In a statement of remarkable vitriol and length, former President Trump lashed out Thursday at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose commanding re-election win on Tuesday has, according to some political observers, catapulted him to front-runner status in the 2024 Republican presidential primary.
Archiv: Florida
BREAKING: Governor Ron DeSantis (R) wins re-election as Florida Governor.
The Florida Legislature and my administration are committed to protecting Florida jobs. Today, I signed legislation protecting the right of Floridians to earn a living and to make health decisions for themselves.
Florida set to become first state to fine businesses over vaccine mandates, in defiance of Biden administration
Acting mostly along party lines, the Florida House and Senate passed a package of four bills protecting workers who remain defiant against Covid-19 vaccinations. Once signed by DeSantis — which is expected in the coming days — Florida will become the first state with a law imposing fines on companies that require a Covid-19 vaccination as a condition of employment.
Florida News! Register for Peoples Party
This is HUGE news as we can now support candidates to run to fight the duopoly as People’s Party candidates in the Sunshine State. Florida is a state that moves the country politically with more than 14 Million voters, a quarter of those are already registered as unaffiliated and surveys show that millions more are seeking out a better party. This is a significant and exciting development in the building of a major new party across the country.
Crowds pack Ocean Drive in Miami Beach after curfew
Police try to enforce a curfew in Miami Beach after crowds linger, leading to a stampede.
Hundreds of people defy Miami Beach curfew orders
The city has now extended the restrictions for at least 3 weeks.
COVID-19: Miami Beach in Florida declares state of emergency over crowds
Miami Beach police are taking drastic measures to impose a new curfew as spring breakers overwhelmed the city …
US-„Spring-Break“-Feiern: Mehr als 1000 Festnahmen in Miami Beach
Wegen eines starken Andrangs von feiernden Besuchern inmitten der Corona-Pandemie haben die Behörden in Miami Beach im US-Bundesstaat Florida Ausgangssperren verhängt. Daraufhin kam es zu Straßenschlachten und mehr als 1000 Festnahmen.
UPDATED: Trump wins Florida, locked in other tight races with Biden
Biden and Trump compete for South Florida swing voters with anti-communist conspiracies and interventionist chest-beating
Aggressive efforts by both parties to court South Florida’s Latin American diaspora have shaped Miami’s political landscape into a paranoid, anti-communist madhouse as Election Day nears.
It’s 12:35amE in Opa-locka, FLORIDA, and there’s a #MAGA Rally in progress! Stop #5!
Let’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get out and VOTE #TrumpPence2020!
Trump to hold 14 rallies in final three days of campaign
In a nod to the importance of winning Pennsylvania in order to secure a second term, Trump will hold four rallies in the Keystone State on Saturday.
The president will then hold five rallies on Sunday, all in states he won in 2016 but where he is now on defense against Biden: Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
Trump will hold five more rallies on Monday on the eve of Election Day. He will stop in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, along with two events in Michigan. His final event will be in Grand Rapids, Mich., the same city where he held his final rally of the 2016 campaign.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden runs off-stage at a campaign rally in Tampa, Florida, after getting caught in the rain
Trump vs. Biden Tampa Rally Attendance: See Crowd Size Photos
Both former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump hosted rallies in Tampa, Florida, on Thursday, October 29, as part of their 2020 campaigns. Here’s a look at how many people attended those rallies, crowd size photos, and what happened at each.
The fake polls say Biden is winning Florida, but the crowd at Trump’s rally today in blue Tampa says a lot different
Covid, Covid, Covid: ‚Thousands Gathered‘ For Trump Campaign Rally In Tampa, Florida | MTP Daily
NBC News National Political Reporter Monica Alba reports from Trump‘s campaign rally in Tampa, Florida, says „the president seems to focused on dismissing Covid, Covid, Covid.“ Aired on 10/29/2020.
‚We’ve got to stop the bleeding‘: Democrats sound alarm in Miami
Democrats are sounding the alarm about weak voter turnout rates in Florida’s biggest county, Miami-Dade, where a strong Republican showing is endangering Joe Biden’s chances in the nation’s biggest swing state.
No Democrat can win Florida without a huge turnout and big winning margins here to offset losses elsewhere in the state. But Democrats are turning out at lower rates than Republicans and at lower rates than at this point in 2016, when Hillary Clinton won by 29 percentage points here and still lost the state to Donald Trump.
Exclusive poll: Trump and Biden deadlocked in Florida
The poll shows both Biden and Trump garnering 48 percent of support among likely voters in the Sunshine State, while another 4 percent are unsure of how they will vote.
