Archiv: Daily Mail and General Trust plc (media)

21.08.2023 - 15:12 [ ]

Moment Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships with 4,000 troops on board during tense clash in the Persian Gulf

Iranian media outlets claimed that the confrontation forced helicopters to land back on the Americans ships.

The ships, a helicopter carrier and a support vessel that were carrying more than 4,000 American troops between them, were sent to the Gulf in response to Iran‘s continued threats of seizing commercial ships in the region.

31.07.2022 - 18:12 [ Nadine Dorries / ]

I may have gone over the top about Rishi’s clothes… But I don’t want my party to be fooled by appearances the way many of the Cabinet were, writes NADINE DORRIES

My comments were widely interpreted to be anti-aspirational and it was suggested that I was seeking revenge against the man who, while Chancellor, had been planning a coup for a very long time and who had ruthlessly and metaphorically stabbed Boris Johnson in the back.

Rishi had been plotting against the most electorally successful Prime Minister the Conservative Party has known since the days of Margaret Thatcher. His actions made Michael Gove’s betrayal of Boris Johnson during the 2016 leadership campaign appear like a rank amateur rehearsing for the role of Brutus in a village hall play.


I wanted to highlight Rishi’s misguided sartorial style in order to alert Tory members not to be taken in by appearances in the way that happened to many of us who served with the Chancellor in Cabinet. The assassin’s gleaming smile, his gentle voice and even his diminutive stature had many of us well and truly fooled.

20.05.2022 - 13:12 [ ]

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: If there‘s one lesson from this pitiful farrago, it‘s that such a sweeping affront to our liberties must never happen again

During the pandemic, the British state imposed unprecedented constraints on the liberties we cherish.

When visiting dying relatives or drinking a cup of coffee on a park bench in open countryside becomes a criminal offence, something has gone terribly wrong.

The restrictions inflicted huge damage to the economy, children’s education and the public health. And latest evidence seriously questions whether they had much real effect.

If there is one lesson we must learn from this pitiful farrago, it is that such a sweeping affront to freedom can never be allowed to happen again.

24.02.2022 - 16:42 [ ]

How the Ukraine invasion unfolded minute-by-minute: Russian shells rain down on Mariupol at 3.30am, Putin declares war two hours later and then all hell breaks loose across nation and capital Kiev

The first sign an invasion was imminent came at just before 12am Ukrainian time (10pm in the UK), when Russian-backed rebel leaders in eastern Ukraine issued a request for military assistance from Moscow in what is being widely seen as a ‚False Flag‘ operation to justify Putin‘s decision to attack.

Moments later, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a defiant message to the nation, vowing his countrymen would ‚fight back‘ in the event of an invasion, telling Moscow: ‚When you attack us, you will see our faces, not our backs.‘

A frenzied string of diplomatic manoeuvres, including an emergency UN Security Council meeting in New York, were not enough to dissuade Putin, who declared a ‚special military operation‘ at around 3am Ukraine time.

21.08.2021 - 11:49 [ ]

General David Petraeus tells Biden it was premature to leave Afghanistan because Al Qaeda was always ‚going to come back‘ and the Afghan forces were ‚not sustainable‘

– Petraeus commanded forces in Afghanistan and Iraq and helped formulate ‚counterinsurgency‘ strategies
– He criticized Biden‘s decision to pull out of Afghanistan in a New Yorker interview
– Disagreed with decision to pull out liaison, special forces trainers, contractors
– Said it began an epidemic of ‚surrender‘ for the Afghans
– Called departure ‚premature‘ but didn‘t say how much more time was needed
– Warned Al Qaeda could reemerge
– Acknowledged ‚overbuilt‘ nation-building aspects, but said it was necessary for a hand-off
– Biden said the U.S. could not fight when Afghans were unwilling to do so
– ‚To say that the Afghans won’t fight for their country needs an asterisk‘

01.08.2021 - 12:00 [ ]

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Spare us from the mental torture of crazy travel rules

It sometimes seems as if someone wants to punish us for wanting to live normally again.

18.07.2021 - 18:28 [ ]

DAN HODGES: Pushmi-pullyu Boris promised us freedom… So get ready for the next lockdown

‚I hope that the roadmap is irreversible,‘ Boris told the nation on Monday. ‚We‘ve always said that we hope that it will be irreversible – but in order to have an irreversible roadmap, we also said it‘s got to be a cautious approach.‘

That‘s not what he‘s always said.

