(archive entries)
Archiv: kognitive Reserven / Schlafwandeln / Selbsthypnose / Politiktrauma-Opfer / Koma / cognitive reserves / sleepwalking / self-hypnosis / political trauma victims / coma
Archiv: Israel-Russia military cooperation 2010 – present / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes in Syria while no Russian air defence / worldwide news blackout or silence
(archive entries)
Doppelagent Putin
(15. April 2018)
Der nun erfolgte erneute Luftangriff gegen Syrien repräsentiert die Wiederholung einer Seifenoper aus dem letzten Jahr (11.04.2017, Wag the Russki). Drehbuch wie folgt:
– U.S. Präsident Donald Trump äußert in etwa “es hat nach Hunderttausenden von Toten keinen Sinn mehr die Invasion in Syrien mit terroristischen Proxy-Truppen und regulären eigenen Einheiten weiter fortzusetzen”,
– im Gebiet der terroristischen Proxies und Invasoren bei Ghouta ereignet sich ein fiktiver oder tatsächlicher Einsatz von Chemiewaffen,
– Trump dreht sich um 180 Grad und kündigt einen Militärschlag auf Syrien an,
– dieser erfolgt, mit Ankündigung und laut der französischen Verteidigungsministerin und einem anonymen Politiker über “Reuters” abermals mit Vorwarnung durch die Westmächte,
– die russische Flugabwehr tut nichts, gibt auch noch damit an und die syrische, die genau wie die russischen Militärs noch jedem Massaker gegen die eigenen und verbündeten Truppen aus Irak, Iran und Libanon zugesehen hat wie die Karnickel auf der Fahrbahn, behauptet dies und das.
Einer der wenigen Unterschiede zum letzten Jahr ist, dass sich neben Donald Trump mit Emmanuel Macron und Theresa May nun zwei weitere in ihrem Land hoch umstrittene Staatsleiter vor die Presse stellen und sagen können, sehet her, das haben sie nun davon, diese Russkis. Und Putin, der arme Putin, zitiert das Völkerrecht.
Dass die russische Staatsführung nie beabsichtigt hat Syrien gegen Luftangriffe zu verteidigen, sagte sie schon im letzten Jahr. Dass der russische Präsident jetzt von einer Verletzung der Souveränität Syriens redet, spricht Bände über dessen auch im Humor zum Ausdruck kommenden Grausamkeit. Der ganze Luftraum Syriens quillt über von irgendwelchen Kampfjets von Vancouver bis Wladivostok, seit Jahren. Noch einmal – hätte die Russische Föderation vor Beginn der Syrien-Invasion oder vor Beginn der Libyen-Invasion den dortigen Regimen eine Garantieerklärung gegeben, wie sie China letzten Sommer unter viel Gewimmer und Gebrumm endlich gegenüber Nordkorea abgab, wären Hunderttausende Menschen heute noch am Leben.
Support for a Third Political Party in the U.S. Dips to 58%
(October 1, 2024)
Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that a third major party is needed in the U.S. because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people, marking the 12th consecutive majority-level reading in Gallup’s trend that stretches back more than two decades. While down five percentage points from last year’s record high, it is still on par with the average 56% support level over the course of the trend since 2003.
Österreich kicklt – und kippt
Irgendwann geht es um die Frage, mit wem ein Neubeginn gegen FPÖ und ÖVP möglich ist. Doch davor geht es ums Aufräumen und damit um Konsequenzen:
– um den Rücktritt von Beate Meinl-Reisinger, die mit ihrer Panikreaktion den Zusammenbruch der letzten Linie vor der FPÖ verursacht hat;
– um die Klärung, wer in der SPÖ von allen unterstützt die Führung in einer neuen Opposition übernimmt;
– um die Neuaufstellung der Grünen ohne das Mitläuferpersonal aus der Ära „Nehammer“;
und möglicherweise um eine neue Kraft, die als einzige die FPÖ alt aussehen lassen kann.
