Archiv: Deja Vu

11.09.2024 - 17:01 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

(April 16, 2008)

„We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,“ Ma‘ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events „swung American public opinion in our favor.“

Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.

11.09.2024 - 16:43 [ New York Times ]

A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer

(12. September 2001)

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, “It‘s very good.“ Then he edited himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.“ He predicted that the attack would “strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we‘ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.“

11.09.2024 - 15:16 [ New York Times ]

We’re Beginning to Learn How the War on Terror Shaped a Generation

(Devember 21, 2023)

That might have been why, when President Biden and Israeli officials said that Oct. 7 was Israel’s Sept. 11, intending the comparison as a rallying cry for self-defense, their words seemed to many instead a cruel provocation of trauma. Were they kidding? The response to Sept. 11 was catastrophic for the Arab and Muslim world and, eventually, terrible for the United States. A similar response to Oct. 7 would be terrible for the Israeli people, and a total reinvention of hell for the Palestinians. We know this because we are Americans. In the Israelis, we saw our own leaders: shocked victims for a day, destroyers of worlds every day thereafter.

04.09.2024 - 14:20 [ ]

When and Why Did Human Brains Decrease in Size? A New Change-Point Analysis and Insights From Brain Evolution in Ants

(22 October 2021)

But we also find that human brain size reduction was surprisingly recent, occurring in the last 3,000 years. Our dating does not support hypotheses concerning brain size reduction as a by-product of body size reduction, a result of a shift to an agricultural diet, or a consequence of self-domestication. We suggest our analysis supports the hypothesis that the recent decrease in brain size may instead result from the externalization of knowledge and advantages of group-level decision-making due in part to the advent of social systems of distributed cognition and the storage and sharing of information. Humans live in social groups in which multiple brains contribute to the emergence of collective intelligence. Although difficult to study in the deep history of Homo, the impacts of group size, social organization, collective intelligence and other potential selective forces on brain evolution can be elucidated using ants as models.

04.09.2024 - 13:15 [ ]

Evolution: Das ist der Grund, wieso die Gehirne der Menschen schrumpfen


Dass unser Gehirn langsam etwas an Masse verloren hat, ist jedoch nicht ganz so lange her: Erst vor rund 3.000 Jahren begann es zu schrumpfen.


Die Art und Weise, wie sich Individuen in einem Ameisenstaat organisieren, ähnelt unseren modernen Gesellschaftsstrukturen. Die Insekten haben, verglichen mit ihrer Körpergröße, ein Mini-Gehirn. Es ist etwa eine Million Mal kleiner als das eines Menschen – sie können aber Großes leisten. Das Prinzip dahinter ist eine Art kollektive Intelligenz. Nicht jeder muss alles können oder wissen, es gibt eine klare Aufgabenteilung.

30.08.2024 - 15:15 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Fascism in practice

(4 days ago )

The Israeli police decides to close down the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa

Israel and Ben Gvir’s Police have just decided to shut the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa for ten hours starting at 19:00 this evening.

29.04.2024 - 22:35 [ ]

College administrators are falling into a tried and true trap laid by the right

For now, Trump has called the recent protests “antisemitic” and “far worse” than the 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville. Biden has similarly condemned “the antisemitic protests” and “those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.” (…)

Like their association of civil rights and peace demonstrators with communism throughout the Cold War, politicians on both sides of the aisle are now broadly hurling claims of antisemitism against anyone protesting Israel’s war in Gaza, many of whom are Jewish.

The purpose then, as it is now, is to intimidate administrators into a false political choice: Will they protect students’ right to demonstrate or be seen as acquiescent to antisemitism?

14.03.2024 - 17:18 [ Middle East Eye ]

I sued the government over ‚extremism‘ and I know the game Gove is playing

The British public should realise that Muslim scapegoats today, much like the Jewish, Irish or Black scapegoats used by demagogues yesterday, are not their enemies

14.03.2024 - 17:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

UK government targets Muslim groups with new definition of extremism

In an earlier statement, Gove‘s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said the definition had been updated to respond to an “increased extremist threat since October 7 terror attacks in Israel”, citing an increase in reported antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes.

