Archiv: Hierarchien / Befehlsketten / Machtarchitektur / hierarchies / chains of command / power architecture

14.09.2024 - 22:38 [ Reuters ]

New Israeli poll shows Netanyahu‘s party advancing

Netanyahu‘s right-wing coalition with a clutch of nationalist-religious and ultra-Orthodox parties would lose any election held now, with 53 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 58 for the main opposition bloc, according to the poll.

07.09.2024 - 15:16 [ Middle East Eye ]

CIA and MI6 say agencies are ‚working tirelessly‘ towards ceasefire

In an opinion piece for the Financial Times, CIA director Bill Burns and MI6 chief Richard Moore said…

07.09.2024 - 15:05 [ Newsweek ]

Kamala Harris Had Her Worst Week Since Joe Biden Stepped Aside

T.J. McCormack, a Republican communications specialist, said that after a „stratospheric liftoff“ to her campaign, any „less-than-stellar few days would constitute a bad week“ for the vice president.

For a coddled candidate the real world can be a terrible thing, especially when that world has several multi-front wars, murdered hostages and polling firms carving up swing states with scalpels,“ McCormack told Newsweek. „Kamala loved the big stage, now she‘s in the trenches.“

04.09.2024 - 15:20 [ Washington Post ]

As U.S. readies last cease-fire push, Netanyahu digs in on border demands

As he fights for his political survival, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence on keeping troops on a narrow strip of land along the Gaza-Egypt border has become the main obstacle to a cease-fire and hostage-release agreement with Hamas, according to current and former officials from mediating countries.

After many months of inconclusive talks, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris discussed with advisers on Monday how to move forward with a final “take it or leave it” proposal to present to Israel and Hamas, potentially as soon as this week.

04.09.2024 - 15:06 [ Times of Israel ]

Biden, Harris to huddle with US negotiators for Gaza deal push after hostage killings

(2 September 2024)

US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were scheduled to hold a meeting Monday with hostage negotiators, …

04.09.2024 - 14:20 [ ]

When and Why Did Human Brains Decrease in Size? A New Change-Point Analysis and Insights From Brain Evolution in Ants

(22 October 2021)

But we also find that human brain size reduction was surprisingly recent, occurring in the last 3,000 years. Our dating does not support hypotheses concerning brain size reduction as a by-product of body size reduction, a result of a shift to an agricultural diet, or a consequence of self-domestication. We suggest our analysis supports the hypothesis that the recent decrease in brain size may instead result from the externalization of knowledge and advantages of group-level decision-making due in part to the advent of social systems of distributed cognition and the storage and sharing of information. Humans live in social groups in which multiple brains contribute to the emergence of collective intelligence. Although difficult to study in the deep history of Homo, the impacts of group size, social organization, collective intelligence and other potential selective forces on brain evolution can be elucidated using ants as models.

04.09.2024 - 13:15 [ ]

Evolution: Das ist der Grund, wieso die Gehirne der Menschen schrumpfen


Dass unser Gehirn langsam etwas an Masse verloren hat, ist jedoch nicht ganz so lange her: Erst vor rund 3.000 Jahren begann es zu schrumpfen.


Die Art und Weise, wie sich Individuen in einem Ameisenstaat organisieren, ähnelt unseren modernen Gesellschaftsstrukturen. Die Insekten haben, verglichen mit ihrer Körpergröße, ein Mini-Gehirn. Es ist etwa eine Million Mal kleiner als das eines Menschen – sie können aber Großes leisten. Das Prinzip dahinter ist eine Art kollektive Intelligenz. Nicht jeder muss alles können oder wissen, es gibt eine klare Aufgabenteilung.

04.09.2024 - 13:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Tabu hinter “Verschwörungstheorie”: Hierarchie und Befehlskette

(2. Mai 2017)

Um in der real existierenden Weltordnung Kriege, Attentate oder einen (schleichenden) Staatstreich durchzuführen oder zu vernebeln, braucht es lediglich eine entsprechend mächtige Hierarchie, sowie Individuen, die sie entweder benutzen, manipulieren oder sich hinter ihr verstecken können.


