Daily Archives: 15. Juni 2019

15.06.2019 - 23:04 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Brandenburg bläht seinen Verfassungsschutz auf

Im September wird in Brandenburg gewählt. Die AfD ist bei einer aktuellen Umfrage von „Infratest dimap“ erstmals stärkste Kraft geworden. SPD, CDU, Grüne und Linkspartei folgen im Umfrageergebnis dicht danach. Angesichts solcher Aussichten ist es unverständlich, warum die rot-rote Regierung darauf verzichtet hat, Oppositionsrechte zur Kontrolle des Verfassungsschutzes im Parlament zu stärken. Schließlich könnte sie selbst bald in der Opposition sitzen.

15.06.2019 - 22:44 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Alexa abhören oder nicht: Das schwache Dementi der Innenminister

Was wirklich in den Beschlüssen steht, wird später veröffentlicht

Die Beschlüsse der IMK sind noch nicht öffentlich. Erst in einigen Tagen wird man nachvollziehen, was genau in den Texten steht, auf die sich die Minister geeinigt haben. Doch Seehofer deutet an, dass es eigentlich doch um neue Befugnisse geht, wenn auch auf einer anderen Ebene. Er plante schon vorher Neuerungen im Verfassungsschutzgesetz, dessen Entwurf wir veröffentlicht haben und wenig später auch im Entwurf für ein weiteres IT-Sicherheitsgesetz.

15.06.2019 - 22:25 [ WSWS ]

Innenministerkonferenz greift demokratische Grundrechte an

Wie die Europawahl Ende Mai gezeigt hat, sind weder SPD noch CDU/CSU in der Lage, bei den Wahlen noch Mehrheiten zu gewinnen. Umso mehr setzen sie sich in Bund und Ländern für die Zerstörung demokratischer Grundrechte und einen autoritären Polizeistaat ein.

15.06.2019 - 22:02 [ Congreso Nacional Indigena ]

Primera declaración de resistencia de los pueblos del CIPOG-EZ, CNI-CIG ante el cerco de los grupos narcoparamilitares y la omisión de los tres niveles de gobierno

Primera declaración de resistencia de los pueblos del CIPOG-EZ, CNI-CIG ante el cerco de los grupos narcoparamilitares y la omisión de los tres niveles de gobierno

15.06.2019 - 21:58 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kommuniqué der Indigenen Gemeinde aus Guerrero, Mexiko

… Angesichts des narcoparamilitärischen Terrors und der fehlenden Reaktion des Staates erklärt sich das Gemeinschaftsterritorium Montaña Baja als ‚Gemeinschaften des CNI-CIG im Widerstand‘, um ein Massaker seitens der paramilitärischen Gruppen zu verhindern. Das bedeutet, dass unser Territorium auch für VertreterInnen aller politischen Partei sowie aller Regierungsbeamten geschlossen ist, denn diese sind bisher nur gekommen, um uns zu verlachen. Jedwede Kommunikation hat ab jetzt direkt mit unseren permanenten Versammlungen stattzufinden, die von den zivilen und agrarischen Autoritäten des Concejo Indígena y Popular de Guerrero – Emiliano Zapata geleitet werden.

Wir wiederholen, dass unser Kampf zivilgesellschaftlich und pazifistisch ist, dass wir uns jedoch nicht nur mit unserem Willen gegen die narcoparamilitärischen Banden widersetzen können; deshalb werden wir ab heute alle notwendigen Barrikaden errichten, von denen aus Männer und Frauen all unserer Gemeinschaften unser Territorium verteidigen werden, denn heute nehmen wir das Schicksal unseres kollektiven Lebens in unsere Hand…

15.06.2019 - 21:51 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Hintergründe zu den Wahlen in Guatemala

Eine Prognose für die Wahlen ist zurzeit schwierig, auch wegen der zahlreichen Ausschlüsse im Vorfeld.

15.06.2019 - 21:38 [ teleSUR ]

Caricom-Cuba Summit Denounces US Blockade on Cuba

Representatives from Caricom nations met with officials from the island nation of Cuba in Georgetown, Guyana on June 14 to discuss issues uniquely affecting Caribbean countries made up of islands and coastal nations particularly vulnerable to environmental threats and natural disasters and to continue the work of integration.

