Archiv: Mark Rutte

29.10.2024 - 11:55 [ ]

Präsident Yoon telefoniert mit Chefin der EU-Kommission und NATO-Generalsekretär

Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol hat mit EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen und NATO-Generalsekretär Mark Rutte am Telefon über Nordkoreas Unterstützung für Russland im Ukraine-Krieg gesprochen.

28.10.2024 - 20:00 [ North Atlantic Treaty Organization ]

Doorstep statement by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte following the North Atlantic Council briefing on the DPRK’s troop deployment to Russia

Good morning. This morning, a delegation from the Republic of Korea, a close NATO partner, briefed the North Atlantic Council and our other Indo-Pacific partners – Australia, Japan and New Zealand – on North Korea‘s growing involvement in Russia‘s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine.

The delegation included senior representatives from the Republic of Korea‘s National Intelligence Service and Ministry of National Defence. Allies also shared their intelligence assessments. Today, I can confirm that North Korean troops have been sent to Russia, and that North Korean military units have been deployed to the Kursk region.

21.10.2024 - 19:15 [ ]

NATO Secretary General on reports of possible deployment of North Korean troops to Ukraine

Source: Rutter on X (Twitter)

Rutte discussed with President Yoon the information regarding the possible deployment of North Korean troops to fight in the war against Ukraine.

Quote: „North Korea sending troops to fight alongside Russia in Ukraine would mark a significant escalation,“ Rutte said.

They also talked about Seoul‘s partnership with NATO, defence cooperation, and interconnected security in the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.

12.02.2024 - 16:42 [ The Rights Forum ]

Rechter: Nederland moet uitvoer F-35-onderdelen naar Israël stoppen

De Nederlandse regering moet de export van onderdelen van F-35-gevechtsvliegtuigen naar Israël binnen zeven dagen stoppen. Dat bepaalt het Gerechtshof Den Haag. De uitspraak is conform de eis van Oxfam Novib, PAX en The Rights Forum.

12.02.2024 - 16:30 [ Associated Press ]

Dutch appeals court orders Netherlands to stop exports of F-35 parts to Israel, citing war in Gaza

The exports must cease within seven days.

The decision came as Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte traveled to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the conflict.

06.02.2024 - 20:30 [ ]

Nicaragua taking Germany, Canada, UK, Netherlands to ICJ for genocide

The executive authority in Nicaragua published an official statement in which it revealed that it warned the governments of said Western powers that they might be jointly complicit in the „flagrant and systemic violations“ of the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip.

06.02.2024 - 20:28 [ Democracy Now! ]

Nicaragua, South Africa Pressure Gov’ts Through International Courts

Nicaragua could move to take Germany, Canada, the U.K. and the Netherlands to the International Court of Justice over their role in aiding Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Nicaragua called on the four nations to immediately stop providing arms, munitions and technology to the Israeli army.

06.02.2024 - 11:29 [ Tory Fibs / Twitter ]

Breaking .. Channel 4 have finally been shown the dossier for Israel’s claims that UNRWA staff were behind Oct. 7th. Channel 4 concludes that “Israel provides NO evidence to support this claim”.

06.02.2024 - 11:21 [ ]

As donors suspend critical funding to UNRWA, allegations against staff remain murky

But Israel refuses to share either its evidence or the intelligence dossier – a summary of which was seen by FRANCE 24 – with UNRWA, posing a challenge for the UN agency to complete its inquiry.

06.02.2024 - 11:14 [ New York Times ]

UNRWA Set to Lose $65 Million, Documents Show

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the main aid agency in Gaza, is set to lose $65 million by the end of February as donors’ funding cuts begin to kick in, according to internal accounting documents reviewed by The New York Times.

29.01.2024 - 10:45 [ Times of Israel ]

France, Japan join UNRWA fund freeze as Jordan warns against ‘collective punishment’

France and Japan said Sunday that they were suspending funding to the UN Palestinian refugee agency, becoming the latest country to make such a move after accusations of staff involvement in the Hamas-led October 7 massacre, while Jordan warned that cutting financial support to UNRWA amounted to “collective punishment.”

27.01.2024 - 22:10 [ @12_31_84 / Twitter ]

Germany announced the freezing of funds to UNRWA following the report that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 massacre. In doing so, it joins the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, Finland and the Netherlands.

10.07.2023 - 11:41 [ ]

Dutch PM Rutte says he will not seek re-election

Various opposition parties, including left-wing bloc GroenLinks and PvdA and far-right PVV, have announced their intention to submit or support a motion of no confidence against Rutte during the parliamentary debate today. Should the motion pass, Rutte would have to step down immediately.

