Archiv: US-Repräsentantenhaus (Kongresskammer) / US House of Representatives (Congress chamber)

17.04.2024 - 07:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

US Republican leaders back security aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan


On Tuesday, Republican leaders from four US House of Representatives national security committees and one subcommittee released a statement endorsing Speaker Mike Johnson‘s proposal to advance legislation this week, offering security assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

„Speaker Johnson has produced a plan that will boost US national security interests in Europe, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific,“ the leaders of the House Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Appropriations and Defense Appropriations panels said in a statement.

17.04.2024 - 06:24 [ ]

Lawmakers still benefitting from share trading in defense stocks


With the onslaught of new wars, Congress added $70 billion over the last two years to an already bloated Pentagon budget, much of which is funneled directly into the coffers of defense contractors like Palatir, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. The stock values in these companies have since experienced double-digit growth – a lucrative business opportunity not overlooked by lawmakers calling the shots.

At least 25 members of Congress sitting on national security committees have simultaneously purchased stock in these very same companies. The majority of these members sit on the Senate and House Armed Services committees, the entities responsible for overseeing the Defense Department budget and contracts.

17.04.2024 - 06:04 [ Newsweek ]

Politicians Profit as Military Stocks Soar Since Hamas-Israel Conflict


Since the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, in which more than 1,400 Israelis were killed, shares of Boeing Co, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon Technologies (RTX) have all increased in value, collectively adding roughly $23 billion in market capitalization.

In the weeks preceding the attack, Markwayne Mullin, Kevin Hern, Bill Keating, and Josh Gottheimer purchased shares of those defense companies.

01.03.2024 - 06:56 [ Middle East Eye ]

Pentagon chief says over 25,000 Palestinian women and children killed by Israel in Gaza

At a congressional hearing on Thursday, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said more than 25,000 Palestinian women and children had been killed by Israel since 7 October.

The remarks were in response to a question posed by Congressman Ro Khanna. The figure appears to be significantly higher than the death toll provided by the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza.

05.02.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Democratic and Republican elites fear RFK Jr.’s growing path to victory

As noted on the Archives website: “The House of Representatives elects the President from the three (3) Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes …”

Now, we come back to that magic number: 34.

If Kennedy were to get 34 percent of the vote, there would be a great deal of pressure on the House of Representatives to “do the right thing.”

“Impossible” yet again?

I give you Donald J. Trump being elected our 45th president in 2016 as evidence as to why such a scenario is entirely possible.

05.01.2024 - 00:00 [ ]

Tlaib Says Biden Admin ‚At Serious Risk‘ of ICC Prosecution

(Dec 11, 2023)

Legal experts and scholars have been warning since October that U.S. officials could be rendering themselves complicit in war crimes—and genocide—by continuing to arm the Israeli military as it wages indiscriminate war on the Gaza Strip.

Tlaib echoed that warning Monday, noting that the Biden administration has opted to „give weapons to a military that is very publicly and actively committing serious war crimes and crimes against humanity.“

14.12.2023 - 19:58 [ Steve Cohen, Champion for Justice and Civil Rights on Judiciary Committee / Twitter ]

Netanyahu has gone way too far and Jake Sullivan will be informing him that the bombing must be greatly limited or Israel will be without its last real friend, the USA &Joe Biden.The President is finished with Bibi’s Putin-like no holds barred war.

Hostages first! Civilians never

14.12.2023 - 19:51 [ Middle East Eye ]

Jake Sullivan will tell Israel US plans to pull support unless bombing limited, lawmaker says

A key democratic lawmaker said White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will tell Israel that it will lose US support if it continues its current bombing campaign in Gaza.

“Netanyahu has gone way too far and Jake Sullivan will be informing him that the bombing must be greatly limited or Israel will be without its last real friend, the USA & Joe Biden,” Steve Cohen, a senior Democratic congressman, said in a social media post.

01.11.2023 - 18:04 [ US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability ]

Comer Reveals How Joe Biden Received Laundered China Money

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a video and bank records memorandum revealing how Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money from the account of his brother, James Biden, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, in the form of a personal check.

The money trail begins in July 2017 when Hunter Biden demanded payment from his Chinese Communist Party (CCP) linked associate. On July 30, 2017, Hunter Biden sent a message to Raymond Zhao—a CEFC associate—demanding a $10 million dollar capital payment and claimed his father, Joe Biden, was sitting in the room. CEFC is a Chinese energy company linked to the CCP. The Bidens began working with CEFC when Joe Biden was Vice President.

26.10.2023 - 05:56 [ Reuters ]

Pro-Israel resolution is new US House leader‘s first act

„The first bill I‘m going to bring to this floor in a little while will be in support of our dear friend Israel and we are overdue in getting that done,“ Johnson said as he accepted the speakership.

