Archiv: no excuses! / keine Ausreden!

27.01.2024 - 08:22 [ Middle East ]

War on Gaza: Palestinians are starving. Airdropping of aid must begin immediately

We have seen France and Jordan dropping in several tons of medical aid for the hospitals unable to cope with the endless conveyor belt of maimed and dying civilians.

If the world’s cries for a level of humanitarian aid to reach the people via land borders are still ignored, then the world has a responsibility to get even more support to the people by any means necessary. If they will not let us help by land or sea, then we must try by air.

29.12.2023 - 19:10 [ UN News / Twitter ]

#UNGA Special Session: “Any life lost is a tragedy, there is no hierarchy of death” – Bob Rae, Canada Representative to the United Nations

(Oct 27, 2023)

27.12.2023 - 11:06 [ Trillions.News / Twitter ]

Replying to @antonioguterres: Then grant Palestine UN nationhood status and full membership as it has been asking for years. Do it now.

30.11.2023 - 15:08 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Algeria calls for a extraordinary UN session to vote on Palestine‘s membership

(September 20, 2023)

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune yesterday called for a special session of the UN Assembly to vote on granting Palestine full membership to the organisation.

In a speech, Tebboune told the 78th session of the UN General Assembly that Algeria renews its demand for holding an extraordinary General Assembly meeting to grant Palestine full membership into the UN.

21.11.2023 - 10:25 [ ]


21.11.2023 - 10:20 [ World Beyond War / Twitter ]

Take a stand for justice! Sign our #petition urging governments to invoke the #Genocide Convention and stop the war on #Gaza! Your signature can make a difference!

#warcrimes #PalestinianLivesMatter #Palestine

12.11.2023 - 05:30 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

„This has to stop!” Tanya Haj-Hassan, Co-founder of Gaza Medic Voices reacts strongly to news of the attacks on al-Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza


12.11.2023 - 03:30 [ World Medical Association ]


MY COLLEAGUES will be my brothers;

I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of religion, nationality, race, party
politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;

I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception; even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.

I MAKE THESE PROMISSES solemnly, freely and upon my honor.

06.11.2023 - 06:17 [ ]

Demand A Ceasefire In Gaza!

– Email Congress
– Sign The Petition
– Find A Protest Near You
– Phone Banks
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– Visit Your Rep‘s Office
– Donate: PCRF
– Doctors Without Borders

Call Your Member Of Congress


International Actions

– Canada: Contact MP
– UK: Contact MP
– Amnesty Petition
– Canada – Petition
– Oxfam Petition
– Find A Protest Near You
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– Toolkit

06.11.2023 - 03:11 [ @JordanUhl / Twitter ]

The civilian death toll in Gaza is now 9,770. At least 4,008 were children. The time for a ceasefire is now. Take action: #CeasefireNOW

01.11.2023 - 12:10 [ TIMES OF GAZA / Twitter ]

With death toll approaching 10,000, several graveyards in Gaza Strip fill up to their capacity and corpses are being collectively buried in mass graves wherever possible.

30.10.2023 - 21:17 [ United Nations / Youtube ]

Security Council – Western Sahara, Colombia & Israel-Palestine Crisis (3 Meetings) | United Nations

3) The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

30.10.2023 - 21:15 [ United Nations ]

UPDATING LIVE: UN Security Council to meet again on Gaza crisis

The emergency meeting was reportedly called for by the United Arab Emirates, the sole Arab nation on the 15-member Council, after Israel expanded its operations into Gaza over the weekend.

The head of the UN agency supporting Palestine refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, and a senior director from the Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Lisa Doughten (on behalf of relief chief Martin Griffiths), are expected to brief ambassadors, along with the head of the UN Children‘s Fund, Catherine Russell.

In a sign of civil order starting to break down in the ravaged enclave, UN-operated aid warehouses were raided this weekend by thousands of desperate people who took wheat flour, hygiene supplies and other basic survival goods.

Meanwhile, hospitals in northern Gaza are hanging on by a thread, according to humanitarians, amid “repeated evacuation orders” by Israeli forces. Medical staff working there and civilians seeking shelter have reportedly refused to leave, saying evacuation would mean death for patients on ventilators and in intensive care units.

On Friday, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favour to adopt a resolution on the crisis, calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities.”