Unrwa chief condemns global inaction as Israeli ‚horrors‘ persist in Gaza
Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza on 7 October 2023, 258 staff members from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees have lost their lives, and at least 650 attacks on Unrwa facilities have been recorded. Additionally, 20 Unrwa workers have been abducted by Israel.
Lazzarini condemned the ongoing violence, stating, “This cannot become the new standard, and impunity cannot become the new norm.” His remarks highlight the growing frustration over the global community’s lack of action in halting Israel’s aggression which has been widely described by human rights organisation as genocidal.
> וודאו שיש לכם TLS 1.3 או TLS 1.2 תחת הסעיף Protocols. עדיף שלא יהיה לכם TLS 1.0\1.1 בכלל. מספר השרתים הפגיעים בישראל: 100,000+ לא פשוט לכתוב אייטם כזה לאנשים לא מקצועיים, אבל הוא חשוב והתפרסם ב @Haaretz
(10 Dec 2019)
אני מודה ל @noamr ו- @GilBahat על ה-peer review
Report: Russia draws down forces in Syria, removes S-300 system that troubled Israel
(Ooctober 20, 2022)
Though it has on several occasions harshly criticized Russia’s actions in Ukraine, Jerusalem has so far avoided providing direct military aid to Kyiv — neither offensive arms nor advanced defensive technology — in an attempt to avoid sparking a crisis with Moscow.
An encrypted phone connection was installed in 2017 between a Russian air base in western Syria and the Israeli Air Force command center in Tel Aviv.
The S-300 system was moved to Syria is 2018. Control of the batteries was never handed over to Syrian government.
Russia still maintains its more advanced S-400 air defense system in Syria, but the missiles are reportedly tasked only with defending Russian assets.
Doppelagent Putin
(15. April 2018)
Der nun erfolgte erneute Luftangriff gegen Syrien repräsentiert die Wiederholung einer Seifenoper aus dem letzten Jahr (11.04.2017, Wag the Russki). Drehbuch wie folgt:
– U.S. Präsident Donald Trump äußert in etwa “es hat nach Hunderttausenden von Toten keinen Sinn mehr die Invasion in Syrien mit terroristischen Proxy-Truppen und regulären eigenen Einheiten weiter fortzusetzen”,
– im Gebiet der terroristischen Proxies und Invasoren bei Ghouta ereignet sich ein fiktiver oder tatsächlicher Einsatz von Chemiewaffen,
– Trump dreht sich um 180 Grad und kündigt einen Militärschlag auf Syrien an,
– dieser erfolgt, mit Ankündigung und laut der französischen Verteidigungsministerin und einem anonymen Politiker über “Reuters” abermals mit Vorwarnung durch die Westmächte,
– die russische Flugabwehr tut nichts, gibt auch noch damit an und die syrische, die genau wie die russischen Militärs noch jedem Massaker gegen die eigenen und verbündeten Truppen aus Irak, Iran und Libanon zugesehen hat wie die Karnickel auf der Fahrbahn, behauptet dies und das.
Einer der wenigen Unterschiede zum letzten Jahr ist, dass sich neben Donald Trump mit Emmanuel Macron und Theresa May nun zwei weitere in ihrem Land hoch umstrittene Staatsleiter vor die Presse stellen und sagen können, sehet her, das haben sie nun davon, diese Russkis. Und Putin, der arme Putin, zitiert das Völkerrecht.
Dass die russische Staatsführung nie beabsichtigt hat Syrien gegen Luftangriffe zu verteidigen, sagte sie schon im letzten Jahr. Dass der russische Präsident jetzt von einer Verletzung der Souveränität Syriens redet, spricht Bände über dessen auch im Humor zum Ausdruck kommenden Grausamkeit. Der ganze Luftraum Syriens quillt über von irgendwelchen Kampfjets von Vancouver bis Wladivostok, seit Jahren. Noch einmal – hätte die Russische Föderation vor Beginn der Syrien-Invasion oder vor Beginn der Libyen-Invasion den dortigen Regimen eine Garantieerklärung gegeben, wie sie China letzten Sommer unter viel Gewimmer und Gebrumm endlich gegenüber Nordkorea abgab, wären Hunderttausende Menschen heute noch am Leben.
