Archiv: authority / authorizations / approvals / mandates / goodwill / recognitions / signings / certifications

14.09.2024 - 18:35 [ ]

Should the British government let Ukraine use UK missiles for direct attacks on Russia?

Should the British government let Ukraine use UK missiles for direct attacks on Russia?

Don‘t know

14.09.2024 - 17:34 [ ]

Keir Starmer in Washington: Should the UK back Ukrainian strikes into Russia?

However, supporters of Ukraine argue the nation needs the ability to hit targets inside Russia to be able to stage an effective resistance – and point to Russia’s use of foreign-sourced munitions against cities in Ukraine.

13.09.2024 - 14:16 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

13.09.2024 - 14:10 [ Reuters ]

Could the Palestinians get UNGA membership?

The May vote by the General Assembly was a global survey of support for the Palestinian bid to become a full member – a move that would effectively recognize a Palestinian state – after the United States vetoed it in the U.N. Security Council in April.

The Palestinians remain a non-member observer state as the 15-member Security Council has not acted on the General Assembly recommendation.

28.08.2024 - 14:15 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Iran: Khamenei greenlights talks with US but urges caution


In 2015, Iran signed an agreement with the P5+1 group – the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France) plus Germany – to regulate and monitor Tehran’s nuclear activities in exchange for lifting sanctions.

However, in 2018, under former President Donald Trump, Washington unilaterally withdrew from the agreement and began reimposing “unprecedented sanctions” on Iran. In response, Tehran gradually suspended its commitments under the deal and took several steps, including resuming high-level uranium enrichment.

28.08.2024 - 13:45 [ Just Security ]

A Presidential Proclamation to End the Iraq War: Unilateral Executive Action to Defang a Zombie AUMF

(August 20, 2024)

The current blockage in the House—particularly given its potential use for a war with Iran— should prompt the White House to consider alternative means to disarm the 2002 Iraq AUMF. One reported reason that repeal legislation has yet to receive an up-or-down vote in the House is that some members are concerned about losing a potential authority for war with Iran. (The House of Representatives already voted to repeal the 2002 authorization in a previous Congress.) To be clear, it does not do so (see here and here). Nevertheless, a desire to keep the 2002 Iraq AUMF on the books as authority to fight Iran was certainly expressed by a number of senators who opposed repeal.

28.08.2024 - 13:40 [ CBS News ]

Senate votes overwhelmingly to keep 2001 authorization for war on terror

(March 23, 2023)

Senators rejected the amendment 86-9 as they are debating a separate repeal of two authorizations of military force in Iraq. There is broad bipartisan support to withdraw that congressional approval granted in 1991 and 2002 for military strikes against Saddam Hussein‘s regime.

While those two authorizations are rarely used and focused on just one country, Iraq, the 2001 measure gave President George W. Bush broad authority for the invasion of Afghanistan and the fight against terrorism, approving force „against those nations, organizations, or persons“ that planned or aided the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

08.05.2024 - 19:24 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

03.05.2024 - 04:00 [ ]

Biden says ‚order must prevail‘ during campus protests over the war in Gaza

President Joe Biden on Thursday defended the right to protest but insisted that „order must prevail“ as college campuses across the country face unrest over the war in Gaza.

„Dissent is essential for democracy,“ he said at the White House. „But dissent must never lead to disorder.“

01.05.2024 - 08:48 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

20.04.2024 - 18:35 [ Middle East Eye ]

In photos: Aftermath of deadly Israeli strikes in Rafah

Israeli fighter jets have bombed two homes in Rafah in overnight strikes, killing a total of 10 people, including six children and women.

20.04.2024 - 18:22 [ ]

An Israeli airstrike in Gaza‘s south kills at least 9 Palestinians in Rafah, including 6 children


An Israeli airstrike on a house in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah killed at least nine people, six of them children, hospital authorities said Saturday, as Israel pursued its nearly seven-month offensive in the besieged Palestinian territory.

