Geplant ist eine Auftaktveranstaltung um 13 Uhr am Gänsemarkt. Danach gehen wir gemeinsam mit dem großen Assange-LKW zum Dammtor, wo unsere Abschlusskundgebung stattfinden wird. Das Ende ist mit 17 Uhr eingeplant.
Archiv: Julian Assange / political persecution since 2010 / US extradition request / trial in UK / extradition to US / appeal to US Supreme Court + writing history.. oops - free on 26-06-2024
Julian Assange nun fünf Jahre im Gefängnis
Den USA ist bis zum 14. April Zeit gegeben worden, Zusicherungen zu drei Punkten im Berufungsantrag der Verteidiger Julian Assanges abzugeben. Diese Zusicherungen können dann wiederum von Assanges Anwaltsteam bis zum 13. Mai kommentiert werden, bevor der High Court dann am 20. Mai „oder möglicherweise zu einem vom Gericht bekannt gegebenen späteren Zeitpunkt“ bekannt geben, ob es zu einer Berufungsverhandlung in diesem Fall kommt.
Biden promises Israel ‚ironclad‘ support against Iran reprisals
The US has been tight-lipped in its public reaction to the Apr 1 strike, saying it has not determined whether Israel struck a diplomatic facility, which would breach international agreements on the inviolability of embassies and consulates.
Der Justizkrieg gegen Julian Assange geht weiter
Nachdem die Richter des Londoner High Court am Dienstag vergangener Woche dem Antrag von Julian Assange auf ein Berufungsverfahren mit Einschränkungen stattgegeben haben, ist Zeit gewesen, den Richterspruch genau zu lesen. Dabei wird klar, wie sehr das jetzige Vorgehen der Richter auf die Bedürfnisse der US-Regierung zugeschnitten ist. Anklage und Richter, die Teil des gleichen britischen Establishments sind, scheinen Hand in Hand zu arbeiten. Als Gegengewicht bleiben nur Teile der Presse und eine kritische Öffentlichkeit. Ein Teil dieser Öffentlichkeit ist FreeAssange Berlin, die uns diese Woche dankenswerterweise wieder mit einem aktuellen Newsletter beliefert haben.
Assange team sees no sign of resolving US charges after reported plea deal talks
The Journal reported that the U.S. Justice Department is considering whether to allow Assange to plead guilty to a reduced charge of mishandling classified information. The newspaper cited people familiar with the matter.
A spokesperson for the Justice Department declined to comment on the report.
Ausgang der Assange-Anhörung weiter ungewiss
Der letzte Montag war der Tag, bis zu dem die Anwälte von Anklage und Verteidigung die von den beiden Richtern in der letzten Anhörung geforderten Dokumente einreichen konnten. Nun geht die Ungewissheit weiter, denn die Richter hatten in der Anhörung Ende Februar in London keine Anhaltspunkte gegeben, bis wann sie entscheiden wollen, ob sie Julian Assanges Antrag auf eine Berufung in seinem Auslieferungsverfahren stattgeben.
Wikileaks founder Assange should not be extradited to the US, Germany’s Scholz says
In light of recent developments, the German chancellor (SPD/S&D) spoke out in support of Assange at a Q&A session at a school in Baden-Württemberg.
“I believe it would be good if the British courts would grant him the necessary protection, because he is facing prosecution in the United States, as he has leaked American state secrets,” Scholz said in Sindelfingen.
Identifying Imperial Venality: Day One of Julian Assange’s High Court Appeal
On February 20, it was clear that things were not going to be made easy for Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who infuriated the US imperium, the national security establishment, and a stable of journalists upset that he had cut their ill-tended lawns. He was too ill to attend what may well be the final appeal against his extradition from the United Kingdom to the United States. Were he to be sent to the US, he faces a possible sentence amounting to 175 years arising from 18 venally cobbled charges, 17 spliced from that archaic horror, the Espionage Act of 1917….
