Archiv: Joint List (dissolved) / Hadash-Ta´al list

07.03.2024 - 20:13 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash-Ta’al MKs Meet Jordan’s King, Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza


Three Hadash-Ta’al lawmakers met Monday, March 4, with Jordan’s King Abdullah amid concerns that the Muslim holy month of Ramadan could amplify tensions in occupied East Jerusalem stemming from the Israeli war in the Gaza Strip. MK Ayman Odeh, the head of the parliamentary Hadash-Ta’al alliance, MKs Ahmad Tibi and Youssef Atawneh traveled to Amman and asked the Jordanian monarch to pressure Israel to ensure freedom of worship at the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan and for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

23.10.2023 - 16:25 [ ]

Israeli politician who lost friends in Hamas attack calls for an end to the Gaza bombings

„I have to condemn totally, with no reservation, of course, the terrible slaughter that Hamas carried out against innocent civilians in the south of Israel. There was no justification for such a massacre,“ Cassif, a Jewish member of the Arab-Jewish opposition coalition Hadash-Ta‘al, told As It Happens host Nil Köksal.

„Having been saying that, there‘s no justification for the carnage that Israel carries out at the moment. Because those who are harmed, assaulted and killed [are] mostly innocent civilians.“

23.10.2023 - 16:00 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Israelis and Palestinians Should Live in Security and Peace, MK Cassif

“I have to condemn totally, with no reservation the terrible slaughter that Hamas carried out against innocent civilians in the south of Israel. There was no justification for such a massacre,” MK Ofer Cassif, (Hadash) told “As It Happens” host Nil Köksal broadcasted by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). “Having been saying that, there’s no justification for the carnage that Israel carries out at the moment. Because those who are harmed, assaulted and killed [are] mostly innocent civilians.” The following is an excerpt from his conversation with Köksal.

10.08.2023 - 14:20 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Knesset Okays ‘Sexual Terrorism’ Racist Law


Sponsored by a group of lawmakers led by MK Limor Son Har Melech, from the racist coalition faction Otzma Yehudit, and MK Yulia Malinovsky from right-wing opposition party Yisrael Beytenu, the new law marked a rare case of cross-Knesset alignment and passed 39 to 7 on its final reading.

Sharp criticism of the law quickly came in from Hadash-Ta’al lawmakers and Israel’s rape crisis center umbrella organization, with both alleging the law improperly creates a ranking of the severity of such crimes. Hadash-Ta’al MK Aida Touma-Sliman, a former head of the Knesset’s Women’s Status Committee, told the Knesset: “Do not punish according to hierarchies and classifications.” “Shame on these laws,” she continued, tweeting after the law passed, “Don’t promote racism on the backs of victims!”

20.06.2023 - 16:50 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Poll Shows Far-Right Likud-led Coalition Down 10 Seats and Losing Majority

The results of the Channel 12 survey give the current 64-seat coalition just 54 seats, while the former government gets 61, with Hadash Ta’al taking the remaining five. The drop is more dramatic in the Channel 13 survey, which has the current coalition at 50 seats, the former government at 61, and six to Hadash-Ta’al.

12.05.2023 - 20:40 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Protests in Israel Oppose Deadly Gaza Escalation


Hundreds, among them Hadash and Communist Party activists, gathered opposite the headquarters of the Israeli army in central Tel Aviv on Wednesday evening, May 10, 2023, to rally against the military escalation in Gaza. (Photo: Zo Haderech)

At the same time, MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash-Ta’al) decried at the Knesset plenum the “massacre in Gaza,” saying that it was aimed solely at “keeping the party of racist filth in the government” — a reference to Ben Gvir and his far-right Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party.

02.04.2023 - 16:07 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Thousands Rally Against Forming Fascist Ben Gvir-led National Guard


Addressing the protest, the head of the Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary faction likened the National Guard to “the brown shirts” of the Nazi paramilitary, “or the yellow shirts,” MK Ayman Odeh said in reference to the color included in the logo of several Israeli nationalist groups, including the Jewish supremacist Kach movement that Ben Gvir was active in as a teen. Kach was founded by the late extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, who Ben Gvir and other members of his Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party have described themselves as disciples of. “We won’t allow you to form fascist militias in the service of Kahanism,” Odeh said at the protest.

