While Justin Trudeau’s government embraces repressive Middle East monarchies, they want us to believe their campaign to oust Venezuela’s government is motivated by support for democracy and human rights.
Daily Archives: 28. April 2019
Elite US Navy SEAL facing war crimes charges for killings in Iraq
Stabbing a teenage prisoner to death, picking off a young girl and an old man with a sniper rifle and firing a heavy machinegun into a residential area: these are some of the charges facing an elite US Navy SEAL on trial for war crimes while deployed in Iraq.
Pilotenstreik – SAS streicht weitere 1200 Flüge
Der Pilotenstreik bei der skandinavischen Fluggesellschaft SAS wird auch morgen und am Dienstag zu starken Beeinträchtigungen für Reisende führen. Mehr als 1200 Flüge müssten an beiden Tagen gestrichen werden, teilte SAS mit. Betroffen seien weitere 110.000 Reisende.
Flagship Argentine airline cancels Tuesday flights due to strike
Argentina’s government-controlled carrier Aerolineas Argentinas said on Sunday it canceled all flights scheduled for Tuesday due to a nationwide strike by labor unions opposed to the austerity program of President Mauricio Macri.
Industrie und Lobbyismus – Gekaufte Agarpolitik?
Den Auswertungen zufolge stimmen Agrarpolitiker an entscheidender Stelle, zum Beispiel im Agrarausschuss, bis in kleine Details hinein zugunsten der Industrieinteressen. Bei genauerer Betrachtung sind engste Verflechtungen zwischen Großbetrieben der Agrarwirtschaft, Verbänden und Ernährungsindustrie zu finden.
Waffenbrüderschaft ist kein Friedensprojekt
Rede beim Ostermarsch in Stuttgart (20.4.2019)
2007 erklärte sich die Europäische Union im Rahmen des Lissabonvertrags zum Militärbündnis und erhielt dennoch 2012 den Friedensnobelpreis. Seit Ende 2017 hat sich in der EU eine Koalition der Willigen zu mehr Aufrüstung und mehr Kriegsbereitschaft verpflichtet. Dennoch reden zwischenzeitlich viele vom „Friedensprojekt Europa“ als sollte dieses demnächst heiliggesprochen werden. So wichtig es ist, dass zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich heute kein Krieg mehr droht, so wenig darf man europäische Freundschaft mit europäischer Waffenbrüderschaft verwechseln.
Rheinmetall entrüsten!
Es ist gerade viel los beim deutschen Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall: Immer neue Skandale, heikle Übernahmepläne, geplatzte Geschäfte, ausstehende Gerichtsverfahren und Proteste – ein Überblick.
Netanyahu‘s Pre-indictment Hearing Won‘t Be Delayed, Israel‘s Attorney General Says
In the past, pre-indictment hearings in cases of a similar scope have dragged on for more than a year.
Once Netanyahu’s hearing is over, Mendelblit will reconvene the approximately 20 prosecutors he has consulted on the case and make a final decision on whether to leave the indictment unchanged, soften the charges or scrap them altogether.
If you share only one thing about Tulsi with your friends and family, make it this video. Over six minutes, this raw and emotional exchange encapsulates the reason she is running for president. #Tulsi2020
Polling for today’s general election forecasts heavy losses for Podemos. With Spanish politics polarized around the threat from the far right, Pablo Iglesias’s anti-austerity agenda is struggling to make itself heard.
We sat down with Podemos MP Txema Guijarro to talk about today‘s election, the party’s strategy, and its transformative program focused on the Green New Deal.
Hohe Beteiligung bei Spanien-Wahl zeichnet sich ab
Bis 14.00 Uhr hätten 41,48 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten teilgenommen, teilte die Wahlbehörde mit. Bei der letzten Abstimmung im Juni 2016 waren es im gleichen Zeitraum nur 36,87 Prozent.
Spain elections: WhatsApp suspends left-wing party Podemos‘s communication channel days before vote
Podemos had been using a WhatsApp channel with tens of thousands of supporters in to deliver campaign messages ahead of the 28 April contest, and planned to use it to get out the vote on election day – but the channel was taken offline without warning this week.
Bernie Sanders v the Democratic establishment: what the battle is really about
In 10 years of reporting about politics, almost every politician has told me their donors do not influence their behavior. If this were true, they would be the only individuals on planet Earth who are not tempted by money.
What Sanders is arguing is the opposite – if he started doing big-ticket fundraisers with corporate executive and lobbyists, he would be influenced by their money.
Today is International Workers‘ Memorial Day. Remember the dead. But fight for the living. #IWMD19
Indonesien: Hunderte Wahlhelfer sterben an Überlastung
Es waren 245.000 Kandidaten verteilt auf fast 18.000 Inseln – ein Think Tank bezeichnete den 17. April als einen der kompliziertesten Wahltage der Weltgeschichte.
