Archiv: US presidential election 2020 (endgame / power struggle)

20.12.2023 - 16:10 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

After 2016 — first Brexit, then Trump‘s win — Western elites decided populations could no longer be trusted with basic freedoms: they choose and think wrong. That‘s what led to the censorship/“disinformation“ regime. Now they‘re barring the leading candidate from running:

Imagine if Biden wins with Trump banned or jailed: US sermons about „democracy,“ or condemning Putin imprisoning Navalny, will be seen as an even bigger joke than now.

One of the West‘s key dissidents (Assange) is jailed. They censor dissent. Now they‘re trying to ban Trump.

It‘s always been a huge propagandistic mystery that the US media succeeds in convincing Americans that the US Govt defends freedom as it props up the worst dictators (Saudi, Egypt, etc.).

They‘re now escalating it in desperation: first after 2016, now seeing Trump/Biden polls.

Fear of free populations is a global trend. In Brazil, they imprisoned Lula in 2018 when leading all polls, then banned Bolsonaro from running.

In Pakistan, CIA engineered removal and imprisonment of Imran Khan.

All Western countries are increasing online speech controls.

12.11.2023 - 01:44 [ ]

Hundreds of former Biden campaign staffers call for Gaza cease-fire


The letter from a group called Biden Alumni for Peace and Justice includes the names of people who worked for Biden for President/Victory 2020 HQ, the Democratic National Committee and state organizations.

“We implore you, President Biden, to live that moral courage right now by stepping up to be a leader we can be proud of in the face of injustice,” the group wrote. “As President of the United States, you have significant influence in this perilous moment — you must call for a ceasefire, hostage exchange, and de-escalation and take concrete steps to address the conditions of occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing at the root of the horrific violence we are witnessing now.”

04.08.2023 - 08:00 [ CNN ]

Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents


CNN has previously reported that Trump at the time was furious over a New Yorker article about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley that said Milley argued against striking Iran and was concerned Trump would set in motion a full-scale conflict. (…)

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran, Isn’t it amazing?” Trump says as the sound of papers shuffling can be heard. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

04.08.2023 - 07:38 [ Fox News ]

Trump allies cry election interference after former president arrested over 2020 race

Former President Donald Trump’s allies are painting his Thursday arraignment as an attempt by President Biden to crush his political rival ahead of the 2024 election and distract from bribery allegations against his own family.

Trump pleaded „not guilty“ to four federal counts stemming from alleged efforts to overturn his 2020 loss to Biden. It’s his second federal indictment and third criminal indictment in the span of less than five months.

04.08.2023 - 07:27 [ CNBC ]

Trump indictment live updates: Ex-president released on bond under strict rules

Former President Donald Trump was arraigned Thursday at the E. Barrett Prettyman courthouse in Washington, D.C., on criminal charges stemming from his efforts to overturn his loss in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump entered a not-guilty plea to Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya, who set the date for his next hearing on Aug. 28 at 10 a.m. before Judge Tanya Chutkan.

The first GOP debate in the 2024 presidential race is Aug. 23 in Milwaukee, Wisc.

04.08.2023 - 07:20 [ ]

Watch view from Washington DC on day Trump arrested on federal conspiracy charges

Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty after being formally arrested and arraigned for conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

The former president was indicted on four charges by a grand jury hearing evidence in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the alleged conspiracy to overturn the election and the resulting January 6 Capitol riot.

27.06.2023 - 12:36 [ CNN ]

Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents


CNN has previously reported that Trump at the time was furious over a New Yorker article about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley that said Milley argued against striking Iran and was concerned Trump would set in motion a full-scale conflict. (…)

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran, Isn’t it amazing?” Trump says as the sound of papers shuffling can be heard. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

27.06.2023 - 12:34 [ Haaretz ]

Top U.S. General Warned Netanyahu: ‚You‘re Gonna Have a Fucking War‘ With Iran


„Among those pushing the president to hit Iran before Biden’s inauguration, Milley believed, was the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. On December 18, the same day that Trump met with [Michael] Flynn to discuss instituting martial law, Milley met with Netanyahu at his home in Jerusalem to personally urge him to back off with Trump,“ wrote Baker and Glasser in an excerpt published in the New Yorker.

“If you do this, you’re gonna have a fucking war,” Milley told him, according to the excerpt. The Israeli prime minister‘s official Twitter account noted „the two discussed regional threats, especially the Iranian aggression“ in its readout of the meeting.

27.06.2023 - 12:30 [ New Yorker ]

“You’re Gonna Have a Fucking War”: Mark Milley’s Fight to Stop Trump from Striking Iran


It was not public at the time, but Milley believed that the nation had come close—“very close”—to conflict with the Islamic Republic. This dangerous post-election period, Milley said, was all because of Trump’s “Hitler”-like embrace of the “Big Lie” that the election had been stolen from him; Milley feared it was Trump’s “Reichstag moment,” in which, like Adolf Hitler in 1933, he would manufacture a crisis in order to swoop in and rescue the nation from it.

