Daily Archives: 13. Mai 2020

13.05.2020 - 23:53 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Grüne Offensive

Per Interventions- und Geopolitik Richtung Schwarz-Grün

13.05.2020 - 21:30 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Honduras: Präsident Hernández nach US-Anklage gegen Ex-Polizeichef unter Druck

Bruder des Präsidenten bereits wegen Drogenhandels verurteilt. Ehemaliger Polizeichef in mehrere illegale Aktivitäten verstrickt

13.05.2020 - 21:28 [ teleSUR ]

El Salvador: White Cloths to Protest Hunger

Bukele’s administration delivered a $300 (USD) worth of coupons as part of economic government help. Ilopango and Tonacatepeque residents affirmed they did not receive it.

13.05.2020 - 21:16 [ teleSUR ]

Poverty Forces Chileans to Cook in ‚the Common Pot‘

Chile’s economic crisis unleashed by President Sebastian Piñera’s neoliberal policies and exacerbated by the pandemic revived images that had not been seen in Chile since the time of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990).

13.05.2020 - 21:14 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Chile: Widerstand gegen Ernennung der Großnichte Pinochets zur Frauenministerin

Santelices ist eine Großnichte des ehemaligen Diktators Augusto Pinochet und hat stets das Militärregime verteidigt.

13.05.2020 - 21:04 [ wgme.com ]

Democrats pass new rules that would allow virtual convention

Democrats are making new moves toward a virtual presidential nominating convention this August, with a top party committee voting Tuesday to grant convention organizers in Milwaukee the authority to design an event that won’t require delegates to attend in person amid the coronavirus pandemic.

13.05.2020 - 20:57 [ wgme.com ]

Biden plans to stay home, testing limits of virtual campaign

In this screengrab taken from JoeBiden.com campaign website, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) endorses Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden during a live streaming broadcast on April 13, 2020.

13.05.2020 - 19:43 [ New York Times ]

Pompeo in Israel for Meetings on Annexation, Virus, Iran and China

“The most important thing is actually generating the information and then sharing the information,” Mr. Netanyahu interrupted Mr. Pompeo to say, an unmistakable reference to the Israeli intelligence services’ track record of developing information of value to the United States.

Notably, Mr. Pompeo’s short schedule of meetings included a session with the Mossad director, Yossi Cohen.

13.05.2020 - 19:21 [ Haaretz ]

Biden, Sanders Form ‘Unity Task Force’ – Without Foreign Policy for Now

The announcement is the latest indication that Biden’s campaign is trying to secure the support of Sanders’ fans.

13.05.2020 - 19:19 [ Al-Monitor.com ]

Meet Joe Biden’s foreign policy advisers

(Apr 20, 2020)

Brian McKeon, Jeffrey Prescott and Julianne Smith, three of the vice president’s former deputy national security advisers under Blinken, are also advising the campaign. Notably, Prescott went on to serve as Obama’s senior adviser for Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Gulf states after working for Biden.

13.05.2020 - 19:10 [ Al-Monitor.com ]

Intel: Biden adviser says Iran deal supporters, detractors both wrong on sanctions‘ effectiveness


Sullivan went on to argue that a future Democratic administration “should immediately reengage nuclear diplomacy with Iran and look to establish something along the lines of the [deal], but immediately begin the process of negotiating a follow-on agreement.”

13.05.2020 - 17:45 [ Reuters / New York Times ]

Exclusive: Biden to Hammer Trump‘s ‚Tough Talk, Weak Action‘ on China, Top Adviser Says


President Donald Trump has seized on Americans‘ growing animosity toward China over the coronavirus outbreak to underpin his re-election pitch, arguing he will hit Beijing harder than anyone.

That is just tough talk hardly substantiated by action, says Jake Sullivan, a senior adviser to presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

13.05.2020 - 17:36 [ Tagesschau ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 08. Mai 1999

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13.05.2020 - 17:31 [ New York Times ]

In a Fatal Error, C.I.A. Picked a Bombing Target Only Once: The Chinese Embassy

(July 23, 1999)

WASHINGTON — The director of the CIA disclosed Thursday that the agency had selected just one target in the 11-week air war over Yugoslavia, and its decision led to the accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in May.