Die Wahlurnen mussten per Boot, Flugzeug, Motorrad und Elefant eingesammelt werden. Das Land dehnt sich von Ost nach West über 5000 Kilometer aus, das ist eine Entfernung wie von Berlin zum Senegal.
Tory Deputy Chair Admits Local Elections Will Be “Difficult”
‘Well I’m really frustrated with politicians as a whole, not just Conservatives… because of where we are with Brexit”. Optimistic…
Latest European Parliament voting intention (23-26 April) Brexit Party – 28% Lab – 22% Con – 13% Green – 10% Change UK – 10% Lib Dem – 7% UKIP – 5% Other – 6%
Brexit Party Takes Clear 6 Point Lead
We are now in the kind of territory that we have not seen since the days of the SDP. The Brexit Party (28%) is polling ahead of Labour (22%) and polling more than double the vote share of the Tories (13%).
(A Political Guide to WikiLeaks) #FreeAssange #WikiLeaks
UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy conducts visit to Julian Assange and Doughty Street Chambers
The UN announced on 5 April that the UN Special Rapporteur had the agreement of Ecuador to visit Mr Assange in the embassy on 25 April to “help determine if there exists a prima facie case of violation of privacy that warrants further investigation.” The announcement made clear that the UN Special Rapporteur had received “assurances from the Government of Ecuador that it will facilitate his visit to the country’s embassy in London.”
On 10 April, WikiLeaks announced it had proof of the extent of surveillance and interference with the right to privacy inside the embassy, which included the recording of visits by his lawyers, including the copying of their notes, as well as recording visits of his doctors. This was reported widely around the world (see, for example, here, here, here and here).
The next day, on 11 April, Mr Assange was forcefully removed from the embassy by British police
Economic Sanctions as Collective Punishment: The Case of Venezuela
We find that the sanctions have inflicted, and increasingly inflict, very serious harm to human life and health, including an estimated more than 40,000 deaths from 2017–2018; and that these sanctions would fit the definition of collective punishment of the civilian population as described in both the Geneva and Hague international conventions, to which the US is a signatory. They are also illegal under international law and treaties which the US has signed, and would appear to violate US law as well.
US sanctions on Venezuela responsible for ‚tens of thousands‘ of deaths, claims new report
As many as 40,000 people may have died in Venezuela as a result of US sanctions that made it harder for ordinary citizens to access food, medicine and medical equipment, a new report has claimed.
The report, published by the Centre for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) a progressive, Washington DC-based think tank, says those deaths took place following the imposition of sanctions in the summer of 2017.
Generalstreik in Kolumbien: Gewerkschaften fordern Frieden und protestieren gegen Armut. Linke Abgeordnete aus Parlament ausgeschlossen
Hunderttausende Menschen haben sich am Donnerstag in Kolumbien an einem landesweiten Generalstreik beteiligt, zu dem die Gewerkschaftsverbände CUT, CGT und CTC aufgerufen hatte und dem sich eine Reihe politischer und sozialer Organisationen anschloss.
Soziale Organisationen in Kolumbien protestieren weiter
Die Demonstranten fordern vor allem die Umsetzung des Friedensvertrags, einen Richtungswechsel der Politik des neuen ultrarechten Präsidenten Iván Duque und konkrete Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in den ländlichen Gebieten.
Mehrere hundert Indigene, Bauern und Afrokolumbianer blockieren seit zwei Tagen die Straße zwischen Medellín und der Pazifikküste. Am Freitag hatte die Aufstandsbekämpfungseinheit der Polizei (Esmad) auf die Demonstranten geschossen.
Basisbewegungen in Venezuela setzen Freilassung von Kommunarden durch
Neben der sofortigen Freilassung und der Einstellung der Verfahren forderten die Aktivisten auch die Untersuchung der Übergabe des Staatsunternehmens an einen privaten Geschäftsmann. Der neue Besitzer importiere Reis mit staatlich geförderten Devisen und verkaufe die Produkte dann nach Kolumbien. Diese wichtige Lebensmittelfabrik einem Privatunternehmer zu überlassen stehe im Widerspruch „zur Entscheidung von [dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Hugo] Chávez, Produktionsmittel an die Volksmacht zu übertragen. Und dies stellt einen Angriff auf die Ernährungssouveränität des Landes dar“, kritisieren die Unterzeichner des Kommuniqués.
Frankreich: „Gelbwesten“ protestieren auch gegen EU
Straßburg sei von den „Gelbwesten“ wegen der Europawahl in vier Wochen ausgewählt worden, berichtete BFMTV. Demonstranten seien auch aus Deutschland, Belgien, Italien oder Luxemburg ins Elsass gekommen. Laut Präfektur versuchten Demonstranten, in Bereiche zu gelangen, die für Proteste gesperrt waren.