MOMENT Live startet: Heute zur möglichen Auslieferung von Julian #Assange an die USA
Drohende Auslieferung an USA: #Assange muss auf Entscheidung warten .. #JulianAssange #WikiLeaks #whistleblower #whistleblowing
News at 3PM: MPs will vote on a #Gaza ceasefire following a debate. A Trident missile test has failed once more. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is responding to queries at PMQs. MSF reports Israeli shelling of its #Gaza shelter. Syrian outlets report three deaths in Damascus due to Israeli missiles. Julian #Assange contests US extradition. #JulianAssange #BBC #News
DAY ONE: Assange Timeline Exposes US Motives
On Day One of Julian Assange’s attempt to appeal Britain’s order to extradite him to the United States, his lawyers laid out a timeline that exposed U.S. motives to destroy the journalist who revealed their high-level state crimes.
Before two High Court judges in the cramped, wood-paneled Courtroom 5 at the Royal Courts of Justice, Assange’s lawyers argued on Tuesday that two judges had seriously erred in the case on a number of grounds necessitating an appeal of the home secretary’s decision to extradite Assange to the United States.
WATCH: LIVE Stream at Assange Courthouse
Follow all of the activities in the street outside the Royal Courts of Justice on Tuesday, the first day of Julian Assange’s hearing before the High Court of England and Wales.
Livestream from the Royal Courts of Justice as Julian Assange faces crucial UK court hearing #FreeAssange #DayX
„The International Federation of Journalists, representing more than 600,000 journalists worldwide, calls for Julian Assange‘s immediate release“ Final UK Court hearing this Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st February @IFJGlobal #FreeAssange
Please support our fight to free Julian Assange:
UK Campaigning costs:
Legal costs:
EU-wide: (select Julian Assange)
Tell the Biden administration to drop the Assange case now
The U.S. Department of Justice claims that Assange broke the law by receiving classified documents from a source, speaking with that source, possessing the documents, and publishing some of them. In other words, things journalists at news outlets around the country do every day.
If Assange is convicted under the Espionage Act, there will be nothing to stop the government from prosecuting other journalists who publish government secrets.
Take action to protect press freedom: Tell the Biden administration to drop the Assange case now.
The British Government attempts to hide the Assange extradition appeal – a „public hearing“ – behind a baroque set of Kafkaesque rules. My latest article on the latest government stitch-up.
Day X is here: the last chance in the British courts to stop Julian Assange’s extradition Protest to defend a free press. Tuesday 20 February and Wednesday 21 February Time: 8.30am
Place: Royal Courts of Justice, the Strand, London WC2A 2LL (nearest tubes Holborn and Temple)
Click here to register your attendance:…
Your donations are greatly appreciated as we prepare for Day X. Click here to donate to the cause:
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture urges UK government to halt imminent extradition of Julian Assange
The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Alice Jill Edwards, today urged the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) to halt the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the United States of America.
She called on British authorities to consider Julian Assange’s appeal based on substantial fears that, if extradited, he would be at risk of treatment amounting to torture or other forms of ill-treatment or punishment.
After 2016 — first Brexit, then Trump‘s win — Western elites decided populations could no longer be trusted with basic freedoms: they choose and think wrong. That‘s what led to the censorship/“disinformation“ regime. Now they‘re barring the leading candidate from running:
Imagine if Biden wins with Trump banned or jailed: US sermons about „democracy,“ or condemning Putin imprisoning Navalny, will be seen as an even bigger joke than now.
One of the West‘s key dissidents (Assange) is jailed. They censor dissent. Now they‘re trying to ban Trump.
It‘s always been a huge propagandistic mystery that the US media succeeds in convincing Americans that the US Govt defends freedom as it props up the worst dictators (Saudi, Egypt, etc.).
They‘re now escalating it in desperation: first after 2016, now seeing Trump/Biden polls.
Fear of free populations is a global trend. In Brazil, they imprisoned Lula in 2018 when leading all polls, then banned Bolsonaro from running.