15.06.2019 - 21:32 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Reform in Brasilien soll Gelder für arme Rentner und Menschen mit Behinderungen kürzen

Aktuelle Enthüllungen auf der US-Plattform The Intercept bringen die Bolsonaro-Regierung zusätzlich in Bedrängnis: Am 25. Juni will der Oberste Gerichtshof des Landes über einen Antrag auf Freilassung des inhaftieren Ex-Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva beraten.

15.06.2019 - 21:27 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil: Police Repress Rallies Against Pension Reform

In Rio de Janeiro, members of the Military Police (MP) monitored the estimated 100,000 demonstrators who took over the city‘s main avenues, rejecting President Jair Bolsonaro‘s proposal to privative the national pension program. As citizens protested late into the night, the MP dispersed workers and students by launching tear gas and shooting rubber bullets at them. A Brasil de Fato journalist reporting from the scene says she was trapped inside a car and felt the effects of the tear gas, suffering from burning eyes and throat.

15.06.2019 - 21:20 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Bauern in Argentinien stellen Alternativen zum industriellen Agrarmodell vor

Das Programm sieht eine Abkehr vom aktuellen industriellen Agrarmodell vor, bei dem das Land in Händen weniger – oft ausländischer – Kapitaleigner konzentriert ist und die kleinbäuerliche Landbevölkerung vertrieben wird.

15.06.2019 - 19:29 [ will thorpe ‏/ Twitter ]

It‘s 30 yrs since Thatcher privatised water. Since then billions of gallons have been lost through leaks & bills have risen by 40% above inflation. Real winners are the fatcats. The 9 bosses of England‘s privatized firms got paid £70m+ over last 6 yrs, inc £11m in 2018 alone

15.06.2019 - 18:41 [ Telegraph ]

With Boris for PM, where do you put the rest of them in the ultimate fantasy cabinet?

I am willing to bet the farm on Boris Johnson becoming the next leader of the Conservative party because any other outcome is pretty much mathematically impossible. So the drama – such as it is – of the next few weeks is going to be irrelevant soon. I suggest we agree on that and get down to the serious business of playing Fantasy Cabinet.

15.06.2019 - 18:25 [ Grayzone ]

US gov narrative blaming Iran for oil tanker attacks falls apart in hours

The Trump administration’s claims Iran attacked oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman were quickly debunked, with the ship’s crew saying it “was hit by a flying object.” But the US disrupted important Iranian diplomatic efforts at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

15.06.2019 - 18:11 [ Intercept ]

WATCH: Glenn Greenwald Explains the Political Earthquake in Brazil Caused by Our Ongoing Exposés

The archive we received from our source is vast, and contains many more explosive stories yet to be reported. Just last night, we published another story exposing even more serious improprieties by Judge Moro, widely regarded as the anchor of legitimacy for the Bolsonaro government, that has led for more calls for him to resign. Because of the importance but also complexity of these issues for those outside of Brazil, we created a video explaining what this archive is about, what these revelations mean, and why the consequences of our reporting are so significant not only for Brazil but for the entire democratic world.

15.06.2019 - 18:00 [ ORF.at ]

Brisante Enthüllungen: Bolsonaro igelt sich ein

Der große Knall könnte jedenfalls erfolgen, sollte Lula aus der Haft entlassen werden müssen. Seine Anwälte stellten umgehend einen Antrag auf eine Freilassung. Brasiliens Oberster Gerichtshof vertagte am Dienstag noch die Entscheidung, obwohl Lulas Antrag auf die Tagesordnung gesetzt worden war. Sie wollen aber am 25. Juni über einen weiteren Antrag von Lulas Anwälten verhandeln.

15.06.2019 - 17:53 [ Mercopress.com ]

Thousands of public workers join the first general strike against Brazil‘s Bolsonaro reforms

Protests have been held across Brazil as thousands of public workers take part in a general strike against a government proposal to reform pensions. The strike, the first since far-right President Jair Bolsonaro took office in January, has affected public transport, schools and banks.

Police used stun grenades on protesters in Rio de Janeiro. In several cities, roads were blocked with burning tyres. Mr Bolsonaro says the controversial reform will restore public finances.

