Archiv: Satelliten / Beobachtung / Spionage / satellites / monitoring / espionage

14.09.2024 - 18:20 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. concerned about Ukraine strikes on Russian nuclear radar stations

(May 29, 2024)

The drone that targeted the radar station near Orsk, in Russia’s Orenburg region along Kazakhstan’s northern border, traveled more than 1,100 miles, making it one of the deepest attempted strikes into Russian territory. The Ukrainian official declined to say whether the strike, on May 26, caused any damage.

14.09.2024 - 18:11 [ Newsweek ]

Map Shows Ukraine‘s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites

(May 28, 2024)

Ukraine began its nascent campaign against Russia‘s early warning radar network in April, with successive drone strikes on the 590th separate radio engineering center of military unit 84680 in the city of Kovylkino, in the Mordovia Republic around 360 miles from the Ukrainian border.

10.09.2024 - 14:25 [ ]

FACTBOX: Drone attack on Moscow and other Russian regions

MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. At least 14 drones were shot down by air defense forces during an attempt to attack Moscow and the Moscow Region. A 46-year-old woman died in Ramenskoye, while earlier information about the death of a 9-year-old child was not confirmed. Several people were injured.

The effects of the fall of UAV fragments in the area of Zhukovsky airport are being eliminated.

10.09.2024 - 14:15 [ Reuters ]

Ukraine strikes Moscow in biggest drone attack to date

Moscow and Kyiv have both sought to buy and develop new drones, deploy them in innovative ways, and seek new ways to destroy them – from using shotguns to advanced electronic jamming systems.
Both sides have turned cheap commercial drones into deadly weapons while ramping up their own production and assembly to attack targets including tanks and energy infrastructure such as refineries and airfields.

18.01.2024 - 00:44 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER MOBILE TELEVISOR (III): “Boden durchdringender Radar” aus Luftraum und Orbit

(17. Februar 2013)

Die optische Auflösung von Bildern mobiler “Televisoren” (durch Materialien sehender visueller Erfassungsapparaturen) hängt grundsätzlich von der Wellenlänge / Frequenz ab und nimmt mit zunehmender Wellenlänge (d.h.: abnehmender Frequenz) ab.

Für potentiell flächendeckende Durchleuchtung von Metropolen mit ihren tausenden Gebäuden und Kellerräumen bietet sich – wenn auch nicht mit gleicher optischer Auflösung wie bei unmittelbarer Nähe des Zielobjekts und Verwendung von hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung – der Einsatz von etwas niedriger frequenten Millimeterwellen aus der Luft an, etwa durch Drohnen. Bereits im September 2008 hatte das U.S.-Militär, nach jahrelanger und in Zeiten des “Antiterrorismus” massiv finanziell geförderter Forschung, an die Presse dringen lassen, man setze in Kriegsgebieten Drohnen mit Überwachungstechnologien ein, die “das Verfolgen von menschlichen Zielen erlauben, selbst wenn sie in Gebäuden oder auf andere Art versteckt sind”.

31.12.2023 - 14:47 [ Reuters ]

North Korea to launch new satellites, build drones, calling war inevitable

Kim lashed out at Washington in lengthy remarks wrapping up five days of ruling party meetings that set economic, military and foreign policy goals for the coming year.

„Because of reckless moves by the enemies to invade us, it is a fait accompli that a war can break out at any time on the Korean peninsula,“ he said, according to state news agency KCNA.

24.12.2023 - 12:00 [ Washington Post ]

Israel has waged one of this century’s most destructive wars in Gaza

The Washington Post analyzed satellite imagery, airstrike data and U.N. damage assessments, and interviewed more than 20 aid workers, health-care providers, and experts in munitions and aerial warfare. The evidence shows that Israel has carried out its war in Gaza at a pace and level of devastation that likely exceeds any recent conflict, destroying more buildings, in far less time, than were destroyed during the Syrian regime’s battle for Aleppo from 2013 to 2016 and the U.S.-led campaign to defeat the Islamic State in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria, in 2017.

