Archiv: Hauptquartiere / headquarters (HQs)

05.02.2025 - 20:38 [ ]

Relocating UN Headquarters out of the United States

(April 28, 2023)

The United Nations- US headquarters agreement of 26 June 1947[13] envisages in Article IX the possibility of relocating UN headquarters to another venue. Section 23 stipulates “The seat of the United Nations shall not be removed from the headquarters district unless the United Nations should so decide.” Section 24 stipulates “This agreement shall cease to be in force if the seat of the United Nations is removed from the territory of the United States, except for such provisions as may be applicable in connection with the orderly termination of the operations of the United Nations at its seat in the United States and the disposition of its property therein.”

15.11.2024 - 12:13 [ ]

Israeli airstrikes hit Beirut’s southern suburbs as death toll rises in Lebanon

Baalbek-Al-Hermel Governor Bashir Al-Khodr confirmed that rescuers pulled 12 bodies from the rubble, all for paramedics, after an Israeli airstrike hit a civil defense center in Baalbek, where over 20 people were sheltering.

The Lebanese Health Ministry reported that an airstrike on the Shaab neighborhood in Baalbek killed eight people, including five women, and left 27 others wounded.

The ministry added that four other people were killed in attacks on several locations in eastern Lebanon.

15.11.2024 - 12:04 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli strike on Lebanon‘s Baalbek kills 15 rescuers

The death toll from Israel‘s strike on Baalbek, eastern Lebanon has risen to 15 civil defence members, Baalbek governor Bachir Khodr said on X.

Khodr adds that 10 bodies were identified, while the remaining five were recovered in pieces, requiring DNA testing.

„Mercy to the heroic martyrs and patience to their families,“ he said.

25.09.2024 - 13:57 [ Middle East Eye ]

Lebanon: Hezbollah claims attempted ballistic missile attack on Mossad HQ

Armed movement says agency was responsible for planning pager explosions and assassinations of senior leaders

30.08.2024 - 15:28 [ Adalah ]

Israeli police foil film screening of Mohammed Bakri’s Janin Jenin by issuing temporary order to close Communist Party headquarters in Haifa

(August 27, 2024)

Monday night, the Maki Haifa Branch was shut down by the police for an event that included a screening of Mohammed Bakri’s new film. Bakri’s earlier film, Jenin, Jenin, was banned by an Israeli Court in 2021. Adalah demands immediate intervention by the Attorney General to ensure police will not obstruct the next screening. This action is part of broader Israeli police policies designed to suppress dissent against Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza.

30.08.2024 - 15:15 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Fascism in practice

(4 days ago )

The Israeli police decides to close down the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa

Israel and Ben Gvir’s Police have just decided to shut the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa for ten hours starting at 19:00 this evening.

01.05.2024 - 08:37 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Police Violence as Thousands in Tel Aviv Demand End of War and Deal with Hamas

Thousands protested in Tel Aviv on Monday night, April 29, in a rally that later descended into clashes with police forces, arrests, and police violence toward protesters and relatives of hostages. The rally reached the King George Street near of the ruling Likud party’s headquarters, where police used a water cannon and mounted cops to disperse the protest.

Cops shoved Ilana Gritzewsky, Matan Zangauker’s partner who was kidnapped on October 7 and released in the November deal. Early protesters blocked the army headquarters entrance at Begin Street and Einav Zangauker, mother of hostage Matan, addressed Netanyahu, saying he had to choose between bringing the hostages home and keeping intact his government over the objections of racist ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, who vehemently oppose a hostage deal that would require a ceasefire. Einav Zangauker told Ynet that cops had pushed her to the ground at the Likud headquarters and that the police used excessive force and sent in disproportionate forces to disperse the crowd, in what she called “stepped-up violence.”

14.11.2023 - 19:00 [ ]

Israel: Kontrolle über mehrere Hamas-Regierungsgebäude

Die israelische Armee hat eigenen Angaben zufolge die Kontrolle über mehrere Regierungsgebäude der islamistischen Hamas in Gaza-Stadt übernommen. Dazu gehörten das Parlament und Gebäude der Polizei, erklärte das israelische Militär heute.

14.11.2023 - 18:55 [ Times of Israel ]

IDF proclaims it has captured Hamas parliament, government seat and police HQ

The military said that troops of its 7th Armored Brigade and Golani Infantry Brigade captured several Hamas governmental sites in the Gaza City neighborhoods of Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal.

