Archiv: asymmetrische Kriegführung (Terrorismus) / Attentate / „gezielte Tötungen“ / asymmetric warfare (terrorism) / assassinations / „targeted killings“

13.02.2025 - 19:17 [ ]

What’s in the Newly Unearthed FBI Files Tied to President Kennedy’s Assassination?

(February 11, 2025)

Now we discover that its vetting and releasing of documents under the 1992 Assassination Records Collection Act has been of a piece with the moment in 1963 when Dallas FBI agent James Hosty flushed a threatening note from Lee Harvey Oswald down the john. (…)

We’ve been fooled by what we thought was the sound of ice cracking on all of this too often to make me sanguine about anything coming of it. But the situation, at least to my mind, pits the FBI against the CIA, which traditionally has dragged its feet on releasing what it knows about Oswald—which is considerable. Joannides, for example, was a CIA psyop officer. If the FBI releases its files on him, the folks at Langley are going to have their mellows harshed considerably. About damn time.

13.02.2025 - 19:07 [ Daily Sabah ]

FBI discovers over 2,000 secret records on Kennedy assassination

(February 11, 2025)

The existence of the new JFK documents was disclosed to the White House on Friday, and a further review of those records could reveal more information as to what happened in one of the most scrutinized tragedies in American history. The release of the new documents could also change the federal procedures for vetting and releasing information related to government events.

13.02.2025 - 19:04 [ CNN ]

FBI says it has discovered new files on JFK assassination

(February 11, 2025)

The FBI has discovered about 2,400 new records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy from a new records search following an executive order from President Donald Trump.

13.02.2025 - 14:27 [ ]

Tausende Hinweise auf Kriegsverbrecher unter Asylwerbern ignoriert

(March 7, 2019)

Danach gab das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) von 2014 bis Anfang 2019 rund 5000 Hinweise auf „Straftaten nach dem Völkerrecht“ an das Bundeskriminalamt und den Generalbundesanwalt weiter. Von anderen Stellen seien 200 Hinweise gekommen. Doch nur in 129 Fällen seien Ermittlungen aufgenommen worden. In den Jahren 2015/16, also auf dem Höhepunkt des Flüchtlingszuzugs, gab es dem Bericht zufolge 3800 Hinweise, es kam jedoch nur zu 28 Ermittlungen.

„Die große Zahl der Hinweise hat es nicht zugelassen, allen zum Beispiel durch polizeiliche Vernehmungen unmittelbar nachzugehen“, sagte ein Sprecher des Bundesinnenministeriums zu „Bild“.

13.02.2025 - 14:07 [ ]

BND und Verfassungsschutz: Mit Asylversprechen Flüchtlinge abgeschöpft

(14. Januar 2016)

Die „Partnerbefrager“, wie sie im internen Jargon genannt werden, saßen nicht nur in der Zentrale der Hauptstelle in Berlin, sondern auch in den Außenstellen Zirndorf, Nürnberg, Wiesbaden und Friedland. So konnten amerikanische und britische Dienste ungehindert auch ohne die Aufsicht des BND Flüchtlinge befragen.

13.02.2025 - 13:50 [ ]

München: Söder spricht von Anschlag – Fahrer 24-jähriger Afghane

Ein Augenzeuge berichtete, dass das Auto vorsätzlich in die Menschenmenge gefahren sein soll. Zudem sprachen Augenzeugen von zwei Männern, einer davon sei von der Polizei angeschossen und weggetragen worden. Die Polizei hat dem BR inzwischen bestätigt, dass ein Schuss in Richtung des Fahrers gefallen sei.

„Ich bin in dem Demonstrationszug mitgegangen“, schilderte ein weiterer Augenzeuge dem BR. Als das Auto in die Menschenmenge fuhr, sei er hingelaufen und „ich habe gesehen, dass ein Mann unter dem Auto gelegen ist. Dann habe ich versucht, die Tür aufzumachen, die war aber abgesperrt.“ Schließlich sei die Polizei gekommen und habe auf das Autofenster geschossen, deshalb habe er sich zurückgezogen und sich um die Verletzten gekümmert.

08.02.2025 - 15:42 [ ]

Drohnenprogramm-Whistleblowerin: „Wie ein Internet der höllischen Dinge“

Die Entscheidung wurde wahrscheinlich mit Hilfe von Daten getroffen, von denen einige aus sozialen Netzwerken und dem Internet stammen oder die von Datenmaklern verkauft wurden. Offensichtlich spiegeln viele der gesammelten Daten Vorurteile wieder.