It said the new definition would be used by government departments and officials to help them decide which groups they should engage with and fund, and to identify “extremist organisations, individuals and behaviours”.

But it said: “This definition is not statutory and has no effect on the existing criminal law – it applies to the operations of Government itself.”

13.03.2024 - 00:47 [ ]

Pro-Ukrainian armed groups launch incursion into Russia

The Russian Volunteer Corps and the Freedom of Russia Legion said they conducted a string of raids into the Belgorod region in May and June 2023, claiming to have taken temporary control of several settlements after breaking through a border checkpoint.

In March last year, Russia launched a wave of retaliatory missile strikes on Ukraine after it said a sabotage group killed civilians in the Bryansk border region.

18.02.2024 - 00:10 [ The Daily Show / Twitter ]

Jon Stewart kicks off The Daily Show‘s election coverage with a wellness check on America‘s two chronologically challenged candidates: Joe Biden and Donald Trump.


10.02.2024 - 15:45 [ ]

Delays spoil the party for PTI backed independents

Even after a lapse of more than seven hours, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has not given any reason for the delay leading to the expression of suspicions from contesting parties.

Prior to the elections, the electoral watchdog had introduced a new system called the Election Management System (EMS) to organize the results, but so far, the performance of the system has belied the ECP claims.

10.02.2024 - 15:05 [ ]

Pakistan Army Chief Says Need To Move On From „Politics Of Anarchy“

Politicians and political parties rise and fall with the backing of the military, which this year was widely believed to be backing the party of three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.

01.02.2024 - 07:00 [ Bundestag ]

Rede von Marcel Reif bei der Gedenkstunde für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

hochverehrte Frau Szepesi,

auch ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken dafür, dass Sie hierhergekommen sind und gesprochen haben zu uns – nicht um Sühne oder gar Rache einzuklagen, sondern: um zu erinnern, um zu wecken, wo nötig. Damit geben Sie diesem neuen, anderen Deutschland mit unfassbar großem Herzen eine zweite Chance – eine zweite Chance, es anders zu machen, besser zu machen und es richtig zu machen! Dafür kann Ihnen dieses Deutschland und können Ihnen diese Deutschen nicht genug danken.


Aber diese zweite Chance darf nicht – darf niemals und nirgends – vertan werden! Und deshalb: Ich mag das Wort „Mahnung“ in diesem Zusammenhang nicht, es lässt mir zu viel vermeintlichen Spielraum. „Nie wieder!“ ist mitnichten ein Appell. „Nie wieder!“ kann nur sein, darf nur sein, „Nie wieder!“ muss sein: gelebte, unverrückbare Wirklichkeit!

01.02.2024 - 06:55 [ Bundestag ]

Rede von Eva Szepesi bei der Gedenkstunde für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus


Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war ich nur noch die Nummer A-26877

Zu den stundenlangen Appellen draußen im eiskalten Schnee, wo mir die Finger und Zehen erfroren, kamen noch die Misshandlungen dazu….
Ich wurde immer schwächer, lag auf der Pritsche und nahm kaum noch wahr, was um mich herum geschah.

Eines Tages bekam ich mit, dass die Deutschen alle Häftlinge zusammentrieben.


Ich blieb liegen, hatte keine Kraft mehr zu reagieren.
Dann war es auf einmal still in der Baracke.
Neben mir lagen noch einige Frauen regungslos. Sie waren tot.

Ich weiß nicht wie lange ich so da lag, doch irgendwann spürten meine vom Fieber brennenden Lippen, eine Hand die mich mit kaltem Schnee fütterte.

Der Schnee tat gut, er stillte meine Schmerzen.
Dann versank alles wieder im Dunkeln.

