Daily Archives: 12. Juni 2019

12.06.2019 - 20:20 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Mobilfunk-Lizenzen: Gut 6,5 Milliarden Euro für 5G

Doch stattdessen wird ein Viertel der jetzt verfügbaren Lizenzen gar nicht versteigert, sondern verkauft. Direkt. Ohne langwierige Auktion. Und die Industrie kann damit theoretisch schon Ende dieses Jahres durchstarten. Nicht erst 2021 wie die Netzbetreiber.

12.06.2019 - 20:12 [ NDR.de ]

Mehrere Polizeibeamte aus MV festgenommen

Laut Staatsanwaltschaft hat sich in den vergangenen Monaten eine siebenköpfige Sonderkommission im LKA mit den Ermittlungen beschäftigt. Die Gruppe sei wegen des „sensiblen Umgangs mit dem Gegenstand des Verfahrens“ – der Ermittlung gegen Kollegen – abgeschottet worden. Um die Arbeit nicht zu gefährden und um Behördenlecks auszuschließen, sind auch Polizeidienststellen anderer Bundesländer einbezogen worden.

12.06.2019 - 19:59 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Johnson über Brexit: „Verzögern bedeutet Niederlage“

Von den zehn Bewerbern, die ihren Hut in den Ring geworfen haben, werden Johnson die besten Chancen eingeräumt. Die Zahl der Kandidaten soll nun in mehreren Wahlgängen von der Tory-Fraktion auf zwei reduziert werden. Die sollen sich dann einer Stichwahl unter den rund 160.000 Tory-Mitgliedern stellen. Bis Ende Juli soll der neue Parteichef und Premierminister feststehen.

12.06.2019 - 19:30 [ Bernie Sanders / Youtube ]

Bernie Sanders to Deliver Speech On How Democratic Socialism Is the Only Way to Defeat Oligarchy

Sen. Bernie Sanders delivers a major address at The George Washington University in which he puts democratic socialism in its historic context as part of the American progressive tradition. He makes the case that a strong grassroots campaign based on these progressive values is the only way to confront oligarchy and authoritarianism and defeat Donald Trump.

12.06.2019 - 18:10 [ Labour Leave / Twitter ]

Sure, the EU likes workers‘ rights… unless they get in the way of corporate profiteering, then the ECJ steps in and squashes them. @EddieDempsey #brexit

12.06.2019 - 18:08 [ Spectator ]

Brexit and the death of the British sense of fair play

Put simply, there seems to be only one side which cares about the future of our democracy and, ironically, it’s the side that keeps being labelled ‘fascist’.

12.06.2019 - 17:52 [ Labour Leave ‏/ Twitter ]

„There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties“, Juncker neatly crystallises the EU‘s understanding of democratic votes and referendums, namely – they mean nothing. And the EU has shown that time and time again. #progressive #brexit

12.06.2019 - 17:35 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

EXCL Sir Keir Starmer calls for Labour to back Remain in new EU referendum

He said: „In the aftermath of the local elections and particularly the EU elections, there are many in the Labour party who feel we need to be very clear about a second referendum and about making the case for Remain.

„That‘s certainly what I‘m advocating, discussions are going on at the moment, I hope we can resolve it pretty soon, and that will be a material step in the right direction as far as I‘m concerned.“

12.06.2019 - 17:29 [ Telegraph ]

Tory leadership latest news: Boris Johnson warns MPs they face ‚mortal retribution‘ if they block Brexit

– MPs to kick off bid to block no-deal Brexit in Commons
– Boris Johnson faces Remainer plot to thwart no-deal Brexit ​
– Poll: Johnson on course for landslide election win if he is Tory leader

12.06.2019 - 15:49 [ Telegram ]

There‘s only one man who matters in this Tory leadership race: Boris Johnson

Where is he? Where’s Boris? It’s like waiting for Harry Lime to turn up in the Third Man. Everyone is talking about him, his footsteps can be heard in the dark, a shadow passes in the night.

Then, beneath the sudden glare of a lamp, there he is, smirking smugly. Yes, it’s all about me; now the drama can really begin.