22.12.2023 - 21:19 [ New York Times ]

A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza

The Times programmed an artificial intelligence tool to scan satellite imagery of south Gaza for bomb craters. Times reporters manually reviewed the search results, looking for craters measuring roughly 40 feet across or larger. Munitions experts say typically only 2,000-pound bombs form craters of that size in Gaza’s light, sandy soil.

Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage.

22.12.2023 - 21:10 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

„During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians.“ Specifically: it used 2,000-pound bombs for this, which not even the US will use in cities:

22.11.2023 - 06:25 [ ]

US has sent Israel data on aid group locations to try to prevent strikes

The Biden administration has been providing Israel with the location of humanitarian groups in Gaza for weeks to prevent strikes against their facilities. But Israel has continued to hit such sites.

The information included GPS coordinates of a number of medical facilities and information on movements of aid groups in Gaza to the Israeli government for at least a month, according to three people familiar with the communications. All were granted anonymity because they feared speaking publicly would make it more difficult for aid groups to operate in Gaza.

18.11.2023 - 04:50 [ @sadgirlcassi / Twitter ]

Crowds of Palestinians trying to flee southern Gaza can be seen from space.

10.11.2023 - 10:15 [ ]

Siemens und der BND: Ehemalige Manager packen aus


Siemens lieferte Abhörtechnik für Geheimdienste in aller Welt, nach Russland, Ägypten, oder Oman. Der Konzern kann sich zur Fehleranalyse in jede große Vermittlungsanlage einwählen, die das Unternehmen geliefert hat. Das legt den Verdacht nahe, der BND habe sich Zugang zu diesen Einwahlschlüsseln verschaffen wollen.

Für den Nachrichtendienst war Siemens auch deshalb interessant, weil Ingenieure des Konzerns beim Bau von Telefonanlagen Räume zu sehen bekommen, die auch einem US-Spionagesatellit verschlossen sind, …

27.10.2023 - 19:23 [ Caitlin Johnstone / Twitter ]

What kind of drooling, knuckle-dragging, tapioca-brained moron looks at these photos and believes Gaza is lying about its death toll?

27.10.2023 - 19:15 [ CNN ]

Before and after satellite images show destruction in Gaza


New satellite images released by Maxar show significant damage to sites across Gaza.

21.10.2023 - 16:14 [ ]

Forschung als Friedensprojekt

SESAME ist ein Zentrum der Materialforschung. Die im Elektronensynchrotron beschleunigten Teilchen erzeugen elektromagnetische Strahlung in allen Frequenzbereichen – und diese wird verwendet, um Materialien aller Art zu durchleuchten. Das können archäologische Artefakte oder Gewebsproben von Lebewesen sein .

18.10.2023 - 11:32 [ Guardian Weekly / Twitter ]

Israel-Hamas war: a visual guide in maps, video and satellite images


18.10.2023 - 11:25 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Russia says Israel should provide evidence it didn‘t strike Gaza hospital

Russia‘s foreign ministry said on Wednesday that a strike on a hospital in Gaza that killed hundreds of Palestinians was a shocking crime, adding that Israel should provide satellite images to prove that it was not involved in the attack.

18.10.2023 - 11:17 [ @UnityNewsNet / Twitter ]

Just in Russian Foreign Ministry says Israel should provide satellite images to prove it’s not behind the strike on the Hospital.

17.10.2023 - 22:24 [ John Daily / Twitter ]

I completely agree satellite footage will determine the truth who hit the hospital.

07.10.2023 - 13:30 [ Marc Polymeropoulos, Retired from three letter agency. @msnbc contributor / Twitter ]

A staggering intelligence failure. Hard to comprehend how this was missed. Expect a massive military response in Gaza, including possible ground invasion, and potential for further escalation. All eyes on Iran as well. Thoughts with friends in Israel.

