(February 19, 2025)
There has been quite a bit of disquiet in southwestern Syria after the December regime change, which was followed by a ground invasion from Israel.
(February 19, 2025)
There has been quite a bit of disquiet in southwestern Syria after the December regime change, which was followed by a ground invasion from Israel.
(February 13, 2025)
On Jan. 26, at least 22 unarmed civilians in southern Lebanon were shot dead by Israel and 147 wounded in a massacre observed by heavily armed U.N. Peacekeepers who did not intervene. I asked the U.N. the very hard questions which nobody else is asking them.
The civilians were simply attempting to return to their homes in accordance with both U.N. Security Resolution 1701 and the current ceasefire agreement, and indeed UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, has a specific mandate under 1701 to assist displaced people to return….
On Wednesday morning a delegation of Hadash activists visited the Educational Bookstore together with MKs Odeh, Aida Touma-Sliman and Ofer Cassif. “The occupation government and its arms on the ground persecute every critical voice and anyone or anything that might encourage independent thought. Persecution will not triumph! The struggle against it will!” said Cassif.
“I left the wonderful bookstore of Ahmad and Mahmoud Muna, which was raided by the police earlier this week. During the raid, these two incredible men were arrested on charges of “disturbing public order” – selling books. They were held for two days, released to house arrest, and banned from their own bookstore for 20 days. I am proud of Mahmoud and Ahmad for standing firm in their right to peacefully resist the occupation through books and literature.
Heavy equipment, caravans and bulldozers currently near the Rafah crossing will enter the Gaza Strip through Karem Abu Salem, passing through the Philadelphi Corrdidor, MEE‘s reporting has found.
We strongly believe that the wall can be torn down, and with it, the racist ambitions of Israeli apartheid. We know that our struggle will not be won tomorrow, and we are not in a hurry. Our road ahead is long, and so we must build a strong foundation of resistance by staying honest and true to our principles. Generation after generation, we have to provide the youth with the lessons, guidance and trust they need and deserve so that they can continue to lead our struggle until one day we will be free and able to return to our homes.
The Palestinian struggle is, at its core, a basic human instinct and drive for self-determination. We share this yearning for freedom, justice and liberation with people across the world and the unity of our diverse struggles will eventually give us the power to overcome
Jamal Juma‘a, head of the Stop the Wall campaign, an organisation that fights against apartheid, told Middle East Eye that the Israeli offensive is „clearly aiming to prepare the infrastructure for the annexation of land“ in the West Bank.
Annexation of occupied territory is illegal under international law. The Israeli government prefers to term it as „applying sovereignty“, though that makes little difference legally. Legality hasn‘t stopped Israel from annexation before, however.
For Sourani, the international community now has a simple choice: enable the erasure of Palestinian rights or stand up for justice. “Silence is complicity,” he emphasizes.
The colonial creation of private property from stolen land is the American way, from the theft of Indigenous people’s lands to the urban renewal clearance projects that built the modern New York City in which Donald Trump was able to thrive and build wealth. There can be no shock that the developer president’s first public words on Gaza would celebrate the old method of generating “demolition sites” (terra nullius, or empty land). In a way, Trump actually is daring those of us who support Palestinian sovereignty to understand the interdependence of capitalism and genocidal colonialism. There must be a people, and there must be a land. One without the other presents a windfall to the developers.
The Israeli government has explicitly forbade any celebrations surrounding the release.
This video has been verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit.
Hamas-led militants freed eight hostages on Thursday as part of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, but the chaotic handover of some of the captives, who were shuttled through a rowdy crowd of thousands by masked militants, drew an angry protest from Israel.
Israel later began releasing 110 Palestinian prisoners after the swap was initially put on hold by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who demanded that mediators assure the safe exit for hostages going forward. He said later that he had received that commitment
The Commission also said the Israeli forces rounded up dozens of residents as part of their ongoing military raid in the Jenin and Tulkarem governorates.
The official National News Agency said Tuesday that an Israeli drone dropped a bomb near a gathering of Lebanese army personnel and citizens in the town of Yaroun.
This warning comes after South Lebanon residents, accompanied by the army, attempted to return to their villages on Monday, following Israeli fire that killed over 20 people. The ceasefire, extended until February 18, allows Israel more time to withdraw, as confirmed by the White House and Lebanon‘s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati.
In towns like Bani Haiyyan, Markaba, and the region of Borj El Mlouk heading towards Kfarkela, which remains under Israeli occupation, residents defied military checkpoints and moved towards their towns. The Israeli forces responded by opening fire on the civilians and Lebanese Army positions.
(Jan. 27, 2025Updated 12:07 p.m. ET)
Israeli forces opened fire toward residents of southern Lebanon for a second consecutive day on Monday as people pressed on with attempts to return to their homes along the border, a day after at least two dozen people were killed and scores injured in Israeli attacks, Lebanese officials said.
