Archiv: good luck!
Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to give a „peace speech“ to the United Nations on the one-year anniversary of the Ukraine war.
Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi to pay a visit to Russia, promoting peace talk top on agenda
Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi is scheduled to visit Russia – the last stop of his tour to Europe since February 14. He is expected to promote peace talks as the Russia-Ukraine conflict approaches the one-year mark, with the situation still deteriorating. Analysts said that China‘s tangible moves in de-escalating the situation have been in stark contrast to the US‘ fanning of flames.
Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin may hold talks with Wang Yi and he said the agenda for Wang is very „extensive and there is a lot to talk about.“
As a Dangerous Government Takes Over Israel, Top Hadash Leader See an Opportunity
“At times like these, we must see the silver lining from an unfortunate situation. There is a new horizon we haven’t seen before,” said Odeh, speaking with Haaretz in his Washington hotel suite ahead of addressing J Street’s annual conference last week. Odeh said he began discussing such a renewal with figures in Meretz and Labor immediately after the election and promised that “in the next few months, the level of Jewish-Arab partnership will grow immensely.”
Me reuní con los voceros de Wikikeaks, para apoyar la lucha mundial por la libertad del periodista Julian Assange. Le soliciaré al presidente Biden con otros presidentes latinoamericanos que no se pongan cargos a un periodista solo por decir la verdad
Kolumbianischer Präsident Petro trifft sich mit WikiLeaks und will sich für Julian Assange einsetzen: „Er hat nur die Wahrheit gesagt“
Der linke kolumbianische Präsident Gustavo Petro hat sich mit Sprechern des Wikileaks-Projekts im Präsidentenpalast Casa de Nariño getroffen. Das Treffen mit dem Chefredakteur der Enthüllungsplattform, Kristinn Hrafnsson, und dem Wikileaks-Botschafter, Joseph Farrell, dauerte etwa eine Stunde. Laut Hrafnsson hat sich der Staatschef bereit erklärt, für den Gründer von Wikileaks, Julian Assange, bei der Regierung von Joe Biden einzutreten.
LEIPZIG will kick off the German tour of @Ithakamovie! GlobaLE Leipzig Film Festival will screen Ithaka followed by a Q&A with @cmihr, Director of @ReporterOG (Reporters Without Borders Germany), 15 Nov @ 20.30 pm
MK Odeh: Our Public Will Stand Firm Against Fascism and Racism.
While the pro-Netanyahu bloc is slated to expand to 65 seats in the Knesset following yesterday’s election, Channel 12 reports that it only received 8,189 more votes than the anti-Netanyahu bloc. However, because Arab Balad party and possibly Zionist Meretz failed to cross the threshold, their votes were scattered to other parties rather than being redistributed to the anti-Netanyahu bloc, which is slated to end with just 55 seats in the Knesset. Both blocs won roughly 50% of the vote, though the final tallies are not yet available.
Nach Amoklauf: Gesamte Polizei im Schulbezirk Uvalde beurlaubt
„Der Bezirk hat die Entscheidung getroffen, alle Aktivitäten der für den Schulbezirk Uvalde zuständigen Polizei für eine gewisse Zeit auszusetzen. Die derzeit beschäftigten Beamten werden andere Aufgaben im Bezirk übernehmen“, hieß es in einer vom Schulbezirk veröffentlichten Mitteilung. Ende August war der umstrittene Polizeichef des Schulbezirks entlassen worden.
Uvalde school district suspends its police force, 2 school officials placed on administrative leave after CNN report
“Our children have been taken from us. We will not stop fighting until we have answers and we ensure the safety of the children in our community is the top priority,” said a statement from representatives for families of district students.
Hadash-Ta’al Slams Lapid, Michaeli for Refusing to Block Barring of Arab Parties
Hadash-Ta’al commented on the Central Election Commission’s decision to disqualify Balad’s candidacy for the 25th Knesset. “The decision to disqualify Balad is an unfortunate decision. [Benny] Gantz, [Yair] Lapid and [Meirav] Michaeli proved that they are right-wing in disguise. Despite the anger of the racists who want to keep the Arabs away from the polling stations, on election day we all flock to the polling stations.”
Wow: Dank unermüdlicher Kampagnen gegen #biometrischeMassenüberwachung will nun die Mehrheit im EU-Parlament ein Verbot im #AIAct verankern. Wir lassen nicht locker, bis Gesichtserkennung im öffentlichen Raum endgültig verboten ist
Quietly, without any announcement, the Commission‘s #ChatControl #CSAM scanner draft legislation has been added to the agenda of the EU Parliament. My Civil Liberties Committee will be in the lead:
Chatkontrolle: Die Abschaffung des Digitalen Briefgeheimnisses
Wie ist es soweit gekommen?