Als ich das nächste Mal das Bewusstsein wieder erlangte, leuchtete ein feuerroter Stern über mir.

Als mein Blick langsam klarer wurde, erkannte ich einen russischen Soldaten der sich lächelnd über mich beugte.
Die menschliche Wärme in seinem Blick tat mir gut.

Es war der 27. Januar 1945 und ich lebte.


Und dann kam der 7. Oktober.

Der Tag an dem der tödlichste Angriff gegen Juden seit der Shoah stattfand.

Der Tag an dem die Terrororganisation Hamas Babys, Kinder, Eltern und Großeltern, in Israel bestialisch ermordete – nur weil sie Juden waren.

Der Tag an dem die Hamas glücklich tanzende Jugendliche auf dem Nova Friedensfestival vergewaltigten ermordeten und verschleppten……
Meine Enkelin die in Israel lebt, hätte auch dort sein können…
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren es hätten auch IHRE Kinder sein können….

Immer noch sind über 100 Geiseln in den Händen der Hamas,.
Ich hatte so gehofft, dass ich das heute nicht mehr sagen müsste.

Der 7. Oktober, der Tag, der für uns Juden auf der Welt ALLES veränderte….

Mein Alltag hier in Deutschland, ist seitdem geprägt von erhöhten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
Von vermehrten antisemitischen Vorfällen.
Von Ängsten.
Von Gesprächen die mit „Ja Aber..“ beginnen….
Oder dem so lauten Schweigen aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft….

Mir selbst wurden Lesungen kurz nach dem 7. Oktober in Schulen abgesagt… da nicht für meine Sicherheit gesorgt werden könnte.
Die letzten Male sprach ich in Schulen unter Polizeischutz.

Ich weiß, dass ich das Trauma der Shoah an meine Kinder, Enkel und Urenkel weitergegeben habe.
Aber, dass sie jetzt diese Existenzängste auch REAL erleben müssen,
schmerzt mich sehr.

Die Shoah begann nicht mit Auschwitz. Sie begann mit Worten…
Sie begann mit dem Schweigen und dem Wegschauen der Gesellschaft.

Es schmerzt mich,
wenn Schüler jetzt wieder Angst haben in die Schule zu gehen – nur weil sie Juden sind.

Es schmerzt mich,
wenn meine Urenkelkinder immer noch von Polizisten mit Maschinengewehren beschützt werden müssen, – nur weil sie Juden sind.

Ich wünsche mir,
dass nicht nur an den Gedenktagen an die toten Juden erinnert wird,
sondern auch im Alltag an die Lebenden.
S i e brauchen jetzt Schutz.

Es erschreckt mich,
das rechtsextreme Parteien wieder gewählt werden.
Sie dürfen nicht so stark werden, dass unsere Demokratie gefährdet wird.
Wir sind kurz davor.

Ich wünsche mir das die Gesellschaft nicht schweigt, wenn am Nebentisch antisemitische Äußerungen fallen.

Wer schweigt macht sich mitschuldig.

Ich wünsche mir,
dass Studenten ihre jüdischen Kommilitonen unterstützen, wenn sie angefeindet werden.

Ich bin dankbar, dass unsere Regierung sich gleich nach dem 7. Oktober, mit Israel solidarisiert und sich hinter die Jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland gestellt hat.

Ich fühle mich durch unsere Demokratie beschützt…Noch…
Aber es macht mir große Sorgen und ich bin traurig zu Sehen, was sich auf den Straßen abspielt,
die Bereitschaft zur Gewalt…
der Judenhass…der Menschenhass..

Warum verteidigen nicht alle Menschen dieses wunderbare Grundgesetz und unsere Demokratie in der wir leben ?