Beispiel 3:

Präsident A will sein „Einflussgebiet“ („Area of Influence“) vergrößern. Er hat sich zum Sturz der Hierarchie des nicht kontrollierten Staates bzw Gebietes Evil entschieden. Warum, wie, auf wessen Drängen auch immer spielt keine Rolle mehr, sobald die Entscheidung gefallen ist. Denn dann steht nicht nur seine Macht über die gesamte eigene Hierarchie, sowie aller eingegliederten und untergeordneten Hierarchien auf dem Spiel, sondern wiederum deren Macht, letztlich diese selbst. Daher muss Evil im Zweifel auch erobert werden, wenn der Sturz von dessen Hierarchie nicht gelingt.

A lässt entsprechende Pläne ausarbeiten. Zur Sicherung des Umsturzes vor seinen Untergebenen auf den unteren Ebenen innerhalb seiner eigenen Hierarchie, sowie den einfachen Untertanen im Einflussgebiet, die zwar den vielgeliederten Hierarchien der Hierarchie wie Konzernen, Parteien, örtlichen, regionalen und staatlichen Regierungen, etc, pp, unterworfen sind, aber ihnen nicht angehören, verzichtet A auf den Einsatz ihm direkt unterstellter regulärer Truppen, sondert verlangt von Monarch B, C, D, E, F, G, sowie Monarchen H, I, J, die sich aber nicht Monarchen nennen, sondern vielleicht Sultan, sowie von Kapitalisten K1, K2, K3, K4….K17, den Einsatz von Geld.

Mit diesem Geld, welche B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K1, K2, K3, K4….K17 auch deswegen einsetzen, weil sie sich eigenen Profit versprechen, in welcher Form auch immer, bezahlen diese örtliche oder internationale Söldnerfirmen, Kriegsfürsten, tribale Anführer von „Stämmen“, allgemein alle, die Bewaffnete zur Verfügung stellen. Dabei ist es den Monarchen B-J und Kapitalisten K1-17 völlig freigestellt, was sie jeweils den einzelnen Anführern ihrer Söldnern erzählen. Vorgabe ist nur, dass diese wiederum ihren jeweiligen Söldnern, Milizionären, Attentätern / Paramilitärs irgendetwas anderes erzählen und das am Ende alle tun was ihnen befohlen wird. Die Koordination, sowohl der militärischen Operationen, wie auch die jeweile Versorgung mit Waffen, Infrastruktur und permanenten Nachschub, etc, übernimmt die A (regulär) unterstellte Geheimdienstbehörde und Hierarchie X1, welche wiederum unter ausführender Leitung von Funktionär X1-y auch eigene Sondereinheiten ins Feld schickt, die als übergeordnete Kommandeure dienen, ohne im Feld selbst in Erscheinung zu treten. Gleichzeitig schickt auf Befehl von Präsident A auch dessen Militärbehörde Z1 eigene Sondereinheiten der Unterbehörden Z2, Z3, Z4 ins Feld stellt, ggf in Koordination mit Monarchen B-J und Kapitalisten K1-17, oder mit einigen davon, eine eigene Hierarchie von Söldnern auf.

Kommt die Lage in Schwung, da sich der Umsturz hinzieht, stehen am Ende eine Vielzahl von ggf öffentlich mit einander konkurrierenden oder verfeindeten Söldnern bzw Milizen im Feld, deren Fusstruppen allerlei Embleme twittern, Flaggen schwenken, Menschen massakrieren und keine Ahnung von den tatsächlichen Vorgängen haben, geschweige denn die „breite“ Öffentlichkeit. Dieser wird stattdessen durch entsprechende Maßnahmen von Geheimdiensthierarchie X1 und wiederum deren zahllose untergebenen Hierarchien Angst vor den eigenen geführten Söldnern gemacht. Gut kombinieren lässt sich dies mit urplötzlichen Wanderungsbewegungen, Attentaten, der Beförderung geostrategischer Vorgaben wie der Implementierung z.B. einer Mittelmarsunion (Name zum Schutz des betroffenen Gebietes geändert) und / oder weiterer Schritte in der Transformation des eigenen Einflussbereiches, der mit der Welt immer mehr Ähnlichkeit entwickelt, bzw umgekehrt.

