing in Gaza and stop protecting Israel’s rampant violations of basic human rights in the West Bank. Fifty-six years after its illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, and after decades of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, Israel needs finally to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian lands.

11.12.2023 - 16:18 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Police’s Silencing of Hadash Is an Alarming Phase in the Erosion of Democracy, “Haaretz”

“Police’s silencing of Arab-Jewish Hadash front is an alarming phase in the erosion of Israeli democracy,” according today’s (Dec. 10) Haaretz editorial. “The attempt by the Israel Police to prevent a conference by the left-wing Arab and Jewish Hadash front scheduled for next Saturday in Shfaram shows that under the cover of the war, the ‘temporary’ violation of basic rights threatens to become permanent. Israeli Police are trying to prevent a Hadash national convention scheduled for Saturday, December 16, claiming that it would feature ‘inciting speeches that would endanger the public’s well-being.‘”

11.12.2023 - 13:18 [ Mustafa Barghouti, Presidential candidate 2005, Founder and Leader of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI) / Twitter ]

This Palestinian woman lost 8 of her children in an Israeli bombardment of Al maghazi refugee camp in Gaza. She is crying and says they were killed while they were hungry because of lack of food. Who can justify killing 8 children of the same family in one airstrike?

10.12.2023 - 12:00 [ Muhammad Shehada / Twitter ]

Identity Confirmed: Munir Qeshta al-Masry, a small business owner of an aluminium workshop in Beit Lahia. NEVER a Hamas member!

This is depraved on many levels; forcing civilians to strip & stand almost completely naked at gun point & filming/posting this for a victory image

2\ The IDF appears to have done TWO takes of Munir’s video, forcing him to walk forward TWICE with a rifle in the air towards them as the rest of the crowd were forced to stand frightened with their arms & IDs up, fearing to be sprayed with bullets had they made one wrong move!

10.12.2023 - 11:50 [ Ramy Abdu| رامي عبد / Twitter ]

Israeli propaganda fail, take 100 The Israeli colonial forces are sharing a video where the so-called Hamas fighters are handing over their guns. After the civilians being stripped naked of course, but still with their guns in their hands!

Meanwhile, an Israeli soldier is yelling at them in Arabic: “Khabibi, grab the gun I gave you, but don’t shoot it, we don’t want trouble and march slowly carrying it and put it on the other side on the ground”.

The man forced to carry the gun is Moin Qeshta Al-Masry, owner of an aluminum workshop, who fled to Al-Khalifa school in Beit Lahya, from where he was kidnapped with the others.

09.12.2023 - 12:50 [ Vanity Fair ]

A Batshit Number of Young Swing State Voters Think RFK Jr. Should Be President

As you’ve probably heard by now, a very scary poll released on Sunday shows Joe Biden losing the 2024 election to the four-time indicted insurrection enthusiast Donald Trump in five out of six major battleground states. That’s obviously a wildly disturbing prospect; it would be like asking someone if they’d like to catch a movie after work or have a rusty crowbar shoved up their ass, and then seeing them choosing the latter. But possibly even more surprising? How popular anti-vaxxer candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among voters.

09.12.2023 - 11:20 [ New York Times ]

The War in Gaza Is Splintering the Democratic Party

(November 17, 2023)

Already, there are signs that the party is fracturing over Israel. According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, about three-quarters of Democrats want a cease-fire, but few in the Democratic establishment share their views. Last week, in a rare gesture of defiance, more than 100 congressional staffers walked out to demand that their bosses back a cease-fire. More than 500 alumni of Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign and Democratic Party staff members have signed a letter imploring Biden to call for a cease-fire, saying, “If you fail to act swiftly, your legacy will be complicity in the face of genocide.”

09.12.2023 - 09:34 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Israelis have noticed this image from Gal Eizenkot‘s grave: One father standing over the coffin of his son killed in battle; another father who got underlings to illegally grant his toxic troll son a diplomatic passport when he returned from 9 sybaritic months on Miami Beach.

07.12.2023 - 10:39 [ Sam Husseini / Twitter ]

#InvokeGenocideConvention My latest — To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention

(November 19, 2023)

The ICC is a „puppet institution“. What‘s needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here‘s how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails.

Some of the greatest successes in recent human history have combined protest movements with strong diplomatic moves.

In February 1998, the Clinton administration seemed poised to inflict a massive attack on Iraq, but vocal opposition from the US public, especially at a CNN town hall meeting in Ohio, combined by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan going to Iraq, repelled the US government attack.

The following year, in the Battle of Seattle, combined protests in the streets and delegations from the global south finding their backbone resulted in the World Trade Organization’s plans collapsing. This was a major setback for global corporate interests.