The Israeli fire on Sunday was the deadliest bout of violence in Lebanon since the war between Israel and Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia, ended with a truce in November. In the renewed violence on Monday, at least two people were killed and 17 others injured, according to Lebanon’s health ministry.
In an interview with Israeli Army Radio, Eiland said that Israel‘s opening of the Netzarim corridor meant it has lost leverage over Hamas.
Tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians in Gaza are returning home in the north of the strip as part of the ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. It’s the first time Palestinians can return to see what remains of where they used to live in the north.
Hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians are returning as part of a ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel. They are moving on foot along the Al-Rashid coastal road. For the first time since the early weeks of the 15-month war, Israeli military forces are allowing them to cross the Netzarim corridor.
A Palestinian girl returning to north Gaza holds a sign that reads: „We have grown old waiting for this historic moment“ (MEE/Ahmed Aziz)
According to the Gaza health ministry, around 650,000 displaced people in the central and southern Gaza Strip will return to their homes in the north of the enclave.
A citizen was killed in the town of Odaisseh, while a man and a young woman lost their lives in Meiss El Jabal, and another citizen was killed in Markaba.
These latest casualties bring the total number of fatalities to 15 so far, according to the ministry‘s statement.
A drone view shows Palestinians waiting to be allowed to return to their homes in northern Gaza on 26 January 2025
Crowds of Palestinians have gathered near the Netzarim Corridor, a crossing point created by the Israeli army that separates north and south Gaza, in hopes of eventually returning to the north.
Although they are expected to be allowed through on Sunday, the Israeli army has accused Hamas of violating the terms of the ceasefire and said it will not open the corridor.
(December 20, 2024)
The Israeli army claimed that soldiers opened fire in accordance with open-fire procedures, shooting one protester in the leg.
Israel‘s recent actions include extending its control in the occupied Golan Heights and advancing to within 25 kilometers of the capital, Damascus.
Prior to merging it with the newly declared union, Organi led the Union of Sinai Tribes (UST), a pro-government paramilitary group set up in 2015 to support the Egyptian army in its battles against a local offshoot of the Islamic State (IS). The UST’s mission in Sinai has been unclear since the IS-affiliate group known as the Sinai Province was officially defeated in 2022.
The bloody, 10-year campaign in the Sinai has almost completely razed Rafah and uprooted thousands of members of the indigenous Bedouin population, leaving most towns and villages pulverised.
When CIA-trained terrorists tried to overthrow the Sandinista government in the 1980s, the left erupted in protest. Now the left is cheering for the CIA.
Many will say this is the second Palestinian Nakba, and it is for the majority of Palestinians in Gaza who were driven from their homes and lands in 1948.
But for my family, and for nearly 30 percent of Gaza’s population, this is our first experience of Nakba. This is the first time our connection to the city that has held our lives, our stories, and our history, for thousands of years, has been disrupted.
The house my aunty was driven out of belongs to my great-grandfather and was first built during the Ottoman empire, more than 100 years ago. Our neighbourhood, Tuffah, and its adjacent Mohatta Street, where the old railway station used to be, are much older than Israel and all its wars.
By the 1920s, Lemkin was formulating the concepts and laws that were articulated in his best-known book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (1944). His unpublished manuscripts reveal that he saw colonialism as an integral part of a world history of genocide.
Those manuscripts covered an extremely wide range of cases where European colonial powers were responsible for mass killing, from the Spanish conquest of the Americas in the sixteenth century and the slaughter of indigenous peoples in Australia and New Zealand to the German massacre of the Hereros in Namibia a few decades earlier.
In North and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa, European settler-colonialists have left behind the evidence of their psychotic genocidal practices.
The European transatlantic slave trade may have halved the population of Africa, some historians believe. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many African colonies were all built on the systematic extermination, displacement and internment of the original inhabitants.
In the Israeli settler-colonialism now on violent display in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, European colonialism is living up to its murderous infamy and has returned to the global stage with a vengeance.
For decades, scholars of European colonialism have been working hard to document, archive and connect these episodes of the premeditated mass murder of native people around the globe.
Sie hätten die Behörden mehrfach über die Aktivitäten von kriminellen Gruppen in der Region aufmerksam gemacht, teilte der Indigenen-Verband APIB mit. „Die Grausamkeit des Verbrechens zeigt, dass Pereira und Phillips einer mächtigen Verbrecherorganisation in den Weg gekommen sind, die ihre Spuren um jeden Preis verwischen wollte“, hieß es in einer Stellungnahme von APIB.