Max Freitag: OpenAI, das Unternehmen hinter ChatGPT, arbeitet jetzt mit dem Militärdienstleister Anduril zusammen, um „defensive“ Drohnentechnologie zu entwickeln. Könnte es sein, dass ich eines Tages einen Chat-Bot nutze und meine Daten dazu verwendet werden, Algorithmen zu trainieren, die dann zum Töten von Menschen eingesetzt werden?

Lisa Ling: Sicherlich ist es möglich, sogar wahrscheinlich, dass alles, was von einem vernetzten Gerät an die Cloud gesendet wird, sei es eine Kredittransaktion oder eine Uber-Fahrt, letztendlich als Waffe eingesetzt werden könnte.

04.02.2025 - 19:29 [ Jordan Times ]

Gunmen kill 10 in Syria village ‚massacre‘ – monitor

The Britain-based monitor, which has a large network of sources on the ground in Syria, said gunmen „rapped on the doors of houses in the village and shot at people using handguns equipped with silencers“ before fleeing.
Syrian newspaper Al-Watan, quoting a security source in Hama, said security forces „are surrounding the Arzah area to hunt the criminals“ behind the killings.

04.02.2025 - 16:11 [ Middle East Eye ]

Syria: Manbij car bomb attack suspends SDF-Damascus talks

The attack on Monday killed at least 20 people, most of them women working in agricultural fields.

The area was captured from the SDF by Turkey-backed armed groups in the Syrian National Army (SNA) coalition in December. Fighting has been ongoing between the factions around the Tishreen Dam to the east.

There have been seven car bombings in and around Manbij since December. No one has claimed responsibility.

01.02.2025 - 00:58 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels

(January 23, 2016)

In addition to Saudi Arabia’s vast oil reserves and role as the spiritual anchor of the Sunni Muslim world, the long intelligence relationship helps explain why the United States has been reluctant to openly criticize Saudi Arabia for its human rights abuses, its treatment of women and its support for the extreme strain of Islam, Wahhabism, that has inspired many of the very terrorist groups the United States is fighting. The Obama administration did not publicly condemn Saudi Arabia’s beheading this month of a dissident Shiite cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who had challenged the royal family.

01.02.2025 - 00:46 [ Libertarian Institute ]

‘People in Our Government Supported Al-Qaeda’: Gabbard in Heated Exchange With Sen. Kelly

(January 30,2025)

“It was shocking and a betrayal to me and every person who was killed on 9/11, their families, and my brothers and sisters in uniform.” She continued, “When as a member of Congress, I learned about President Obama’s, dual programs that he had begun, really to overthrow the regime of Syria and being willing to, through the CIA’s Timber Sycamore program that has now been made public, of working with and arming and equipping Al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime, starting yet another regime change war in the Middle East.”

24.01.2025 - 00:34 [ White House ]


I have now determined that the continued redaction and withholding of information from records pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is not consistent with the public interest and the release of these records is long overdue. And although no Act of Congress directs the release of information pertaining to the assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I have determined that the release of all records in the Federal Government’s possession pertaining to each of those assassinations is also in the public interest.

23.01.2025 - 22:31 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israeli army forcibly expels Palestinians from Jenin and ‚executes‘ residents

According to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa, Israeli forces have imposed a complete siege on the Jenin refugee camp, deploying special units, drones and biometric and facial recognition systems to monitor and control the area.

Palestinians have been forcibly expelled from their homes as Israeli troops order them out via loudspeakers and air-dropped leaflets.

Salah, a Jenin camp resident, spoke to Middle East Eye about the terrifying scene as drones circled above their homes while Israeli troops, using loudspeakers, demanded that people leave.

23.01.2025 - 22:18 [ +972 Magazine ]

Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft

The documents reveal that dozens of units in the Israeli army have purchased services from Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, Azure, in recent months — including units in the air, ground, and naval forces, as well as the elite intelligence squad, Unit 8200. Microsoft has also provided the military with extensive access to OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, the engine behind ChatGPT, thanks to the close partnership between the two companies.

These revelations are the product of an investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call in collaboration with The Guardian.

23.01.2025 - 00:44 [ Hindustan Times ]

Top Hezbollah commander Sheikh Hammadi shot dead outside his home in Lebanon

Senior Hezbollah commander Sheikh Muhammad Ali Hammadi, who was on the FBI‘s most-wanted list, was shot dead in front of his house in eastern Lebanon on Tuesday night, reports Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar. The report says Hammadi, who served as the commander of Hezbollah‘s western al-Baqaa region, was gunned down by attackers arriving in two vehicles.

