Der investigative Journalist, Fernsehreporter und Filmemacher John Pilger erklärte vor dem Amtsgericht von Westminster gegenüber den Medien: „Das Verbrechen von Julian Assange besteht darin, guten Journalismus gemacht zu haben. Jeder Journalist, der sein Handwerk gewissenhaft und wahrheitsgemäß erledigt, über die Macht recherchiert, die sich über die Menschen erhebt – egal ob es sich dabei um die Regierung oder ihre Interessengruppen handelt, sollte deswegen zutiefst beunruhigt sein. Denn heute geht es gegen Julian Assange, und morgen vielleicht gegen Sie.“
Daily Archives: 1. Juni 2019
House Intelligence chair to spy agencies: Tell us what Barr asks for
„This approach threatens national security by subverting longstanding rules and practices that obligate you and other heads of [intelligence community] agencies to safeguard sources and methods and prevent the politicization of intelligence and law enforcement,“ Schiff wrote in the letter to Coats, which was also sent to the heads of the CIA, NSA and FBI.
Barr Doubts Intelligence Accounts of Trump-Russia Probe’s Origin
Attorney General William Barr said he’s not satisfied so far with official accounts justifying the counterintelligence investigation into whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was involved in Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
“These counterintelligence activities that were directed at the Trump campaign, were not done in the normal course and not through the normal procedures as a far as I can tell,” Barr told “CBS This Morning” in an interview broadcast Friday.
Barr has not received ‚satisfactory‘ answers from intelligence community in Russia probe origins review
Last month, Barr announced he had assembled a team to review the FBI’s original Russia probe which was opened in the summer of 2016. Barr appointed U.S. Attorney from Connecticut John Durham to lead the investigation which will focus on the use of FBI informants as well as alleged improper issuance of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants.
But Barr, in an interview with CBS News that aired Friday, said he has more questions than answers at this point in the probe.
+++ Philip Lee No Confidenced +++
The second referendum backing Tory MP has so alienated members of his constituency association that he didn’t even turn up at the Bracknell Conservative Association’s Special General Meeting. Unsurprisingly they voted that they had no confidence in Philip Lee.
Bracknell Conservative Association pass motion of no confidence in Phillip Lee MP
BRACKNELL MP Phillip Lee has been deselected after Tory members voted at a meeting of the Bracknell Conservative Association (BCA) on Saturday, June 1.
This comes after a petition with 53 members’ signatures was received by the BCA entitled ‘the Bracknell Conservative Association has no confidence in Dr Phillip Lee MP as the Conservative member of Parliament for the constituency of Bracknell’.
„S.P.D.“ an europäische Demokratien: Würdet Ihr mit uns Selbstmord begehen? Bitte, bitte!
Martin Schulz will, sagt der derzeitige größte-Koalitions-Vorsitzende der „S.P.D.“ auf dem Berliner Sonderparteitag, „Vereinigte Staaten von Europa“ bis zum Jahre 2025. Geht alles gut, ist bis dahin die älteste und heute gefährlichste Partei Deutschlands Geschichte. Die europäischen Demokratien aber, sie werden auch die paneuropäischen Imperialisten überleben, die Nein zu Europa sagen wie es ist.
??#Germany, federal election #poll : ⏫#Grüne : 27 % (+9 %) ?#CDU/#CSU : 26 % (-2 %) ⏬#SPD : 12 % (-5 %) ?#AFD : 11 % (-2 %) ⏸️#FDP : 8 % ?#DieLinke : 7 % (-1 %) #Forsa, 31/05/19
Die SPD erreicht in einer aktuellen Umfrage nur noch 12 Prozent. Hier noch einmal, wie vor etwa einem Jahr für die GroKo geworben wurde…
Bisher waren #spd-Prognosen immer richtig! Mal sehen ob ich heute daneben liege. Die nächste Talsohle der #spd liegt bei 11 bis 12 Prozent und wird noch in diesem Jahr erreicht. Es kann nicht gut gehen, wenn eine sterbende Partei damit punkten will sich ums Volk zu kümmern.
Israel‘s Snap Election Is a Makeup Exam for Democracy
A moment before democracy was burned on the stake, Israel received a second chance. We must take full advantage of it.