Alle untergeordneten Hierarchien im eigenen Einflussgebiet, wie reguläre Regierungen eines gelenkten Staates, Tiefe Staaten, Apparate, Konzerne, Medien, Parteien, etc, sind entsprechend aktiv eingebunden, bleiben passiv oder „versagen“ bei Notwendigkeit.

Bleibt die Eroberung von Evil stecken bzw reicht die Zahl der organisierten und geführten Söldner und Milizen nicht aus, werden neue aufgestellt und alles beginnt von vorne. Die Hierarchie aller eingesetzten Proxy-Truppen endet dabei immer bei A, bzw dessen Untergebenen bei X1 und Z1. Die Proxy-Truppen können wahlweise kombiniert werden, untereinander überlaufen, sich neue Namen geben, eigene Territorien mit blumigen Namen gründen, etc, solange alle der Eroberung von Evil, oder alternativen Planmodellen dienen, wie der Zerschlagung von Evil, und / oder übergeordneten längerfristigen strategischen Zielen, wie der Zersetzung oder Zerschlagung noch vorhandener demokratischer Strukturen oder ganzer Staaten im eigenen Einflussbereich, z.B. durch die Erzeugung gewaltig-heiliger Intelligenz- und Erleuchtungswellen durch „mehr Atlantik“.

Eventuelle geostrategisch vermeintlich oder tatsächlich konkurrierende Hierarchien werden gekauft und ruhiggestellt, z.B. indem man ihnen das eigene Konzept zur Transformation des Herrschaftsbereiches andreht. Man versteht sich. Man will doch nicht streiten. Wo doch alle profitieren, von der Lage.

Eine Verschwörung hat nicht stattgefunden. Es sind einfach alle vernünftig.

04.09.2024 - 11:16 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

(November 30, 2023)

The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

04.09.2024 - 10:41 [ APNews,com ]

US charges Hamas leader, other militants in connection with Oct. 7 massacre in Israel

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department announced criminal charges Tuesday against Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and other senior militants in connection with the Oct. 7, 2023, rampage in Israel, marking the first effort by American law enforcement to formally call out the masterminds of the attack.

The seven-count criminal complaint filed in federal court in New York City includes charges such as conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization resulting in death, conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals and conspiracy to finance terrorism.

28.08.2024 - 13:15 [ ]

Chatkontrolle: „Ein Massenüberwachungsapparat von orwellschem Ausmaß“


Unabhängig von der technischen Umsetzung der Chatkontrolle, hält Threema die mit der Chatkontrolle einhergehende Massenüberwachung für nicht mit der Demokratie vereinbar. Zudem sei sie unwirksam und untergrabe die Datensicherheit.

Der Messenger warnt auch davor, dass es später keinen Weg gäbe um zu überprüfen, ob die Chatkontrolle wirklich nur bei CSAM (Missbrauchsmaterial) Anwendung finde: „Ist der Massenüberwachungsapparat erst einmal implementiert, kann er leicht für das Erkennen anderer Inhalte als CSAM erweitert werden, ohne dass dies jemand merkt“, so Threema. Aus Sicht eines Dienstbetreibers sei der Erkennungsmechanismus, der von Dritten entwickelt und unterhalten würde, nichts anderes als eine Blackbox.