11.01.2023 - 16:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash-Ta’al Chair Odeh Accuses Lapid of Constantly Lying

Hadash-Ta’al MK Ayman Odeh accuses liberal opposition leader MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) of “constantly lying,” pointing to comments he made earlier today saying the Arab-Jewish list is working together with Likud. “He knows that it doesn’t have a grain of truth, that it’s all lies,” Odeh says Monday at a faction meeting in the Knesset of the Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary faction. “You didn’t succeed in leading your camp in the election, you’re not succeeding in leading the opposition,” Odeh says to Lapid. “You got used to the ‘nice Arab,” therefore it’s hard for you to deal with Arabs with a backbone.”

19.12.2022 - 03:04 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

As a Dangerous Government Takes Over Israel, Top Hadash Leader See an Opportunity


“At times like these, we must see the silver lining from an unfortunate situation. There is a new horizon we haven’t seen before,” said Odeh, speaking with Haaretz in his Washington hotel suite ahead of addressing J Street’s annual conference last week. Odeh said he began discussing such a renewal with figures in Meretz and Labor immediately after the election and promised that “in the next few months, the level of Jewish-Arab partnership will grow immensely.”

19.12.2022 - 02:55 [ J Street / YouTube ]

‚I am worried for my own children‘ | Hadash Leader Ayman Odeh Addresses #JStreet2


„It is not despite these challenges, but because of them, that I have not given up.“

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy advocates.

04.11.2022 - 09:56 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Odeh: Our Public Will Stand Firm Against Fascism and Racism.

While the pro-Netanyahu bloc is slated to expand to 65 seats in the Knesset following yesterday’s election, Channel 12 reports that it only received 8,189 more votes than the anti-Netanyahu bloc. However, because Arab Balad party and possibly Zionist Meretz failed to cross the threshold, their votes were scattered to other parties rather than being redistributed to the anti-Netanyahu bloc, which is slated to end with just 55 seats in the Knesset. Both blocs won roughly 50% of the vote, though the final tallies are not yet available.

31.10.2022 - 18:16 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Final 3 TV Polls Show Far-right Bloc One Seat Short of Majority

Hadash-Ta’al joint list, led by MKs Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi, held a press conference in Shefa-Amr (Shfaram) on Saturday calling on democratic Jewish Israelis to vote for them. “Your vote is important. We have a clear leftist platform; clear ethical positions that many of you can identify with,” Odeh said.

Odeh and Tibi defined it as an “emergency press conference” in order to encourage Arab citizens to vote, after the last polls showed that less than 50% are intending to do so.

29.10.2022 - 04:07 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Lapid Reiterates Hadash-Ta’al Will Not Sit in His Coalition

However, with four days left, no clear coalition can be created following Tuesday’s election, according to a final poll carried out by Panels Politics on behalf of Maariv. As in a similar poll last Friday, the Netanyahu bloc received 60 seats, the Lapid bloc received 56 seats and Hadash-Ta’al received the remaining four, the survey found. The poll showed Hadash-Ta’al. Meretz, Labor, and Islamist Ra’am passing the electoral threshold of 3.25% of the general vote.

02.10.2022 - 15:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash-Ta’al Slams Lapid, Michaeli for Refusing to Block Barring of Arab Parties

Hadash-Ta’al commented on the Central Election Commission’s decision to disqualify Balad’s candidacy for the 25th Knesset. “The decision to disqualify Balad is an unfortunate decision. [Benny] Gantz, [Yair] Lapid and [Meirav] Michaeli proved that they are right-wing in disguise. Despite the anger of the racists who want to keep the Arabs away from the polling stations, on election day we all flock to the polling stations.”

20.08.2022 - 23:36 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Balad Chairman Says Joint List Project Must Be Reconsidered

Representatives from the three component parties of the Joint List – Hadash, Balad and Ta’al – were supposed to meet in Nazareth on Wednesday, but Balad’s representatives did not turn up, and the meeting was held without them.