20.04.2024 - 18:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

US approves Rafah op. in exchange for no Israeli counter-strikes on Iran – report


The US has approved a potential Israeli Rafah operation in exchange for the Jewish state not conducting counterstrikes on Iran, according to a Thursday report from the Qatari newspaper The New Arab.

A senior official told The New Arab that „Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu managed to obtain American approval for a military operation in Rafah, in exchange for [Israel] refraining from carrying out a wide military operation against Iran in response to its recent attack.“

19.04.2024 - 20:55 [ New York Times ]

Oct. 25, 1971 | People’s Republic of China In, Taiwan Out, at U.N.

(October 25, 2011)

On Oct. 25, 1971, the United Nations General Assembly voted to admit the People’s Republic of China (mainland China) and to expel the Republic of China (Taiwan). The Communist P.R.C. therefore assumed the R.O.C.’s place in the General Assembly as well as its place as one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. (…)

The United States, the most significant opponent of the resolution, then argued for the P.R.C. to be admitted separately from the R.O.C., which would have allowed the R.O.C. to retain its spot. The proposal was defeated.

19.04.2024 - 20:40 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

19.04.2024 - 20:30 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: I. Sessions

Rule 8

(a) Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be convened within fifteen days of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council or from a majority of the Members of the United Nations or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

Request by Members

Rule 9

(a) Any Member of the United Nations may request the Secretary-General to convene a special session of the General Assembly. The Secretary-General shall immediately inform the other Members of the request and inquire whether they concur in it. If within thirty days of the date of the communication of the Secretary-General a majority of the Members concur in the request, a special session of the General Assembly shall be convened in accordance with rule 8.

(b) This rule shall apply also to a request by any Member of the United Nations for an emergency special session pursuant to resolution 377 A (V). In such a case, the Secretary-General shall communicate with the other Members by the most expeditious means of communication available.

18.04.2024 - 20:05 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

18.04.2024 - 18:50 [ United Nations ]

Security Council Approves ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya, Authorizing ‘All Necessary Measures’ to Protect Civilians, by Vote of 10 in Favour with 5 Abstentions

(17 March 2011)

Adopting resolution 1973 (2011) by a vote of 10 in favour to none against, with 5 abstentions (Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russian Federation), the Council authorized Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory — requesting them to immediately inform the Secretary-General of such measures.

14.03.2024 - 15:58 [ Yahia Lababidi / / Mastodon ]

#Israel bombed a #food distribution center run by #UNRWA. Then attacked another area with people waiting for food aid. There‘s also footage of them bombing exact vicinity right after Aid was airdropped.

In addition to more videos of snipers shooting #children.

Yet #Biden administration refuses to withhold Aid or weapons, which they have given to Israel over 100 times in last 5 months without Congressional approval

14.03.2024 - 15:51 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israel strikes UN warehouse in Rafah as famine looms in Gaza

At least five people have been killed in an Israeli attack on a UN aid center in Rafah.

The facility is one of the last operating food distribution centres in Gaza.

14.03.2024 - 15:30 [ Times of Israel ]

US would support limited, pinpoint IDF op against high-value targets in Rafah — report

Two Israeli officials told Politico that the Israel Defense Forces is still developing a plan for protecting the civilians.

But unnamed US officials told Politico that in private meetings, top administration officials have told the Israelis that the US would back a strategy for “counterterrorism operations” in Rafah rather than the full-scale war waged elsewhere in Gaza.

06.03.2024 - 18:03 [ New York Times ]

Oct. 25, 1971 | People’s Republic of China In, Taiwan Out, at U.N.

(October 25, 2011)

On Oct. 25, 1971, the United Nations General Assembly voted to admit the People’s Republic of China (mainland China) and to expel the Republic of China (Taiwan). The Communist P.R.C. therefore assumed the R.O.C.’s place in the General Assembly as well as its place as one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. (…)

The United States, the most significant opponent of the resolution, then argued for the P.R.C. to be admitted separately from the R.O.C., which would have allowed the R.O.C. to retain its spot. The proposal was defeated.