DNSSEC History Project
DNS Security Prehistory
Few technologies are more critical to the operation of the Internet than the Domain Name System (DNS). The initial design of DNS did not take security into consideration, which was not unusual for protocols designed in the early 1980s. At the time of its development, and for many years there after, DNS had functioned without many formal security mechanisms, thereby making it vulnerable to DNS spoofing and other malicious attacks.
Determining the Need for DNSSEC
[What drove the work? Big picture issues. Surely this includes the demonstrations of cache poisoning by Steve Bellovin and Tsutomu Shimomura in the early 1990s and the similar work by Dan Kaminsky in 2008, but it may include much other activity.]
Cache Poisoning
The earliest known security problem with DNS was DNS cache poisoning, also sometimes called DNS spoofing. DNS cache poisoning happens when a DNS server downstream from the authoritative one returns incorrect data to queries for names or IP addresses. This occurs because an attacker has ‘poisoned’ the cache of the downstream DNS server to return the malicious response. DNS cache poisoning is a subset of a group of problems computer scientists often classify as cache invalidation.
This problem, known to the Computer Science Research Group(CSRG) at U.C. Berkeley since 1989, was finally described in a paper by Steve Bellovin in 1993. Bellovin initially put off publishing the paper out of fear the information would be exploited.
Concern over DNS cache poisoning, specifically that the leak would become publicly known, existed from 1989 to 1995.
Neuer Open-Source-DNS-Server: Unbound soll BIND Konkurrenz machen
(21 Mai 2008)
Eine Gruppe von Experten hat eine quelloffene Alternative zum DNS-Server (Domain Name System) „BIND“ vorgestellt, die leistungsfähiger und sicherer sein soll.
Der neue DNS-Server heißt “Unbound“, steht unter einer BSD-Lizenz und liegt jetzt in Version 1.0.0 vor. Die C-Implementierung wird von der nicht gewinnorientierten niederländischen Firma NL Labs gepflegt.
DNSSEC History Project
DNS Security Prehistory
Few technologies are more critical to the operation of the Internet than the Domain Name System (DNS). The initial design of DNS did not take security into consideration, which was not unusual for protocols designed in the early 1980s. At the time of its development, and for many years there after, DNS had functioned without many formal security mechanisms, thereby making it vulnerable to DNS spoofing and other malicious attacks.
Determining the Need for DNSSEC
[What drove the work? Big picture issues. Surely this includes the demonstrations of cache poisoning by Steve Bellovin and Tsutomu Shimomura in the early 1990s and the similar work by Dan Kaminsky in 2008, but it may include much other activity.]
Cache Poisoning
The earliest known security problem with DNS was DNS cache poisoning, also sometimes called DNS spoofing. DNS cache poisoning happens when a DNS server downstream from the authoritative one returns incorrect data to queries for names or IP addresses. This occurs because an attacker has ‘poisoned’ the cache of the downstream DNS server to return the malicious response. DNS cache poisoning is a subset of a group of problems computer scientists often classify as cache invalidation.
This problem, known to the Computer Science Research Group(CSRG) at U.C. Berkeley since 1989, was finally described in a paper by Steve Bellovin in 1993. Bellovin initially put off publishing the paper out of fear the information would be exploited.
Concern over DNS cache poisoning, specifically that the leak would become publicly known, existed from 1989 to 1995.
Israel is a rogue nation. It should be removed from the United Nations
(October 15, 2024)
One rogue nation cannot declare war on the UN itself and continue to get away with it
Support for a Third Political Party in the U.S. Dips to 58%
Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that a third major party is needed in the U.S. because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people, marking the 12th consecutive majority-level reading in Gallup’s trend that stretches back more than two decades. While down five percentage points from last year’s record high, it is still on par with the average 56% support level over the course of the trend since 2003.
