Archiv: Telegram (messenger program / media)

25.06.2023 - 17:55 [ ]

Part 2: The Belly of The Daily Beast and Its Perceptible Ties to the CIA

Part 2 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

25.06.2023 - 16:41 [ ]

Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone

Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

30.05.2023 - 09:06 [ ]

One person killed, 13 injured in Kyiv, region in attack by Russian strike drones – National Police

„The air raid siren in Kyiv region lasted for more than three hours today. The enemy attacked the area with shaheds. The police of Kyiv region are documenting the consequences of an enemy attack on the region. In one of the residential complexes, as a result of the attack, people received shrapnel wounds, head injuries and bruises,“ Nebytov said on the Telegram channel.

27.05.2023 - 22:03 [ ]

Russia‘s Medvedev Believes Ukraine May Disappear After Special Military Operation

(May 26, 2023)

In his Telegram channel, Medvedev wrote about different scenarios of how the ongoing conflict may end.

„Ukraine disappears after the completion of the special military operation in the process of its division between Russia and a number of EU states. A government of Ukraine is being formed in exile in one of the European countries,“ Medvedev said, adding that the conflict in this case will end with „reasonable guarantees of its non-renewal in the short term.

15.02.2023 - 21:38 [ ]

‚Team Jorge‘ unmasked: the secret disinformation team who distort reality – video

A covert team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media have been exposed in a new investigation. The unit is run by Tal Hanan, a former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym ‚Jorge‘. In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his team explained how they could gather intelligence on rivals, including by using hacking methods to access Gmail and Telegram accounts

15.02.2023 - 09:34 [ ]

Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections

The investigation reveals extraordinary details about how disinformation is being weaponised by Team Jorge, which runs a private service offering to covertly meddle in elections without a trace. The group also works for corporate clients.

Hanan told the undercover reporters that his services, which others describe as “black ops”, were available to intelligence agencies, political campaigns and private companies that wanted to secretly manipulate public opinion. He said they had been used across Africa, South and Central America, the US and Europe.

15.02.2023 - 09:13 [ Haaretz ]

Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel‘s Agents of Chaos and Manipulation

Team Jorge, this investigation believes, works with a residential proxy provider, in order to provide its avatars with local digital identities in the form of real IPs that cannot be found by social media sites.

Team Jorge also seems to work with a cellular provider that serves AIMS in a similar manner, likely giving avatars their local numbers and supplying the infrastructure needed to grant them SMS verification.

The deliberately misleading technical infrastructure also serves to hide such actors. The process creates another layer of plausible deniability between, in this case, Team Jorge, the client and the campaign’s content, and helps them further mask the truth. Or, as Hanan put it in one presentation: „My signal is from Indonesia, the WhatsApp from Hong Kong, Telegram from Germany. And none of them are my numbers.“

15.02.2023 - 08:12 [ Haaretz ]

The Israelis Destabilizing Democracy and Disrupting Elections Worldwide

From a small office building, a group of Israelis is spreading global disruption

28.12.2022 - 07:13 [ ]

Telegram hält sich neuerdings an Gesetze, zumindest ein bisschen


Die Betreiber der Messenger-App Telegram haben – anders als bislang öffentlich dargestellt – in mehreren Fällen Nutzerdaten an das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) herausgegeben. Dabei handelte es sich nach SPIEGEL-Informationen um Daten Verdächtiger aus den Bereichen Kindesmissbrauch und Terrorismus.

28.12.2022 - 06:24 [ Nancy Faese, Bundesministerin des Innern und für Heimat / Twitter ]

Wir haben Kontakt zur Konzernspitze von #Telegram hergestellt. In einem ersten konstruktiven Gespräch zur weiteren Zusammenarbeit haben wir vereinbart, den Austausch fortzusetzen und zu intensivieren. Dieser Schritt ist ein guter Erfolg, auf dem wir aufbauen werden.

(Feb 4, 2022)

28.12.2022 - 06:09 [ Russia Beyond ]

Telegram’s moved to the Middle East ‘out of principle’

(Dec 13 2017)

Pavel Durov, creator of Russian social network VKontakte and the Telegram messenger app, has revealed in an interview to Bloomberg why he’s chosen to rent office space in the United Arab Emirates.

19.01.2022 - 20:06 [ ]

Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers, Video Messages 2.0, Video Playback Speed and More

This update takes video to the next level. Group video calls now have up to 1000 viewers, video messages record in higher quality and can be expanded, regular videos may be watched at 0.5 or 2x speed. We‘ve also added screen sharing with sound to all video calls, including 1-on-1 calls — and much more.

16.12.2021 - 06:23 [ ]

Gysi: Gefängnis für Impfverweigerer möglich

In den Protesten gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen erkennt der Linken-Politiker eine neue Qualität: Die Demonstranten stritten nicht für eine Sache, „sie stellen sich gegen den Staat an sich“ – ein „richtiges Problem“, warnt Gysi. Weil die Proteste vielfach über Social-Media-Kanäle wie Telegram organisiert und dort auch falsche Impfausweise angeboten würden, spricht er sich für eine schärfere Regulierung aus: „Der Rechtsrahmen muss angepasst werden.“

14.12.2021 - 08:10 [ Boris Reitschuster ]

Bundespressekonferenz: Wünschen sich Journalisten mehr Zensur?

Bemerkenswert finde ich auch etwa die Frage vom Kollegen von der »Süddeutschen Zeitung«, ob sich aus der Protestbewegung eine Terrorbewegung entwickelt. Und die Frage, ob man Apple und Google auffordern könne, die Telegram-App nicht mehr anzubieten. Kommentatoren sahen diese Frage als indirekte Aufforderung an die Regierung, das zu tun.