09.01.2023 - 09:29 [ ]

Sturm auf Kapitol in den USA: Bolsonaro droht in Brasilien mit Nachahmung


Brasília. Nach dem Überfall rechter Gruppen auf das Kapitol in der US-Hauptstadt Washington hat Präsident Jair Bolsonaro für den Fall seiner Niederlage bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Brasilien 2022 mit einem „schlimmeren Problem als in den USA“ gedroht.

Gegenüber Anhänger:innen rechtfertigte der brasilianische Präsident die Erstürmung des Kongress-Gebäudes in Washington. Er stehe „ganz an der Seite von Donald Trump“, so Bolsonaro. Ä

04.12.2022 - 20:05 [ Matt Taibi / Nitter ]



2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.

3. The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.

04.12.2022 - 19:47 [ Matt Taibi / ]

Note to Readers

(Dec 2, 2022)

Those of you who’ve been here for years know how seriously I take my obligation to this site’s subscribers. On this one occasion, I’m going to have to simply ask you to trust me. As it happens, there may be a few more big surprises coming, and those will be here on Substack. And there will be room here to to discuss this, too, in time. In any case, thanks for your support and your patience, and please hold me to a promise to make all this up to you, and then som

09.08.2022 - 15:17 [ Newsweek ]

Israeli Defense Minister Refutes Report That Netanyahu Urged Trump to Strike Iran After Losing Election

Benny Gantz, a retired Israeli army general and the country‘s minister of defense, told a local media outlet yesterday that a New Yorker report which said Netanyahu encouraged U.S. action against Iran was likely „not what happened.“

„I don‘t know of this story and I assume this is not what happened,“ Gantz said in an interview, according to the Jerusalem Post.

09.08.2022 - 15:07 [ ]

Inside the War Between Trump and His Generals

The biggest fear was that Iran would provoke Trump, and, using an array of diplomatic and military channels, American officials warned the Iranians not to exploit the volatile domestic situation in the U.S. “There was a distinct concern that Iran would take advantage of this to strike at us in some way,” Adam Smith, the House Armed Services chairman, recalled.

Among those pushing the President to hit Iran before Biden’s Inauguration, Milley believed, was the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. On December 18th, the same day that Trump met with Flynn to discuss instituting martial law, Milley met with Netanyahu at his home in Jerusalem to personally urge him to back off with Trump. “If you do this, you’re gonna have a fucking war,” Milley told him.

09.08.2022 - 14:40 [ Haaretz ]

Top U.S. General Warned Netanyahu: ‚You‘re Gonna Have a Fucking War‘ With Iran

„Among those pushing the president to hit Iran before Biden’s inauguration, Milley believed, was the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. On December 18, the same day that Trump met with [Michael] Flynn to discuss instituting martial law, Milley met with Netanyahu at his home in Jerusalem to personally urge him to back off with Trump,“ wrote Baker and Glasser in an excerpt published in the New Yorker.

“If you do this, you’re gonna have a fucking war,” Milley told him, according to the excerpt. The Israeli prime minister‘s official Twitter account noted „the two discussed regional threats, especially the Iranian aggression“ in its readout of the meeting.

07.08.2022 - 07:16 [ Glenn Greenwald / Nitter ]

Dick Cheney — who liberals said went to war for Halliburton profits, *stole the 2000 election from Al Gore*, and created a lawless, imperial presidency — is an American patriot who believes in democracy and the rule of law! A faction which believes that is rotted.

07.08.2022 - 06:04 [ ]

Dick Cheney calls Trump greatest threat US ever faced in campaign ad for daughter Liz

„In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” the ex-vice president and former Republican leader said in the ad released this week, sternly looking directly into the camera.

“He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him,” said Mr Cheney, who added that he believed most Republicans knew deep down that Mr Trump’s conspiracies about the 2020 election were baseless

07.08.2022 - 05:47 [ Newsweek ]

Dick Cheney Ad Blasting Donald Trump Video Watched Over 6M Times Online

video of former Vice President Dick Cheney claiming no individual has ever been „a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump“ has gone viral on social media.

The video was posted twice on the Twitter page of Representative Liz Cheney, his daughter, who is locked in a Republican primary battle with a pro-Trump rival.

25.05.2022 - 10:42 [ ]

Kemp defeats Perdue in Georgia, a major blow to Trump

Kemp, a onetime ally of the former president, stirred Trump’s ire following the 2020 presidential election after he rebuffed his pleas to overturn President Biden’s electoral victory in Georgia. Trump vowed to campaign against Kemp, eventually persuading Perdue to enter the race for governor in hopes of ousting him.