12.06.2019 - 15:43 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Battle to stop Boris: Remainer MPs launch cross-party plot to scupper a no-deal Brexit as former Foreign Secretary unveils his leadership bid TODAY with a pledge to leave the EU by Oct 31

– Boris Johnson will formally set out his stall for the leadership of his party today
– But Opposition MPs have tabled a motion to take control of Parliament and potentially pass legislation taking No Deal off the table
– Johnson has staked his leadership bid on a promise the UK will leave the UK with or without a deal on October 31
– Leadership outsiders Andrea Leadsom, Rory Stewart and Mark Harper launched their campaigns yesterday
– Michael Gove stepped up his attack on Johnson‘s tax plans, calling them ‚insane‘
– European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said Brussels will not renegotiate the Brexit deal, regardless of who replaces Mrs May

12.06.2019 - 12:44 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Türsteher der EU

Die Chancen der sudanesischen Protestbewegung, nicht nur das Militärregime abzuschütteln, sondern auch das Erstarken der RSF zu verhindern, wären von Anfang an deutlich besser gewesen, hätten nicht Berlin und die EU repressive Aktivitäten Khartums jahrelang systematisch unterstützt, um Flüchtlinge aus Europa fernzuhalten.

12.06.2019 - 12:26 [ teleSUR ]

Strikes Spread Across Honduras as Taxi Drivers Join Protesters

Teachers, students, and doctors have been demonstrating for weeks, rejecting the privatization of health and education sectors promoted by the Juan Orlando Hernandez administration. Ending police brutality against protesters has also been added to their list of demands as well as impartial investigations into those cases.

12.06.2019 - 12:15 [ teleSUR ]

Bolivia: Evo Rips Critics ‚Installed by Coups, Military Dictatorships, and Plan Condor‘

Twenty-one presidents from the linguistically and historically connected nations, who sometimes associate as the Ibero-American countries, signed a letter Monday condemning the Bolivian president’s campaign for reelection, calling on the Organization of American States to intervene.

12.06.2019 - 11:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie sich eine Partei den Namen „Die Linke“ gab


Zwei Essays von Hermann Ploppa aus 2005 mit dem Titel „Ein neuer Mantel für die PDS“ beleuchten, wie die ehemalige DDR-Staatspartei (ab 1990 „PDS“) im Jahre 2004 mithalf die „Wahlalternative für Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit“ (WASG) zu gründen, auf deren Rücken anschließend wieder in den Bundestag einzog, sie anschließend schluckte und sich selbst in „die Linke“ umbenannte.

12.06.2019 - 11:39 [ Tagesspiegel ‏/ Twitter ]

Er war Chef der #SPD und gründete später die Linkspartei. Nun bedauert Oskar #Lafontaine den Zustand seiner früheren Partei und spricht sich für eine Fusion von SPD und Linkspartei aus.

12.06.2019 - 11:19 [ Spiegel.de ]

Oskar Lafontaine will offenbar Fusion der Linken mit der SPD

Nach dem Scheitern von „Aufstehen“ hält Lafontaine einem Bericht zufolge eine Fusion der beiden Parteien für notwendig.

12.06.2019 - 11:18 [ Gregor Gysi / Twitter ]

@berlinliebich ist auch auf meinen Wunsch hin Mitglied der AtlantikBrücke. Mandatsrückgabeforderungen sind absurd.

(9.Mai 2015)

12.06.2019 - 11:06 [ Noah Barkin ‏/ Twitter ]

Some important messages from @AKK at #GACON2019 – #China is a systemic challenge & competitor but not an enemy – Germans should not put US in same basket as Russia, Turkey, etc just because of #Trump – Germany must do more, including investing in own defence out of self-interest

12.06.2019 - 10:52 [ Stefan Lange, Leiter des Hauptstadtbüros der Augsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung / Twitter ]

Kramp-Karrenbauer wirbt bei einer Konferenz der Atlantik-Brücke für ein europäisches Projekt ähnlich der chinesischen Seidenstraße. China sei „kein Feind, den man auf allen Ebenen bekämpfen muss“. Null Beifall.