30.01.2024 - 06:20 [ CNN ]

Biden’s response to Jordan attack is likely to be powerful, but US is wary of triggering a wider war with Iran, officials say

President Joe Biden is under increasing pressure to respond in a way that stops these attacks for good. Iran-backed militants have targeted US military facilities in Iraq and Syria over 160 times since October, and several Republican lawmakers have called for the US to hit inside Iran directly to send a clear message.

But the biggest challenge now for the Biden administration is how to respond to the drone strike – the deadliest attack on US forces in the region since the bombing at Abbey Gate killed 13 US service members in the closing days of the Afghanistan withdrawal – without sparking a regional war.

28.01.2024 - 16:43 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Peru: Die alte Republik und ihre lebenden Toten

Das beschämende Spektakel, dass die Bürger definitiv mehr und mehr von denjenigen entfernt, die behaupten, ihre Vertreter zu sein, hat schon seit Langem nichts mehr mit dem Gesetz und der Verfassung zu tun, sondern mit den persönlichen Begehrlichkeiten dieser Personen.

Das Argument von Anfang 2023, dass sie mit einem Terroranschlag konfrontiert seien, ist widerlegt worden. Jetzt besteht der Terrorismus-Vorwand nicht mehr, und wir haben eine politische Krise, die vielleicht sogar noch schlimmer ist als die von vor einem Jahr. Das Land ist weiterhin unregierbar, aber nicht wegen der Mobilisierung von denen „da unten”, sondern wegen der unersättlichen Gier von denen „da oben”.

22.01.2024 - 09:01 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: ‚There is nothing left. They destroyed everything‘


Many will say this is the second Palestinian Nakba, and it is for the majority of Palestinians in Gaza who were driven from their homes and lands in 1948.

But for my family, and for nearly 30 percent of Gaza’s population, this is our first experience of Nakba. This is the first time our connection to the city that has held our lives, our stories, and our history, for thousands of years, has been disrupted.

The house my aunty was driven out of belongs to my great-grandfather and was first built during the Ottoman empire, more than 100 years ago. Our neighbourhood, Tuffah, and its adjacent Mohatta Street, where the old railway station used to be, are much older than Israel and all its wars.

21.01.2024 - 06:34 [ Mohamed Salah / Twitter ]

The Israeli occupation forces blow up an entire residential block in Abasan area, east of Khan Younis.

17.01.2024 - 20:11 [ White House ]

Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the Terrorist Designation of the Houthis

Over the past months, Yemen-based Houthi militants have engaged in unprecedented attacks against United States military forces and international maritime vessels operating in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. These attacks fit the textbook definition of terrorism. They have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized global trade, and threatened freedom of navigation. The United States and the international community have been united in our response and in condemning these attacks in the strongest terms.

Today, in response to these continuing threats and attacks, the United States announced the designation of Ansarallah, also known as the Houthis, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

17.01.2024 - 20:05 [ U.S. Central Command / Twitter ]

Today, in response to these continuing threats and attacks, the United States announced the designation of Ansarallah, also known as the Houthis, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist – Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor

17.01.2024 - 08:33 [ ]

„Seit 5.45 Uhr wird zurückgeschossen“


Ein angeblicher Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz – die SS hatte drei tote KZ-Häftlinge in polnische Uniformen gesteckt – war der letzte Vorwand: Am 1. September 1939 begann mit dem Angriff auf Polen der Zweite Weltkrieg.

17.01.2024 - 08:30 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran hits back

Missiles rain on the headquarters of terrorists in Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria’s Idlib and Pakistan’s Balochistan

17.01.2024 - 08:20 [ Washington Post ]

Iran attacks alleged militant bases in Pakistan; Islamabad says ‚unprovoked‘ strikes kill 2 children

Iran launched attacks Tuesday in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl, potentially further raising tensions in a Middle East already roiled by Israel‘s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Pakistan said the strikes killed two children and wounded three others in an assault it described as an “unprovoked violation” of its airspace.