14.12.2021 - 07:37 [ ]

Was kann der Staat gegen Telegram machen?

Der radikalisierte Teil der Szene will Angst und Schrecken verbreiten und den Worten Taten folgen lassen. Demonstrationen und Proteste reichen offensichtlich nicht mehr, um die Aufmerksamkeit der Politik zu erreichen, argumentierten die Radikalen. Der Staat muss also handeln.

30.11.2020 - 15:52 [ Tagesschau ]

GroKo einigt sich bei Bundespolizeigesetz

Dazu gehört unter anderem die Nutzung der umstrittenen Quellen-Telekommunikationsüberwachung – also eine Überwachung verschlüsselter Kommunikation, die entweder vor ihrer Verschlüsselung oder danach erfasst wird. Das ermöglicht das Mitlesen von Nachrichten in verschlüsselten Chatdiensten.

30.11.2020 - 10:11 [ PrivacyIsNotACrime / Twitter ]

According to leaked documents from the @ORF , secret services from the so called „five eyes“ are initiators of the EU Resolution in the #encryptionban. For them this would be a very easy way to monitor all our messages and data, without the possibility to hide them.

17.11.2020 - 20:46 [ ]

WhatsApp full encryption ban could be coming — here‘s how to stay private

The move could lead to more people seeking out the best VPN to ensure all of their app messaging is kept encrypted.

17.11.2020 - 20:34 [ International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations ]


Fourteen members of INCLO express grave concerns regarding recent moves by various groups to breakencryption. We note with alarm calls from the ​Council of the European Union​, the ​EuropeanCommission​, and the ​Department of Justice in the US​, with support from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, Japan and the UK, to allow police authorities intercept encrypted communications.

17.11.2020 - 20:29 [ ]

Joint statement by the EU home affairs ministers on the recent terrorist attacks in Europe


We will also examine with interest the Commission’s announced proposal to designate hate speech and hate crime and incitement as criminal offences that are provided for and regulated under European Union law.

In the same vein, the Council must consider the matter of data encryption so that digital evidence can be lawfully collected and used by the competent authorities while maintaining the trustworthiness of the products and services based on encryption technology.

09.11.2020 - 09:50 [ ]

‘Five Eyes’ alliance demands ways to access encrypted apps


The top justice officials of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand said in a statement that the growth of end-to-end encrypted apps that make official oversight impossible – like Signal, Telegram, FaceBook Messenger and WhatsApp – “pose significant challenges to public safety.”

“There is increasing consensus across governments and international institutions that action must be taken,” they said.

04.09.2020 - 13:26 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]


Die IMI weitet ihrer Kommunikationskanäle aus. Neben der Homepage, unseren Printmedien, der IMI-Liste, Facebook, Twitter und Mastodon bieten wir deshalb jetzt zusätzlich noch einen Kanal über den Messenger Telegram an. Dort könnt ihr aktuelle Informationen, Analysen und Einschätzungen von IMI rund um Militär, Rüstung und die Friedensbewegung z.B. direkt auf eurem Smartphone lesen und verpasst nichts.

25.07.2019 - 12:31 [ ]

US-Außengebiet Puerto Rico: Gouverneur kündigt Rücktritt an

In den vergangenen Wochen waren in San Juan immer mehr Menschen auf die Straße gegangen, um Rossellós Rücktritt zu fordern. Die bislang größte Demonstration gab es am Montag mit geschätzt etwa 500.000 Teilnehmern.

Auslöser der Proteste war die Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten einer privaten Chat-Gruppe zwischen Rosselló und elf Vertrauten, in denen sie sich abschätzig über mehrere Personen äußerten.

21.07.2019 - 14:28 [ LA Times ]

‘Chatgate’ scandal throws Puerto Rico’s governor into crisis


Last week, two of his top former officials were arrested by the FBI on corruption charges.

But the scandal that is threatening to buckle the boyish 40-year-old governor centers on a profanity-laced and at times misogynistic online chat with nine other male members of his administration in which some of the U.S. territory’s most powerful men act like a bunch of teenagers.

21.07.2019 - 14:15 [ New York Times ]

Tear Gas Fired at Puerto Rico Protesters Amid Calls for Governor’s Resignation


“The chat was the final straw,” said Norma Jean Colberg, 58, one of the protesters.

21.07.2019 - 14:13 [ CNN ]

These are some of the leaked chat messages at the center of Puerto Rico‘s political crisis


The governor and 11 top aides and Cabinet members exchanged profanity-laced, homophobic and misogynistic messages about fellow politicians, members of the media, celebrities and others in a scandal many are calling „RickyLeaks.“

21.07.2019 - 14:00 [ ]

A Telegram chat may (rightfully) bring down Puerto Rico’s governor


Calls for the governor to resign have grown after nearly 900 pages of a chat on the private messaging app Telegram were leaked by a source to Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism, which published them in their entirety on Saturday.

21.07.2019 - 13:49 [ New York Times ]

Puerto Rico Ex-Officials Accused of Steering $15.5 Million in Contracts to Consultants


Investigators found that government officials and employees used personal email and Telegram, a mobile encrypted messaging app, to conduct government business.

18.04.2018 - 16:07 [ Techdirt ]

In Trying To Ban Telegram, Russia Breaks The Internet

Russia‘s war on encryption and privacy has reached an entirely new level of ridiculous. We‘ve noted for a while how Putin‘s government has been escalating its war on encrypted services and VPNs in the misguided hope of keeping citizens from dodging government surveillance. But things escalated dramatically when the Russian government demanded that encrypted messaging app Telegram hand over its encryption keys to the FSB. After Telegram refused, a Russian court banned the app entirely last Friday, and the Russian government began trying to actually implement it this week.