Archiv: extrem peinlich / extremely embarrassing

13.09.2024 - 14:47 [ Jerusalem Post ]

The Palestinian Authority‘s diplomatic war continues – editorial

Ever since then-PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, infamously carrying a pistol, spoke at the UN in 1974, the Palestinian situation has not significantly changed. In fact, as the situation in Gaza attests, it has only gotten worse – despite the PA winning vote after vote in the UN General Assembly.

If the Palestinians had spent the same energy over the past half-century building up the areas under their control in the West Bank and Gaza rather than demonizing Israel on the world stage, their situation today would be markedly different and much better.

27.08.2024 - 09:50 [ Middle East Eye ]

Putin played double game with Israel over Syria, Trump‘s former national security advisor says

In one case, McMaster recalls sidelining Netanyahu about his close relationship with Putin at the Munich Security Conference in 2018, where he voiced frustration at Netanyahu over his “hedging approach” to Russia.

“Prime Minister, you know that Putin is using a bait and switch – baiting you with the promise to curtail Iran’s presence and influence in Syria while actually enabling Iran’s proxies on your borders,” McMaster said he told Netanyahu, who sat next to him to confer about a speech he would give mentioning Hezbollah.

“Netanyahu smiled and said he had better return to his seat,” McMaster wrote.

22.02.2024 - 20:04 [ ]

US says it cannot independently verify Israel‘s UNRWA claims

The intelligence report‘s findings are in stark contrast to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken‘s remarks in January, in which he said that the accusations against UNRWA were “highly, highly credible”.

The Journal also reported that Israel has not “shared the raw intelligence behind its assessments with the US” despite the strong security relationship between the two countries.

Israel has shared a dossier of sorts outlining its accusations, alongside details of where their evidence stems from, with the US and several western news organisations.

22.02.2024 - 19:46 [ DrALJONES / ]

A US intelligence report has said that Israel‘s claims that UNRWA staff took part in Oct 7 „cannot be independently verified“, & that it had “low confidence” in the allegation.

Major UNRWA donors, incl the US, have frozen vital funds bcz of Israel‘s allegations.

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini says „the UN has never, never, ever received any written dossier, despite our repeated call.“

16.02.2024 - 18:35 [ Mwangi / Twitter ]

EXCLUSIVE: #AU Spox @EbbaKalondo informs me that #Israeli officials have not been invited to the African Union summit. Asked if she is aware of the presence of an Israeli delegation in Addis Ababa. „Have no clue, but I hope they know better than to attempt the thuggish behavior of their officials experienced at our last summit.“

Reports suggest that an #Israeli delegation had arrived in #Ethiopia to attend the ongoing summit but was denied participation.

@EbbaKalondo emphasises that the State of #Israel was not invited to last year‘s Summit and it‘s officials entered with fraudulent papers obtained in collaboration with other states.

06.02.2024 - 11:45 [ UN Spokesperson / Twitter ]

@antonioguterres, in consultation @UNLazzarini, has appointed an independent review group to assess whether @UNRWA is doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality & respond to allegations of serious breaches:

01.02.2024 - 11:18 [ ]

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TLS 1.3 No
TLS 1.2 Yes*

29.01.2024 - 10:05 [ ]

Global ammunition shortage forces Israel to limit bombings

A surge in ammunition usage during the wars in Gaza and Ukraine has triggered an unprecedented global shortage across all types of ammunition. And while the IDF avoids public discussion of the issue, Major General Eliezer Toledano acknowledged last month a reduction in air attacks, underscoring the imperative to „manage the economy of armaments“ in anticipation of a protracted war.

20.01.2024 - 05:11 [ Zarah Sultana MP, Proud to be the Labour MP for Coventry South / Twitter ]

NEW: The government hid from Parliament the Foreign Office‘s „serious concerns“ about Israel‘s compliance with International Humanitarian Law in Gaza, according to newly-released court papers. This should be national news – and it should end arms sales to Israel.

The papers show that at the start of the war the Foreign Office set up an internal International Humanitarian Law assessment process.

On 10 November it judged: “the volume of strikes, total death toll, as well as proportion of those who are children raise serious concerns”. 2/12

It also said: „the government’s current inability to come to a clear assessment on Israel’s record of compliance with International Humanitarian Law poses significant policy risks”.