21.01.2025 - 18:27 [ White House ]

Designating Cartels And Other Organizations As Foreign Terrorist Organizations And Specially Designated Global Terrorists

(b) Within 14 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take all appropriate action, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to make operational preparations regarding the implementation of any decision I make to invoke the Alien Enemies Act, 50 U.S.C. 21 et seq., in relation to the existence of any qualifying invasion or predatory incursion against the territory of the United States by a qualifying actor, and to prepare such facilities as necessary to expedite the removal of those who may be designated under this order.

20.01.2025 - 21:04 [ ABC News ]

What to know about Trump‘s immigration and border executive actions

The incoming administration will sign an executive order to designate drug cartels and other criminal organizations, including the U.S.-El Salvadoran-based MS-13 and Venezuela‘s Tren de Aragua, as foreign terrorist organizations or specifically designated global terrorists (SDGT).

An incoming White House official said Monday that the order will direct authorities to specifically remove members of Tren de Agua from the United States. And, citing the Alien Enemies Act enacted more than two centuries ago, the official said Tren de Agua has become an „irregular armed force of Venezuela‘s government conducting a predatory incursion and invasion into the United States.“

20.01.2025 - 20:06 [ ]

Trump declares war on illegal immigrants, cartels from Mexico

Trump also declared that he will sign a Day 1 executive order designating cartels foreign terrorist organisations, allowing the government to take deadly measures against them.

„Under the orders I signed today, we will also be designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organisations. And by invoking the alien enemies act of 1798, I will direct our government to use the full and immense power of federal and state law enforcement to eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs and criminal networks bringing devastating crime to us, soil, including our cities and inner cities,“ Trump said.

20.01.2025 - 17:58 [ Berkeley University ]

‘Discredit, disrupt, and destroy’: FBI records acquired by the Library reveal violent surveillance of Black leaders, civil rights organizations

(January 18, 2021)

One of the biggest lessons contained in the documents is abundantly clear: Whatever you do, don’t let them think you’re a communist.

For Hoover, an Ahab-type character in pursuit of his cursed whale, the mere whiff of such leanings could trigger the dirtiest of tricks in the FBI’s arsenal.

“No holds were barred,” said assistant FBI director William C. Sullivan in his testimony for the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee, as recorded in documents held by the Library and freely available on the digital repository HathiTrust. “We have used (these techniques) against Soviet agents. They have used (them) against us.”

“We did not differentiate,” Sullivan said. “This is a rough, tough business.”

20.01.2025 - 16:07 [ Business Times ]

Trump Pledges to Declassify JFK, RFK, and MLK Assassination Files

The announcement, made during his victory rally in Washington, D.C., was met with thunderous applause from supporters.

„As the first step toward restoring transparency and accountability to government, we will also reverse the over-classification of government documents,“ Trump declared to a packed Capital One Arena. „And in the coming days, we are going to make public remaining records relating to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy, as well as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.“

20.01.2025 - 15:12 [ ]

Turkish Airstrike Kills Syrian Kurdish Political Leader as Offensive Continues

(January 19,2025)

A Turkish airstrike today has reportedly killed Menije Hado, the co-chairperson of the Kurdish PYD, the leading political party among Syrian Kurds. She was among 6 civilians killed and over 20 wounded in the attack near the Tishreen Dam in Qamishli.

Hado and the others were participating in a sit-in near the Dam, a protest aimed at calling the international community to do more to prevent attacks on that area, a major source of fresh water and electricity for northeastern Syria.

16.01.2025 - 20:45 [ MDR ]

Versäumnisse von Behörden – Anschlag in Magdeburg: Mehr als 100 Vorfälle mit Attentäter dokumentiert

Gelb steht für Sachbearbeitung durch den BND. Dorthin hatte das BfV die saudischen Infos übermittelt. Das Erinnerungsschreiben geht also beim BND ein. „Das Schreiben wurde im BND bearbeitet.“ Mehr Aufschluss gibt der Eintrag nicht.

Insgesamt zeigt der Bericht mit den vom BKA gesammelten Informationen, dass in mindestens sechs Bundesländern und im Bund Behörden mit Taleb A. beschäftigt waren. Das waren neben Sachsen-Anhalt auch Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Berlin, Hamburg und Bayern. Hinweise auf mögliche Straftaten kamen auch aus Großbritannien und Kuwait.