„It was the only target we nominated,“ the director, George Tenet, said at a rare public hearing of the House Intelligence Committee.

13.05.2020 - 17:25 [ AP Archive / Youtube ]


(video from July 1999)

The C-I-A has revealed it had accurate maps and some agency employees knew the correct location of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade mistakenly bombed in May during NATO‘s air campaign against Yugoslavia.

The C-I-A Director George Tenet made the announcement on Thursday while testifying before the House Intelligence Committee in Washington D-C.

13.05.2020 - 17:20 [ Tagesschau.de ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 21. April 1999

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13.05.2020 - 17:17 [ CNN ]

Missiles slam into central Belgrade

(April 20, 1999
Web posted at: 10:35 p.m. EDT)

At least two cruise missiles struck the building believed to belong to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic‘s ruling Socialist Party, CNN‘s Brent Sadler reported from the scene.

Flames were pouring out of the upper floors of the building, which is about 15 stories tall, and the ground level was also engulfed in fire.

13.05.2020 - 17:06 [ Tagesschau.de ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 05. April 1999

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13.05.2020 - 17:05 [ BBC ]

Cruise missiles blast Belgrade

(Monday, April 5, 1999)

Nato spokesman Jamie Shea said it was „a very successful and extensive night of operations.“

In an interview with BBC World, he said a change in the weather enabled Nato to step up its activities against infrastructure targets, and against Yugoslav ground deployments in Kosovo itself.

13.05.2020 - 17:04 [ CNN ]

Cruise missiles strike Belgrade again

(April 4, 1999)

At about 4:35 a.m. Sunday Belgrade time (9:35 p.m. EST) Belgrade was rocked by a large explosion.

CNN reporters saw a fireball and an orange glow which lit up the sky.

13.05.2020 - 16:50 [ Tagesschau ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 25. März 1999

(veröffentlicht am 22.03.2019)

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13.05.2020 - 16:44 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

From the Archives, 1999: NATO launches air strikes against Yugoslavia

First published The Age on March 25, 1999


NATO chief Javier Solana ordered attacks against Yugoslavia after President Milosevic rebuffed a last-ditch peace offer and revved up his war machine by declaring a state of emergency — the first since World War II.

„We must stop an authoritarian regime from repressing its people In Europe at the end of the 20th century. We have a moral duty to do so. The responsibility is on our shoulders and we will fulfil it,“ Mr Solana said in Brussels.

13.05.2020 - 14:26 [ MediaMonitors.net ]

Sorting Through the Lies of the Racak Massacre and other Myths of Kosovo

(February 15, 2001)

There was the ethnic cleansing. The atrocities. The refugees chased out of Kosovo by the Serb army. The mass graves. The heaps of bodies tossed into vats of sulphuric acid at the Trepca mines.

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said there were 100,000 Kosovars unaccounted for.


If you’re like most people, you have at least a vague recollection of something that seemed to approach a modern-day Holocaust.

Problem is, none of it happened.

13.05.2020 - 14:20 [ WSWS.org ]

What really has happened in Kosovo

(14 May 1999)

In the US-NATO assault on Yugoslavia, accusations of genocide in Kosovo play the same role in the propaganda war as cruise missiles and cluster bombs in the air war. The claims that Serbian troops and paramilitary forces are slaughtering thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of Kosovar Albanians, the comparisons of Slobodan Milosevic to Adolf Hitler, the invocation of the Holocaust–all these serve as weapons, if not to convince, at least to intimidate public opinion.

The purpose of this propaganda, whose tone has been set by the White House, is to block any critical thought or even serious reflection on the part of the American people about the mushrooming conflict in the Balkans.

13.05.2020 - 14:06 [ Historic.ly / Twitter ]

Who remembers Joe Biden wanting to bomb Serbia?