Die Europäische Kommission hat 2020 ein Gesetz auf den Weg gebracht, das es erlaubt, alle privaten Chats, Nachrichten und E-Mails verdachtslos und flächendeckend auf verbotene Darstellungen Minderjähriger und Anbahnungsversuche (Kontaktaufnahme zu Minderjährigen) zu durchsuchen. Das heißt: Facebook Messenger, Gmail & Co dürfen jede Kommunikation auf verdächtiges Text- und Bildmaterial scannen. Und zwar vollautomatisiert, durch den Einsatz von sog. ‘Künstlicher Intelligenz’ – ohne, dass ein Verdacht vorliegen muss. Meldet ein Algorithmus einen Verdachtsfall, werden alle Nachrichteninhalte und Kontaktdaten automatisch und ohne menschliche Prüfung an eine private Verteilstelle und weiter an Polizeibehörden weltweit geleitet. Die Betroffenen sollen nie davon erfahren.
Einige US-Dienste wie GMail und praktizieren diese automatische Nachrichten- und Chatkontrolle bereits. Verschlüsselte Nachrichten sind zurzeit noch ausgenommen.
Die EU-Kommission will mit einem zweiten Gesetz nun alle Anbieter zum Einsatz dieser Technologie verpflichten.
Disband NATO to End the War in Ukraine
To end the war in Ukraine, stand with its people, avert escalation and future wars, and create a more peaceful and collaborative world, we support getting to the origins and heart of the conflict and taking these actions when we are in government:
1. Disband NATO and its military bases
2. Recognize the UN as the global security authority
3. Disband permanent membership and veto power on the UN Security Council
4. Recognize Ukraine as an independent and militarily neutral country
5. End all wars of aggression, regime-change wars and resource wars
6. Ban funding and arming Nazis
7. Ban Congress and government officials from war profiteering and insider trading
8. Cut the US military budget in half and invest those resources into guaranteeing jobs, health care, housing and college at home
Wishing all our Christian citizens a happy Easter.
NEXT HEARING: Westminster Magistrate‘s Court, Wednesday April 20, a.m. The magistrate will issue the order to extradite Julian #Assange to the United States. The order will then go to @pritipatel for approval. Assange‘s defence will make submissions to Patel (deadline 18 May).
A rocket hit a residential building while a volunteer was recording a video
10:57 am in #Kyiv. I paid for the food, went to the street & began crying. Standing here on the street where I used to walk with coffee, listen to podcasts. These long queues to the food shops & pharmacies. These terrible nights with sirens. These deaths. Let’s stop the war!
NewsGuard gegen Achgut (1): Schmutziges Geld für Zensur
Das Unternehmen „NewsGuard“ versucht durch Rufmord wirtschaftlich zu ruinieren. Es geht oft um pharma- und impfkritische Beiträge. Einer der größten Geldgeber von NewsGuard ist der Medienkonzern „Publicis“, der in den USA wegen krimineller Pharma-Kampagnen angeklagt wird.
Lapid Prepares to Tell the President He Has Formed a New Government
Following overnight efforts, the negotiating teams of the parties opposing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have made progress in formulating an agreement for a unity government, officials from the parties said Tuesday morning.
The teams from Yesh Atid, Yamina, New Hope and Yisrael Beiteinu will reconvene in Kfar Hamacabiah in the afternoon in an effort to seal the agreements.
Tel Aviv International Salon, presents the Election Series: Yair Lapid, Yesh Atid Chairman and Leader of the Opposition
Online event will be held in-English
Corruption has become a strategic threat to Israeli society and democracy. It places political both personal and economic interests ahead of the needs of the public. It is also reducing the public’s confidence in government institutions and the democratic system. Public corruption eats away at equal opportunity and contradicts the loyalties and duties of elected officials and public servants. It undermines social cohesion, and hurts the quality of life of the citizens of the state and economic growth.
Our country needs to belong to the middle class and those struggling to be part of it and not ruled by corrupt politicians who busy themselves for their own benefit, for those with interests, the big corporations or big unions. For years there has been foul play in Israel serving interest groups, wealthy people and workers‘ committees. In this game billions of shekels have been transferred without transparency and without supervision. Politicians received empty and wasteful positions of honor such as the absurd role called „Minister without Portfolio“ just to be placated with a driver and office. Shady businessmen were appointed to direct government companies not because of skill, but only because of the connections.
In addition, today we discussed with the 27 Member States in the Steering Board that an export transparency mechanism will be put in place as soon as possible. We want clarity on transactions and full transparency concerning the export of vaccines from the EU.
Press statement by Commissioner Kyriakides on vaccine deliveries and on the vaccine export transparency scheme
Good evening.
You know that AstraZeneca‘s vaccine is currently in the final stages of the approval process with the European Medicines Agency.
If all requirements are met, the European Medicines Agency could recommend market authorisation by the end of this week.
But there is a problem on the supply side.
Last Friday, the company AstraZeneca surprisingly informed the Commission and the European Union Member States that it intends to supply considerably fewer doses in the coming weeks than agreed and announced.
This new schedule is not acceptable to the European Union.
Streit über Impfstoff: EU besteht auf zugesagte Lieferungen
In der ersten Gesprächsrunde zwischen AstraZeneca, Vertretern der EU-Kommission und den Mitgliedsländern gab es dem Vernehmen nach keine Fortschritte. Man hat die Positionen ausgetauscht. Es sei jedoch nicht sicher, ob AstraZeneca den Ernst der Lage verstanden hat, hieß es aus der Kommission. Am Abend soll eine zweite Gesprächsrunde folgen.