12.06.2019 - 10:39 [ Robert Fenstermacher, Chief Content Officer @ACG_USA | Committed transatlanticist / Twitter ]

Friedrich Merz and John Emerson @JohnBEmo share their reflections on the indispensable relationship between Germany and the US #AtlantikBruecke @ACG_USA #GACON2019

12.06.2019 - 10:31 [ SWR ]

CDU-Politiker Friedrich Merz zu K-Frage und Konferenz Atlantik-Brücke

Merz betonte, er selbst habe die CDU-Vorsitzende Kramp-Karrenbauer eingeladen, bei der Atlantik-Brücke heute die Eröffnungsrede zu halten: „Wir arbeiten eng zusammen und ich unterstütze sie bei dem, was sie als Parteivorsitzende tut.“

12.06.2019 - 10:28 [ Ansgar Graw, Chefreporter für @WELT / Twitter ]

Der wackere Wolfgang Bosbach erklärt auf @DLF, den eigentlichen Fehler habe nicht CDU/CSU-Fraktionschef Ralph Brinkhaus gemacht, als er @akk zur nächsten Kanzlerkandidatin erklärte, sondern der Journalist, der die Frage stellte. Mehr Disziplin, Kollegen!

12.06.2019 - 09:51 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

ABC raids a wake-up call to journalists who left Assange swinging

It is easy, and for some convenient, to forget how much in journalism was changed by the arrival of WikiLeaks.

It‘s perhaps one reason that he is rejected by so many journalists.

12.06.2019 - 09:42 [ Ruptly / Twitter ]

‚If Julian goes down, the rest of you do‘ – #Assange‘s father and Weiwei visit #Belmarsh

12.06.2019 - 09:25 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei visits Julian Assange in prison as U.S. sends Britain a formal request to extradite him for leaking military secrets

Weiwei, who was detained without charge in China for 81 days in 2011 during a crackdown on political activists, is believed to have previously visited Assange in 2015 when he was holed up inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

The 47-year-old‘s father John Shipton arrived at the prison today with Ai Weiwei this afternoon.

12.06.2019 - 09:13 [ ORF.at ]

USA beantragen Assanges Auslieferung

Die USA haben in Großbritannien ein formelles Auslieferungsgesuch für Julian Assange beantragt. Dem Gründer der Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks würden von Washington unter anderem Verstöße gegen Spionagegesetze vorgeworfen, teilte das Londoner Innenministerium am Dienstag mit. Noch diese Woche wollen die USA Beweise gegen ihn vorlegen.

12.06.2019 - 08:57 [ Haaretz ]

Mossad Involved in Anti-boycott Activity, Israeli Minister‘s Datebooks Reveal

Strategic affairs minister‘s schedules show he met with spy agency‘s chief ■ Datebooks also include several meetings devoted to creation of firm to advance ‚mass awareness activities‘

12.06.2019 - 08:55 [ Times of Israel ]

Mossad involved in Israel’s anti-BDS efforts – report

A consumer advocacy group, Hatzlacha, the Consumers’ Movement for the Promotion of a Fair Society and Economy, appealed under Israel’s freedom-of-information laws to publicize the workday calendars of Israeli ministers in 2018, in a bid to uncover links between top politicians and local and international business interests.

12.06.2019 - 08:17 [ ORF.at ]

Startschuss für freies Spiel der Kräfte

Nach dem Sturz der ÖVP-FPÖ-Regierung und der Angelobung des von Kanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein angeführten Expertenkabinetts stehen am Mittwoch und Donnerstag zwei mit Spannung erwartete Plenarsitzungen im Nationalrat auf dem Programm.

12.06.2019 - 08:15 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States / Twitter ]

“Someone should call Obama up. The Obama Administration spied on a rival presidential campaign using Federal Agencies. I mean, that seems like a headline to me?” @TuckerCarlson It will all start coming out, and the Witch Hunt will end. Presidential Harassment!

12.06.2019 - 08:13 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Phil Mudd: „Clock Ticking“ For Democrats Before Barr Finds Out How Trump Probe Started


Retired CIA operative and CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd talks about British national Christopher Steele, author of the infamous Steele dossier, deciding to talk with U.S. officials about his part in the Trump-Russia investigation.