Balad officials told Haaretz on Thursday that the party will run independently if it manages to put together a slate that includes mayors of Arab communities, prominent Arab civil-society activists, a candidate from the Negev and a Jewish candidate.

17.08.2022 - 07:41 [ Jerusalem Post ]

If elected, I will deport anyone who acts against the State of Israel – Ben-Gvir

“When we form the government, I will promote the Deportation Law, which will deport anyone who acts against the State of Israel or IDF soldiers,” Ben-Gvir said in the interview. “Those who throw stones and Molotov cocktails at soldiers will be deported from here. Those who work against the state like [Joint List MK] Ofer Cassif will be deported. Maybe to Europe. They need working hands there.”

However, he said, the same law would not apply to Jews.

16.08.2022 - 19:11 [ Haaretz ]

Europe Needs Working Hands‘: Kahanist Leader Calls to Deport ‚Disloyal‘ Israelis

Itamar Ben-Gvir, Otzma Yehudit party head hoping to be part of Israel‘s next government, declared he would support a deportation policy for anyone who works ‚against the state of Israel,‘ specifically mentioning Joint List lawmakers

14.08.2022 - 22:57 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash Elects First Candidates for Its List for the Knesset Elections

Hadash’s electoral platform calls for: an end to Israel’s occupation of all Palestinian territories conquered in the June 1967 war as well as the Golan Heights taken from Syria, and for achieving a just, comprehensive, and stable peace between Israel and an independent Palestinian state to be created in those same occupied Palestinian territories; the protection of workers’ rights; the development of advanced and egalitarian social services (health, education, housing, welfare, culture, and sports), and for full equality for the Arab-Palestinian national minority in Israel.

Among Hadash’s additional goals are: the eradication of ethnic discrimination in all fields; the defense of the interests of residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods and development towns; the protection of democratic freedoms in Israeli society; full equality between the sexes in all fields; the protection of the environment and environmental justice; and the eradication of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in Israel and throughout the Middle East.

24.06.2022 - 21:55 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Protest Tent Encampments Spring Up Across Israel Against Soaring Housing Costs

Protesters throughout Israel have set up tents in the street to decry the country’s sky-high housing costs, reminiscent of the massive cost-of-living demonstrations that swept the country in 2011. A protest camp was set up in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, joining the encampments that have been set up in several locations across the country in recent days. Other encampments were located in Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, Pardes Hanna, Holon and Rosh Ha’ayin. They said that a large demonstration is to take place at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square on July 2

22.06.2022 - 16:25 [ Haaretz ]

‘The Situation Is Worse Now’: Why Young Israelis Are Pitching Protest Tents in the Streets Again

The 2022 tents on Rothschild Boulevard went up a full week after the launch of the current protest movement, which officially began on June 13. On that day, the first tent compounds were seen in the north and south of the country – first in Pardes Hannah, and then Be’er Sheva, followed quickly by similar efforts in Holon and Rosh Ha’ayin, and subsequently Ramat Gan, Herzliya, Kfar Sava and elsewhere.

The fact that the current movement emerged – and is growing – in the periphery “testifies to the fact that it’s a truly grassroots phenomenon, and suffering is happening around the country,” says Guy

17.01.2022 - 16:24 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Racist ‘Citizenship Law’ Advances, Months after Ban on Palestinian Spouses Lapsed

The bill was rejected by the Knesset plenum six months ago, and since then, Shaked has struggled to obtain a majority. Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) said he was determined to prevent its passage. “We toppled the Citizenship Law, because we oppose racist, anti-democratic legislation”, Odeh said. “We will do everything we can to topple it again.” According to Hadash MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash), “This Israeli law is racist, collective, pre-emptive punishment. It can neither be justified, nor redeemed.” The Joint List also oppose Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s bill on drafting yeshiva students. All parties in the coalition support the bill, including Islamist Ra’am (United Arab List).

05.08.2021 - 16:25 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Joint List: No Support for a Budget that Will Deepen the Occupation

“If we need to, we’ll recruit one or two of the Joint List lawmakers without shame. We have a majority for the budget, we don’t need 61 votes,” racist Minister of Finance Avigdor Lieberman told Channel 12 on Monday evening. In response, the Joint List, said it “can’t be bought.” “We won’t support a budget that deepens the occupation and settlements, raises the prices of electricity and gas, raises the retirement age for women and disenfranchises the weak,” the Joint List statement read.

