Archiv: audio / acoustics / Akkustik

04.09.2024 - 15:31 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Daniel Neun – Der Fels



Inmitten des Kosmos
am Meer aus Zeit
hier stehe ich am Abhang und
erstreckt sich weit
zum Horizont
ich seh es glühn
Zeit meinen Weg zu gehn
zu tun was ich muss
denn wisset – ich bin Sisyphos.

An der Sonne entlang
hinauf den Hang
tausend Gemälde ohne Vergleich
und aus den Tiefen steigt
der Mond und zeichnet weich
Geometrie ins Firmament

ins Firmament

roll ich den Fels hinauf den Hang
bin schon fast hinüber
tausend Leben lang
war ich Verdammter dieser Erde
dort wo mein Platz ist
dort wo der Fels rollt
Mein Platz ist dort wo der Fels rollt
Dort wo mein Platz ist
dort wo der Fels rollt

Ich wollt Du könntest sehn
Deine Welt sie ist so schön
Mitten im Nichts zu sein

So viele Sterne sind
im Äther ziehn dahin
ich muss nicht mehr wie einer sein
Nicht mehr wie Einer sein

der rollt den Fels hinauf den Hang
bin schon fast hinüber
tausend Leben lang
war ich Verdammter dieser Erde
dort wo mein Platz ist wo der Fels rollt
war ich Verdammter dieser Erde
Mein Platz ist dort wo der Fels rollt
war ich Verdammter dieser Erde
dort wo mein Platz ist wo der Fels rollt

Du willst mich kaufen
Du willst mein Herz
Was bietest Du
nur ein bisschen Erz.
Erdling, was kannst Du mir geben
Ich bin verdammt nochmal
am Leben

Den Kopf in den Sternen hab ich´s geschafft
Dir zum Zeichen werf ich sie
den Hang
die Erde bebt
sieh wer nun dort oben steht
Erdling, werde was Du bist
weil Du sonst nie am Leben bist
und das ist es doch wert, Mensch
Das ist doch wert, Mensch
Du bist es doch wert, Mensch
Du bist es wert


Und das ist es mir wert, Mensch
Und das ist es mir wert
Und das ist es wert, Mensch
Und das ist es wert

27.04.2024 - 18:52 [ ]

“We Are Not Afraid of You”: Voices from Inside the Growing Anti-War Movement Sweeping US Campuses

On this special episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with folks across the country that are taking part in the exploding movement of anti-war encampments and occupations sweeping across US campuses in solidarity with Palestine.

04.01.2024 - 18:22 [ metacode / Twitter ]

Sam Husseini on the Patrick Henningsen Show… @21WIRE and @samhusseini with an update on the #SouthAfrica case submitted to the International Court of Justice (@TNTRadioLive)

10.11.2023 - 09:06 [ Wikipedia ]

The Thing (listening device)

The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or „bugs“) to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviet Union to W. Averell Harriman, the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, on August 4, 1945. Because it was passive, needing electromagnetic energy from an outside source to become energized and activate, it is considered a predecessor of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.

04.11.2023 - 19:24 [ ]

Become a Member of Breakthrough News

Working-class people deserve better, we deserve media for and by us. We are not funded by billionaires or corporations – we are funded by you. Without you, BreakThrough would not be possible, so become a member and build the media arm of the movement with us.

To send a check to BreakThrough News, please make it out to BreakThrough / BT Media Inc. and send to 320 W. 37th Street, NY, NY 10018. Donations are tax-deductible in accordance with the law.

04.11.2023 - 19:06 [ ]

How to sound better on live streams

(no specific date)

In this article, we sum up all the key points about audio, how to sound better on live streams, and how to avoid big fails on air.

18.10.2023 - 19:59 [ alex thomson, Chief Correspondent and Presenter, Channel 4 News / Twitter ]

Israel’s presentation has a Rear Admiral and the tape saying the malfunctioning missile fired from cemetery next to hospital. That doesn’t match video of the event. …

18.10.2023 - 19:54 [ alex thomson, Chief Correspondent and Presenter, Channel 4 News / Twitter ]

Several experts confirm Hamas’ view to @Channel4News that the audio tape of “Hamas” operatives talking about the missile malfunction is a fake . They say the tone, syntax, accent and idiom are absurd.