30.10.2023 - 18:12 [ Security Council Report / Twitter ]

This afternoon (30 October), #UNSC members will hold an emergency briefing on #Israel/#Gaza, requested by @UAEMissionToUN and @Chinamisison2UN.

@UNRWA @UNLazzarini will brief.

30.10.2023 - 15:38 [ UN News / Twitter ]

#UNGA Special Session: “Any life lost is a tragedy, there is no hierarchy of death” – Bob Rae, Canada Representative to the United Nations

(Oct 27, 2023)

30.10.2023 - 15:26 [ Visegrád 24 / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.

He tells @BILD: …

30.10.2023 - 15:22 [ Piers Morgan Uncensored / Twitter ]

Ricarda Louk tells Piers Morgan that the video of her daughter Shani being taken by Hamas terrorists was sent to her eldest son: „He started crying and screaming…“ „It breaks you completely… how can this happen to me?“


30.10.2023 - 15:20 [ New York Post ]

German tattoo artist ID’d as woman paraded through streets by Hamas

(Oct. 8, 2023)

But another cousin spotted footage of Shani online as her body appeared lifeless and surrounded by armed militants in the back of the truck.

One Hamas fighter had his leg over her waist as another grabbed part of her dreadlocks.

Her legs were unnaturally laid out in the back of the truck.

Her parents watched the video to confirm it was their daughter, the Washington Post reported.

30.10.2023 - 14:36 [ Times of Israel ]

UN Security Council set to hold emergency meeting on Gaza war

The Gaza meeting will take place after the council meets first on Western Sahara and then on Colombia.

The General Assembly, where there are no vetoes, adopted a resolution Friday by a vote of 120-14 with 45 abstentions calling for humanitarian truces leading to a cessation of hostilities. Security Council resolutions are legally binding.

19.10.2023 - 09:35 [ United Nations ]

Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution


The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza. The failure by the Council to make its first public intervention on the Israel-Gaza crisis followed the rejection of a Russian-backed draft on Monday evening.

19.10.2023 - 09:15 [ @UN_News_Centre / Twitter ]

US vetoes Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza


Favor: 12 (Albania, Brazil, China, Ecuador, France, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland,UAE)
Against: 1 (US)
Abstain: 2 Russia, UK

19.10.2023 - 09:11 [ Nesma Allam / Twitter ]

Till now the aids don‘t arrive Gaza,rafah crossing is still closed , only the volunteers have set up tents and waiting for crossing


18.10.2023 - 14:55 [ Mohamed shohood / Twitter ]

A senior Egyptian official, in response to Netanyahu‘s statements about keeping the Rafah crossing closed, informed AlQahera News Channel that Egypt will not permit the evacuation of foreigners from the Gaza Strip.

18.10.2023 - 14:50 [ Eternal Glory / Twitter ]

Benjamin Netanyahu told Biden that he would never allow Egypt to open the Rafah border crossing and allow the aid to come in Gaza.

18.10.2023 - 14:42 [ AFP News Agency / Twitter ]

President Emmanuel Macron has urged Israel and Egypt to open a humanitarian corridor out of the besieged Gaza Strip via the Rafah crossing for French nationals, his office said Saturday.


18.10.2023 - 14:28 [ Chris Law MP / Twitter ]

„Can the Prime Minister please give his personal assurance that every single step is being taken to open the Rafah Crossing for both humanitarian aid and for UK nationals to flee?” The Prime Minister must do all he can to ensure that the border is opened.

18.10.2023 - 14:22 [ United Nations ]

Israel-Gaza: UN chief urges ceasefire, region ‘on the precipice’

Trucks carrying lifesaving aid remained lined up at the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt. In a post on social platform X on Wednesday, UN World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus deplored that WHO supplies have been “stuck” at the border for four days.

“Every second we wait to get medical aid in, we lose lives,” he said.

Relentless diplomatic efforts by senior UN officials in favour of humanitarian access were set to continue, with the organization’s relief chief Martin Griffiths on the ground in Cairo, where he will be joined by Secretary-General Guterres on Thursday.

18.10.2023 - 14:15 [ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization / Twitter ]

The situation in #Gaza is spiralling out of control. Every second we wait to get medical aid in, we lose lives. For 4 days @WHO supplies have been stuck at the border.

We need immediate access to start delivering life-saving supplies.

We need violence on all sides to stop.

18.10.2023 - 14:11 [ The Spectator Index / Twitter ]

BREAKING: World Health Organization says humanitarian aid has been held up at the Egyptian side of Rafah border crossing for four days

16.10.2023 - 21:53 [ Al Jazeera English / Twitter ]

“If we were Israelis would this happen to us?” This Palestinian American man waiting at the Rafah crossing has a message for US Secretary Antony Blinken

16.10.2023 - 21:45 [ Yousef Munayyer / Twitter ]

Israel bombs Rafah crossing again even as US government is trying to get its citizens out of Gaza through there and WHILE BLINKEN IS MEETING WITH THEM!!!

16.10.2023 - 20:00 [ NBC News ]

Israel-Hamas war live updates: Gaza-Egypt border closed to crowds fleeing potential ground attack

Civilians and foreign nationals are fleeing Gaza as Israel prepares for a potential ground assault, but safe passage has not been guaranteed.

16.10.2023 - 19:55 [ Gregg Carlstrom / Twitter ]

Still no progress on Rafah: „Cairo says….


16.10.2023 - 19:48 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

The Rafah crossing on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is still closed

Reuters writes that a small crowd has gathered there in the hope of getting out of Gaza. Arab media, in turn, report that on the Egyptian side there are a hundred trucks with humanitarian aid. Egyptian authorities assure that the crossing has not been closed – and the passage is impossible allegedly because of increased bombardment from Israel.

16.10.2023 - 10:15 [ Rashida Tlaib - unbossed Congresswoman. Detroiter, Palestinian American, Muslima / Twitter ]

I cannot believe I have to beg my country and colleagues to value every human life, no matter their faith or ethnicity.


19.08.2023 - 21:39 [ Times of Israel ]

Halutz slams opposition MKs amid talk of unity government with Netanyahu

Halutz then slams President Isaac Herzog for contributing “to the creation of the illusion that there is a possibility of resolving this crisis.”

“We are at the core of an unprecedented crisis of distrust between the majority of Israeli citizens and the leadership that governs us. Benjamin Netanyahu is not the solution, he is the problem,” Halutz adds.

04.08.2023 - 20:02 [ New York Times ]

Inside Saudi Arabia’s Global Push for Nuclear Power

(April 1, 2023)

For years, Saudi Arabia has pressed the United States to help it develop a nuclear energy program, as Saudi leaders look beyond oil to power their country.

But talks about a nuclear partnership have dragged on, largely because the Saudi government refuses to agree to conditions that are intended to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons or helping other nations do so, according to officials with knowledge of the discussions.

Frustrated Saudi officials are now exploring options to work with other countries, including China, Russia or a U.S. ally.

11.07.2023 - 20:14 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Examines Whether Saudi Nuclear Program Could Lead to Bomb Effort

(Aug. 5, 2020)

Last week, the House Intelligence Committee, led by Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, included a provision in the intelligence budget authorization bill requiring the administration to submit a report about Saudi efforts since 2015 to develop a nuclear program, a clear indication that the committee suspects that some undeclared nuclear activity is going on.

The report, the provision stated, should include an assessment of “the state of nuclear cooperation between Saudi Arabia and any other country other than the United States, such as the People’s Republic of China or the Russian Federation.”

08.06.2023 - 00:45 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Wer solche Künstler hat, braucht keine Mitläufer mehr

Man hätte diese Liste der „braven“ Künstler laut dem Artikel noch erheblich verlängern können: Unter dem Stichwort #impfenschuetzt hatten einige Veranstalter und Künstler dafür geworben, sich impfen zu lassen – mit dabei waren Bands wie Die Toten Hosen, Beatsteaks, Tocotronic, Element of Crime, Isolation Berlin und Silbermond, die mit der Beteiligung an der Kampagne auch die durch die Corona-Politik und die aggressive Impfkampagne hervorgerufenen gesellschaftlichen Verwerfungen indirekt gerechtfertigt haben.

Auch die Band Die Ärzte gliederte sich auf ihrer Webseite voll in die dominante offizielle Darstellung ein: In einer Band-Mitteilung sollte wohl eine Schockwirkung mit Formulierungen wie „qualvollem Ersticken“ erzielt werden, die „Zukunft der Kultur“ wurde vom Impf-Fortschritt abhängig gemacht, ebenso war das Impfen laut „Die Ärzte“ (ganz Regierungslinie) Voraussetzung für „normale Bedingungen“ und dafür, dass „das Leben weitergeht“.