15.06.2019 - 17:22 [ Laurent Bigot / Twitter ]

#GiletsJaunes #Acte31 #Toulouse

15.06.2019 - 17:21 [ Laurent Bigot ‏/ Twitter ]

#GiletsJaunes #ActeXXXI #toulouse

15.06.2019 - 17:19 [ Laurent Bigot ‏/ Twitter ]

#GiletsJaunes #acte31 #Toulouse

15.06.2019 - 17:12 [ lemouvement.info ‏/ Twitter ]

Les #GiletsJaunes à #Montpellier #Acte31

15.06.2019 - 17:09 [ Sam Pye / Twitter ]

VIDEO: Anti-Macron demonstrators arrive at Place Gambetta, before heading to Place des Fetes. #Paris #France #EU #acte31 #ActeXXXI #GiletsJaunes #Verhofstadt #indyref2 #Catalonia #Labour #yellowvests #Gelbwesten

15.06.2019 - 17:04 [ HORS-ZONE Press / Twitter ]

?DIRECT INFO? #GiletsJaunes arrivent place de Clichy #Acte31 #ActeXXXI #GiletsJaunesparis #YellowVests #YellowJackets

15.06.2019 - 16:46 [ Grayzone ]

Behind the Syrian Network for Human Rights: How an opposition front group became Western media’s go-to monitor


Top media outlets turn to the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) for figures on deaths and detentions, never noting the group’s seamless connection to Syria’s opposition, the support it receives from states that waged war on the country, or its open lobbying for US military intervention.
By Max Blumenthal

15.06.2019 - 16:25 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Breaking: Jihadist counter-offensive reverses all Syrian Army gains in northwestern Hama

Unable to fortify their positions on Tal Malah, the Syrian Arab Army was forced to retreat once the jihadist rebels began storming the hilltop and nearby town of Jibeen.

15.06.2019 - 14:36 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

We‘re officially in! We just got the line up for the first debates in Miami. See you on Wednesday, June 26th as I offer to serve you as president and commander in chief. Remember to donate tulsi.to/debate-donate to help make sure we remain qualified through the third debates!

15.06.2019 - 14:34 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Democratic Debate Lineups Announced

The DNC announced who qualified for the first Democratic presidential debates. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola and Ashlee Marie Preston, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

15.06.2019 - 14:17 [ CNBC.com ]

Millionaires say they are more likely to vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020 elections

American millionaires would elect Joe Biden over President Donald Trump if the former vice president becomes the Democratic nominee, according the CNBC Millionaire survey.

15.06.2019 - 14:09 [ Vets for Bernie ]

Joe Biden is not a progressive

Historically, Biden has been financially backed by the wealthy and the powerful. The Delaware Democrat was first elected to serve in the United States Senate in 1972 — a position he held until 2009 when he was sworn-in as President Barack Obama’s Vice President.

During nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden racked-up what Andrew Cockburn, a veteran progressive journalist at Harper’s, described as a “disastrous legislative history”. As set forth below, that legislative history included many instances in which Biden embraced regressive policy positions that were closer to those of the Republican Party than they were to those of his own.

15.06.2019 - 13:57 [ Intercept ]

Why Won’t the Democratic Candidates Move to the Left on Foreign Policy?

Maybe Democrats don’t want to draw attention to how much Obama got wrong when it comes to foreign policy: his support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen when it kicked off in 2015; the complete botched U.S. covert intervention in Syria and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in that country on Obama’s watch; the war in Libya which has left that country looking like a Mad Max hellscape; the drone wars in Pakistan and Yemen with their civilian death tolls; the failure to make progress on the Israel-Palestine conflict; the failed pivot to Asia; the failed reset with Russia.

Maybe Democrats also can’t agree on what a progressive new foreign policy should look like. Because let’s face it: a lot of conservative Democrats, and even some liberal ones, are quite hawkish and like big wars.

15.06.2019 - 13:35 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

We have a president who neither understands nor respects the constitution of the United States, and he thinks the law does not apply to him. No president is above the law, including this president — it is time for the House to begin impeachment inquiries.

15.06.2019 - 13:34 [ vorwaerts.de ]

SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich: „Gutes Regieren lohnt sich“

Die SPD hat sich in der großen Koalition durchgesetzt: Die vermögendsten zehn Prozent müssen den Solidaritätszuschlag weiterhin abführen. Und erstmals baut der Staat in strukturschwachen Regionen den Mobilfunk aus. SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich sieht dadurch die Halbzeitbilanz seiner Partei deutlich positiver.

