The plaintiffs in the case, led by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, eminent doctors, and others alleged that under guise of combating „mis-, dis-, and mal-information,“ the Biden White House and nearly a dozen federal agencies have, alongside private-sector cutouts, cajoled and colluded with Big Tech platforms to silence millions of Americans. The topics social media platforms have censored at the government‘s direction, measuring likely hundreds of millions of posts, range from the Hunter Biden laptop story, to matters of election integrity, to virtually every aspect of the coronavirus pandemic.
Archiv: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) / USA
Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)
(April 4, 2020)
In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should
use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.
When a death is due to COVID–19, it is likely the UCOD and thus, it should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I of the death certificate. Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.
Wie die Berechnung der Opferzahlen weltweit zustande kommt
(15. April 2020)
Am 4. April gab das C.D.C. einen „Leitfaden für die Zertifizierung von Todesfällen aufgrund der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19)“ („Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)“) heraus. In diesem heißt es wörtlich:
„In Fällen, in denen eine definitive Diagnose von COVID-19 nicht gestellt werden kann, dies jedoch verdächtigt wird oder wahrscheinlich ist (z.B. wenn die Umstände innerhalb eines vernünftigen Maßes an Sicherheit überzeugend sind), ist es akzeptabel, COVID-19 auf einem Totenschein als „vermutet“ oder „mutmaßlich“ zu melden.“
„In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
Und im letzten Teil, sowohl als kongeniale Selbstbegründung als auch äußerst pragmatische Handlungsanweisung:
„Wenn ein Todesfall auf COVID-19 zurückzuführen ist, ist er wahrscheinlich die zugrunde liegende Todesursache („UCOD“) und sollte daher in der untersten Zeile in Teil I des Totenscheins angegeben werden. Im Idealfall sollte auf COVID-19 getestet werden, aber es ist akzeptabel, COVID-19 ohne diese Bestätigung auf einer Sterbeurkunde zu melden, wenn die Umstände mit einem vernünftigen Maß an Sicherheit überzeugend sind.“
„When a death is due to COVID–19, it is likely the UCOD and thus, it should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I of the death certificate. Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.“
Wo nahm nun aber das Statistik- und Medienkarussell der „Corona-Toten“ oder gar „vermuteten Corona-Toten“ seinen Anfang, dass der berühmten „mehrheitsfähigen“ Rotte des Homo Sapiens dermaßen den Kopf verdrehte, dass sie sich gleich die ganze Demokratie rausschleudern ließen?
Am 20. März hatte die Weltgesundheitsbehörde W.H.O. einen „Interims-Leitfaden“ herausgegeben. Original-Titel: „Global surveillance for COVID-19 caused by human infection with COVID-19 virus“. In diesem legte die W.H.O. drei Kategorien von Krankheitsfällen fest:
Verdachtsfälle („suspect case“)
vermutete Fälle („probable case“)
bestätigte Fälle („confirmed case“)
Als „Verdachtsfälle“ definierte die W.H.O.. neben vielen anderen hochinteressanten Parametern, u.a. alle Personen mit „akuter Atemwegserkrankung“, die mit „einem bestätigten oder vermuteten Fall“ in Kontakt gewesen waren – bis zu vierzehn Tage vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen.
Und als „vermutete Fälle“ definierte die W.H.O alle Fälle, in denen Testergebnisse nicht schlüssig waren, sowie alle „Verdachtsfälle“ die nicht getestet wurden.
Das kann man schon als genial bezeichnen.
Und dann wies die W.H.O. alle Gesundheitsbehörden weltweit an, „vermutete und bestätigte Fälle“ an sie zu melden.
Discreetly Deleted From CDC Website: “mRNA and the Spike Protein Do Not Last Long in the Body”
How many Americans took the Covid-19 jabs because they believed people like Anthony Fauci or organizations like the CDC when they said the spike proteins didn’t stay in the bodies of the injected? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions?
If reports that the spike proteins last indefinitely weren’t ignored by corporate media and suppressed by Big Tech, would more Americans have opted out of taking the “vaccines”? Absolutely.