13.01.2024 - 23:06 [ ]

‚All American and British Interests Have Become Legitimate Targets,‘ Houthis Say

„All American and British interests have become legitimate targets for the Yemeni Armed Forces in response to their direct and announced aggression against the Yemeni Republic,“ the Houthis‘ Supreme Political Committee said in a statement as tens of thousands of Yemenis took to the streets to protest the strikes.

29.12.2023 - 19:40 [ ]

He was taken from his home a healthy man. He came back on his deathbed.

Many speculated as to what caused such a severe deterioration in Farouq’s condition. Was it torture? Starvation? Medical neglect? All tactics that have been widely reported by human rights groups and Palestinians recently released from Israeli custody.

According to his family, Farouq was subjected to everything: beatings, the deprivation of food, and medical neglect. It was the medical neglect, however, that they say is what led Farouq to where he is now: receiving palliative care at a Ramallah hospital, waiting for death to knock on his door.

24.12.2023 - 00:40 [ Reuters ]

More than 20 countries now part of US-led Red Sea coalition, Pentagon says

Still, the new Pentagon total would suggest that at least eight of the countries who have signed up have also declined to be publicly named, in a sign of political sensitivities of the operation as regional tensions soar over the Israel-Hamas war. (…)

Each country will contribute what they can, Ryder said, dubbing it a „coalition of the willing.“

20.12.2023 - 14:59 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

I’m not a Trump supporter (if I were, I wouldn’t be running against him!) But I want to beat him in a fair election, not because he was kicked off the ballot. Let the voters choose, not the courts!

20.12.2023 - 14:50 [ New York Times ]

Colorado Voters Share Sense of Unease After Court Disqualifies Trump

“I think it disenfranchises voters,” said Jeremy Loew, a longtime defense lawyer in Colorado Springs who described himself as a progressive who had never voted for Mr. Trump. “Our whole system is built around people running for office and letting the voters decide.”

“We can’t just kick people off the ballot because they have been accused of something,” he added.

08.12.2023 - 01:40 [ Jewish Voice for Peace / Twitter ]

The footage of Israeli soldiers torturing and humiliating detained Palestinian men in Gaza is horrific. We’ve seen terrible images like this from genocides throughout history. We know what this leads to. Never again means never again for anyone.

06.12.2023 - 06:10 [ World Health Organization / Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ]

WHO appeals for protection of the health system from further attacks and degradation of its capacity


We have seen what happened in northern Gaza. This cannot be the blueprint for the south. Gaza cannot afford to lose another hospital as health needs continue to soar.

As more civilians in southern Gaza receive immediate evacuation orders and are forced to move, more people are being concentrated into smaller areas, while the remaining hospitals in those areas run without sufficient fuel, medicines, food, water, or protection of health workers.

21.11.2023 - 05:55 [ Ramy Abdu|, Chairman @EuroMedHR / Twitter ]

Innocent children are dying in Gaza due to the Israel blockade and closure of food, water, and medical supplies. The world must act now to end this siege and save these precious lives. #GazaGenocide

20.11.2023 - 06:31 [ / Twitter ]

The idea of expelling Arabs to other countries was once linked to far-right radicals, and thus considered anathema by most Israelis. Now, to the delight of extremists, the idea is gaining traction as a „moral“ solution to the war


20.11.2023 - 06:11 [ Gila Gamliel / Jerusalem Post ]

Victory is an opportunity for Israel in the midst of crisis – opinion

Some world leaders are already discussing a worldwide refugee resettlement scheme and saying they would welcome Gazans to their countries. This could be supported by many nations around the world, especially those that claim to be friends of the Palestinians.

This is an opportunity for those who say they support the Palestinian people to show these are not just empty words.

20.11.2023 - 06:06 [ @derspiegel / Twitter ]

Statt den Gazastreifen wieder aufzubauen, sollen Menschen aus dem Küstengebiet in anderen Ländern unterkommen können. An den Kosten sollen sich nach Aussagen von Gila Gamliel die internationale Gemeinschaft beteiligen.