26.10.2023 - 05:10 [ ]

Mike Johnson, a staunch Louisiana conservative, is elected House speaker as GOP moves past chaos

A lower-ranked member of the House GOP leadership team, Johnson emerged as the fourth Republican nominee in what had become an almost absurd cycle of political infighting since Kevin McCarthy’s ouster as GOP factions jockeyed for power. While not the party’s top choice for the gavel, the deeply religious and even-keeled Johnson has few foes and an important GOP backer: Donald Trump.

13.10.2023 - 14:51 [ Fox News ]

Who could be Republicans‘ next speaker candidate after Scalise bowed out?

Scalise won a closed-door secret ballot vote to be the House GOP’s new candidate for speaker on Wednesday afternoon. However, it quickly became clear that he did not have the 217 votes needed to win a House-wide vote.

06.10.2023 - 08:42 [ CNN ]

Trump endorses Jim Jordan for House speaker

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan’s bid for speaker of the House Friday.

In a post on Truth Social shortly after midnight, Trump said Jordan “will be a GREAT Speaker of the House, & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!”

04.10.2023 - 12:15 [ Wikipedia ]

United States Electoral College: Contingent presidential election by House

If no candidate for president receives an absolute majority of the electoral votes (since 1964, 270 of the 538 electoral votes), then the Twelfth Amendment requires the House of Representatives to go into session immediately to choose a president. In this event, the House of Representatives is limited to choosing from among the three candidates who received the most electoral votes for president. Each state delegation votes en bloc—each delegation having a single vote; the District of Columbia does not get to vote. A candidate must receive an absolute majority of state delegation votes (i.e., from 1959 (which is the last time a new state was admitted to the union), a minimum of 26 votes) in order for that candidate to become the president-elect. Additionally, delegations from at least two thirds of all the states must be present for voting to take place. The House continues balloting until it elects a president.

The House of Representatives has been required to choose the president only twice: in 1801 under Article II, Section 1, Clause 3; and in 1825 under the Twelfth Amendment.

04.10.2023 - 09:42 [ Tristan Snell / Twitter ]

Democrats + 7 MAGA Republicans removed Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Democrats + 7 moderate Republicans could make Hakeem Jeffries the next Speaker.

04.10.2023 - 09:36 [ CircleBackEugene / Twitter ]

„Here is a look at what comes next after the US House of Representatives for the first time in its history booted its speaker out of the job“ He was voted out, not booted. Eight Republicans voted with 208 Democrats. It‘s called democracy.

04.10.2023 - 09:22 [ ]

Jim Jordan cracks open door to becoming House Speaker

Jordan told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday evening that several colleagues have approached him about the speakership. He said he’ll talk to the House Republican Conference about the job over the next week.

“I think it’s a conference decision,” Jordan said.

04.10.2023 - 09:15 [ Reuters ]

Who could succeed Republican Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the US House?


Representative Jim Jordan, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee and an ally of former President Donald Trump, was nominated by some Republican rebels to be the speaker during the election to the seat in January. He received 20 votes during one round of voting. (…)

Representative Patrick McHenry was named to step in as speaker pro tempore following McCarthy‘s ouster. Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, McHenry is a McCarthy ally who spoke in support of McCarthy prior to the vote.

04.10.2023 - 08:59 [ MSNBC Public Relations / Twitter ]

Rep. @Ilhan Omar to @KatiePhang: “The fact that McCarthy has become known as chief liar, whether it is within his conference or within the Democrats, really sealed his fate.“ Watch via @MSNBC.

04.10.2023 - 08:45 [ Fox News ]

Nancy Pelosi evicted from her private office in the Capitol by interim House speaker

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was evicted from her private Capitol office by the new speaker pro-tempore.

Fox News Digital confirmed that House Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., gave the order to Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway by Wednesday.

04.10.2023 - 08:43 [ Associated Press ]

Speaker McCarthy ousted in historic House vote, as scramble begins for a Republican leader

Next steps are highly uncertain with no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority. Action is halted in the House until next week, when Republicans try to elect a new speaker.

04.10.2023 - 08:22 [ KTLA 5 / Youtube ]

House makes history, removes Kevin McCarthy as Speaker

The mutiny, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), came days after McCarthy averted a government shutdown by putting a stopgap measure on the floor that garnered Democratic support — a move that infuriated hardline Republicans. In the final 216-210 vote, seven Republicans joined Gaetz to unseat McCarthy.

Every Democrat in the chamber also voted to boot McCarthy, refusing to help protect him from his unruly conference. McCarthy said he would give Democrats nothing if they were to vote to help him.

04.10.2023 - 08:17 [ ZDF ]

US-Repräsentantenhaus : McCarthy als Vorsitzender abgewählt

Das US-Repräsentantenhaus hat in einer historisch einmaligen Abstimmung seinen Vorsitzenden Kevin McCarthy abgesetzt. Nach einer Rebellion in den Reihen der Republikaner votierte am Dienstag eine knappe Mehrheit in der Kongresskammer dafür, McCarthy von seinem Posten zu entfernen.