09.07.2021 - 18:12 [ ]

Up to 40% of ‚Covid hospital patients‘ infected with Delta variant may have been admitted for a different illness, official figures suggest

Four out of 10 patients hospitalised with the Indian Covid variant in England may have been admitted for something else, MailOnline analysis of official data suggests.

Public Health England‘s fortnightly report on the ‚Delta‘ strain showed a total of 1,904 people had spent at least one night in hospital with the mutant virus by June 21.

But the agency admits 739 (39 per cent) of these patients may have gone to hospital for a different condition or injury and tested positive through routine NHS testing.

07.07.2021 - 05:48 [ ]

STEPHEN GLOVER: As he risks millions of people being stuck at home, Sajid Javid has made a mockery of his entire strategy

Until now, that is. Yesterday afternoon the new broom that is Mr Javid suddenly looked alarmingly like his unlamented predecessor. His announcement that self-isolation rules are going to be dropped for the double-jabbed and under-18s was of course extremely welcome.

But why on earth has this long-overdue change been deferred until August 16, which is four weeks after so-called Freedom Day on July 19?

29.05.2021 - 15:13 [ ]

EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 ‚has NO credible natural ancestor‘ and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with ‚retro-engineering‘ to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims

– An explosive new study claims researchers found ‚unique fingerprints‚ in COVID-19 samples that they say could only have arisen from manipulation in a laboratory

– exclusively obtained the new 22-page paper authored by British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen set to be published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery

– The study showed there‘s evidence to suggest Chinese scientists created the virus while working on a Gain of Function project in a Wuhan lab

– Gain of Function research, which was temporarily outlawed in the US, involves altering naturally-occurring viruses to make them more infectious in order to study their potential effects on humans
According to the paper, Chinese scientists took a natural coronavirus ‚backbone‘ found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new ‚spike‘, turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible COVID-19

– The researchers, who concluded that COVID-19 ‚has no credible natural ancestor‚, also believe scientists reverse-engineered versions of the virus to cover up their tracks.

‚We think that there have been retro-engineered viruses created,‘ Dalgleish told ‚They‘ve changed the virus, then tried to make out it was in a sequence years ago.‘

04.05.2021 - 07:51 [ ]

I can‘t vote for any party that won‘t trust us with freedom: With a heavy heart, TIM NEWARK says politicians‘ obsession with Covid lockdowns and zero carbon targets leaves him no choice

This is, I know, a shocking thing to say because democracy is a hard-won, valued right in our country, but I cannot bring myself to support any mainstream party in local elections on Thursday.

Why? Because all of them appear determined to reduce my freedoms, whether it‘s the lingering restrictions of lockdown or new plans to change our very lifestyles thanks to zero carbon targets.

28.02.2021 - 08:22 [ ]

What IS the truth about Covid deaths? Grieving relatives along with MPs and top medics demand inquiry as families reveal MORE loved ones they believe were wrongly certified as virus victims

Grieving families last night said deaths had been wrongly certified as Covid-19.

Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus.

One funeral director said it was ‘a national scandal’. The claims are part of a Daily Mail investigation that raises serious questions over the spiralling death toll.

09.02.2021 - 12:34 [ ]

Britain could be trapped in lockdown cycles for several YEARS in fight with Covid variants – but staying in tougher measures for longer now will prevent new vaccine-resistant strains, SAGE scientists warn

Evidence suggests the Oxford University vaccine – the main weapon in Britain‘s arsenal to combat the virus – does not stop people falling ill with the South African variant, which is feared to be spreading in the community already.

03.01.2021 - 18:16 [ ]

The world must investigate all the mounting evidence Covid leaked from a Wuhan lab, writes IAN BIRRELL

(2 January 2021 | Updated: 12:06 GMT, 3 January 2021)

Now there is growing clamour from experts around the world that no stone should be left unturned during this inquiry – and that it must include one key element of a hunt which has all the hallmarks of a thriller novel.

This centres on a cave filled with bats, a clutch of mysterious deaths, some brilliant scientists carrying out futuristic experiments in a secretive laboratory – and a cover-up of epic proportions that, if proven, would have huge consequences for the Chinese Communist Party and the global practice of science.