07.10.2023 - 12:54 [ Times of Israel ]

‘A colossal failure’ as Gaza’s Hamas terrorists infiltrate, catch Israel unprepared

“All of Israel is asking itself: Where is the IDF, where is the police, where is the security?” agreed Eli Maron, the former head of the Israeli Navy, alongside him in the studio. “It’s a colossal failure; the hierarchies have simply failed, with vast consequences.”

Amos Yadlin, a former IDF intelligence chief, invoked echoes of the Yom Kippur War — another attack marked by “intelligence failure,” with the enemy initiating conflict.

05.10.2023 - 17:10 [ Wikipedia ]

Verteidigungsausschuss (Deutscher Bundestag): Mitglieder der 20. Legislaturperiode

Die 38 Mitglieder des Ausschusses in der 20. Legislaturperiode:

05.10.2023 - 16:55 [ ]

Unterstützung für Ukraine: BND liefert militärisch nutzbare Daten


Die Satellitenaufnahmen, sogenannte IMINT-Daten, stammen vom SAR Lupe System der Bundeswehr, das diese faktisch gemeinsam mit dem BND betreibt. Das System besteht aus Kleinsatelliten, die unabhängig von Tageszeit und Wetter hochauflösende Bilder erstellen können, dies auch bei dichter Wolkendecke.

05.10.2023 - 16:41 [ Rob Spear / Twitter ]

New investigation suggests errant Ukraine Air Defence missile behind deaths of 17 in Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine. They pump us full of fury at the time but then whisper the sad reality later


05.10.2023 - 16:40 [ Times of Israel ]

Ukrainian officials say a Russian attack on a village cafe killed 48 people

Presidential chief of staff Andrii Yermak and Kharkiv Gov. Oleh Syniehubov say Russian forces shelled a shop and a cafe in the village of Hroza, in the Kharkiv region, around 1 p.m.

13.09.2023 - 17:05 [ ]

N. Korea‘s Kim pledges support for Putin at Russia‘s spaceport summit

Russian news agencies said Kim and Putin had no plan to sign official documents after they concluded a one-on-one meeting, which was followed by talks in an extended format. The two leaders were also offered an official dinner, according to Russian news agencies.

The Kremlin earlier said Putin and Kim would touch on bilateral ties and economic cooperation during the summit, but added their talks may involve sensitive issues that would not be made available publicly.

01.08.2023 - 07:25 [ ]

++ Ukraine hofft auf Langstreckenraketen ++

Die Ukraine hofft nach Angaben von Botschafter Makeiev auf Langstreckenraketen und Marschflugkörper aus Deutschland.

25.06.2023 - 12:35 [ Times of Israel ]

Russia says military coordination with Israel in Syria will continue as usual

(27 February 2022)

Russia is a main player backing the Syrian government in a grinding civil war, while Israel has waged a years-long campaign of airstrikes aimed at pro-Iranian fighters located there and at preventing the transfer of Iranian-supplied weaponry.

“Our military officials discuss the practical issues of this substantively on a daily basis. This mechanism has proven to be useful and will continue to work,” the Russian embassy said in a statement to The Times of Israel.

25.06.2023 - 12:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

14.06.2023 - 13:27 [ ]

Top-level study on Intel Community, Space Force satellite control coming soon

Since the Space Force’s inception three years ago, there’s been some tension between the newest military service and spy satellite agencies over who’s responsible for acquiring satellite imagery and ISR products and providing actionable information to military commanders.

06.06.2023 - 09:53 [ ]

Unterstützung für Ukraine: BND liefert militärisch nutzbare Daten


Die Daten würden mit einer Verzögerung von bis zu einigen Tagen weitergegeben, heißt es in Berlin. Deshalb seien die Daten „nicht unmittelbar“ für Planung und Steuerung tödlicher Angriffe nutzbar. Der BND übermittelt zudem ausschließlich Bildausschnitte des ukrainischen Staatsgebiets.