But despite carrying Trump’s endorsement, Perdue struggled to gain traction among Georgia Republican voters.

24.10.2021 - 04:11 [ Washington Post ]

Early voting in Virginia — another potential warning sign for Democrats?

As of Wednesday, 497,000 Virginians have cast their ballot, with 323,000 doing so in-person and 174,000 by mail according to L2, a national voter roll vendor. Another 183,000 early ballots have been sent out but not yet returned.

By contrast, on Oct. 22, 2020, 12 days before the presidential election, more than 1.5 million Virginians had already voted, and another 1.1 million ballots were outstanding. While this nearly 70 percent drop in early voting may seem large, it is expected.

15.07.2021 - 07:41 [ CNN ]

‚They‘re not going to f**king succeed‘: Top generals feared Trump would attempt a coup after election, according to new book

The authors explain Milley‘s growing concerns that personnel moves that put Trump acolytes in positions of power at the Pentagon after the November 2020 election, including the firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the resignation of Attorney General William Barr, were the sign of something sinister to come.

Milley spoke to friends, lawmakers and colleagues about the threat of a coup, and the Joint Chiefs chairman felt he had to be „on guard“ for what might come.

„They may try, but they‘re not going to f**king succeed,“ Milley told his deputies, according to the authors. „You can‘t do this without the military. You can‘t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We‘re the guys with the guns.“

17.05.2021 - 15:17 [ New York Times ]

For Trump, Hamas and Bibi, It Is Always Jan. 6

Like Trump, both Bibi and Hamas have kept power by inspiring and riding waves of hostility to “the other.” They turn to this tactic anytime they are in political trouble. Indeed, they each have been the other’s most valuable partner in that tactic ever since Netanyahu was first elected prime minister in 1996 — on the back of a wave of Hamas suicide bombings.

No, Hamas and Bibi don’t talk. They don’t need to. They each understand what the other needs to stay in power and consciously or unconsciously behave in ways to ensure that they deliver it.

18.03.2021 - 10:49 [ USA Today ]

Russia recalls its ambassador to the US after Biden says he thinks Putin is a killer

The move came after President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin would „pay a price“ for Moscow‘s interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In an interview with ABC News, Biden was also asked if he thought Putin is a killer.

„I do,“ Biden responded.

05.03.2021 - 10:02 [ Reuters ]

Israel‘s Netanyahu bets all on vaccine success to secure election win


“Netanyahu looked very carefully at what happened in the United States and he saw that Trump lost his presidency because of the COVID issue,” Hasson told Reuters. “So he thinks it’s going to help him, this matter (of vaccines).”

20.01.2021 - 22:12 [ CNBC Television / Youtube ]

WATCH LIVE: The presidential inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — 1/20/21

Joe Biden is set to become the nation’s 46th president today.

18.01.2021 - 14:33 [ ]

Despite Warnings, Many State Capitols See Only Small Protests And Quiet Streets

In Denver, the Colorado Capitol‘s lower windows were covered in anticipation of possible unrest — but hardly anyone showed up on Sunday. „I‘m really surprised. I figured there‘d be more than this,“ a supporter of President Trump told Colorado Public Radio.

In Lansing, where protesters swarmed Michigan‘s Capitol building last May and a plot against the governor was uncovered in recent months, Sunday‘s protest was deemed „eclectic, but small and dull“ by Michigan Radio. Events remained quiet, despite some demonstrators bringing their guns to the protest.

14.01.2021 - 18:36 [ ]

House Votes To Impeach Trump, But Senate Trial Unlikely Before Biden‘s Inauguration

The House of Representatives has impeached President Trump for the second time in 13 months — making him the only president to have received the rebuke twice. Despite the historic nature of a twice-impeached, one-term president, it is extremely unlikely that Trump will be removed from office through impeachment, as the Senate will not reconvene until Jan. 19 — the day before President-elect Joe Biden is to be inaugurated.

13.01.2021 - 08:30 [ ]

Pence rejects calls to invoke 25th Amendment to remove Trump

„I do not believe such a course of action is in the best interest of our Nation or consistent with the Constitution,“ Pence wrote in a letter to Pelosi released Tuesday night.

„Last week, I did not yield to pressure to exert beyond my constitutional authority to determine the outcome of the election, and I will not now yield to efforts in the House of Representatives to play political games at a time so serious in the life of our nation,“ he added.

12.01.2021 - 21:07 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

“My first thought was that the Iranians had followed through on their threat to strike the Capitol” -an actual US senator

12.01.2021 - 20:50 [ Haaretz ]

Pompeo Says Al-Qaida Has New Base in Iran, Gives No Hard Evidence

With just eight days left in office for President Donald Trump, Pompeo alleged that Iran has given safe haven to Al-Qaida leaders and support for the group, despite some skepticism within the intelligence community and Congress.