30.04.2023 - 11:25 [ ]

Additional efforts taken toward Israeli-Saudi normalization


Washington is said to be examining demands put forth by Riyadh as conditions for normalization with Jerusalem, one of which is for a civilian nuclear program.

Despite the shocking recent rapprochement between long-time regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran, the prospect of normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia is progressing, Israel Hayom has learned.

30.04.2023 - 11:09 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Examines Whether Saudi Nuclear Program Could Lead to Bomb Effort

(Aug. 5, 2020)

Last week, the House Intelligence Committee, led by Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, included a provision in the intelligence budget authorization bill requiring the administration to submit a report about Saudi efforts since 2015 to develop a nuclear program, a clear indication that the committee suspects that some undeclared nuclear activity is going on.

The report, the provision stated, should include an assessment of “the state of nuclear cooperation between Saudi Arabia and any other country other than the United States, such as the People’s Republic of China or the Russian Federation.”

21.04.2023 - 11:00 [ The Kyiv Independent / Nitter ]

Zelensky said that he gave „straight messages“ through the diplomatic channels that he wanted to speak with China‘s leader Xi Jinping but didn‘t get a response. “I did not get a proposal from China to mediate. I didn’t get a proposal to meet,” he said.

(Mar 25, 2023)

26.03.2023 - 18:26 [ The Kyiv Independent / Nitter ]

Zelensky said that he gave „straight messages“ through the diplomatic channels that he wanted to speak with China‘s leader Xi Jinping but didn‘t get a response. “I did not get a proposal from China to mediate. I didn’t get a proposal to meet,” he said.

26.03.2023 - 18:20 [ Michael Bociurkiw / Nitter ]

Ukrainian President Zelensky said that he had signaled through diplomatic channels that he would like to talk to Chinese President Xi Jinping. “I did not receive an offer from China to mediate. I did not receive an offer to meet. I also gave a direct signal through diplomatic channels that I want to talk to the Chinese leader” – Ukrainska Pravda #ukraine

25.03.2023 - 08:32 [ ]

China’s Foreign Ministry avoids answering questions about Xi Jinping’s talks with Zelensky


China maintains communication with all interested parties regarding the „Ukrainian issue“.

This was stated by the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People‘s Republic of China, Mao Ning, during a briefing today, Censor.NET reports with reference to Ukrinform.

25.03.2023 - 08:18 [ @ferozwala / Nitter ]

Zelensky advisor flags obstacle to Xi talks Chinese President Xi Jinping & his Ukrainian counterpart Zelensky may hold negotiations but the preparatory work has stumbled into certain complications, Mikhail #Podoliak, a senior aide to the Ukrainian leader said

06.03.2023 - 03:59 [ ]

Generalversammlung: 3314 (XXIX). Definition der Aggression

Artikel 1

Aggression ist die Anwendung von Waffengewalt durch einen Staat, die gegen die Souveränität, die territoriale Unversehrtheit oder die politische Unabhängigkeit eines anderen Staates gerichtet oder sonst mit der Charta der Vereinten Nationen unvereinbar ist, wie in dieser Definition ausgeführt.

Erläuterung: Der Begriff „Staat“

a) wird in dieser Definition unabhängig von der Frage der Anerkennung und unabhängig davon verwendet, ob ein Staat Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen ist;
b) schließt in dieser Definition gegebenenfalls auch den Begriff „Gruppe von Staaten“ ein.

06.03.2023 - 03:48 [ ]

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly: 3314 (XXIX). Definition of Aggression

(14 December 1974)

Article 1

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.

Explanatory note: In this Definition the term „State“:

(a) Is used without prejudice to questions of recognition or to whether a State is a member of the United Nations;

(b) Includes the concept of a „group of States“ where appropriate.

06.03.2023 - 03:35 [ ]

United Nations Charter

The Charter of the United Nations is the founding document of the United Nations. It was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, and came into force on 24 October 1945.

01.03.2023 - 20:22 [ Jacob N. Kornbluh / Nitter ]

Inbox: J Street calls on the Biden admin to decline meetings with Israeli finance minister Smotrich on his visit to U.S. following his comments about wiping out the Palestinian village of Huwara. They suggest the remarks are also ground for re-examining the approval of his visa