In Pakistan, CIA engineered removal and imprisonment of Imran Khan.
All Western countries are increasing online speech controls.
Gruppen und Projekte
Assange Newspaper
DEA-Kampagne aus GB (
Assange DAO (eine Initiative der Cypherpunks)
#WeAreMillions – Photo-Kampagne der Courage Foundation – US-Aktivisten-Netzwerk – Wiki: Challenge Power! Journalism is not a crime
WISE Up Action – A Solidarity Network for Manning and Assange (GB) – eine neues, internationales Verzeichnis für Assange-Unterstützer
Globale Termine auf
Free Whistleblowers – eine Website von Mathias Tretschog – Freier Journalist
Free Assange Committee Germany
German Assange Campaign
Online-Mahnwachen auf
JournalistInnen sprechen sich für Julian Assange aus ( – International Artists act to say „Don‘t extradite Assange!“ (Free Julian Assange Committee Switzerland)
Jahr 1 nach Snowden – Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V.
Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V.
Whistleblower-Aktionsgruppe Cottbus – Let the Stones travel for Julian Assange! – FREEDOM NOW!
@ScotsDefend – Twittergruppe für schottische Aktivisten – eine französische Webseite, die Kunstwerke sammelt, die Julian Assange gewidmet sind
RADIO FREE ASSANGE – supporter site for #WeAreAllAssange campaigns on social media
Anthology: Assange’s Letters from Belmarsh – Short messaging service, Advertising free, No selling user data, No shadow bans…
Eine Presseerklärung und eine Pressemitteilung zum Julian-Assange-Skandal
Der WikiLeaks-Gründer Julian Assange ist seit fast 13 Jahren auf verschiedene Arten seiner Freiheit beraubt. Am 7. Dezember 2010 stellte er sich der britischen Polizei im Zusammenhang mit schwedischen Vergewaltigungsvorwürfen gegen ihn. Diese Ermittlungen wurden erst 2019 eingestellt, nachdem die Behörden in Schweden und Großbritannien die Ermittlungen jahrelang auf kleiner Flamme köcheln ließen. In diesen neun Jahren wurde niemals Anklage gegen ihn erhoben. Seit April 2019 sitzt Julian Assange in Auslieferungshaft im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis in London und wieder verschleppen die zuständigen Behörden den Fall im Schneckentempo, ohne dass ein Ende in Sicht wäre. Er muss sofort freigelassen werden! Dass Julian Assange nicht in Vergessenheit geraten ist, steht sicher auch mit dem andauernden Engagement der bundesweiten Mahnwachen in Zusammenhang, deren gemeinsame Presseerklärung wir nachfolgend veröffentlichen. Außerdem hat die Bürgerinitiative GemeinWohlLobby eine Pressemitteilung herausgegeben, in der vorgeschlagen und begründet wird, dass möglichst viele Gemeinden Julian Assange wegen seines Einsatzes für Transparenz und Pressefreiheit zum Ehrenbürger ernennen. Sahra Wagenknecht hat dies in ihrer Rede bei der Friedensdemonstration in Berlin am Samstag auch vorgeschlagen. In der Pressemitteilung findet sich auch ein Musterantrag dazu.
Visiting Julian Assange at Belmarsh Prison this morning
(November 2, 2023)
If you aren’t fighting for the things you care about you are losing. #FreeAssangeNOW
„Press freedom does not exist while my husband Julian Assange is in jail“ „Press freedom groups and journalists recognise that the fate of the press is tied up with what happens to Julian“ | Stella Assange @Stella_Assange
DAY X: Get ready to protest!
Julian Assange is facing his last chance to stop extradition in a UK court
We don’t have a date yet but we have to be ready…
Place: Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL
Time: 9am
Date: Sign up below for notifications!