Ermittlungen zum Oktoberfestattentat sollen eingestellt werden
Die 2014 wieder aufgenommenen Ermittlungen zum Oktoberfestattentat von 1980 sollen ohne neue Erkenntnisse eingestellt werden. Das berichtete die Süddeutsche Zeitung Mitte Mai. Die Sonderkommission „26. September“ des bayerischen Landeskriminalamts, die nach dem Tag des Anschlags benannt ist, sei bereits aufgelöst worden. Der Ermittlungsbericht liegt laut Deutscher Presse-Agentur (dpa) bei der verantwortlichen Bundesanwaltschaft in Karlsruhe.
Die Süddeutsche Zeitung zitiert einen Fahnder mit den Worten: „Es gibt keine letztliche Klärung.“ Die Bundesanwaltschaft äußerte sich nicht konkret zu den Berichten, ein Sprecher der Behörde sagte nur: „Die Ermittlungen dauern an.“
DoH is an over the top bypass of enterprise and other private networks. But DNS is part of the control plane, and network operators must be able to monitor and filter it. Use DoT, never DoH.
Government officials admit they can’t enforce a planned ‚porn block law‘ in the UK because of DNS encryption
The UK wants everyone to hand over their personal details to get „age verified“ before looking at adult content… but an official has now admitted it could be almost unenforceable due to the rollout of DNS encryption on Firefox and maybe Chrome.
Les #GiletsJaunes #Paris #Acte29 #ActeXXIX #YellowVests
Déter, populaires, jamais résignés, pour la justice sociale, pour la justice écologique, pour la justice tout court, nous sommes #GiletsJaunes et fiers de l’être #acte29
⚡️#PARIS [En direct] #Acte29⚡️ Les #GiletsJaunes se rassemblent du côté de Denfert-Rochereau pour ce 29ème samedi de mobilisation.
DEA Investigated Honduras President for Cocaine Trafficking
The document, filed Tuesday, sought a court order to force tech companies including Apple, Google and Microsoft, to turn over email information from eight targets of the investigation, including President Juan Orlando Hernandez and Security Minister Julian Pacheco.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Mass protests in #Honduras against the government of president Juan Orlando Hernandez have been met with heavy police repression. Our correspondent in Honduras @GildateleSUR has the story. #FueraJOH
Travel Advice: Violent protests and disruption amid ongoing 48-hour strike in Honduras – advice and info
A 48-hour strike that is set to end later today (Friday) has lead to violent protests and widespread disruption in Honduras. People are striking against government plans to privatise education and healthcare.
Why are Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel clashing over who should be the next European Commission president?
Each political group in the European parliament – the centre-left socialists, the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), the liberals, greens etc, propose a lead candidate. In theory, the candidate from the group that comes top becomes the president.
But this system isn’t written into the treaties, and has only been used once in 2014 – it’s not clear whether it will survive. Member states don’t like it because it takes power away from them and gives it to the parliament, and they’re under no legal obligation to follow it.
Argentina „Dirty War“ Corporal Testifies 4000 Thrown into Sea Alive
The Calvary corporal confirmed that the Campo de Mayo military base was used as a clandestine detention center for people involved in the „counter-offensive“ resisting the dictatorship, and which during the conflict, he recounted, were boarded onto planes by the thousands only to plunge into the sea.
AKK beim @WDR #europaforum: Europäischer Zentralismus nicht der richtige Weg, wir müssen Europa bauen, das gemeinsame Antworten gibt wo wir sie brauchen. Deutschland und Frankreich haben oft gleiche Ziele, aber unterschiedliche Vorstellungen vom Weg dorthin.
1/2 „„Wir [#EU] müssen konsequent auf ein System von Subsidiarität, Eigenverantwortung & damit verbundener Haftung setzen. Europäischer Zentralismus, europäischer Etatismus, (…) wären der falsche Weg.“ A. Kramp-Karrenbauer (#CDU) 10.03.2019
Bilderberg-Konferenz in der Schweiz: AKK beehrt Weltelite nicht
Die CDU-Vorsitzende sagt ihre Teilnahme an der umstrittenen Bilderberg-Konferenz ab. Ein Thema des Treffens ist „Soziale Medien als Waffe“.
67. Bilderberg Treffen findet vom 30. Mai bis 2. Juni 2019 in Montreux, Schweiz, statt
Die Hauptthemen der diesjährigen Konferenz sind:
1. Eine stabile strategische Ordnung
2. Was kommt als nächstes für Europa?
3. Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit
4. China
5. Russland
6. Die Zukunft des Kapitalismus
7. Brexit
8. Ethik der künstlichen Intelligenz
9. Social Media als Waffe
10. Die Bedeutung des Weltraums
11. Cyber-Bedrohungen
.@AOC @tedcruz The revolving door between politicians and lobbyists needs to close. I’ve been working on comprehensive legislation to do this. Until then, I’m all in on a clean bill focused on Members of Congress. Let’s make it happen.