Mudd predicts things are going to get „ugly“ when Attorney General Bill Barr concludes how the probe was initiated which will give the Trump White House „ammo.“

12.06.2019 - 07:53 [ CNN ]

Trump claims he wouldn‘t have let CIA recruit Kim Jong Un‘s brother

Trump wouldn‘t confirm or deny reports that Kim Jong Nam had been working with the CIA prior to being killed in Malaysia in February 2017, saying that he didn‘t know anything about it.
„I know this: that the relationship is such that that wouldn‘t happen under my auspices, but I don‘t know about that. Nobody knows,“ he said.

12.06.2019 - 07:47 [ Spiegel.de ]

Kongresskammer erlaubt rechtliche Schritte gegen Trump-Regierung

Der Justizausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses kann gegen die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump vor Gericht ziehen, um die Vorlage bestimmter Dokumente und Zeugenaussagen zu erstreiten. Das von den Demokraten dominierte Repräsentantenhaus stimmte am Dienstag mit 229 zu 191 Stimmen für eine Resolution, …

12.06.2019 - 07:37 [ CNN ]

House Democrats authorize court to enforce subpoenas

House Democrats have used their majority power in a resolution authorizing the House Judiciary Committee to go to court to enforce subpoenas against the Trump administration. CNN‘s Sunlen Serfaty has the details.

12.06.2019 - 07:26 [ Fox News ]

Trump Jr. to testify on Russia contacts before GOP-led Senate intelligence panel

Donald Trump Jr. will testify Wednesday behind closed doors before the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee, Fox News has learned, as part of what the president has called an „unfair“ effort to subject his son to yet another interview on Russia-related matters.

12.06.2019 - 07:24 [ CNN ]

First on CNN: Donald Trump Jr. to be interviewed by Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors Wednesday

12.06.2019 - 07:07 [ theGuardian.com ]

Hong Kong protest: debate on extradition bill delayed after tens of thousands of people protest – live

Tens of thousands of people have gathered in Hong Kong for protests as politicians debate legislation critics fear will allow extradition to China

12.06.2019 - 06:58 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Tausende belagern Legislativrat in Hongkong

In Hongkong protestieren erneut Tausende Menschen gegen das geplante Auslieferungsgesetz an China. Eine für heute geplante Lesung des Gesetzes wurde daraufhin abgesagt. Bereits am Sonntag hatte es massive Proteste gegeben.

12.06.2019 - 03:29 [ Reuters ]

Brazil indigenous affairs official fired amid push to develop reservation land

The right-wing president alarmed anthropologists and environmentalists by planning to assimilate Brazil’s 800,000 indigenous people and open reservation lands to commercial development, even in the Amazon rainforest.

12.06.2019 - 02:18 [ Youtube ]

Ambientalista José Luis Álvarez Flores

El ambientalista José Luis Álvarez Flores fue asesinado entre los límites de Tabasco y Chiapas, un activista que luchaba por conservar la fauna silvestre.

12.06.2019 - 02:15 [ teleSUR ]

Mexican Defender of Howler Monkey Sanctuary KIlled

… Recently he denounced the illegal extraction of sand and stones from the Usumacinta River.“

„Howler monkeys have become one of the most common species found in animal trafficking (rings). Adults are captured to be used as food and the young are used as pets,“ local media Principia reported and added that the capture of young monkeys usually leads to the death of the mother and the rest of the family group.

12.06.2019 - 01:23 [ teleSUR ]

Argentina: Macri‘s Allies Lose 9 Out of 10 Local Election Seats

Voters in these provinces scattered across the country chose Peronist-allied parties like Sergio Uñac, Oscar Herrera, Gustavo Bordet, Arabela Carreras, Sergio Ziliotto, Mariano Arcioni and Omar Gutierrez, who won in Neuquen. Socialist Juan Manzur, former health minister to CFK, was also elected as governor to the north‘s Tucuman province.​​​​​​​

12.06.2019 - 00:46 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil Bar Association Demands Removal of Justice Minister

Moro ruled against Lula and rendered him ineligible to run in the 2018 presidential election at a time when all polls showed that the former president was the clear frontrunner. This gave far-right Jair Bolsonaro a strong lead that resulted in his presidency win.

Bolsonaro then, according to many, “rewarded” Moro by creating an unprecedented powerful position now called the “super justice minister,” which has complete control over all the judicial branch, policing and social control in Brazilian society.