Among the locations captured by the troops were the Hamas parliament, the government complex, and the police headquarters.

15.10.2023 - 20:43 [ CNN ]

‘It’s so lonely’: Desperate families of Israeli hostages are still in the dark a week on from Hamas rampage

She told CNN that while she has been attending protests against the prime minister for years, this time feels different.

“I have never felt such rage and hatred towards a person since I was born. And I’m 66 I don’t remember myself feeling what I feel about this person, the f****** Bibi, there is no other word for him,” she said.

“He doesn’t take responsibility and I don’t believe he cares but for himself, even in those difficult times. He’s the criminal who’s capable to take us to the drain,” she said.

15.10.2023 - 20:28 [ ]

Protesters call for Netanyahu ouster, families of hostages desperate for answers

Avichai Brodetz said he would not leave until his wife and three children, Ofri, Yuval and Uriah were freed. He came and set himself up on the sidewalk outside the ministry and military HQ at 3 a.m. to stage his sit-in, accompanied by a number of supporters.

„I served in the military in compulsory and reserve duty and love my country. I am not angry at anyone, but I want a change in policy and that first of all the women and children be released. I think both sides in the war can agree on that. There cannot be any organization in the world that would want to harm a mother and her children.“

15.10.2023 - 20:25 [ ABC News ]

Some Israeli protestors call PM Netanyahu a ‘traitor’

ABC News’ Matt Gutman reports from an anti-government demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel.
October 14, 2023

15.10.2023 - 20:18 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Several hundred protesters including numerous families of unaccounted-for hostages calling on Netanyahu to resign at spontaneous protest outside Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv.

15.10.2023 - 19:53 [ Times of Israel ]

Hundreds join vigil of man whose wife, kids abducted to Gaza; many rage at government


As the protest grew throughout the day, there were some minor skirmishes between demonstrators and police.

Some protesters chanted “Go to jail, Bibi!” and “Leave!” Among the crowd, placards read: “Bibi, you have blood on your hands,” “We’ve been abandoned,” “Return the hostages immediately,” and “There’s no trust, resign.”

At times there were chants of “Shame,” the popular refrain in the months-long protests against the government’s judicial overhaul plan.

29.09.2023 - 05:44 [ ]

US Has Resumed Drone Operations Out of Niger, Top General Says

(Sept. 13, 2023)

The Biden administration has not officially declared the removal of President Mohammad Bazoum a coup, a legal move that would require the U.S. to cut off military assistance under U.S. law.

Since the coup, current and former U.S. officials have stressed that there might still be some hope the U.S. could reach an agreement to resume counterterrorism efforts.

11.09.2023 - 23:59 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

DER 11. SEPTEMBER: Die Attentate – Ablauf, Hergang und Widersprüche

(13. September 2014)

Am Morgen des 11. Septembers 2001 sind im Zuge der in Teil I beschriebenen Militärmanöver eine große Anzahl von Kampfflugzeugen der US-Luftwaffe nach Kanada und Alaska verlegt. Zur Verteidigung des gesamten Nordostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika verbleiben vier Kampfflugzeuge. Während der Attentate bricht in NORAD Verwirrung darüber aus, ob eintreffende Meldungen tatsächliche Ereignisse oder die Manöver betreffen (“Is this real world or exercise?”). Kommunikation wird gejammed, “Phantom”-Flugzeuge tauchen auf den Bildschirmen auf, simulieren in bzw aus entgegengesetzten Richtungen fliegende Maschinen und verschwinden wieder (die Quelle dieser Simulationen wird nie öffentlich) und lenken die verbliebenen Verteidigungskräfte ab.

Wie in Teil III beschrieben, hatte die Luftfahrtbehörde FAA, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Pentagon, den Kriegskonzern Raytheon in 1996 beauftragt zwecks der Modernisierung des Computersystems der Luftfahrtbehörde deren IT-Systeme auszutauschen. Das Luftraumkontrollsystem “Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System” (STARS) von Raytheon wurde nachfolgend auch vom US-Militär bzw der Air Force eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig war 1996 an Raytheon der Auftrag für ein stationäres Radarsystem zur Überwachung des Luftraums in der Nähe von Flughäfen namens “Digital Airport Surveillance Radars” (DASR) ergangen. In 2011 beschrieb der Kriegskonzern Raytheon in Werbeveröffentlichungen für sein von Militär und ziviler Luftfahrtbehörde verwendetes STARS Luftraumkontrollsystem die Möglichkeit “Geisterziele” (“ghost targets”) auf den Bildschirmen der Fluglotsen erscheinen zu lassen.