15.09.2023 - 22:26 [ ]

Freedom Caucus won’t support Ukraine ‘blank check.’ What‘s that mean?

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) expressed hesitancy about whether and when it was worth it to pass a funding measure at this point in time. “Why are we talking about Ukraine supplemental when we can’t figure out how to fund our own operation of government to do what it‘s supposed to do?” he asked during a press gaggle on Monday morning.

“I want to see what claim there is for actual success in Ukraine,“ he added. „And I want to know how every dollar that $113 billion is going to be spent. Come present that to me as a member of Congress, and then talk to me about” what future funding should look like.

08.08.2023 - 13:55 [ Institute for National Security Studies - ]

Normalization for Proliferation? The Saudi Nuclear Strategy and the Price of Peace with Israel

(March 19, 2023)

In general, the Saudis wish to present themselves as Iran’s equals, and if Iran can enrich uranium, say the Saudis, then so can we. In addition, the Saudis want to keep all their nuclear options open, even if they are not intending to work on the development of nuclear weapons immediately.

08.08.2023 - 13:39 [ ]

Netanyahu‘s government to back Biden in bid to win Senate support for Saudi pact

Recently, top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, after stops in Riyadh and Jerusalem and voicing strong support for Saudi-Israel normalization, said that he would support the Biden administration plan to meet Saudi prerequisites, culminating in Saudi Arabia formally acknowledging Israel.

Beyond a defense pact, the Saudis also have raised requests with the US for civilian nuclear capabilities, advanced weaponry, and beyond. Israeli agreement would be crucial for these components. Historically, Israel has been wary, particularly regarding the nuclear aspect

08.08.2023 - 13:33 [ ]

Jeffries tells Netanyahu that he hopes the PM will seek a broad consensus on judicial reform

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in Jerusalem on Monday that he hoped the current government would seek “a broad consensus across the ideological spectrum” before any further changes are made relating to its plans to overhaul the country’s judiciary.

08.08.2023 - 13:29 [ ]

Jeffries: US support for Israel above judicial reform

US House of Representatives Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said on Monday in Jerusalem that judicial reform should have no bearing on American military support for Israel.

Speaking to Israeli journalists about the divisive domestic debate regarding the ruling coalition‘s legislative initiative, the New York lawmaker expressed the importance of maintaining Israel‘s qualitative military edge „regardless of where Israel lands in terms of the judicial reform effort.“

08.08.2023 - 13:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu meets US Democrats; calls for military option against Iran, cooperation on AI

“The most important thing is to produce a credible military threat to Iran. The other thing is use it. We don’t want a world in which Iran can threaten New York or Washington or Los Angeles or anything in between with nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu tells the visiting delegation, which was organized by the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC.

15.07.2023 - 08:44 [ Mark Pocan, Abgeordneter im US Repräsentantenhaus ]

Pocan Derides Nearly $1 Trillion NDAA

“It’s time to say ‘enough.’ Year after year, we spend more and more on our national defense – it’s too much with too little accountability. We have troops on food stamps while at the same time, price-gouging defense contractors are getting richer by the day.

15.07.2023 - 08:34 [ New York Times ]

House Narrowly Passes Defense Bill, Setting Up Showdown Over Social Issues

At stake is an $886 billion bill that would grant a 5.2 percent raise to military personnel, include programs to counter aggressive moves by China and Russia, and establish a special inspector general to oversee U.S. aid to Ukraine.

09.06.2023 - 04:30 [ Washington Post ]

Biden and Sunak reaffirm support for Ukraine amid counteroffensive

Earlier this week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said the House has no plans to take up legislation that would boost military aid to Ukraine above levels included in the recent debt ceiling legislation, a position that put him at odds with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.).

08.06.2023 - 01:27 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

01.04.2023 - 22:22 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

03.03.2023 - 12:40 [ CODEPINK / Nitter ]

BREAKING: The House is holding a special hearing to fearmonger over China, featuring China hawks from the Trump administration like H.R. McMaster. CODEPINK just disrupted them to call for an end to the warmongering – #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy!


03.02.2023 - 20:29 [ Peter Beinart / Nitter ]

There‘s a subtext to the @IlhanMN expulsion effort that echoes through US history: From Paul Robeson to Muhammed Ali to Andrew Young. Black public figures who endorse anti-imperial critiques of US foreign policy are almost always punished.