Bernie Sanders Interview with Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks interviews Senator Bernie Sanders. Support the Home of Progressives
. @BernieSanders: „We don‘t want to make the same mistake we made last time“ referring to how similar @JoeBiden is to Hillary Clinton.
Trump startet Mitte Juni seine Kampagne zur Wiederwahl
Trumps dortiger Sieg trug im Jahr 2016 entscheidend dazu bei, dass der Republikaner mehr Wahlmännerstimmen als die favorisierte demokratische Kandidatin Hillary Clinton sammeln konnte, obwohl diese aufgrund ihres starken Abschneidens in anderen Staaten insgesamt drei Millionen Wählerstimmen mehr auf sich vereinte.
On the President‘s schedule this weekend, Pres and Mrs Trump attend the annual Ford‘s Theater Gala on Sunday evening, after which they depart for Europe, starting with a State Visit in the UK, the D-Day Anniversary in France and talks with the Taioseach in Ireland.
Stephen Miller is 100 times more important than Steve Bannon (ever was), yet Steve Bannon gets 100 times more media attention than Stephen Miller. The explanation? Bannon approaches the media, Miller does not. Lazy journalism has political consequences!
Before Trump’s purge at DHS, top officials challenged plan for mass family arrests
Senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller and ICE Deputy Director Matthew Albence were especially supportive of the plan, officials said, eager to execute dramatic, highly visible mass arrests that they argued would help deter the soaring influx of families.
Trump defies close advisers in deciding to threaten Mexico with disruptive tariffs
The arguments against the tariffs — voiced internally by Kushner, Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin — did little to dissuade Trump, and Kushner was asked to call Mexican officials to inform them of the impending threat.
After the Wednesday night meeting in the Oval Office, the tariff order was finalized by the White House counsel and the office of Stephen Miller, a senior White House adviser and immigration hard-liner who oversees domestic policy.
UN expert says „collective persecution“ of Julian Assange must end now
In official letters sent earlier this week, Melzer urged the four involved governments to refrain from further disseminating, instigating or tolerating statements or other activities prejudicial to Assange’s human rights and dignity and to take measures to provide him with appropriate redress and rehabilitation for past harm. He further appealed to the British Government not to extradite Assange to the United States or to any other State failing to provide reliable guarantees against his onward transfer to the United States. He also reminded the United Kingdom of its obligation to ensure Assange’s unimpeded access to legal counsel, documentation and adequate preparation commensurate with the complexity of the pending proceedings.
“In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law,” Melzer said. “The collective persecution of Julian Assange must end here and now!”
U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture @NilsMelzer says there has been a lot of „fabrication and manipulation“ in Julian Assange‘s legal cases. „We have to take a step back and look at all these proceedings … and come to our own conclusions about whether these are fair.“
Sajid Javid reveals he is prepared to take Britain out of EU without a deal
The Tory leadership contender has revealed a five-point plan on Brexit which he believes are an „honest, credible set of proposals that recognises the significant challenges we face“.
Mr Javid rules out holding another referendum or an early general election, says he will not revoke Article 50 and vows to ramp up preparations for No Deal if he becomes prime minister.
CFA franc
The currency has been criticized for making economic planning for the developing countries of French West Africa all but impossible since the CFA‘s value is pegged to the euro (whose monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank).[3] Others disagree and argue that the CFA „helps stabilize the national currencies of Franc Zone member-countries and greatly facilitates the flow of exports and imports between France and the member-countries“.[4] The European Union‘s own assessment of the CFA‘s link to the euro, carried out in 2008, noted that „benefits from economic integration within each of the two monetary unions of the CFA franc zone, and even more so between them, remained remarkably low“ but that „the peg to the French franc and, since 1999, to the euro as exchange rate anchor is usually found to have had favourable effects in the region in terms of macroeconomic stability“
French colonialism lives on in Africa
CFA franc. These two words probably do not mean much to most readers, but they encapsulate one of the world’s most enduring – and little-known – economic experiments. In the simplest possible terms, the CFA franc is a currency used by 14 countries of Western and Central Africa, all of which are former French colonies.