Sollte die EU-Verordnung zur Chatkontrolle in einer Form durchkommen, die verschlüsselte Kommunikation untergräbt, möchte Threema zuerst alle Optionen wie rechtliche Schritte und technische Workarounds prüfen. Sollte es keinen anderen Weg geben „werden wir andere Kommunikationsdienste aufrufen, die EU mit uns zu verlassen.“

Auch Signal-Messenger gegen Chatkontrolle

Am Montag hatte auch Meredith Whittaker, die Chefin des Signal-Messengers, den belgischen „Kompromissvorschlag“ kritisiert. Mit dem Begriff „Upload Moderation“ hätte die belgische Ratspräsidentschaft der Technologie des Client-Side-Scannings nur einen neuen Namen verpasst, das Scannen bleibe aber das gleiche. Es sei letztlich egal, ob man das Untergraben von Verschlüsselung nun Hintertür, Vordertür oder „Upload Moderation“ nenne, der Effekt bleibe gleich, so Whittaker. Sie warnt vor einer „gefährlichen Schwachstelle in der Kerninfrastruktur“, die außerdem über Europa hinaus globale Auswirkungen hätte.

28.08.2024 - 13:03 [ Legal Tribune Online ]

Rat der EU: Abstim­mung über Chat­kon­trolle ver­tagt


Die Verhandlungen zwischen den EU-Staaten über die umstrittene Chatkontrolle sind nun unter anderem wegen der deutschen Bedenken vorerst gescheitert. Eine Abstimmung im Rat, die am Donnerstag angesetzt war, wurde vertragt. Es habe sich abgezeichnet, dass keine ausreichende Mehrheit erreicht werden würde, hieß es am Donnerstag von der belgischen Ratspräsidentschaft. Der Vorsitz beschloss daher, den Punkt von der Tagesordnung zu nehmen.

26.08.2024 - 21:22 [ Times of Israel ]

Israel said to push US to present credible military threat or attack Iran’s nuclear sites

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi visited the Northern Command headquarters earlier today with his American counterpart, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.

09.05.2024 - 08:55 [ ]

UN General Assembly to vote on resolution for Palestine membership

„What we‘re concerned about is the precedent it sets. It‘s clearly outlined in the UN Charter, the procedure, the process for obtaining full membership in the United Nations, and any kind of a process that goes around that, to us is very concerning,“ Robert Wood, US deputy ambassador to the UN, told reporters in New York on Tuesday.

„What they [Palestinians] should be doing is sitting down with Israel at the appropriate point,…

08.05.2024 - 19:24 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

08.05.2024 - 19:22 [ Reuters ]

Palestinians seek UN General Assembly backing for full membership


The United Nations General Assembly could vote on Friday on a draft resolution that would recognize the Palestinians as qualified to become a full U.N. member and recommend that the U.N. Security Council „reconsider the matter favorably.“
It would effectively act as a global survey of how much support the Palestinians have for their bid, which was vetoed in the U.N. Security Council last month by the United States.

01.05.2024 - 08:48 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

29.04.2024 - 06:26 [ Middle East Monitor ]

World Court to rule Tuesday on case accusing Germany of facilitating Gaza genocide

“On Tuesday, 30 April 2024, the International Court of Justice will deliver its Order on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by Nicaragua in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” the Court said in a statement.

28.04.2024 - 08:30 [ International Court of Justice (ICJ) / Internationaler Gerichtshof ]

Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany) – Request for the indication of provisional measures – The Court to deliver its Order on Tuesday 30 April 2024 at 3 p.m

THE HAGUE, 26 April 2024. On Tuesday 30 April 2024, the International Court of Justice will deliver its Order on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by Nicaragua in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany). A public sitting will take place at 3 p.m. at the Peace Palace in The Hague, during which Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the Court, will read the Court’s Order.

26.04.2024 - 13:55 [ Axios ]

SCOTUS probes assassinations and coups in Trump immunity hearing

The immense gravity of the case weighed heavily on the Supreme Court on Thursday, with justices across the ideological spectrum expressing fears of the new order they could unleash.

The immediate question is whether Trump will face trial in his Jan. 6 criminal case before the 2024 election. But the conservative-led court‘s decision will shape history well beyond November.
„We‘re writing a rule for the ages,“ Justice Neil Gorsuch observed.

26.04.2024 - 03:15 [ Donna Laframboise / ]

3 Things Scientists Need to Know About the IPCC

(September 1, 2015)

Now let’s take a look at point #2: Scientists are not in charge at the IPCC. Its latest report contains 60 chapters and totals more than 7,000 pages. Many good, sincere scientists toiled away on their own small portion of that enormous report. These people no doubt did their best to be honest and accurate.