15.06.2019 - 13:31 [ Yahoo ]

President Trump seeks an international consensus on Iran

Fox News military analyst Col. David Hunt and former State Dept. official David Tafuri on how the U.S. should handle escalating tension with Iran.

15.06.2019 - 13:01 [ Veterans for Bernie Sanders #vets4bernie / Twitter ]

.@realDonaldTrump has a tweet for everything. @potus NATSEC Advisor John Bolton manipulated intelligence to fit the Bush admins case for war on Iraq, what makes anyone think he’s not doing that exact same thing now? #DropTheMIC #NoMiddleGround #RevokeTheAUMFs

15.06.2019 - 12:51 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

The Gulf of Oman incident must not be used as a pretext for war with Iran. War would be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, Iran, the region, and the world. A unilateral U.S. attack on Iran would be illegal and unconstitutional.

15.06.2019 - 11:36 [ luogocomune.net ]

September 11 – The New Pearl Habor: A film by Massimo Mazzucco



0.01:02 – 12 parallels between Pearl
Harbor and September 11
0.14:10 – The debate: main issues


0.14:55 – Where are the interceptors?
0.16:12 – The „incompetence theory“
(radars, transponders)
0.22:00 – The military drills
0.29:40 – Specific warnings
0.33:08 – The chain of command
0.38:10 – Promotions, not punishments
0.39:50 – The Mineta case
0.47:38 – Debunkers: „Mineta was mistaken“
0.53:18 – The Mineta case – A summary


0.57:15 – „Piss-poor student pilots“
0.59:38 – Marwan al-Sheikki (UA175)
1.01:52 – Ziad Jarrah (UA93)
1.03:06 – Hani Hanjour (AA77)
1.04:00 – The debunkers‘ positions
1.06:00 – 2 simulations of the Pentagon attack
1.13:10 – Someone knew?
1.16:40 – Airport security cameras
1.20.15 – The missing black boxes


1.26:50 – Passenger planes or military drones?
1.28:20 – Impossible speeds
1.37:30 – What happened to the passengers?
1.38:35 – The cellphone calls
1.48:30 – The debunkers‘ position
1.50:38 – If not from the planes, from where?

15.06.2019 - 11:32 [ luogocomune2 / Youtube ]

„September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“ – Full version (1/3)

To see the fully indexed film in one page go to http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modul…. You can also purchase the 5-hour film in a 3 DVD set. Free duplication and distribution of all DVDs by Massimo Mazzucco is encouraged. Italian and French versions also available. Full info at luogocomune.net.

15.06.2019 - 11:03 [ Radio Utopie ]

13-jähriger Terrorkrieg: Die „Authorization For Use of Military Force“ vom 14. September 2001 im Wortlaut


Die nach den Attentaten vom 11. September in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika dem Präsidenten vom Kongress persönlich ausgestellte Vollmacht, der ein nun fast dreizehn Jahre andauernder weltweiter Terrorkrieg a.k.a. „war on terror“ folgte, ist in Deutschland immer noch weithin unbekannt.

Radio Utopie dokumentiert dieses in jeder Hinsicht verheerende historische Ermächtigungsgesetz im Wortlaut.

15.06.2019 - 10:45 [ Buzzfeed ]

60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History


Written in the frenzied, emotional days after 9/11, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force was intended to give President Bush the ability to retaliate against whoever orchestrated the attacks. But more than 12 years later, this sentence remains the primary legal justification for nearly every covert operation around the world. Here‘s how it came to be, and what it‘s since come to mean.

15.06.2019 - 10:38 [ Vox.com ]

How the Trump administration is using 9/11 to build a case for war with Iran

In 2001, Congress passed an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), allowing the president “to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons.”

Which means that if the Trump administration truly believes Iran and al-Qaeda have been in cahoots before or after 9/11, then it could claim war with Tehran already is authorized by law.