18.10.2023 - 19:07 [ Refaat / Twitter ]

600+ killed in an Israeli missile attack on the Hospital: The impact of an Israeli missile hitting thousands of people sheltering at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. We heard hundreds of such missiles in the past few days. Same sound. Same whistle. Same impact


18.10.2023 - 19:04 [ CNN ]

Geolocated video shows moment of blast at Gaza hospital


A video geolocated by CNN shows the moment a large blast happened at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza in which hundreds of people are reported to have been killed.

In the video, the sky lights up as a large blast erupts on the hospital grounds, sending a cloud of smoke into the air.

16.10.2023 - 13:08 [ Electronic Intifada / Nitter ]

Many Israeli civilians in Kibbutz Be‘eri were killed by Israeli forces, survivor Yasmin Porat told Israeli state radio in a now censored interview. Here it is with translation.

16.10.2023 - 13:07 [ Electronic Intifada / Twitter ]

Many Israeli civilians in Kibbutz Be‘eri were killed by Israeli forces, survivor Yasmin Porat told Israeli state radio in a now censored interview. Here it is with translation.

19.09.2023 - 22:12 [ United Nations ]

Unity, solidarity and action needed now: General Assembly President

The message is even more important in the face of the continued violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, the Assembly President continued.

The “horrendous war” has unleashed untold suffering in the country, with fallout across the globe, affecting food security and energy prices, and even raised “the unconscionable threat” of nuclear war.

“We all want this war to end. It is an affront to everything that this organization and the UN Charter stands for,” he said.

19.09.2023 - 22:06 [ United Nations ]

„Reform or rupture“ says Guterres, calling for multilateralism to be remade for the 21st century

He reminded world leaders of the opening words of the UN Charter, emphasizing the pledge to “end the scourge of war”.

“When countries break those pledges, they create a world of insecurity for everyone,” he said, stressing that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has serious implications for everyone worldwide.

“We must not relent in working for peace – a just peace in line with the UN Charter and international law. And even while fighting rages, we must pursue every avenue to ease the suffering of civilians in Ukraine and beyond,” he added.

04.08.2023 - 08:00 [ CNN ]

Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents


CNN has previously reported that Trump at the time was furious over a New Yorker article about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley that said Milley argued against striking Iran and was concerned Trump would set in motion a full-scale conflict. (…)

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran, Isn’t it amazing?” Trump says as the sound of papers shuffling can be heard. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

27.06.2023 - 12:36 [ CNN ]

Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents


CNN has previously reported that Trump at the time was furious over a New Yorker article about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley that said Milley argued against striking Iran and was concerned Trump would set in motion a full-scale conflict. (…)

“He said that I wanted to attack Iran, Isn’t it amazing?” Trump says as the sound of papers shuffling can be heard. “I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”

10.06.2023 - 16:57 [ El Pais ]

Recording reveals that Trump took a secret plan to attack Iran from the White House

One of the witnesses questioned was General Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, one of the highest-ranking national security positions of the Trump era.

The meeting that was recorded was held in July 2021 at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, with two people working on the autobiography of former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, as well as aides employed by the former president, including communications specialist Margo Martin, according to CNN, which points out that Meadows talks about what appears to be the same meeting in his book.

10.06.2023 - 16:38 [ ]

Trump Recording Raises Threat of Potential Indictment in Mar-a-Lago Case

(June 1, 2023)

Federal prosecutors obtained an audio recording in which former President Donald Trump admits retaining a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, raising the threat of a potential indictment in the Mar-a-Lago investigation, according to CNN. (…)

The meeting took place in July 2021 at Trump’s Bedminster, N.J., golf course with two people working on former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows’ autobiography and Trump aides including communications specialist Margo Martin, according to the report. The individuals did not have security clearance required to see classified material.

01.06.2023 - 14:24 [ CNN ]

EXCLUSIVE: Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House

The July 2021 meeting was held at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, with two people working on the autobiography of Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows as well as aides employed by the former president, including communications specialist Margo Martin.

21.05.2023 - 09:31 [ @tschenk1958 / Nitter ]

Keiner will wissen was Du mit deinen Freunden und Bekannten schreibst so wichtig ist hier keiner.

