Daily Archives: 20. Februar 2020

20.02.2020 - 23:50 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Ein Menetekel für die EU

Die Strategische Partnerschaft und die Kooperation der Streitkräfte beider Länder bilden die Grundlage auch für deutsche Rüstungsexporte in die Emirate. Die Bundesregierung genehmigte in den Jahren von 2008 bis 2018 die Lieferung von Kriegsgerät im Wert von knapp 2,3 Milliarden Euro. Seit Anfang 2019 kamen Exportgenehmigungen im Wert von mehr als einer Viertelmilliarde Euro hinzu.

20.02.2020 - 23:11 [ The Hill ]

Poll: Sanders holds 7-point lead in crucial California primary

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads the pack of Democratic presidential contenders in California, a Super Tuesday state that may prove to be one of the most crucial prizes of the party’s nominating contest, according to a Monmouth University poll released Thursday.

20.02.2020 - 17:39 [ Don't Extradite Assange / Twitter ]

A powerful light was shone on Belmarsh prison and the Houses of Parliament last night. Must watch. #DontExtraditeAssange #collateralmurder

20.02.2020 - 17:10 [ Internationales Rotes Kreuz - ICRC.org ]

Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land. The Hague, 18 October 1907.



Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the
hostile army.

20.02.2020 - 17:05 [ JustSecurity.org ]

Germany Goes 19th Century with New Statement on Law of Occupation – On Status of US Forces in Syria

In Germany’s current view, the United States cannot be considered an occupying power in these areas, because although it exercises physical control over them, it does not “exercise jurisdiction” there. On this approach, for an occupation to materialize, two cumulative elements must be fulfilled: effective physical control and the actual establishment of an administration in the area.

Granted, this interpretation can be read into the text of Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations,

20.02.2020 - 16:55 [ Global Intelligence Solutions Ltd (UK) / Twitter ]

Breaking: Turkish Defence Ministry reports, 2 Turkish soldiers killed and five others wounded hours after Turkish offensive begins near Idlib, northwestern Syria. No indication if the airstrikes were conducted by the Assad regime or Russia.

#BreakingNews #Syria #Russia #Assad

20.02.2020 - 16:44 [ WashingtonTimes.com ]

Germany releases Iranian wanted by US; Iran lets German go

A spokesman for Frankfurt’s regional court said judges had ruled Khalili’s extradition to the U.S. was permissible last year, but that the German government hadn’t provided the approval necessary for this to occur. The court then decided that it wouldn’t be proportional to detain Khalili any longer, “despite the flight risk,” and ordered him released Feb. 12, spokeswoman Gundula Fehns-Boeer told The Associated Press.

20.02.2020 - 16:38 [ Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs - Gov.uk ]

Reiterating the call for an end to conflict in Syria

I would like to also echo what my German and American colleagues said about Turkey. We need the attacks on Turkey to stop. Turkey has made efforts to seek a peaceful solution in Idlib. And we are concerned that the impact of the escalation on Turkey, whose already borne the burden of hosting over 3.5 million refugees forced to flee from Syria. So I look forward to what the Turkish representative has to say later.

I join others in calling on Russia to end its support for this murderous campaign and the barbaric Syrian government. I join the Secretary-General in calling for an immediate, genuine and lasting ceasefire in Idlib and for a lasting solution to the situation there. We once more call on Syria and Russia and Iran to observe their obligations under international humanitarian law and to give us an answer on what they are doing to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.

20.02.2020 - 16:22 [ Vereinte Nationen - UN.org ]

Crisis in Syria Likely to Turn Catastrophic Unless Global Community Mobilizes to Conflict, Senior United Nations Officials Warn Security Council

Concurring, the United Kingdom’s representative noted that, while 13 or 14 Council members are willing to act, the Russian Federation uses its veto power to prevent action. She called upon that country to end its support for the Syrian Government while expressing disappointment over the current impasse within the Constitutional Committee.

France’s representative said the Syrian regime is responsible for the current impasse, adding that the intention of its attacks in Idlib is clear — to take the governorate by force, without negotiations, no matter the cost. He called upon the Special Envoy to inform the Council when he can no longer move the Constitutional Committee process forward, emphasizing that France supports efforts to end impunity in Syria.

Germany’s representative described the situation as the biggest humanitarian horror of the twenty-first century. The Astana formula no longer works, he said, echoing the representative of the United States, adding that it is time for the Secretary-General to “step up to the plate”.

20.02.2020 - 16:07 [ Daily Sabah ]

US, UK, Germany call for end to regime attacks on Turkey‘s observation posts in Syria‘s Idlib

Backed by heavy Russian airstrikes, Syrian regime forces have been fighting since the start of the year to recapture the Aleppo countryside and parts of neighboring Idlib, the last opposition stronghold in the country.

The advances have sent hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians fleeing toward the border with Turkey in the biggest single displacement of the nine-year war.

20.02.2020 - 15:51 [ The'Nimr'Tiger / Twitter ]

As done previously; Erdogan artillery once again provides support to Al-Qaeda (HTS) and other internationally designated terrorist groups in Idlib It‘s important the entire world knows the truth

20.02.2020 - 15:48 [ Al-Monitor.com ]

Intel: What‘s behind Erdogan‘s latest threat of imminent attack in Syria


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the parliament today that an operation against Syrian government forces in the rebel-held province of Idlib was “a matter of moments” after talks between Turkish officials and their Russian counterparts in Moscow failed to deliver “the desired result.”

Hours later, Turkey’s ambassador to the UN, Feridun Sinirlioglu, said Turkey would hit all regime positions that “constitute a threat to Turkey” unless they withdrew.

20.02.2020 - 15:36 [ Courage Foundation / Twitter ]

Former general counsel for the New York Times, James Goodale, says the cases against #Assange and @ggreenwald are „examples of governments using hacking laws to stifle political speech—and we should expect more of the same“

20.02.2020 - 14:52 [ ThomasWalde / Twitter ]

Frau @AKK sagt in Paris, Hinweis auf rechtsextremes Motiv des Täters von Hanau bedeute, dass sie sich bestätigt sehe, dass CDU nicht mit AfD zusammenarbeiten dürfe. Spricht von „Nazis“ in der Partei. Wie wichtig die „Brandmauer“ zur AfD sei, zeige der heutige Tag.

20.02.2020 - 14:50 [ FOCUS Online Politik / Twitter ]

Gastbeitrag von Thomas Jäger – Im Kampf um AKK-Nachfolge ist die GroKo der letzte Schutz für Merkels Kanzlerschaft


20.02.2020 - 14:42 [ Radio Utopie ]

Tabu hinter „Verschwörungstheorie“: Hierarchie und Befehlskette


Um in der real existierenden Weltordnung Kriege, Attentate oder einen (schleichenden) Staatstreich durchzuführen oder zu vernebeln, braucht es lediglich eine entsprechend mächtige Hierarchie, sowie Individuen, die sie entweder benutzen, manipulieren oder sich hinter ihr verstecken können.

20.02.2020 - 14:34 [ smeggys.co.uk ]

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a 1962 plan by the U.S. Department of Defense to stage acts of simulated or real terrorism on US soil and against U.S. interests and then put the blame of these acts on Cuba in order to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. As part of the U.S. government‘s Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative, the plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.

20.02.2020 - 14:08 [ Spiegel.de ]

Die Wahnwelt des mutmaßlichen Attentäters

Dazu passen die Angaben, die der mutmaßliche Attentäter von Hanau in einem Bekennerschreiben gemacht hat, das er vor der Tat im Internet veröffentlichte. In dem 24-seitigen Dokument, das dem SPIEGEL vorliegt, schreibt Tobias R. über seinen Lebensweg, vermeintliche Erkenntnisse und seine ideologischen Überzeugungen.

20.02.2020 - 13:59 [ Spiegel.de ]

Hessens Innenminister sieht Hinweise auf rassistische Gesinnung

Tobias R. wurde nach SPIEGEL-Informationen anhand seines Kennzeichens identifiziert, danach ist die Polizei zu der Adresse gefahren.

20.02.2020 - 13:31 [ Zeit.de ]

Markus Söder: Gut, dass es ihn gibt


Distanziert sich nach dem Debakel von Thüringen unter den konservativen Amtsträgern ausgerechnet Markus Söder von der CSU bemerkenswert klar und schnell von der AfD. Auch in der Klimapolitik scheint Söder erkannt zu haben, dass mit den Rezepten der Vergangenheit die Zukunft nicht zu gewinnen ist – jedenfalls bereitet er seine Partei gleichzeitig auf mögliche Koalitionen mit den Grünen auf Bundesebene vor.

20.02.2020 - 13:22 [ BR24 / Twitter ]

Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann hat die Gewalttat von #Hanau als „neue Eskalation rechter Gewalt“ bezeichnet.


20.02.2020 - 13:18 [ AugsburgerAllgemeine / Twitter ]

Bayerns Innenminister ist entsetzt über die Pläne der #Terrorzelle um den in #Bayern verhafteten Rechtsextremisten. Und: Grüne und FDP fordern einen verstärkten Kampf gegen rechtsextreme Internet-Netzwerke.


20.02.2020 - 13:13 [ Tagesschau ]

Ringen um Flüchtlingsabkommen: „Der Beginn eines neuen Pokers“


Das sei mithilfe der finanziellen Unterstützung der EU möglich gewesen: 2016 seien der Türkei sechs Milliarden Euro zugesagt worden, und entgegen Behauptungen der türkischen Regierung sei das Geld auch geflossen, betonte Knaus.

Doch bis Ende 2019 sei die volle Summe verplant gewesen – und damit stehe nun „der Beginn eines neuen Pokers“ an, wie der Forscher es ausdrückt.

20.02.2020 - 13:00 [ Welt / Twitter ]

Hanau: Türkei verurteilt „rassistischen Angriff“

20.02.2020 - 12:55 [ Leith Abou Phadel / Twitter ]

You really can’t make this up. The Turkish military and it rebel allies are striking the SDF and YPG in northern Syria, despite the fact they have lost nearly 2,000 square kilometers of territory to the Syrian army.


20.02.2020 - 12:39 [ NATO / Twitter ]

NATO is a family of common values. We are united with our Allies for peace and stability. ?? #Turkey is NATO, #WeAreNATO

20.02.2020 - 12:32 [ The'Nimr'Tiger / Twitter ]

FSA leaders told Erdogan if he supports them with airforce & battleships & supplies & weapons & intelligence & 200,000 Turkish soldiers then they think they might be able to retake some villages in southern Idlib and hold them for more than 35 minutes Erdogan chose negotiations.


20.02.2020 - 12:28 [ Didar / Twitter ]

Die Zahl der Todesopfer liegt bei 11. Schütze leblos in Wohnung gefunden, neben ihm noch eine Leiche (Mutter)+Video/Bekennerschreiben gefunden. nach @BILD : Rechter Terror, Täter = Tobias R., unter Opfern Kurden. #Hanau

20.02.2020 - 12:22 [ theHill.com ]

Bloomberg savaged in first appearance on Democratic debate stage

One of the most significant donors in the U.S. to Democratic causes and candidates came under relentless attack Wednesday night during his first appearance on a debate stage as a candidate for the party‘s presidential nomination.

20.02.2020 - 03:21 [ Tagesschau ]

Grenell wird US-Geheimdienstkoordinator

Der US-Botschafter in Deutschland, Richard Grenell, wird der geschäftsführende Geheimdienstkoordinator im Weißen Haus.

20.02.2020 - 02:46 [ Bernie Sanders / Twitter ]

UCSC grad students are fighting to have their labor rights acknowledged. I strongly urge the president of the UC system to stop threatening them, especially immigrant students, for organizing. I stand with @payusmoreucsc

20.02.2020 - 02:34 [ MarketWatch ]

Ahead of Nevada debate, Sanders leads Biden by 15 points in new poll, with Bloomberg in 3rd

As six Democratic presidential hopefuls prepare to debate in Nevada on Wednesday night, one new national poll gives Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont a 15-point lead over former Vice President Joe Biden.

20.02.2020 - 02:27 [ theNevadaIndependent.com ]

Election 2020 Tonight‘s Democratic debate in Las Vegas: A behind-the-scenes look, and how to watch

The eyes of a nation are turning to Las Vegas on Wednesday evening, when six Democratic presidential hopefuls face off for the ninth debate of the hard-fought primary season.

20.02.2020 - 01:49 [ Haaretz ]

Disillusioned and Angry, These Israeli Jews Plan to Vote for Arab Party

Ravid and Yavin are among a growing number of Israeli Jews, longtime supporters of Zionist parties such as Labor and Meretz, who plan to break rank and, for the first time in their lives, vote for an Arab or mainly Arab list in the next election. In the past, Arab parties could count on Jewish voters to hand them the equivalent of a single Knesset seat. According to various internal polls that were shared with Haaretz, on March 2 the Joint List could win as many as two seats thanks to disillusioned and angry left-wing Jewish voters.

20.02.2020 - 01:44 [ Haaretz ]

Sanders Doubles Down, Blasts Israeli Government as ‘Right-wing and Racist’

Democratic front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders made a distinction between being “for the Israeli people” and supporting the “right-wing racist governments that currently exist in Israel,” at a CNN Town Hall in Las Vegas on Tuesday.

When an audience member asked the question “How do U.S.-Israel relations look under your administration?” Sanders responded: “To be for the Israeli people and to be for peace in the Middle East does not mean that we have to support right-wing, racist governments that currently exist in Israel.” His reply drew enthusiastic applause from the audience.

20.02.2020 - 01:37 [ Heise.de ]

Kampf gegen Hass: Bundesregierung stimmt für Pflicht zur Passwortherausgabe

Die einschlägigen neuen Paragrafen 15a und b Telemediengesetz (TMG) knüpft an die bereits bestehende Pflicht zur Bestandsdatenauskunft für Telekommunikationsanbieter an, von der die berechtigten Stellen seit Jahren intensiv und nicht immer rechtskonform Gebrauch machen. Im jetzt anvisierten Bereich sind die Folgen mit Zugriffsmöglichkeiten auf umfassende Kommunikationsinhalte von Nutzern und die damit verknüpften Grundrechtseingriffe aber viel größer.

20.02.2020 - 00:03 [ junge Welt ]

„Ich werde als „Rädelsführerin“ hingestellt“

Aktivistin im Rollstuhl wird Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte vorgeworfen. Ein Gespräch mit Cécile Lecomte