But here’s the problem: almost no one will ever read that 7,000-page report.

Everyone knows this. Which is why the IPCC also produces documents in the 20 to 30-page range bearing the title: Summary for Policymakers. (…)

In fact, IPCC authors only draft these summaries. And then something incredible transpires.
A big IPCC meeting takes place. Attended by governments. Although some people in the room are scientists, the vast majority are diplomats, politicians, foreign affairs specialists, bureaucrats, and assorted other officials. These people then spend the next week re-writing the summary authored by scientists.(…)

But the bad news doesn’t stop there. There’s actually a step in the IPCC process in which the original, lengthy report gets amended so that it conforms to the politically-negotiated Summary. I am not making this up.

18.04.2024 - 20:05 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

12.04.2024 - 00:10 [ Times of Israel ]

As Iran vows revenge, Israel worries it could get even by going nuclear

After a week of being very careful regarding statements directed at Iran, the US gave Israel something to be satisfied about on Wednesday. US President Joe Biden said America’s commitment to Israel’s security, amid the threats from Iran and its proxies, is “ironclad.”

Biden’s statements are aimed directly at Iran, and it’s certainly possible that they’re the result of a worrying intelligence assessment Israel presented to the US.

09.04.2024 - 16:42 [ New York Times ]

A Way to Rejoin The World Court


The imprudence of this acceptance was demonstrated by the Nicaraguan case, in which the Court ruled that the United States is using force illegally in Central America. That case should not – and need not – have gone to the Court. To make sure the United States retains sovereign discretion to defend itself and its allies, any new American acceptance of the Court‘s compulsory jurisdiction should emulate the good sense of others like India and Kenya by excluding disputes involving armed conflict. America -acting alone or with its allies – still needs the freedom to protect freedom. The finger on the trigger cannot be that of the global judiciary.

09.04.2024 - 09:34 [ UN Web TV ]

THE HAGUE – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings in the case Nicaragua v. Germany – Oral argument of Germany

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by Nicaragua in the case Nicaragua v. Germany on 8 and 9 April 2024, at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seat of the Court. Session held under the presidency of Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the Court.

08.04.2024 - 08:00 [ UN Web TV ]

THE HAGUE – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings in the case Nicaragua v. Germany – oral argument of Nicaragua

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by Nicaragua in the case Nicaragua v. Germany on 8 and 9 April 2024, at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seat of the Court. Session held under the presidency of Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the Court.

08.04.2024 - 00:15 [ International Court of Justice / Internationaler Gerichtshof ]

Proceedings instituted by Nicaragua against Germany on 1 March 2024 – Request for the indication of provisional measures – Public hearings to be held on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April 2024


It is recalled that Nicaragua filed an Application instituting proceedings against Germany concerning alleged violations by Germany of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, “intransgressible principles of international humanitarian law” and other norms of general international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip (see press release 2024/19).
The hearings will be devoted to the request for the indication of provisional measures
contained in Nicaragua’s Application. Nicaragua asks the Court to indicate provisional measures as a matter of extreme urgency, pending the Court’s determination on the merits of the case, with respect to Germany’s “participation in the ongoing plausible genocide and serious breaches of international humanitarian law and other peremptory norms of general international law occurring in the Gaza Strip”.

06.04.2024 - 21:20 [ International Court of Justice ]

Proceedings instituted by Nicaragua against Germany on 1 March 2024 – Request for the indication of provisional measures – Public hearings to be held on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April 2024


It is recalled that Nicaragua filed an Application instituting proceedings against Germany concerning alleged violations by Germany of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, “intransgressible principles of international humanitarian law” and other norms of general international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip (see press release 2024/19).

The hearings will be devoted to the request for the indication of provisional measures contained in Nicaragua’s Application. Nicaragua asks the Court to indicate provisional measures as a matter of extreme urgency, pending the Court’s determination on the merits of the case, with respect to Germany’s “participation in the ongoing plausible genocide and serious breaches of international humanitarian law and other peremptory norms of general international law occurring in the Gaza Strip”.