(9 Jun 2022)

06.04.2023 - 06:40 [ CNN ]

2009 BackStory: 2nd gun in RFK shooting?


CNN‘s Brad Johnson on how he uncovered possible second gun evidence in the only known tape of the RFK assassination.

06.04.2023 - 06:36 [ ]

The Robert Kennedy Assassination

Photographs taken by the FBI, LAPD, and AP show apparent bullet holes, which have been circled and initialed. Some pictures show police officers pointing at them; one AP photo is labeled „Bullet found near Kennedy shooting scene.“ Two police officers depicted in the photos told author Vincent Bugliosi that they had observed an actual bullet embedded in the wood of the center door frame. Hotel waiter Martin Patrusky said that police officers told him that they had dug two bullets out of the center divider. FBI agent William Bailey, in the pantry within hours of the shooting, said he could see the base of the bullet in the center divider. Other confirmation comes from photographers and even the carpenter who assisted in removal of the door frame for police evidence.

In 2004, a tape recording which featured the gunfire in the pantry surfaced. Made by Polish freelance journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski, the tape was analyzed by a team led by Philip Van Praag, who announced that the tape revealed thirteen shots fired in the space of five seconds. Sirhan‘s gun held eight bullets.

04.04.2023 - 21:47 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Police Chief: ‚Arabs Murder Each Other. It‘s in Their Nature‘


Reportedly, Shabtai said the remarks in a private meeting with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, which took place after an Israeli Arab was murdered and dealt with the fight against crime in Arab society along with the establishment of a national guard.

In the recorded conversation, Ben-Gvir is heard saying after the murder: „Another murder and another murder – this crosses the line. We need a strong national guard.“ Shabtai then replied to him: „There‘s nothing we can do. They murder each other. It‘s in their nature. That‘s the mentality of the Arabs.“

04.04.2023 - 21:06 [ Middle East Eye ]

Abu Dhabi announces launch of Israeli-installed mass surveillance system

(15 July 2016)

The Internet of Things applies unique identifiers to objects, or in the case of Abu Dhabi, people to be followed, and provides large amounts of data on all aspects of an individual’s movements and activities based on the surveillance equipment used. Tools for the collection of data include all manner of devices, from cameras on the street to smart devices connected to the internet.

“Every person is monitored from the moment they leave their doorstep to the moment they return to it. Their work, social and behavioural patterns are recorded, analysed and archived,” a source close to the project told MEE at the time.

04.04.2023 - 20:37 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Analyse: Geheimdienstlicher Komplex will das stadtweite “Überwachungs”-System in Berlin wieder aktivieren lassen


Bürgermeister Michael Müller und die “S.P.D.” sind durch das Attentat am Breitscheidplatz bereits erniedrigt worden. Noch fehlt dem Apparat die Unterwerfung vom Rest der Landesregierung, seitens “die Linke” und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen”.

Was würde passieren, wenn bekannt würde, dass Berlin, die einflussreichste und mächtigste Stadt auf dem Kontinent Europa und die Hauptstadt der Berliner Republik, durch ein stadtweites Spionagesystem “überwacht” wird, durch das jede Person beobachtet werden kann “von dem Moment an dem sie die Türschwelle verlässt, bis zu dem Moment an dem sie zurückkehrt” und dass Arbeit und soziales Verhaltensmuster der Stadtbewohner und -besucher “aufzeichnet, analysiert und archiviert“? Und nicht nur Geheimdienste aus N.A.T.O.-Staaten darauf in Echtzeit zugreifen können?

Nichts. Nichts würde passieren. Die strategische Mehrheit der Bevölkerung würde sich ducken, bücken, beugen, wie sie es in der deutschen Geschichte immer getan hat.

26.01.2023 - 16:47 [ Wikipedia ]

The Thing (listening device)

The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or „bugs“) to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviet Union to W. Averell Harriman, the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union, on August 4, 1945. Because it was passive, needing electromagnetic energy from an outside source to become energized and activate, it is considered a predecessor of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.

06.10.2022 - 15:29 [ Brookings ]

Will protests in Iran end the Islamic Republic?