05.06.2023 - 05:20 [ Patrick S / Nitter ]

Äh wie bitte? Was?? „Polnische Spezialeinheit bestätigt Beteiligung an Angriffen auf Belgorod“

01.05.2023 - 18:30 [ ABC News ]

UN renews Sudan arms embargo as Russia and China abstain

(March 9, 2023)

The U.N. Security Council approved a resolution Wednesday renewing an arms embargo and other sanctions imposed over violence in Sudan’s western Darfur region that began in 2004.

Thirteen of the 15 council members voted for the resolution. Russia and China abstained, arguing that the Darfur conflict is largely over.

The resolution also extends the mandate of the U.N. panel of experts monitoring the arms embargo and travel ban and asset freeze on certain individuals. It now runs until March 12, 2024.

07.04.2023 - 09:36 [ ]

Bundeswehr setzt Einsatz im Libanon fort

(23. Juni 2022)

Insgesamt können bis zu 300 deutsche Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr eingesetzt werden.

Das besondere Augenmerk der Maritime Task Force liegt darauf, die libanesischen Sicherheitskräfte langfristig in die Lage zu versetzen, den Schutz sowie die Bewachung des See- und Luftraums selbst zu übernehmen.


Die libanesische Regierung hat mit Schreiben an die Vereinten Nationen vom 6. September 2006 unter Verweis auf Resolution 1701 (2006) unter anderem um Unterstützung bei der Absicherung der seeseitigen Grenzen des Libanons gebeten.

07.04.2023 - 08:56 [ Newsweek ]

Israel Prepares Forces ‚On All Borders‘ Amid Lebanon Rocket Attacks, Unrest

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, IDF spokesperson Richard Hecht said that about 34 rockets were launched earlier in the day from Lebanon into Israel, 25 of which were intercepted and six of which fell into Israeli territory. The barrage is one of the largest since the last war between the neighboring rivals fought 15 years ago, and Hecht called the new attack a „very serious event.“

While Hecht said the IDF has not yet identified the perpetrator, he said the launch was believed to have been conducted by a Palestinian group, potentially tied to Hamas or Islamic Jihad, two movements present in the Gaza Strip,

19.02.2023 - 08:20 [ Times of Israel ]

Syria says 5 killed, 15 wounded in Israeli strike on Damascus residential are


As a rule, Israel’s military does not comment on specific strikes in Syria, but has admitted to conducting hundreds of sorties against Iran-backed groups attempting to gain a foothold in the country over the last decade.

19.02.2023 - 08:11 [ Anna Ahronheim, former Military & Defense Correspondent, Senior writer @Jerusalem_Post / Nitter ]

Despite being concerned that supporting Ukraine by providing military support would lead to Russia interfering against its MABAM, Israel continues to have aerial supremacy over Syria, carrying out over 30 strikes against Iranian targets in the country with no opposition by Moscow

(29. Dec 2022)

19.02.2023 - 08:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

In rare move, Netanyahu to bring army chiefs to meet Putin in Moscow

(September 21, 2015)

IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi will accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a lightning trip to Moscow on Monday, in a clear signal that regional arms transfers and Russia’s troop deployments in Syria will be the main focus of the discussions.

05.02.2023 - 09:53 [ William Yang / Nitter ]

„The US believes Chinese spy satellites in low Earth orbit are capable of offering similar or better intelligence, limiting the value of whatever Beijing can glean from the high-altitude balloon, which is the size of three buses, according to another defense official.“


05.02.2023 - 09:37 [ Andrew Russell - Davis / Nitter ]

US secretary of state Antony Blinken has consequently cancelled his weekend visit to China! He‘d expected meeting China’s President Xi Jinping & 1st Biden administration cabinet secretary to visit China & the 1st secretary of state to travel to the country in more than 5 years.

03.02.2023 - 04:38 [ CNN ]

Pentagon tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon over the US

The US believes Chinese spy satellites in low Earth orbit are capable of offering similar or better intelligence, limiting the value of whatever Beijing can glean from the high-altitude balloon, which is the size of three buses, according to another defense official.