Sahra Wagenknecht als Bundeskanzlerin Kandidatin
Launched 2016
In meinem Umfeld höre ich immer lauter werdende Stimmen, dass Sahra Wagenknecht als BundeskanzlerinKandidatin aufgestellt werden soll.
Das Ampel-Aus ist eine Chance für unser Land!
Deutschland kann sich nicht noch eine Regierung leisten, die die Interessen der Mehrheit ignoriert! Wir stehen als BSW bereit, Verantwortung zu übernehmen, für eine Politik des Friedens, der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und Vernunft.
Archiv: Lebanese military has neither air defense nor airforce / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes / worldwide news blackout or silence
(archive entries)
Why are the state leaders of China and Russia complying with U.S. sanctions against Iran, Venezuela, Syria, and Cuba?
(August 7, 2021)
Because they want to.
And almost 8 billion morons on the planet are too stupid to understand this, first of all the bunch who think they do other politics than the imperial complex, the war lobby, “political classes”, rulers and their courtiers.
Iranian press review: China and Russia criticised over response to Israeli strikes
(November 2, 2024)
The daily continued to criticise the stances of these two countries, comparing them to some European nations that have tense relations with Iran.
As western sanctions against Iran have increased in recent years, Tehran has strengthened economic ties with Moscow and Beijing, with one key outcome being the sale of cheap oil to China.
Israel is a rogue nation. It should be removed from the United Nations
(October 15, 2024)
One rogue nation cannot declare war on the UN itself and continue to get away with it
Charter Chapter XIV: The International Renewal Court of Justice
Article 96
(1) The General Assembly, the Governing Council or the Security Council may request the International Renewal Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal question.
(2) Other organs of the Renewed United Nations and specialised agencies, which may at any time be so authorised by the Governing Council or by the General Assembly, may also request advisory opinions of the Court on legal questions arising within the scope of their activities.
Tehran warns IAEA about Israel‘s nuclear site threats
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Esmaeil Baghaei said on Monday at a press conference that Tehran warned the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about Israel‘s threats of potentially striking the country‘s nuclear infrastructure.
why has Lebanon neither an air force nor an air defense?
(search results)
Palestine to seek end to ‘unlawful’ Israel occupation within 12 months at UN
(September 12, 2024)
Palestine’s permanent mission to the UN is expected to present a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly next week demanding Israel to end its presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories within 12 months, according to a document obtained by Anadolu on Thursday.
Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
(April 16, 2008)
„We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,“ Ma‘ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events „swung American public opinion in our favor.“
Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.
A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer
(12. September 2001)
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, “It‘s very good.“ Then he edited himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.“ He predicted that the attack would “strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we‘ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.“
We’re Beginning to Learn How the War on Terror Shaped a Generation
(Devember 21, 2023)
That might have been why, when President Biden and Israeli officials said that Oct. 7 was Israel’s Sept. 11, intending the comparison as a rallying cry for self-defense, their words seemed to many instead a cruel provocation of trauma. Were they kidding? The response to Sept. 11 was catastrophic for the Arab and Muslim world and, eventually, terrible for the United States. A similar response to Oct. 7 would be terrible for the Israeli people, and a total reinvention of hell for the Palestinians. We know this because we are Americans. In the Israelis, we saw our own leaders: shocked victims for a day, destroyers of worlds every day thereafter.
When and Why Did Human Brains Decrease in Size? A New Change-Point Analysis and Insights From Brain Evolution in Ants
(22 October 2021)
But we also find that human brain size reduction was surprisingly recent, occurring in the last 3,000 years. Our dating does not support hypotheses concerning brain size reduction as a by-product of body size reduction, a result of a shift to an agricultural diet, or a consequence of self-domestication. We suggest our analysis supports the hypothesis that the recent decrease in brain size may instead result from the externalization of knowledge and advantages of group-level decision-making due in part to the advent of social systems of distributed cognition and the storage and sharing of information. Humans live in social groups in which multiple brains contribute to the emergence of collective intelligence. Although difficult to study in the deep history of Homo, the impacts of group size, social organization, collective intelligence and other potential selective forces on brain evolution can be elucidated using ants as models.