Angehörige des festgenommenen Verdächtigen warfen der Polizei Folter vor. Polizisten hätten Amarildo da Costa de Oliveira geschlagen, ihn mit Pfefferspray traktiert, seinen Kopf unter Wasser gedrückt und seien ihm auf die Beine getreten, sagte dessen Bruder Osnei der Nachrichtenagentur AP. Sie hätten ihn auch unter Drogen gesetzt. „Sie wollten, dass er gesteht, aber er ist unschuldig“, sagte Osenei da Costa de Oliveira, der seinen Bruder im Gefängnis besucht hatte.
Die lokalen Sicherheitsbehörden wollten sich nicht äußern, weil der Fall von der Bundespolizei untersucht werde. Die Bundespolizei reagierte nicht auf Anfragen zu den Vorwürfen.
Steven Donziger, a disbarred American lawyer who has been battling Chevron Corporation over pollution in the Ecuadorian rainforest for over two decades, has been sentenced to six months in prison on contempt charges.
Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988, the Daintree National Park was handed back to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people in a ceremony in the remote town of Bloomfield on Wednesday.
Bauern und Indigene haben sich vor dem Kongress in der paraguayischen Hauptstadt Asuncion schwere Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei geliefert.
Freda Huson kämpft gegen den Landraub an Kanadas Indigenen. Als Wet‘suwet‘en-Oberhaupt erhält sie den Alternativen Nobelpreis – und hat eine landesweite Solidaritätsbewegung angestoßen.
On Tuesday, Ecuador‘s Indigenous Peoples Confederation (CONAIE) presented an amnesty bill for freeing 260 social leaders who took part in demonstrations against illegal mining and in the 2019 protests against President Lenin Moreno (2017-2021).
Dies war bereits die vierte große Protestaktion gegen Lassos neoliberale Politik seit seinem Amtsantritt im Mai.
Indigenous leader Anabela Carlon asked the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to intervene before the Mexican State to speed up the investigations and called on Sonora Governor Alfonso Durazo to restore peace and tranquility in the Yaqui villages.
Einer der Landarbeiter der Finca Chivilité berichtet, er und andere hätten schon vier, fünf Jahre lang ohne Bezahlung auf dem Landgut der Familie García Herrera gearbeitet.
At least 6000 Indigenous marched on Thursday in Brasilia to demand the annulment of the „Temporary Framework,“ a bill under debate in the Supreme Federal Court that seeks to end the demarcation of Indigenous lands.
„Die einzigen Dinge, denen er [Präsident Jair Bolsonaro] sich widmet, ist der Streit mit dem Obersten Gerichtshof, mit sozialen Bewegungen, mit den Indigenen“, betonte Lula in seinen Reden.
Thousands of indigenous protesters marched in the Brazilian capital Wednesday, bearing bows and arrows and traditional headdresses, as the Supreme Court prepared to take up a case that could eliminate reservations on their ancestral lands.
Brasiliens Agrarlobby verschärft ihre Angriffe gegen kleinbäuerliche Strukturen und indigene Territorien. Sie will jetzt den Austritt des Landes aus der Konvention Nr. 169 der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) in die Wege leiten.
Am fünften Jahrestag der Verhaftung Salas gingen Tausende Menschen in der Hauptstadt von Salas Heimatprovinz Jujuy und in der Bundeshauptstadt für ihre Freilassung auf die Straßen. Davor haben bereits zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, gewerkschaftlichen und sozialen Bewegungen in einem offenen Brief ihre Haftentlassung gefordert.
„Die Volksmacht der Guardia ergibt sich durch den Schutz meiner Umgebung, meines Kameraden, meiner Nachbar:innen“, sagte Daniela León, eine junge Frau, die der Wache des Indigenen Regionalrats des Cauca (Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca, CRIC) angehört.
A coalition of Indigenous organizations filed a complaint at The Hague on Monday accusing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of carrying out an „explicit, systematic, and intentional“ assault on native peoples, pointing specifically to his systematic dismantling of environmental protections and aggressive campaign of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
At least 20 Indigenous-led water protectors were brutally arrested in northern Minnesota last weekend, with law enforcement using tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets, and pepper projectiles in an attempt to break resistance to the Canadian pipeline company‘s $9 billion Line 3 project.
On Tuesday, the family of Berta Caceres asked Honduras‘ Sentencing Court to send Roberto Castillo to 25 years in prison for the murder of the Indigenous environmentalist in March 2016.
Im Rahmen der dreizehnten Internationalen Biennale des Radios haben Vertreter:innen von kommunitären und indigenen Medien aus Mexiko ihre Bedeutung in der Medienlandschaft für die Ausübung des demokratischen Rechts auf Kommunikation betont.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named Mary Simon – a former journalist, ambassador, and Inuit community advocate – to serve as the representative in Canada of its head of state, Queen Elizabeth, earlier this month.