Freiheit für Julian Assange! – Große Demonstration am kommenden Samstag in Hamburg
Am Samstag, dem 9. September 2023, findet in Hamburg eine Demonstration für die Freilassung des Wikileaks-Mitgründers Julian Assange statt. Ab Oktober wird mit einer Entscheidung der Londoner High Court Richter gerechnet, ob das Auslieferungsverfahren in die nächste und letzte Instanz in Großbritannien gehen kann. Außerdem reist gerade eine Gruppe australischer Parlamentarier in die USA, um dort Druck auszuüben, damit das Verfahren endlich eingestellt wird. Dies geschieht im Vorfeld des USA-Besuchs des australischen Premierministers. Die Hamburger Demonstration soll mit zu diesem Druck auf die US-Regierung beitragen
[Berlin]: Berlin4Assange
Pariser Platz vor der US Botschaft, 10117 Berlin
wöchentlich, Freitag
Nächste: 8.9., 13-19 Uhr
Freiheit für Julian Assange! Newsletter aus Berlin
Am Mittwoch erschien einmal mehr der Newsletter von FreeAssangeBerlin. Die Aktionsgruppe bezieht seit nun über vier Jahren mit Demos, Mahnwachen, Kino- und sonstigen Veranstaltungen Stellung für Julian Assange und dessen Freilassung. Dies nicht nur, weil er zum Symbol für die in vielen (wahrscheinlich den meisten) Ländern unterdrückte Pressefreiheit geworden ist, sondern auch, weil er als Mensch, der aufklären wollte über Korruption und Kriegsverbrechen, seit 2010 seiner Freiheit beraubt ist. Wenn ich die Sonne durch mein Fenster lachen sehe, denke ich an Julian Assange in seiner Zelle, und nicht nur an ihn, sondern auch an Millionen weitere Menschen, die zu Unrecht, zu lange oder überhaupt eingesperrt sind. Was ist mit uns Menschen los, dass wir glauben, uns gegenseitig einsperren oder morden zu müssen, z.B. in Kriegen, die wir als gerechtfertigt betrachten? Auch die ungleiche Verteilung von Besitz und Ressourcen ist nicht das, womit sich unsere Spezies brüsten kann, von der Zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen ganz zu schweigen. Menschen wie Julian Assange oder die Mahnwachenden in Berlin, aber auch wir mit den NachDenkSeiten, versuchen auf diese Dinge aufmerksam zu machen, damit es vielleicht doch noch zu einer Umkehr kommt, bevor es zu spät ist. Einleitung und Bearbeitung des folgenden Newsletters von Moritz Müller. Vielen Dank, nicht nur nach Berlin!
Ecuador: Spionageberichte von UC Global über Rafael Correa sollen an CIA gegangen sein
UC Global wurde ursprünglich von der ecuadorianischen Regierung unter Correa mit der Sicherheit in der Botschaft des Andenstaates in London betraut, in der Julian Assange 2012 Zuflucht suchte. Im Schatten ihres eigentlichen Auftrags belauschte die Firma damals mehrere Gespräche zwischen Assange und seinen Anwälten und Besuchern, kopierten die Daten ihrer elektronischen Geräte und gaben die erlangten Informationen an den US-Auslandsgeheimdienst CIA weiter. Im August 2022 verklagten deshalb Anwältinnen von Assange und zwei Journalisten den CIA, dessen Ex-Chef Mike Pompeo und UC Global.
A Spanish security company allegedly spied on Rafael Correa at the request of the CIA | The newspaper El País published documents from a case pending in Madrid
In another part of the article published by the Spanish newspaper it is stated that Morales allegedly spied on Correa’s two daughters through computer viruses installed on his phones in 2014 when he was still in government. The two iPhone 5s delivered by UC Global to Sofia and Anne had “Trojan horses” from the Tradesegur company installed. These Trojans allowed full control over their messages and conversations while the girls studied in France without their parents knowing.