Evolution: Das ist der Grund, wieso die Gehirne der Menschen schrumpfen
Dass unser Gehirn langsam etwas an Masse verloren hat, ist jedoch nicht ganz so lange her: Erst vor rund 3.000 Jahren begann es zu schrumpfen.
Die Art und Weise, wie sich Individuen in einem Ameisenstaat organisieren, ähnelt unseren modernen Gesellschaftsstrukturen. Die Insekten haben, verglichen mit ihrer Körpergröße, ein Mini-Gehirn. Es ist etwa eine Million Mal kleiner als das eines Menschen – sie können aber Großes leisten. Das Prinzip dahinter ist eine Art kollektive Intelligenz. Nicht jeder muss alles können oder wissen, es gibt eine klare Aufgabenteilung.
There’s No Good News In The Unfolding Of Armageddon
Every species eventually hits an adaptation-or-extinction juncture at some point, where it must adapt to changing conditions on this planet or vanish into the fossil records. Humanity is arriving at such a juncture today. We’ll either awaken the potential which rests dormant within all of us to become a truly conscious species, or we will go the way of the dinosaur. We have the freedom to go either direction.
How to watch the eastern German elections like a pro
BERLIN — Populist parties on the far-right and far-left ends of the political spectrum are expected to surge in regional elections to be held in eastern Germany this Sunday. If the current forecasts are borne out, the result on Sunday will send political shockwaves across Germany and illustrate the degree to which voters in the east of the country are rebelling against mainstream political parties.
> וודאו שיש לכם TLS 1.3 או TLS 1.2 תחת הסעיף Protocols. עדיף שלא יהיה לכם TLS 1.0\1.1 בכלל. מספר השרתים הפגיעים בישראל: 100,000+ לא פשוט לכתוב אייטם כזה לאנשים לא מקצועיים, אבל הוא חשוב והתפרסם ב @Haaretz
(10 Dec 2019)
אני מודה ל @noamr ו- @GilBahat על ה-peer review
Magnetic effect on CO 2 solubility in seawater: A possible link between geomagnetic field variations and climate
(August 2008)
Correlations between geomagnetic-field and climate parameters have been suggested repeatedly, but possible links are controversially discussed. Here we test if weak (Earth-strength) magnetic fields can affect climatically relevant properties of seawater. We found the solubility of air in seawater to be by 15% lower under reduced magneticfield (20 mT) compared to normal field conditions (50 mT). The magnetic-field effect on CO2 solubility is twice as large, from which we surmise that geomagnetic field variations modulate the carbon exchange between atmosphere and ocean. A 1% reduction in magnetic dipole moment may release up to ten times more CO2 from the surface ocean than is emitted by subaerial volcanism.
Gaza, no fly zone
(search results)
Russia sees military coordination with Israel on Syria continuing amid Ukraine crisis
(26 February 2022)
Russia sees its military coordination with Israel over Syria continuing, the Russian embassy said on Saturday, after Moscow signaled displeasure with Israeli statements about the Ukraine crisis.
Following the 2015 Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war, Israel set up a “deconfliction mechanism” with the big power to prevent them clashing inadvertently during Israeli strikes against Iranian deployments and arms transfers in the neighboring Arab state.
‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘
(October 27, 2015)
In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.
Russia, Israel Sign Military Cooperation Agreement
(September 06, 2010)
His Israeli counterpart, Ehud Barak, said Israel was „ready to continue sharing experience with the Russian military on fighting terrorism and ensuring security, including by using air drones.“
Barak also met with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who said, „We have purchased several unmanned aerial vehicles in Israel. We have launched a few satellites in Israel‘s interests. We are examining the possibility of equipping Israeli airplanes with our instruments and laser equipment.“
Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars
As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.
After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.
Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations
Rule 134
Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]
Notification of applications
Rule 135
The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]
Consideration of applications and decision thereon
Rule 136
If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.