03.02.2023 - 20:12 [ CSPAN / Nitter ]

@RepAOC @AOC defends Rep. @Ilhan Omar: „Don‘t tell me this is about consistency. Don‘t tell me that this is about a condemnation of anti-Semitic remarks…This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America.“

03.02.2023 - 20:06 [ CNN / Youtube ]

See Omar‘s fiery speech as GOP votes to remove her from committee

The Republican-led House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution to remove Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

03.02.2023 - 19:27 [ ]

House Republicans vote to oust Democrat Ilhan Omar from key committee, citing Israel comments

The Republican-led House voted after raucous debate Thursday to oust Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar from the chamber‘s Foreign Affairs Committee, citing her anti-Israel comments, in a dramatic response after Democrats in the last session booted far-right GOP lawmakers over incendiary remarks.

07.01.2023 - 18:25 [ ]

McCarthy gewählt: Zäher Sieg mit unabsehbaren Folgen

Der 57-Jährige wurde in der Nacht auf Samstag (Ortszeit) erst nach wohl schwerwiegenden Zugeständnissen im 15. Wahlgang gewählt. Auch wenn sich McCarthy selbst fest im Sattel sieht, steht außer Frage, dass es nach den wohl beispiellosen Szenen der letzten Tage im US-Parlament weiter turbulent bleibt.

07.01.2023 - 18:12 [ New York Times ]

McCarthy Wins Speakership on 15th Vote After Concessions to Hard Right

Mr. McCarthy clawed his way to victory by cutting a deal that won over a sizable contingent of ultraconservative lawmakers on the 12th and 13th votes earlier in the day, and then wearing down the remaining holdouts in a tense session that dragged on past midnight, ultimately winning with a bare majority, after a spectacle of arm-twisting and rancor on the House floor.

06.01.2023 - 09:56 [ ORF,at ]

McCarthy scheitert immer wieder im US-Kongress

Nach fünf weiteren ergebnislosen Wahlgängen hat das US-Repräsentantenhaus in Washington die Abstimmung über den Vorsitz der Parlamentskammer erneut vertagt. Einen entsprechenden Antrag nahm die Kammer gestern Abend (Ortszeit) mit knapper Mehrheit an. Die Demokraten stemmten sich gegen die erneute Unterbrechung des Wahlprozederes. Die nächste Sitzung soll nun heute (12.00 Uhr Ortszeit bzw. 18.00 Uhr MEZ) beginnen.

06.01.2023 - 09:51 [ ]

House Speaker vote: House votes to adjourn after McCarthy falls short 11th time

The result will bring the House Speakership fight to a 12th ballot, tying it for the fifth-longest in history. The House will reconvene at noon on Friday.

05.01.2023 - 17:02 [ Fox News ]

This ends with McCarthy stepping aside or him accepting our proposal: Matt Gaetz

Rep.-elect Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., explains why he is not voting for Kevin McCarthy and what it would potentially take to earn his vote on ‚Fox News @ Night.‘ 

05.01.2023 - 16:57 [ USA Today ]

Live updates: Vote on Kevin McCarthy‘s bid to be speaker of the House drags into day three

What will happen on day three? Members will continue to vote. The vote will last until a speaker is selected. The House remains paralyzed with members-elect not sworn in, lacking security clearances and the lower chamber remains unable to conduct any legislative business.

03.12.2022 - 19:47 [ Robert Reich, Berkeley professor, former Secretary of Labor / Nitter ]

Railroads made $21 billion in profits in the first 9 months of 2022. Guaranteeing 7 paid sick days to rail workers would cost the industry $321 million/year. That‘s just 1.5% of those profits. Congress just rejected sick leave for these workers. It‘s profits over everything.

03.12.2022 - 19:15 [ Fox News ]

‚Political pawns‘: Livid railway workers warn Biden‘s union agreement will ‚definitely‘ impact next election

„I work for a Class 1 railroad that implemented one of the most egregious attendance policies (Hi-Viz) that requires us to be available to work 92% of the time per month,“ he said. „If we take off one day for a sickness, we are required to [work] 14 days straight to gain points back. That is why we are fighting tooth and nail for sick days.“

03.12.2022 - 19:10 [ Denver7 – The Denver Channel / Youtube ]

President Biden signs bill that averts rail strike despite opposition from unions

Dec 2, 2022

President Joe Biden signed a bill on Friday that prevents 12 rail unions from going on strike next week. The president signed the bill to head off a potentially crippling supply chain disruption in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

01.12.2022 - 19:53 [ @railroadworkers / Nitter ]

This is a legacy defining moment for Joe Biden. He is going down as one of the biggest disappointments in labor history.


01.12.2022 - 19:40 [ White House ]

Statement from President Joe Biden on House Action to Avert Rail Shutdown


This overwhelming bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives makes clear that Democrats and Republicans agree that a rail shutdown would be devastating to our economy and families across the country. The Senate must now act urgently. Without the certainty of a final vote to avoid a shutdown this week, railroads will begin to halt the movement of critical materials like chemicals to clean our drinking water as soon as this weekend.