06.03.2024 - 17:50 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

16.02.2024 - 18:10 [ Washington Post ]

U.S., Arab nations plan for postwar Gaza, timeline for Palestinian state


The key is the hostage deal,” said one U.S. official among several American and Arab diplomats who discussed the subject on the condition of anonymity to avoid derailing the plan before it is completed.

15.02.2024 - 18:21 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

15.02.2024 - 18:14 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: I. Sessions

Rule 8

(a) Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be convened within fifteen days of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council or from a majority of the Members of the United Nations or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

Request by Members

Rule 9

(a) Any Member of the United Nations may request the Secretary-General to convene a special session of the General Assembly. The Secretary-General shall immediately inform the other Members of the request and inquire whether they concur in it. If within thirty days of the date of the communication of the Secretary-General a majority of the Members concur in the request, a special session of the General Assembly shall be convened in accordance with rule 8.

(b) This rule shall apply also to a request by any Member of the United Nations for an emergency special session pursuant to resolution 377 A (V). In such a case, the Secretary-General shall communicate with the other Members by the most expeditious means of communication available.

14.02.2024 - 15:10 [ ]

UN-mandated ground troops from South Africa marching into Palestine to secure the free and fair vote for a Constitutional Assembly, following a popular vote and elections

(search results)

07.02.2024 - 20:00 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

07.02.2024 - 19:55 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: I. Sessions

Rule 8

(a) Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be convened within fifteen days of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council or from a majority of the Members of the United Nations or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

Request by Members

Rule 9

(a) Any Member of the United Nations may request the Secretary-General to convene a special session of the General Assembly. The Secretary-General shall immediately inform the other Members of the request and inquire whether they concur in it. If within thirty days of the date of the communication of the Secretary-General a majority of the Members concur in the request, a special session of the General Assembly shall be convened in accordance with rule 8.

(b) This rule shall apply also to a request by any Member of the United Nations for an emergency special session pursuant to resolution 377 A (V). In such a case, the Secretary-General shall communicate with the other Members by the most expeditious means of communication available.

07.02.2024 - 00:05 [ robert wood / Twitter ]

If Sunak was sincere, Palestine would have statehood & Peace Keepers be in the State of Palestine. But no, Sunak just windbags on, supporting Israel cart blanche


30.01.2024 - 11:30 [ Reuters ]

Elon Musk‘s Neuralink implants brain chip in first human

The study uses a robot to surgically place a brain-computer interface (BCI) implant in a region of the brain that controls the intention to move, Neuralink said previously, adding that its initial goal is to enable people to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their thoughts alone.

30.01.2024 - 11:25 [ ]

Neuralink Is Now Recruiting Human Subjects


It‘s only a tiny incremental step towards Musk‘s sweeping vision for his company‘s brain chip. In 2020, Musk promised Neuralink devices could solve numerous neurological conditions, including addiction or memory loss, or restore movement for people with spinal cord injuries. He‘s even promised that one day, a Neuralink brain chip could allow for human-to-human telepathy.

In short, despite Musk‘s grand ambitions, Neuralink still has a lot of work to do to catch up with its competitors — and isn‘t about to completely revolutionize the field just yet.

20.01.2024 - 05:22 [ Dearbhla Minogue, Lawyer @GLAN_LAW / Twitter ]

Palestinian human rights organisation @alhaq_org has forced the gov’t to answer a legal challenge and tell the Court why it has kept granting weapons licences to Israel. The response shows why it was necessary. We @GLAN_LAW are proud to represent them – the pressure is building.

20.01.2024 - 05:11 [ Zarah Sultana MP, Proud to be the Labour MP for Coventry South / Twitter ]

NEW: The government hid from Parliament the Foreign Office‘s „serious concerns“ about Israel‘s compliance with International Humanitarian Law in Gaza, according to newly-released court papers. This should be national news – and it should end arms sales to Israel.

The papers show that at the start of the war the Foreign Office set up an internal International Humanitarian Law assessment process.

On 10 November it judged: “the volume of strikes, total death toll, as well as proportion of those who are children raise serious concerns”. 2/12

It also said: „the government’s current inability to come to a clear assessment on Israel’s record of compliance with International Humanitarian Law poses significant policy risks”.