20.11.2023 - 05:25 [ @TalulaSha, Anarchist in Palestine. / Twitter ]

Full translation of Giora Eiland‘s genocidal column in Yediot Ahronot.


I expect all relevant parties to start issuing arrest warrants and writing up prosecution files.

@UNOSAPG @WairimuANderitu @IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC @CIJ_ICJ

@ICJPalestine @theCCR @Gilles_Devers

20.11.2023 - 05:19 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

Israeli General Giora Eiland’s weekly call for genocide: “The international community warns of a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from it, as hard as it is. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Strip will hasten victory”


full translation by @TalulaSha

20.11.2023 - 04:56 [ Giora Eiland / Yedioth Ahronoth ]

In Gaza, there is no such thing as ‚innocent civilians‘

(8. Mai 2014)

You probably have two questions now. First, why should Gaza‘s residents suffer? Well, they are to blame for this situation just like Germany‘s residents were to blame for electing Hitler as their leader and paid a heavy price for that, and rightfully so. (…)

We are dealing with an enemy state, not with a terror organization which is seemingly operating from within an innocent civilian population.

Only when we put things on the level between states or between people, we will be able to create real deterrence or defeat the enemy when the next conflict erupts.

20.11.2023 - 04:53 [ New York Times ]

The U.S. Should Think Twice About Israel’s Plans for Gaza

(Oct. 15, 2023)

Consider what some in the Israeli defense establishment have said.

“The State of Israel has no choice but to turn Gaza into a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in,” a reservist major general, Giora Eiland, wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth, an Israeli newspaper. “Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal.” He added, “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said, “We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.” Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian declared that in Gaza, “there will be no electricity and no water. There will only be destruction. You wanted hell; you will get hell.”

20.11.2023 - 04:20 [ ]

Watch: Israeli children sing, “We will annihilate everyone” in Gaza

The sweet faces of children make an incongruous accompaniment to the genocidal lyrics of the so-called Friendship Song 2023.

“Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza, planes are bombing, destruction, destruction,” the children sing in angelic voices. “Within a year we will annihilate everyone, and then we will return to plow our fields.”

The lyrics were translated for The Electronic Intifada by independent writer and filmmaker David Sheen and you can watch a subtitled video of the song above, or in the tweet below:

20.11.2023 - 04:12 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Israeli children sing to “annihilate everyone” in Gaza in genocidal war anthem This Nazi-esque ethnosupremacist propaganda was published by Israel’s national broadcaster, @kann_news, and subsequently deleted

06.11.2023 - 02:32 [ New York Times ]

Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds

Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are both deeply — and similarly — unpopular, according to the poll. (…)

Concerns about the president’s advancing age and mental acuity — 62 percent also said Mr. Biden does not have the “mental sharpness” to be effective — are just the start of a sweeping set of Biden weaknesses in the survey results.

02.11.2023 - 21:43 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Wie prognostiziert: Israel will deutsche “Inspektoren” in Gaza und droht anderenfalls mit neuem Massaker

(7. August, 2014)

Die Botschaft des sicherlich proasiatischen ex-Türstehers aus Moldawien Lieberman ist klar: “Gebt uns Soldaten, ihr Deutschen, ihr Führer des Imperiums über den Kontinent, sonst bringen wir weiter Palästinenser um und ihr seid Schuld! Ihr seid schuld! Wie immer!”

Wie berichtet, war die Fußmatte Israels, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, schon in den letzten Tagen voran gekrochen und hatte sich seinen Lieblingsfaschisten lang hin auf den Weg gelegt. Am 3. August versprach der Außenminister von Deutschland in der Springer AG seinen Herrn und Meistern die “Herrschaft der Hamas” in ihrer Kolonie Gaza zu brechen und redete diesbezüglich von einer “Reaktivierung” des seit 2005 aktiven und erst kürzlich von der “Europäischen Kommission” bis 2015 verlängerten Mandats der Polizeimission E.U.B.A.M.