But look at what Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell said to me just 4 days later… 3/12

In Parliament on 14 November, I asked Mitchell if British-made weapons had been used in violation of international law in Gaza.

He replied reassuring me of Israel‘s commitment to international law, even though just 4 days earlier his department registered serious concerns. 4/12

Mitchell said: „The member will know that the President of Israel has made it clear that his country will abide by International Humanitarian Law“.

These court papers reveal that his own department, the UK Foreign Office, doubted the Israeli President‘s words.

09.12.2023 - 12:50 [ Vanity Fair ]

A Batshit Number of Young Swing State Voters Think RFK Jr. Should Be President

As you’ve probably heard by now, a very scary poll released on Sunday shows Joe Biden losing the 2024 election to the four-time indicted insurrection enthusiast Donald Trump in five out of six major battleground states. That’s obviously a wildly disturbing prospect; it would be like asking someone if they’d like to catch a movie after work or have a rusty crowbar shoved up their ass, and then seeing them choosing the latter. But possibly even more surprising? How popular anti-vaxxer candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among voters.

23.11.2023 - 09:35 [ Amichai Stein, Correspondent at the @kann Diplomatic desk / Twitter ]

#BREAKING: Israel has arrested the director of Shifa hospital, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, and have taken him to an interrogation – @ItayBlumental reports. In recent days, @IDFSpokesperson showed evidance Hamas HQ and tunnels were operating in the hospital, hostages were brought to the hospital on the 7/10

17.11.2023 - 10:21 [ Robert Mackey / Twitter ]

Israeli spokesman @jconricus told BBC images of Israeli hostages found on laptops in Shifa hospital were taken after they were kidnapped on Oct 7. But in a now deleted video Conricus showed only one old photo of one hostage that was used in news reports.

16.11.2023 - 19:36 [ Instant News Alerts / Twitter ]

The White House says it remains “convinced of the soundness” of intelligence it says shows Hamas using Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza as a command node, but again declined to provide any further details of what led to that assessment. (CNN)

15.10.2023 - 21:16 [ Times of Israel ]

Meeting Saudi crown prince, Blinken calls for pressure on Hamas to release hostages

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called for pressure on Hamas during a meeting Sunday with the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia, which seen its ties with the Jewish state warming but has put normalization on hold after the Palestinian terror group sparked war by launching an abrupt, devastating attack on Israel.

The top US diplomat met for nearly an hour in the early morning with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the royal’s farm residence in the Riyadh area, a US official said.

28.09.2023 - 08:30 [ New York Times ]

Canadian Speaker in House of Commons Quits After Honoring Ukrainian Who Fought for Nazis


Mr. Trudeau was in Toronto for an event with auto parts manufacturers. Karina Gould, the government’s house leader responded on his behalf by repeatedly pointing out that the invitation to Mr. Hunka was done without the government’s knowledge.

28.09.2023 - 08:20 [ BBC ]

Canada‘s Speaker Anthony Rota resigns after Nazi in parliament row


Yaroslav Hunka, 98, got a standing ovation after Mr Rota called him a „hero“ during a Friday visit by Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky.

25.09.2023 - 23:12 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

„Er ist ein Held, und wir danken ihm für seinen Dienst“ – Kanadisches Parlament ehrt bei Selenskyj-Besuch Veteran der Waffen-SS

„Wir haben hier im Plenarsaal einen ukrainisch-kanadischen Veteranen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, der für die ukrainische Unabhängigkeit gegen die Russen gekämpft hat und auch heute noch, im Alter von 98 Jahren, die Truppen unterstützt. Er ist ein ukrainischer Held, ein kanadischer Held, und wir danken ihm für seinen Dienst. Danke.“

So lautete die Eloge auf den als Ehrengast geladenen SS-Veteran Jaroslaw Hunka durch den Sprecher des kanadischen Unterhauses, Anthony Rota. Im Anschluss gab es minutenlangen stehenden Beifall für den 98-jährigen, rüstigen SS-Mann durch die Abgeordneten sowie den kanadischen Präsidenten Justin Pierre James Trudeau und seinen ukrainischen Amtskollegen Selenskyj.