13.06.2021 - 19:44 [ Israeli Elections Live / Twitter ]

The 67 votes in favor of Mickey Levy consist not only of the 61 members of the new coalition but also the 6 members of the Joint List, which is a little surprising.

Levy gives his inaugural speech.

03.06.2021 - 15:59 [ i24NEWS English ‏/ Twitter ]

#Israel: Lapid‘s ‚Change Bloc‘ could find itself reliant on the support of the anti-Zionist Joint List to pass its first motion

03.06.2021 - 15:35 [ Haaretz ]

Arab Lawmakers Back Lapid Move to Replace Knesset Speaker

Hadash, one of the three parties making up the Joint List, is opposed as a matter of principle to a government headed by the right-wing Bennett, but the Joint List is also committed to preventing Netanyahu from benefitting from the faction’s votes in the Knesset. Therefore, if there are any further defections from the ranks of the Knesset members from the future coalition, the Joint List’s decision to vote against the new government would be reevaluated.

12.05.2021 - 15:31 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Odeh: As Long There is an Occupation, There’ll Be Resistance

The Joint List MKs held a press conference at the site during which Odeh expressed full support for the East Jerusalem Palestinians’ struggle: “The main point is there’s an occupation. As long as there is an occupation, there will be resistance.” Odeh continued, “This resistance becomes sharpened during periods of provocation, such as what happened over the past month,” relating to the imminent evictions of eight Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah. “Netanyahu took pride in his normalization of diplomatic ties with some Arab countries. But the youth of Jerusalem confirm yet again that the fundamental issue is the Palestinian cause… Anyone who wants live in peace and security must see themselves as part of the just cause of East Jerusalem Palestinians.”

10.04.2021 - 07:44 [ ]

Israel Police injure lawmaker during clashes with protesters in Jerusalem

Lawmaker Ofer Cassif, the sole Jewish member of the predominantly Arab Joint List faction, had his glasses broken and shirt torn, outlet N12 reported.

The out-of-ordinary incident occurred in a weekly rally of some hundreds of people who came to protest against the evacuation of Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for Jewish residents, according to outlet Haaretz.

30.03.2021 - 16:54 [ Haaretz ]

Election Results: Israel Is Being Held Hostage by One Person, and It‘s Not Netanyahu

Yes, the statesmanlike one with the good looks and down-to-earth air, who has been seen washing floors and making coffee over a bonfire, all with a faux-bashful smile. He’s the person who has repeatedly prevented the country from returning to a path of sanity. This time he has relocated to the New Hope party, under the leadership of a new sucker called Gideon Sa’ar. But the ploy is the same ploy. This time too, one of the greatest obstacles to forming a government of change is Hendel’s refusal to form a coalition supported by the legitimate representatives of Israel’s Arab citizens.

24.03.2021 - 12:13 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election Results: Arab Political Alliance Failed to Gauge Voters‘ Anger, Frustration

It seems that the breakup of the Joint List persuaded Arab citizens to vote with their feet and stay home

22.03.2021 - 15:51 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Last Pre-Election Weekend, Tens of Thousands Protest Netanyahu Rule


With just three days before Israel’s fourth election in two years tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23, the weekly protests against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued last Saturday night, March 20, in city squares, at major intersections, and along highway overpasses throughout the country. The protests were organized under the slogans “Go vote,” “Replace the government,” and “Bring about change.”

17.03.2021 - 21:06 [ ]

MK Ahmad Tibi to i24NEWS: ‚There is progress in Yair Lapid‘s policy toward Joint List‘

MK Ahmad Tibi, head of the Ta‘al faction within the predominantly Arab Joint List, noted a positive change in opposition chief Yair Lapid‘s stance on key matters for the alliance, but said the party will be thoughtful with its recommendations after the upcoming vote.

„There is progress in Yair Lapid‘s policy toward Joint List and the Arab population,“ the veteran lawmaker told i24NEWS in an interview, adding that the Joint List must learn from its decision to recommend Defense Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz for the premiership.