Now, the CDC has discreetly removed from their website the important claim they’ve made from the beginning that spike proteins, whether injected directly into the body through J&J jabs or created by the body through the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA jabs, do not last long in the body.
Conflicting statements by @CDC officials about monitoring COVID-19 adverse events calls into question their integrity and transparency. This is just another example of why Americans have completely lost faith in federal health agencies.
CDC grilled after revealing it didn‘t perform data analysis on COVID-19 vaccine doses
(July 26, 2022)
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is demanding answers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after the agency told a nonprofit group that it never conducted a mandated data mining analysis on reported adverse effects that followed the administration of COVID-19 vaccine doses.
The CDC is tasked with performing a proportional reporting ratio, or PRR, data mining analysis on a weekly basis to determine whether the amount of reported „adverse events“ following the administration of COVID-19 vaccine doses in the public Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, database is proportional to reported adverse events linked to the administration of other vaccines.
But the CDC said in a June 16 letter to Children‘s Health Defense, a nonprofit group led by anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., that „no PRRs were conducted by the CDC.“ The CDC‘s letter, which was in response to an FOIA request submitted by the group, added that „data mining is outside of th[e] agency‘s purview“.
Elon Musk has been talking about an ‘underpopulation crisis’ for years. So why did the U.S. birth rate rise 1% last year?
But a new report released Tuesday from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that compiles health data and science, reveals that birth rates in the U.S. are not collapsing, and in fact rose 1% in 2021.
“The 1% increase in the number of births in 2021 was the first increase in births since 2014,” researchers for the National Vital Statistics System, the division within the NCHS that produces reports using birth data, wrote. The data, which is based on registered birth certificates, is provisional and could be subject to change.
Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO
(May 4, 2022)
Please take seriously the severity of this existential threat to everything free people hold dear. Do everything in your power to pass this report on to others and to find ways to communicate with and to influence people to stop empowering WHO to take over our national sovereignty and freedom.
On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA).
This threat is contained in new amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration, that are scheduled as “Provisional agenda item 16.2” at the upcoming conference on May 22-28, 2022.1
These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.
International Health Regulations: A big step toward a health dictatorship is imminent
(12 May 2022)
A US proposal to amend the International Health Regulations (IHR) is scheduled to be voted on at the May 22-28 World Health Assembly.
The proposal was sent to WHO member countries by the WHO Director General as early as January 20. However, the proposal was only made available to the public on April 12, and in a way that hardly anybody took notice. Mainstream media coverage is virtually nonexistent. I became aware of it through a May 8 report by the independent Austrian news portal, which in turn learned of it only through a May 4 report by the portal America Out Loud.
The US proposal is characterized throughout by changes that would empower the WHO to declare health emergencies for countries and regions without involvement or consent of the respective governments, and to dictate countermeasures, even including the deployment of foreign teams of experts.
WHO Stealth Coup to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma
Doing something with stealth means doing it in a secretive or concealed manner, to prevent it being widely known and possibly opposed. This applies to the proposal given by the Biden Administration to the Geneva WHO in January 18, 2022 according to official WHO documents. The WHO hid the details of the US “amendments” for almost three months, until 12 April, just a month before the relevant body of the WHO meets to approve the radical measures. Moreover, rather than the previous 18 month waiting time to become treaty in international law, only 6 months are used this time. This is a bum’s rush. The US proposal is backed by every EU country and in total 47 countries ensuring almost certain passage.
The proposals, officially titled, “Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies: Proposal for amendments to the International Health Regulations,” were submitted by Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs (OGA) in the US Department of Health and Human Services, Loyce Pace, as “amendments” to a previously ratified 2005 WHO International Health Regulations treaty. The WHO defines that 2005 treaty thus: “the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) provide an overarching legal framework that defines countries’ rights and obligations in handling public health events and emergencies that have the potential to cross borders. The IHR are an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States.”