19.12.2020 - 20:49 [ ]

Are hospitals REALLY creaking under the strain of Covid before Christmas? NHS data shows trusts are STILL quieter than last December – with seven times fewer wards close to being full

– Average intensive care ward occupancy down to 75 per cent from 84 per cent from the same time last year
– 15,465 people in hospital with Covid in England on Wednesday compared to 18,974 on worst day in spring
– But statistics suggest the health service is, overall, coping better with its workload than it did last winter

02.12.2020 - 15:54 [ ]

How did Covid REALLY spread around the world? As damning test results show antibodies were in US in December – WEEKS before China raised the alarm – growing global evidence points to a cover-up

– Blood samples unveiled this week show people in California, Oregon and Washington infected in December
– Further tests on blood taken in mid-to-late December and into early January found virus in six more states
– Italy, Brazil and France have all since found traces of the virus before China even acknowledged it existed
– Evidence has emerged in Spain and the UK suggesting that Covid-19 was around before testing was possible
– Claims the virus emerged in a market in Wuhan last winter have crumbled in the face of scientific evidence

30.10.2020 - 13:20 [ ]

German Pfizer vaccine could be ready before Oxford-AstraZeneca injection and be given to Brits before Christmas

Ms Bingham was appointed chair of the UK‘s Vaccine Taskforce for Covid-19 in May and reports directly to the Prime Minister on the progress of a coronavirus vaccine, which experts say is key to controlling the pandemic.

The taskforce, which Ms Bingham says was the ‚brainchild of Sir Patrick Vallance‘ — Number 10‘s chief scientific adviser, is at the forefront of putting plans in place to get the UK population vaccinated.

02.08.2020 - 10:27 [ ]

Very social – but no distancing! Revellers flock to Manchester‘s pubs and bars for a night on the tiles despite new stricter lockdown rules

– Partygoers took advantage of hot weather this weekend to head out drinking in Manchester and Blackpool
– Groups of friends could be seen hugging and crowded outside nightclubs, pubs, bars and restaurants

24.05.2020 - 19:41 [ ]

Boris Johnson steps in at 5pm press conference to REFUSE to sack Dominic Cummings and says aide acted ‚responsibly and legally‘ while ‚following instincts of any father‘ amid calls for resignation over claims he broke lockdown three times

But despite ten Tory backbenchers demanding the scalp of his closest adviser and the mastermind of the Brexit Vote Leave campaign, he backed the divisive Machiavellian figure over revelations he twice travelled 270 miles from London to Durham while the public were told to stay at home.

05.05.2020 - 21:22 [ Daily Mail ]

The SAGE files: At least 12 different strains of coronavirus were circulating in the UK in March – including one that has only ever been found in Britain, Government-funded study finds

There is no suggestion that any of the strains are any more potent or infectious than another, infectious disease experts say.

Professor Paul Hunter, at the University of East Anglia, told MailOnline it is ‚entirely plausible‘ this could happen to one of the strains if it continues to evolve.

The report, made public today, was given to the Government‘s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) in March to help them map the outbreak‘s spread.

29.12.2019 - 18:51 [ ]

PETER HITCHENS reveals fresh evidence that UN watchdog suppressed report casting doubt on Assad gas attack

he global chemical weapons watchdog is facing renewed questions after fresh details emerged about how it suppressed the findings of its own inspectors who raised serious doubts about an alleged poison gas attack in Syria.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a senior official at the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) demanded the ‘removal of all traces’ of a document which undermined claims that gas cylinders had been dropped from the air – a key element of the ‘evidence’ that the Syrian regime was responsible.

29.12.2019 - 18:50 [ Tim Hayward ‏/ Twitter ]

Once again, Peter Hitchens is the one journalist to break ranks within mainstream media and report on further damning leaks revealing political capture of chemical weapons watchdog OPCW.

05.09.2019 - 06:14 [ Daily Mail ]

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: It’s time this squabbling, showboating, grotesque circus got out of town for good

Whoever said that politics is showbiz for ugly people has been proved more right than they could ever have imagined in their wildest dreams.

22.07.2019 - 13:41 [ Haaretz ]

Answering Barak, Daily Mail Says It Stands by Epstein Article, Rejects ‚Malicious‘ Motives


In its statement the tabloid said: „ stands by its recent story concerning Ehud Barak’s relationship with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein 100 percent.“

„We note that Mr. Barak’s assertion that he was not party to Mr. Epstein’s illegal activities is a denial of a claim we have never made,“ the Daily Mail said in their statement, adding that the story only referenced the content of the photos.

05.05.2019 - 12:53 [ ]

Mark Francois: We‘ll Never Leave The EU With May As Prime Minister

Tory MP Mark Francois told LBC that Theresa May must go after disastrous local elections results and the prospect of a customs union with the EU.