In seiner ganzen bräsigen Robotortour von uns mal wieder kalt erwischt, faselte Steinmeiers Auswärtiges Amt dann gestern etwas von einer Entsendung “unbewaffneter” (!) deutscher Polizisten nach Gaza, offensichtlich um ein Bundestagsmandat zu umgehen.

Heute nun statt der Fälschung Steinmeier und seiner von ihm übernommenen Fantompartei S.P.D. das Original: der Faschist Avigdor Lieberman.

Der Außenminister des Jerusalemer Regimes, dem bereits ein Verfahren vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag droht und gegen das der Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen eine Untersuchungskommission wegen mutmaßlicher Kriegsverbrechen verhängt hat, machte denn auch völlig klar, was er von den angeforderten deutschen “Inspektoren” erwartet und was der Kolonie Gaza droht wenn dort nicht gespurt und sich gefälligst wieder unterworfen wird, wie anno dünnemal unter der Fatah und ihrer “Autonomiebehörde”: ein neues Massaker.

02.11.2023 - 21:33 [ Peter Martin and Jennifer Jacobs / Bloomberg ]

US and Israel Weigh Peacekeepers for the Gaza Strip After Hamas

(October 31, 2023)

The US and Israel are exploring options for the future of the Gaza Strip, including the possibility of a multinational force that may involve American troops if Israeli forces succeed in ousting Hamas, people familiar with the matter said.

02.11.2023 - 21:27 [ Jennifer Jacobs, Sr. White House reporter for Bloomberg News / Twitter ]

NEWS: Officials exploring future options for Gaza, including oversight by countries from region, possibly backed by troops from US, UK, Germany, France, sources tell @PeterMartin_PCM & me.


Or: peacekeeping force modeled on MFO. Or: temporary UN governance.

02.11.2023 - 18:05 [ Jalal / Twitter ]

Another massacre in Bureij refugee camp, central Gaza. Israeli forces use ??supplied JDAM ordinance to flatten another residential block in the densely populated camp. Eight homes flattened. Scores reportedly between killed, injured, under the rubble.

(4 hours ago)

This is horrifying! No where is safe.

02.11.2023 - 16:25 [ Dylan Griffith / Twitter ]

Israeli settlers, with the protection of IDF soldiers throw stones at passing Palestinian cars on the roads outside of Deir Sharaf.

01.11.2023 - 18:35 [ YouGov America / Twitter ]

NEW: Economist/YouGov polling on the 2024 election Do you want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024? Yes: 25% No: 61% Do you want Donald Trump to run for president again in 2024? Yes: 31% No: 58%

18.10.2023 - 19:27 [ ]

Gaza hospital strike: 2022 video peddled as proof of ‘failed Hamas rocket launch’

Fact Check

There are several instances of this video being shared in August of 2022. It was uploaded by Non-Profit Organisation StandWithUs on Facebook which claimed that the video is of an explosion in Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip that had killed at least four children and was the result of a failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad.

According to a Washington Post report, the explosion happened during the airstrikes and rocket attacks that continued for two whole days, until Israel and the militants in the Gaza Strip agreed to a cease-fire on August 7. The airstrikes killed 43 people and injured more than 300 in Gaza and forced thousands of Israelis to shelter in bunkers. In the refugee camp of Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip, an explosion on August 6 had killed at least four children. The Israeli military, which shared satellite footage of rocket fire from the enclave, said that the fatalities were the result of a failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch and that it did not conduct an airstrike at the time of the blast.

17.10.2023 - 21:42 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israel-Hamas war live: Gaza hospital attacked with thousands taking shelter

An Israeli air strike has hit al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City where thousands of civilians are seeking medical treatment and shelter from relentless attacks.

Gaza health ministry says at least 500 casualties in hospital blast. A UN-run school housing refugees also struck.