Daily Archives: 3. September 2020

03.09.2020 - 21:30 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Mord an Journalist Kuciak: Freispruch für slowakischen Millionär

Kuciak hatte über zwielichtige Geschäfte des Millionärs Kocner berichtet, aber auch über andere Verfilzungen von Politik und Geschäftemacherei geschrieben. Eine erst nach seinem Tod veröffentlichte Reportage löste Massendemonstrationen gegen Korruption aus und führte zum Rücktritt der damaligen Regierung.

03.09.2020 - 20:53 [ Haaretz ]

Cellphone Hacking and Millions in Gulf Deals: Inner Workings of Top Secret Israeli Cyberattack Firm Revealed

NSO’s specialty is hacking smartphones. Up till now, little was known about Candiru. TheMarker has revealed that the firm offers hacking tools used to break into computers and servers, and now, for the first time, has confirmed it also has technology for breaking into mobile devices.

According to a document signed by an unnamed vice president for Candiru, they also offer a “high-end cyber intelligence platform dedicated to infiltrate PC computers, networks, mobile handsets, by using explosions and disseminations operations.“

03.09.2020 - 20:46 [ BernerOberlaender.ch ]

Anklägerin ermittelt gegen die USA: Sie will Mut zeigen

Am Mittwoch nun hat US-Aussenminister Mike Pompeo zudem eine Drohung wahr gemacht und Fatou Bensouda sowie einen hochrangigen Mitarbeiter auf die Sanktionsliste gesetzt. Das heisst, sie werden gleichgesetzt mit Terroristen, ihr Vermögen in den USA kann eingefroren werden. Solche Sanktionen hatte zuletzt auch Israels Regierung gefordert, die verärgert ist über – allerdings nur sehr verhaltene – Ermittlungen wegen möglicher Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza.

03.09.2020 - 20:32 [ Internationaler Strafgerichtshof / International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

International Criminal Court condemns US economic sanctions

The new measures, announced pursuant to the US Executive Order 13928 dated 11 June 2020, are another attempt to interfere with the Court‘s judicial and prosecutorial independence and crucial work to address grave crimes of concern to the international community as mandated under the ICC Rome Statute.

These coercive acts, directed at an international judicial institution and its civil servants, are unprecedented and constitute serious attacks against the Court, the Rome Statute system of international criminal justice, and the rule of law more generally.

The Court continues to stand firmly by its personnel and its mission of fighting impunity for the world‘s most serious crimes under international law, independently and impartially, in accordance with its mandate. In doing so, the Court benefits from the strong support and commitment of two thirds of the world‘s States which are parties to the Rome Statute.

03.09.2020 - 20:30 [ European Union External Action (EEAS) / Auswärtiger Dienst der Europäischen Union ]

International Criminal Court: Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on US sanctions

The European Union is unwavering in its support for the universality of the Rome Statute and for the ICC. We will resolutely defend it from any attempts aimed at obstructing the course of justice and undermining the international system of criminal justice.

03.09.2020 - 20:22 [ Metro.us ]

U.S. blacklists ICC prosecutor over Afghanistan war crimes probe

Pompeo also said Phakiso Mochochoko, the head of the ICC’s Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division, had also been blacklisted under sanctions authorized by President Donald Trump in June that allow for asset freezes and travel bans.

“Today we take the next step, because the ICC continues to target Americans, sadly,” Pompeo told reporters.

03.09.2020 - 20:22 [ Times of Israel ]

US sanctions ICC prosecutor who allowed complaint of Israeli ‘war crimes’

The US has imposed sanctions on the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court just weeks after she allowed a complaint of Israeli “war crimes” to proceed.

Announcing sanctions against the ICC’s Fatou Bensouda, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the court “continues to target Americans”, in apparent reference to investigations into US Army actions in Afghanistan.

03.09.2020 - 20:20 [ Information Clearing House ]

Where will all these war games lead?

Query: With the ISIS caliphate dead and buried, why are 500 U.S. troops still in Syria a year after Donald Trump said we would be pulling them out? What are they doing there to justify risking a clash with Russian troops who are in Syria as the invited allies of the Damascus regime of Bashar Assad, whether we approve of his regime or not?

03.09.2020 - 19:45 [ MDR ]

Ermittlungen gegen Thüringer Ex-Justiz-Beamten

Fragen, die auch auf den früheren OLG-Präsidenten Stefan Kaufmann zukommen könnten, der lange Jahre der Chef von Z. war. MDR THÜRINGEN hatte Kaufmann zu seinem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter und den Vorgängen von damals angefragt. Doch der jetzige Präsident des Thüringer Verfassungsgerichtshofs ließ über eine Sprecherin ausrichten, dass er sich nicht äußern werde.