05.05.2019 - 12:50 [ ]

Theresa May sends desperate plea to Jeremy Corbyn to agree a Brexit deal

She today wrote in the Mail on Sunday: ‘To the leader of the opposition, I say this: let’s listen to what the voters said in the elections and put our differences aside for a moment. Let’s do a deal.’

23.02.2019 - 11:55 [ Cordelia Lynch, US Correspondent @SkyNews. Columnist @MetroUK. Formerly @Channel4News and @itvnews. / Twitter ]

First light in #Cucuta in #Colombia and volunteers are preparing to try and help get aid across #Tienditas bridge. The border between Colombia and Venezuela is closed but they’re confident Maduro’s military will let them through.

10.02.2019 - 14:48 [ Liam Young / Twitter ]

Let’s not forget the last time the Daily Mail ran a smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn. A snap election must be right around the corner, folks:

10.02.2019 - 14:40 [ The poet Comstock ‏/ Twitter ]

Must feel like Christmas to the Mail readers today. A front page Corbyn smear during six nations rugger bugger festivities.

24.12.2018 - 18:36 [ ]

MPs repeat call for ‚Cliff‘s Law‘ to stop suspects being named before charge after Gatwick drone front pages

Anna Soubry MP (pictured) said the couple “should not have been named in the media”, adding that a new law was “needed” to make it a criminal offence to name suspects before charge unless it is in the interests of justice.

The pair were pictured on the front pages of the Mail on Sunday, Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Mirror, Sunday Express and Sunday People yesterday morning, as well as on numerous news websites.

08.12.2018 - 13:08 [ Sky News ]

Will the Conservatives be rattled by the Daily Mail‘s new Brexit stance?

Now the recent retirement of editor Paul Dacre has led to the Mail itself changing.

20.11.2018 - 09:12 [ ]

Leavephobia – the new racism: Hating Brexiteers has become the most acceptable prejudice of our time.

You can say anything you like about the dim, teeming millions who voted Leave, and about the evil demagogues who made us do it, because of course we’re so fantastically stupid that we cannot think for ourselves. You can call them ‘low-information’. You can say they think with their ‘lizard brains’, as the New Statesman did. Slimy sub-humans! You can say they emerged from the ‘sewers’ (Nick Cohen) and that they will hopefully die soon (Ian McEwan). You can call them thick, ignorant, racist, deluded, fat (one study says Leave voters were of course higher in areas with high levels of obesity. Corpulent plebs.)

29.09.2018 - 11:03 [ ]

Labour, Antisemitism and the News: A disinformation paradigm

The Media Reform Coalition has conducted in-depth research on the controversy surrounding antisemitism in the Labour Party, focusing on media coverage of the crisis during the summer of 2018. Following extensive case study research, we identified myriad in accuracies and distortions in online and television news including marked skews in sourcing, omission of essential context or right of reply, misquotation, and false assertions made either by journalists themselves or sources whose contentious claims were neither challenged nor countered. Overall, our findings were consistent with a disinformation paradigm.

14.08.2018 - 18:51 [ Labour Press Team / Twitter ]

Jeremy Corbyn said no such thing. Those who carried out the Munich massacre are not buried in the Palestinian National Cemetery in Tunis and there was no ceremony for them. @thetimes

14.08.2018 - 18:50 [ Labour Press Team ‏/ Twitter ]

The Munich widows are being misled. Jeremy did not honour those responsible for the Munich killings. He and other Parliamentarians went to the Palestinian cemetery in Tunisia to remember the victims of the 1985 Israeli bombing of the PLO headquarters, many of whom were civilians

14.08.2018 - 18:47 [ Daily Mail ]

Corbyn‘s wreath at Munich terrorists‘ graves: Photos show Labour leader at tribute event for Palestine ‚martyrs‘… including plotters behind 1972 slaughter of Israeli Olympic athletes

(10.8.2018) Tribute: Jeremy Corbyn pictured in 2014 holding a wreath at a cemetery in Tunis. Sources close to Mr Corbyn insisted he was at the service to commemorate 47 Palestinians killed in an Israeli air strike on a Tunisian PLO base in 1985

16.04.2018 - 08:33 [ Mel Wallace, be Realistic Plan for a Miracle / Twitter ]

Between now and 3rd May the Torys, bbc, sun, telegraph, mail, express, sky, big business will be lying, Cheating, inventing crazy story’s to stop Corbyn winning seats in the local elections. They have total control of May/Torys but know they can’t buy JC. We Need Jeremy Corbyn