13.01.2025 - 17:58 [ Hessenschau ]

Vater von Hanau-Opfer stellt Strafanzeige gegen Polizeibeamte

January 7, 2025)

Mit der Anzeige möchte Niculescu Păun sie dazu bringen, Verantwortung für den Tod seines Sohnes zu übernehmen. „Sie waren für die Sicherheit von uns allen verantwortlich“, sagt er. Aber die Beschuldigten seien ihrer Verantwortung nicht nachgekommen.

Păun hofft, knapp fünf Jahre nach dem Tod seines Sohnes doch noch so etwas wie Gerechtigkeit zu erfahren. Es ist zeitgleich seine letzte Chance: Am Jahrestag endet die Verjährungsfrist für eventuelle Straftaten rund um den Anschlag.

13.01.2025 - 17:15 [ Initiative 19. Februar Hanau ]

Pressemitteilung: 13 der 19 rechtsextremen SEK-Beamten waren in Hanau im Einsatz


Denn am gestrigen Abend ist in der Innenausschuss-Sitzung im hessischen Landtag nicht nur bekannt geworden, dass insgesamt sogar 49 Polizisten aus verschiedenen Bereichen in rechten Chats beteiligt waren. Innenminister Beuth bestätigte zudem, dass 13 der 19 rechtsextremen Polizeibeamten aus der aufgelöstem SEK-Einheit in der Tatnacht am 19. Februar 2020 in Hanau im Einsatz waren.

07.01.2025 - 19:34 [ ]

Peace with Israel Tops the Agenda for Syria’s New Leaders

(January 3. 2025)

Although the majority of high-ranking officials in the HTS-led administration refrain from making categorical claims about Israel, they constantly stress that Iran and Hezbollah, not Israel, are Syria’s main enemies.
Ayman Al-Asimi, a senior member of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) and former spokesperson for the Syrian opposition delegations during the Astana talks, made headlines with his remarks to BBC Arabic. He stated unequivocally that Syria’s only opponent is Iran.

07.01.2025 - 19:23 [ ]

From ‘Terrorist’ to ‘Freedom Fighter’: How the West Rebranded Al-Qaeda’s Jolani as Syria’s ‘Woke’ New Leader

(December 12, 2024)

In 2003, he went to Iraq to fight against American forces. After three years of war, he was captured by the U.S. military and spent over five years in prison, including a stint at the notorious Abu Ghraib torture center.

While in Iraq, Jolani fought with ISIS and was even a deputy to its founder. Immediately upon release in 2011, ISIS sent him to Syria with a rumored $1 billion to found the Syrian wing of al-Qaeda and participate in the armed protest movement against Assad that arose out of the Arab Spring.

04.01.2025 - 16:07 [ ]

Controversy as Syria‘s de-facto ruler declines to shake hands with German FM Annalena Baerbock

Baerbock and her French counterpart Jean-Noel Barrot visited Syria in a sign of support for the transitional government, where they expressed willingness to help the war-torn country after Bashar al-Assad’s regime was toppled last month, making them the first European officials to do so.

04.01.2025 - 16:02 [ ]

German, French foreign ministers meet with Syria‘s HTS Islamist group

Syria‘s new de facto ruler and leader of the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) received an EU delegation led by German Foreign Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot on Friday.

02.01.2025 - 18:16 [ ]

Anschlag von New Orleans: FBI geht inzwischen von Einzeltäter aus

Auch eine Verbindung zur Explosion eines Tesla Cybertrucks vor einem Trump-Hotel in Las Vegas sei zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht erkennbar. Der Vorfall, bei dem der Fahrer des Wagens in Las Vegas getötet wurde, ereignete sich nur wenige Stunden nach der Attacke in New Orleans. Ein Zusammenhang erschien zunächst naheliegend, weil sowohl der aktive US-Soldat der Eliteeinheit der Green Berets als auch der mutmaßliche New-Orleans-Täter, Shamsud-Din J., einige Zeit auf dem Stützpunkt Fort Liberty (ehemals: Fort Bragg) gedient hatten. Man sehe bislang aber keine Überschneidung der Dienstzeiten der beiden Männer in Fort Bragg, teilte das FBI mit.

02.01.2025 - 17:51 [ Fox News ]

Suspect behind Cybertruck that exploded at Trump hotel identified as active-duty US Army soldier

The officials spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation. Livelsberger, 37, has several addresses associated with him and was on leave from Germany, where he was serving with the 10th Special Forces Group.