28.03.2024 - 18:04 [ Yahoo ]

World court orders Israel to take action to address Gaza famine

„The court observes that Palestinians in Gaza are no longer facing only a risk of famine (…) but that famine is setting in,“ the judges said in their order.

The new measures were requested by South Africa as part of its ongoing case that accuses Israel of state-led genocide in Gaza.

In January the ICJ, also known as the World Court, ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza.

24.03.2024 - 21:20 [ SearXNG ]

The World must ask: where is its Court? #ICJ #genocide #Palestine #totalitarism #arbitrariness #accountability

24.03.2024 - 21:00 [ International Court of Justice ]

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) – The Republic of South Africa submits an urgent request for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s prior provisional measures Order and decision

THE HAGUE, 6 March 2024. South Africa today filed an urgent request with the Court for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of the Court’s Order of 26 January 2024 and decision of 16 February 2024 in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel).

In its new request, South Africa states that it is “compelled to return to the Court in light of the new facts and changes in the situation in Gaza — particularly the situation of widespread starvation — brought about by the continuing egregious breaches of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide . . . by the State of Israel . . . and its ongoing manifest violations of the provisional measures indicated by this Court on 26 January 2024”. It requests the Court to indicate further provisional measures and/or to modify the provisional measures indicated it its Order of 26 January 2024, pursuant to Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 3, and Article 76, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court, respectively, “in order urgently to ensure the safety and security of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, including over a million children”. It urges the Court to do so without holding a hearing, in light of the “extreme urgency of the situation”.

24.03.2024 - 20:24 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

(February 26, 2024)

“The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

Other countries should use all forms of leverage, including sanctions and embargoes, to press the Israeli government to comply with the court’s binding orders in the genocide case, Human Rights Watch said.

24.03.2024 - 20:06 [ Associated Press ]

Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah

(February 16, 2024)

An estimated 1.4 million Palestinians, more than half of Gaza’s population, has crammed into the city, most of them displaced people who fled fighting elsewhere in Gaza.

Israel has said it will evacuate the civilians before attacking, though international aid officials have said there is nowhere to go due to the vast devastation left behind by the offensive.

24.03.2024 - 19:55 [ Reuters ]

World Court stops short of Gaza ceasefire order for Israel

(January 27, 2024)

It asked the court to grant emergency measures to halt the fighting, which Palestinian officials say has killed more than 26,000 Palestinians and displaced the majority of the population in a more than three-month campaign of intensive bombardment.

23.03.2024 - 19:26 [ Middle East Eye ]

Thousands of trucks waiting in North Sinai to enter Gaza, says Sinai governor

North Sinai‘s governor, Mohamed Shousha, said 7,000 aid trucks are waiting to deliver aid into Gaza.

Shousha said in a statement that Israel‘s inspection rules had delayed the flow of aid into Gaza.

20.03.2024 - 22:55 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

19.03.2024 - 23:40 [ Middle East Eye ]

Marwan Issa: Hamas and Israel silent on fate of commander announced dead by US

Hamas and Israel have remained silent on the fate of a senior military figure of the Palestinian group after his alleged death was unusually announced by the United States.

During a press conference on Monday, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said: “Israel has made significant progress against Hamas… Hamas’ number three, Marwan Issa, was killed in an operation last week.”


Issa, 59, is the deputy to Mohammed al-Dief, the general commander of the al-Qassam Brigades, and his right-hand man.

19.03.2024 - 23:00 [ ]

Hamas political leaders were unaware of Israel incursion plan, Egypt officials say

(Oct 09, 2023)

Most of the movement‘s political leaders have lived in exile outside the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip for years, deepening the divide between them and the group‘s military wing known as the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigades, who are spearheading the continuing fighting with Israel.

The political leaders have mostly been living in Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran and Egypt.

Speaking to The National, the officials said a handful of Gaza-based Hamas leaders, reportedly as few as three who once served in the Al Qassam Brigades, knew of the attack in advance. As a precaution, they were made to believe that the operation would begin 48 hours after it got under way on Saturday.