25.09.2023 - 23:04 [ Times of Israel ]

Canada’s parliament, Trudeau and Zelensky give inadvertent ovation to Nazi war veteran

Speaker apologizes to Jews worldwide for encouraging parliament to hail Yaroslav Hunka, 98, a volunteer fighter in a Waffen SS unit, as a ‘Ukrainian and Canadian hero’

17.09.2023 - 03:30 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Saudi nuclear program can be secretly managed – top Israeli sources

(September 14, 2023)

Top Israeli sources have told the Jerusalem Post that there are secret technological ways to ensure that the Saudis do not misuse civilian nuclear items, which the US may give them as part of a three-way normalization deal, for military purposes.

Although there are no guarantees, because the issue is highly technical and there are issues to address regarding the Palestinians and highly complex politics, these technological fixes could be key to locking in a normalization deal between Riyadh and Jerusalem, under Washington’s auspices.

12.09.2023 - 21:29 [ ]

British Foreign Secretary to discuss Iranian threat after meeting Netanyahu

„I have the pleasure of welcoming you, Foreign Secretary Cleverly, because there are excellent relations between our countries and I am sure that your visit will only strengthen them,” Netanyahu stated.

“We both have smart countries with a similar set of values,” the Israeli prime minister said at the start of their meeting. “We are two strong and vigorous democracies that cooperate and that is a wonderful thing.”

12.09.2023 - 19:14 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly was in Jerusalem meeting PM Netanyahu & FM Cohen yesterday but no one really noticed.

12.09.2023 - 13:50 [ Haaretz ]

Everything You Need to Know About Today‘s Supreme Court vs. Netanyahu Government Drama – and What‘s at Stake for Israel

(fee required content)

11.09.2023 - 18:43 [ LA Times ]

Previously classified documents released by U.S. show knowledge of 1973 Chile coup

(Aug. 29, 2023)

Every once in a while, the voices of ghosts emerge to reveal dark chapters in U.S. political history.

The State Department with the CIA last week declassified two 50-year-old documents that had been withheld from public view that shed new light on the military coup in Chile that overthrew the country’s elected president.


The full extent of the role of the CIA and other U.S. players in the Chile coup has long been debated. While the Nixon administration was not thought to have had a direct hand in executing the coup, it appeared to fit the pattern of numerous so-called regime changes the U.S. clandestinely engineered over the decades in Latin America, Iran and beyond.

01.09.2023 - 05:55 [ ]

Taliban Sign Multibillion-Dollar Afghan Mining Deals

(August 31, 2023)

Shahabuddin Dilawar, the Taliban minister of mines and petroleum, said the seven contracts cover the extraction and processing of gold, copper, iron, lead and zinc in four Afghan provinces — Takhar, Ghor, Herat and Logar.

The nationally televised signing ceremony occurred as the de facto Afghan authorities marked the second anniversary of the withdrawal of all U.S.-led NATO troops from the country after nearly 20 years of war with the then-insurgent Taliban.

01.09.2023 - 05:48 [ CNN ]

The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs

(August 19, 2021)

Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations in the world. But in 2010, US military officials and geologists revealed that the country, which lies at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, was sitting on mineral deposits worth nearly $1 trillion.

Supplies of minerals such as iron, copper and gold are scattered across provinces. There are also rare earth minerals and, perhaps most importantly, what could be one of the world’s biggest deposits of lithium –

01.09.2023 - 04:50 [ ]

Taliban: Neue Abkommen für Betrieb von sieben Bergwerken

Welche Firmen den Zuschlag erhielten und aus welchen Ländern die Investitionen genau stammen, war nicht klar. Laut einer Mitteilung des Taliban-Wirtschaftsministeriums handelt es sich um den Abbau von Gold, Kupfer, Blei und Eisenerz. Die Investitionen stammen demzufolge aus Asien und Europa. Genauere Details nannte das Ministerium zunächst nicht.