There is now effectively a global movement, largely based around mass protests, to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

Several countries, including South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, Djibouti as well as Colombia and Algeria and Turkey have moved for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials.

The problem is that ICC has been dragging its heels for years on prosecuting Israelis. It has been called a “white man’s court” after only going after Africans, and, after letting Israel off the hook during an earlier assault on Gaza, “a hoax”. Some of these nations have called Israel’s war crimes “genocide”. They should act on their words and invoke the relevant treaty. Other nations that have been especially critical of Israel are Pakistan, Brazil, Chile, Belize, Jordan, Chad, Honduras, Bahrain, Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba.

The International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, in contrast has ruled against Israel. But so far these rulings have been advisory opinions. It ruled against Israel in a case regarding its wall in 2004. In another case before it, is expected to rule against Israel’s long term policies.

But what can be done now, Prof. Francis Boyle, who successfully represented the Bosnians before the World Court, argues is to use emergency processes to give more teeth to the World Court. This can be done by invoking the Genocide Convention. This is outlined by Boyle, noted by UN whistleblower Craig Mokhiber, backed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, and written about by myself. And most recently by Craig Murray, now a human rights activist who was the British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee.

Murray just wrote the piece “Activating the Genocide Convention” which states: “There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice [also called the World Court] is required to adjudicate on ‘the responsibility of a State for genocide.‘”

Murray quotes from the Genocide Convention and cites evidence that Israel is conducting genocide and that the US and British governments are at minimum complicit in that. He then states: “The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it.

“If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians.

“It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. …

“I am afraid the question of why Palestine has not invoked the Genocide Convention takes us somewhere very dark. … It is Fatah who occupy the Palestinian seat at the United Nations, and the decision for Palestine to call into play the Genocide Convention lies with Mahmoud Abbas. It is more and more difficult daily to support Abbas. He seems extraordinarily passive, and the suspicion that he is more concerned with refighting the Palestinian civil war than with resisting the genocide is impossible to shake. By invoking the Genocide Convention he could put himself and Fatah back at the centre of the narrative. But he does nothing. I do not want to believe that corruption and a Blinken promise of inheriting Gaza are Mahmoud’s motivators. But at the moment, I cannot grab on to any other explanation to believe in.”

Thus speeches from Abbas and allied Palestinians figures should be viewed extremely skeptically. It is also very odd, to say the very least, that Francesca Albanese , Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, and other officials put out a statement “Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people” — but make no mention whatever of the Genocide Convention.

As Murray writes: “Any one of the 139 states party could invoke the Genocide Convention against Israel and its co-conspirators. Those states include Iran, Russia, Libya, Malaysia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Ireland, Iceland, Jordan, South Africa, Turkey and Qatar. But not one of these states has called out the genocide [by invoking the Convention]. Why?

“It is not because the Genocide Convention is a dead letter. It is not. It was invoked against Serbia by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICJ ruled against Serbia with regard to the massacre at Srebrenica.” Murray notes that this helped lead to prosecutions.

He adds: “Some states may simply not have thought of it. For Arab states in particular, the fact that Palestine itself has not invoked the Genocide Convention may provide an excuse. EU states can hide behind bloc unanimity.

“But I am afraid that the truth is that no state cares sufficiently about the thousands of Palestinian children already killed and thousands more who will shortly be killed, to introduce another factor of hostility in their relationship with the United States. Just as at [the recent] summit in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic countries could not agree [on] an oil and gas boycott of Israel, the truth is that those in power really do not care about a genocide in Gaza. They care about their own interests.

“It just needs one state to invoke the Genocide Convention and change the narrative and the international dynamic. That will only happen through the power of the people in pressing the idea on their governments. This is where everybody can do a little something to add to the pressure. Please do what you can.”

What can you do? Urge countries which have been critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Get groups and influential people to make this a primary ask.

Protests in NYC should include visits and vigils to the missions of those countries. Activists who have been arrested for protesting against Israel’s slaughter can ask UN officials from countries critical of Israel to invoke the Genocide Convention.

Palestinians in Ramallah may be able to directly contact the representatives of various countries to Palestine.

This can be done anywhere. Protests in London can respectfully appeal to the embassies of various countries critical of Israel.

We need to keep pressing directly against the US and Israeli governments, but their hearts are like stone. If we reach other states to invoke the Genocide Convention, it may be a key stop in curtailing the slaughter.