But look at what Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell said to me just 4 days later… 3/12

In Parliament on 14 November, I asked Mitchell if British-made weapons had been used in violation of international law in Gaza.

He replied reassuring me of Israel‘s commitment to international law, even though just 4 days earlier his department registered serious concerns. 4/12

Mitchell said: „The member will know that the President of Israel has made it clear that his country will abide by International Humanitarian Law“.

These court papers reveal that his own department, the UK Foreign Office, doubted the Israeli President‘s words.

20.01.2024 - 04:51 [ Middle East Eye ]

War on Gaza: UK‘s Cameron okayed arms sales to Israel despite Foreign Office legal concerns

The Export Control Joint Unit – a cross-departmental body that oversees UK‘s export controls and licensing for military and dual-use items – told Cameron on 8 December that he had three options when it came to advising whether export licenses for sales to Israel should be approved.

He could either not suspend them, but keep them under careful review; suspend where it was assessed items might be used to carry out Israeli military options in the conflict in Gaza; or suspend all licenses.

Cameron decided on 12 December that he was satisfied Israel was committed to complying with international humanitarian law, according to the filing.

27.12.2023 - 11:41 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138 PDF

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

27.12.2023 - 11:35 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: I. Sessions

Rule 8

(a) Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be convened within fifteen days of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council or from a majority of the Members of the United Nations or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.

Request by Members

Rule 9

(a) Any Member of the United Nations may request the Secretary-General to convene a special session of the General Assembly. The Secretary-General shall immediately inform the other Members of the request and inquire whether they concur in it. If within thirty days of the date of the communication of the Secretary-General a majority of the Members concur in the request, a special session of the General Assembly shall be convened in accordance with rule 8.

(b) This rule shall apply also to a request by any Member of the United Nations for an emergency special session pursuant to resolution 377 A (V). In such a case, the Secretary-General shall communicate with the other Members by the most expeditious means of communication available.

27.12.2023 - 11:06 [ Trillions.News / Twitter ]

Replying to @antonioguterres: Then grant Palestine UN nationhood status and full membership as it has been asking for years. Do it now.

27.12.2023 - 10:52 [ Wikipedia ]

International recognition of the State of Palestine: No diplomatic recognition

Andorra …
Armenia …
Australia …
Austria …
Barbados …
Belgium …
Cameroon …
Canada …
Croatia …
Denmark …
Eritrea …
Estonia …
Fiji …
Finland …
France …
Germany …
Greece …
Ireland …
Israel …
Italy …
Jamaica …
Japan …
Kiribati …
Latvia …
Liechtenstein …
Lithuania …
Luxembourg …
Marshall Islands …
Mexico …
Federated States of Micronesia …
Moldova …
Monaco …
Myanmar …
Nauru …
Netherlands …
New Zealand …
North Macedonia …
Norway …
Palau …
Panama …
Portugal …
Samoa …
San Marino …
Singapore …
Slovenia …
Solomon Islands …
South Korea …
Spain …
Switzerland …
The Bahamas …
Tonga …
Trinidad and Tobago …
Tuvalu …
United Kingdom …
United States …

12.12.2023 - 09:50 [ Common Dreams ]

United Nations Honor, United States Shame in Gaza

There is a larger and far more important point. Hamas can be demobilized through diplomacy, and only through diplomacy. Israel and the United States need finally to abide by international law, accept a sovereign state of Palestine alongside Israel, and welcome Palestine as the 194th member state of the UN. The US needs to stop arming the Israeli operation of ethnic cleansing in Gaza and stop protecting Israel’s rampant violations of basic human rights in the West Bank. Fifty-six years after its illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, and after decades of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, Israel needs finally to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian lands.