17.03.2021 - 11:55 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

The Founding Principles of the Communist Party of Israel

The Communist Party of Israel established in this land in the year 1919, when Palestine was under the rule of the British Mandate. At that time, a group of comrades established the Workers‘ Socialist Party, which in turn became the Palestinian Communist Party. In 1948, after the founding of the state of Israel, the party changed its name into the Communist Party of Israel. Throughout its history the comrades of the CPI, Jews and Arabs alike, have and continue to work for peace, equality, democracy, the rights of workers and women, and for the establishment of a socialist society.

The Communist Party created for and acts as a force of deep social transformation, a force whose goal is the establishment of a different society. In the beginning of the third millennia,this change is desperately needed: The late capitalism is a regime characterized by deep and structural contradictions, injustices, the destruction of the ecosystem on a global level, the erosionof workers‘ accomplishments, and a global order centered on American imperialism. The globalization of the ruleof capital cannot solve the social crisis; it is its main cause.

17.03.2021 - 11:04 [ ]

העקרונות שלנו

קביעת שכר מינימום בגובה של 60% מהשכר הממוצע במשק. הגדלת קצבאות הילדים ב-40%, ובכך החזרתן לרמתן הריאלית ב-2003. השוואה של קצבאות הנכות וקצבאות הזקנה לשכר המינימום. תכנית דיור חברתי, שתיתן מענה הולם לצרכי הדיור של השכבות השונות, ותכלול מגוון של פתרונות דיור. ועוד..

11.03.2021 - 09:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Anti-Bibi Protesters: “Violence against Us Has Become Routine”


With the March 23 elections rapidly approaching, the weekly nationwide protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kicked off on Saturday, March 6, for the 37th consecutive week, bigger and louder than in the recent past. Protesters gathered at some 550 central squares, intersections, and overpasses throughout the country starting in the afternoon, and called on Netanyahu to resign. Several groups of protesters once again reported violent attacks against them.

22.02.2021 - 07:09 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Small Parties May Decide Election, and Pressure on Them Is Mounting

Yesh Atid will try to ratchet up pressure in the coming days on Kahol Lavan and Yaron Zelekha to quit the race, leaving to the left of Yesh Atid only Labor, Meretz and the Joint List. The departure of one or two slates from the bloc will increase the seats for the parties left standing and will help them pull in many floating votes.

18.02.2021 - 23:00 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Anti-Netanyahu Protesters Report Uptick in Violence against Them


Anti-Netanyahu protesters rallied across Israel on Saturday evening, February 13, for the 34th consecutive week of mass demonstrations against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his indictment on graft charges and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Four people were arrested in the Jerusalem protests on Saturday night, one of them for allegedly “assaulting a police officer,” Zo Haderech reported.

The main demonstrations were held outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem. Protesters and organizers, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists from around the country, called for an end to Netanyahu’s reign.

12.02.2021 - 12:00 [ Haaretz ]

Joint List or the Worst of All Evils

In essence, the left stands on three legs: the adherence to the principle of equality among all human beings, the opposition to the state’s expropriating nature of the state on both sides of the Green Line, and the striving for a society in which capital would not dominate and profits and commodoties cease to determine the value of human beings and their lives. The linkage between them explains why the left is so shrunken, having so few options for voting.

06.02.2021 - 20:47 [ Daily Sabah ]

Abbas‘ new Arab party may become kingmaker in Israel

The Joint List, an alliance of four Arab parties that won a record 15 seats in elections held last year, finalized the break up overnight in which three will run together and the United Arab List, a party led by parliament member Mansour Abbas, will strike out on its own.

One of the main points of the division was Abbas‘ openness to working with Netanyahu or other Israeli leaders to address longstanding issues like crime and housing in Israel‘s Arab community, which makes up around 20% of its population.

05.02.2021 - 11:40 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Three of Four Joint List Factions Run Together, United Arab List to Go Solo

Three of the four factions of Joint List – Hadash, Ta‘al and Balad – have signed an agreement for a united bid for Israel‘s March election, parting ways with the conservative United Arab List after a prolonged period of disagreements.