31.08.2023 - 14:29 [ ]

Labour conference set to host weapons manufacturers and spy-tech firm

(23 August 2023)

“It is disgusting and disappointing to hear that arms companies will be sponsoring talks at the Labour Party conference,” Emily Apple, media coordinator at Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), told openDemocracy. “These companies should not be given this legitimacy or the opportunity to lobby policy makers in order to continue making profits for their shareholders from a deadly trade that causes destruction and misery around the world.”

She added: “Accepting sponsorship from these companies sends a bleak message to anyone thinking a future Labour government will adopt any kind of ethical stance towards the arms trade.”

31.08.2023 - 14:21 [ Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ]

Arms companies to descend on Labour party conference

Open Democracy reported that Boeing, Babcock International, and Palantir, will join fossil fuels firms, private healthcare companies, and banks as sponsors at the conference, which takes place in Liverpool this October. Many of the fringe events will be hosted by The New Statesman Media Group.

Boeing, one of the largest US arms companies, manufactures the land-based Minutemen Intercontinental Ballistic Missile for the US Air Force. The UK-based Babcock, which operates the Devonport dockyard in Plymouth, has been involved in designing components for and maintaining Britain’s nuclear-armed fleet for over 50 years.

28.08.2023 - 22:00 [ Washington Post ]

All the times Trump’s trials conflict with the 2024 election campaign

Scheduling this trial is particularly complicated since Trump is a defendant in three other criminal cases. In New York — where Trump faces state charges related to repayment of hush money given to an adult-film star during the 2016 presidential campaign — a judge also set the trial date for March 2024.

Trump’s federal trial in Florida is set to begin in May 2024.

28.08.2023 - 21:25 [ ]

This Is Going to Be a Mess

That means that Trump could become the presumptive GOP nominee in the 2024 presidential election at the same time as his lawyers are in court for his trial for seeking to steal the last election. Neither political scientists nor legal scholars have really anticipated such a scenario, so no technical term exists to describe it, but I can suggest one: a huge mess.

28.08.2023 - 21:20 [ ABC News ]

Donald Trump‘s federal election interference trial set for March 2024

The judge overseeing the former president’s federal election case ignored Trump’s request to postpone the trial until 2026.

28.08.2023 - 16:39 [ ]

Europawahlprogramm: AfD fordert nun doch nicht die Auflösung der EU


Krah relativierte die Forderungen aus der Partei nach einer radikalen Abkehr von der Europäischen Union. Die EU und der Euro müssten verändert, aber nicht sofort abgeschafft werden, sagte Krah am Rande der Europawahlversammlung in Magdeburg. Einen Nato-Austritt befürworte er derzeit nicht.

23.08.2023 - 09:55 [ ]

As US mulls security pact, Saudi Arabia accused of crimes against humanity

(August 21, 2023)

The report also raises uncomfortable questions for the Biden administration, which is considering giving “security guarantees” to Saudi Arabia in order to entice its leaders to normalize relations with Israel. Among the proposals on the table is a mutual defense treaty that would obligate U.S. troops to defend Saudi Arabia in case of attack. American officials are also mulling whether to help Riyadh develop a civilian nuclear program, a move that many experts worry could be a first step toward a Saudi nuclear weapons push.

The White House, aware that any new treaty would face an uphill battle in Congress, has already started briefing Democratic leaders about the talks in order to build support, according to the New York Times.

22.08.2023 - 15:14 [ Washington Post ]

A Saudi-Israeli Peace Deal? Who Wants What and Why

The main thing the Saudis would get in exchange — security guarantees — wouldn’t come from Israel but from its closest ally — the US. Israel, a high-tech power, would play a major role in ambitious Saudi plans to move its economy beyond oil. It would also be expected to make concessions to the Palestinian self-ruling authority in the West Bank. The US would regain some of its influence over Saudi Arabia, stemming efforts by China to expand its sway in the Middle East. The deal offers significant rewards to all four governments, not least of them additional ways of dealing with Iranian military activity in the region. But the prospect of the pact stirs populist forces among all of their constituencies, posing risks to those in power.

19.08.2023 - 16:52 [ Bloomberg ]

The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret

(May 31, 2016)

The basic framework was strikingly simple. The U.S. would buy oil from Saudi Arabia and provide the kingdom military aid and equipment. In return, the Saudis would plow billions of their petrodollar revenue back into Treasuries and finance America’s spending.

