Archiv: US presidential election 2020 (run-up)

18.02.2024 - 00:10 [ The Daily Show / Twitter ]

Jon Stewart kicks off The Daily Show‘s election coverage with a wellness check on America‘s two chronologically challenged candidates: Joe Biden and Donald Trump.


12.11.2023 - 01:44 [ ]

Hundreds of former Biden campaign staffers call for Gaza cease-fire


The letter from a group called Biden Alumni for Peace and Justice includes the names of people who worked for Biden for President/Victory 2020 HQ, the Democratic National Committee and state organizations.

“We implore you, President Biden, to live that moral courage right now by stepping up to be a leader we can be proud of in the face of injustice,” the group wrote. “As President of the United States, you have significant influence in this perilous moment — you must call for a ceasefire, hostage exchange, and de-escalation and take concrete steps to address the conditions of occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing at the root of the horrific violence we are witnessing now.”

05.01.2023 - 18:42 [ Matt Taibbi / Twitter ]

1.THREAD: The Twitter Files How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In


2.In August 2017, when Facebook decided to suspend 300 accounts with “suspected Russian origin,” Twitter wasn’t worried. Its leaders were sure they didn’t have a Russia problem.

3.“We did not see a big correlation.”
“No larger patterns.”
“FB may take action on hundreds of accounts, and we may take action on ~25.”

04.08.2021 - 13:21 [ Young Tang / Youtube ]

Bernie Sanders kickoff rally in Brooklyn – Nina Turner‘s great speech!

(Mar 2, 2019)

Nina Turner gave another unbelievable emotional speech for Bernie Sanders! Preach on!

05.03.2021 - 10:02 [ Reuters ]

Israel‘s Netanyahu bets all on vaccine success to secure election win


“Netanyahu looked very carefully at what happened in the United States and he saw that Trump lost his presidency because of the COVID issue,” Hasson told Reuters. “So he thinks it’s going to help him, this matter (of vaccines).”

01.11.2020 - 08:05 [ Fox News ]

Richard Fowler: Americans are tired of Trump’s lies, incompetence, ignorance and failures

More than 9 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus and more than 229,000 have tragically died. No, Mr. President, we haven’t turned the corner on this virus. The pandemic is getting worse, and the White House has been absolutely nonresponsive.

25.10.2020 - 07:21 [ Bernie Sanders / Youtube ]

Bernie’s Back Rally with AOC in New York

(Streamed live on Oct 19, 2019)

21.09.2020 - 10:21 [ @A_Herkenhoff / Twitter ]

AOC supporting Bernie Sanders vs. @AOC supporting Joe Biden.

03.09.2020 - 12:18 [ ]

Tables Turned: Biden Now Distrusts Intelligence Chief .

Ned Price, a former CIA analyst who served as a senior director on the Obama administration’s National Security Council staff and is not involved in the Biden campaign, offered another explanation. In an interview with RCP, Price said the most recent assessment claiming that China wants Biden to win isn’t convincing because it relies on open-source public comments from Chinese officials, not more penetrating intelligence.

01.09.2020 - 14:20 [ ]

Six Democratic Minnesota mayors endorse Trump for president

Is Biden out of touch with the working class? Babbit Mayor Andrea Zupancich speaks out.

01.09.2020 - 14:18 [ ]

An unlikely state tightens up

If Trump has a path forward in Minnesota, it will likely rely on an improvement in the Twin Cities suburbs, combined with spiking turnout in rural areas of the state. It’s a tall task, but there is reason for Democrats to be concerned. By the party’s own estimates, there are 250,000 white, non-college-educated men in Minnesota who are eligible to vote but aren’t registered, a rich target for Trump.

30.08.2020 - 08:22 [ ]

Outcry as US intelligence stops in-person reports to Congress on election security

An official in Ratcliffe’s office, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said on Saturday the office was “concerned about unauthorized disclosures of sensitive information following recent briefings”.