Der Gemeindevorsteher Alberth Sneider Centeno sowie die Mitglieder der Garífuna-Organisation Ofraneh, Gerardo Tróchez, Milton Martínez und Suami Mejía waren am 18. Juli 2020 am frühen Morgen von rund 30 bewaffneten Männern, die sich als Polizisten zu erkennen gaben, aus ihren Häusern geholt worden und sind seither verschwunden.
Die Bevölkerung der Gemeinde Pumallacta in Chumbivilcas (Region Cusco) ist seit einer Woche im unbefristeten Streik. Sie fordert den sofortigen Rückzug des Bergbauunternehmens Anabi SAC aus der Region sowie die Zahlung von 60 Millionen US-Dollar für die entstandenen Umweltschäden.
„The Hubbard County Sheriff has attempted to illegally construct a de facto open-air prison to trap Indigenous environmental protectors and allies on their own property.“
Das Gebiet des Pazifiks von Nariño liegt im Südosten Kolumbiens, hat etwas über 467.000 Einwohner:innen (Juni 2020) und umfasst die Gemeinden Barbacoas, El Charco, Francisco Pizarro, La Tola, Magüí Payán, Mosquera, Olaya Herrera, Ricaurte, Roberto Payán, Tumaco und Santa Bárbara. Die Bevölkerung setzt sich fast ausschließlich aus afrokolumbianischen und indigenen Gemeinschaften zusammen.
Die betroffenen Gemeinden, darunter viele indigene, wurden weder adäquat informiert und angehört, noch wurde ihnen eine Gelegenheit zur Stellungnahme eingeräumt, wie es die Konvention 169 der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation vorschreibt, „wann immer gesetzgeberische oder administrative Maßnahmen, die sie unmittelbar berühren können, erwogen werden“.
Bei dem angegriffenen Betrieb handelt es sich um eines der größten Forstunternehmen, die sich im gesamten Süden Chiles während der Militärdiktatur ausgebreitet haben. Die Ländereien werden von den indigenen Gemeinden zurückgefordert und der industrielle Anbau von Tannen und Eukalyptus für eine fortschreitende Trockenheit verantwortlich gemacht.
Es hat das Potential, über eine Million Indigene in Brasilien zu repräsentieren – das gerade geschaffene Indigenen-Parlament „ParlaÍndio“ oder „Parlamento Indígena do Brasil“. Für 305 Völker mit 180 Sprachen möchte die neue Initiative das Sprachrohr sein.
Am 5. Juli ist der indigene Menschenrechtsverteidiger Simón Pedro Pérez López in Chiapas getötet worden. Ein Unbekannter schoss auf Pérez López, als dieser zusammen mit seinem Sohn zum Einkaufen auf dem Markt von Simojovel war.
Die Autonome Indigene und Interkulturelle Universität (UAIIN) bietet heute als öffentliches Bildungsinstitut attraktive Studiengänge an.
Mit klarer Mehrheit gewählt. Iza engagierte sich seit seiner Jugend für die indigene Bewegung. Er führte 2019 die Proteste gegen die Regierung Moreno an
Seit 2018 eine illegale Militärbasis etwas flussaufwärts im Dorf Nuanamá eingerichtet wurde, häufen sich die Auseinandersetzungen und Überfälle. Die Basis ist auf dem kollektiven Gebiet der Afro-Gemeinde errichtet worden, obwohl das Gesetz von 1993 für die schwarze Bevölkerung eine Genehmigung des Gemeinderates erfordert.
On Friday, 14 Indigenous peoples and 18 Indigenous nationalities meet in Tunguragua province for the 7th congress of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE).
Grund für die anhaltenden Proteste der Indigenen ist der Gesetzesentwurf 490, der verschiedene Infrastrukturprojekte in ihren geschützten Gebieten vorsieht und diese damit profitabel nutzbar machen will.
Last month, New Zealand appointed the first Indigenous woman to serve as governor general. Dame Cindy Kiro, a well-known children‘s advocate, is the third Māori to hold the post. The first, Sir Paul Reeves, was appointed in 1985.
The federal government is under enormous pressure right now to show some progress on Crown-Indigenous reconciliation — in the wake of this week‘s reports on undocumented deaths at the Kamloops Indian Residential School and fresh calls for Ottawa to move faster on implementing the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
In Kanada waren ab 1874 rund 150.000 Kinder von Ureinwohnern und gemischten Paaren von ihren Familien und ihrer Kultur getrennt und in kirchliche Heime gesteckt worden, um sie so zur Anpassung an die weiße Mehrheitsgesellschaft zu zwingen. Viele von ihnen wurden in den Heimen misshandelt oder sexuell missbraucht. Nach bisherigen Angaben starben mindestens 3.200 dieser Kinder, die meisten an Tuberkulose.
Obwohl Peru de facto ein multikulturelles Land ist, existiert eine hohe Ungleichheit, indem die indigenen Völker systematisch ausgeschlossen und diskriminiert werden.