It took several discreet follow-up meetings to iron out all the details, Parsky said. But at the end of months of negotiations, there remained one small, yet crucial, catch: King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud demanded the country’s Treasury purchases stay “strictly secret,” according to a diplomatic cable obtained by Bloomberg from the National Archives database.

11.08.2023 - 15:13 [ Haaretz ]

Only a Saudi Deal Can Save Netanyahu From Catastrophe – and Biden Holds the Key

Without a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia, the Israeli prime minister‘s situation in the polls will remain dire and the economy will weaken further. Biden needs to tell him: If you want an agreement with Riyadh, stop the coup

29.07.2023 - 23:36 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. President Biden Says Deal May Be on the Way With Saudi Arabia, Rapprochement With Israel

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, in a piece published on Thursday, said Biden was considering whether to pursue a U.S.-Saudi mutual security pact that would involve Saudi Arabia normalizing relations with Israel.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, one of Biden’s most trusted aides, was in Jeddah this week with Middle East envoy Brett McGurk discussing the possibility of a normalization deal, White House officials said.

27.07.2023 - 12:12 [ Nqachdenkseiten ]

Zahlungen an Journalisten in der Ära Merkel – Ampel-Regierung mauert auch hier

Zwischen März und Juni 2023 war bekannt geworden, dass die Bundesregierung in den letzten fünf Jahren rund 2,3 Millionen Euro an circa 200 Journalisten, mehrheitlich bei ARD und ZDF beschäftigt, für diverse Aufträge gezahlt hatte. Den NachDenkSeiten liegen jetzt die Antworten der Bundesregierung auf eine weitere Anfrage vor, in welcher die Offenlegung der Zahlungen an ausgewählte Journalisten in der Zeit von 2013 bis 2017 eingefordert wurde. Die Antworten gleichen einem Déjà-vu. Zahlungen des BND an Journalisten werden eingeräumt, aber als „Verschlusssache“ (VS), ein Großteil der Zahlungen anderer Ministerien sogar einen Geheimhaltungsgrad höher als „VS – Vertraulich“ eingestuft. Das Auswärtige Amt liefert gar keine Zahlen und Namen. Besonders fragwürdig sind die Zahlungen des Bundespresseamtes.

26.07.2023 - 09:08 [ Times of Israel ]

US stresses it will not cut aid to Israel due to judicial overhaul

Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphasized to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in a phone call that “broad consensus through political dialogue” is a “critical element of a resilient democracy.”

25.07.2023 - 22:45 [ New York Times ]

How Israel’s Supreme Court Might React to the Challenge to Its Power

“If the court dismisses the petitions, that could deflate the protests” against judicial overhaul, said Adam Shinar, a law professor at Reichman University in Herzliya, Israel. “But if the court acts against the government, that will inflame its critics. So you have all these strategic political considerations.”

23.07.2023 - 18:23 [ Times of Israel ]

Likud, protest leaders reject labor union’s compromise overhaul bill

Likud minister David Amsalem launched a public attack on Bar-David, anticipating that the latter could end up launching a nationwide strike.

“I remind you that you represent workers who are mostly Likud people who are struggling to make a living,” Amsalem tweeted. “The issue of the judicial reform should be decided in the Knesset, not in the corridors of the Mapai-like Histadrut,” he argued, citing the workers’ party that was a precursor to left-wing Labor and was the ruling party for Israel’s first three decades.

19.07.2023 - 18:14 [ New York Times ]

Biden to Netanyahu: Please Stop Trying to Rush Through Your Judicial Overhaul. Build a Consensus First.

To make sure that Biden’s position is crystal clear to all Israelis, he invited me to the Oval Office on Tuesday afternoon and gave me a statement — unprecedented on this issue — expressing his respect for how the “enduring” protests in Israel are demonstrating the “vibrancy of Israel’s democracy,” as well as his wish that Netanyahu’s coalition stop rushing to slam through a constitutional overhaul, without even the semblance of a national consensus, that would sharply diminish the ability of Israel’s Supreme Court to oversee the decisions and appointments of Israel’s government.

Netanyahu has attempted to confuse Israel’s friends in America by playing down the importance of the fundamental change that his government is pushing, by calling it a judicial reform and framing it as small.