Suzanne Maloney, vice president and director of Foreign Policy at Brookings, speaks with David Dollar about what the continuing demonstrations in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini could mean for regime stability, plus Iran’s economic situation, the prospects of Iran returning to some form of a nuclear deal with the West, and what it would take for the U.S. and Iran to have a better relationship.

16.06.2022 - 16:38 [ FRANCE 24 English / ]

#LIVE – The French leader Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi meet with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in #Kiyv. Watch their joint press conference live on @FRANCE24_En

13.06.2022 - 23:20 [ ]

Sara Netanyahu Recorded Losing Temper: ‚I‘m an Educated Woman, a Psy-cho-lo-gist!‘

(Jan. 28, 2018)

According to the report, the aide facilitated the publication of a gossip column which mentioned the Israeli prime minister‘s wife, but reportedly failed to properly state the fact that she is a trained psychologist.

Netanyahu is heard yelling in the recording, „This must be stopped. I am doing it! As a professional, as an educated woman, as a psychologist.“ Netanyahu then yelled out her credentials: „B.A! M.A.! That‘s it!“

In response, the aide is heard saying: „But it says in the first sentence that you‘re a psychologist,“ to which she answered: „No.“ The aide continued, saying that „in the first sentence [it says that] you‘re a psychologist.“ …

01.04.2022 - 06:05 [ ]

Lawsuit accusing tech giants of spying is allowed to proceed

(September 14, 2022)

In the legal battles with a focus on listening devices like “smart speakers,” etc, that are currently active in the US, Google and Amazon are not spared either. Reports, including by Reuters, say that a number of filings allege that their devices and apps are recording users’ conversations without their consent, and that Big Tech companies use this material to make money by giving it to advertisers, who can then more precisely target people based on knowledge of their behavior and interests.

25.02.2022 - 06:29 [ CNN / Twitter ]

The transcript from a new audio recording has emerged purporting to show Ukrainian fighters cussing at a Russian warship as they defended an island in the Black Sea before being killed in battle, CNN‘s @wolfblitzer reports.

31.01.2022 - 14:26 [ Rubikon ]

Der Kult

Der Philosoph Gunnar Kaiser prägte seit 2020 den Begriff des „Kults“ im Kontext von Corona. Als Chronist hielt er die sich täglich überbietenden Absurditäten der Kultanhänger fest. Nun erscheint sein philosophisches Meisterwerk zur Krise am 31. Januar 2022 als neuntes Buch der Corona-Aufklärungsoffensive des Rubikon-Verlags: „Der Kult“. Im Interview mit Jens Lehrich sprach Kaiser über die Lehren, die er aus den knapp zwei Jahren gezogen hat, in welchen die Gesellschaft manisch einer Hygiene- und Impfreligion anheimgefallen ist.

27.01.2022 - 16:53 [ Achse des Guten ]

Durchsicht: Die deutsche Impfpflicht-Debatte

Am 26. Januar gönnten sich die Bundestagsabgeordneten eine vierstündige „Orientierungsdebatte“ über die Impfpflicht. Wie dabei manche deutschen Abgeordneten über Freiheit redeten, ist fast beunruhigender als eine Wortmeldung des Gesundheitsministers

25.01.2022 - 07:06 [ Yukon Strong / Twitter ]

Hey ??, look what happened while you were sleeping. They‘re counting on you to be there when they arrive. Rise up folks, it‘s now or never. Freedom. Is. Fun. #TruckersForFreedom #FreedomConvoy2022

#Cdnpoli #covid19 #NoVaccinePassports #NoVaccineMandates

25.01.2022 - 06:59 [ RadioGenova / Twitter ]

Sound on!

23.01.2022 - 13:58 [ Achse des Guten ]

Indubio Folge 199 – Weltlenkungsmechanismen?

Die Journalistin Milena Preradovic und der Medienkritiker René Zeyer diskutieren mit Burkhard Müller-Ullrich über die deutsch-österreichische Durchhaltefront der Impfpolitik, über das geboosterte Totalversagen der Altmedien sowie über die planetarische Perspektive eines Bill Gates. Außerdem geht es um Annalena Baerbocks Russlandreise und den fatalen Hochmut eines schweizerischen Bankenchefs gegenüber der Gesundheitspolizei.