President Biden Is Trampling the Bill of Rights by Prosecuting Julian Assange | Opinion
When I met with Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, I was most impressed by his intelligence, his compassion, and his belief in the power of truth. „If wars can be started by lies,“ he said, „peace can be started by truth.“ Now, Assange is being prosecuted for the publication of the Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs, uncovering war crimes, torture, and civilian deaths perpetrated by the United States government in our name and with our money. Assange‘s award-winning publications have been cited as a crucial factor in changing public perception of these wars, which have cost trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, and displaced 37 million people.
In other words, the truth matters.
Spanish company that spied on Assange allegedly informed CIA about meetings held by Latin American leaders
David Morales, owner of the Spanish security company UC Global, S.L., which spied on Julian Assange during the Wikileaks founder’s time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, also allegedly spied for the CIA on meetings held in 2018 by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (2007-2017), with former presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay – Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff and José Mujica – according to a new examination of his MacBook laptop ordered by Spanish Judge Santiago Pedraz, who has been investigating Morales for three years.
Biden’s DOJ Is Pressuring Journalists to Help Build Its Case Against Assange
The Department of Justice and FBI are pressuring multiple British journalists to cooperate with the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, using vague threats and pressure tactics in the process. I know because I am one of the British journalists being pressured to cooperate in the case against him, as someone who used to (briefly) work and live with him, and who went on to blow the whistle on WikiLeaks’ own ethical lapses.
Daniel Ellsberg’s Dying Wish: Free Julian Assange, Encourage Whistleblowers & Reveal the Truth
(July 03, 2023)
Whistleblower Dan Ellsberg joined us after the Justice Department charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Assange is locked up in London and faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited and convicted in the United States. Ellsberg died in June, and as we remember his life and legacy, we revisit his message for other government insiders who are considering becoming whistleblowers: “My message to them is: Don’t do what I did. Don’t wait ’til the bombs are actually falling or thousands more have died.”
„It’s this generation, not the next one, the people living right now, that have to change these problems fast. And I think truth-telling is crucial to mobilize that.“
„We are at this moment on a road to Hell.“ I discussed the Espionage Act, Julian Assange, and his own experiences with the Pentagon Papers, with the one and only @DanielEllsberg on my @MSNBC show tonight:
(May 8, 2023)
Judge orders the Crown Prosecution Service to come clean about the destruction of key documents on Julian Assange
For the last six years, they have rejected all of our attempts to shed light on the destruction of key documents in the Julian Assange case, even though the emails were deleted when the high-profile, controversial case was still ongoing.
But now the British authorities at the Crown Prosecution Service have to come clean: they must declare whether they hold any information as to when, how and why that documentation was deleted, and if they do hold it, they must either release it to us or clarify the grounds for their refusal.
The Crown Prosecution Service must comply with this judicial order by June 23, and any failure on their part to do so could lead to contempt proceedings.
UK: Julian Assange dangerously close to extradition following High Court rejection of appeal
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is deeply concerned by the UK High Court’s decision rejecting WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange’s appeal against his extradition order, bringing him dangerously close to being extradited to the United States, where he could face the rest of his life in prison for publishing leaked classified documents in 2010.
‚Julian Assange dangerously close to extradition following High Court rejection of appeal‘
It‘s bizarre to watch establishment venues celebrate Daniel Ellsberg while spewing contempt for every cause and value he stood for — from defending Assange and Snowden as heroes to warning Americans that the US Security State always lies us into wars:
Why the Pentagon Papers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End
Citing the chilling effect that the creeping expansion of the law has on what information the public gets in a democracy, he expressed disappointment that the Biden administration had not dropped the Espionage Act charges against Mr. Assange.
“It’s clearly overly broad and does not just apply to people like me who had a security clearance. Assange is now feeling the weight of that,” he said, adding: “For 50 years I’ve been saying to journalists, ‘This thing was a loaded weapon looking at you.’”