Rutte IV collapsed 543 days after being sworn in by the King. The Rutte III Cabinet also ended in a collapse, that one over the childcare allowance scandal in which the Tax Authority unjustly accused thousands of parents of fraud and left many in financial difficulties by revoking their benefits.

10.07.2023 - 11:23 [ ]

Niederlande: Rutte tritt bei Neuwahl nicht mehr an

Er werde sich nach der Neuwahl im November aus der Politik zurückziehen, kündigte der dienstälteste Regierungschef in der Geschichte des Landes heute an.

Der 56-jährige Rutte hatte zuvor noch erklärt, er wolle gerne erneut kandidieren, das hänge aber von seiner konservativen Partei VVD ab.

10.07.2021 - 07:45 [ ]

Wieder Aus für das Nachtleben in Niederlanden

Bisher führte die Zunahme der Infektionen zwar nicht zu mehr Patienten und Patientinnen in Krankenhäusern. Die Regierung ist jedoch äußerst besorgt, dass das Land erneut den Status eines Risikogebiets bekommt und Urlaubsreisen nicht mehr möglich sind.

26.06.2021 - 19:12 [ ]

Niederländischer Ministerpräsident: „Ungarn hat in EU nichts mehr zu suchen“

Beim EU-Gipfel war nicht nur die Pandemie ein Hauptdiskussionsthema. Es soll auch das sog. „Anti-Pädophilengesetz“ Ungarns eine heftige Kritik ausgelöst haben.

04.04.2021 - 09:16 [ ]

ChristenUnie rules out a new coalition with Rutte as prime minister

ChristenUnie leader Gert-Jan Segers said in an interview with the Nederlands Dagblad …

04.04.2021 - 09:13 [ ]

Niederlande: Premier Rutte übersteht Misstrauensvotum


Nach einer langen und turbulenten Debatte über umstrittene Äußerungen von Rutte bei den Koalitionsgesprächen fehlte der Opposition in der Nacht zum Freitag in Den Haag am Ende die Mehrheit für ein Misstrauensvotum. Rutte hatte zuvor die Abgeordneten um Verzeihung gebeten.

04.04.2021 - 09:10 [ Sü ]

Niederlande:“Teflon-Mark“ vor dem Fall


Einen Nachmittag und Abend lang steht Rutte im Trommelfeuer der Kritik, nicht eine einzige Stimme findet sich, die ihn verteidigt.

04.04.2021 - 08:57 [ ]

Niederlande: Eine Welt voll Lug und Betrug


Es ist nur so: Man sollte sich nicht dabei erwischen lassen. Und wenn man doch dabei erwischt wird, sollte man es nicht leugnen. Auf gar keinen Fall sollte man das Parlament und die Öffentlichkeit kalt lächelnd belügen. Genau das ist nun in den Niederlanden geschehen.

04.04.2021 - 08:56 [ ]

Niederlande: Der Triumph des „Normalo“ Mark Rutte


Regierungschef Mark Rutte steuert auf eine vierte Amtszeit zu. In der Heimat hat sich der joviale Politiker als Kraft der Kontinuität und Stabilität etabliert, in der EU als fixe Größe.

18.03.2021 - 11:18 [ ]

Niederlande-Wahl: Rutte voran, doch Karten neu gemischt

Hintergrund war ein Skandal um zu Unrecht zurückgeforderte Kinderbeihilfen. Das hatte Tausende Familien in finanzielle Nöte getrieben.

Die Führung der VVD in Prognosen und Exit-Polls kam trotz des Skandals nicht überraschend. Politikwissenschaftler und -wissenschafterinnen waren davon ausgegangen, dass die Pandemie die Wählerschaft nicht zu einem Wechsel veranlassen würde.

15.03.2021 - 08:45 [ ]

Netherlands joins growing list of EU nations to suspend use of AstraZeneca jab over blood clot fears as Bloc’s battle against virus falters with new lockdown in Italy and cases spiking in France with hospitals over-run

It comes as Dutch voters deliver their verdict on the country‘s coronavirus response in the first of three days of voting in a snap election, weeks after a curfew prompted three nights of rioting across major cities.

The Netherlands is the fifth country to pause its roll-out, following Ireland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway. Italy and Austria stopped using one particular batch of the jab.

15.03.2021 - 08:31 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Netherlands: Police use water cannon as tensions rise at The Hague anti-govt. demo

A demonstrator could be seen screaming in pain as he was bitten by a police dog. Officers made several arrests and beat one attendee with truncheons.

Protesters defied repeated requests from the police to leave the field the maximum number of allowed participants under COVID restrictions was reached.

15.03.2021 - 08:29 [ USA Journalist / Youtube ]

#Netherlands​ — About 2,000 people gathered in The Hague on Sunday to protest

About 2,000 people gathered in The Hague on Sunday to protest against the government and its tough coronavirus lockdown on the eve of the Netherlands’ general election.

14.03.2021 - 22:06 [ The Hill ]

Dutch police break up thousands of anti-lockdown protesters

Police in the Netherlands dispersed thousands of anti-lockdown protesters outside the Hague on Sunday, one day before national elections begin in the country.

14.03.2021 - 21:49 [ Tagesschau ]

Polizei löst Corona-Demo in Den Haag auf

Einen Tag vor der Parlamentswahl in den Niederlanden ist eine Demonstration gegen den Corona-Lockdown eskaliert. Weil sich die Teilnehmer weigerten, die Veranstaltung zu beenden, setzte die Polizei Wasserwerfer und Schlagstöcke ein.

26.01.2021 - 10:51 [ ]

Anti-coronavirus protests and riots across the Netherlands

The national curfew came into effect at 9pm on January 23. The first night saw the police issue over 3.600 95-euro fines for violations of the curfew. 25 people were arrested. However, the police did note that, of the people who were stopped and checked during curfew hours, 80 percent carried the necessary government forms.

On Monday, the Dutch Security Council – made up of the 25 mayors who chair security regions – will meet in Utrecht in order to discuss how the curfew will be enforced over the coming weeks.

26.01.2021 - 10:42 [ ]

Rutte calls anti-curfew violence ‘unacceptable’ but rules out calling in army

The prime minister expressed his support for police, municipal mayors and journalists who were targeted while reporting on the weekend’s violence. He said police had responded ‘adequately’ to the situation and dismissed the idea of calling in the army to enforce the curfew. We’re not taking these measures for fun,’ Rutte said. ‘We’re doing it because we’re fighting the virus and right now it’s the virus that’s taking away our freedom, and it’s because of the virus that we’re taking these rotten measures.’

26.01.2021 - 10:39 [ ]

Riot police called out across the Netherlands as trouble flares for third night

Police in Noord-Holland province said they had arrested five people who had called online for riots in Purmerend, Hoorn and Alkmaar. In Amsterdam, there were at least nine arrests after trouble erupted in the east of the city. In Gouda, the mayor also evoked his emergency powers after several cars were set on fire. There were also arrests in Geelen, in Limburg, including several minors, police said.

26.01.2021 - 10:24 [ ZDF ]

Proteste gegen Ausgangssperre – Wieder Corona-Krawalle in den Niederlanden

Sie hatten sich kurz vor Beginn der Ausgangssperre wegen der Corona-Pandemie in Stadtzentren versammelt. In großen Gruppen zogen sie plündernd und randalierend durch die Straßen.

Unruhen wurden aus etwa zehn Städten gemeldet – darunter Amsterdam, Den Haag und Rotterdam.

24.01.2021 - 16:06 [ ]

Niederlande: Krawalle bei erster Ausgangssperre

Die CoV-bedingte Ausgangssperre hat in den Niederlanden zu Protesten und Krawallen geführt. In der Kleinstadt Urk nördlich von Amsterdam hatten Dutzende Menschen gestern Abend gegen die Sperrstunde protestiert, wie die Polizei heute mitteilte. Sie hätten Steine und Feuerwerkskörper auf Polizisten geworfen und Polizeiautos demoliert. Jugendliche steckten nach Polizeiangaben ein Coronavirus-Testzentrum des Gesundheitsamtes in Brand.

24.01.2021 - 15:46 [ ]

Empty roads during curfew; meanwhile riots escalate in Urk

Reportedly, the youngsters took to the streets, played loud music, and drank alcohol. At least a hundred young people had gathered in the center around 9 p.m. From there, they marched through the streets chanting “dictatorship.” They were addressed by someone with a megaphone who said, “today is the first day that we let you know that we are done.” The protestors also lit fireworks with which they attacked the police.

The police struggled to bring the situation on the control and had to call in the riot control unit. What followed was a game of ‘cat and mouse’, in which the police with long batons ran through the streets and groups of protestors repeatedly managed to escape via side streets.

24.01.2021 - 15:19 [ ]

Riot police called to Urk, youngsters protest in Limburg as curfew comes into force

The first curfew in the Netherlands since the occupation during World War II began smoothly in most part of the country but riot police were drafted in to restore order on the staunchly Protestant former island of Urk after youths went on the rampage.

24.01.2021 - 15:13 [ ]

Curfew effective in the Netherlands from Saturday, January 23

Why does the Netherlands need a curfew?

The weekly report from the National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) suggested that the number of coronavirus infections in the Netherlands was dropping, as they observed that the effects of the national lockdown announced on December 14 could finally be seen. However …

20.01.2021 - 22:24 [ ]

Corona in den Niederlanden: Rutte drängt auf eine Ausgangssperre

Das Parlament, so der geschäftsführende Premier Mark Rutte, müsse dieser Sperrstunde allerdings noch zustimmen.

15.01.2021 - 16:56 [ ]

Kinderbeihilfen-Skandal: Niederländische Regierung tritt zurück

Rund 20.000 Eltern waren jahrelang fälschlicherweise als Betrüger dargestellt und in große finanzielle Not gestürzt worden. Der Rücktritt wird vor allem als symbolischer Schritt bewertet und wird wohl kaum Einfluss auf den Wahlausgang am 17. März haben.

In den Umfragen liegt Ruttes Volkspartei für Freiheit und Demokratie (VVD) weit vorn.

14.04.2020 - 08:44 [ ]

Italian MEP sheds light on Germany‘s ‚diabolical EU plan‘ to push its interests forward


„It has been like this for years.“

The Italian politician added: „What Germany is doing is disgusting and I believe that the EU will look very different when this virus is over.

„The UK could have not made a better decision in leaving this bloc.“

09.04.2020 - 09:03 [ ]

Drohende Auferstehung der Troika

In einem Entwurf der Eurogruppe, der der taz vorliegt, ist tatsächlich nur noch von einem „Wiederaufbau-Fonds“ die Rede.

09.04.2020 - 08:55 [ taz / Twitter ]

Die #EU-Finanzminister haben sich im Streit um Hilfen für #Corona-Krisenländer verhakt. Niederlande, Finnland und Österreich fordern harte Konditionen.

03.04.2020 - 20:08 [ ]

Dutch PM prefers a ‚gift‘ to a loan for European coronavirus support

He said he would also prefer setting up a new support fund rather than having countries use the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

„If you do (support) from the ESM, then it‘s a loan and a loan must be paid back,“ he said. „If you do it as a gift, then it‘s: ‚Listen, you guys have been hit hard, but together with a number of wealthier countries, we‘re prepared to bear the direct costs of the coronavirus crisis‘.“

02.04.2020 - 17:08 [ ]

Dutch propose EU corona medical fund, will contribute up to €1bn

The Netherlands has proposed establishing an EU emergency fund to cover the immediate health costs associated with the coronavirus outbreak and, according to Trouw, is prepared to contribute around €1bn.

The fund, prime minister Mark Rutte said during Wednesday’s debate in parliament, would be filled by contributions by member states and would be a ‘gift to those in need’ rather than a loan or a guarantee.

30.11.2019 - 11:24 [ Hans de Vreij, Dutch journalist ‏/ Twitter ]

I like catchy names for military missions. The latest one? The ‚European-led mission Awareness Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH)‘. Almost as catchy as ‚International Maritime Security Construct (IMSC)‘ in the same Strait of Hormuz. EMASOH comprises France and the Netherlands, for now.

30.11.2019 - 11:18 [ Junge Welt ]

Niederländische Marine in Persischen Golf

Die Initiative für den Einsatz sei von Frankreich ausgegangen, berichtete das Ministerium. Die Mission »Awareness Strait of Hormuz« umfasse den westlichen Teil des Golfs von Oman, den Osten des Arabischen Golfs und die Straße von Hormus.

30.05.2019 - 12:10 [ ]

Portugal’s Costa says Weber should not be Commission chief


The interview took place late Monday, just after Costa had a conference call with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the Netherlands‘ Mark Rutte and Belgium‘s Charles Michel.

11.12.2018 - 11:13 [ ]

BREXIT LIVE: May in Europe to BEG Juncker and Merkel for EU concessions to salvage deal

The Prime Minister will meet EU President Jean-Claude Juncker this evening but not before she has met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for breakfast in the Hague.

14.07.2018 - 13:15 [ ]

„Schwer krank oder sternhagelvoll?“

Rutte sagte dem flämischen Sender VRT, „soviel er wisse“, leide Juncker „seit geraumer Zeit an einem Rückenproblem“. Im Juni hatte der EU-Kommissionspräsident dem irischen Parlament nach sichtbaren Schwierigkeiten beim Treppensteigen gesagt, das komme von Problemen mit dem Ischiasnerv, die er seit einem Autounfall habe. Der britischen Boulevardzeitung Sun sagte er darüber hinaus, es wäre ihm lieber, wenn er stattdessen betrunken wäre.