On Monday, Pompeo was seen meeting with Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen, according to Politico‘s White House Correspondant Meredith McGraw.

12.01.2021 - 20:43 [ MSNBC / Twitter ]

NEW: FBI and DOJ to hold 3 p.m. ET news conference on Wednesday‘s storming of the US Capitol, DOJ announces.

12.01.2021 - 20:39 [ Meet the Press / Twitter ]

WATCH: House readies impeachment vote amid new briefings on Capitol security concerns. #MTPDaily @chucktodd : „Some members of Congress will be casting an impeachment vote tomorrow, while fearing for their lives.“

11.01.2021 - 19:11 [ ]

Democrats file impeachment article accusing Trump of inciting attack on Capitol

A trio of House Democrats close to leadership on Monday introduced a single article of impeachment against President Trump, charging him with inciting a mob of his supporters to carry out a violent attack on the Capitol in a bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election victory.

07.01.2021 - 10:48 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

Regarding the US presidential election in 2020: We are done with democracy simulations

(7. Februar 2020)

After the Iowa fraud and Bernie Sanders‘ Al Gore style capitulation (no recount / „recalculation“ of an in broad daylight rigged caucus) and the deafening silence of each and every progressive lawmaker, even from the Squad, we do not support any candidate in this election and furthermore question its authenticity and legitimacy. From this day on, we will rarely post any news to this election-without-a-choice.

We would like to ask you: would the Trumpolini in the White House watch, just for even a few hours, the Republican Party doing this to his campaign? The progressives in the Democratic Party let this happen for days and kept their head down. And Millions of good-willing, hard working people on the ground were let down and deceived, again.

We’re not going along with this dirty game, which can be played again and again and again on people who tolerate it once without resistance.

Notably, we have calculated with this development years ago and described a possibility how Bernie Sanders could have become US president (article in German). Let that sink in, just for a minute or two.

Since decades, only (far) right-wingers, warmongers and egoists have real candidates and political parties.

So, „vote“ yourself.

07.01.2021 - 10:43 [ ]

Trump promises peaceful transfer of power after Congress certifies Biden win

President Trump acknowledged the end of his first term as president early Thursday morning saying there would be an „orderly transition of power“ on Jan. 20 minutes after Congress formally certified the Electoral College votes in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.

07.01.2021 - 09:13 [ Sebastian Gorka DrG / Twitter ]

Who killed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit in Congress today? I want to know. America must be told.

07.01.2021 - 08:54 [ Patriots.exe / Twitter ]

Breaking: Patriots.exe is first to release the footage of Video of Ashli Babbitt being murdered including shooter #CapitolHill

07.01.2021 - 08:16 [ ]

DC Police: 4 died as protestors occupied Capitol; 1 woman shot by police, 3 in medical emergencies

Washington, D.C., Police Chief Robert Contee said the dead on Wednesday included a woman who was shot by the U.S. Capitol Police, as well as three others who died in „medical emergencies.

06.01.2021 - 23:28 [ NBC Washington ]

DC Under Curfew Starting Wednesday Night Amid Capitol Hill Chaos

The curfew will be in effect until 6 a.m. Thursday.

06.01.2021 - 23:27 [ Christian Talbot / Twitter ]

The protesters are just wandering off now, looking at their phones, like they’re leaving an Ed Sheeran concert.

06.01.2021 - 22:33 [ Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America / Twitter ]


06.01.2021 - 22:31 [ Alex Salvi / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Pres. Trump releases a video responding to the unrest on Capitol Hill: „You have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.“

06.01.2021 - 22:23 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Imagine if a foreign power recognized this guy as president and you’ll know how Venezuelans feel

06.01.2021 - 22:18 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Feels a lot like Maidan Square out here with all the right wing muscle. One missing ingredient: chipper Democrats cheering on “pro democracy protesters.”

06.01.2021 - 22:07 [ Tayler Hansen / Twitter ]

A young woman was just shot in the neck right besides me in the Capitol Building

06.01.2021 - 22:05 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

#StopTheSteaI protesters say a young woman was shot in the neck while inside the US Capitol. This appears to be her. They are amped up right now.

06.01.2021 - 22:02 [ Daniel Dale / Twitter ]

CNN‘s @PamelaBrownCNN reports a woman is in critical condition after being shot in the chest on Capitol grounds. She says we don‘t yet know what happened.

06.01.2021 - 21:37 [ Washington Examiner / Twitter ]

A protester is sitting in the chair of the presiding officer of the Senate.

06.01.2021 - 21:32 [ Zak Hudak / Twitter ]

Inside House chamber right now

06.01.2021 - 21:24 [ Washington Post ]

Pelosi has requested deployment of National Guard troops to Capitol

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has requested National Guard troops be deployed to clear and secure the Capitol, a senior Democratic aide said Wednesday.