03.09.2020 - 18:50 [ Antiwar.com ]

For Years, Journalists Cheered Assange’s Abuse. Now They’ve Paved His Path to a US Gulag

Court hearings in Britain over the US administration’s extradition case against Julian Assange begin in earnest next week. The decade-long saga that brought us to this point should appall anyone who cares about our increasingly fragile freedoms.

03.09.2020 - 18:39 [ Antiwar.com ]

„Strategic Clarity“ on Taiwan Is Clearly Mad

There is not much public support for coming to Taiwan’s defense. According to a survey conducted by the Chicago Council for Global Affairs last year, just 35% of Americans favor U.S. military action to respond to an attack on Taiwan. 59% oppose doing this. The U.S. cannot make such an important commitment to go to war to defend another country when there is so little public support for doing so.

03.09.2020 - 18:23 [ The New York Times ]

UK‘s Raab Discusses Middle East With Trump Adviser Kushner

Prime Minister Boris Johnson also attended part of the meeting with the visiting Kushner.

„The Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary were clear about their commitment to a negotiated two-state solution,” the spokesman said.

03.09.2020 - 12:53 [ Nicolas J.S. Davies / Mintpress.com ]

Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: Calculating the Millions-High Death Toll of America’s Post-9/11 Wars


As Barbara Lee presciently warned her colleagues before she cast her lone dissenting vote in 2001, we have “become the evil we deplore.” But these wars have not been accompanied by fearsome military parades (not yet) or speeches about conquering the world. Instead they have been politically justified by “information warfare” to demonize enemies and fabricate crises, and then waged in a “disguised, quiet, media free” way, to hide their cost in human blood from the American public and the world.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many more destabilized, it is urgent that the American public come to terms with the true human cost of our country’s wars and how we have been manipulated and misled into turning a blind eye to them – before they go on even longer, destroy more countries, further undermine the rule of international law and kill millions more of our fellow human beings.

03.09.2020 - 12:44 [ theIntercept.com ]

Joe Biden Promises a Moral Renewal for the U.S. Here’s Where He Can Start.

There is not much to gain by dwelling forever on the wounds of the past. But in order to take seriously Biden’s claim to moral leadership in foreign policy, there is a minimum debt that he — and other U.S. political leaders responsible for the post-9/11 wars — owes to those who have paid the price for their destructive fantasies: an apology.

03.09.2020 - 12:18 [ RealClearPolitics.com ]

Tables Turned: Biden Now Distrusts Intelligence Chief .

Ned Price, a former CIA analyst who served as a senior director on the Obama administration’s National Security Council staff and is not involved in the Biden campaign, offered another explanation. In an interview with RCP, Price said the most recent assessment claiming that China wants Biden to win isn’t convincing because it relies on open-source public comments from Chinese officials, not more penetrating intelligence.

03.09.2020 - 12:08 [ Detroit News ]

Opinion: Joe Biden is polling worse than Hillary Clinton

The RealClearPolitics average had Clinton +6.5 in Wisconsin on Election Day in 2016. In August of that year, she had been +11.5. Not a single poll featured on RCP during the entire campaign showed Donald Trump winning the state. Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden has a +3.5 average right now — which is to say, he is underperforming Clinton in the middle of a pandemic and ensuing economic collapse. This is the case in several battleground states

03.09.2020 - 12:03 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Democratic insiders are worried about what the plan is for Joe Biden now

‚If I were running the campaign, there‘s no way Joe wouldn‘t have been in Kenosha,‘ said one. Another added that Biden‘s campaign were ‚not allowing‘ people in who hadn‘t worked for Hillary

03.09.2020 - 10:44 [ Achse des Guten ]

Sie wollen sich nicht mit diesem Unhold gemein machen?

Das Achgut.com T-Shirt „Wer, wenn nicht ich“ ist ab sofort auch in Pink und Dunkelblau zu haben..

03.09.2020 - 10:33 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Deutsche Reisewarnung: Schock auf den Kanaren

Zwar melden die Behörden gerade einmal 33 aktuell Erkrankte – aber gerechnet auf die Einwohnerzahl von nur 11.000 Menschen ist das viel.

03.09.2020 - 10:26 [ Tagesschau ]

++ Düsseldorf plant alkoholfreien Karnevalsstart ++

Düsseldorf will trotz Corona-Krise Karneval feiern – allerdings soll es nüchtern zugehen.