19.03.2024 - 22:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Deif’s alleged death certificate sparks online debate

(21 August 2014)

However, Israeli intelligence sources told Fox News Wednesday that the Hamas leader was believed to have been killed.

Addressing the public on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dodged the question of Deif’s fate, saying only that “the commanders of terror organizations are a legitimate target, of the highest priority… No one is immune,” he said. Asked again, he refused to elaborate.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri, in a Hamas TV interview earlier Wednesday, described Deif as “the dead man” in an apparent slip of the tongue.

19.03.2024 - 22:36 [ ]

Hamas’s deadly “phantom”: the man behind the attacks

(Oct 20th 2023)

Yet hardly anything is known about Deif. For years, Western spies would respond to questions about him with a shrug. Only a handful of photographs have ever appeared in the media – grainy images from his youth. Some speculate that he died long ago and is nothing more than a mythical figurehead cultivated for propaganda purposes.

22.02.2024 - 18:50 [ ]

Identifying Imperial Venality: Day One of Julian Assange’s High Court Appeal

On February 20, it was clear that things were not going to be made easy for Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who infuriated the US imperium, the national security establishment, and a stable of journalists upset that he had cut their ill-tended lawns. He was too ill to attend what may well be the final appeal against his extradition from the United Kingdom to the United States. Were he to be sent to the US, he faces a possible sentence amounting to 175 years arising from 18 venally cobbled charges, 17 spliced from that archaic horror, the Espionage Act of 1917….

21.02.2024 - 17:20 [ ]

Neue Meldestelle beim BKA: Darf’s auch etwas mehr sein?

Gegenüber sagt ein Sprecher des BKA, dass die Behörde „im Prüfungs- und Weiterleitungsprozess Zugriff auf die durch den Hostingdiensteanbieter übermittelten Daten“ habe, also auch auf identifizierende Daten. Derartige Daten seien laut dem BKA erforderlich, um die örtlich zuständige Strafverfolgungsbehörde ermitteln zu können oder um Gefahren abwehren zu können.

19.02.2024 - 09:53 [ Legal Tribune Online ]

Beistands-Beschluss der Nato von 2001: Bünd­nis­fall ohne Ende


Heute, zwanzig Jahre später, ist der Nato-Bündnisfall immer noch in Kraft. Zumindest wurde er nicht aufgehoben. „Die Ausrufung des Bündnisfalls ist ein Ausdruck der Solidarität“, erklärte das Verteidigungsministerium auf Anfrage. „Eine formale Beendigung erfolgt entsprechend nicht.“

14.02.2024 - 22:56 [ ]

IDF Let Israeli Civilians Film Torture of Palestinian Detainees: Report

Israel Defense Forces officers brought Israeli civilians into detention centers and allowed them to watch and film Palestinian prisoners being tortured, according to survivor testimonies published this week by the Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Prisoners held at detention centers in Zikim on the northern border of the Gaza Strip and at a site in southern Israel affiliated with Naqab Prison „told Euro-Med Monitor that the Israeli soldiers had purposefully presented them before Israeli civilians, falsely claiming that they were fighters affiliated with Palestinian armed factions and that they had taken part in the October 7 attack on Israeli towns,“ the group said.

14.02.2024 - 12:58 [ BBC News (World) / Twitter ]

They were Israel‘s eyes on the border – but their Hamas warnings went unheard


14.02.2024 - 12:40 [ New York Times ]

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago


The document circulated widely among Israeli military and intelligence leaders, but experts determined that an attack of that scale and ambition was beyond Hamas’s capabilities, according to documents and officials. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or other top political leaders saw the document, as well.


Last year, shortly after the document was obtained, officials in the Israeli military’s Gaza division, which is responsible for defending the border with Gaza, said that Hamas’s intentions were unclear.

“It is not yet possible to determine whether the plan has been fully accepted and how it will be manifested,” read a military assessment reviewed by The Times.