07.01.2023 - 09:19 [ ]

Russia, Israel Sign Military Cooperation Agreement

(September 06, 2010)

His Israeli counterpart, Ehud Barak, said Israel was „ready to continue sharing experience with the Russian military on fighting terrorism and ensuring security, including by using air drones.“

Barak also met with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who said, „We have purchased several unmanned aerial vehicles in Israel. We have launched a few satellites in Israel‘s interests. We are examining the possibility of equipping Israeli airplanes with our instruments and laser equipment.“

30.11.2022 - 06:26 [ Bundesministerium der Verteidigung ]

Bundeswehr legt bei Satellitenaufklärung nach


SARah ist ein Radarsatellitensystem und verfügt über zwei Reflektor-Satelliten, einem Phased Array-Satelliten, einer Bodenstation in Deutschland sowie Antennen in Deutschland und Schweden. Mit dem System können weltweit tageslicht- und wetterunabhängige Bilddaten erstellt werden – unter anderem für die Krisenfrüherkennung, Krisenbewältigung und humanitäre Hilfe. Aber auch bei der Beurteilung von Proliferationsaktivitäten, der Verifikation von Rüstungskontroll- und Abrüstungsvereinbarung sowie nicht zuletzt für den Einsatz von Streitkräften und den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus werden die durch SARah lieferbaren Informationen benötigt.

Das Aufklärungssystem SARah wird 2022 das ebenfalls radarbasierte und bislang genutzte Satellitensystem SAR-Lupe ablösen.

30.11.2022 - 05:57 [ Reuters ]

German warplanes patrolling skies over Poland, air force says

(March 1, 2022)

„Safeguarding the skies over Poland,“ the air force said on Twitter, above a picture of a starting fighter jet, without giving details.

A military spokesperson told Reuters the Eurofighter jets were flying missions out of Germany over Poland, a country that suffered severely under Nazi Germany in the last century.

23.11.2022 - 14:42 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

21.11.2022 - 11:55 [ jarek2 / Nitter ]

Everyone has it and no one wants to publish it

21.11.2022 - 11:45 [ @FlippinCoin / Nitter ]

For sure someone has the radar tracks of this hit.


19.11.2022 - 10:23 [ ]

Unterstützung für Ukraine: BND liefert militärisch nutzbare Daten


Die Informationen, die der BND mit Billigung der Bundesregierung an den ukrainischen Geheimdienst übermittelt, umfassen neben Analysen, beispielsweise zu Kampfkraft und Moral russischer Einheiten in der Ukraine, auch abgehörte Funksprüche und Mobiltelefonate sowie Satellitenbilder. Diese BND-Berichte können der Ukraine bei der Vorbereitung militärischer Operationen helfen.

16.11.2022 - 09:31 [ Radio Polen - ]

Pentagon kann russischen Raketentreffer in Polen nicht bestätigen

(15.11.2022 21:32)

„Wir sind uns der Presseberichte bewusst, die behaupten, dass zwei russische Raketen in Polen nahe der ukrainischen Grenze eingeschlagen sind. Ich kann Ihnen sagen, dass wir derzeit keine Informationen haben, die diese Berichte bestätigen, und dass wir die Angelegenheit weiter prüfen“, sagte Pentagon-Sprecher Patrick Ryder bei einer Pressekonferenz.

16.11.2022 - 09:18 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on the Explosion and Loss of Life in Eastern Poland

(9:53 A.M. CIT)

Q Mr. President, is it too early to say whether this missile was fired from Russia?

THE PRESIDENT: There is preliminary information that contests that. I don’t want to say that until we completely investigate. But it is — I — it’s unlikely, in the minds of the trajectory, that it was fired from Russia. But we’ll see. We’ll see.

Q Mr. President, has Poland suggested invoking Article 4 or 5 from NATO, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: The consensus is we’re going to probably have a meeting of the — of the — of the ambassadors. So that’s — it looks like we’re going to go do next.

Thank you.