02.01.2025 - 17:24 [ Scripps News Denver ]

Suspects in Vegas explosion, New Orleans attack served at same Army base, sources say

The Colorado Springs resident suspected of detonating a Tesla Cybertruck in front of a Las Vegas hotel and the Texas man accused of driving a pickup truck into a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans served at the same military base, sources told Scripps News Denver.

02.01.2025 - 17:15 [ ]

Suspects in Vegas explosion, New Orleans attack served at same Army base, sources tell Denver7 Investigates

Livelsberger was a member of the Army’s elite Green Berets, a special forces unit and guerrilla warfare experts, according to an Army statement reported by the Associated Press. He has served in the Army since 2006, rising through the ranks, and was on approved leave when he died, the statement said. The Green Berets work to counter terrorists abroad using unconventional techniques.

Livelsberger spent time at the base formerly known as Fort Bragg, a massive Army base in North Carolina that is home to Army special forces command.

02.01.2025 - 17:04 [ ABC News ]

Authorities warned of vehicle-ramming attack danger in US during holiday season

On Dec. 6, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center issued a joint intel bulletin warning law enforcement about the ongoing serious threat posed by lone offenders during the winter holiday season.
Lone offenders have historically used simple tactics, such as edged weapons, firearms, or vehicle ramming, due to their ease of access, ability to inflict mass casualties, and lack of required training,“ the bulletin stated.

01.01.2025 - 18:16 [ ]

Foreign Jihadists Appointed to Senior Positions in New Syrian Military

Syrian sources told Reuters that the foreign fighters appointed to the military include Uyghurs, a Jordanian, a Turk, and an Albanian. “This is a small token of recognition for the sacrifices Islamist jihadists gave to our struggle for freedom from Assad’s oppression,” an HTS source told the media outlet.
HTS is still designated by the US as a foreign terrorist organization, but the Biden administration has celebrated its takeover of Syria. The US has also made clear it’s willing to work with the new government and its de facto leader, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, who has been going by his real name Ahmed al-Sharaa.

01.01.2025 - 16:20 [ ABC News ]

New Orleans updates: 10 dead, dozens injured after vehicle plows into crowd in ‚terrorist attack‘

After mowing down numerous people over a three-block stretch on the famed thoroughfare while firing shots into the crowd, the suspect allegedly got out of the truck wielding an assault rifle and opened fire on police officers, law enforcement officials briefed on the incident told ABC News. Officers returned fire, killing the suspect who was not immediately identified, sources said. At least two police officers were shot and wounded, authorities said.

Explosive devices found in and around the scene on Bourbon Street were apparently found to be viable, multiple law enforcement sources tell ABC News.

31.12.2024 - 02:28 [ ]

Magdeburg-Anschlag: Der Innenausschuss auf Spurensuche

Auch Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser stellte sich den Fragen des Gremiums. Sie sicherte Aufklärung und besseren Schutz der Bevölkerung zu: „Alle Hintergründe müssen gründlich ermittelt werden“, sagte die SPD-Politikerin. Es werde jeder Stein umgedreht. Der Täter habe „unfassbar grausam und brutal gehandelt“. Klar sei, „dass wir unsere Sicherheitsbehörden stärken müssen“.

26.12.2024 - 12:55 [ Zero Hedge ]

‚We Created A Pretend World‘: Mossad Agents Boast About Mass Pager Attack In Lebanon

„We create a pretend world. We are a global production company: We write the screenplay, we‘re the directors, we‘re the producers, we‘re the main actors,“ Michael said. „And the world is our stage.“


„It became the best product in the beeper area in the world,“ Gabriel said. „When they are buying from us, they have zero clue that they are buying from the Mossad. We make like the ‘Truman Show,’ everything is controlled by us behind the scenes,“ Gabriel claimed.

23.12.2024 - 08:33 [ ]

Nach dem Anschlag in Magdeburg: Faeser fordert schnellen Beschluss von Sicherheitsgesetzen

Konkret sprach sie über ein neues Bundespolizeigesetz und die Einführung der biometrischen Überwachung. „All diese Gesetzentwürfe von uns könnten sofort beschlossen werden, wenn Union und FDP sich dem nicht verweigern“, kritisierte sie. Konkret sprach sie über ein neues Bundespolizeigesetz und die Einführung der biometrischen Überwachung. „All diese Gesetzentwürfe von uns könnten sofort beschlossen werden, wenn Union und FDP sich dem nicht verweigern“, kritisierte sie.