The move drew a heated rejoinder from House Democrats, who have focused on foreign efforts to sway the presidential election in 2016 and again this year.

30.08.2020 - 08:15 [ ]

READ: Director of National Intelligence‘s letter to Congress on election security briefings

„I believe this approach helps ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the information ODNI provides the Congress in support of your oversight responsibilities on elections security, foreign malign influence, and election interference is not misunderstood nor politicized,“ Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe wrote in a letter to congressional committee heads.

30.08.2020 - 07:59 [ ]

Director Of National Intelligence Cancels Verbal Election Security Briefings

In a joint statement released Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Congress had been set for briefings on election security in mid-September. But briefings for members of Congress, including the House and Senate intelligence committees, by Ratcliffe‘s office have now been called off, they said.

„This is a shocking abdication of its lawful responsibility to keep the Congress currently informed, and a betrayal of the public‘s right to know how foreign powers are trying to subvert our democracy,“ Pelosi and Schiff said in the statement.

30.08.2020 - 07:49 [ NBC News ]

Chairman of Joint Chiefs says no role for military in presidential election

Trump‘s repeated complaints questioning the election‘s validity have triggered unprecedented worries about the potential for chaos surrounding the election results. Some have speculated that the military might be called upon to get involved, either by Trump trying to use it to help his reelection prospects or as, Democratic challenger Joe Biden has suggested, to remove Trump from the White House if he refuses to accept defeat. The military has adamantly sought to tamp down that speculation and is zealously protective of its historically nonpartisan nature.

30.08.2020 - 07:27 [ Washington Post ]

Amid fears that Trump might not leave office, two lawmakers press for Pentagon assurances on the election


In a sign of the growing concern that President Trump might not leave office voluntarily or might attempt to use the military to hold onto power, two moderate Democratic lawmakers posed a series of written questions to the secretary of defense and the military’s top general about their obligations to the Constitution and the country.

Reps. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) addressed their questions in writing to Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper, setting a deadline of Thursday evening.

30.08.2020 - 07:21 [ ]

Michael Moore warns that Donald Trump is on course to repeat 2016 win

The documentary film-maker Michael Moore has warned that Donald Trump appears to have such momentum in some battleground states that liberals risk a repeat of 2016 when so many wrote off Trump only to see him grab the White House.

“Sorry to have to provide the reality check again,” he said.

27.08.2020 - 23:16 [ Mint Press ]

Cyber Command Gets New Surveillance Powers Under Guise of Battling Election Meddling

Domestically, the potential targeting of American citizens as foreign actors or agents was moved forward by Bill Barr’s Justice Department in June, in response to the Minneapolis riots, Barr released a statement naming “Antifa and other similar groups” as possible targets of its 56 regional FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) offices. In the same statement the top prosecutor invoked the National Guard, which would be “deployed on the streets to reestablish law and order” if necessary.

27.08.2020 - 21:48 [ Cenk Uygur / Twitter ]

As usual @SpeakerPelosi with an idiotic point that @JoeBiden shouldn‘t debate Trump. That feeds into everything Trump has said about Biden. It would make him look scared and hiding. She is worst strategist of my lifetime. Biden should go into debates and make the Democratic case!

27.08.2020 - 21:46 [ CNN ]

Pelosi says Biden shouldn‘t debate Trump

Pelosi‘s comments come as the Biden campaign has been fighting accusations from the Trump campaign and Republicans that the former vice president does not want to debate Trump. Following Pelosi‘s comments, Biden and his campaign made clear that he still intends to debate Trump.

25.08.2020 - 19:53 [ The Hill ]

Nationals Park to serve as polling site in November

The stadium, which has been closed to baseball fans this season due to the coronavirus, will be one of roughly 80 polling centers in Washington. It joins Capital One Arena — the home of the Washington Capitals and Wizards — which announced it will also be a polling place earlier this month.