Am Morgen des 11. September 2001 werden nun lokale Militärkommandeure, die sich um Hilfe bemühen, von ihren Vorgesetzten hingehalten und von einem Luftwaffenstützpunkt an den nächsten verwiesen, bis hin zum Mittleren Westen. Zwei Militärjets, die schließlich von einem Stützpunkt in Langley aufsteigen (dort befindet sich auch das CIA Hauptquartier) um eine der als entführt gemeldete Passagiermaschine im Anflug auf Washington abzufangen, werden von einem Kommandoposten namens “Giant Killer” auf den Atlantischen Ozean hinaus gelotst.

Die Befehlskette und Abfolge der durch verantwortliche US-Stellen zu treffenden Maßnahmen im Falle im Falle einer Flugzeugentführung im Inland, die wie berichtet in den drei Jahren vor 9/11 im Rahmen der Flugzeugentführungs-Szenarien betreffenden 28 Militärmanöver sechsmal trainiert worden war, eingeschlossen die Simulation von Flugzeugabstürzen in “hochwertige Ziele” wie die New Yorker Freiheitsstatue und das Weiße Haus in Washington, lautete nun wie folgt:

1. eine Identifizierung des entsprechenden Vorgangs durch die Luftfahrtaufsichtsbehörde FAA (“Federal Aviation Administration”)
2. eine Meldung der FAA an NORAD
3. entsprechende Maßnahmen durch NORAD

Diese Kommandokette ist am 11. September während der Attentate durch eine ganze Reihe höchst ungewöhnlicher Umstände erschwert bzw. unterbrochen…

19.08.2023 - 20:06 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Activist Detained for Placing Art Installation Near Far-right Party Headquarters

The organizations involved include Standing Together, Peace Now, Breaking the Silence, and Combatants for Peace. The activists also placed stickers reading, „Caution! Terror supporters and architects of the [judicial] coup work in this building.“

Speaking to Haaretz, the activist who was detained – Nadav Weiman – said that a day before he was brought in for questioning, a person who took over his apartment lease in Tel Aviv called him and told him that three police officers knocked on his door looking for him. According to Weiman, police called him and asked him to come in for questioning only after they didn‘t find him in his apartment.

11.07.2023 - 19:28 [ Times of Israel ]

Roads blocked in Tel Aviv as demonstrators march toward Histadrut labor federation headquarters

Many protesters have been angered that the labor federation has not called a general strike after a bill to radically curb judicial oversight over government decisions was passed overnight in its first reading.

In late March the union joined a daylong general strike triggered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s since-reversed decision to fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for calling to pause the judicial legislation amid growing unrest over the overhaul. The strike was called off the same day after Netanyahu agreed to pause the legislation to allow for negotiations with the opposition.

19.06.2023 - 10:12 [ ]

New Partygate video ‘shows Tories dancing, drinking and laughing at lockdown rules’

At least 24 guests were reportedly at the gathering which was held just a few days before Mr Johnson’s 19 December announcement that Tier 4 Covid curbs would be implemented. This put London and the southeast of England under severe restrictions which meant many could not see their families on Christmas Day.

“It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you we cannot continue with Christmas as planned,” he said just five days after the party.

19.06.2023 - 10:06 [ ]

Exclusive: First ever Partygate video revealed as Tories drink, dance and laugh at Covid rules

When one man sees he is being recorded, he says: “Oh Christ.” Then another asks: “Are you filming this?” Someone else responds: “It’s for party, erm, party use.”

A man then laughs after declaring: “As long as we are not streaming that we’re, like, bending the rules.”

It was just days after the party that Mr Johnson announced even tighter restrictions which meant people in the areas worst hit by Covid could not see their loved ones over Christmas.

12.05.2023 - 00:55 [ ]

Huge Protests In Pak After Imran Khan‘s Arrest, Supporters Storm Army HQ

Supporters of Pakistan‘s former Prime Minister Imran Khan, protesting against his arrest, entered the compound of the army commanders‘ residence in Lahore last evening. Media footage showed them also storming the army headquarters in Rawalpindi.