Rule 137
If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]
Notification of decision and effective date of membership
Rule 138 PDF
The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]
Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations
Rule 134
Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]
Notification of applications
Rule 135
The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]
Consideration of applications and decision thereon
Rule 136
If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.
Rule 137
If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]
Notification of decision and effective date of membership
Rule 138 PDF
The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]
Rules of procedure: I. Sessions
Rule 8
(a) Special sessions of the General Assembly shall be convened within fifteen days of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council or from a majority of the Members of the United Nations or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.
(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.
Request by Members
Rule 9
(a) Any Member of the United Nations may request the Secretary-General to convene a special session of the General Assembly. The Secretary-General shall immediately inform the other Members of the request and inquire whether they concur in it. If within thirty days of the date of the communication of the Secretary-General a majority of the Members concur in the request, a special session of the General Assembly shall be convened in accordance with rule 8.
(b) This rule shall apply also to a request by any Member of the United Nations for an emergency special session pursuant to resolution 377 A (V). In such a case, the Secretary-General shall communicate with the other Members by the most expeditious means of communication available.
Von Weimar nach Berlin und nicht nach Brüssel
(4.September 2011)
Die Sowjetunion ist ein Beispiel dafür, daß eine Idee nichts damit zu tun haben muss, was aus ihr gemacht wird. Die “Europäische Union” ist ein weiteres.
Die Sowjetunion zerfiel 1991. 1992 wurde die “Europäische Union” geschaffen, bewusst als “Auffangbecken” gerade auch der osteuropäischen Staaten und jungen Demokratien, die kurz zuvor noch im Schatten des sowjetischen Imperiums unter Diktaturen standen. Die oben beschriebenen Entwicklungen und Zustände in unserer Republik sind nahezu deckungsgleich mit denen in allen anderen Staaten, die fortan dieser “Union” auf europäischem Boden beitraten, die zeitgleich mit ihrer Gründung die 1957 gegründete westeuropäische “Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft” in “Europäische Gemeinschaft” umbenannte und schließlich Ende 2009 mit ihrem gegen den Willen der Völker Europas durchgepeitschtem Lissabon-Vertrag still und leise ganz verschwinden ließ.
Das Konzept eines Bundes der Freien Völker in Europa wurde ersetzt durch einen Käfig. In diesem sollte, für alle Zeiten, auch die souveräne parlamentarische Demokratie auf deutschem Boden sitzen. Das ist das Geheimnis der “Europäischen Union”. Und das ist Geheimnis aller Kader der z.Z. im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien, die der Öffentlichkeit Unterschiedlichkeit und die freie Wahl vorheucheln, aber an dem Dogma der von Anfang an programmierten neuen kapitalistischen Sowjetunion zu keinem Zeitpunkt gewagt haben zu rütteln, sondern im Gegenteil deren Programme stets gehorsam implementierten.
„Föderaler Bundesstaat“ und „strategische Souveränität“: Die europapolitischen Pläne der Ampelkoalition
(17 Dezember 2021)
Mit SPD (SPE), Grünen (EGP) und FDP (ALDE) versammelt die neue Regierung die drei Parteien, die sich in ihren Bundestagswahlprogrammen am markantesten die Weiterentwicklung der EU zum Ziel gesetzt hatten. So will die SPD „die EU zur modernsten Demokratie der Welt machen“ und ein „souveränes Europa in der Welt“ schaffen. Die FDP spricht sich für einen „Verfassungskonvent“ aus, der „die Grundlage für einen föderal und dezentral verfassten Europäischen Bundesstaat“ legen soll. Und die Grünen haben eine „Föderale Europäische Republik mit einer europäischen Verfassung“ zu ihrem „Fixstern“ erklärt.
Schulz will Vereinigte Staaten von Europa bis 2025
(7. Dezember 2017)
Die EU-Mitglieder, die dieser föderalen Verfassung nicht zustimmen, müssten automatisch die EU verlassen, sagte Schulz.
Für die Niederlage bei der Bundestagswahl bat der Parteichef um Entschuldigung.