13.05.2020 - 14:03 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Monumental stupidity of online smear artists in action: Last night I RT‘d a simple tweet with a 2-minute video of Biden angrily demanding massive bombing of Belgrade: seems relevant to know for a presidential candidate. ?‍♂️ Now I‘m a Milosevic apologist, war crimes denier, etc.

13.05.2020 - 13:41 [ LA Times ]

Pompeo travels to Israel to give U.S. blessing to annexation of West Bank land

“We’re glad that there is a now fully formed government in Israel,” Pompeo said ahead of the trip. “As for the annexation in the West Bank, the Israelis will ultimately make those decisions.”

13.05.2020 - 13:31 [ Strategic-Culture.org ]

Netanyahu-Pompeo Meeting Solidifies War Plan on Iran

The hastily arranged meeting last week between Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had the hallmarks of a war-plan summit amid a peak in renewed media provocation against Iran.

In the last weeks there has been a flurry of US media reports claiming that Iran is secretly moving ballistic missiles into Iraq and elsewhere across the region. As usual the media credulously cite anonymous intelligence and Pentagon officials on those claims.

13.05.2020 - 13:30 [ Marian Houk / Twitter ]

The Netanyahu – Pompeo meeting has ended. Then Gantz (13:00) and Ashkenazi (14:30) [He will fly out at around 4 P.M,]

13.05.2020 - 13:24 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu-Pompeo meeting wraps up after three hours

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has concluded after three hours, the PMO says.

13.05.2020 - 09:39 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Saagar Enjeti: Obamagate is real and the media can‘t just ignore it

Saagar Enjeti blasts former President Obama after it was revealed in transcripts he was the person who told then-deputy attorney general Sally Yates about Mike Flynn‘s intercepted phone call with the Russian ambassador, Joe Biden responds to Flynn claims on Good Morning America.

13.05.2020 - 09:27 [ Fox News ]

Grenell declassifies names of Obama officials who ‘unmasked’ Flynn

Another source familiar with the intelligence told Fox News that Grenell is moving to declassify several pieces of intelligence in stages, with this being one part of it. Asked if former President Barack Obama‘s name is on the list of officials involving in unmasking Flynn, the source would not say but stressed the list would make waves.

13.05.2020 - 09:22 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Intelligence Chief Declassifies Names of Obama Officials Who ‘Unmasked’ Flynn

President Trump’s top intelligence adviser has declassified and may release the names of Obama administration officials who requested the “unmasking” of former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn, an action that identified him from intelligence reports following Mr. Trump’s election in 2016, a senior government official said.

Release of the list, which would be an unprecedented move, is likely to resurrect a partisan debate over an episode that had roiled the early days of Mr. Trump’s presidency …

13.05.2020 - 09:22 [ FoxWilmington.com ]

Rand Paul, citing Flynn case, proposes FISA amendment to curb surveillance of Americans

Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday introduced an amendment to the House-passed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to protect Americans’ privacy, citing the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn as an example of “abuse” and saying it “should never be allowed to happen again.”

Paul, R-Ky., who is an outspoken advocate for privacy reforms, proposed an amendment to the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020 – which passed the House on a bipartisan basis earlier this year – to protect Americans’ privacy, ensure due process and “reassert the Fourth Amendment.”

13.05.2020 - 09:08 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

POWERFUL CONFRONTATION: Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci‘s contentious Coronavirus exchange

„As much as I respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don‘t think you‘re the end all. I don‘t think you‘re the one person that gets to make a decision,“ Paul said. „We can listen to your advice, but there are people on the other side saying there‘s not going to be a surge, that we can safely reopen the economy, and the facts will bear this out.“

13.05.2020 - 09:06 [ CNN ]

Sen. Rand Paul tells Dr. Fauci he isn‘t the ‚end all‘

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious diseases expert, defended his guidance to the federal government over how to respond to the Covid-19 outbreak, telling Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) that „I have never made myself out to be the ‚end-all'“ and warning against „cavalier“ thinking that children could be immune to the disease‘s effects.