07.05.2022 - 08:28 [ ]

NATO Military Committee to meet on May 19; chiefs of general staffs of Ukraine, Finland, Sweden invited

The Chiefs of General Staffs of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden will take part in the meeting of the NATO Military Committee in Brussels, Belgium on May 19, according to the alliance‘s website

18.08.2021 - 09:53 [ Times of India ]

Top Taliban leader leaves Qatar for Afghanistan


A top Taliban official has met with a Qatari official before leaving the country for Afghanistan.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar met with Qatar‘s Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on Tuesday.

15.12.2020 - 23:39 [ EMASOH, 8 European countries maritime security initiative in the Strait of Hormuz / Twitter ]

Since the beginning of March 2020 more than 1513 EMASOH flagged vessels have crossed the Strait of Hormuz while surface and air assets were monitoring shipping lanes and FHQ EMASOH was on watch 24/7 for the benefit of maritime security @EMASOH_SCR @FFEAU_ALINDIEN

07.12.2020 - 05:41 [ ]

French Navy puts fresh focus on high-intensity combat training


Last week sailors successfully fired a cruise missile against a land target from a FREMM frigate, just a few weeks after the Suffren submarine fired its first naval cruise missile, trouble-free.

In a wide-ranging conversation with Defense News, Baudouard stressed that the Navy is a combat force and as such not only trains for today’s battles but is also preparing for tomorrow’s wars.

07.12.2020 - 05:35 [ ]

European mission to secure Strait of Hormuz


A new European military mission is aimed at ensuring safe navigation through the Strait of Hormuz, a vital shipping lane, experts told Al-Mashareq.

The European Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH) was established earlier this year by Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, France, Italy and Denmark.

07.12.2020 - 05:30 [ Embassy of France in Abu Dhabi ]

European Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH): political statement by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and Portugal (20 January 2020)


Sharing the assessment that the current situation in the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz remains unstable in a region critical to global stability, and supporting the de-escalation approach when it comes to dealing with regional security issues, the Governments of BELGIUM, DENMARK, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, ITALY, THE NETHERLANDS, AND PORTUGAL politically support the creation of a European-led maritime surveillance mission in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH). We welcome any contribution in kind as already declared by DENMARK, FRANCE, GREECE, and THE NETHERLANDS to this effort and look forward to further commitments in the coming days.

14.10.2020 - 17:48 [ The Nation Pakistan ]

Iraqi Air Force Commander pays visit to PAF Headquarters

The General also had a detailed meeting with Chief of the Air Staff. Both Commanders discussed various matters pertaining to security and mutual cooperation.

21.09.2020 - 09:02 [ ]

Syrian, Russian warplanes destroy jihadist command center in Idlib

The Syrian and Russian air forces carried out a large number of airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate on Sunday, as their warplanes heavily targeted the positions of the the Al-Qaeda-linked Hurras Al-Deen group.

07.01.2020 - 15:59 [ ]

US-led coalition temporarily relocates headquarters from Iraq to Kuwait: Report

Iraq’s Arabic-language al-Forat news agency reported that the alliance took the decision on Tuesday to move its command center from the Iraqi capital Baghdad to Kuwait City.

The Qatar-based and Arabic-language al-Jazeera news network, citing a report published by German DPA news agency, later confirmed the account.

07.01.2020 - 15:55 [ ZDF ]

„Teilabzug ist international koordiniert“

Die Bundeswehr verlegt einen Teil ihrer Soldaten aus dem Irak nach Jordanien und Kuwait. „Ich halte den Abzug aus Sicherheitsgründen für unsere Soldaten vertretbar“, so der CDU-Außenpolitiker Roderich Kiesewetter.

07.01.2020 - 15:49 [ ]

Iran crisis: Germany to withdraw troops in Iraq over security fears after general Soleimani killed by Trump-ordered airstrike

Germany is moving some of its military personnel from Iraq to neighbouring countries over security concerns, the government told lawmakers, days after the killing of a top Iranian military commander in a US drone strike.

About 30 of the 120 German soldiers in Iraq who mainly train Iraqi security forces will be redeployed to Jordan and Kuwait, the government told parliament in a letter on Monday.

07.01.2020 - 15:42 [ Sky News ]

Letter saying US troops will pull out of Baghdad was ‚an honest mistake‘

Our own sources in Baghdad confirmed that the letter was genuine and that they too had seen it.

One source said their understanding of the US position was that a partial withdrawal or repositioning of some troops to Kuwait was taking place.