15.06.2019 - 10:29 [ Mediaite.com ]

WATCH: Dem and GOP Reps Say Pompeo Told Them War with Iran Could Be Authorized Without Congress

Early Thursday morning, the House Armed Services Committee debated the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act …

15.06.2019 - 10:21 [ Benjamin Armbruster ‏/ Twitter ]

Early this morning [2:42AM ET], GOP Rep. @mattgaetz and Dem. Rep. @ElissaSlotkin said that in private presentation, the Trump admin, specifically Sec. Pompeo, argued how, in Ms. Slotkin‘s words, „the 2001 AUMF might authorize war on #Iran.“ Chilling.


15.06.2019 - 10:05 [ theIntercept.com ]

Mike Pompeo Said Congress Doesn’t Need to Approve War With Iran. 2020 Democrats Aren’t Having It.

As the Trump administration ratchets up tensions with Iran, escalating fears that the United States is looking for a possible path to another war in the Middle East, several Democratic presidential contenders are standing firm in their rejection of the White House’s attempts to create a legal rationale for war. They were responding to comments Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made in a private meeting that suggested that the Authorization for Use of Military Force, or AUMF, passed by Congress three days after 9/11 could provide a legal basis for a war with Iran.

15.06.2019 - 09:45 [ Esquire.com ]

An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That‘s Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border

“We have what I would call a concentration camp system,” Pitzer says, “and the definition of that in my book is, mass detention of civilians without trial.”

Historians use a broader definition of concentration camps, as well.

„What‘s required is a little bit of demystification of it,“ says Waitman Wade Beorn, a Holocaust and genocide studies historian and a lecturer at the University of Virginia. „Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz.

15.06.2019 - 09:38 [ Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg / Twitter ]

“We have what I would call a concentration camp system… a mass detention of civilians without trial.” 24 people *that we know of* have died under ICE under Trump so far, plus 6 children in other agencies since September. THREAD. Important. 1/x

15.06.2019 - 09:14 [ Amerika21.de ]

130. während der Militärdiktatur verschwundener Enkel in Argentinien identifiziert

Mit 41 Jahren konnte er mit seinem Onkel mütterlicherseits zusammengebracht werden. Seine Eltern Elena Mijalchuk und Juan Manuel Darroux waren im Dezember 1977 während der Militärdiktatur in Argentinien (1976-1983) verschleppt und ermordet worden. Der damals vier Monate alte Junge war daraufhin in der Nähe der Marineschule ESMA gefunden und von der Militärjunta zur Adoption freigegeben worden. Die ESMA war zu dieser Zeit eines der wichtigsten geheimen Haft- und Folterzentren der Diktatur.

15.06.2019 - 09:10 [ .telesur ]

Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Identify 130th Missing Grandchild

Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo announced new restitution of identity. The individual in question will be presented Thursday a press conference.

Argentine organization Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo announced Monday it has found the 130th missing grandchild whose identity was stolen during the country‘s last military dictatorship (1976-1983).

15.06.2019 - 08:49 [ telesur ]

Brazil: Bolsonaro‘s Lawmaker Threatens Intercept Journalist

Greenwald‘s tweet was in response to threats of deportation by Brazilian far-right politician, Carlos Jordy. Last Sunday, Greenwald and a team of investigative journalists published an exposé in The Intercept outlining major judicial irregularities in the alleged corruption case against former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva that lead to his imprisonment since April 2018.

15.06.2019 - 08:42 [ Standard.co.uk ]

Boris Johnson to take part in televised BBC Tory leadership debate

Boris Johnson has confirmed he will take part in a televised Tory leadership debate on the BBC.

The event will take place after the second round of voting.

Mr Johnson is said to have refused to take part in Sunday‘s planned debate on Channel 4, with rival candidates accusing him of avoiding media scrutiny.

15.06.2019 - 01:21 [ France24.com ]

Boris Johnson rejects ‚white flag‘ of Brexit delays

UK leadership race frontrunner Boris Johnson insisted Friday he would never raise the „white flag“ of surrender and plead for a further delay of Brexit if no EU deal was ready by October 31.

15.06.2019 - 01:19 [ Daily Mail ]

Labour and the Tories continue to LOSE voters as Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party holds steady in a new poll with the Remainer Liberal Democrats surging into second place

– The Brexit Party remained on 26 per cent in new weekly poll to lead the pack
– The Lib Dems are now clear in second place on 22 per cent behind them
– The Tories and Labour fell to 18 per cent and 17 per cent respectively