13.05.2020 - 08:19 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Pflegeheime in Zeiten von Corona: Wiedersehen am Besuchsfenster

Mehr als sechs Wochen lang hat sich die Familie nicht mehr gesehen, wegen des Besuchsverbots im Heim. „Das war schlimm“, sagt Dobras. In ihrem Zimmer sei sie meist allein. „Vor allem der Urenkel hat gefehlt.“ Auf den Arm nehmen kann sie ihn auch jetzt noch nicht.

13.05.2020 - 07:12 [ Achse des Guten ]

Dossier: Das Corona-Papier komplett zum Download

Statt über die Person des Verfassers und die Art seines Vorgehens zu debattieren, sollte der Inhalt des Papiers im Mittelpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses stehen. Genau dies versucht die Kommunikations-Strategie des Bundes-Innenministeriums derzeit zu unterlaufen.

13.05.2020 - 07:06 [ Achse des Guten ]

Das Corona-Papier: Wissenschaftler korrigieren Seehofer

Die an der Erstellung des Corona-Papiers beteiligten Ärzte und Wissenschaftler nahmen die Pressemitteilung des Bundesministeriums des Innern (BMI) vom 10. Mai verwundert zur Kenntnis. Dort schlägt man offenbar bewusst ihre Expertise aus. Jetzt fordern sie das BMI auf, die dort angeblich getätigten Risiko-Abwägungen transparent vorzulegen. Achgut.com dokumentiert ihr Schreiben und im Anhang die auf Basis ihrer beratenden Tätigkeit von dem BMI-Mitarbeiter erstellte Analyse.

13.05.2020 - 06:52 [ Achse des Guten ]

Schlaglichter einer Demo-Welle

Der Aktivist schien die Einschränkung der Grundrechte nicht so dramatisch zu finden wie ich. Verständnislos sah er mich an und sagte, dass man auf keinen Fall mit Rechten zusammen demonstrieren dürfe. Ja, es gebe auch linken Protest gegen die Corona-Sonderregelungen. Da müsse man schon ein bisschen aufpassen. Aber schließlich sei das Virus gefährlich und in Zeiten globaler Pandemien müsse man solche Einschränkungen eben hinnehmen. Mir war gar nicht klar, dass die Antifa so gehorsam sein kann.

13.05.2020 - 06:07 [ ORF.at ]

Deutschland bereitet Grenzöffnung vor

Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel kündigte gestern gegenüber Parteikollegen im Bundestag einen „zweistufigen Prozess“ an, berichteten Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer.

13.05.2020 - 06:02 [ ORF.at ]

Amerikaner versuchte Einreise in Deutschland als Müllmann

Aus Sehnsucht nach seiner Freundin hat ein junger US-Amerikaner auf dem Frankfurter Flughafen versucht, trotz Coronavirus-Beschränkungen nach Deutschland einzureisen. Der 20-Jährige verkleidete sich nach seiner Ankunft aus Washington als Müllmann – um so die Kontrollstelle zu umgehen.

13.05.2020 - 01:23 [ teleSUR ]

Cuba Asks the US for Answers on the Attack on Its Embassy

The Foreign Minister also called for an in-depth investigation into the attacker‘s connections with the Doral Jesus Worship Center, a church in Miami in which the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence came to deliver „a speech of enormous hostility calling for action against Cuba.“

13.05.2020 - 01:17 [ teleSUR ]

Mercenary Ratifies US Govt. Link With Failed Raid in Venezuela

Venezuela’s Communication Minister Jorge Rodriguez Tuesday presented a video with the confession of Antonio Sequea, a terrorist who confirmed that Colombia‘s government, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and international drug traffickers act in complicity to attack this South American nation through armed groups operating near its border.

13.05.2020 - 01:04 [ junge Welt ]

Neue Waffen für die Polizei: Testlauf für Taser

Ungeachtet der Zahl weltweit infolge von Tasereinsätzen durch Einsatzkräfte gestorbener Menschen hält eine Reihe von Bundesländern an der Ausstattung von Streifenpolizisten mit Elektroschockpistolen fest. Die nordrhein-westfälische Landesregierung von Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet (CDU) will bis zum Jahreswechsel drei bis sechs Polizeibehörden im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes damit ausrüsten.