08.12.2023 - 19:11 [ @UN_News_Centre / Twitter ]

#LIVE: The meeting has adjourned Security Council members, meanwhile, continue negotiations on a draft resolution, and are scheduled to reconvene this afternoon (Friday) at 5:30 PM New York time Stay with us for further developments

08.12.2023 - 19:05 [ Nabil Abi Saab, AlAraby TV, UNHQ New York / Twitter ]

The draft resolution has only 3 OPs. It „takes note and acts upon“ the UNSG Art. 99 letter. It was officially circulated in the #UNSC – Voting date and time TBD, but it‘s most likely on Friday. Here‘s the text:

„The Security Council,
PP1. Recalling its resolutions on the situation on the Middle East,

PP2. Taking note of and acting upon the letter dated 6 December 2023 of the Secretary-General, under Article 99 of the Charter of the United Nations, addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2023/962),

PP3. Expressing grave concern over the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip and the suffering of the Palestinian civilian population,

OP1. Demands an immediate humanitarian ceasefire;

OP2. Reiterates its demand that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians;

OP3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on an urgent and continuing basis on the state of implementation of the present resolution;

OP4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.“

08.12.2023 - 17:19 [ United Nations - Web TV ]

1) The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question – Security Council, 9498th meeting. 2) The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question – Security Council, 9499th meeting.

The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Letter dated 6 December 2023 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2023/962).
Related Sites and Documents


08.12.2023 - 17:10 [ UN Web TV / Twitter ]

„The eyes of the world – and the eyes of history – are watching. Time to act.“ @antonioguterres Watch Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question:…

Available in: لعربية 中文 English Français Русский Español

08.12.2023 - 17:01 [ United Nations ]

Secretary-General‘s remarks to the Security Council – on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question [bilingual as delivered; scroll down for all-English ]

More than 130 of my colleagues have already been killed, many with their families. (…)

More than 17,000 Palestinians have reportedly been killed since the start of Israel’s military operations. This includes more than 4,000 women and 7,000 children. Tens of thousands are reported to have been injured, and many are missing, presumably under the rubble.

All these numbers are increasing by the day. (…)

At least 286 health workers have been killed. (…)

I urge the Council to spare no effort to push for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, for the protection of civilians, and for the urgent delivery of lifesaving aid.

While we deal with the current crisis, we cannot lose sight of the only viable possibility for a peaceful future: a two-State solution, on the basis of United Nations resolutions and international law, with Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security.

This is vital for Israelis, Palestinians, and for international peace and security.

The eyes of the world – and the eyes of history – are watching.

It’s time to act.

08.12.2023 - 11:55 [ Micheál Martin, Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs / Twitter ]

Ireland will co-sponsor ?? resolution on #Gaza at UN Security Council today, demanding: – Immediate humanitarian ceasefire. – Protection of civilians & compliance with int. law. – Immediate & unconditional release of hostages. – Urgent humanitarian access.

The Council must act

08.12.2023 - 11:20 [ United Nations ]

Gaza fighting continues amid ‘apocalyptic’ conditions; Security Council to meet Friday

(December 7, 2023)

Meanwhile, in New York, Ecuador – which holds the presidency of the Security Council, announced that an emergency meeting to discuss the Palestine-Israel crisis would take place at 10 AM local time in New York on Friday.

UN chief António Guterres called on the 15-member Council on Wednesday – invoking the rare but powerful Chapter 99 tool – to “press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe” and unite in a call for a full humanitarian ceasefire.

07.12.2023 - 21:25 [ ]

The Security Council set to vote on Gaza resolution following Antonio Guterres letter

At the United Nations in New York it‘s considered „a nuclear option“ for the Secretary General to invoke Article 99 of the UN charter as he did yesterday in a letter to the Security Council.

It’s a sign that the UN leadership feels it has run out of options trying to cajole and pressure the Council – the UN’s highest decision-making body – into action.

07.12.2023 - 21:10 [ RTÉ News / Twitter ]

The UN Security Council could vote as early as Friday on a new text calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, after a dramatic intervention from UN chief António Guterres

07.12.2023 - 12:25 [ Council on American–Islamic Relations ]

CAIR Welcomes UN Chief’s Invocation of Rare Article 99 Over Gaza Genocide

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today welcomed the invocation of a rare clause ordering the UN Security Council to meet to discuss an urgent ceasefire in Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza.