Daily Archives: 3. August 2019

03.08.2019 - 23:40 [ The Barents Observer ]

Russian navy group, nuclear sub, sail north along coast of Norway

The large nuclear powered submarine sails in surface position and was Saturday evening south of the waters between Frederikshavn in Denmark and Gothenburg in Sweden. The voyage can be followed on MarineTraffic by tracking the submarine’s support ship, the navy logistics vessel “Elbrus” and navy tug “Nikolay Chicker”.

03.08.2019 - 22:38 [ taz ]

Pressefreiheit in Brasilien bedroht – Greenwald unter Druck

Ausführlich schildert der mutmaßliche Hacker, wen er wann anzapfte und, wie er Kontakt mit Greenwald aufgenommen habe. Bolsonaros Attacke hat auch die Interamerikanische Menschenrechtskommission auf den Plan gerufen. „Leider scheint der brasilianische Präsident die Verfassung seines Landes und die internationalen Verträge über die Meinungsfreiheit, die Brasilien unterzeichnet hat, vergessen zu haben“, kommentierte dessen Sonderberichterstatter für Meinungsfreiheit, Edson Lanza. Man werde die Entwicklung weiter beobachten, so der Sonderberichterstatter der zur Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS) gehörigen Kommission.

03.08.2019 - 22:20 [ junge Welt ]

Bundeswehrstandorte: Noch Bedarf vorhanden

In einer Pressemitteilung mit dem treffenden Titel »Eine wachsende Bundeswehr braucht Platz« kündigte die Bundeswehr an, acht Munitions- und Materiallager wieder in Betrieb zu nehmen. Nun folgen – nur etwas mehr als ein halbes Jahr später – weitere elf Liegenschaften, die sich die Bundeswehr erneut aneignet. Das ist für viele betroffene Gemeinden ein ziemlicher Schlag, da sie zum Teil bereits konkrete Pläne für eine Konversion, also eine zivile Umnutzung, der Areale hatten.

03.08.2019 - 21:49 [ Newsweek ]

Ilhan Omar Posts Instagram Picture With Nancy Pelosi in Africa: ‚They Said „Send Her Back“ But…She Went Back With Me‘

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar posted to Instagram a picture with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from a trip they took together to Africa to send a pointed message to President Donald Trump after his recent „go back“ tweet.

03.08.2019 - 21:44 [ Common Dreams ]

‚A Dystopian Surveillance State Being Built in Plain Sight‘: Pentagon Tests Radar-Equipped Balloons to Spy on Vehicles Across Midwest

„From police partnerships with Amazon‘s Ring doorbells to these privately contracted spying balloons,“ she said, „a dystopian surveillance state is being built in plain sight, by government agencies with authoritarian dreams and corporations willing to trample our rights to turn a profit.“

03.08.2019 - 21:29 [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Abgeordnete des US Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]

Common ground I find with (some) GOP: – Ending needless war & curbing exploding military spending – Protecting civil liberties & privacy rights (I believe people shouldn’t be spied on by gov or corporations, incl your phone & habits) – Holding bad contractors accountable

03.08.2019 - 21:20 [ Washington Post ]

How ‘the Squad’ learned to handle Trump’s attacks

Amid the Squad mania over the past few weeks, aides said they had rejected pitches for photo shoots from two fashion magazines.

The ultimate goal, the lawmakers say, is to harness Trump’s negative messages about them into something potentially positive — a bigger platform to press their agenda.

03.08.2019 - 21:05 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Masses Protest Violence against Transgenders after Teen Stabbed

The march was organized after a 17-year-old from the Arab city of Tamra was stabbed Friday afternoon, July 26, outside Tel Aviv’s Beit Dror shelter, after moving there to escape family pressure. According to the staff of Beit Dror, before collapsing the teenager identified the assailant as his brother.

03.08.2019 - 20:36 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Cops MOCK Dying Man

We need police reform NOW! Cenk Uygur, Brooke Thomas, and Adrienne Lawrence, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

03.08.2019 - 20:31 [ cbslocal.com ]

Tony Timpa’s Mother Reacts To Dallas Police Video Of Son’s Death: ‘They Laughed At Him, Tortured Him’

At a news conference Friday, Vicki Timpa said, “It’s really hard to hear my son scream ‘help me’ and cry. They laugh at him and they torture him and they killed him and they have fun doing it.”

Timpa’s death came less than an hour after he called 911, saying he was off his medication for schizophrenia.

03.08.2019 - 20:09 [ CBS News ]

Police warn of an „active shooter“ in El Paso

Witness Ray Holgin told CBS News that he was about to go into the Walmart when he heard at least 10 gunshots. He said he thought he saw at least two people with guns.

03.08.2019 - 20:02 [ Matt Duss, Foreign Policy Advisor for @SenSanders / Twitter ]

.@LindseyGrahamSC: „I didn’t sign up for Bernie Sanders’s foreign policy.” If you did you might‘ve gotten it right on Iraq, Senator. Or Iran. Or Yemen. Or North Korea. I‘ll put @BernieSanders‘ foreign policy judgement up against yours any day.

03.08.2019 - 19:56 [ Washington Post ]

Lindsey Graham warns Trump administration against Afghanistan withdrawal

Graham concluded the brief interview with a direct political shot that invoked Trump’s most left-wing Democratic challenger: “To go to zero would be reckless and dangerous — against sound military advice, [and instead following] Bernie Sanders’s military advice. I didn’t sign up for Bernie Sanders’s foreign policy.”

03.08.2019 - 19:45 [ Bloomberg ]

Heathrow Cancels Flights in Response to Planned Strike, BBC Says

About 88% of the 4,000 Unite union members who voted rejected a pay offer and opted to strike on Aug. 5-6, meaning that around 2,500 staff will miss their shifts, the BBC said on its website late yesterday.

03.08.2019 - 19:45 [ Deutsche Komunistische Partei Deutschlands ]

DKP zur Kündigung des INF-Vertrages

Was nun passiert, ist eine neue Qualität der Kriegstreiberei durch die USA mit Unterstützung der NATO-Staaten, darunter auch der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Es droht die Entwicklung und Stationierung von Mittelstreckenraketen in Europa, gerichtet gegen Russland, dies beinhaltet die Gefahr das Europa zum atomaren Schlachtfeld wird. Es droht der Versuch der USA, landgestützte atomare Mittelstreckenraketen gegen China in Stellung zu bringen. Es droht die Zerstörung weiterer Verträge, die in der Vergangenheit ungezügelte Hochrüstung eindämmten. Dieser Vorgang beweist ein weiteres Mal, wer die Kriegsgefahr befeuert, es sind die USA und ihre NATO-Verbündeten.

03.08.2019 - 19:15 [ ITV.com ]

Nigel Farage: Donald Trump‘s ‚go back‘ remarks to ‚the Squad were genius‘

Mr Farage added: „I thought, ‚Dear, oh dear, oh dear‘. You realise, 48 hours on, it was genius because what‘s happened is the Democrats gather round the Squad, which allows him to say, ‚Oh look, the Squad are the centre of the Democratic Party‘.

„He‘s remarkably good at what he does.

„He does things his way. But he is a remarkably effective operator.“

03.08.2019 - 18:33 [ WSWS.org ]

US-Demokraten mit Klage gegen Julian Assange gescheitert: Medien schweigen zum Gerichtsurteil gegen DNC

Richter John Koeltl vom US Bezirksgericht New York-Süd wies die Verleumdung, der WikiLeaks-Gründer habe mit Russland „konspiriert“, ausdrücklich zurück. Diese Entscheidung stellt Assanges Ruf als Journalisten und Herausgeber wieder her und widerlegt die Behauptung, die Veröffentlichung von durchgesickerten E-Mails der DNC durch WikiLeaks im Jahr 2016 sei ein illegaler Akt gewesen.

Trotz der Bedeutung dieses Urteils und seiner klaren Aussagekraft hat die gesamte Medienwelt in den USA und weltweit die Entscheidung fast vollkommen ausgeblendet.

Das allgemeine Schweigen über die Gerichtsentscheidung reicht von der New York Times (die gerade mal sechs Absätze auf Seite 25 darüber brachte), der Washington Post und den Abendnachrichtensendungen im Fernsehen bis hin zu den „alternativen“ Websites wie „Intercept“ und den Veröffentlichungen der Pseudolinken.

03.08.2019 - 18:27 [ SBS News ]

Mike Pompeo arrives in Australia for bilateral talks

Mr Pompeo and newly appointed US Defense Secretary Mark Esper were greeted by US Ambassador to Australia Arthur Culvahouse and US Consul General in Sydney Sharon Hudson-Dean at Sydney Airport on Saturday evening.

03.08.2019 - 17:42 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Likud Plans to Spend $570,000 to Spy Again on Arab Polling Stations

Now, according to a report broadcast by Channel 13 news, the Likud plans to double its budget for a repeat campaign, spending two million shekels (approximately $570,000) to install cameras in Arab polling stations. The campaign will once again be headed up by Kaizler Inbar, and will be accompanied by increased police presence to monitor Arab voters.

Israel’s Central Election Committee – which oversees the state’s election process – will reportedly meet later this week to discuss the Likud’s program. The Channel 13 news report told how the Likud party plans to ask Supreme Court Judge Hanan Melcer, head of the elections committee, to “detail in writing what their poll watchers can and cannot do with the surveillance cameras”.

03.08.2019 - 17:38 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Likud doubles budget for program placing hidden cameras in Arab polling stations

The operation is set to be run again by the Kaizler-Inbar communications firm, the source said. Kaizler-Inbar organized the April effort by recruiting activists mainly from national religious seminaries across the country and boasted in a Facebook post shortly after the vote of “success” in bringing turnout among Arabs to below 50 percent, its lowest level in decades.

03.08.2019 - 17:32 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu continues push for Russian vote


Likud has invested an estimated NIS 5 million in pursuing Russian-speaking voters after spending zero ahead of the April 9 election. The party has estimated that Russian-speaking immigrants could be worth as many as 15 seats.

03.08.2019 - 16:59 [ theIntercept.com ]

How Israeli-Designed Drones Became Russia’s Eyes in the Sky for Defending Bashar al-Assad


Though Russia has been instrumental in protecting the Assad government, which appeared to be on the brink of collapse four years ago, it has also carefully cultivated a military relationship with Israel over the past decade.

After more than seven years of war, the skies over Syria are saturated with aircraft from multiple militaries and armed groups, each pursuing their own goals, including using the country as a weapons-testing ground.

03.08.2019 - 16:55 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Nach Ende des INF-Vertrags: USA wollen Raketen in Asien stationieren

Allerdings dauere es oft länger als man erwarte. Esper ließ offen, wo genau die Raketen stationiert werden sollen. Über „derartige Dinge spricht man zuerst mit den Verbündeten“, so der Minister.

Eine Stationierung von Raketen größerer Reichweite könnte die chinesische Regierung verärgern. Esper geht aber nicht davon aus, dass Peking davon überrascht werde.

03.08.2019 - 16:39 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Ends Cold War Missile Treaty, With Aim of Countering China

But the new missiles are unlikely to be deployed to counter the treaty’s other nuclear power, Russia, which the United States has said for years was in violation of the accord. Instead, the first deployments are likely to be intended to counter China, which has amassed an imposing missile arsenal and is now seen as a much more formidable long-term strategic rival than Russia.

03.08.2019 - 16:35 [ theGuardian.com ]

Why is Trump imposing tariffs on China and how could it affect global economy?

Global stocks fell sharply on Friday after Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on $300bn (£247.6bn) of Chinese goods in a rapid escalation of the trade war between the world’s two biggest economies.

03.08.2019 - 16:28 [ ORF.at ]

Iran kündigt neuen Verstoß gegen Atomabkommen an

Wenn die anderen Unterzeichnerstaaten das Abkommen nicht vollständig umsetzten, dann werde der Iran es auf die gleiche Weise nur unvollständig umsetzen. Details nannte Sarif nicht.

03.08.2019 - 16:22 [ ORF.at ]

Vierter Raketentest innerhalb weniger Tage in Nordkorea

UNO-Resolutionen verbieten Nordkorea – das mehrfach Atomwaffen getestet hat – die Starts von ballistischen Raketen kurzer, mittlerer und langer Reichweite.

03.08.2019 - 16:19 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump


The President of Russia regards the US President’s offer as a sign that it is possible that full-scale bilateral relations will be restored in the future.

The presidents of Russia and the United States agreed to continue contacts in the form of telephone conversations as well as personal meetings.

03.08.2019 - 12:53 [ Jeremy's Knesset Insider ]

Channel 13 Poll: Likud 30, Blue & White 29, United Right 11, Yisrael Beitenu 11, Joint List 11

55 [55] Center-Left-Arab Bloc (Have ruled out nominating Netanyahu for PM)
54 [60] Right-Religious Bloc (Have ruled out nominating Gantz for PM)
11 [05] Pushing Unity Government (Liberman)

03.08.2019 - 12:51 [ Haaretz ]

Israel’s Do-over Election: A Guide to All the Parties and Who Holds the Keys to the Next Government

Blame practicality or election exhaustion: With only nine parties seemingly in a position to cross the electoral threshold, the next Knesset is set to feature the fewest number of parties in Israel’s history. With the final slates needing to be submitted by Thursday night, here are the main contenders…

03.08.2019 - 12:40 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Boris must deliver Brexit so the EU needs to ditch backstop or we’ll leave with No Deal

THE Government has one job: Get us out of Europe.

And if the EU wants us to do that with a deal, it needs to ditch the backstop. No ifs, no buts. No time limits, no get-out clauses.

03.08.2019 - 12:39 [ Luke McGee / CNN ]

Boris Johnson could be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom

Boris Johnson, the UK‘s new prime minister, wants you to know that he loves his country.
Specifically, he wants you to know that he loves the Union between the four nations that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Unfortunately for Johnson, this love is not always reciprocated.

03.08.2019 - 12:18 [ theGrayZone.com ]

‘Regime change begins at home’ – Max Blumenthal speaks in Venezuelan presidential palace

I am representing, alongside my colleagues Anya Parampil and Ben Norton, an independent media organization with no formal relationship to this government or any other government.

We are here because our government, and a corporate media which acts as an arm of its foreign policy, is pursuing a dangerous and catastrophic policy of siege and regime change.

We have seen the catastrophes that this same policy has caused for Central America, for Iraq, for Libya, for Syria, and for so many people across the world, in Korea, and elsewhere. And we are here to renounce this policy.

We are here as citizens and also as journalists, to break the blockade that our government has put not only on this government, but on relations between the American people and the Venezuelan people seeking to build a new society through the Bolivarian Revolution.

03.08.2019 - 12:00 [ LA Times ]

This Iranian opposition group was labeled a terrorist organization. Now it has supporters in the White House


People close to President Trump, including national security advisor John Bolton, and Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, are supporters of the Mujahedin Khalq. For years, Bolton and Giuliani have called for a change of government in Tehran and have described the Mujahedin Khalq as a viable alternative to the government of the Islamic Republic.

03.08.2019 - 11:57 [ LA Times ]

Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter killed himself, coroner says, contradicting police version of events

Legan was shot “multiple times,” Smithee said, falling to his knees and then to the ground — where “he was able to get a round off,” the chief said. The officers did not realize Legan had shot himself in the mouth with his rifle, Smithee said.

03.08.2019 - 11:55 [ Jerusalem Post ]

California festival shooter claimed to be of Iranian and Italian descent


On Instagram, Legan had previously threatened the event, the Gilroy Garlic Festival. He had also posted antisemitic, racist and misogynous comments. Among others, he invited people to read „Might Is Right,“ an 1890 book advocating for Social Darwinism and claiming that Anglo-Saxons are a „superior race.“

03.08.2019 - 11:00 [ Wikipedia ]

Bunker buster

A bunker buster is a type of munition that is designed to penetrate hardened targets or targets buried deep underground, such as military bunkers.

03.08.2019 - 10:57 [ theDrive.com ]

Cluster Bomb Toting F-15Es Are Patrolling The Persian Gulf To Counter Small Boat Swarms

Beyond the cluster munitions, the released pictures show that Strike Eagles from the 336th have been ready to take on individual moving targets with laser-guided bombs, as well. In one case, a pair of F-15Es each carried at least two 500-pound class GBU-12/B Paveway II bombs and one of them had a 2,000-pound class GBU-24/B Paveyway III on its centerline station. The latter weapon is capable of disabling or destroying any ship in the Iranian Navy.

03.08.2019 - 10:52 [ Junge Welt ]

Protest gegen Aufrüstung: Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft startet Fahrradtour durch Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Während Panzer im Rahmen von NATO-Manövern durch Europa rollen, werden Sie sich ab diesem Sonnabend eine Woche lang bei einer Fahrradtour durch NRW für Abrüstung stark machen. Wen wollen Sie damit erreichen?

Als bunte Fahrradtruppe mit Friedensfahnen und Schildern wenden wir uns vor allem an die Bevölkerung.

03.08.2019 - 10:13 [ Bayern online / Twitter ]

Habeck: Grüne können sich „Beteiligung an europäischer Mission im Persischen Golf vorstellen“

03.08.2019 - 09:49 [ Seth Abramson, columnist @Newsweek. NYT bestselling author / Twitter ]


03.08.2019 - 09:46 [ CNN ]

‚Too bad‘: Trump reacts to burglary at Cummings‘ Baltimore home after week of attacks

President Donald Trump appeared to sarcastically call out a break-in at Rep. Elijah Cummings‘ Baltimore home after a week of attacking the prominent African American lawmaker over the conditions of his Baltimore district — even comparing the city‘s murder rate to third world countries.
„Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!“ the President tweeted on Friday morning.

03.08.2019 - 09:12 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Geheimdienstkoordinator: Trump-Kandidat verzichtet auf Posten

Ratcliffe werde von den Medien „sehr unfair“ behandelt, schrieb Trump auf Twitter. Ratcliffe habe sich dazu entschieden, im Kongress zu bleiben, statt in einem sich über Monate hinstreckenden Bestätigungsverfahren „Schmähungen und Verleumdungen“ ausgesetzt zu werden.

03.08.2019 - 08:53 [ rnz.co.nz ]

Trump drops spy boss choice after criticism

Mr Trump said he would soon announce another nominee to oversee America‘s 17 civilian and military intelligence agencies.

03.08.2019 - 08:51 [ Wikipedia ]

List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation

Under the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution and law of the United States, certain federal positions appointed by the president of the United States require confirmation (advice and consent) of the United States Senate.

03.08.2019 - 08:42 [ New York Times ]

Trump Drops Plans to Nominate John Ratcliffe as Director of National Intelligence

President Trump on Friday abruptly dropped his plan to nominate Representative John Ratcliffe, Republican of Texas, as the nation’s top intelligence official after questions by Republicans and Democrats about his qualifications and concern over whether he had exaggerated his résumé.

03.08.2019 - 02:27 [ teleSUR ]

‚Bolsonaro is Responsible for the Amazon‘ UN Rapporteur Says

„In practice, every time Bolsonaro fosters economic exploitation of indigenous lands through his speeches, he grants a free pass to economic and political interests wishing to exploit them,“ Tauli-Corpuz said. „Bolsonaro is directly responsible because the government has the responsibility of protecting its citizens‘ lives. And Brazil has signed all international human rights conventions.“

03.08.2019 - 02:20 [ Tagesschau ]

Brasiliens Weltraumagentur: Behördenchef nach Abholzungsstreit gefeuert

Auf der Basis von Satellitenbildern hatte INPE im vergangenen Monat eine deutliche Zunahme von Waldrodungen ermittelt. Demnach wurden im Juni 88 Prozent mehr und im Juli 212 Prozent mehr Hölzer gefällt als in den entsprechenden Vorjahresmonaten.