29.01.2021 - 09:29 [ Haaretz ]

Alliance of Israeli Arab Parties to Split Ahead of March Election

At this stage, it’s not yet clear whether Ta’al might even decide to run jointly with Hadash and Balad, which have agreed to run on a joint slate, or whether it would pursue a link-up with the United Arab List.

29.12.2020 - 06:35 [ Ron Skolnik / Twitter ]

Lone poll I‘ve see has the conservative United Arab List at 1.1%, well below threshold. So Joint List very possibly will patch things up. But might not UAL‘s departure actually pave way for an eventual left Arab-Jewish party?


29.12.2020 - 06:28 [ Future American Refugee / Twitter ]

Most amusing development: The Joint List, a coalition of 4 Arab parties, is likely to split up. One of the parties, an Islamist Bedouin party called „United Arab List“ is likely going to run separately as pro-Netanyahu


29.12.2020 - 06:22 [ The Jerusalem Post / Twitter ]

Some might be shocked at #Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin @Netanyahu ‚s alliance with the Joint List‘s Mansour Abbas, but this is unsurprising considering the PM‘s other ties to right-wing, anti-liberal figures worldwide.

23.12.2020 - 19:13 [ Haaretz ]

This Israeli Election Season Will Feature Vaccines, Generals and Political Cannibalism

Netanyahu will flaunt COVID vaccines and peace, Kahol Lavan might fall into oblivion and the Joint List is facing a split as Israel gears up for its fourth election in two years.

22.12.2020 - 23:44 [ Ben Reiff / Twitter ]

Arab MK Yousef Jabareen presented a petition at the Supreme Court today against the Nation-State Bill, on behalf of the Joint List and the NGO Adalah. Upon leaving he was harassed by Likud supporters chanting “death to terrorists”. They are the face of this racist law.

04.10.2020 - 15:48 [ ]

Israeli-Arab lawmaker Ayman Odeh tests positive for COVID-19

Israeli Lawmaker Ayman Odeh announced on Sunday that he has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a statement released by his office.

Odeh, head of the Arab-majority Joint List faction in the Knesset (Israel Parliament), said he was „feeling fine“ other „than a slight fever.“

30.08.2020 - 11:37 [ Ben Reiff / Twitter ]

The number inside the square is again likely in the tens of thousands, and includes MK Ofer Cassif who just addressed the Hadash bloc

31.07.2020 - 17:17 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

The Likud Continues to Drop in Polls; Joint List Gaining Strength

Labor, Otzma Yehudit, Derech Eretz, Gesher and Bayit Yehudi all part of the right-wing coalition led by Netanyahu would not pass the electoral threshold (3.25%), according to the poll. Consequently, based on this poll, the right-wing bloc, would win a total of 60 seats, one short of a majority in the 120 seat Knesset.

04.07.2020 - 14:27 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Joint List to EU: Suspend Ties with Israel if It Won’t Desert Annexation

In letters to senior EU officials, including foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the 15 Joint List MKs wrote that “the traditional approach based on providing incentives to Israel has thus far failed to achieve our shared legitimate positions.” According to Hadash MK Youssef Jabareen, “We requested that top EU officials act to prevent annexation including re-evaluating the EU-Israel partnership agreement, recognizing a Palestinian state according to the ’67 borders and labeling goods from the occupied Palestinian territories. Palestinians deserve independence and freedom.”

04.07.2020 - 14:26 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Joint List Urges Major British Parties to Oppose Annexation

The Joint List called on Britain’s biggest political parties to vigorously oppose Israel’s plans to annex parts of the Palestinian occupied West Bank. The two letters, dated June 26 were penned by Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen, the head of the Joint List’s international relations committee, and were sent to the UK Conservative party leader, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and the Labour party’s leader, Sir Keir Starmer. In the letters, the Joint List parliamentarians said the UK needed to “actively oppose” attempts by Israel to unilaterally annex territory.

“History has demonstrated the tragic consequences of illegal annexations,” the letter read. “We fear that if Britain and its European allies do not urgently act to prevent this impending annexation, our region may witness yet another major upheaval.”