India starts world‘s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive
India on Jan. 4 approved emergency use of two vaccines, one developed by Oxford University and U.K.-based drugmaker AstraZeneca, and another by Indian company Bharat Biotech. Cargo planes flew 16.5 million shots to different Indian cities last week.
Capitol Police officer on life support after pro-Trump riot, union official says
Papathanasiou told WUSA — a local Washington, DC, television news station — that the officer died. Later Thursday, the Capitol Police released a statement stating no officers had died as a result of Wednesday‘s riot.
Papathanasiou retracted his statement to WUSA and told CNN the officer was still on life support.
„He had a stroke. I think he‘s on life support. We‘ve got some misinformation on that. He‘s on life support from what I‘m hearing,“ Papathanasiou told CNN.
Vor offiziellem Impfstart – 101-Jährige als Erste in Deutschland geimpft
Der offizielle Impfstart ist in Deutschland für Sonntag geplant. Am Samstag wurden einige Zehntausend Impfdosen ausgeliefert. Sie werden von den zuständigen Landesbehörden an Impfzentren und mobile Teams verteilt.
LIVE: Marine One to transport President Trump to Walter Reed Medical Center
Live: Trump departs on Marine 1 to Walter Reed Medical Center
Boris Johnson could be off work at least a month: Experts warn the PM‘s recovery from shock of intensive care may last into summer as stand-in Dominic Raab brands him ‚a fighter‘
Experts said a ‚period of inactivity‘ in intensive care would result in the Prime Minister suffering a significant loss of muscle mass and strength.
They forecast Mr Johnson would be physically drained from fighting the virus, for which he has received oxygen in St Thomas‘ Hospital in central London.
N.Y. Virus Deaths Hit New High, but Hospitalizations Slow: Live Updates
Here are the statistics from his morning briefing:
Deaths in New York State: 5,489, up by 731 from Monday morning.
Confirmed cases: 138,836 statewide, up from 130,689 on Monday.
Currently hospitalized: 17,493 people statewide, up from 16,837.
In intensive care: 4,593, up by 89 from 4,504 on Monday.
The governor emphasized that the numbers were not an abstraction. “That’s 731 people who we lost,” he said. “Behind every one of those numbers is an individual, is a family, is a mother, is a father, is a sister, is a brother. So a lot of pain again today for many New Yorkers.”
Statement from Downing Street: 6 April 2020
Since Sunday evening, the Prime Minister has been under the care of doctors at St Thomas’ Hospital, in London, after being admitted with persistent symptoms of coronavirus.
Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the Prime Minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital.
Boris Johnson’s pregnant fiancee Carrie Symonds can’t be at his bedside as he battles coronavirus in intensive care
Symonds, who is currently six months‘ pregnant, is herself recovering after experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, and is now reported to have left Downing Street to isolate elsewhere.
Britischer Premier Johnson auf Intensivstation
Außenminister Dominic Raab sei gebeten worden, wo nötig die Amtsgeschäfte zu übernehmen.
Politics latest news: Boris Johnson spends night in hospital as cabinet colleagues say he continues to lead Government
Robert Jenrick, the Housing and Communities Secretary, insisted that the Prime Minister „will continue to be kept informed as to what‘s happening and to be in charge of the Government“ from his hospital bed.
This was echoed by Sir Iain Duncan Smith who said Mr Johnson remained „clear headed“ and would be able to continue running the country, with extra demands falling „on the shoulders“ of his cabinet.
Thanks for all the well wishes. I‘m feeling good. I‘m fortunate to have good health care and great doctors and nurses helping me to recover.
None of us know when a medical emergency might affect us. And no one should fear going bankrupt if it occurs. Medicare for All!
I am an Independent candidate for Richmondshire District Council in Catterick & Brompton on Swale ward. Fighting to break Conservative stranglehold on Richmondshire after their #BrexitBetrayal & #Tory cuts to local services @GreenLeavesorg
Contact details:
Katie Porter for Congress
„Katie Porter is a UC Irvine law professor and nationally-renowned consumer advocate who held Wall Street banks accountable for ripping off California consumers and homeowners during the financial crisis. Katie refuses to take a dime from Corporate PACs and, in Congress, she will always stand up to the powerful special interests and leaders of both parties – starting with Donald Trump – to do what’s right for Orange County families.“
I’m so sorry to all our fans in America & Canada with tickets. I really hate letting you down like this. I’m devastated for having to postpone the tour but I will be working very hard to be back on stage as soon as I can. Once again, huge apologies to everyone.
Rolling Stones Postpone North American Tour as Mick Jagger Gets Medical Treatment
The Rolling Stones have postponed their upcoming North American tour due to Mick Jagger’s need for medical treatment.
“Mick Jagger has been advised by doctors that he cannot go on tour at this time as he needs medical treatment,” the band’s publicist said in a press release. “The doctors have advised Mick that he is expected to make a complete recovery so that he can get back on stage as soon as possible.