Aktueller Newsletter zum Fall Julian Assange
Seit dem 11. April 2019 sind nur zwei Fotos von ihm an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt, seit September 2020 war er nicht mehr im Gerichtssaal anwesend. Es ist, als versuchten seine Gegner, ihn verschwunden zu machen. Um ihn etwas präsenter und sichtbarer zu machen, veröffentlichen wir einmal mehr den Newsletter von Free Assange Berlin. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer und Organisatoren, die für Julian Assanges Freiheit und die Pressefreiheit auf die Straße gehen.
ON WHISTLEBLOWERS: Would @RobertKennedyJr pardon @Snowden and Assange? „I would put a statue of Snowden in Washington… how are you making this guy a criminal? He‘s an American hero… Assange, I‘m gonna pardon on day one. It‘s insane. He‘s effectively a newspaper publisher.“
Full interview:
To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.
Stimmen zur verstärkt drohenden Auslieferung von Julian Assange an die USA nach der Entscheidung des High Court
In der vergangenen Woche gab der britische High Court die Entscheidung des Richters Sir Jonathan Swift bekannt, dass dieser zwei Berufungsanträge von Assanges Anwälten nicht zur Verhandlung zugelassen hat. Damit bleibt Julian Assange nur noch ein Rechtsmittel im Vereinigten Königreich. Seine Frau Stella kündigte an, dass ihr Mann einen erneuten Berufungsantrag einbringen werde. Zahlreiche Personen und Organisationen reagierten mit Stellungnahmen und Artikeln, von denen wir nachfolgend einige wiedergeben, zusammen mit einer eigenen Einschätzung.
Trump Will Face Espionage Act Charges in Mar-a-Lago Documents Case, Report Says
(June 8, 2023)
The Espionage Act is frequently used to target and prosecute federal whistleblowers. Many progressives have called for reforms to the law due to its use against figures like Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, who exposed atrocities committed by the U.S. military and civil liberties violations by the U.S. government.
FBI restarts Julian Assange probe despite hopes of release
(June 1, 2023)
The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age can reveal that agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) last week sought to interview acclaimed novelist Andrew O’Hagan about his time working as a ghostwriter on Assange’s autobiography over a decade ago.
Alternative Facts: How the media failed Julian Assange
(March 2023)
Assange has been the object of vindictive government attention for many years, even before being threatened with lifetime incarceration in a U.S. supermax dungeon. Why has it taken so long for the mainstream media to take a stand?
When I asked the Committee to Protect Journalists why Assange did not make their list, I was directed to a December 2019 statement: “After extensive research and consideration, CPJ chose not to list Assange as a journalist, in part because his role has just as often been as a source,” it reads, “and because WikiLeaks does not generally perform as a news outlet with an editorial process.” The newspapers that signed the November letter have similarly refused to claim Assange as one of their own. At the same time, other charges and smears have warped the public narrative, obscuring the threats to the First Amendment. Many of the outlets now expressing alarm have ignored or misrepresented key information about his plight along the way. It is crucial to reflect on these misdirections, especially as a blatant assault on press freedom now appears to be on the brink of success.
Stella Assange, Julian Assange‘s wife, believes they are closer than ever to a resolution in Assange‘s long-running case. She also says securing his release from prison is a matter of life and death. Watch her full interview with @FergusonNews. #abc730
As Julian Assange begins 5th year detained for publishing at the UK‘s harshest prison, over 30 UK Parliamentarians from six parties, as well as independent MPs and Lords, write letter to US Attorney General requesting he ‚ends the extradition proceedings against Julian Assange‘
I was in court the last time Julian Assange appeared outside of prison walls, on 6 January 2021. Tomorrow @RSF_inter will be the first NGO to gain access to him in Belmarsh prison, where he’s become the most well-known political prisoner in the world. It’s time to #FreeAssange!