14.07.2023 - 08:12 [ Haaretz ]

‚Antisemitic Boycott of Israel‘: Republicans Threaten Retaliation Over Biden Settlement Policy

(Jul 12, 2023)

Republican members of Congress and presidential contenders are amplifying their criticism of U.S. President Joe Biden‘s Israel policy, largely centered around Biden‘s decision to stop transferring funds to research institutes or scientific and technological projects in the West Bank.

This is despite the fact that Biden stopped short of reversing the majority of Donald Trump‘s doctrine on Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

12.07.2023 - 04:41 [ ]

Transatlantische Massenüberwachung: Nimm das doch endlich ernst, Ursula!

Der „Transatlantische Datenschutzrahmen“ garantiert US-Konzernen wie Facebook, dass sie weiterhin Nutzer:innendaten aus Europa ungehindert in die USA übertragen können. Dass sie dort kaum rechtlichen Schutz vor dem anlasslosen wie massenhaften Zugriff der amerikanischen Behörden haben, daran ändert der neue Datenschutzrahmen ebenso wenig wie seine beiden gescheiterten Vorgänger Safe Harbor und Privacy Shield. Schon 2015 und 2020 erklärte der Europäische Gerichtshof diese Beschlüsse der EU-Kommission für ungültig, die eine Blankoerlaubnis für den Datentransfer in die USA geben. Doch allen Bedenken zum Trotz hat die EU-Kommission nun ein drittes Mal einen Blankoscheck ausgestellt – aus der Zusicherung Von der Leyens im Vorjahr wurde nun eine rechtsgültiger Beschluss.

05.07.2023 - 18:04 [ Rolling Stone ]

Biden’s DOJ Is Pressuring Journalists to Help Build Its Case Against Assange

The Department of Justice and FBI are pressuring multiple British journalists to cooperate with the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, using vague threats and pressure tactics in the process. I know because I am one of the British journalists being pressured to cooperate in the case against him, as someone who used to (briefly) work and live with him, and who went on to blow the whistle on WikiLeaks’ own ethical lapses.

25.06.2023 - 11:38 [ Haaretz ]

Hollywood Producer Arnon Milchan Testifies From Brighton at Netanyahu‘s Corruption Trial

Prosecution and defense lawyers are questioning Milchan from a hotel conference room in Brighton. While no journalists were allowed to attend, Netanyahu’s wife Sara, on a private visit to Britain, will sit in on Milchan’s testimony. His testimony is being aired in a Jerusalem courtroom for the judges, journalists and other attendees.

23.06.2023 - 10:55 [ Times of India ]

US President Biden and PM Modi‘s joint press conference: Full text

We shared our views to enhance coordination with all countries in this region, along with our Quad partners. India and America stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight against terrorism and fundamentalism. We’re in agreement that concrete actions are needed in order to end cross-border terrorism.
The COVID pandemic and the Ukraine conflict have afflicted the countries of the Global South in particular. We believe that in order to resolve these problems, it is absolutely imperative for all countries to unite.

23.06.2023 - 10:49 [ BBC ]

Joe Biden and Narendra Modi hail ‚defining‘ US-India partnership

This included marching bands, a lavish vegetarian dinner and a 21-gun salute on the South Lawn of the White House.

Mr Modi, who is on a state visit, also addressed the US Congress, where he received a standing ovation.

22.06.2023 - 20:09 [ ]

EU-Staaten schwächen Gesetz zum Schutz der Pressefreiheit

Der Rat der EU-Staaten hat heute seinen Entwurf für das geplante Europäische Medienfreiheitsgesetz beschlossen. Darin hat der Rat den vorgesehenen Schutz von Journalist:innen vor staatlicher Überwachung deutlich abgeschwächt. Nach dem Vorschlag der Kommission sollte das Gesetz eigentlich europaweit ein weitgehendes Verbot von Überwachungsmaßnahmen, Inhaftierung und Beschlagnahmungen gegen Journalist:innen zur Ausforschung ihrer Quellen einführen. Auch sollte es demnach ein explizites Verbot der Überwachung von Journalist:innen mit Staatstrojanern festschreiben.