Moreover, it could be a turning point in global relations. Should a positive emergency ruling by the International Court of Justice be forthcoming, it would dramatically isolate the US and Israel at the UN. The US would of course try to block anything at the UN Security Council. But with a World Court ruling, Boyle argues, the stage would be set for the General Assembly to assert itself using the Uniting for Peace procedure. Combined with sustained protests, like the WTO and other critical confrontations, the costs of continuing the slaughter could become unsustainable. Moreover, a World Court ruling could facilitate other legal efforts, like universal jurisdiction.

For all that to happen, a country needs to step forward and invoke the Genocide Convention.

Make no mistake; any nation that does this may well be targeted in insidious ways by the US and by Israel. Any such nation should be afforded every bit of support people of goodwill can muster.

Here‘s a website that seems to list all the embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. People from anywhere can be emailing, calling and going to these embassies and missions, urging these countries to use every legal mechanism to pressure Israel to stop, including invoking the Genocide Convention:

A friend extracted emails of missions to the UN:


06.12.2023 - 05:20 [ Democracy Now ]

Gaza Death Toll Approaches 16,000 as Israel Intensifies Attacks and Lays Siege to Hospitals

The World Health Organization says the situation in Gaza is “worsening by the hour,” as Israel’s military lays siege to hospitals and intensifies its assault on areas it previously ordered civilians to flee to. The death toll from the Israeli bombardment is approaching 16,000 — with thousands more believed to be trapped under the rubble.

04.12.2023 - 07:36 [ Khalil Jahshan, My first rule, I don’t believe anything the government, any government, tells me! / Twitter ]

#Israel‘s military on Sunday ordered more areas in and around #Gaza‘s second-largest city of #Khan_Younis to evacuate, as it shifted its offensive to the #southern half of the territory.

28.11.2023 - 07:55 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

In the past days, the sound of war has quieted, giving millions of children and adults the chance to look to the sky without fear of rockets streaking their way. I add my support for this desperately needed respite in the conflict in #Gaza to continue.

(15 hours ago)

20.11.2023 - 06:50 [ Dylan Williams, Vice President for Government Affairs @CIPolicy / Twitter ]

Israel’s Intelligence Minister just wrote an op-ed advocating for the permanent displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and that other countries pay for it. That would be ethnic cleansing — a crime against humanity. @POTUS must ensure US aid and arms are not used in such crimes.

20.11.2023 - 06:31 [ / Twitter ]

The idea of expelling Arabs to other countries was once linked to far-right radicals, and thus considered anathema by most Israelis. Now, to the delight of extremists, the idea is gaining traction as a „moral“ solution to the war


20.11.2023 - 00:37 [ Israel Defense Forces (Parody) / Twitter ]

This looks like one of the entrances to the bunker we built in 1983.

17.11.2023 - 10:21 [ Robert Mackey / Twitter ]

Israeli spokesman @jconricus told BBC images of Israeli hostages found on laptops in Shifa hospital were taken after they were kidnapped on Oct 7. But in a now deleted video Conricus showed only one old photo of one hostage that was used in news reports.

16.11.2023 - 19:26 [ Zachary Foster / Twitter ]

„Back in 1983, when Israel still ruled Gaza, they built a secure underground operating room & tunnel network beneath Shifa hospital.“ This is why Israel is so certain it exists. But why did Israel build a military HQ under Gaza‘s largest hospital?

16.11.2023 - 19:18 [ WIkipedia ]

Al-Shifa Hospital: Architecture and Expansion

The hospital underwent a major Israeli renovation and expansion.[21][22] The project was designed by Israeli architects Gershon Tzapor and Benjamin Edelson in their Tel-Aviv office, both well experienced in the construction of high standard hospitals.[21] The project was done in the 1980s as part of a project to improve the living conditions of Gaza residents.[23]

This project came as part of the Israeli idea of mutual existence between Jews and Arabs. The project intended to house 900 beds in the entire campus, a 50 dunam area. The Israeli additions were considered to be in the same standard as those hospital wings in Israeli hospitals such as Tel HaShomer.[21] The architecture of the hospital came to reflect the modernist and post modernist trends in Israeli architecture.[21] In particular was the similarity of the project to existing Israeli hospitals such as the facades of the Bezalel building in Jerusalem.[22] Similarly to other Israeli projects, the building was built with sharpened diagonal staircases, akin to projects by Israeli architects Dan Eitan, Shlomit Nadler and others at the time.[22]

The architects also designed and built a large array of underground infrastructure, which the IDF later pointed to as part of the underground Hamas command in 2014 and in the 2023 Israel-Hamas war.[21][10][8][22] In particular, in 1983, the Israelis built „a secure underground operating room and tunnel network“ beneath Building 2 of the hospital.[