Julian Assange‘s Father and Brother speak about the new documentary ‚Ithaka‘ and the ‚rising tide of worldwide support‘ for the WikiLeaks publisher facing a 175 year sentence if extradited for publishing @IthakaMovie #FreeAssangeNOW @FoxNews
Julian Assange was punished for publishing without fear or favor: Gabriel Shipton
John and Gabriel Shipton, the father and brother of Julian Assange, speak out about his detainment and share the story behind their documentary ‘Ithaka’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
Collateral Murder
5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff.
Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
20 years ago the Iraq War began: Julian Assange‘s commitment to transparency lifted the lid on numerous war crimes and human rights abuses, for which he now faces a 175 year sentence if extradited #FreeAssangeNOW #Journalismisnotacrime
UPCOMING DATES: 19 March: 20th Anniversary Iraq invasion 24 March-8 April: States of Violence exhibition [London] 5 April: Anniversary Collateral Murder Release 11 April: 4 year Anniversary Julian Assange detained in UK on US extradition request for publishing
Britische Justiz nimmt sich die Zeit, die für Julian Assange im Gefängnis quälend langsam vergeht
Bald sind es vier Jahre, seitdem Julian Assange gewaltsam aus der ecuadorianischen Botschaft in London getragen wurde. Seitdem gab es endlos viele Anhörungen bezüglich des Auslieferungsbegehrens der USA, die sich auch durch Corona-Lockdowns in die Länge zogen. In den letzten 6 Monaten scheint gar nichts mehr zu passieren. Ende August hatten Julian Assanges Anwälte Berufung beim Londoner High Court gegen Punkte im Schiedsspruch des Westminster-Bezirksgerichts vom 4. Januar 2021 und gegen die Entscheidung der damaligen britischen Innenministerin Priti Patel vom 17. Juni letzten Jahres eingelegt. Nun liegt die Entscheidung, ob die Berufung zur Verhandlung angenommen wird, bei einem Richter, dessen Name nirgendwo erscheint, und es erscheint genauso unklar, wann mit einer Entscheidung zu rechnen ist. Derweil sitzt Julian Assange von Ungewissheit gequält im Gefängnis.
All major Free Speech and Human Rights Orgs oppose the extradition of #WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange Reporters Without Borders: ‚This is really the future of Journalism that is at stake – it will not stop with Julian Assange
„Pentagon Papers“ leaker Daniel Ellsberg, 91, is dying from cancer. Doctors have given him three to six months to live.
To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.
On 7 March 2017 WikiLeaks began publishing #Vault7 detailing the #CIA‘s use of malware, viruses, trojans and malware remote control systems to spy on televisions, phones and computers Julian #Assange faces a 175 year sentence if extradited to the US for his truthful reporting
To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.
Pentagon Papers‘ Daniel Ellsberg: „Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court“ #FreeAssangeNOW
Biden faces growing pressure to drop charges against Julian Assange
The charges against Assange for obtaining and publishing classified information, without any active role in actually stealing it mark “the crossing of a legal rubicon”, said Jaffer at Columbia University. That’s an ominous legal threshold, he said, for Assange and all journalists.
“It’s the first time the US government has used the Espionage Act to go after a publisher and the implications are huge,” Jaffer said. Assange “has been indicted for activity that reporters are engaged in every day and that reporters have to engage in every day to inform the public. This would have dramatic implications for national security journalism.”
To @POTUS and @TheJusticeDept: Stop the extradition of Assange. I am as indictable as he is on the exact same charges. I will plead „not guilty“ on grounds of your blatantly unconstitutional use of the Espionage Act. Let‘s take this to the Supreme Court.
New: The Pentagon Papers‘ Daniel Ellsberg reveals he received a „backup“ of the „Chelsea Manning information“ prior to publication: „I am as indictable as Julian Assange.. I‘d be happy to take that one to the Supreme Court“ [18:00]
Assange „could be headed to the US in weeks“ — WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Speaks to Glenn Greenwald
In this interview from SYSTEM UPDATE, Glenn sits down with WikiLeaks editor-in-chief, Kristinn Hrafnsson.