25.08.2020 - 14:38 [ David Sessions / Twitter ]

Basically nobody in liberal circles is taking seriously the consequences of the fact that the exiled cadre of the Republican Party are building a massive power base in the Democratic Party

25.08.2020 - 14:34 [ Forbes ]

All The Republicans Who Have Endorsed Joe Biden For President

Though Trump has largely seized control of the Republican party and the loyalty of GOP officials, a number of prominent former GOP officials, and even some of his ex-staffers, have come out in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden.

25.08.2020 - 14:26 [ ]

Bush endorsing Biden? Don‘t hold your breath

Behind the scenes, some Biden allies have been reaching out through backchannels to friends in the Bush universe to see if an endorsement would ever happen — or if it’s just a pipe dream.

“We tried a little unofficially to see if there was a way to make it happen but we couldn’t get there,” said one Biden ally. “And I do think it would make a difference because we’ve learned every vote counts.”

25.08.2020 - 04:26 [ CBS News / Youtube ]

Watch live: President Trump speaks at RNC

(8 hours ago)

President Trump is scheduled to speak at RNC Monday, 12:30PM ET.

25.08.2020 - 04:18 [ Forbes ]

Trump Claims Democrats Are ‘Using Covid’ To ‘Steal The Election’ In First Convention Speech

President Trump set a dark tone in his first speech of the Republican National Convention on Monday, accusing Democrats of exploiting the pandemic to steal the election, and calling the push for mail-in voting the “greatest scam in the history of American politics,” even as he joked himself about serving “12 more years” in office.

23.08.2020 - 16:11 [ Jordan / Twitter ]

Anyone else notice @JoeBiden just completely cut out the public option from his healthcare policy live during his speech—just mentioning fixing Obamacare? #DNC2020

23.08.2020 - 16:07 [ Jacobin Magazine ]

Democrats Should Be Ashamed of the Rejection of Medicare for All in the DNC Platform

On Medicare for All, the Left has won the battle of ideas. But that’s not enough, as the DNC’s rejection of M4A shows.

22.08.2020 - 05:44 [ Haaretz ]

Democratic Convention Proves That on Israel, This Is Still Joe Biden‘s Party

Much of this was by design. Onstage and off, the convention organizers delicately and carefully walked a tightrope in order to create as unified a front as possible. They needed to show respect to Sanders, who came in second in the primary contest, and to win the trust of high-profile acolytes like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so that the party’s activist progressive wing will remain engaged in the election.

21.08.2020 - 17:28 [ Fiorella Isabel / Twitter ]

I now officially hate Democrats more than I hate republicans. While it won’t convince me to vote for Trump, their behavior will surely convince many others to do it. The only way to change anything is to destroy the party. There’s no other way. It has to fall.

21.08.2020 - 16:53 [ @jvgraz / Twitter ]

If the Democrats get in power they will be absolutely merciless on the poor and vulnerable. They’ve been waiting four years to exact their revenge, and they are ready to rack up a body count.

21.08.2020 - 16:50 [ Rose McGowan / Twitter ]

You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie.

21.08.2020 - 15:29 [ Rose McGowan / Twitter ]

What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherfuckers.

21.08.2020 - 15:14 [ David Sirota / Substack ]

Team Biden Now Signals Austerity, Despite Campaign Pledges

To review the situation: earlier this month, Bloomberg News reported that Biden’s “campaign rolled out a $3.5 trillion economic program over the past month” — one that “promises to invest in clean energy and caregiving, buy more made-in-America goods, and start narrowing the country’s racial wealth gaps.” This, said the news service, was proof that Biden no longer adhered to an ideology of austerity and deficit hawkery — which would be good news.

But then on the eve of Biden’s convention speech, the Democratic nominee’s top aide suggested to Washington reporters that, in fact, that’s not true.

21.08.2020 - 13:53 [ ]

Negroponte endorses Biden: He beats Trump on ‚character, compassion and life experience‘

John Negroponte, who served as director of national intelligence under former President George W. Bush, endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden in his race against President Trump on Thursday in an interview with the Daily Beast.