13.02.2024 - 18:21 [ Euro-Med Human Rights Monitot ]

“They brought Israeli civilians to watch our nude torture”: IDF torture of Palestinian prisoners is turned into entertainment for Israeli viewers

Palestinian Omar Abu Mudallala, 43, told the Euro-Med Monitor team: “I was arrested at the checkpoint set up near the Kuwait roundabout, which separates Gaza City from the central region, as part of the Israeli random arrest campaigns. I was subjected to all types of torture and abuse for approximately 52 days,” pointing out that Israeli soldiers “brought Israeli civilians to watch our nude torture.”

Abu Mudallala added: “The Israeli army brought a number of Israeli civilians into our detention centres while beating us and telling them, ‘These are Hamas terrorists who killed you and raped your women on 7 October,’ while the Israeli civilians were filming us being beaten, abused, and tortured while making fun of us.”

„This happened five times while I was being held. The first time was in Barkasat Zikim, where we were blindfolded. However, one of the detainees who speaks Hebrew told us that the soldiers were interacting with Israeli civilians claiming that we were armed fighters. The other four incidents took place in the Negev detention facility, where successive Israeli groups were taken inside tents to witness our abuse and record the torture methods we were subjected to without allowing us to speak or interact with them. Since we were not wearing blindfolds at the time, I saw them all four times with my own eyes.“

11.02.2024 - 17:03 [ Netzwerk Kritische Richter und Staatsanwälte (KRiSTA) ]

Meinungsfreiheit – ein Auslaufmodell: Der Digital Services Act (DSA)


Am 16.11.2022 ist die Verordnung (EU) 2022/2065 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 19.10.2022 über den Binnenmarkt für digitale Dienste (Digital Services Act – im Folgenden DSA genannt) in Kraft getreten.

Sie gilt spätestens ab dem 17.02.2024 unmittelbar in jedem EU-Mitgliedstaat in erster Linie für „sehr große Online-Plattformen und sehr große Online-Suchmaschinen“ (Art. 33 Abs. 4, Art. 92, 93 Abs. 2 DSA).

Diese werden unter Androhung empfindlicher finanzieller Sanktionen verpflichtet, alle ihre Inhalte zu kontrollieren und gegebenenfalls zu löschen. Und sie werden dabei kontrolliert von der EU-Kommission, von staatlichen Koordinatoren und von zivilgesellschaftlichen Hinweisgebern.

Trotz seiner unmittelbaren Geltung im deutschen Recht bedarf der DSA eines konkretisierenden nationalen Ausführungsgesetzes. Ein Entwurf dieses Digitale-Dienste-Gesetzes (DDG-Entwurf) wurde von der Bundesregierung am 20.12.2023 verabschiedet.

Beraten und beschlossen werden soll er im Bundestag vor dem 17.02.2024.

In Erwägungsgrund Nr. 5 wird schon zwischen der „Vermittlung und Verbreitung rechtswidriger oder anderweitig schädlicher Informationen und Tätigkeiten“ unterschieden (Hervorhebung d. Verf.). Auch Art. 34 Abs. 1 DSA spricht in Abs. 1 a von der „Verbreitung rechtswidriger Inhalte über ihre Dienste“, in Abs. 1 b-d allerdings nur noch von Informationen mit „nachteiligen Auswirkungen“, die nicht rechtswidrig sein müssen.


Im Zentrum, jedenfalls des nationalstaatlichen Geschehens, steht der von jedem Mitgliedstaat bis zum 17.02.2024 zu ernennende „Koordinator für digitale Dienste“ (KdD).

11.02.2024 - 09:00 [ Flavio von Witzleben / ]

Ex-Major der Bundeswehr: “Es gibt keine Pflicht zum Gehorsam“ // Florian Pfaff


08.02.2024 - 19:46 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. strike in Baghdad kills key militia commander, officials say

U.S. military officials said Wednesday’s strike was carried out about 9:30 p.m. “in response to the attacks on U.S. service members” and resulted in the death of a militia commander “responsible for directly planning and participating” in those attacks. The statement, which does not identify the individual who was killed, said there were no initial indications of civilian casualties.