Trump has closed the gap with Biden to just two points in ‚must-win‘ swing state of Florida, new poll finds
– Florida remains a close battleground state in the presidential election
– The current margin between Trump and Biden is just 2 percentage points
– Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads Trump up by 2 points in the Sunshine State
– Trump narrowly won Florida by just over 100,000 votes in 2016 against Clinto
President @realDonaldTrump just signed a presidential order extending the moratorium on offshore drilling on Florida‘s Gulf Coast—and expanding it to Florida‘s Atlantic Coast and the coasts of Georgia & South Carolina!
(Sep 8, 2020)
Bohrrechte vor Florida: Trump verlängert Vergabestopp
In Florida gibt es starken Widerstand gegen Offshore-Ölförderung.
DeSantis on Florida schools reopening: ‚If you can do Walmart,‘ then ‚we absolutely can do schools‘
“If fast food and Walmart and Home Depot and look, I do all that, so I‘m not looking down on it — but if all that is essential, then educating our kids is absolutely essential.”
Florida is „not going back“ on reopening, governor says
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told reporters on Tuesday that the state will not reinstate restrictions or close businesses to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Federal judge: Florida can’t stop poor felons from voting
“This ruling means hundreds of thousands of Floridians will be able to rejoin the electorate and participate in upcoming elections,” said Julie Ebenstein, senior staff attorney with ACLU’s Voting Rights Project. “This is a tremendous victory for voting rights.”
Residents protest coronavirus stay-at-home orders in 5 states
Protests occurred in Colorado, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee and Washington.
Governor issues stay-at-home order for South Florida
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday announced that he is issuing a stay-at-home order for the southern portion of the state as the number of positive coronavirus cases grows.
The order will apply to Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Monroe counties through the middle of May.
Military exercise to jam some GPS signals in Florida
The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) says that some GPS signals in Florida over the next few days will be jammed during military training exercises.
Russian spy ship seen operating in an „unsafe“ manner off U.S. coast, Coast Guard says
Between Sunday and Tuesday it sailed south from South Carolina past Georgia to Jacksonville, Florida, where there are several military bases.
Auf US-Militärstützpunkt: Saudischer Soldat tötet drei Menschen
Der Schütze war Behördenangaben zufolge ein Soldat der saudi-arabischen Luftwaffe. Er befand sich zur Ausbildung auf dem Stützpunkt Pensacola, erklärte der Gouverneur des Bundesstaates, Ron Desantis.
‚Barbaric‘: Saudi national opens fire on Pensacola Navy base, kills 3, injures 8
Alshamrani was one of 852 Saudi nationals in the United States training under the Pentagon’s security cooperation agreement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Defense official said. Alshamrani, began his three-year course in August 2017 with English, basic aviation and initial pilot training.
Trump startet Mitte Juni seine Kampagne zur Wiederwahl
Trumps dortiger Sieg trug im Jahr 2016 entscheidend dazu bei, dass der Republikaner mehr Wahlmännerstimmen als die favorisierte demokratische Kandidatin Hillary Clinton sammeln konnte, obwohl diese aufgrund ihres starken Abschneidens in anderen Staaten insgesamt drei Millionen Wählerstimmen mehr auf sich vereinte.
DEMOCRATS in Florida Guilty of Widespread Election Fraud
Tim Canova‘s takes on what went wrong and the Florida recount insanity.
Broward and Hillsborough Counties fail — or refuse — to submit recount totals that would have expanded GOP margins in Florida
Republicans Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott would have seen their margins in the governor and Senate races increase had county officials in two Democratic counties met the recount deadline Thursday. In Hillsborough County, the officials were perfectly clear: They flatly refused to submit the recounted numbers even though they had them on time.
Fahrenheit 9/11
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a 2004 documentary film by American filmmaker, director and political commentator Michael Moore. The film takes a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the War on Terror, and its coverage in the news media. The film is the highest grossing documentary of all time.
What’s the matter with Florida?
As the general counsel of Al Gore’s 2000 recount effort in Florida, I’m often asked this question about the Senate and gubernatorial recounts now going on there: Why does “this” keep happening in Florida?
Thursday, Rick Scott had won the Keys by one vote. By Friday, he had lost there by 10.
(9.11.2018) Numbers released Friday by the Monroe County Supervisor of Elections show that in the Florida Keys, Gov. Rick Scott actually lost his bid for U.S. Senate by 10 votes.
The initial tally after Election Day showed he carried Monroe County by exactly one vote. But an election summary report sent out Friday afternoon shows incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson received 18,036 votes to Scott’s 18,026.
US-Kongresswahlen: Florida ordnet Neuauszählung an
Der republikanische Gourverneur Rick Scott liegt im Rennen um einen Sitz im US-Senat mit 0,15 Prozentpunkten vor seinem Kontrahenten, dem Demokraten Bill Nelson. Die Gesetze des Bundesstaates schreiben eine Neuauszählung vor, wenn der Abstand zwischen den Kandidaten nur bis zu 0,5 Prozentpunkte beträgt.