“All roads lead to Trump in a way,” Negroponte told the website. “I’m just not sure the country can withstand another four years of the presidency with a man who has shown such disregard to the office.”

19.08.2020 - 02:01 [ ]

Pelosi on postmaster general pausing changes: ‚They felt the heat‘

Pelosi first announced on Sunday that she would call the House back early from its August recess to vote on legislation that would prevent the Postal Service from making changes to delivery operations during the coronavirus pandemic. The House is scheduled to convene on Saturday to vote on the bill in a rare weekend session sandwiched between the Democratic and Republican conventions.

19.08.2020 - 01:58 [ ]

Postmaster general says he‘s pausing changes ‚until after the election‘

The postmaster general said retail hours at post offices will remain unchanged, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will not be removed and no mail processing facilities will be closed.

On top of that, DeJoy said the agency will employ “stand-by resources,” beginning Oct. 1, “to satisfy any unforeseen demand” surrounding the elections.

18.08.2020 - 16:43 [ @jvgraz / Twitter ]

We believe you Michelle. Remember when we thought it couldn’t get worse after Bush and your husband proved us all wrong?

18.08.2020 - 07:20 [ Randy Rainbow / Twitter ]

Kamala! Kamala! She‘s fin‘ly come to save the day. Kamala! Kamala! Gurl, don‘t get in her way. #Kamala

17.08.2020 - 19:28 [ ]

The all-virtual Democratic National Convention, explained

“This is a very serious time”: The coronavirus has reshaped the Democratic National Convention.

17.08.2020 - 18:27 [ Fox News ]

Trump indicates election won‘t be ‚fair‘ if universal mail-in voting allowed

In another exchange, the president said Democrats will struggle to unite at their convention this week, as many of the more progressive members of the party balk at a ticket including former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.

„These are the same people I beat last time and they‘re not gonna unite because they can‘t unite, they don‘t know how to unite,“ Trump said. „Also, Bernie [Sanders] is very unhappy, but actually, Biden went further left than Bernie wanted him to and Bernie‘s still unhappy.“

17.08.2020 - 12:32 [ @lovelyset7 / Twitter ]

What I ordered, what I got

17.08.2020 - 12:15 [ Aaron Maté / Twitter ]

Across 15 battlegrounds, “Biden has the backing of 49% of registered voters, while Trump lands at 48%.”

I want Trump to lose. I think that if Democratic leaders hadn’t spent 4 years screaming about 2016 & Russia, they’d be in a better position for 2020.

17.08.2020 - 12:14 [ ]

Trump slashes Biden‘s sizeable lead in CNN poll

President Trump closed the gap on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden‘s lead among registered voters in a CNN poll published Sunday evening. And across 15 battleground states, Biden leads by 49 to 48 points ahead over Trump.

17.08.2020 - 12:09 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal Ball: Biden‘s Hillary 2.0 Campaign Could Be Headed For Disaster


Krystal Ball compares Joe Biden‘s campaign to Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 campaign, highlighting recent polling predicting a Biden win in November.

17.08.2020 - 11:54 [ Max Burns / ]

AOC is becoming part of Biden’s inner circle. It’s a risky move


In May, Biden tapped Ocasio-Cortez to lead his campaign’s Climate Task Force, alongside climate crusader and former secretary of state John Kerry.

17.08.2020 - 10:26 [ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House ]

Dear Colleague on House Returning to Save the Postal Service

That is why I am calling upon the House to return to session later this week to vote on Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Maloney’s “Delivering for America Act,” which prohibits the Postal Service from implementing any changes to operations or level of service it had in place on January 1, 2020. House Democratic Leader Hoyer will soon be announcing the legislative schedule for the coming week.

To save the Postal Service, I am also calling upon Members to participate in a Day of Action on Tuesday by appearing at a Post Office in their districts for a press event.