„Gelbwesten“-Demo mit Gewerkschaftern und linken Parteien
Gemeinsam trugen gelb und rot gekleidete Teilnehmer ein Banner mit der Aufschrift: „Eine allgemeine Antwort auf einen globalen Angriff“. „Diese Gesellschaft wollen wir nicht“ und „Die Jugend auf der Galeere, die Alten in der Misere“ waren weitere Slogans.
À #Paris, manifestation pour une riposte générale à la politique du président de la République. Gilets jaunes, syndicalistes, militants politiques, associatifs, citoyens : fédérés dans la lutte contre #Macron et son monde. #Acte24 #ActeXXIV
Leftwing activists join gilets jaunes for peaceful Paris protest
Many senior figures from the radical left marched with them, including Jean-Luc Melenchon, the leader of France Unbowed and one of Macron’s most vocal critics.
Welcoming this show of unity, Melenchon told BFM TV: “It’s the first time that there has been a call of this kind, that’s to say union organisations, associations and political movements.”
#NotMeUS! #OrganizeWithBernie Thank you Arlington, VA. We had a full house tonight. Standing room only. #WithTheseHands we will organize baby! Ooooooweee!
McConnell vows to be ‚Grim Reaper‘ for socialist legislation
„We are having a legitimate debate about the virtues of socialism and I don‘t want you to think it‘s just a 28-year-old congresswoman from New York. This is much broader than that. I‘ve got five colleagues in the Senate, five colleagues running for president, who have signed on to the Green New Deal and Medicare For All,“ he said.
Sri Lankas Präsident in Dutertes Fussstapfen
Seine Bewunderung für Duterte scheint tief zu gründen. Schon im vergangenen Sommer begrüsste Sirisena die Gewaltorgie im südostasiatischen Inselreich. Gleichzeitig hob Sri Lanka ein Moratorium für die Todesstrafe auf. Nach der von Sirisena verursachten Verfassungskrise, die den Inselstaat zwei Monate lahmlegte und vor der Weltöffentlichkeit blamierte, muss die Versuchung umso grösser sein, den starken Mann zu markieren.
Errors Raise Questions About Sri Lankan Response to Bombing
But many officials and lawmakers have said, publicly and privately, that they doubted the president was unaware of the intelligence on an imminent threat.
In addition to being president, Mr. Sirisena also leads the Defense Ministry, which oversees the work of much of the intelligence agencies. The officials say it is impossible that he would not have been briefed on a memo about threats that others at much lower levels had heard about.
Immer mehr Details über die Attentäter der Osteranschläge in #SriLanka kommen ans Licht. Offenbar kamen sie aus ganz unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsschichten. Sri Lankas Präsident Sirisena vergleicht die Anschläge mit dem 11. September 2001.
Exclusive: Srisena Briefed About Easter Sunday Attacks 10 Days Before: Protects SIS Chief, Lies About IGP And Defence Secretary
President Sirisena was informed about the foreign intelligence reports predicting the attacks on at least three separate occasions Colombo Telegraph can exclusively reveal today.
All three briefings were conducted by Head of the State Intelligence Service Senior DIG Nilantha Jayawardane. Jayawardane met Sirisena personally to brief him on 11th April and 16th April. President Sirisena then travelled overseas soon after the New Year holidays.
6 months since the synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh & on last day of Passover, a gunman opened fire at Chabad of Poway synagogue. We must stand united & condemn this anti-semitism & all religious bigotry. An attack against one of us for our religion is an attack against all of us
Another horrific shooting at a place of worship, today at the Poway Synagogue in San Diego County. We must work every day to eradicate all forms of hatred and bigotry, and take serious action to protect Americans from gun violence.
Skip the Surveillance By Opting Out of Face Recognition At Airports
Trading privacy for convenience is a bad bargain, and it can feel like the deal isn’t always one we have a choice in. DHS has said that the only way we can ensure that our biometric data isn’t collected when we travel is to “refrain from traveling.” That’s ridiculous. The time to regulate and restrict the use of facial recognition technology is now, before it becomes embedded in our everyday lives. We must keep fighting to make sure that in the future, it gets easier, and not harder, to defend our privacy—biometric or otherwise.
Bolsonaro Fears A Kirchner Win in Argentine Elections
„The opposition can return (in Argentina) and that is our concern, we do not want another Venezuela here in South America,“ Bolsonaro said.
One dead, three injured in Poway synagogue shooting
Authorities were reviewing his social media accounts and an “open letter” he reportedly wrote before the attack, which happened at about 11:30 a.m. They were also preparing to search his home in Rancho Penasquitos.
Woman killed, 3 injured in shooting at California synagogue – live updates
Gore said an off-duty Border Patrol agent believed to be inside the synagogue shot at the suspect as he fled. The sheriff said the agent didn‘t hit him but struck his car.