03.09.2020 - 10:09 [ Achse des Guten ]

Corona. Noch Fragen? (1)

Die aktuellen Zahlen zeigen, dass derzeit aufgrund von Covid-19 kein Engpass in den Krankenhäusern zu befürchten ist. Von 30.710 Intensivbetten, die zur Verfügung stehen, sind, Stand 2.09.2020 16:Uhr, lediglich 227 Fälle mit Covid-19 in den Intensivstationen in Behandlung, davon werden 125 invasiv behandelt.

Angesichts von über 83 Millionen Menschen, die in Deutschland leben, stellen diese Zahlen die Verhältnismäßigkeit der angeordneten Massnahmen infrage.

03.09.2020 - 09:42 [ CNN ]

Joe Biden to visit Kenosha on Thursday

Biden also will meet with Blake‘s father, Jacob Blake Sr., and other Blake family members during the visit, according to a family spokesperson and campaign official.

03.09.2020 - 09:38 [ Fox News ]

Trump tries out new nickname: ‚Joe Hiden‘

Trump has repeatedly knocked Biden for spending a large portion of his campaign at his home in Delaware amidst the pandemic. Trump and his supporters accuse Biden of hiding in his basement while the left-wing of his party calls all the shots.

03.09.2020 - 09:34 [ CNN ]

Trump appears to encourage North Carolinians to vote twice to test the system

„Well, they‘ll go out and they‘ll go vote, and they‘re going to have to go and check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way, because if it tabulates, then they won‘t be able to do that,“ Trump said on the tarmac in front of Air Force One. „So, let them send it in, and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won‘t be able to vote. If it isn‘t tabulated, they won‘t be able to vote. So that‘s the way it is. And that‘s what they should do.“

03.09.2020 - 09:09 [ Haaretz ]

Dozens Are Killed in Air Strikes Attributed to Israel in Syria. But Who‘s Counting?

They are the most boring and low-priority reports of all. Most Israeli media outlets don’t even bother to post them. They are like a bus plunging into a river in Nepal, like victims in Chad’s civil war or trapped mine workers in Siberia.

The same applies to the victims of yet another Israeli air strike in Syria. Who’s heard about it? Who knows about it, who cares? Who has the energy to look into it?

03.09.2020 - 09:00 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Corona-Demo, Nawalny, Krieg und Frieden: Der unterirdische Zustand deutscher Medien

Eine nochmalige Verschärfung der Meinungsmache der vergangenen Jahre ist aktuell zu beobachten: Seit dem Ausrufen der „Corona-Pandemie“ stehen viele große deutsche Medien noch unseriöser an der Seite von Entscheidungsträgern. Der gesteigerte journalistische Herdentrieb mündet in eine absurde mediale Eintönigkeit. Die bezieht sich nicht nur auf Corona.

03.09.2020 - 08:42 [ ZDF ]

Gefeuert nach Demo-Teilnahme – Ist die Kündigung rechtens?

„Auf Ihrem Facebook-Account ist zu sehen, dass Sie am vergangenen Wochenende an einer Kundgebung gegen die Maskenpflicht in Berlin demonstriert haben. Aufgrund von Covid-19 haben wir Sie gebeten, einen Corona-Test zu machen, dieses haben Sie verweigert. Hiermit erhalten Sie Ihre fristlose Kündigung.“

03.09.2020 - 06:45 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Gegen das digitale Wettrüsten: Rede beim Antikriegstag 2020 in Tübingen

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

wir wissen mittlerweile, dass auch Forschung im Cyber Valley von den US-Geheimdiensten finanziert wird. Zwei Tübinger Unternehmen wurden dabei als „verbundene Startups“ angegeben, nach öffentlicher Berichterstattung aber schnell von der Homepage genommen. Dort findet sich aber bis heute das Startup eines ehemaligen MPI-Forschers, der nun in den USA am selben IARPA-Forschungsprojekt beteiligt ist, wie seine ehemaligen Kolleginnen am Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik. Dieses Startup implementiert mit Anschubfinanzierung des Pentagons Software für Datenverarbeitung auf Servern von Amazon Web Services.

03.09.2020 - 01:20 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ]

New Federal Court Rulings Find Geofence Warrants Unconstitutional

Geofence warrants, also known as reverse location searches, are a relatively new investigative technique used by law enforcement to try to identify a suspect. Unlike ordinary warrants for electronic records that identify the suspect in advance of the search, geofence warrants essentially work backwards by scooping up the location data from every device that happened to be in a geographic area during a specific period of time in the past. The warrants therefore allow the government to examine the data from individuals wholly unconnected to any criminal activity and use their own discretion to try to pinpoint devices that might be connected to the crime.

03.09.2020 - 01:09 [ ACLU / Twitter ]

BREAKING: A federal appeals court just ruled that the NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records was illegal.