Wie die Berechnung der Opferzahlen weltweit zustande kommt
(15. April 2020)
Am 4. April gab das C.D.C. einen „Leitfaden für die Zertifizierung von Todesfällen aufgrund der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19)“ („Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)“) heraus. In diesem heißt es wörtlich:
„In Fällen, in denen eine definitive Diagnose von COVID-19 nicht gestellt werden kann, dies jedoch verdächtigt wird oder wahrscheinlich ist (z.B. wenn die Umstände innerhalb eines vernünftigen Maßes an Sicherheit überzeugend sind), ist es akzeptabel, COVID-19 auf einem Totenschein als „vermutet“ oder „mutmaßlich“ zu melden.“
„In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
Und im letzten Teil, sowohl als kongeniale Selbstbegründung als auch äußerst pragmatische Handlungsanweisung:
„Wenn ein Todesfall auf COVID-19 zurückzuführen ist, ist er wahrscheinlich die zugrunde liegende Todesursache („UCOD“) und sollte daher in der untersten Zeile in Teil I des Totenscheins angegeben werden. Im Idealfall sollte auf COVID-19 getestet werden, aber es ist akzeptabel, COVID-19 ohne diese Bestätigung auf einer Sterbeurkunde zu melden, wenn die Umstände mit einem vernünftigen Maß an Sicherheit überzeugend sind.“
„When a death is due to COVID–19, it is likely the UCOD and thus, it should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I of the death certificate. Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.“
Wo nahm nun aber das Statistik- und Medienkarussell der „Corona-Toten“ oder gar „vermuteten Corona-Toten“ seinen Anfang, dass der berühmten „mehrheitsfähigen“ Rotte des Homo Sapiens dermaßen den Kopf verdrehte, dass sie sich gleich die ganze Demokratie rausschleudern ließen?
Am 20. März hatte die Weltgesundheitsbehörde W.H.O. einen „Interims-Leitfaden“ herausgegeben. Original-Titel: „Global surveillance for COVID-19 caused by human infection with COVID-19 virus“. In diesem legte die W.H.O. drei Kategorien von Krankheitsfällen fest:
Verdachtsfälle („suspect case“)
vermutete Fälle („probable case“)
bestätigte Fälle („confirmed case“)
Als „Verdachtsfälle“ definierte die W.H.O.. neben vielen anderen hochinteressanten Parametern, u.a. alle Personen mit „akuter Atemwegserkrankung“, die mit „einem bestätigten oder vermuteten Fall“ in Kontakt gewesen waren – bis zu vierzehn Tage vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen.
Und als „vermutete Fälle“ definierte die W.H.O alle Fälle, in denen Testergebnisse nicht schlüssig waren, sowie alle „Verdachtsfälle“ die nicht getestet wurden.
Das kann man schon als genial bezeichnen.
Und dann wies die W.H.O. alle Gesundheitsbehörden weltweit an, „vermutete und bestätigte Fälle“ an sie zu melden.
Die verquere Aussagelogik der RKI-Zahlen
Hinzu kommt, dass das CDC zur Dokumentation von Covid als Todesursache inzwischen eine eigene Leitlinie herausgegeben hat, in der die Durchführung eines Covid-Tests vor Dokumentation von Covid als Todesursache empfohlen wird, aber nicht als notwendig erachtet wird. Diese Vorgehensweise bietet eine mögliche Erklärung für die in den USA prozentual fast doppelt so hohen Covid-Todeszahlen im Vergleich zu Deutschland.
Das RKI hingegen behauptet nicht, Corona als sichere Todesursache angeben zu können; es wird der bekannte Ausdruck „mit und an Corona verstorben“ verwendet. Dennoch werden auch hier alle verstorbenen coronapositiven Patienten in einen Zahlentopf geworfen…
Afrika plant kontinentale Gesundheitsorganisation
Einen entsprechenden Entwurf billigten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Afrikanischen Union (AU) an diesem Wochenende auf ihrem Gipfeltreffen in Äthiopiens Haupstadt Addis Abeba.
Basis soll die vor fünf Jahren gegründete panafrikanische Gesundheitsorganisation Africa CDC sein, gab deren Leiter John Nkengasong heute bekannt.
In this clip, @JakeTapper is absolutely right that counting all people in the hospital WITH COVID as being there FOR COVID is wildly misleading — especially since it applies to close to 50% — but it‘s so striking how many arguments that were long taboo are now all being aired.
Jake Tapper Rails Against ‚Misleading‘ CDC COVID Hospitalization Numbers
Tapper said: „We‘re two years into this and we need the clearest picture possible if somebody is in the hospital with a broken leg and they also have asymptomatic COVID. That should not be counted as hospitalized with COVID, clearly.“
CDC Director: 75% of COVID Deaths Among Vaccinated had Four Comorbidities
Ahead of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on vaccine mandates expected as early as this week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control is under increased scrutiny after recent comments about COVID-19 deaths.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky fell into controversy after a clip of her appearance on Good Morning America Friday went viral.
CNN anchor calls out CDC for ‚misleading‘ COVID hospitalization data, and Dr. Sanjay Gupta agrees
CNN anchor Jake Tapper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the network‘s top medical correspondent, agreed Monday the method being used by the government to report COVID-19 hospitalizations is explicitly „misleading.“
What is the background?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which manages COVID data reporting, does not distinguish between people hospitalized for COVID (meaning complications from the virus caused them to be hospitalized) or people hospitalized with COVID (meaning people who test positive for COVID after being admitted for reasons unrelated to the virus).
US-Kliniken verzeichnen Höchststand an Covid-Patienten
Nach Zahlen des US-Gesundheitsministeriums werden in Kliniken des Landes derzeit rund 146.000 Patienten wegen der durch das Coronavirus verursachten Lungenkrankheit Covid-19 behandelt, davon fast 24.000 auf der Intensivstation. Der bisherige Höchstwert der Corona-Krankenhauspatienten war am 14. Januar vergangenen Jahres mit mehr als 142.000 registriert worden. Offiziellen Zahlen zufolge ist die große Mehrheit der Krankenhauspatienten nicht geimpft.
CDC Director Walensky fails to disclose how many deaths were ‚from‘ COVID-19: ‚Data will be forthcoming‘
„Do you know how many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. linked to COVID are from COVID or how many are with COVID, but they had other comorbidities? Do you have that breakdown?“ Bret Baier asked Walensky on „Fox News Sunday.“
„Yes of course with omicron we‘re following that very carefully,“ Walensky responded. „Our death registry of course takes a few weeks…to collect. And of course omicron has just been with us for a few weeks. But those data will be forthcoming.“
CDC director admits over 75% of Covid deaths had at least 4 pathological conditions (comorbidities).Since the total death rate is 0.27% this means healthy people have a 0.0% death risk.
#WakeUp #NothingToFearButFearItself
Women’s Periods May Be Late After Coronavirus Vaccination, Study Suggests
A study published on Thursday found that women’s menstrual cycles did indeed change following vaccination against the coronavirus. The authors reported that women who were inoculated had slightly longer menstrual cycles after receiving the vaccine than those who were not vaccinated.
Their periods themselves, which came almost a day later on average, were not prolonged, however, and the effect was transient, with cycle lengths bouncing back to normal within one or two months.
Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons
(April 21, 2021)
Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) were pregnancy losses and 712 (86.1%) were live births (mostly among participants vaccinated in the third trimester).
US-Studie: CoV-Impfung verzögert Periode bei Frauen leicht
Laut der gestern in dem Fachjournal „Obstetrics & Gynecology“ veröffentlichten Studie setzte bei geimpften Frauen die Blutung etwa einen Tag später ein als bei ungeimpften Frauen.
Die Dauer der Monatsblutung wurde demnach jedoch nicht beeinflusst. Den Forschern zufolge sind die Auswirkungen der Impfung auf die Periode gering und voraussichtlich nur vorübergehend.
Coronavirus: Auch das Robert-Koch-Institut übernimmt “vermutete” Fälle und Todesfälle in seine Statistiken
(21. April 2020)
Am 22. März setzen Bundesregierung und Landesregierung in einer Videokonferenz das Grundgesetz außer Kraft und verhängten die allgemeinen Verbote, die hier nicht alle aufgezählt werden sollen.
Am 23. März schickte das „Deutsche Institut für Medizinische Information und Dokumentation“ (DIMDI), welches dem Gesundheitsministerium von Jens Spahn und damit der Regierung unterstellt ist, eine Meldung mit der Überschrift „U07.2 kodiert Verdacht auf COVID-19″ heraus und wies diesbezüglich an:
„Benutze diese Schlüsselnummer, wenn COVID-19 klinisch-epidemiologisch bestätigt ist und das Virus nicht durch Labortest nachgewiesen wurde oder kein Labortest zur Verfügung steht.“
Dies entsprach eins zu eins den W.H.O.-Vorgaben.
Auch den Umgang mit Todesfällen und Statistiken übernahm das Regierungsinstitut DIMDI von der W.H.O., praktischerweise in einer Übersetzung:
„COVID-19 –Kodierregeln für die Mortalität in der ICD-10 [bereitgestellt von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO)]
Beide Kategorien, U07.1 (COVID-19, Virus nachgewiesen) und U07.2 (COVID-19, Virus nicht nachgewiesen), sind für die Kodierung der Todesursache (Grundleiden) zugelassen.“
Am 25. März vermeldete das Robert-Koch-Institut in einem Situationsbericht:
„Das DIMDI hat einen neuen ICD-Code für den Verdacht auf COVID-19 eingeführt:
– U07.1 (COVID-19, Virus nachgewiesen ): Schlüsselnummer, wenn COVID-19 durch einen Labortest nachgewiesen ist, ungeachtet des Schweregrades des klinischen Befundes oder der Symptome.
– U07.2 (COVID-19 o.n.A., Virus nicht nachgewiesen): Schlüsselnummer, wenn COVID-19 klinisch-epidemiologisch bestätigt ist und das Virus nicht durch Labortest nachgewiesen wurde oder kein Labortest zur Verfügung steht.“
Wie die Berechnung der Opferzahlen weltweit zustande kommt
(15. April 2020)
Am 20. März hatte die Weltgesundheitsbehörde W.H.O. einen „Interims-Leitfaden“ herausgegeben. Original-Titel: „Global surveillance for COVID-19 caused by human infection with COVID-19 virus“. In diesem legte die W.H.O. drei Kategorien von Krankheitsfällen fest:
Verdachtsfälle („suspect case„)
vermutete Fälle („probable case„)
bestätigte Fälle („confirmed case„)
Als „Verdachtsfälle“ definierte die W.H.O.. neben vielen anderen hochinteressanten Parametern, u.a. alle Personen mit „akuter Atemwegserkrankung“, die mit „einem bestätigten oder vermuteten Fall“ in Kontakt gewesen waren – bis zu vierzehn Tage vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen.
Und als „vermutete Fälle“ definierte die W.H.O alle Fälle, in denen Testergebnisse nicht schlüssig waren, sowie alle „Verdachtsfälle“ die nicht getestet wurden.
Das kann man schon als genial bezeichnen.
Und dann wies die W.H.O. alle Gesundheitsbehörden weltweit an, „vermutete und bestätigte Fälle“ an sie zu melden. Zitat:
„Die WHO fordert die nationalen Behörden auf, vermutete und bestätigte Fälle von COVID-19-Infektionen innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach der Identifizierung zu melden“
„WHO requests that national authorities report probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection within 48 hours of identification“.
Spätestens jetzt müsste allen klar sein, warum seit diesem W.H.O.-Leitfaden vom 20. März weltweit die Zahlen von COVID-Kranken gestiegen sind.
Ebenso dürfte klar sein, dass der am 4. März von der U.S-Bundesbehörde C.D.C. herausgegebene Leitfaden schlicht dem der W.H.O. vom 20. März folgte.
Jetzt zu den Todesfällen.
Wie das „Canadian Institute for Health Information“ am 26. März in einem Bulletin vermeldete, hatte die „Weltgesundheitsorganisation“ (Eigenbezeichnung) nennende Organisation hinsichtlich COVID-19 eine neue Definitionsnorm aufgestellt: Code U07.2 („virus not identified“). Im Gegensatz zur bisherigen alleinigen Definitionsnorm Code U07.1, welche nur bestätigte Fälle von COViD-19 umfasste, galt Code U07.2 nun auch für alle Verdachtsfälle, die lediglich „klinisch oder epidemiologisch diagnostiziert“ wurden, aber deren Testergebnisse „unschlüssig“ waren oder bei denen gar keine Tests durchgeführt worden waren.
Und wie zählt nun die W.H.O. weltweit die Todesfälle durch COVID-19?
„Sowohl U07.1 als auch U07.2 können zur Kodierung der Mortalität als Todesursache verwendet werden.“
Oder einfach gesagt: nach eigener Definition erfasst die „Weltgesundheitsorganisation“ seit Ende März nicht nur bestätigte, sondern auch Verdachtsfälle als „Corona-Tote“. Verdachtsfälle, deren Definition wiederum den jeweiligen Gesundheitsbehörden aller ehrenwerten Staaten weltweit zur Interpretation ausgeliefert sind.
USA: Omikron dominant – aber Schätzung nach unten korrigiert
Für die Woche bis zum 25. Dezember schätzt die Behörde, dass rund 59 Prozent der Neuinfektionen in den USA auf die Omikron-Variante zurückgehen. Für die Woche davor gibt die CDC nun einen Wert von knapp 23 Prozent an – zuvor hatte die Behörde hier noch etwa 73 Prozent geschätzt.
Die Behörde betont, dass sich die Zahlen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, wenn mehr Daten vorliegen, ändern könnten.
White House lifting omicron travel ban on South Africa and seven other southern African countries
White House spokesman Kevin Munoz said on Twitter that the decision was recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Munoz said the temporary travel bans bought scientists necessary time to study the new virus variant and conclude that the current vaccinations are effective in blunting its impact.
Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons
(April 21, 2021)
Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) were pregnancy losses and 712 (86.1%) were live births (mostly among participants vaccinated in the third trimester).
Fact Check-Data from a study does not conclude that over 80% of pregnancies end in miscarriage after COVID-19 vaccinations; figures taken out of context
Of the 3,958 participants, 827 had what the study defines as a ‘completed pregnancy’. This term includes those who either had a baby (what the authors call a ‘live birth’), or those who suffered from a miscarriage or still birth (termed ‘pregnancy loss’ in the study). The rest were either still pregnant or a follow-up had not yet been made by the time the preliminary analysis had been released.
Of the 827 women who had a completed pregnancy, 104 had a miscarriage.
CDC Study at Federal Prison in TX Finds No Vaccine Benefit: Vaccinated and Unvaxed Persons Infected w/COVID Transmitted It at the Same Rate. No Infected Prisoners Died Even Though Over 70% were Obese
CDC Researchers studied a Corona outbreak in a prison in Texas in July 2021. In the following weeks, regular smears and tests were taken from a selected group of inmates. The result: There is no difference whatsoever between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated inmates.
No statistically significant difference was detected in the duration of viral culture positivity between participants who were fully vaccinated (median: 5 days) compared with those who were not fully vaccinated.
Transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a federal prison, July—August 2021
Results A total of 978 specimens were provided by 95 participants, of whom 78 (82%) were fully vaccinated and 17 (18%) were not fully vaccinated. No significant differences were detected in duration of RT-PCR positivity among fully vaccinated participants (median: 13 days) versus those not fully vaccinated (median: 13 days; p=0.50), or in duration of culture positivity (medians: 5 days and 5 days; p=0.29).
Selbe Virenlast und auch gleicher Zeitraum… „laut einer aktuellen klinischen Preprint-Studie herausgefunden, dass Geimpfte nach einem Virusausbruch in einem Gefängnis in Texas über den gleichen Zeitraum lang ansteckend waren wie Ungeimpfte.“
FDA Grants Emergency Use Authorization for Single Test to Differentiate Between COVID-19, Flu, RSV
(October 8, 2021)
Officials with the FDA have issued an emergency use authorization for PerkinElmer’s PKamp Respiratory SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Panel 1 assay, a single test that can detect and differentiate between SARS-CoV-2, influenza A, influenza B, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Could Contaminated COVID-19 Tests Help Spread the Virus?
Imagine that you are not carrying the virus, but you go in for testing and leave carrying the virus.
The Telegraph report stated that it is “not clear” how the tests were contaminated.
Coronavirus testing effort hampered by kits contaminated with Covid-19: Traces of the virus were detected in parts due for delivery from overseas in the coming day
One of the suppliers – the Luxembourg-based firm Eurofins – sent an email on Monday morning to government laboratories in the UK warning that a delivery of key components called “probes and primers” had been contaminated with coronavirus and would be delayed.
The firm admitted there had been “an issue” and insisted other private providers had suffered the same problem.
Scoop: Lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated
A senior administration official added that the government also moved the manufacturing of the coronavirus tests out of the Atlanta laboratory of CDC.
The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.
C.D.C. Virus Tests Were Contaminated and Poorly Designed, Agency Says
In January 2020, the C.D.C. developed a polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., test for the virus. (…)
Problems emerged soon after the C.D.C. had begun shipping its test kits out to public health laboratories in early February. (…)
In mid-February, the agency acknowledged that the kits were flawed, and in April, officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said that poor manufacturing practices had resulted in contamination of the test kits.
The new paper presents the results of the C.D.C.’s own internal investigation into the problems with the tests.
The investigation also confirmed that the test kits had been contaminated with synthetic fragments of the virus’s genetic material.
US CDC Retires PCR Test due to It may not be able to Distinguish Covid from Influenza Viruses
«After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives»
CDC to Withdraw PCR Test Because it Cannot Distinguish Between Covid and Flu
(July 25, 2021)
The CDC quietly announced last week that it was withdrawing its request to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus PCR Diagnostic Panel for detection of SARS-CoV-2 (the name for the COVID-19 virus). It now recommends laboratories adopt a method that can detect and differentiate SARS-CoV-2 from influenza viruses. The US has used the PCR test to report more than 34.4-million cases of the COVID-19 since the pandemic began and more than 610,000 deaths.
When Will The CDC Correct Its COVID Death-Counts, As Italy Just Did?
Summit News caught a fascinating story out of Italy: the Italian Higher Institute of Health decided it had miscounted COVID deaths. Instead of looking at people who died with COVID, as it once did, it looked only at people who died from COVID — leading to a 97% decrease in Italy‘s COVID death count. So far, the CDC shows no signs of following suit.
Trust the Science? CDC Counts People Who Died Within 14 Days of Jab as “Unvaccinated”
Citing the Los Angeles County Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report released on Tuesday, even local news promoted the claim that “Unvaccinated L.A. County residents [are] 5 times more likely to get COVID, 29 times more likely to be hospitalized.”
Looking at a screenshot of the CDC release, one can observe the definitions for what they consider “fully vaccinated,” “partially vaccinated,” or “unvaccinated.”
According to the chart, “unvaccinated <14 (less than 14) days receipt of the first dose of a 2-dose series or 1 dose of the single-dose vaccine or if no vaccination registry data were available.”
Biden‘s job rating sinks to 42 percent in NBC News poll a year from midterms
(Oct. 31, 2021)
Just nine months into his presidency, 71 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction, the poll shows.
Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated
For example, the CDC has quietly changed the definition of “vaccine,” apparently in an attempt to validate calling the COVID mRNA gene therapies vaccines. In an August 26, 2021, archived version7 of vaccine, the CDC defines it as a “product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
But a few days later, a new definition appeared on the CDC’s website,8 which now says a vaccine is a “preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The differences in the definitions are subtle but distinct: The first one defined a vaccine as something that will “produce immunity.”
CDC recommends Pfizer‘s COVID vaccine for children ages 5 through 11
CDC director Rochelle Walensky issued the recommendation Tuesday, just hours after a unanimous vote by the CDC‘s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices supporting the use of the vaccine for children in this age group.
Walensky‘s decision means that approximately 28 million children ages 5 through 11 will be eligible for the shots.