22.12.2024 - 04:23 [ ]

US Official Has ‘Good, Productive’ Meeting with al-Qaeda-Linked Julani in Damascus

Julani fought for al-Qaeda in Iraq against American soldiers during the Iraq War. He then founded al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the al-Nusra Front. In recent years, he has attempted to soften his image by giving friendly interviews to Western journalists, often appearing in a suit and with a trimmed beard to obscure his jihadist ideology.

Leaf said of Julani after the meeting, who is also going by Ahmad al-Sharaa, “I heard him on his priorities, which are very much rooted in getting Syria on the road to economic recovery.”

“We’ve been hearing this for some time, some very pragmatic and moderate statements on various issues, from women’s rights to protection to equal rights for all communities,” she added. “It was a good first meeting. We will judge by deeds, not just by words.”

22.12.2024 - 03:25 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: German Xmas market attacker is Saudi anti-Islamist who shared pro-Israel content

Regional premier says suspect is doctor, 50, who lived in Germany since 2006, showed support for far-right AfD;

22.12.2024 - 03:12 [ ]

Holger Münch: BKA-Chef bestätigt „unspezifischen“ Hinweis aus Saudi-Arabien

Holger Münch, Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA), besichtigt vor Beginn der Herbsttagung des BKA mit dem Schwerpunkt künstliche Intelligenz den Veranstaltungssaal. (…)

Der Chef des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA), Holger Münch, hat bestätigt, dass das BKA im November 2023 einen Hinweis aus Saudi-Arabien zu dem mutmaßlichen Attentäter des Magdeburger Weihnachtsmarktes bekommen habe. Im heute-journal des ZDF sagte er, „hier ist auch ein Verfahren eingeleitet worden.

20.12.2024 - 20:18 [ Holger Münch, Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts / ]

Diese Gefahren sind in Deutschland real

20.12.2024, 10.30 Uhr

Der Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts warnt: Internationale Krisen und Konflikte verschärfen die Lage im Inland. Deutschland braucht eine Zeitenwende der inneren Sicherheit.

20.12.2024 - 19:47 [ New York Times ]

Senior U.S. Diplomats Arrive in Syria to Meet With Governing Militias

The State Department said early Friday that three senior American diplomats had arrived in Damascus, the capital of Syria, to meet with leaders of the militias that have seized control of the country, and to look for signs of the journalist Austin Tice and other missing U.S. citizens.

18.12.2024 - 03:03 [ ]

US Launches More Airstrikes in Syria, Claims 12 ISIS Fighters Killed

Since Assad’s downfall, the US, Turkey, and Israel have all been bombing Syria. On December 8, the day Assad fled, the US launched heavy airstrikes in Syria, saying it hit 75 ISIS-related targets.

US officials justify the strikes by saying they don’t want ISIS to reconstitute itself following the regime change. But on the other hand, the US has supported the HTS takeover even though the group is designated by the US as a terrorist organization and has a similar ideology to ISIS.

The US has also made clear it has no intention of withdrawing the approximately 900 troops that it has occupying eastern Syria.

17.12.2024 - 22:16 [ Middle East Eye ]

Germany joins US, UK in making diplomatic contact with Syria‘s HTS

Germany plans talks with representatives of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Damascus on Tuesday, the foreign ministry said, joining the United States and Britain in establishing contact with the group after it led the overthrow of Syria‘s Bashar al-Assad.

16.12.2024 - 12:46 [ CBS News ]

After Assad‘s ouster in Syria, U.N. envoy calls for end to sanctions

The U.N. envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, told reporters in Damascus that setting Syria back on track after the past few tumultuous weeks will be helped by a speedy relief of sanctions.

„We can hopefully see a quick end to the sanctions so that we can see really a rallying around building of Syria,“ he said.

16.12.2024 - 12:20 [ ]

EU‘s Diplomatic Shift: Direct Talks with Syria

In a significant development, European Union foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas announced that the bloc‘s top diplomat for Syria will head to Damascus on Monday to initiate contact with the new Syrian government.

16.12.2024 - 12:17 [ Middle East Eye ]

Lammy: UK had ‚diplomatic contact‘ with HTS

„Using all the channels that we have available, and those are diplomatic and, of course, intelligence-led channels, we seek to deal with HTS where we have to.“

On Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States has had direct contact with HTS.

15.12.2024 - 07:31 [ New York Times ]

U.S. in Direct Contact With Rebels Who Took Over Syria

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said the United States was communicating directly with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the dominant rebel faction, despite its designation as a terrorist group.